The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 04, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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. - . . : jvnrmwear tYirner Third and OaS Htreeta 7
Itoiwnl Itsntlna BmlBtn. DRAFTS' ISHITKIl A-.ll.hla a All miaa of
if i imra butea and Ihirope,. Hongkong aaa Manna. ; uouectlong mad en Favorable Tcrtnu.
President T n A f KfilVJlRTII Jlkahlaa.' . D TO la'O uvub
I.BA HAIIU UHUHDI Vaenier . ......
....A. M. WRIGHT
..W. A. HOLT
iMhtBHt .faltlaa
V AID A TTLTOV It A WTnTRAfartlaiid. Oreron.
V- tr. m. Laud. . ' o. W. ladd. jr. w. lapp. ':
Transact General Ranking rraetneee. SAVINGS BANK" DF.PABTMRNT. . Bavins . books
' IwnH QB aaTlnga depnelta. , la toreat paid on time dcposlta. ;
J. FRANK WATKON.i...... Pre. (lent I H. li, DURHAM.
HT( nUXi,i,, uivunvn rr. nrii,i,,
a i. rATX'HINO oecond Assistant (fee hlee
Trlneacts B General Banking .Bnelneae. - Drafte and Letters of Credit leaved Available to
an p.rt. it tha World.- Collection a Bneclalt-. . '
Head Office, Saa rraaoiaoo, Calif era la.
- unm CARGO
,'v'.'''VvSi-''' i'"- '! .'.V.' f.-, -f V-V-vr'
,,,Aeaietant vaaoier
Monster Steamer- Kalibla Fixed
-to pome Hera to Load for
V . Port In China. -
.$4,000,000 Hnrplna and nndlrlded proflte... ...$10,153,878
interest an Time uepoeiia,
TEX BANT. Of CAIaOuKlIIA-itMl.had 1884.
. Cnltal nM nn.. .14.000.0(10 t Hurt,
, Oemral Banklnc aad Riebengs Buelneae Tranaacted
' v SAVINGS' DKrABTMBNT Aceonnta mar opened or sio aad upward.
Fortlaad Bnincli Chamlwr of Common Bofldlngv '
WM. .' MACB1CA. . .. .MaBagaf I T. BUHIVH AKtA. . . . . ,. A1ttan Mtnaintt :
FIB8X JIATIOHAl BAJfX 3PortlBdf"Orata Oldcat NaMonal Bank M tha PadfW Ooatt.
' CAPITAti AKD BUBPUTS, 11,600.000.00. DEPOSITS, H.000.000.0. . '.. . J;
A. t." Wrt.I. .i...U.U.....'....Praaldit W. 0. AtVORD...........:.AaatatBl tTaanlar ;
J. W. NEWKfRK. ....Cathter B. P. STEVE N Baeoad Aaalatant Caahlafx
Both CwnrlerB Will B Here In Near
Future and Record fop Immense
Camber Cargo Will In All Prob-
PfJTXAKD TRUST 00 If P AWT 0P OXfOOW Tha 0!daat Traat ' Oanaanp la Orafoa.
RBS0URCE8 OVER f 2.000,000. Oaaaral Bnklnir. Two par cant Intatwai ae (bark '
' aoaata terra baadrcda) on daily balaneaa of AO0 or or. Latten of cradlt ad axebaaca ;
on all parti of tha world. BaTtaga arcoanta. Tlma . certificates, 8 to 4 pT trntt ahort-ratl
pedal eartlflcatea, tH or over. 8)4 to 4 per cent Clall for Book of 'LLl'STRATIONS."
JIKNJ. T. COHUN......... ..Prealdent I ,11. Ui PITTOCK.,.. ; . VWPreaidmt
abUit Be Establiahed.
. ..fiepreta
;Aaalarant Becratary
SXCtrBITT BATIlfOi TRUST COKPAITT l orrleoa Btraat, Partlaad, Orafoa. '
Traaaacta a Geaaral Baaklaf BtulOfM. RATINGS DEPARTMENT. latere allowed en
, time and Barlnfi Aosouata. Acta as Traatae for Eetatoe. Drafts and Lattan of Credit
, . AralUble oa All Parts of tha World. i ' ' '
C. P. APAfS. .Praaldeatj U A. MOWIN rtrat Tlcs-Prsajdeat
.Bemad Tlee-Frei(ieat I tt. u. JLBIia.
A. X, MILLS...
OKO. B. BUfSKl.I,.
.Aaalatant Ecesftary
UOBTQAGB LOANS oa Portland Real Batata at Lowest Bstssv:
f- ' f'- Title Iaaured. Abatrarta rnrnlabod. , ,t ; J
3. TrTORHPR! BOSS. ;...,,. .Prealdeat I N0. B. AITCHISOK
EORGB H. RIM .......Tlrs-Proaldent T. T. BPRKHART...
............. .Sacratar
....... ....... Troaaarat
0BBIS BR0TBZBS--0temer of Oommero BnOdlar. . . ;,
V - ' Maalclpal, Ballroad and PnMtc Brrl( Corporation Bonds.
OWnirO-EOPKDrS COXPAirr-EitaUlakad UM BB0KZXS. s
BTOCKS, BONDS, OBAIIt Boaxbt and Sold for Cash and oa Martta.
Pitnita Wires. ' ' BOO 4 CHAMBBR OP COMMERCE. " pbone Ma'ln T.
Oyerteck, Starr St Cooke Co. r,:
Contlnnoas Markets by Prirata Wire. Qolck Barrlee. REFERESCK3 Ladd h Tlltoa, Baakara, ,
, - aad United BUtes National Bank of Portland.
POX 4 CO-anltarr plambers, S81 Sacond, bt.
Main aaa saimoa. vrecoa poooo aiaia zwi
No. 803 Barnalde at
Baal e.fta, rentals, loans and Inaaranee.
We aiaka a aparlalty of baadllac rentala
' and property for realdents and aoa-raaklaats.
Eatabllabcd 1872. Pbone Mala 1044. '
f. W. OOH BER. real eatate aad loam; eatab
Ilahed 18SS. 14SU Pint st. room 11.
WHINE AOENCT, dealers la real eauto and
rentals. SOS stark at Mala 6184.
W. W. ESPET, SI Cooaiarelal bldf.
' Kalibla la tha nam of a British tramp
steamer that will bo Mere next month to
ioaa jumoer tor tha orient Bhe re
la tors S,14 tons net and is tha largest
tramp fixed to carry lumber out of
her. She la expected to t away with
mora than 4.000,000 feet unless con
structed on linen not suitable for lum
ber. ; -.i ,,,', "ft v ; ,
The Katlbla was chartered this mrn
ing bp tha Paclllc Export Lumber com
pany, which also - fixed the British
steamer Queen Alexandra to load lum
ber here In the near future. ' .The Queen
Alexandra la now. bound for San Fran
cisco from Europe with general cargo
and building material She Is expected
hera for July loading. - The Queen
Alexandra, although not as large as the
Kalibla, la by no means a small carrier,
her net register being 4,788 tons, which
means a capacity for about -1,000,000
reet of lumber, ; i1'--.-
Tha Kalibla was . last ; heard of at
Madras, but aha la now supposed to be
en route to the Pacific coast, her char
ter party calling for Juna loading;; In
addition to these two craft there are an
eren dosen other large, tramp steamers
headed for this port to load wheat, flour
and lumber for tha orient Never .be
fore in tha history of tha port did the
orient, enma and japan purchase so
the mouth of the Columbia river 'and
was drifting helplessly, when the Che
halls came tu sight only SO miles from
her , destination, Grays Harbor. . She
promptly tc, k the Puebla In tow and
headed about for the city. When part
way mere site was met by the steamer
Norwood, belonging to the same line
as the Chehnlla, which also put a 'line
on the Teasel, t Whoa about crossing the
par at iner uoiaen Gate the hawser con
necting the i hehalls with her orlxe part
ed and she waa picked up by a tug sent
out by the owners of the Puebla or the
insurance company, ' Had it not been for
mis, tue amount awarded would would
probably have been lacier. .-i Of .the
aoount II 0,d J goes to the Chehalls and
l,600 to the - Norwood. Sudden A
ennstensen, the owners of tha steam
ers,, received three-fourths - of tae
amount the .aptalna and. ore wa the rest
SHOWCASES of every daaerlprloa;
and etore flxterea made to order.
Maaoracforlng Co Portland. ,
B. H. BIRDSALL. daafimeri asaat M. Wtntai
Laraber Co. T Baailltoa bids. Mala 6630.
WANTED Steaorrapble work at : reaaonable
prices. Miaa xoaase, aoa Lor. Is. Mala T1.
PCBI.IO atenorrapber and typewriter.
Mala 1271. S14 Dakota bids. ' -
WARREN ronatraetloa Co.. etraat pertnr. atde
waua aaa eraaainca. sie MBDer Excnanza.
THB Barber A'Pbalt Paving Co. of Portland.
urnce uo worceater nik. .
a-j-----sijT-in , Qji ii ajm. il "t i it rijaiW Lqau-
PnONB Pacific STBt and t peraonally will eaO
aad repair yoor aawlnr naehlna: work gnar-
aai-m. i. Bama, aajoater. sat In Ira at. i
bare ballt ap tbe larireat alrn bnatiieea
la tbe city by ftrat-elaaa work and kaeplna
or nronilaea. Our prices are rlcbr. - Plftb
and E-erett its. Phooa Bxcbante 68. .
Alaska 1907,
bona, ear I heavily In this market and yet exporters
Tbe Latke look upon tha business as only a starter
vi m uvm-auvui vravxno. v , -.;
One of tha large tramps under fixture
to the racino Export Lumber company,
tha British ateamer Tottenham, Cap
tain Biiotten, - arrived at Astoria ihls
morning from Comox, B. C Sha will
remain at Astoria a couple of days and
un on a portion or her cargo there.
out wui come nere to finish. The Tot,
tenham la well known here, having
taxen notn iumrer and breadstuf fa to
the orient from thia sort several times.
She is a large carrier, having capacity
ror aDDroximateiv x.aoo.ooa root nt inm.
The Harrlman steamahln rnlnmMa.
Captain Doran, arrived from Ban Fran
cisco last, night after a pleasant voyage.
Tho steamer Alliance, Captain Olson,
will arrive from Coos bay soma tlma
during the night.,, v
' The steam- schooner Dalav Freeman.
Captain Johnson, arrived lit the harbor
yesterday afternoon to load lumber for
a return cargo to San Francisco. Sha
will receive her cargo at the mills of
the Eastern , ft , Western Lumber com
pany. '
Tha British Steamer , Irish Monarch,
lumbar, laden, and the British bark
XMmsdale,'1 In ballast, left down' the
river thia morning. The Dimadale goea
to Australia." ':.';, :,; ', ; t
Tomorrow tha new driver steamer
Weown will be brought from tha fit
Johna , shipyard to the , Haseltlna dock
on the east side to receive the finishing
The oriental liner Aragonla left down
thia morning bound for China and
Japan. Her placa will henceforth ba
taxen oy tuo liner Alesla.
Tho oil carrier ArgyU discharged a
cargo or on at the Portsmouth tanks
yesterday afternoon. .She left down
I 1
1 fB.aiWr Lrfel
m a. v
uirrerent aitop." joa Ponrta. Pactfle 2811
"BIONS THAT ATTRACT" Port laM gift Oa,
ai ouirs n. none ncino low. .
in too city, rwtta. eoo Deknm bldg. Mala 6048.
PORTLAND SAPB CO sols areats for Her-
: rlnE-Hall-Marrln aafea and Mansaneae Steel
, sara uo. a nana aarea; go aecond baad fire
proof aafea aad bank aafea. very cheap; aaa
uwm or wriio na. m oaranta at.
DIcBOLD Manxanaoe and fireproof aafea; lock
- enta opened; metal flxrorea; aaolt and )U
wor i! jacaa. 1. K. Davla. or) Sd. Mala Iftr.S,
HEADQUARTERS for aew aod rebollt type
.,, wrltara of all makca; aoa ear window i If yoa
are salng to bay s new typewriter see as be.
- fore bnytng; we can aara yon money; we
. bare parts for repairing- all maeblate: atate
acaata for the Visible Pox; we bay all kinds
oi lypewntera. Yne ijpawriter Excbanae,
Auc, m. . aiiuaoa. aoanasar. M.-xairo at
BUyiUKEnsuKKrER Typewriter Ageopyt enp
sliest repair. Balrlrh bl1., th and WasL
IWB aeu Ramtngtons, Smttb-Pramlera, Dent-
SMree. etc.. lower tnaa anr etbar mmnnwt
tnreatlfate. Underwood Typewriter Oa., W 6tb.
corner Blxtk and Oak aU. bagxaire cbeckad
from botel or residence direct to deatlnatloni
paeaangara therefore avoid mab aad annoy
aace t depota. Private Bxcbange 68. . .
- plaaoa and
ready for shipping and
fomrtnre moved,' packed
r and ablnned: an wnrk
raaranteea; nuira n-etory nrlcs ; nreproof
, wareoone ior Kiwixt, 'Umce U9 (Ms St
C O. PICK, office 88 Ptrat at:, between Stark
and Oak eta.: phone 596. Plnno aad fnrni-
inra nroiwi ana pacaea ior anipping; comma'
dioas brick wareboaae , with aaparats ' Iron I
a . Spokane, June 14,
S6j July 12, SSi Aug. a.
; Qaaen, eTuly IS.
'-?j-or:"; oici bovtb. " :'
B. Sj. Beaator. ,.,.jnaa j
. Preslden..,....,...,.t,.,.;uae 4)
Skagway, Sitka, fuaeaa aad way porta.
( BaUlaf p. aa.
x. B. B. Ool'b Rnxaboldt.A.Haw m. ia as
Cottars City, vis, Satka.z .icaw a is. at
City of BtUe............M.y S, 18, 88
Ssillnr t a, xn. Prom Ssattls.
City of PuebU.......I......liA ' a on
fr8n?T" ' ' J - MP 10, 85
.... stay jo, so
City Cffloa, id Washington Bt
Ho! For Astoria
, OO Of
Daily (except Thursdays). Leaves Alder
street dock 7 a. m. .
OBB MAZar 865.
Colombia River Scenery
:asamuxoB zaBB BJTBAMBBS.
vaur aervte mivm, cowia . -.
Dallas, except Bandar, tearing Portland at
. . w uri.iu. ' imi n n. m . . . ,..
ffwlrht n,4 Ma M mm I .1 ' ' . '
tlona for ootflta and Urea tuck.
iwca loot or amm at.. Pn-i.ii. ,
" " rovno ataia vie, roruasd.
Sir. Chas. R. Spencer
Hxaagwn-STreei nook. ,
Dally, exceot Sundav. Vnr Tl..
and way lanfings, at ? a m.. returnin.
10 p. m.
Phones i
Tostr Hrna
Katn. 8184) Koma, A 11, 84,
Steamships ROANOKE . ,
S j ' and CEO. W. ELDED
Sail for Eureka. San Fr.
AnKe'.cg direct every Tuesday at 8 n. m I
ticket office 111 Thir "iJ-V" A.?M
rncnes At 1311.- H. YOUNQ. Aa-nl
, - - . ?!
sssnaansnBanBaBBBSBi . '-
Well-Known Steam Schooner ' fn s
Mlz-Up at Aberdeen. ; 'sr'X
.' ' (Joarnal Special Service.)
Aberdeen, Wtsh., May 4. Tha steam
schooner Wasp, which was towed to
aea by the tug Sea Rover, on her wav
to San Francisco, has had all manner of
trouble while here, Upon her arrival,
sha struck a snag whUe going up the
Wlahkah river to the American mill,
which tore out soma of . the bladS of
her propeller. Her . owners were tele
graphed aa to whether tha repairs should
be made hare. Sha took on nart nf
loaa, and in dropping down the river
Monday night, a collision aeeminc Im
minent, her master dropped the anchor,
which caught in the electric light cable
wmcn lies mrthe bottom of the river,!
and. cut It in twain, putting part of thai
city darkness for an hour. Sha then
had her deck load removed and was
towed to Lindstrom'a shipyard, where
sha was hauled on the marina waya for
repairs. ' -v. - x .-,
She had no sooner been put in place
than one of the links In the chain
broke, and she slid down the skids aa
If khe was ohooting the chute,' playing
smash with the ways and Duttlnr them
out of -commission for tha time. Thia
took away tha only chanca aha bad nf
being repaired here, and the Sea Lion
was sent around from .the Sound to tow
her down to the city. . n. ;
, When the tuar arrived iera pni r.i.
lector Dorn fined her master $200 for
navigating these . waters without v a
license, and $220 more for having 11 un
signed men on board, making a total of
$420. He haa applied to the proper au
thorities, through the local custom
house, for relief, and axnacta an ad
justment of the matter. .
Astoria, May . Arrive itnwni f I
4:S0 a. ra.. French bark Mlrheue A-.I
nveo at io:so a. m., British steamer I
lottennam, rrora Comox, B. C.
an Francisco. aVfav 4.1 Hen.
British steamer Strathclvde.1 fnr Part.
una ' X ':.., 1 ;.v ,'
-atdHa, May I. Arrived at I and left
up at sue, p. tt4 steamer Daisy Free
man. xrom eaa Francisco. Sailed at 4
p. ro., schooner Mabel Gale, for San
rTancisco. Balled at 4:60 p.' m., schoon
er Alice McDonald, for San Francisco.
Arrived at 6 p. ray schooner Columbia,
oi cnmciscov ; : ;
Ean Francisco. Mar S. intA
a.a ... . - -T. . " " - I
p. m-, steamera costa Rica and
w miner, irora Portland. .
Liverpool. May 4. Arrived. fcr
British bark Inverness-shire, from Port.'
auu. . : - .... , .- a. , .
LI sard. Mav 4. .Pa f w a t-4,.i.
bark Robert Duncan, from Portland.
Astoria, May 4. Condition nt th. v.. I
. - j
a aw m smootn; wind northwest;
wcainvr ciQuay, witn ngnt Tog. i
Tides at Astoria todav wth -....!
:$0 a my 8.0 feet; 7:22 p. t.l feet
wir; a. m..- S.l feet -.
What is more pleas
ing to man who :
owns his own home
than swell built and
well kept street? It
Is iprimsrflw - de
signed ; that . there
shall he no more re
fined neighberbood
In the city thsn '
, Rose City Park and
one of the main ef-
forts of the ayndi- V.
cate has been to pro- -wide
for streets that
will be in harmony
with this important
. 4. i
..........May s 1
...May o
Bandar Unara Sna to Ar-4-.
Aiiianca. xrom uooa Bay.,,,.
Mcomedta. from Orient
.. A. Kllhn-n Ann U.a W-a. . . a
)r?. v . rro Pwmelace May S
Columbia, from San Pr-nefaw, .
Arabia, from orient..,.....,.,,..,. .... jBBl og
Aleala, from orient..
.....Jnly It
, Bomlar Lisara ta Zmhuu.
Oolnmbla, for Baa Prandaco , fa ' a
AVlance. for Cooa Bay...., '.!. Mar ?
P. A. Kllbnrn, for San Pran, and way.May T
Roanoke, for San Pedm ut f Z
Coeta Rica, for 8aa mnclaco....V;.V.May n
Oe W Blder, for Saa Pedro sad way. May 10
Arabia, from orient...,,,,.,. ....Inna is
Aleala, for orient. .................,".,jBK J?
f tx TeaaeU ta Pert
tin I
Rose City Park is to have street improve
ments equal, in almost every respect, to those
of ; the best residence districts in the entire
city of Portiand. TTiis means wide streets,
graded to the city engineer's figures for the
whole city. The streets are . cut' down in.
most instances to aplendid gravel deposit,
making a solid and permanent' roadbed and ;
requiring no other pavement. ' This grading ;
continues t6 the curb line where a curb of
fine quality cement will be put in. Inside
the, curb will be a regulation grass plot, fol
lowed by a wide cement sidewalk. , ' -
. . '
From every point of view there could noti
be a more handsomely faid out street effect
than that which has been planned by com- t
petent ehlglneers for the streets of Rose City
, v Many of the streets will be finished with a
decidedly. boulevard appearance.!' This' ap-
V plies directly to The ameda; whitih is de-'
, signed to be the prettiest driveway in the
, northwest and' unequaled anywhere in the
United States. It extends from one corner v
j)f the tract ,to the opposite, preserving its ,
beautiful boulevard effect at every point -
t Building restrictions , arid lines will assist
in the artistic adornment of the suburb, mak
ing it so complete in every detail that it will
always be recognized as a decidedly superior
V place in which to live and build. ; " .
V a Mm a, m a m
AT.T. AW inra imi .
an-dk S&Stt-i?
putwH iHJra CO., 134 North Sixth at.
phone Mala 68. Hoary baaUng and stonure!
v-w oi.t . aiaia avf . . ,
II IIJie-xHTa; W KUrniDf- rntrtrVM - any. Tlrutnt a ..'
CO&SIOAatf sind IOK1AM tw-7n- x.?01'
ber. our mIJIiim r Weklr fmm MnvruiT
DBBalas dumm thm BtPturMon. a w
by : dayllgbt. I Acmmodatlonrnnau
P rut. . upk., CHMOPD HUlW .IU1 HmmU..
Second cabin 840.00 and m.,,. ... ," '
Cabin etaamsni. S40 no ,J
wu x,
, 174 Jaakatn boui.. Cbleage
' VJAir- TOWELS DAILT-Comb. braaa.
41 per month. Portland r..n.i-. .
L 1. J-W. aT(.m. - " .
Phone 4ia
' (Journal Special Service.) '
IfiflenillA Big Aaa. a A- A aaa..
fcUTTE K. EGOS, etc., dairy prodacta Smu,M - " LT' """""l .--Tne OlnTer-
bandied oa .-omai-iionV "lae nfSTtM nce Detwn the IndaetrliarKv-orkers of
of Xabor has resulted in tvltir ,ln 4h.
,u,"w - maustry in. - western Montana
The operators, had granted the-demands
ior an increase in wages, when the quos-
un on , wnar. organization thev wnutd
recognize precipitated trouble, -causing
a tleup-after the men had voted to re
turn to work.-. -
M. A. CHNST a CO.. - ' '
DiSTRiHrroRs op pine ciOARa
Tug Samson and Barge Washington
; In Heavy Storm. , ,"'
Word was received this nnmin. k
the merchants' exchange - from Ran
Francisco to tho effect that the .tug
Samson with the barge Washina-ton in
tow had been compelled to return t
oan rancisco Day on account of o. fr.
rifle storm. The tug and barge had Just
Started out for Portland when tha blow
overtook them.
The dispatch savs that tha wind
gained a velocity of 80 miles an hm,-
011 ma uoiaen aate and ft whipped the
sea Into terrific waves. The barge was
light and tossed So fearfnllw and
strained so hard on the tow line that
it was feared sha would hrenlr ; 1mh
fMm ha ...a. . I . A
mo in m event sne would
probably have been lost and the crew
perished. :L j S'-
:JS&j6i'f jswned by Hale Kern
i.:Ji?J" ?lZitiB 88ed in hauling
lumber to San Francisco.
Colombia, Am. art., at Alnaworth whart
Aragonla, 'Oer. atr., at Aetorla.
' Irlah Monarch, Br. atr., at Aatoria. -
. - aamvaa avvae w S.I, ABU-riB
- S?'?S?S: r. "5a dock wo. ,
viuiaju,, r. (,,,! . L aVBlOTXa. m
Kirk lee, Br. atr, SvOceanle dock.
; Mlchelet, Ft. bk., Aatoria.
Sola, Br. ah, at Blarator dock. ' -
Alden BHoae, Am, fck., at Aatoria. - x'T
Jordanblll. Br. bk at Oreenwlca. :
, Selanga. Rnas. atr., at O. B. N, Albma.
Norman lalea, Nor. atr- at Montgomery No. i,
y Era. Oer. etr at Irring dock.
t Bcllpae, Am, etr at St Helena.
Zlnlta, Br, bk., at Greenwich dock. i
TeUna, Oer. bk., at Colombia Ma 1.
Annie Lareen, ach., at Aatoria.
Sailor Boy, ach., at Aatoria.
Melroee, Am. ach.. at Kalama.
J. M. Griffith, Am. bktn., at Linatoa,
mif,, BI A. COT a,
Tottenham. Br. atr.? at Aatoria. " 7 C
Delay rreemaa, Am. atr., at B. A W. mills.
Lamber Carriara Za Kasta, ,
Diamond Bead, Am. bk, San Pedro.', , '
B. P. Whitney, Am. bk- MakavaU.
Rlwell, Am. ab-, San Pedro.
Llllebotane, Am. acta., Manila. '
. Lacllle, Am. ah., San Prancieeo, t
Mabel Gale, Am. aeb., San Pranclaes,'
. John Palmer, Am. bktn., San 'ranclaco.
. Retriever, Am. bktn.. Ban traactaeo, "
Sintram, Am. ab, Bedonde, - ,
Aorora, Am. bktn. Baa Prancieeo, .
.. Columbia, Am. ach., Baa Franc laco. ' . '
; James Rolph, Am. eeh., Saa Padre.
, John Smith, Am. bktn.,. Saa Pedro.
Makawell, Am. bktn.. Baa Frandace. '
. Santa Ana, Am. atr., San Pranciaoa.
Alrena, Am. oca., Saa Pedro.
Emily Beed, Am. atr... Saa Pedro.
W. R. Home, Am. acb. Baa Padre.
,. Polarta, Am. ach., Saa Pedro.
lyettitia. Am. sen.. Ban Pranclaeo.
- . . . . n : .ml Cm.
rnlMlon mer a ore. aroat U. Portlmiwl
Or. Phone Mala ITS.
aiaoeracroreni or rarnirare ior tbe trm.u.' I
1 .1.- IWMI, .' .... .... . 1
.W Al)H AStr A-C0U,. wholeaala grweia, mann.
faetnrera and commlaalon marebaatai- Poaik
JTCRMTCRB manafarrorlnr and apeclal erdara
ta. Kurenakr'e furaltare factory, 07 Proat at!
AIXFN A LEWIS, commlaaloa and pmdnce aaf
ciianw. rroni ana uaria aia rortiaaa Or.
V'MOl KSAI.B aroctei f and vlaaaarara. , PraeL
ii-a-w uo, t-oriiano, t TBgoo. "
fi. W. PlWr-on. trn Waahlngtoa at. Whole1
pcie dealer la frala aad b. . .. . . . .
" (Jonrnal Sneet.l i
Chicago. May 4. The huira
er Reed with SO souls aboard Is still fast
aground off Evanaton, where a ahlp
never struck before. She was. blown"
i coun,e ,n tJ,lck weather Mast
night, which la Alw 11 n nPAftgkrlan t a' aa
this tlma of the year. - ,
XXX;.: -.'r''.viT.j)i'
French Bark General de Bolsdeffre
."; Is Chartered. ' ' "
X' The French bark fSnnaeel l oi-l
deff re was chartered this mornlnr to
v.... iu ! cement rrora London
to Portland. She will h-in. .k.,. ,a"
000 barrels. i . '
The 'General da rtAiad.ef.a ..t.-
. . . l, ' L1IW I
iweniy-iourtn cement and Reneral ear-
go ' snip to do placed on th .,,,. I
... a At,- - . - ....vuvui
no. jur,. mis . nnri and; vo,
a-re figuring continually , on more ves
sels . oa viwcvu on tna berth rial. I
gmn, riiigjion or uerman porta at the
earueni poBBioio oaia More cement than
summer and fall and stiir scaxcltv of
Owners and Crew of Steamers Che
halls and Norwood Are Paid. ""
' 1 1 ' "' tjoomaf Special Bervleo.l
Aberdeen, May 4. -The saillnr of tho
steamer Ch -halls yesterday for ban
Francisco Is a reminder that an award
of i 20,000 hat been made at 8an Fran
cisco to the salvage suit of tbe Chehalls
and Norwood: slater ships, for the aav
"g,oi nam steamer wity or Puebla. a
year ago last December. The Citv nf
, MorleL Am. seta.. Saa Francisco.
J. B. Stetaon, Am. atr, Saa Prandtea,
Tirerton, Am. atr, San Pranclaeo. V
Wro. Olien, ach., Saa Pranclaeo.
Daley Freeman, Am. atr. Baa Praaeiaos.
' Irene. Am. ach, Saa Pranclaeo. .
Virginia, Am. ach. Ban Pranclaeo, ' .
Cbnrcbill, Am. acb. Baa Pranclaeo.'
Rxcelalor, Am. atr.. Ban Frnci. '
Waablngtoa, Am, barge, San Pranclaeo. "
itn Bouta With Cament aad Oa serai
Boccleorb, Br. eh, Hamburg.
j Brena, Pr. bk, HoU. - , , '
Conway Caetle, Br. bk, Antwerp. t
: Dalgonar, Br. ah, Hamburg. . '
, Bnrope, Pr. bk., Antwerp. '
: Generlera Mollnoa. Pr. bk., London,
Rene Karrller, Pr. ah, Hamburg.
, Laennee, Pr. ab, Swanaea. ..
Le Pillar, Pr. bk, London.
Martba Roax, Pr. bk, Hambnrg.
Moaamblqov Br. ah, Kewcaatle, B,
Bamoa, Br.bk . Sblelda , .
Klam, , Oer. ah, London. , ,
. Socoa, Pr ab,, Newcaatle, B.
jVincenaee, Pr. bk, Olaagow. ' 1
M-racbael Ttirrene, Pr. bk Hamborf.
Vine de Mnlboaae, Pr. bk., AatwarL -
Guethary. Pr. bk, Antwerp. -
Plerrl Loti. Pr, bk., Antwerp. . :
Waldea Abbey, .Br. ab. Antwara. A
Oleneaalln. Br. ab., Antwerp.
Jane Outllon, Fr. br, London,
Veraalllea, Fr. bk, LeHbT
General de Boledeffre, Pr. bk, London.
:x ::x Coal Bhipt Erf Boats.
Helen, fr. bk, Newcaatle, A. "
Col. do VlHebola Marenll, Pr. bk.,Kewcaatla, A
Clarerdon, Br. ab, Newcaatle, A. -
Bt. LooJa, Fr bk., Newcaatle, AT ' " -
Tramp Stoamara Sa Banta. k
A."!0il ' J? BoDoe A free.
Hyndford. Br. atr, Saa Francisco. .
I'rnnan Mara, Jap str, Japan.
African Monarch, r. atr, Saa Franciae.
Herculea, Nor. atr, Mnroran. W
Stratbclrde. Br. atr.. N- rMt. .
Btratbyre. Br. atr. Baa Pranclaeo.
Tellua. Nor. atr- Ban rniM-. r
fffrk. Nor. atr,. Han.. rraaclaoa,
Maori King, ' Br. atr, Shanghai.
Knight Templar, Br. atr.. orient.
Henrlk Ibaen, Nor. atr, Sao Frandace.
Sk. A1eJ. Br. str.. Madras.
Kalibla, Br. atr, ; Ban Franctoco.
King Leaves Paria.
The People Who Have Visited
'-','"'''' Xxc- X-r t--"V f"' ' ' 7: '''"; f'fv v.. : A J. -X, x'rX;''0-?;x X",-:: . ?,'...iit ... -.
Have been well pleased and have purchased projperty
for their Homes. Rossmere will be a city of homes in a
few months., You had better have yours among them
mi Triast Coi
240 Washington Street
Marray and Mack Tonight.
xnoee ramona runny fellows. Mnrrav ' and
Macs, supported by a crack -a-itck ' comnanv
wiu preaent tneir lataat amalcal fares eomedy
"Aronnd the Town." at. the Helllr theatre.
Poorteenth aad Waahlngtoa atraeta, tonight and
tomorrow nig nt II you want to enter a aond
laugh, hear some good moale and aea a bnn-n
lofvpratty girla, doa't overlook "Around tbe
.own." oeata selling at theatre bar nffic
Lillian Russell Next Monday.
neaia are now selling at the lv oreia. f
. T..1. . a.". .. .
uib nun, lueairs, aonrieantn and' Waablngtoa
""'"i -wwili b ueauiirni acrreaa, Lillian
RoaaelL who comes next Mondav erenin- u..
. (for aa engagement -of fonr algbta in the
uriiuLim conmiy, --nt uniterrr." Miaa Baa.
aell is sapported by Engene Ormonda n ..
.WfluvuBU vmwvr wuipany,' t V ..: '.
v . The. Cowboy and the Lady.
Clyde Pitch woold have been f among had he
written no other pUy than "The Cowboy and
the Lady." It will be nrodnced at R.w.
mu mi , commencing witn the asatlaee
tomorrow aftemooa. , Special attention haa bees
paid to the scenery, and s great onnnrtnntt- l.
viierru iw Kciicry axiiac, WDKB Bag baOB takes
.BwyaglSBJ.vri-, . j,...,.,.., ., -.TT1'.T...MI .f..M.....j). 1
(Journal Special Service;)
Taa las If.-. A v-J n.
PuebU bad ber rudder dlsabl.4 wh f .ftC'
"For Mother's Sake."
- Marie Heath's famous.. comedy-drama. "For
Mother's Rake." will be repeated tonight, to
morrow aftarnoa end night at tha Star theatre.
It la aald by tbe patrons that tbls la tha finest
entertainment tbe boose has offered amce hat
Angnat. Tbe play la admirably Interpreted and
tbe atory narar falla to be intereatlng. Tbe
love of a bo for his widowed author Is tha
appealing thema. Saatf now sailing for tbe
uaiiiuis periormsncee. s-i'si
. Baker ' Stars Triumphant.
hmVJt n B5r Ahto. ,wwk '"Itm Wctator.
Richard Harding DariaV great play, haa been
fi? fn,.101. "' PPiuae. Kdgar Baume
, ,J' "" e anoed fresh laurel!
ai u. iaV1" popularity. . Laat time to,
Hiauu- si "alio uownor ami tha r.a.i!
tomorrow,! .. ,
pertant tlee. - ifafinaa. 'pi...,. 5
Saturday and Simd.; .ia"."u"fl- aataoay, ,
t theatre bos off lei. DOW P
'The Silver Klng.' 4 . .
That famona (neiruiraa.. ...
WIU aerre to lnt .'k- '"
tock company next woik.TTbe eoaTpv ?k
Don't Bliss Tonight,
"'Beware of Men" la mat .u. ... . v: - V.
calculated to rlret the attention of the moat
UM.a-, - uU mi praiae tnat aas been abowered
npoa Mlaa Margarita Pitt and the .....
bera of the new Seaman atock company all
w- am ww wiu merited. Lat time to-
on,. haa h. ZT'-",fV." I
m.inZ-v. l"".0"" than any other
..... " - sctor.,
Closes Tomorrow Viohr. J
That Ilrelr . js...': '
been so amuain. .n "".."u w",c;"
w-as- aivuw fiiirn mm m sxawm i - mm a-
At the Empire Tomorrow.
I.".," .l fZf ValentoMtea. bT?
blU ahonid. 7..-"' me mg
tonltlea - -tj.l d" D-n,,'
'She Dared Do Rfrht" cornea -to rmnh.
next week, . . tha ,hmmim k. c :' ..
tock company, a aatherlna of actor, of m.,i.j Ult llRn A M IC 8 OnilOPrt
ability, Thm' play" has been a r,m.ri.hVr4 "'""'l J'' HUUUdCU Vf
eeaaful one wherever preaented,
ue junpire tomorrow afternoon
It opena at
Chicago, Ma v 4.-& - ....
bread which caused tha death .
"Sealed Lips." ' r '
Tonight, tomorrow matlnaa and nleht .a. v.
v.o.,-a ro a-a ua pr-B-OI L.TTK StOCB I and Uu m.k . . j .
eowpany. Tbe bfll la "Sealed Up.," Ahe famona .hi . better, her parent and
melodrama, and it has pro-ed highly aacceaafol fn1 n attempted to end the lives of
thronabou iba weak:-: All h f.m-t . i, I her three bratbnra In ,
the caati Two performancee tonight aod to. I the coroner'g Jury hag held her to -tha
marrow night, the first at 7:19 o'clock. Seats Brand lury. ... - " w m ,
may be ordered by telephone. -
New Company at Lyric.
Monday evening the popular Allen atock mm.
pany will open at tbe Lyric tbe. r re in tha a.
iigoinu comedy ancceaa. 'Brown'a in Tm, h
All tbe players wbo bare made tha Allen mm.
pany famous will be la the oast aod bars tm-
Mra Sladek la nolntad tit Aaa 4kav
! HtZi ,b .'?ron c,tantial evi
dence. It belna- shown that - ,h. ...
n,hmf.l.ra..po,,loin aat Jru "tore the
mornln th murfip
!Tne woman la now at an infirmary, ap
parent y Insane, but It la, believed by
the authorities that .he u shammlug.
7 C3
' lei