The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 04, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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A MAN Bh V.. - kn.ln.
farm faiplmeiit'nd vehicle and ha $10,000
, hair interest in jobbing house
? an established trade In Orsaon and
, , "asamgtun. Tbl I flrst-dnss and will
stand eloe Investigation. Address , T . 181,
wa journal. , . -,.
0R RENT 60 rooms, nnfnrnlahed. rood loea-
j , .L0"; ft ', 1mj I3U0 par atb,. Phon
FT'R f TTrTto ... . u .... . i tiin
$20 cash, $io per month. Call between
. uf 1 at 885 Beotos at. . ,
FOB SALE Immediately, confectionery dock,
, tool, etc; only f 00; will Inventory $100. H.
; Holendea, Cottage Gror. Or,. ; .
l '4."Tf ER wanted tor rood bailnees proposl-
maa and wir preferred; $123 required
North Uelos are. .
r i i i
tOIt 8 A LK ytnt plsc for man and wife; gre
ry tor. center ef elty of Seattle, etrictly
. csab. trad., dolus fine; a dellvwyr' $1,600,
part Juab. Address owner, 824 fcno at.,
Seattle, Wsd..;'.' . :f -, "V. ..v,
. WANTED Part m-r in fond weU-eetabllsbed 11
,. estate basis; ground floor y smsll capital
"quired. Addreaa B 182, car Journal. f
ON seeouot of other bnalncaa I bar got to
bar partner In well-established bualneaa. ; Ad
dress O 179. car Jonraai. ,y.
WILL rent a private boardlng-bous to right
- party now having I nn boardere; former
tenant leaving dty. Woodlawa 1044. v
0R SALB OB TRADE Ice cream and confeo
arr atand wits good llvtng rooms. I' hone
;: Mala 4057. .....f...Z?r.-,
A SNAP Will tali or trad for red aatata,
- small grocery, with living rooma: cbaap fast
W. Handaraoa, Si8 Stark at. - .
HALF tntcraat la aa catabUahrd birdwara boat-
center or tba city. Call 1074s Tblra.
GROCERIES and amrchaadlaa, a money tnakeri
. coma and auk ma an offer; lt'a a alapper
lack; I Blunt all; . yoa can pot money la
tba banh to the good here. .615 Jeff araun at.
H ACRES. H ain from city 41mlta. all a Oder
" nmim oi eaiaratlon bat abeat H acre,
ale tHrona cottage;, barn, chicken bouara,
eta.j g;xd family orchard of aaaortad fruit
la full - bearing llriog atnam a nd City
water j tin aoada; good aelgbborbood;
Hi acree on 19tb at., la heart of realdeBC
dlatrict, all la aaaorted fralta la full bear,
ug; adjoining lota aelltng far $500 and SflOOi
terma?4 pUuln' Propoaitloa; , prlc $8,500;
100100, corner of Ilgbth 'and '-"V ata-i
(nod bualneaa property i would make a fin
algbt for theatre or hotel; centrally located;
prlc $8,000; tarnw.
Nw B-room eottag and corner Wj mod
fa plumbing tnroachoatl corner lot; choir
tocaMoa; prlc $1,600. ' .- '
A aaerlfice; (-nxa cottage and lot 80x140
feet, 5 for $1,250; owner leartng towa and
nut aell; term; rente foe $18.50 per month.
S hooaea, en a larg t-atory 10-room
hoaae, nodera tbronrhuutt with baaemaoL
and 4 fine loU 100200; desirably located;
tbe beat Inmtaaat la to city for th
BJoney. $3,800.
Good lot. eonta frentag oa Fifth at., with
J eomforUble S-room kooee; will rent for
$ l per month; prlc $3,100; lot alone
worth that.
Mala atreet bualneaa lot with half tn
tereat ia party wall of a two-atory brtch
baalneaa houae, in the heart of th brick
bnslBeea dlatrlct; $4,100.
Tour choice f 5 lota l TancouTe-',
Waah, the coming city of Washington, alV
sated only 9 mllea from Portland; on th
Columbia rlrer, at th head of deep water
aarlgattoa. - and In the heart of to rtcbeat
farming and fruit ralalng aectlon en th
rnaat; tbe IdU vary In prlc from $300 to
$550 each, and aa b aold oa th In tall
meet plan: we bar a large llat of both
large and amall ranches for ala( call and
ae na before bnylng.
Cttlaen' Bask pidg.. Taacouer. Wash. '
$1,800 5-ROOM booae, .enrher lot 50V), oa
Mbnoorl ar,.., 2 block from two
$1,200 Almoat new 4-roora eottag and full
lot, oa carlfn, 20 anlnutea' rlo froth
Flret aid Waablngtoa at. ,
$850 Smalt hone and fin lot fenced;
yoong truU,-garden; streetcar man
. Inqulr. , : . ' ' '
$1,850 lH-tory hoot ea larg eomar lot
-;. oa) Wygaat at. .t -$1.800
Modern boa oa East 12th at., north,
-coroer lot. - - (-
- $1,800 B-ronm boos, InMrrn, oa Frtmonf t.
z.sgo Nice . pom la Vernon.
, Ahao some good iota, price reasonable, easy
Phon WoodUwn 202,' 848 Mississippi are
I here contracts, perfect title , ,'
1OW100. esat front, $7S0. ' "
8 lota, east front, an 875
B B-room bouses, modern, and other prop
erty, cheap; terms. Bee WV B. Rust, Arbor
Lodge station. St. loun car. Pbon Wood
Uwn 126. ...
ypcr Sale by Owner
- On lot 85x70. on 80x70 and on 80x100
a Eaat Iltb and Paris sts.; alao on lot
a 24th and East Ankeny sts,
1, 2, 4. 8, or 16 acres on beat road in
th county, lays up fin and Is exceptionally
fin for berries or frolt; for a bom specula
tion this cannot h beat; It caa b cut to
nit th purchaser, allowing a larg trootag
oa road If dee (red.
All of th store ran he sold on easy' term.
For price and terms phone Union , or ad
dreaa R. F. D. No, 1. Lents, Or.
A MOST plessant eottag on two 50x1 00-foot
lota that ar set out with berry bushea; baa
bearing fruit trees; brick cellar, and cheap
at $1,500; price $1,000. fall at to ortlc
- of Cameron Orant, 1408 East Gttsan St. Cen
i ter additlod; MooUrllU carline. .
MODKRN T-room hone for sale by owner;
choice location; $3,100; half cash, balance to
ault. TL Eaat 4859 after S p. In.
FOR BALB A 4-Tooa bonratsw. with porcelain
bath aad toilet, wood fiber plaater, bookcase.
, , window scat and kitchen cabinet, built la
bnuae; shlngl sides and basement; . prlc
$1,100: Pbon Main 6515. .
MODERN brand new B-rootn eottag. 88th and
East Morrison and 1075 Eaat Waablngtoa
ata., $2,250; $200 down, balance am aa rent,
A. P. Bmltll, owner, oio umnwrty tut. ;
S-etory fl-room, eonrenlently arranged.
alee-looking bona, on fiu 50x100 fenced
In cjiolc bearing rnus pw-c. raw ana spirn
did lawn; good graded ool, churches, store
nd streetcar near; only $1,300; half down.
HOME LAND CO.. 145 First St.,
Si eOO 7- ROOM bouse, woodbouae, chicken-boas
1 'and park; lot 60x100. lawn, shrubbery jterraa.
' Inquire of owner, 1275 Burrag at., Willam
' etta station. . v
fuH bamnt, leeuic and gas :r fixture,
ahadea, larg closets; roses: auto-hoose; on
block to car; fin rlewt HSpO,. Owner. JAd.
dreaa B 179, ear Journal. - " '
TWO 6-room modern bungalows, new, nicely
tinted, window ahadea, flxtnrea. - modern
rlnmblng. good location, $2,400; $400 caih,
25 monthly. , Phona owner, Woodlawn 187.
CORNER tot- with two aew cottages In center
of residence dlatrlct, Vancouver, Wash.; in
com 10 per cent net: price $3,000. G. B.
Perclrsl, owner, 408 Commercial blk.-
NEW ADDITION Fin lots 0x100, itreets 0
et,'near car station at Lents, Be fare, only
- tmi terms. Take Mt. Scott ear. . 0. : B.
Additon.. Lenta,. Or .rv:;;v.i v;:
t.3 ACRES, tn high etate 6f cnltiTatton. 10
miles eaar! of city, 1 mile from ntreerear
line; 'new bnlldings, well, stream of water,
Jrutt sad berrlee; oa good connty road." Ohio
Resy Oo 408 Commrclal bldg.
JfrtoERN 6-room bona on But 28th stw $600;
j.m, arrange for balance on payments or ;
per month,
rial bldg. i
, U. B. Dickinson, 408 Commer-
BXCELLENT residence lot on Alnsworth are.
cheap for cash. Inqulr 888 Alnsworth av.
X2.500 BUYS S sere level land adjoining a R.
; A N. railroad- track, . near MonUvUla: fin
1-factory alt.
$1,200100x140 feet on Marguerite av4
- out facing; eaay terms. '
. $800100x100 feet very sightly, en O. W.
-, P.; term. $100 cash, balance monthly.
Largs selection of bouses snd lots for sal
,r" on favorable terms.
Mala 838T. . 617. Commercial bMg.
$1,650 BASY: terms: 6-room, new nvHlcn
' souse In Sooth' Portland on corner lot, 85x67,
porcelain plumbing sad electricity. Bee H.
w. Lemck Co., Bth aad Waablngtoa sts.,
Msla 660. 4. . ' , ' . v .-
' 10-ACRB orchard; ' winter spples, cherries,
- grape,' strawberries, 2 acres timber; live
, a res tn mna through place) 8 mile .from cltv;
rood building! $2.Rflo, terms. ColumblaB
Realty Co.; fc2Jk .Third it wai B, "j-j t
besidgncb' torsi
,1300 EACH,
- 051, T 129 TH)WN-10 1 W0NTB
"'- TITUT-' AP wnRTR tiHW: to II TOO
Want to a tail yourself of this
opportunity to obtain a homr 8itr
i cheap or cars. to bui fob (specu
a a-cw nAftnAINsT.
" T-raom hunse. etoae In, oa . Anheny- car
line; aom fnrnltnr go with H. at fd.oow.
i int. 1 block from
Grand a.,, fur $3,ooa This will nnt tot
'rMm hoas. smaU lot, en Sera(h at.' west
aide, $.1,800. - .V',
' M-rocia booa. Blc porch, .bay window,
ha a parlors, pantry, bath. Urge Vutn.
m.A tew. roae 1 WWTt,
"frnlta. berries, chlckea, park. ar, Brooklya
achoolj su cheap. - .
B-coom new modem house, hall, eloaeta.
norcetala bath, marble waah basin, porchea.
basement, nlc corn lot, on lmprod street,
near Aaabel atstloa, oa Monnt Scott car
line; a alee home and well worth th prlc
now asked. 8J.100., - '
, ,HENKLH 4 HAHRI80K, .. ,
217 Ablngtoa Bidg. . -
C R. Donnell & Co.
12. 268 Stsrk L
A BABOAIW Two sightly lots, W 1-8 by 100
- feet, Bast TamhUl at., between 23d aad I 24th
' ata., at $825 each. Richard Cornell. Pbon
East 4059. 802 Bast Yamhill. ... ... . - -
FOR SALE CHEAP On acr. all In frolt;
mU hone. 11 MsxweU ar., ML Scott
carlln, 23 tntnore" rid. Stnart'a station,
south. Owner most Icst.
f RATB a good 7-root modern bom, corner
lot East 84tb St., B block a of Hawthorne
are.; J block W-R car; $300 cash, balaae
asy. 243 Stark at.::, .',-,': -
FOR HAL Bargain at yoar own terrna: 1
eottag. 4 rooma; on 4 room and bath, both
modem; en par Un. By owner. Pbon
Bell wood 63T.
S-ROOM eottag. fun lot, $1,400; $300 cash, $20
monthly. Pbon East 675.
IF yon wsnt to bay, U or icbanir year
. property, can oa or addreas Geo. W. Tamer,
S03H Waablngtoa t, Portland, Or.
FAXON PARK, lots 100x290. la enltlratlon.
1tI and sightly: prices $H00 to $375. O. tt.
Additoa. Lenta, Or.! Mt. Scott ear, be.
FOR 8ALB BT OWNER New Y-room boose;
, gas, electricity. fn rosea; aantral locstloo.
CaU t 660 Ksrby at. .
lOOxlOOl CARUTBERS t.. near Front; aom
Income; only $4,500. Poatotflcfr Box 087. St.
'- loons.- .
BRAND new S-room eottsge. on lot 60x100;
prlc 12.400. E. Swan, 1150 t'nloa ar., cor
ner Killings worth are. . s
7-ROOM bona, almost new. An corner lot,
between Hawthorn and W. B. cars; anly
$3,0001 $500 cash. 243 Stark at .-
$2.800 BEAUTIFUL S-room modern boose f new,
rail oeeemenT, wasn irara, eie.i row casn.
Owner. 012 Comerclal bldg. Main 1840.
$2,fiOO BUYS a sew T-rooni bona and lot 60s
100 near two earltnea. Inqnh- Holm
Menefe Real Estate Co.; 89 Third -at. "
COM FORTA BLR aoBurbaa bom for littl
money; 250x100, all In caltlTstkm and fenced,
fruit and berries;' new T-room boos, bath, i
natent toilet: east front to all of tbe lota: !
I block f Mt. Scott car at Flrland. 9 mllea
thla aide of txntst 82.850: half cash. This I
la inat ai wa ssy. Owner,, 412. Commercial
SMALL eholc tracts, 10 'to 40 acres, at East
Hood Rlrer. Stt miles from Mnaler, eM to
$100 an acre; city property taken for amall
part. - Today ta th first time this property
has been on the market: no better Und In
Hood Rlrer district. . Owner, 412 Com toon
wealth bide. . . ' . '
tl.aon KEW modern S-room boose, lot 50x100,
, within S blocks of th carlln; easy , term
$1,100 S-room cottar and email barn, lot
60x112; city and well water; easy terms
220 Stsrk st. .'' . ' Phon Exehsng TO,
OWNER leaving; tbls week $1,400 takes new
: nearly 'modern eovtage; nice corner: terms.
430 Gilbert near Cedar Park, St Johns.
A rivx; new enttare. oathundin(: chickens.
pigeons and furniture: lot aTxioo; grsaea
streets, wster: owner lives In the honse; 2
blocks soata er tiawinorn av. on eaia. au
FOR SALE Modern 6-room -, eottag. Inrrolr
f owner. 1455 Mallory av.. rieamoat rara
lOOxlOO-FOOT corner, 23d and Oarkaraa sts
$,'00; half cash, balance $10 per month. Apply
1701 sat t, ueuwooo,,
8-ROOM house and 2 lots; terms. . Miller, 81st
and Wygsnt sts. - . '
HOUSES snd lots oa installments. . 8 Miller,
31st end Wygant sts.: . s;
. BLOCK, Woodstock Heights, view whol
city Si linear irnitt o-room uuw, acu r,
Owner-, Tdepbon Sellwood 204.
FOR BALB T-room houee, 406 Broadway
en ear line, inquire xro waeningron ax.-
ONR modern T-roora house, beautiful location.
Monnt Tabor; half casn. naianc terms, i-nons
Eaat 6300. 'r.-,..
FOR SALE Lot 50x100, 5-room cottags, walk-
Ing d lata nc. Owner, tsaax eixtn , near
LOOK H E RE A snap without mony; I have
got nm cnoiee tots, oo-inoi sireeu, u-iu
alleys, that I will aeR for $110 eacb; $3 down
.i at nee month. Also one 6-room cottaz
i for $850; $100 down and $5 per month. 8e
.' VT IWi , ap'ro? ayjs w ... --r '
Scott earilne, 20 mmotes' ride.
ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 acres, mostly cleared.
good boas ana oarn. une sou. mini n
cheap. Th Tltl A Abatract Co.. room 4
Mulky bldg. Second and Morrlsna sts.
6-ROOM colonial bonne, $2,500; $500 cash, $25
monthly. ' Pbon Bast eio. "
$5.00 CASH, balance $4 per month burs nlc
lot on-carune. aaansa u ou
WANT A HO MKT Pbon owner, Woodlawa
692. Beat ox reasons ror aeiung. .
B-ROOM hens, ftp frnlt, fin location, $1,900.
Owner, ol wramerciai nia.
FOR SALE Lot 4, block IT, Elbert. $175:
$100 cash. Call or writ zsa jproaaway. .
SMALL chicken ranch, near ear: ansa, $1,100.
J. B. Hoiuater, vommercnu 01a. ,
IF yon want a good home cheap on eaay terma
? 8. TUornton. 145 Fern at, WoodUwn.
' Have ; two-, honse. on ,S and on. 7 room,
'.soot small fruit, i. , t:-z:y, ,
FOR BALB BT OWNER Cosy 4-room cottage.
corner lot 50x100, at 0S3 Mall St.. one block
west of MUwaukte St.; price $1,200; $200
down and terms to suit purchaser; take Belh,
car. . ; Brooaiyn rnarmacy. , ...
Northwest quarter or ' lot. Bast 12th snd
Hancock sts., to be sold' to get tbs money.
Home shone Eaat 728. store pbon Eaat 92,
or 820 Eaat Morrison at C. L. Baas.
1, 1 j. i.
BEFORE yoa -Aoeate call on or writ Warren
A Stat?, th leading real estats dealer la
Yamhill county, Oregon, located at McMtaa.
vUle; tb beat connty la th atat, -.
33 , ACRES, - crop, cows, team, poultry, tool,
v bouse, hams, creek. $2,000; bait cash, balanc
vin (hasp luts. (04 woldsmita st, Alhiaa. . ,
W,W. Espey-
Corner Secead and.' Waablngtoa dts.
'- At eci i , i ' . a
1 mile from railroad depot, en good gravel
, road; a fine orchard, garden .mad and In
"; " wter; good buildings; B. r. u.
mall; a good team, 1 wagoa and harness,
bussT and en Ilrbt waaoai d-room boaaei
T head eattto, 4 milch cows, fin hog. 60
fin chickens; 1 mower, B plowa,rl harrow
na mi si etner too la; a .good steel range,
all kind fnrnienr. ni nlentv feed and
seed; fin market at boma; 80 miles from
.roriiana; pile $9,000; , farms to suit. ..,
' 21 acres close fat jl acre ta enltWattoa;
, gond 6-room bouse, larg new barn and ether
, building; fin water; 1 good bora. B cows,
chickens; all necessary farming tool for th
- ptace; on goo road; prion la lot booms a.
- jr. v. mau; price $2,200. 1;
55f acres, of whir 200 ar bottom Isnd,
150 sere good timber and pasture lead, re
'malnder open pastor, mostly aaeded to tarn
, grass: ranch . fenced and cross-fenced; liv
prbigs ia Try paatur, small creek throogh
:r the place; S mile from th place are tbou
.aanda of acres of government land, good
. ranre. where cattle ran from the middle at
. April to th middle of November; I mile
from fiber Ida n. 11 mile to MeMlrinvHIci good
level rock road to each town; B. F. D. asaU
dally; telephone ta booa; oa a good cream
ronta and a warns cornea twice a week for
cream; H mile to school; comfortable 8-root
bouse. 8 new ham. 2 good creameries, S
. good chicken-boo sea, good mllkbona. sheas,
bealde amall pens; 2 orchards, on old and
en yoang of select fruit; 2 food vegetabl
. garden; BO acre seeded to clover, boat 80
aero In crop, belt owner expect extra pay
. for tale; TO liead af CattU. f which 12 ar
dairy eowa; 25 bog and plga, over 100 Aa-
, Cora gosta, mostly naanfea; 4 sows with
pigs,' 8 bead of horses; thar ar chicken
' and turkeys, new . croam separator of 730
poonds capacity; wagoa, bnggies, binders.
, mowers, seeders, barrows, rake aad all sorts
, ef terming .tools tos numerous, to mention.
Prlc $11,000 for U. or will aell plaea wlta-
out th stock, $16 par act. ,
c 80 acres, good rustle bona painted whtt.
good orchard, larg barn; good county road
2 through th place; about IS to 20 acre In
cultivation; ell flrat-claas land; 2H mile
- from rsllroed sad depot; M good store; R.
F. D..maU by th door. ; Prlc $2,000 and
terms; food springs on plaos; would tok
good city property for part. ,
"l9fl4 'seres, ' T8 seres in enltivstton, sboat
SB or 40 acre alaatiad. all seeded, 25 er 30
acr seeded to grain, Isnd lays fine. 6 acre
la orchard, beat varieties. Com English wal
nuts. 1H miles from railroad aad river, good
B-room booee, fair barn, 85 tons of hay. water
' piped to th boos and bars, good woodboos
sod other bulldlugs. flu a& valley, river
. and railroad; 130 acre of tbl la bottom land;
8 head of young horses, 20 head of cattle,
. mostly yoang; wagon, harness and all farm
ing Implements, Including stump pullers, also
new boos and barn on bottom land, all
fenced . and cme fenced, fin trout stream
of water through place, 28 mile from city;
nrtr 87.000; 1.500,000 timber n place; po
tato plantar aad digger. , ,
'.- ' tVS ORCHARD LAND. ' t M
' 100-acr farm, 4 mile of North Temhin:
47 acrea dear, a good B-rooaa eottag s. fair
barn and all other necessary buildings; a
good orchard, select frolt. fine water st tbs
house, living wster on .the pises; phone tn
the bona. R. F. D. saall. oa good road;
balance of plaea la oak grub land lie fin,
and is a cheap buy at prlc of $03 per acr.
89 acres, all Improved aeept 4 sers tn
timber: land llss slightly rolling, firat-claea
aoll. fin stresm of water oa the place, good
family orchard, all varieties; B-room boose.
In good condition; good barn, 40x60, with
abed attscbed; rootbeos, 14x16, brick wall
InsWe, chicken boo, appte boose, well with
pump ta It. team of hone about , 1,200
rands, good wagon, spring wagon, t cows,
rsarilng steer,,! pig. 1 new mower, rake,
disc harrow, plow, cultivators, Isnd rollers,
spray pomp. 7 mile from Portland. 2 mile
from Besverton; prlc. $6,800; terms caa
be arranged. ,-. ., ;.... .
' n .erea. 10 acre dear, land lie weTL' 14
storv .boaae. nearlv new: good barn, milk
' hnosa- chlckea honse. on a eood county road,
2Vi mile from Gleneos, Wsahlngton county.
7 mile xroia juuanoro; pno, si.ow. .
W: W. Espey
Room 819 Commercial Bldg.,
Corner Second and Washington.
- Realty Co:;
160 acre in Clark count, Waah., H
. miles from railroad statloa; 10 sere leard,
100 acrsa bottom Und, small family orchard;
new 6-room rustic bouse, cost $000; eld barn;
9 head of cattle. 2 doaen cbtckena; mower
and rake, all farm Implement; best of soil.
1 imet fMRWt ttM targaa.,,.;--; v.t;'.'
s ; 160 acre. B miles from Tanoonver: SO acre
la cultivation, 20 acre timber, all fenced, all
level; good 7-roora bona, fan? barn, sew
windmill; 6 acres bearing orchard; R. F. D.J
1 mil to railroad, H mil to school; 4 bead
of horses, several head of cattle; an farm
, implements: level gravel roaa to t-oniana;
oeeutuui location, roe i,ow, , wiu .
change for city property.
' 86 seres, IS mile from Portland. In Wash
ington county. 24 mile from railroad; 15
acre m enitrranon, 1 sere grape, kidi iron;
a-mnm knoaa. amall arable: all level, on main
1 county road, near achool, R. F. D.i brat of
oil. trice i,ovu; nau caan, Daiauce vu.
18H r. 9 miles from Nwbrg; 12 scry
in roltlTstlon. B acre timber, some fruit:
. T-room honw, fstr barn: 1 mil to railroad
tatton. A mite to schooL B. F. D. aad tele-
' phone; fin location, fin soil. Price $1,600;
' half cash, balanc 6 years, per. cent v
100 acres. 12U miles from Portlnnd. In
Washington county; 40 acre In cultivation,
aeveral acres green - timber, balanc. easily
' cleared: 2 acrsa bearing orchard. 1 acr
: grapes: aew 2-etoty 8-room honse, small bars;
fine locattoa, H mile to school snd chorea.
R. F. 0. and telephone: best ef noil; oa mala
copatg. rosd. Price $o.uw. ' .r : "
'! 40 acres. 18 miles from Portland. 8 mile
from railroad station, 9 mllea from th Salem
electric car; 80 acres la cultivation. B acres
to bona, aecond. crop; 5 acres timber; all
- all level: 6-room honse. amall barn;
; som frolt: R. F. D., sesr school and chnrch:
team, wagon, harness, cow and eaU, arnrn
' ehlckens, rsrm impwmaai. . avu w,
best of soil. ''-f;;j..y;t,;'':,'
84 acrea, m mile from Washougal; 18
acres la enltivstton, seeded to clover, all
fenced with post and wire; Food B-room
- houae, good barn: som fruit; fin location.
Prlc $1,700; .half cash, balanc B years. B
. per cent : . . . , ...
10 Second t., Portland, Or..
And 800 Main St. Vancouver. Wash.
In th WHlamott Blrer. vaUey. a snr crop
ennntry. W have aeveral very good Im
proved farma tn tbl valley, right In the beat
'belt of hope, frolt bay. potato and -grain
section of th state: w can sell good farma
from $35 per acr np; th aoll th very beat
for crop mentioned, with tba undoubted ner-
: manent advance in price of good Improved
farms 1 In a limited area of an ahaolntely aafe
and snr crop country; also dairying 1 one
of th moat profitable industries that caa be
found anywher tn tb United State; It Is
reasonably eat to state that tb present
' prices will not continue long. - for when th
: crass existing by companies taking peopl to
aenil-erld or one-crop countries Is over, such
' choice laathkM wa hate will he to great de
mand and quickly sell for twtes tn present
' price. --.',:, ......;;, :v,:v
. Cell snd re a. ' v . ' .. .
. 183ti rirat at -
'-.; . ' A BACRIFICB,"' -'; V: '" .
$4,000 baya on of the beat improved
ranch.- 'in Clarke -coanty. owurr must aell
' on account of husband'a death; 70 acres, 60
acrea cleared and under fine etate of culti
vation: 10 acre pastor: living stream and
fine well; T-room houae; barn, granary snd all
other ont-bnlldinga; fine family orchard ef a
"sorted fruits; good read; 9 mile from Tan.
eoavervaad 1H mllea from country towa:
- If yea ar looking for a nlc bom or good
Investment do not fall to see this place.
'Cttlaaas'- BaAk . bUf Taacvuver, -sas
FOB 8ATJW Ftna farm, ntnststlne of 820 acrea,
only 8 mllea from good valley towa and
railroad, fronts oa county roaa ana a. . v.
-routei 270 acres In htzh state of cultiva
tion, balance tlmhee.-and naarur: soli dark
loam up-to-date tmprovementav In heart sf
Wlllamett valley; prlc only $14.O0 also
114 acrea, 9 mile from tows, 106 acrea on
der cultivation, balance oak. grub timber, 14
1 acrea bops, fronts on county road and R. F.
' P. mute, good school at corner, ef farm, fin
, location, good Improve menta; prlc $5,000;
, part cash, balance on eaay term. Call or
. addreaa 1, D. Winn. Buena Vista. Or,
$850 BUYS 40 acree eae mil from Estacads;
. good soil, spring branch, cordwood sad ti
; timber; part cash, balaaca easy trmY, Box
sea. aiacaaa, vr. ;
$3,000 A SNAP 6 acres, Arlington Height,
s nlatted. 8 mile out wst side), top of Cen-
yon road, near Council Crest. . Apply at 287
Morrison St. ... -
-',' BERRT LAND. : '
10 cres, oa county road, near Batacada
una, ltt miles or lnts; easy, arivs to city;
choapest In It dlatrlct; 82,200; $600 down.
HOMB LAND CO.. 140V First at
TO OWNERS f timber eUlma and timber
, W will btiy for ceah any good timber trib
utary to th Nebalem' river. Will deal with
- owner only: writ, giving fun particulars.
Nshslsa Investment Co.. S2B Chamber ef
Commsrc building. Portland, Or. . .
CERTIFIED serin, say eta, lowest prices.
O . BowsR. B8B Chsmbsr of Coauoarea.
BOO ACRES timber, yellow - pin, sugar' pro
. and fir, aQ In Joseph Uie county. Columbine
Realty C., 82 Vt Third U room 6. ,
12,000,000 FEET -1 fir timber, In Columbia
contrty, near Columbia river; fin logging
proposition; for particulars inquire room A,
165 Vfe Third St.
BO HORSES AO At auction st th Union-Stock-
yards, Portland. Oregon, on Thursday, stay
9, 1807, 1 o'clock anarp;; two earluads an
broken rang horses, wtlh msk fine livery,
xprets snd milk wsgon horses: also soms
yoang sure snd colts, th very thing to
salt farmers. Com to th same and ss Mr
yourself. Twaddle Richard.
HORSES and baggies for rent by dsy.
sad month; speclsl rata to nnsin
lata an Hawtaera. - bssi is-
BEST work aad Kltht harness, prices lowest;
wa las , your sn aarnaaa in earoance ror
sew. . Keller Harness Co. 49 North Sixth st.
1 SPAN draft msres, weight 8.200; span gray
feidinge,- I yesra out, wignt- 2,iwl xas
root st.
ESTIMATES, given on xcvatlng and tearn
work. rTtoo S 7Z. 420 Mawtbors av.
FOR BALBWa-hors e 11 very wagon. ovrd.
gosa aa new. 149 rust St.. st Butler martet.
TERt nlc driving mar, color bay, perfectly
sonno; sun nlc runabout ana baraeee. in
anir 186 Sixth st ,
STYLISH bay driving mar; very good under
aaoaie. jwo bisdics. in one ssst goto.
FOR BALB Toting ' Morgan stallkm. B years
Old, sired by Lamhert Boy. asm HamUtonlan.
H. 8. Harvey, MUwanklc. Or.
OOTERED WAGON, soltabi for grocer, $55.
019 jetrerson at-
TWO Jersey cow for sale, one fresh with calf;
three quarters or a bum porta of Lent, i,
A. Wtlaon. -
REGISTERED Jersey boll. Rioter Gssell King,
serrlc $5. Apply to J. Ashcroft aa Hesly
piac at Council Croat Height.
GOOD fresh cow, Holstela and Durham.
Eaat Madison st
VICTOR Talking Machine and raonrd; Btmn
way (or ther) piano. Sherman, Clay A Go
Sixth and Morrison sts., opp. P. O,
BLBOANT plana tn oak case will bo sold 'or
amount ef mart rare- 10 Waablngtoa bldg.
628 ACRES m Douglaa cotmty, Oreron; 1IW)
acre ha enltlratlon, 400 acres can be culti
vated, balance good timber and paatnre. well
rencea. running warer; gooa larg novae and
all necessary outbuildings; price $15,000, or
wiu Mcaang ror gooa city property. .
240 sere ta th Klickitat valley: 80 acres
In cultivation, m acres slashed, balance tim
ber and pasture ; good new boos- and U
necessary ontDuuainga; price sin per acre;
wui xcnanga 10 gooa resiuence property.
97 acres ia Marion connty, 22 mllea from
Portland; all ander cultivation, fair bnlldings.
fruit snd plenty or wster; prlc- xos per acr;
will xcaang ror city property.
- 820 to 1,280 seres well-improved wheat land
' In Morrow county. Or., from $17.50 to $23
per. sere; will taks as part payment good
utw property or a gooa dususss proposition.
290 acres In Douglss connty, . Oregon: 06
acre In frnlt, all kinds; 85 acre plow land,
balance timber, and paatnre; good bnlldlnga.
Elenty of wateV; thh ia a fin farm and ;t
i a bargain st $16,000, snd th owner win
tak la xenang aom gooa city property-
10 acre near Mllwankte. nicely Improved.
and a fin llttl borne; prlc $5,200; will
consider city property a axenang.
14-acre chicken ranch, 1H mllea from ear-
line: tbl M tn beat equipped poultry rsrm
In th state and can b bad for Srt.OOO; owner
win consider sn exchange for good dty prop-
arty aa part payment, look inia up.
A strictly modern 6-room house, close in,
and rented for 830 per month; prlc $3,750;
owner want 1 to B acre near carlln as
; part payment .
A good business Ice cream, candles, bak
ery, cannea gooas. roue imcm. ai.iivnrrj,
Jewelry and not iocs, cigars snd tobaccos:
1 located tn on of th beat eountle in th
1 tat; on account of poor health tbe owner
will aell or exchange tbl buatnes for good
: residence property or acreage,
BOSH Washington St., Portland. Oregon.
, Exchange .
8-room new modern house, lot 60x100 feet
choice location, near Will lama av.. will trade
for a farm. $3,000. , - .
B-room new honse. small barn. 10 lots, set
to fruits snd berries, on 8t Johns car Une;
will trade Into a small farm, $3,200.
6-room sew. modern honse. near Sunnyalde,
will trade Into a' farm. $3.000.
6-room aew cottage, ground 60x182 feet, on
St. Johns ean line, will trade for a horn
closer in aad pay difference. $1,600.
7 Henkle & Hairison
21T Abtngton Bldg.
FOR- EXCHANGE A bakery, fully equipped.
clearing $6 and $T per flay; low rent ana long
lease; will trade boos and lot or aeU for
cash. Addreas F 182. cars Journal.
FOR BALB or exchange for cordwood. ' city
property, one -norsepower naoenary, on
16-borne power portable engine. Call phon
Eaat 424. or at 49 Altrina av.
PROPERTY Is and near Enren for Portland
or snburban. , owner, boo Williams av. .
AUTOMOBILE to trade for good horn
buggy. Addreas Box 846, Ariel, ur.
WB.hv for ssl snd exchange clear property:
farm land and timber Unas witnm oa muee
of Portland for local, southern or eastern
property. What have yout P. f. Lassen
A Co., 874 First t Portland. '
160 ACRES alfalfa land near Los Angele.
Cat., to exchange tor uregoa property, 01
Firs St., t-ortiana. ur.
50 LATEST style visiting card. 25c 100 bnsl-
. nea cards. Bci niita, lerterneau. enrtee.
wedding innouneements and Invitations, wnhit
Score smiTia, uun. , prufiins; tnwa
neatly, quickly.
cheaply. CaU np Tabor 00.
FOR SALE 150 cord wood. 1 mint west ef
Portland Haunts, aa oa groona. rnoa Kaat
4C2. ' .:.V, -
RECENTLY opened manicuring parlor removed
from saivs 10 s3 Morrison su. room a.
STEEL rang, also cooker. Chief gas atora.
B Ksst tkta at. - - :.-
PHOTOGRAPH outfit, best ton, complete; win
m caeap, uus r-asi jsainui at. .
PIANO Binst he sold at ece; pax tie leaving
Civy, in naasjufan, iua,v- ',1-.-
ii-,.-1-i n 1 ., i '1 -i Ti 11 itf- 1 1 ' 'I "'
SINGER snd Wheeler and Wilson sawing -.
ehln of He. Wa aell. leaae ue rest Sew ma-
' chines: old machine taken in oart payment;
second-Band niscblne $5 aad up: ether makes
: af aeav anachlnea ft2 and nnt needle for aH
makes of machines; all sleds of mschfnes
- repaired and guaranteed. B. B. r)icgi. agent
Kti Morrison at Pb-m Main 8180. , ,
$ $ $ PHONE MAIN 6374. $ $ $ $
r Extra lt)cial fnrnlture snd stoves r largest
assortment, cheapest prices In new snd seo
end-hsnd goods of every description; air
ns a call and n convinced.
Z3Z First, nr... a ear na
BILLIARD AND, POOL tables for rent er tot
, sal on esy payments. 1.
49 Third t. Portland.,
SHOWCASES, counters, flxtnrea, bought snM
er exchanged. . - Western Ssivsg Co- 627
- wtabiagtoa st rscino tub. , -
FREB FOR ETRRTBODT Ring ap Main 4290
; ar call zigVk Front st. ' w bay sua u nir-
altar. clothing or any old thing. -
BEWINO MACHINES bongbt sold and X-
ehaared, $5 and up, . Westers Barvag Caw
627 Washington st
FOR SAT.W. Second-hand 2-ton express wsgon
snd light spring dcilvsry wagon. - 420 Bel
moot at., '
GASOLINE launch, cost $1500. for sale tor
leas than half. P 183, car Journal .
HAND-MADS dellrsry wagoa. mitabl fog gro
cery or lasndry. 515 Jefferson at. . , v
rbsomstlsm, , Bold by all draggista.
OLD BOOK 8T0BR removed to 108 Fifth aad
211 Second ata, ,
BEES snAhleksne fee sal.
1099 Krby. Phone
Eaat B172.
FOR BALB 50 can frolt. extra eholc.
, at (94 Beat Clay st. -
BHOWCASKS and fixtures, nw snd aacood
hand. Carlson A Kallatrom, 289 Couch st.
NEW wir fencing, 150 test long, B feet high,
$3. , 611 Orov st. Montavlll. ...
POTJLtRT ranch, cheap, en 8 acr rented
orchard land; big frnlt crop; a, park of
beauty. Wolfeteln, 227 Front
Russian Baths
12 P. M. PRICK 23 CENTS.
A. Reiner, tba farrier, will
Lewis bldg. March 1; looking for suitable
location; for present may b fnond at resi
dence, 252 North 19th at. Phon Pacific
3487. Will call and give astimatae aa aeoal.
SEXINB PILLS ear all forma of nervoe er
muscular weakness, ror men or women.
Price $1 box, 8 boxes 85. with full guar
antee. Address er call J. A. Clemenaoo. dm
glst Becood and Ysahlll ate- Portland. Or.
PILES Itching, bleeding, protruding, fisrare.
fistuls. constipation ana an recta i oiaeaae
cored ta 10 to 80 daya, without th knife
or ligature. Can or write Dr. T. . Pierce,
181 First at, Portland, Or.
MANICURING and beauty cnlttrr at 864 Morri
son st.; face, scalp snd bnst treatment
speclslty; experienced help direct from Lon
don will be at your erv1e. Mr. L. H. Gor
don. Phon Pacific 18S3. .
LADIES Dr. Ketchnm, gradnat and registered
physician, treats sny snd 111 yoor eompisinrs
with skill snd snccesa, 170H Third st, cor
nr Yamhill. Pad fie 2229. .,
GERMAN books, msgsslnes, novsla. tc: G se
mes. English, rrenca, npanaiB. awaniaa ana
Italian dlctloevlee; foreign books of all
kinds. Schmal Co., 229 First at
SUITS pressed while yoa wait. 60c. Ladies-
skirts pressed. 60c. Ollhert. lnej Hi LB su,
next to Quelle. Pbon Mstn 20W.
it ICST sssesshM eraha aver ef fared t
price; agsota wanted. Jonea Book store. 291
Alder st.. Portland. Or.
MANLY vigor restored by Dr., Roberts Nsrv
Globnle. On month' treatment, $2; 8
months. BSi sent seen rely sealed by mail.
- Agent, Woodard. Clark A; Co.. Portland. Or
HOLD ON Thr ta on thing that will ear
rheumatism. Ask yoor druggist ror aara
' ton I or address or call J. A. Clemens'
drngghrt. Portland. Or.
MOLES, wrmkle. perftnoes balr removed.
No ebarg to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill,
room. 830 Fleldner bldg. . Pbon Paclfl 183.
DR. BINO CHOONO. Importer Chrnee root
medicine: aells Chines tea. certain car for
all diseases. 191 2d. bet Ysmhill sod Taylor.
MRS POTTER Mssse nse. sea In. facial
aag. chiropody. 224H Washington St. Boar
10 to B. V ':'
MISS RAYMOND Msssenes. 268H Morrlaoa
st, room 14. Phona Mala 6011.
BALM OF FIGS for an female disease.
Eaat Belmont Phon Bsst 4084. .
TURKISH BATHS, 80Q Oregontan bldg.l ladle
, daya, gsntismen nights. Msla 1958. . .
rheumatism. Sold by sll drogglata..
BATH parlors st 207H Third stt ladles aad
gentlemen treated; apstairs, room 14.
BR ATTBACTITBI PlmpI blotches, freckle,
blackheads., red veins, coarse pores, ecsema
and falling hair cured or no charge; trial
treatment free. Address Dr. T. J. Pierea. 181
First st, Portland, Or.
AMELIA B. BROWN, electro-magnetic, healer.
Room 2 Hotel Ohio, Madison and Front ata.
AMELIA B. BROWN Cancers removed with
out pain or knlfs. Boom 2 Hotel Ohio, Madi
son and Front sts.
MISS LB ROT, accomplished masseuse.
291 H
Alder st, suites s-t. open evenings.
TOUNO lady gives treatments.
853 tt Xhmhtn.
room o
WANTED Th acquaintance ef respectable
young lady; object sociability. ,C 181, 1
Journal. . -w:.;-.
MI GIBSON give scalp treatment; daodroff.
momsoa su swn oa. . .
MANICURING, face maassg and scalp treat
ment. Try room 1, sua Mi waanmgton a.
LADIES: Dr. La Franco's Com poo nd; sofa.
speedy regaistor; 26 cents, druggists or mall;
booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa.
YOUNG scientific mass an give IectrleL
alcoholic snd medKateci treatments, also tub
hatha. 41 Raleigh bldg., Blxth aad Wash
ington Si. -'-; J.-iW-- :.,:r..
RECENTLY opened mantcnrlng parlor removed
from BClH to at Morrison at. room z.
CHARLIB Why did yoa- not eallt - Mamma
had "Ardaaore Coffee" from Boyd Tea Cev,
90 First St., for lunch. Just see what yoa
missed. Anna. -
TAPOR and tub baths, alcohol rubbing mas
sage. 201 h inira st., corner xaytor. ,
ALBINA CREAMERY CO. Pure psstaecrsed
milk snd cream delivered In bottle; manu
facturers of quality 1c creasV Alblna cream
ery butter. 300 Russell st Phon East 5362.
EXPERIENCED all-around Carpenter wants Job
or day worn from owners; reference, rnon
Eaat 2303, ask for carpenter.
INVENTIONS bought sad sold. Covenant Con
tract Co, 4ZT Filed ner bldg. Mais zwi.
SKELLY1 Ca,' 14th and Flanders: floor, feed.
Day, grain, rtranea a A'acinc mi.
WB pay th highest price for aecond band
ciotning ana snoe. 5e a at ti nono
Montana Aaaay Office. 18 atornaon si.
Arenf plerc Gnat Arrow. Locomobile. Cad
lltae and Knx. Temporary location Clob
Gersge, 15th an Abler sts.
ERNST KRONER, architect Plana and speclft
V catfon; alao balldlng snperlntendenc. .
H. a DITTRtCH. architect, 821 William av.,
cdmec stcALUlea, gt, i'ltwat Cut Miit .
A. n. TANNER, attorner. Room 600, Oom
meretal blk, . Second tnd Waahlagtoa' at.,
t Poena Mala 1440. '", ' -
-. law, 4 Mnlkey bldg., corner Second and) Mor
.risen. ..; ? 1
,;(' ' FREB LESSONS IN . .:'' c .
BmhroMery Every Day.
..: 287 Waablngtoa st '
B. H. MOOREROU8B CO. Artists' mstsrlsls.
plcrur molding, picture framing, etareopt.
laatsra alio. Biz Alder ar. ,
MRS. OBROOK. graduate masaeosat cabinet
bath.' aa la-glow, aleobnl rah, asm issg;
rsfsceneea. 1M Seventh at. Main 496&
MANICURING, face and scslo treatmsnf, baths
snd masaag. 110H Fourth at.
HOWR, DATIS KII HAM. tOO-ltt Second st.
. Blsnk books msnafsctnredf agent for Jonea
.1 Improved Lossi Leaf ledgers; see tb aew
1 Bnveka lesf. th beet eo tb market
B04-80S Everett at.; largest batcher supply
boas sa th coast. Writ for cstaJogn. .
181-188 first St.. Carrie a full nn sn
plcte assortmsn t at lownt market price.
CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. 81 pet month,
Cniqa Tailoring Co. 809 Stark t
B. W. TURNER. dyeTl arnet dved special-
fy. 60S Jefferson at Mala 2518. '
-J-: -99 AND sTOOD. :J.ff
855 Front, sncssssors to, Fnlton Wood Co.
fir, oak. elabwood. ooL Tet. Main 19SS.
FOR prompt 4eitvy of elabwood call Main
4ST5. Oak. ash. fir sd coal. Portland
Woad A Coal Co, 16th aad Savler ata.
ALBfNA FUEL CO. Dealer la wrdwond. coal
, and grees and dry labweod. R. R. and
Albln av., 2 block east of ferry. East 674.
' Hons and blackamlth coals, coke, char
coal, kindling. Pbon Mala 1018.
Wood aad Cost 181 Bast Wster st.
OREGON FUEL CO. to now taking, orders ,tnf
wood and mal for fntnr delivery. 834 Alder
st Main 66.
THB Pacific Coast Carpet Renovators cleaa
yoor carper on tb floor without removing
furniture from rooms. . W raise no dost,
remov sll dirt aad grease spot. . Paona
Pacific 419. .
plant n coast; Lnng end Harding ate. J pbon
East 2S0; carpet c leaned, refitted, sawed and
laid: ateam and eempreaaed sir process; re
novating mattresses and feathers a specialty.
JOYCB BROS., proprietor ef th Electric Clean
ing work carpets gleaned aad Hid. both dry
nd compressed sir clcanlngi carpet reflrtlnf
or speclslty ; work maranted. Plwn Mala
2672 and A 2672. 270 Great St.
only aelentlfl chiropodists, parlors 208 Draw
bMg.. 182 2d st Pbfn Mala 130L -
CHIBOPODT and Pedlrwrtng. Mrs. M. D. Bin.
Roam 880 Fie Id tier Bldg. fhj Psetfl IBS,
Always Consult tb Bet , -PROF.
B. KHIMO. ' " '
Ores test firing astral dead-trance ehfrvoysat
ef the are; adviser oa basin ad all af
fairs of life; tells year full nam and what
yoa railed ror, whom yoa wiu merry, now
to control tbe on yoa lore, even though mile
sway: reunites tbe sepsrsred; gives secret
power to control; no long delays la waiting.
Honrs 10 to 8, dally and Sunday. - I
Office No. 8 and 4. Grand Theatr bldg..
852H Waah, near Park at. Pbon Mala 1267. ,
The world" greatest platform test medhim,
will give a grand test eeance Sunday evening.
8:15 sharp, new W. O. W. hall, 11th and
Alder ata. Mr. Slater win devote th entire
vsnlng to tost sad- massage from spirit
friends, with full names, etc.; also will
answer (sealed written questioaa. All wel-
- ,.,-t pRnrrsson wallacb. -
Portland's favorite clsirvnysnt. palmist and
medlomr readings 60c. . 841ft Mor., ear. Ttn,
MISS MAT ANDREWS Card reading, 25c 238
Blxth at, corner Mam. , ... . ,
WANDA, tb famon palmist, and local director
- for th negno success eiun. is rinn sr.
tads a usirevii ana Wi.ia, . ftttim mA
star nxTure nunc sna remooeirai aniaum
rnon mam ami. . .
B. MELTON Of flc store fix rn res; general
Jobbing. 67 rlrst st Phon Mala I'm
THB OFFICB VQ Washington
771. 8aml Tlgnenz.
at, phons Mala
DR. BARL 0. - MeFARLAKD dentist. Suite
- T10-T11-T12 Swetisnd bldg. Phone Main 2261.
DANCING lessons 23c, ehmse sad private,
daily. Prof. Wat Wlllsoa. ball 804 AHsky
bldg. Third and Morrlaoa sts. Social dancing
" waits, two-step, three-step, etc.; etafe danc
ing, back and wing dog. reel, jig. Highland
fling. Spanish, te,
Tbura. aad Sat ava.; social, fancy and, ates
dancing taogbt; 6 assiatant teachers; clss
- and privet lessons dsllr. Western Acartemy
hall. Second and Morrison st. Pacific 163ft
MRS. ' TAUGHAN, experieneed dremakr.
S92H But Bamald at Phon But 261T.
Padft 982.
' Commonweslth rmlltllng, 6th andWAnkeny,
phone Main 8001. Telegraphy, ahorthand,
frpre writing, penmanship, English branch.
Individual Instruction, apodal scholarship.
Washlngton and 10th ata. Filed ner bldg.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting snd sfl
English branches taogbt- both day and algbt
Pltmsn Shorthand by Ooort Rsporter. Boat
aea Coors. Special Scholarships; Positions Se
cured. Onmmonwealth hide. 6th snd Ankeny,
INSTRUCTION in oil color painting: hlgh-grad
painting for sal aad painted to order; artist
formerly In Europe;, by appointment A. T.
A, general delivery . TPortland. --- j
. M. J. WALSH 0O.; 811 Stark st
meetrle and Gas Fixture snd Supplies.
Msatels. TlUng, Grstes snd Doglrons. .,
PACIFIC ELECT RIO W. Engineers, contra
. tors, repairers, lectrie wiring, snr-plle. 94
First cor. Stark. Main B59. R. B. Tat, mgr.
. t'ontrsetora, elect :c snppllea, saotora and dy
aaraos; w Install light end power plseom.
- atFlxtoroa, wlrl, repairing. r:t
fexch and vnr.xi Tvor.ns.
plRTI,AM 1!
WO' i
..,. n: . OA80MNB RNUIM'M. "
Stationary and, marine elwtrlc .-!-.
' Kent; Maaabea; . sccessorlee: bl'-t 1
retail) engine repairing, lutersutt MsihUmy
Co.. 182-4-6,. Mbcrisoa at , .
SHEFPtEI.D msrin engines. Any prneelle,
Fah-bsnka, Mors A Co, Flret aad (Mark a s.
:yl 3 ". . .lirrsTT'i ilif
PORTLAND HARDWARB CO. Solicits optwrCmv.
" ,tT a0 prices. T4 Blxth at. Paclfl , .
HOTLL Portland, Amsrlcaa plan, $8. $5 par dsy.
BELVEDERE; Earepasn plant 4th aad Aide eta.
ISA AO L. WHITB, fir tnaaraac. ' 84 Bhar.
tockbldg.. VV ' .,,.. ': .'t''V''
W. L. PAOB.' Irarovanent' mployetw', lisbllrfy,
nrty ,bnd, 'bnrglar and accident tnewsnc.
Pbon Mstn 828. 204 rsUlng bldg.
JAB. Met WOOD, mplnyvr' MsWllty and ts
dlvfdaal accident security bonds at aQ klads,
Pbon 4T. 802 McKay Bldg.
CHARLES L-. MA8TTCK A CO.. Front end Oa
sts, leather ssd skma ef every descriptloa
for sll parpoaa; sol and tap ottrt
WANTED sad for aam An brads, tortodlnat
approved forest raaervs crip for surveyed. s
survsyed. tin-her and prairie gtrearnment laad.
B. M. Hamilton. "The Portland, Portland.
THB WEnREB STCTIO Mandolin, - baajo
galtar tnatroction. 4cVVs Wasbiagtoa at
PIANO, violin, cornet, trombone, clarinet Pwa
feasor B. A. Smith. 254 12th at.- Mala 470.
eMMISaWaawaaaaeS ,'
NEU A KINGSLBT. 268 First t Portland
leading mar hi and granlt wocxa.
grave headstones. Room 12. 268 Stark St.
B. TR EN KM AN A CO. Mining. awm11l. Its
, glng machinery! hydrsdl pipe, caatlngi aU
kinds repalrad. 104 North Fourth at
THB H. a . ALBES CO ftecend hsnd
efalnery, eawmllle. ate. 24S Grand av.
$$$$$$$$$ BAX.ARY LOANS $
$$$ on plain notm tuin
)ltf 10, $70. $100. , . IJJ5J
$$ Chen pee t and beat plac) to $$$
M:'.-:-WWMoet. l
"ABNOLUTbiil flu Batumi a. f
liowent rates; easiest paymejnta. $
REBATE (flven If P"I1 beiors duo.. , f
..''' '"'.-. jf you work: ' : $
'" Everything- trtctly fldemtlaL
Ittt Hours S A. M. to BP. Ai. $
$$$$$ Sat. eve. till B o'clock. $$tt$
ttttUUS 104 Dekum BM. J
.Miu$inj;;; i n 1
On improved city property or for tsoIMTny
pnrpoaea. for from i to 10 yeajrn time, with,
privilege to repay all or part a f loan aftsr
two years. Loans sppeoved from plans snd
money sdvaneed aa bnlfcling siugitsaaai
. ku. mnA venlseed.
FRED B. STRONG. Financial Agent, ,
1 ..-.:. 242 Stark st.
CONFIDENTIAL LOANS en sale tie, tneo ratio
pollciea. pianos, fnrnltnr. werehoea eecaJpfa,
etc: sny deserving person may secure Uh
ecsl advance, reps ring by essy weekly
monthly tnstsnmsnts. .
205 Abtngton bldg. .u. ,v . ..'
MONEY loaned to salsrted peopls Just F
en nam; don't borrow nntll goo ae me: my
system I tb beat for railroad rnn. clerk.
book keepers. trtcr men and aB ether urn-
- p lores I has mess strictl eonddentlaL F. A,
Newton. 611 Buchanan Mdg., Washington st
- between Tonrth and jTlfth,
others npos their own name without seer-
' ty; ebpt rate, easiest payments: office
In 60 principal cities: savo roarwlf money
' by getting enr terms first - ' -TOLMAN.
228 Ablngtoa bldg, 106H Thfrdj at .
WANTED Notes, ' mortgage er contract em
sny kind of real state In Orw sad Wash
i tngton: aecond mortrar purchased If well
V ectrred. H. B.' Noble. 812 Commercial blk.
a eataee entll
Kuttcn Credit Co.
B12 Dekum bMg.
MONET to loan; larg loaaa specialty: alsej
building loan; lowest rsretr nr lnraranon.
William G. Beck, 812. Falling bldgV . .
CRESCENT LOAN CO, '42S Mohawk bldg.
Money to lead on ay-peyment plan to wag
men; atrletty confldcattal.
troRTaAfin loans at nrrmt rateet m
., mission. Colnmbta I.lf A Trust Company
'v. Lamber Exchang bldg.
MONET to loan ea an kind of security. Wil
liam HoO. room 9 Washington bldg.
TO LOAN Soms to eoit a chattel seearity.
K. A. Fram. 814 th Marqoasv .
QUICK loan on nil ' toeoritl. - n. W.
46 Waablngtoa bklgv Mats 6100.
ON awrtgags. $200 to $3,000; east aapara oiy.
Ward. lawyr. noacy arug. .
WILL loan $5,000 or tee en real tata, B pe
cent. Fsmsgton. au rencoa iag. . .... .
A LOAN for th asking Salary or chattel. Th
Loan Co.. 4H aXEum siag. K , -
W hav several amount of money to kaa
oa city and eoaatry real aetate.
-V, -.4' ,.,. 211 Ablngtoa bldg.
EAST payment loan to salaried people. Em
ploy loan .., Tin ueaam orag.. mat .
nervooa, acuta and nroai ansas. vinsn
217 ran ton bldg. Pha Paclfl U80.
DBS. ADIX A NORTH RUP. 45-l-lt IVker
, bldg. Third and Waablngtsnv sts. .psoas
. Mstn 849. Examination frei. -
THB MODERN pRINTERT Artlstie srtntm.
26 Rossel bldg 4 Faarth and Morrison, pi
From etrentsr to catelogt and newspaper.
Mdropolitsa Printing Co., 147 Front st
OOILBEB BR., petnrani Card, trmhesli,
etc. Phon Main IBM. 14B H First st.
FOR tollable work, .reasonable prices. ?--'
Bros, 282 tt Yamhill, sear 4th. .'n - , 4.
P. - A. DOANB.wUl Sir yon th beet ea'.
for aatisfactory work- 26 Ysmhill at.
F. E. BEACH A CO Th ptopr -wladV-w
glass and glaalng. l.i k
Pbon 1334.
TIN KOOl'lv .
.l,tlng. J. I .
P. 1