The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 03, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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LIT PUUtffll
ilUtM. usJUllTL' uUlfJ
Clark, -Selleck and Weatherford
I id .i .-ill Arrv,,i. r
k to Uphold the' Monroe Doc-j
; V trine In Debate. '
i.airM ml
Greater Grow the BargainsJust Six Days More of HThls Sensational and Terrific Sacrifice
(Apodal DtsMteh to The Journal.)
CorvallU.' or-, May I. Ctrl. , Clark,
Royal . Belleck n Mark -Weatherf ore.
the trio who will' represent O. A. C.
What's left pf the Symes' sWck goes now, ieven if it don't bring half wholesale cost Thousands of garments have been sold, but hundreds still
remain, and tomorrow we cut brices rieht and left to make a quick clean sweep. Now for bargains that are bargains. Read: ; ;V T l
iO Wl A IT to irn M IT (CTT fcrz A & Sifi ITb A XT IT O M Clll RTC ; Sl fl.95
Mark V, Weatherford.
ia the debate with Washington BUte
eollese at Pullman next Monday, are
perhaps the strongest debating team
ever sent out to talk tor the Africa.
All -three are members of 'the senior
class and have had experience on the
platform. While the boys hare no coach
they have been working hard and will
undoubtedly present strong line of
argument against ' the Washington
school. ,
O. As C; will defend the negative on
Royal Belleck.
the question, 7 "Resolved, That the Mon
roe doctrine should be discarded as a
part of the permanent policy of the
United States."
Carl Clark, the first speaker, comes
from Portland. He 1; a member of
the' ZeUgethan " literary society, was
leader, or tne team mat Qoa wim
McMlnnvlIle, U a member ox tne 1001
ball squad and is counted a strong de-
sjiv4 .
Royal Belleck. who will be the second
speaker, Is roistered from Boya, was
eo county. lie Is a veteran of nlnt ue
Carl Clark.
bates, having been leader . of tne Jef
fersonlan team that won the Catch
cup last year. He Is strong extem
poraneous speaker, a clear thinker and
without question, one of the best,de
i...... n a ' f! hna aver nroduced.
Mark Weatherford, who will be the,
last speaker onthe team, comes irom
Olex. Gilliam county. He has the rep
uUtlon of being the strongest speaker
In school He Is not Only a debater, of
considerable experience ; but has also
been prominent In the oratorical ,ccn
. tests of th college, this year "repre
senting th$ school 4rrthe interstate con
. . . xj I. nrhana tha trona-aat man
on the team, If not ths strongest ths
school has ever proauceq. . .
rsAoumbens of . tke Offlos' of. City
'is , Auditor ShonM e Xam sf
1 " 1
In choosing a man . to run for the
office of City Auditor the' yoters at the
primary election should look to the ef
ficiency of the man'above alt. else, ex
. cept honesty, which of course must be
the first requisite. v.' ,.y-
J No untrained man can hope to step
Into the office of the-City Auditor and
slve efficient service for many months
thereafter. For i this reason among
others the candidacy of Mr.-W. 8. liotan
for this ! important toffies is looked
upon with favor by a Urge majority
of our cltisens. To honesty and effl
clency he has . the added experience in
- this office which makes him a -valuable
i roan to the city. ' He has served nearly
' j in tha Atiilltnr'B Africa to ths
" fatisf action of all, arid will be promoted
by the people to serve then In the en-1
aiiiviiLCJ. iroNiLCJO qJKJ ciiiu qij) ru uiLyN ououo
id right here at the very start we want to tell you thre'i no richer, finer or prettier Suits In the entire city. The finest of the fine ; the choicest of the i
fce; and each one a real Pattern Suit Garments deesiened by the most noted modistes and made by the foremost makers. The newest of this sea-
.nn't atvU. .nri mat.Hal. inrludinflr the faahlonabl- Panamas and Voiles. Ponv and Eton effects, semi and tight-fitting ' Cutaway and Coat Suit in
checks, stripes and mixtures, as well as plain colors. Jackets lined with finest Taffetas and beautifully trimmed with braid, buttons, straps, etc. Full pleated skirts, all
S'acetuUr tailored. Joiacic, tan, navy, orown, diack ana wmte exiccis, ana miao uie new ugni nuoui u cwmuiHuuii. .1, ictutu wtui iuuw i
armenta worth $39.00 to $50.00, and that's what Symes had them marked. Just 38 in all, and those that come quickest get the best. Choice, $19.05, and $19.95 buys
'. is-.,r: ...v v . p kjf,;r:r:j, av s:.j-ii - ,y.- the finest; Pattern Suits you've ever seen. . 4 ," , v
More iLxcitement m
All Symes' $10-
$12,50 Silk
PetUcoals S4.9S
And this includes torn of
Symes prettiest, made of
that heavy taffeta that
flares ao beautifully, nice
ly pleated and shirred and
trimmed . with tailored
bands and stitching-; all
light and dark colors and
also black. Not one in
the lot worth leas than
10.00 up
to $12 JO.
irortn ieaa man
g h hit
crnx3 clock curAMiau,rcc;i wojotxa.
Continues. We don't know how many will be left tonight ao treat la
the. crowds, but what there are go again tomorrow; $10 to $lf Skirts
Sale $4.98
500 Women'i
alee and
Dtnen'a White lLawn Aprons, full Women's S5c fancy trimmed White Lawn
I well made f worth J5cj Pr1on' deeP nem weU noe '''
Two great special offers Two of the most sen
sational of bargains: -,0:t
c For $2.00 Waists
Made of sheer lawns and mulla, all-over embroidery
fronts, ' others . with rich lace insertion and trimming,
lace and fine tucked yokes, long and abort AQg
sleeves, open front and back; any of them bargains at If
$2.00. Choice ..... .4 S J -)
- Tht Plnest and Best of Symes'
$2eS0 and $3.00 Waists M M
One great lot of them all; there's no reserve. CIJaL - ;
Choice . ...... . . .i' , '
Syrno B anltrup t
20c Handkerchiefs 9c
A great sale of , thousands. 1 Clearing out all
Symes' ISc and 20c kinds at ifs almost -
t r r . ....... , ... . .
JJl one, two ud three dosea of ktad aad style,
fsaey sjUI an srenaA Swiss UmbrolAereS, rime sad
sheexi grades Svmes bsd nuked 15o and SOo. g
rto the vest or, eaolee 7C
At Bargain Prices
Three sensational off era, and each of them a bar
gain that alone should crowd the counters. .
Women's 26c ft
. ... BlacllHos yC
Less than half price. A solid case, 50 doien, 000
paira to go; fast black, full seamleas, with double
heels and toes, fine gauge; all best 20c value.
Not ever 0 paira to a customer; gc
Aad arery pir aa aeaest ruuraatesd S5e taltsy
extra flee ribbed aad aU fast Maski an slsesi maav.
nfMturer's seeeads, irat so .rood that yoa . f e
esa ksrdly-see saa taiperfeoUomst pair ..... JLjC
; . Boys 20c Hose 12c
Always BOe, tmt they're Symes' aaakrapt etoelr.
that's why lie bays them aowi fast alack aad flae
ribbed; medium wetfht with doable solea eb
sad heels best weartaf SOo Iom madet.p.... IC
Grand Concert
' Mil s'' fx
. - - .
Greatest Bmiknipt Sacrifice; ol Shoes Ever-Held
Tn nnr Mnnnrranh :; Parlor
.tomorrow afternoon and even
ing. Come and hear the music
Ita free.;
The very finest made; every Idnd, style
and leather, including the best of patent
leathers; all sues and widths, ;
Shoes Worth up to $5
A Qeanup of Tbonsands of Pairs All
Symes' Finest rtlen's $3 and 53.50 Shoes
It's an Oflcr That Should Bring
Every Man VVilh Shoes to Buy
The finest the best and most elegant of Symes Men's
$3.0Q and $3.50 Footwear at $1.98. High Shoes and Low
Shoes.- fashionable, dressv Footwear, made for swell
dresservail $1.98. Vid kid, box calf, gunmetal, dull calf, and hundreds
of pairs of patent colt and patent leather. Genuine English welts, newest
of toes and most fashionable lasts, lace, blucher and ' oxford styles; all
sizes and all widths. Many of them the most famous of trade mark Shoes.
Grades that are advertised the country over at $3.00 and $3.50. All sizes
and widths. Thousands of pairs to go. See the big window display. The
greatest and most sensational of Men's Shoe bargains. All the finest of
shoes and far less than the leather alone is worth. Choice, $1.98 pair.
Tomorrow Aflsln Ctotce el Syncs' Finest
Women's $3.00 Sliocs $1.59
Footwear that's among the best made the flneat and most
ezclusiva Of makea. Shoes worth every penny of $3.00 and all
at f 1.59 pair. Made of the finest and softest of kid, in the
newest styles, blucher cat or straight lace, light turn or heavy
extension soles, newest of toes and heels, plain or patent
tips. In fact, ifs Just such footwear that you've never bought
anywhere short of - $3.00. All In one lot to-J -g P r
morrow, and a whole table load to choose I
Worth up to $5
STf atlw m
- 4 t m e ft i '
krupt Underw'r
All kinds, aU styles.' Just two of the hundreds of
bargains quoted here, but there's plenty more when
you .come. .rspu .i,,
Women's 50 c NttiunOQrr
All fancy styles, made of finest muslins, beautiful
lace and ribbon trimmings. All bargains at OQ
50c. Now, choice v. .w.-,' v. . . i U 4 ."J'VeFV
All one, two and three pieces of a kind, Gowns.
Skirts, Chenuae and Drawers, slightly soiiea, maeq
down, to almost half to make a quick clean sweep.
1 m 20 doien Ladies' Jersey ribbed, low
JYX& TOP neck Vesta, all pure white, fancy
riDDon tnmmca, au sues; every
one best4 20e Vests.' '. 1 0 1 -While
they last ...........
Bdiikrupt Men's Clothing
Cost or loss not considered. We need the room for
goods now on the road and every thing must go.
$7-50 Fori Men's Suits
u Wnrih in Ia tnen
va iu fiu tiv ftviev
Suits Symes had marked $12.00 and $13 JO reduced to
9T.50. , That's price cutting with a venceance. last
it? AH new spring styles, plain tans, browns, grays, .
as well aa mixed andf f ovelty patterns. Single or
double-breasted, well , made, -lined and trimmed. All
eixea and vou and ever other man can ba fitted. Pick
the beat of them, $12.00,'and $13 JO Suits, 7 r A
.at choice . . , .....,....;......,........ . . . V V
Symes9 Men's Finest Suits cio en
Worth $1$ up to,as high as $20 ChoiceY'U
Men's Pants $t . 85
Worth 03.f3s.5O.94 .11 Pjifr
All colors, mixtures, stripes and XL
checka, new spring styles ...
10,000 Yards of the Finest 15c and 20c
4-Inch Fancy Ribbons
A Ribbon sensation that Should line the counters with eager buyers. All
Symea' Fancy Ribbons that he aold aa specials at ISc and 20c bunched in
one great ve lot to clear out every yara in a sing say.
74 Inches Wide Plain and Fancies
Black and all colors, Persians, stripes ind novelties, fivery. yard
ail pure ailki soft, lustrous, elegant ribbons for bows, the .neck,
hair ribbonaj trimmings, fancy work, etc. All colors and black,
and also beautiful combinations. Not yard worth less than 15c.
Most all zoc qualities, ynoice
10e package Arm and
Hammer Bak-
ing Soda ........ JC
I Another. Day of Store-Crowding Specials la the
t iwm r ' rmffl. tar I Pel Naotha Soan. the
ra?r:; :.-25c vssstr ......25c
5,000 Bars Fairy Soap 3c per CaK
r uesi tao avei wranges, 11
dozen VV.Y.'; I V . .. . . OJC
SPECIAL 20c Honey ....... .15
2 lbs. Dates for ............... X5f
10c pkg. Raisins for .......... 8
10c Corn or Peas, can ........
m AAA Ht ... mQ
a,uw cans Aomaioea v
104b. Saek white or yellow OO
Jello, S pkgs. for .....i..-.;....f
lest Cider Vinegar, bottle
Baker's Cocoa, can ........ ...SO
Best Minced Clams, can ...'.,.104
Best 40c Pepper, lb.
Vmm 4ft M. T. Coffee. IK....23t
Tf n J Rreakfaat Wheat. nk(.. . Se
915c Ginger Snaps, lb. .......toifi'
Shredded Wheat, pkg.
Gold Dust, 2 pkgs, for ........ S5
' Savo Money by TradlnrJ in Our
Family Liauor Deoartment
'. ; - , ; ,, e .... ;,...,; - . . .
Tomorrow's Specials the best and greatest yet Every bottle guaranteed
and all 'grades that fully meet the requirements of the pure liquor food
laws. , ... f,t;;-::;?: t; '.. - -V'"-'
Wear Well Whiskiy, rye of Bour- Imperial Ry or Bourbon-be best
bon Kentucky's best-produe-OCJ ever sold. for the money-- 1 Cc
tion, full'qts. .0C full quarta :
Port, Sherry,- Mttseiator.'Aiirfelica.iV.V..
Sacriflcinri 5yjne tf
Bankrupt Gloves
; A 48C Sale
And thousands : will be ' after
them, for they're at the lowest
price ' such good Gloves have
ever been sold for. Genuine
French liale, 2-clasp, all sizes.
All Symea' finest 7Sc a lO.
Gloves at, pair .OC
Symes- BahKrupt
25c bottle Llsterine ................. .......XT
$140 bottle Herpidde ..-. :..;;;;.,
$1.00 Pinaud'a Ees de Quinine ...... ......69
S0e Pine Tar Shampoo .........,........35
25c Pine Tar Shampoo ................... .lTf
35c bottle Witch Hasel . . . ............. . . ,1 1
50c Cream 'deJUlas k...B9
lSe Peterman's Uquid Diacovery ........ ..,e
15c Peterman's Roach Food ... . .t. . . T.. . . . . .9
ISe'GUletfs Bouquet Borated Talcum ....... 6
Symes' Bankrupt
Basting Thread, 2 spools for 14
Busy Bee 0 cord Thread, 500-yard spools for,4
Goliath Unen Thread, 8c spools ......4er
10c and 15e Embroidery Hoops, all sixes... "...Tf
Symes 50c fancy Gilt and Metal Buttons, "
dosen ,..,15
20c card Shell Hair Pins'.'.....; lOf
Charter Oak Thread, all numbers, 10 spools
for . .W
8e Cube Pins, black and colors "....4e
Clearing Ont Symes' Oros.
Banltrupt Men's Furnishinos
Xt arte lot to e saeUloe4 tomorrow at prloe that auk tola a
refulaa ftrrala feet, aeta e mewo.
Men's Fancy
20c Hosiery
Thousands of pairs, black, tan, and fancy effects, full seamless,
all sixes. All Symes' best 20c grades. Choice, 11 pair.
25c ta 35c Neckwear 17c
i-m tnnii ..111 aa Krailm at anrt AKe. hrrm 1M
pure silk Four-in-Hands, in beautiful navy blue and white polka,
dots; the kind that's always fashionable; remember, 17a
25c and 35c values 1 1 C
2 Great Uarrjaino lrv
Men's Work Shirts of fancy madras and
cheviot soft collars, well made all colors
and aizes. Never sold under; JO.
75c i Choke fJilC
Men's black Sateen Shirts, finest of qual
ity, gathered yokes, double stitched and
peart buttons. Best $1.00 Shirt 7C
in the land. Choice ..a ... ...... . I .
Thousands ol
Men's Hats
Hats that' Symea' sold at
$1.50 and $2.00 all go now at
Tfle- new florin stvles.
made of good felt; Fedoras,
atninoa Graces and ether
aft shapes, black, gray and
pearls! finest silk bands
sixes: same Hats ; and same
stvles . that sen
all over
lea: thar sell WA
over at $U0 II a,
i $2.00. Bank- I Uf)
5.CJ9 DOYS' nn
AnS t2yr.t.:rc c!:? jca r7
Made of all wool materials, p-
terns; all sixes. Only one to n
a customer. Choice ........ I ... . I '
Thonjtaii to Choett Frca tlKe Ttit Ara .Vcr
Thenew stylish ones, with large ball and knob ends, in r f
all colon, . The very kind you see in all jewelry stores -marked
25c' , Hero at just half price. Choice it,.