The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 03, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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1 . ' ' B
! Manning Warns the Judges and
j. 5 Clerks of the; City 0
"-! response' to a large namber ot lni
julrlos made' to ?hlm . District Attorney
i John Mannine- has given hla opinion re
garding the duties and limitations of the
Judge and clerks of election on election
day. Mr. Manning holds tbat It la un-
lawful for any Judge, clerk or other elec
. tlon official to suggest to any-voter bow
to mark his baUot or to solicit, him In
any way to vote for any. certain Or par
tlcolar candidate or measure..
. Tlie law prohibits any person solicit
ing voters within to feet of the polls
and the district attorney maintains It
"to be bis opinion that this section of the
law In Itself would prevent any Judge
; or clerk from Influencing the voters In
:! Diamond "W" Coffee'
rAr you always satisfied' with "your
toffee? -v Try Diamond "W, Coffee, In
sealed cans. Ask your grocer, W guar
antes every package. Wadhams t Co,
'roasters.. . ..., :..;,-; ;
Haines Would Cut Bonds.
' . Manley O. Haines has filed' suit for
divorce against Sarah Haines, charging
fleertlon. , The eoupu were married et
rtland In 1881. Tbev have not lived
together for; eight years,; , , ,." .
," Hives, ecsema. Itch or salt rheum sets
yOU CralV.- Can't tHF tht tnurth nt vnilr
clothing. Doan's Ointment - cures the
most obstinate oases.
: druggists sell It
Why suffer? All
Establishment of First American
v Government WeH of, the '
kfi ' A Rockies Observed:.
VtnnArmAm nt ttilftnaara wttll thaff
inn itmirhttM ZttnAtA tha reunion' and
celebration held at Caampoeg yesterday
up commemorate mi eiimnninni
the flret American civil government on
h TmMAn mm at . Tt la aatlmated that
fully 2,000 people were present and it
was the largest and most successful
celebration since 100, when the anni
versary of the memorable svent was
first , observed. ,? . ' v -a?. a- V,,;5fe :
r F. X. Matthleu, the sol survivor or
the meeting held 64 years ago, was con
spicuous, and. although In bis ninetieth
year, was greatly enjoying -the com
memoration ana trying to snaae nanaa
with vnrv nn nt tha 2.000 present.
Mr MttthiDut lives at ButtevUle. a
small town near Champoeg. ,t -! - ir
- , . . .it.J mA,
r JsCnaulUI wtunw "P v"
but the day and the exercises were' held
In. tha rrnva near tha fnonOmenC The
address of the day was delivered by
Robert A. Miller ana snore taias wo
also made by -Congressman W. C. Haw
ley and Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway.
There -was, a large attendance from
Portland, from whera the trip was made
by water.. Many easterners attended
avM war laviah m their, nraises of the
beauties Of the Willamette voyage. , .
' . Explosion Killed Fourteen. ,
' :; (Jonnul 8pell gervioi.) v.
TTIntnn W ' Va UlT I. rThe bodies
of three miners. kiUed In the Whipple
m Ina avnlnalAft war ' taken from the
mine today, making the number of
wnnwn AA 'if Thare were t mmnra
in the shaft when the explosion oc
curred. .Olany of I them escaped by
climbing the ladder in tha alrshaft
JARDiiiE sf Ids
Price $L50
. 1 1 i Special
None delivered
This Jardiniere Stand
is 18 inches high,
made from well sea
soned maple ' and is
finished in imitation
quarter-sawed , oak.
; Furniture Company
184-186 First Street
Portland Agents for, Laurel Ranges. Complete House-
TPiirn?BVir' -. ' '
. Jptndldstc fcr!.nan
.;.vt& Fifth. Ward ;f4v:
Some Pi
ano Bargains We
REED-FRENCH has about a dozen good'
second-hand instruments they, have marked for'-We",'will-9ieetyoU'-in-th,eevening-.:
if you can't come in through the day (Phone -Main
1252.) - ' , t i " y , - -.
A BARRY & MOORE, fine littje instni-
ment ; .$175
A KIMBALL, as cood as ever, . . . . .' S195 - - H
A JACOB DOLL, retail price $300. .?S00 ' v jj
A FISCHER, laree size. . .r t rj
IV A SCHUBERTIDOS style. .! J. . . .$340 , jj
v ; A LESTER, fanciest style.... ?265 , 'A j
A. PACKARD, $400 style...'.. i(.?28S
V h had f'nr ftfi.fio M
..'4- (except last four $7.00 a month for these):,
; The Rced-Frcnch Piano Mfg'C6;f
r T Tlie Factory Piano House in ' ' ' - ,
; , the Wholesale District. : . .
" The Decline of Reticence.
A wis woman of tha older school
regrets tfie decline among young (rlrls
nowadays of tha art of reUcencertMal
says that tha modern gams or flirtation
is a harmless sort of amusement
enough, neither the nice girl nor the
right sort of man taking tt too seriously,
but there la -lacking among girls the
little reticence, tha diffidence, which
gives cost to tha game. .
Certainly tha nice young man does
not Imagine that a girl Is hopelessly
enamoured because aha accepts gifts of
candles and flowers, nor that ahs l!ns
all her chances of future .happiness upon
his .few Invitations;, nor does she lmag
ina that tha course of his life is to- be
turned by the mere fact of his acquaint
ance-with her.,,; It Is all -a part of the
pleasant game" of being 'young ? and
happy, and as such Is sot to be consid
ered too seriously.
However, this note or warning is
sounded, and observing men and women
have frequently said the ' same thing.
Girls of today are frequently" too ready;
they are too' willing to .make advances.
to plan outings, to suggest tha tete-a
tete which are the part of the man, are
his share of tha game; in fact,' they are
not In the girl's provlnoe at alL .
Tha girl who is too ready to make
appointments, who suggesta or even
hints at canoe ride or the drive home
from the plcnio lessens tha value which
the man would attach to these favors.
The sest of tha game, from the mascu
line side, is In action, in the planning,
tha maneuvering, in the chase in. fact.
Can one Imagine a'' hunter following
With seal a bird which he : could any
morning see walking across- his lawn?
None of us want the thing which is
easy to get It is too cheap. Ax rr.-.-;K
The thing which makes a girl attrac
tive Is a little hesltanoy. diffidence, the
pretty feminine art of aloofness which
keeps a man wondering how far he has
Interested her, .tf In fact h has suc
ceeded In- doing so at all. It belongs to
the girl's share of the flirtation game
as eagerness In the pursuit belongs to
the man. . - . ir'
A girl sometimes succeeds In making
herself cordially despised by the very
man whom she would be glad to attract
by calling him up at inconvenient times
over ' the .. telephone , and suggesting
leasant and harmless little diversion.
It is in , the worst possible taste and
shows a deplorable lack of good sense.
Often a man is by this means made
ridiculous in the eyes of some man
whom he is trying to Impress with his
business sagacity. Gossip about a ten
nis game or Invitations to picnics and
boat rides do pot . commingle with deals
which may be of great Importance. Use
the post, girls. for such ' conversations.
and let your notes be brief, and be' sure
that they - Include - the - name of kyout
chaperone. Silly girls -notes may? be
.the cause of much embarrasment . at
some ruture time. .-! .-vr .;-:-,.vi..-,.s.
Be warned, girls; don't let. tha young
man who Is Interesting to you know It
Let him feel - a . little , bit .-uncertain.
Don't do the suggesting, and don't fall
Into his plans too readily on all occa
sions. Remember It was the high hung
fruit which caused the fox anxiety,
, . r wt at t
. Sheets. In Texas
They have various kinds of trouble
down In Texas, but there Is one kind
which they have determined to put out
of business. It Is written upon tha stat
ute books that hereafter sheets shall
be nine feet long.-; ; ' -."rV"
. In other parts of the world mankind
will still wrestle with the sheet prob
lem. He wlU vainly pursue the kind
which imagines it Is a neck muffler
and which he awakens to find slowly
strangling him, or which In a moment
of mock humility crawls down .to the
foot of the bed and as softly as a loving
mother wraps up his little feet -from
tha cold night air. ! But downrln Texaa
mankind will find emancipation, :
According to reliable , advices,, the
sheet situation has been rapidly;' going
from bad to worse down there With
every point gained by the cotton market
during recent years there was a sym
pathetic shrinkage in the length of bed
coverings until finally It was necessary
for the traveling public to curl up like
kittens In order to conform to their
scanty proportions. .
Nine feet of aheet will be sufficient
to enwrap even the longest specimen
Of the genus homo, and ordinary folks i
can fold one end neatly over the harass-1
lng v blanket H while knowing , that- the
other end Is safely anchored. A mighty
good idea. :'V" " v
,v. . ' ji ,i !"i ... ji.1!,, ,?,:-
This store .closet every "night
t 6 o'clock, that our employe
may. rest -up for the Monday
business.,. "You'll make it easier
for them and more pleasant for
us, if you'll try to do your shop
ping in vthe morning. . , v -'
l 'IJlCTM'"aa-" II i " S
SlumMom SsituMy Sate oy
A rare chance for hotels and boarding houses to
profit by good, reductions on Towels that they'll
have to pay a great deal more for if they fail to take
prompt advantage of this sale. K
Fringed Towels, soft and- absorbent and of good
size, A towel that sells regularly for 75c the dozen.
Very special : at,; . . , . . ; . . , . , . ... .... ..60t
Hemmed Huck Towels, with colored borders,
a fine big towel, 16x34-inch size J a wonder
ful value at 10c each; specials-Saturday .....
Linen Huck Towels, with red
or white fancy Jacquard bor
der, 18x36 inches; . 1Q lk
22c value ..... ...iOC
Fancy Jacquard Huck Towels,
19x39-inch size ; a splendid 25c
value; special, ' i 1 A
Saturday . .... .1 . .... 1
Irish Linen Crash Toweling, a
very good quality that sells
regularly at , 20c the yard ; spe
cial, for this one day, f -yard
. . ... .... ... . . . .IDC
Extra Large Heavy J; Huck
Towels, all white ; : , 1 0 1
worth 15c; special .....lwawC
For the Home," too, there are "Towels that are in
daily , use. ' Thrifty housewives will do 'well to look
to the needs of their linen stocks now, for this splen
did special sale ,is but for one ''i'lMrWfW
Heavy Huck Towels, large size and well hemmed;
a regular 12 c quality ; just 40 dozen at this special
price,' each, only................ ...... .10f
Large size Huck Towels, 20x40 inches, af
, mceiy nemsutcnea, ana a sptenmu j.oc
value j while they last, Saturday, each
All Linen Huck Towels, sizes
19x40 inches, nicely hemstitch
ed; regularly worth ; OC
35c each ; special V.'.w . . Ltd C
Fringed Damask Towels, with
fancy colored borders, a special
worth while, each Vi Of
Huck Towels, with fancy open
work border, -a great special
Saturday at each, , .. .00
only ... . .. . .......... .sCfC
Women's Silk ' Finish . Vests,
in spring weight materials,
come in pink and blue; worth
45c each; , . OC
special ........... ....sasUi,
WomerfiVestC in" tfsTeor
silk finished, come in pink or
blue and worth 75c QQ
each ; special . . .. . . . . .00 C
Children's He a v y Cot ton
Hose, a regular 20c -t n 1
grade.; special ......tlcW2C
Women's Union Suits, in Silk
finish, spring weight, made
with hand-crochet lace yoke,
and worths $1.7& each ; spe
cial, each : : d I O C
Children's B lac k C o t ton
Hose, a splendid black and a
good wearing - Hose, some
sizes . are missing, ' but ' they
are good S5c values ; . A
special, pair 1 C
Five Packages Seeds 5c
That's' the; Saturday special in the Notions Aisle,
Pes; beans, radishes, cucumbers,' beets, ' pumpkins,
squash, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, celery, good
hardy northern-grown seeds and the best known va
rieties. "Special Jor Saturdayvonly, five
packages for only. ........ .... ... ... . '. . ...... Ov
Sterling Grass Seeds, in large boxes,
regularly 25c Special 19c
Infants' Kid Shoes, in button or lace style, with light
soles,. many pretty patterns, in sizes 3 to 8, and regu
larly worth to $15 the pair. Special 72r
....if uw
for Saturday
GirisPatent Leather
i Oxfords :
Two styles, one a 4-button
blucher, with a dull kid
top, the other a 6-hole Gib
son Jace blucher; have me
dium weight extensi6n
soles, and are very neat,
stvlish bhoes. Here are
the prices: vrrms tvcsi
5 to 8, worth"" dj fQ
$1.75, pair . . .-() 1 1 x!
8toir,worth(t iA
$2.0(Vpair VIA?
11 y2 to 2, worth CI 70
$2.50, pair . H$ 1 17
2y2 to7;woithflJ7 r Q
$2.75, pair v. L j
In lace or button styles,
with light or heavy; soles,
made by one of the best
manufacturers, priced this
way: i v
5 to 8, regular CJ I 1 Q
$1.75 value . .,4) I 1 7
W toll,reg. CI "JO
$2.00 value ... tj 1 sO
llto2,reg. CO
$20 valuer;..) 1U
8toll, worth t A A
$1.75; pair .J) 1 .UU
11 to 2, worth CM
$2.00, pair . hP 1 "O
2K to 7, worth CI CA
$2.50, pair . .'. ,tj) 1 OU
jy for
Tf Men's
CM Hose
They're a prime black cotton, with
white feet, just the thing for tender
feeU a grade well
worth 20c the pair;
ng tor tenaer
Men's Handkerchiefs, plaia linen,
with liemstitche border; these, too,
are regulsr 20c values;
special, Friday Is-au
Men's - Handkerchiefs, of fancy mer
cerized material, come in polka dot
and fancy borders, "and they're a reg
ular 20c grader oing ; Y)t
Friday at, only ...v...........
Men's Muslin Nightshirts, French
neck, made without, collar, with full
sized body and sleeves; worth
85c each; Friday . ............ UUL
Men's Underwear, ' in derby, ribbed
balbriggan, in the popular ecru color,
with French elastic neckiJiave double
cuffs on shirts and drawers; . OQ
worth 50c the garment, for . . . )U t
Children's Daft Suit Salons
Coats and Junior Suils One Third Off
There's a superb range of choice in the junior suits, exceedingly
smart costumes that show all the style and care in construction
that characterizes our women's garments. They come in the ,
Eton or blouse models, made of the best sorts of wool materials
and nicely trimmed i with r fancy braids, buttons and straps.
Skirts are all in the pleated styles. For misses from 10 to 14
years of age, all one third less-"-
Regular O 09
$18.50 Smt,$ 1 waeejaj
$1650aSuits$l laOOl
$25.00 Suits 4)1 Da 00
' .aSfl ISaa. awrmSk.
The Children's Coats
'yArt all in the loose-fitting, box cut models for little ladies from.
6 to 14 years of age. The .materials are fine wool goods in
stripes, checks, plaids and mixtures. There's style and service
to these coats, there are big bargains among them tomorrow
at these prices. One third less than usual.
$4.00 Coats..
$10 Coats. .. .
Children's ' fr A A
$6.00 Coats.. 04eUU
Children's dQ t(
$12 Coats,... DOeUU
Children's fr
$7.50 (ats..J)O.UU
Children's $fTh
$13.50 Cats.OeVaUU
; Captain ' ItackUnVAcqoitted.
'j' . i. (Joanuil SpmU Smtee.)
San Antonio. Tex-i, May J. Captain
Hacklln, aec&sed of laxltr In command
ing; the negro troops at BrownsvUie
was acquitted tnls afternoon.
Mr. Coursen Preaenta Vocalist Who
Has Been Stadylng ITnder 7,'
" Germaa Masters. , V
A large audlenoe gathered yesterday
afternoon at tha HelHg to hear Miss Ada
Alice Tuttle, who was presented to the
musical publio of Portland by Edgar B.
Coursen. Miss TutUa..has . spent six
years In musical studies at Leipslo.
She proved herself a thorough master of
technic in the Llsxt concerto In which
she was acoompanled by . the Portland
Symphony orchestra, and In her solos
she demonstrated her artlsUo tempera
ment and. the purity and liquid tone
quality which she uses. Her able hand
ling of the Chopin music greatly de
lighted her audience.
Mrs. Walter Reed sang with her usual
fine power and was enthuslasUcaily
greeted and . recalled. : BeauUful floral
offerings testified to the warm regard
In which she Is held. Miss Tuttle was
also presented with numerous and beau
tiful arm bouquets. - Two little . lads.
Masters Wayne and Earl, Coe, played a
duet for piano and violin in a creditable
manner. ,
" The Portland ' Symphony - Orchestra
again demonstrated Its ability as : an
organisation and testified to Mr. Cour
sen 's abUtty as a leader. Tha closing
numbers which they-rendered were de
. Newberg. Or May .--The . train
bringing togs from a Fau City was
ditched by the spreading, of the rails
on tha track leading to. the sawmill.
One car was completely overturned and
tha 'angina narrowly , missed going ever
the bank. Fortunately no one was hurt
The accident occurred on a bridge.
Mis r;::"