The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 03, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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T. H. Porter of Roseburg, After
Clearing Track Goes Back
- -After ' 8peede'r,; i;.:
(8peiit Dlipstrfc to Tb loarul.l
KOseburs. Or.. Mar I. In a vain ef-
;. fort to save his speeder from being de-
' tnoilsned by a fast oncoming train. T.
H. Porter, a track walker on the South
ern Psclflo, waa run over and Instantly I
killed la Cow - creek . canyon In thla
Democratic Committee Repudl-
: ates Him as a Candidate 43ays
He Does Not Deserve Support.
Acalnst the plan to nominate Lans
for mayor tomorrow In the Demooratlo
primaries, the campaign committee of
the Democratic countycentral commit-;
tee last, night declared war la a procla
mation which announced that Lane, If
wanting the nomination,, should, have
ought It "la the orderly and dignified
manner prescribed by the primary law.'?
. Lane's boosters purpose to write his
name on tbe primary ballot, thus sub.
stltutln It for the name of George' H.
Thomas, the s only Democrat regularly
AAlltltM lo.t hlfft ft... KA ....
train No.. I. Porter, waa making his pam,d. '? "'V01' by IM,ut?.on
.... - I npln ta4 n thtt no lint ' .
uiuu nia-nuv inn art a veiocinede whn "f"".v" -
ihe train approached. He Jumped off
and safely cleared the track, and then
looiianiy tried to cave his machine.
Porter leaves a family. . ,
; (Special nitpetcB to tbe JocnL :
Tacoma, , With, May .Instead of
One aalnrtn tn mvmm inn immnnm mm 'mi
the preeeni time, Tacoma will hereafter I candidate for mayor-of Portland,
The proclamation declares that Lane
has done his party "a great injustice,
and many of the beat men 1n the party
wlU resent the Insult and outrage." It
Is signed by Newton McCoy, George U
Hutchln. M. J. Malley, A E. Ream, H.
W. Lans and J. 8. Manchester, and is
as . follows: -.- ;; W-.":. - a v-- w.?.
To the Democratic Voters of Portland
-. If seems probable that an attempt
will be made by the supporters ; of
Mayor Lane to defeat the nomination of
oeorge H. Thomas as me jjemocrauq
OF 0. A. C
Leaves Like Position in Utah
Dr. .Catch Invited ito Re-
main in; Faculty.
l0 mltUc
restrict the rlvlnr of licenses to new
saloons until there la but one saloon to
every 1,000 population. A abort year
ago Tacoma had one saloon to every
400 people, but the tncreaalnr of the
lioenae to 11,000 each, and stricter rules
granting the giving of licenses cut the
DiMrtper. Councilman Turnbuu. who la
cuairman or the police and license com.
mlttee, with a majority of the council.
rainy set against any new saloons in
. Tacoma until the population materially
Increases. y . .t,y
Y;t; ; ;'; Momeal gpeeUI gervlee.)
. Lincoln. Neb, May . Four Inches
of snow covers the entire state this
i morning. The temperature is S degrees
,i Chloago, May .Col4 elondW wintry
. waiuiir prevails nere.
Wichita. Kan., May I. A storm . of
Sleet mged here last nights The mer--cury
registers below freealnr. :.-
Kansas City. . May t. It is snowing
. in nortnern Missouri. v ;!f.:
BEATTY says did not
i . v-- v, i. i i ... .. f f;: V.
:' """" fJeenal Beedal Kerttot.) V Vs '
y, Washington, May Judge J Beatty
er Idaho is here. He says be did not
: Influenoe the grand Jury to indict Sena
tor Borah. . Hekays the district a ttor
"ney told him he had been instructed to
' Investigate the land frauds ; and the
' grand Jury was instructed In' the law.
conveying no Intimation as to who might
. be involved., "I told them." says the
Judge, to make no distinction between
persons." , - V-, f..V,..t
'- """ftoielU Olseateh to Tie Jonrs.l)
Bpakaie-Wasnv May? .Mrs., Katel
Hoffman, on the Spokane St Inland, 20
miles from here, after getting her chil
dren off the track attempted to remove
tor wagon worth , six -bits " and was
caught by an eleetrfa car and carried
several : rod! and thrown to one side,
with several ribs arid her arm. broken,
her skull badly bruised and other Inju
ries. Bhe may live. ' .
. Hagb-Blt Wedding.
flnlil Dtaanteh to Tbe JoerntLl
, Castle Rock. Wash., May I. Mrs. Jen
nie Hughes and Mr. William Reldt were
married at the home of the bride Wed
nesday at noon. Rev. Meinke of the
German-Lutheran - church T Officiated.
Both parties are well known In this
community. , ,
mayor had an opportunity-to seek this
nomination In the orderly and digninea
manner prescribed by the primary laws.
Why did he not pursue this method 7
The most plausible and, perhaps, his
controlling reason lor throwing away
the Democratic nomination was that be
had decided he could get more votes as
an Independent candidate, and that he
could : thus curry favor with Repub
llcana. by lambasting his own party.
But the wily doctor overdid the mat
ter, i '''. ':--vJjJi .-.....-f;.;vC
In his letter of April 1, 100T, to the
chairman of the Democratic central com
mittee, In which he spurned the Demo
cratic nomination.: he i- assumes , "the
nartv does not 'want a candidate who
stands sauarely and meaningly upon a
platform" such as he outlined In ' his
letter to said chairman, dated March it,
1807, In which he announced that: he
wotild become a candidate of the Demo
cratic party for .mayor of Portland.
He Intended by his said letter of April
1,J 1907. to create the Impression on this
community that his party is not a law
and order rarty and did not, therefore,
approve of him as mayor. V ;-"?
He thus did tbe Democratic party ef
Portland a great injustioe and many of
the. best , men In the party will resent
the insult and outrage be has committed
against his party. : V- '.:f "
' The onlf proper ahd'pernapf tB Onljr
legal way to determine whether or not
the Democratic party approved Mayor
Lane's administration was for him to
have become a candidate for renomlna-
He cannot plead .the baby act wlt
any effect, favorable to himself, by say-'
ing or permitting "Lis, Boosters to ory
from the nousetopf that the chairman
of the Democratic central committee or
any one else "shoved" him aside or
tricked him out of the nomination. .
. '' The Democratic party of Portland has
demonstrated to the satisfaction of thla
cqmmuntty that It Is a party that stands
for, decency ana enroroemeni oi uiw,
and. never more .than In its selection of
George H. Thomas as Its candidate for
mayor of Portland.
, Mr. Thomas Is a man who has main'
talned a long and consistent course, pa
uentlyr vlgwously and effectively work
ing for civic righteousness.
Mayer Leme -paid the finest compli
ment possible "to Mr. Thomas by run
ning snd being elected on the platform
which Mr. Thomas made for him In tbe
primary election campaign two years
ago. ' ' NEWTON M'COT,' . :
- - , H. W. LANG,
' . " A. B. REAM.
- (Special. Dlspatob to The JoornaL)
Corvallls, Orr May. t.At a meeting
yesterday afternoon the hoard of regents
elected W..-J. Kerr, president of the
state agricultural oollege of Utah, to the
presidency of the Oregon state agrlcul
tural college. ' The decision was unani
mous and was reached after a canvas
of .many-important . aDDlicatlons from
various parts of the country. ' " t
Mrs. waido. lecturer of the state
grange, and President Weatherford and
Becretary Wilson of tbe board made
favorable report as a special committee
appointed: for the purpose of making
selection. Dr.iKerr Is still In charge
of the Utah Institution, but wlU, resign
his position there te accept the place
in? vregonu -ji takes charge here at
tbe midsummer , meeting of the board
in July, at which Urn the resignation
of President Catch- goes Into1 effect
Dr. .Gatch will remain In the'-faeulty
or me institution uson the unanimous
invitation of the board to do so.,.';
;i '(Speelai'Ptopateh to The JooraaL)
' Tacoma, Wash.; 4 May S. United
States Engineer Eugene Rlcksecker has
sent a force of 'men to the Mount Rai
nier reserve to open up the roads run
ning up the Nlsqually river valley to
Longmlre springs and on to Paradise
valley In preparation for the tourist
season. Mr. Rlcksecker said today that
a force of men would be kept working
during the . summer on the fine new
road the government is bulldlnar from
Longmlre springs Into Paradise valley.
The snowfall in the Mount Rainier re
gion has been' unusually heavy during
the past winter and this spring, and up
to Saturday evening, whenttia last word
was received from here, no one had
been able to get Into Paradise.. -
YTnnvnal Sm1b1 IwiImI 'j."
New Torlc. May t. After nearly nine
hours' dellbeiation the Jury empaneled
to hear the trial of Baroness Aftlsla De
Massey for the murder of Gustav Si
mon, a shirt manufacturer' returned, a
verdict declaring her guilty of man
slaughter la the first degree and .rec
ommended her to ' the mercy of the
court. The baroness was remanded to
the Tombs until May when sentenoe
will be pronounoed: It was charged
that she shot, lmon at his office on
November It after a disagreement over
her wages. She had worked as a pat
tern designer for Simon. . - - -
morton is strong ' v' '
. roosevelt;partisan
i .. I
(Joonuil gpeeial Btrrtee.) -!.!-"!-"
r Wheeling,, W Va. May I-Paul Mor
' "Maa may work from sun to saa
Imt woman's work is asver ddha," -r-In
order to keep the home neat
and pretty, the children well dressed
and tidj, women overdo and often
suffer in silence, drifting-along-from
bad to worse, knowing- well that
the ought to hare help to overcome :
thj paint and aohes .which daily
ufake life harden. , ;:!:'v:
: . It is to these women that Lydla
B. Pinkham's Vegetable Componad,
made from native roots and herbs,
t.1 1 TmT- iL.
oomes as a Bieaoing. nwaww "iur m.r " aur I w A kl
its are deoressed. the head and back ' MRS. PMKg, LYON
'aches, there are dragging-down pains, nervoatness, sleeplessness, and
reluctance to go anywhere,' these are) only evmptoms which unless
heeded, are soon followed by the worst forms of Female Complaints,
Lydia & Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound
keeps the feminine organism tna strong and healthy condition. Itenres
Inflammation, Ulceration, displacements, and organic troubles. In
preparing for child-birth and to carry women safely through the Change
of Life it is moat efficient ".. ' j ;.r-V'-
Mrs. AngastuLyon, of last Earf, Pa., writes Dear lira.' Pink-;
ham: "For a long time I eaf fered from female tronbles and had all kinds
of aches and pains in the lower part of back and sides, i I conld not
sleep and had noppetite. Since takinr Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound And following the advice which yon gae tne I feel like a
new - woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly." ,
Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to .Women : :
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to
write Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn. Mass. Oat of her rest volume of ex
perience she. probably has the very knowledge that will help joar
ease, . Her advice is free and always helpfnL ; r;;:-S M M-..,v-re ?
(Continued from Page Ona)
f': (Continued from Page Ona)
i . 1 1 ' ' '
placed In the water, and removed to the
barrel after the officers' examination
of It Thursday night The coroner says
the clothing of : the body was soaking
Standard Seeks New Trial. The coroner announces that the boy's
- Chicago, May I. Standard Oil attor-lnose, throat and lungs are filled with
neys argued for a new trial of the CM- j sawdust, and that he was undoubtedly
cago Alton rebating ease today, r I murdered by burial In sawdust
,l '- ' MSssMSRsstssSaMMSNMRMMsaaHesPBMNMi ,J' '''4'.;"-'': 't' ?ls;
Leading Doctors Agree That There Should Be But Two
' Causes of Deatn, viz.: Uid Age and Accident
Wht has latelv been discovered and is now advocated bv lead-
ir rrtnr has been known to the makers of Duffv 's Pure Malt
t TMihiskey tor tiny, years.
I - Disease may be eliminated from the system and man's allotted
three-score years and ten may be reached,in youthful vigor, by
every man ana woman. , . y e
-Duflfv's Pure Malt, Whiskey makes disease a' harmless indis
position easily cured, hence death by accident is theonly excuse for
' r .. l - A ...AJrf:Oft. - ' 1 1 A
anv man or wurnau uui icuuuue o yems ji utc or mute, iiaic anu
. 4 . ' -.11 1.! t'. ...Ill .. s W.-'O' I .
hearty ana possessea oi au nis or ncr jacumea. .
It ha taken doctors, as well as laymen, a long time to realize,
as theyiiov do, what Duffy's Pure Malt-Whiskey , does for the
' ' Dufjfy's Pure ' Malt Whiskey is distilled wholly from -malted
crain by a tnost expensiYfi method which has never been made) pub-
jlC. 'AniS private prowcss.mauica uai.y uuu iiAVOt. lis age, 5UU-
' ness, palatability and f reeaora from those injurious substancesjtound
in other: whiskies make, it acceptable toUhe most sensitive" stomach.
It acts as an. antitoxin on the system,cdestroyand drives "out all
disease fferms, 'quickens the circulation, aids digestion, and strength-
T .:. i''?i!..;tiJ.'..- ...A .1. I - l!U. a! . j
ens tne nean action, it mviuratcs uic, uuuus ncw.ussue ana
keeps the entire ; sy stern-elastic arisi youthful ; thus life is prolonged.
- Thousands of men and .women throughout the country who
are Hearing or have passed the century mark, have testihecLthat they
owheir long life, health and strength to the constant use of Diiffyi
JTire Malt Whiskeytaken as prescriDea. a teaspoontui in a small
i .V ... - .. u . ee j. .. 1 a . '. i ... a J . ..!.". !-
quantity or water or muic, sweeienca 10 taste, oeiorc eacn meal and
before retiring.. , , ,
Ministers of the trosoel and temoerance advocates who have seen
the'remarkable vigor and health of old people who have faithfully
used this great family medicine ana renewer ot youth cannot say too
, much in praise of it. f,u v " .
If you have hot tried Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey write Medical
Department, Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, New .York, and
( ask for illustrated medical booklet, rfiescribing diseases and;, their
treatment.' s ; ' ' ' ' ?, '
r' ' Caution; When ' you ask your druggist, grocer or dealer for
- Duffy's Pure Malt -Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. It's the
only absolutely pure medicinal malt whiskey' and is sold in sealed
bottles" only J never in bulk. Price $1.00. Look for the trade-mark,
. the "Old Chemist," on the label, and make sure the seal over the
cork is unbroken- ' -' ''.; i V , : L
suranoe socletr. who is here - today.
said: "I am a strong partisan of free
ident Roosevelt. ,If he should be willing
to run again there is not the slightest
doubt that the Republican national con
ventlon would make htm the . nominee
by acclamation. - Many believe he can
be Induced to accept another nomina
tion. I do not believe so. I was with
him when he wrote' his determination
not to accept a, third term, as he called
it It was not done Impulsively, and
he meant it"
The dead man -who fought against
odds till a searching buUet found him,
the man of quick funeral and unmarked
grave was Count Otto Von Waldstein
of Austria, soldier, artist and gentleman
adventurer nephew of Cardinal Prince
Wartenberg, descendant of the most Il
lustrious family-In the empire of Frana
Josef. ,;-.?. -'
it is a name max narxs naca to tne
fierce fighting of the Thirty Tears war
and to the great, warriors of the seven
teenth century to. Tiuy ana uustsvus
Adolphus, BastA and Bethlen Oabor,
Mansfield and Pappenheim.
Fond of adventure Count von wald
stein had roamed all over the world. Bad
investments had wiped out his fortune
after ,he came west snd be became eon
neete -wH h- -the government- -reclamation
eervloe, ': He worked in Arlsona and Ne
vada and only a few dara ago Quit work
on the Truckee ender taking. - He .was
on his way Uack to Baa Tranclsoo when
he was killed. - ......
It is supposed that when the country
constable halted him he thought he was
attacked by robbers. He came ef a
fighting' race and was prepared to re
sist. In the, running fight which fol
lowed scores of shots were fired and
finally after an eight-mile chase he wss
badly wounded and kHled himself. The
exhumed body was , identified by Miss
Mary Fitzgerald who knew the count
well. She la positive In her declara
tions. ..." - .---'
(Continued . from Pag Ona)
(Bpedat Olapatek te Tbe foeraaLI '
Castle Rock, Wuh., May Mr Oeorge
Bartlet, a timber faller In " the' em
ploy of the ' Silver , Lake , Railway A
Lumber company, was severely Injured
yesterday afternoon by the limb of a
tree, which fell and struck him on the
head, cutting a deep and ugly ; gash
through the skull Just above the left
eye. He was brought to town imme
diately and received surgical attention.
He is doing as well as could be ex
pected. - ' f.
ton, president or the EqulUble Life -Ai J held In roet - for them until Fowler I
shall reach, the age of 40. 27 years hence. ,
Wnen the property wss acquired by the
CardweUs in 1870 It was worth only a
few hundred dollars at most - Today it I
is worth 136,000 and when tbe grand
sons come into possession It should be
worth, in the hundreds of thousands.
Property Vow Valuable.
', The property Is a house and lot next
to the Vendome hotel on Alder, between
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. It was
purchased by Byron C and his brother,
James CardweU, from Joseph Buchtel
in 1870. In 1899 Byron bought out hie
brothers Interest and in 1908 he died.
naming Herbert W. CardweU as trustee
for the grandchildren.
In April. 1906. Herbert CardweU died i
and the trusteeship was handed over to
Mrs. ! Helen R. CardweU, who . now
wishes-to build a business block on the
place. On the witness stand today shs
said .the ground rent Is worth not less
than $200 and that a prospective tenant
(tarsal Special Berviee.) ' -Parkvllle,
Mo., May 8. William Jew
ell college today welcomed scores of
students snd other visitors come to at
tend tonight's Interstate oratorical con
test . More than a dosen collegiate ora
tors are te engage la the contest and tbe
rivalry Is Intense. The states repre
sented Include Michigan, Kansas, Illi
nois, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indl
ana, Minnesota, Iowa and Colorado,
(Continued from Page Ona)
It is not expected that any sympa
thetic strikes will be declared When the
Iron molders leave their places, but
within a few days their strike will di
rectly affect the machinists who wilt be
compelled to stop work ss soon as cast
ings cease to arrive. From then on the
number of men thrown out of employ
ment will constantly increase. That
the strike wUl be of considerable dura
tion Is more than probable owing to the
fact that 98 per cent of all the . Iron
molders on the coast. are union men snd
It wlU be a difficult task on the part
of the - employers to replace them. -
" it. was only through the efforts of H.
W. Drew, president of the local union.
that a strike was not declared: at their
meeting last ' night. . He advised that
the molders wait until President Val
entine had an opportunity to Investigate
conditions and render an' opinion, al
though he stated this morning that the
men would strike whether so advised by
Mr. valentine or otherwise unless they
could secure a . reduction of hours.
'. - Viae Hours Too Tjong.
"The men are enthusiastic in the ex
treme," " he said, "and they are only
asking for what Is right and just Nine
hours of constant stooping and lifting
heavy molds is- too much, snd the men
cannot stand the strain. Ws are not
asking for money, only a little human
treatment." ' ' : ., yv
The different Portland plants which
wUl be affected by the strike Include
the WUlamette. Steel & Iron works.
Phoenix Iron works, Portland Iron
works, Columbia. Steel company, Oregon
Foundry ; company, Paclflo Iron works.
smith & watson, Heacock a Lawrence.
Novelty Foundry company and the Na
tional Foundry company. .: ,,.! - .., -v
A Friend in Need Al
ways with You.'
JX V Collo, Coaled Tonu, '
; VY Suspected Breath, Acid-'
rlBinr-in throat, Cas.
. belchinf , or an ladplent Cold, tafce a
Cascaret. . ! ... ,i
Remember, all (heso are not merely
Discomforts, but Indications of a serious
' Cause. - 'f':''fi-';'? I":
; , Nip them In the bud eat s Candy Cas
caret. Cascareta don't purge, nor pun-
lah the stomach ;1Ike ' 4BUe-drlvlnJ, 1
'Physlcs."-, '
;They ct IjVe Exercise on the Bowel
( Muscles that propel Food, and that
. saucers the natural Digestive Juices of
the body into Food. - , '
CascaretS'Wird offbr curt, fte fol
lowing diseases:
Constipation Bad Breath
BUiousntss . , HtadaclU
Indigestion , ' Diarrkaa
Dyspepsia ; ;. Flatulence "
Torpid Liver Jaundice
Appendicitis ' Nausea
Colic Vertigo
Worms Pimples "
Piles , Blotches
J such oases a Jlltle Cascaret In time
Is worth flftjr dollars worth of Treatment '
later on, to say nothing of the suffering
'' ' ' '"' ' '
. ' ' '
, .' ' '
Fine Shirts, All Makes
The largest assortment of smart nov
elties shown in the city Ql to 03
Underwear Special
A special of most desirable Summer
Underwear. Tine white I lisle with
Sink stripes. Shirts with long or
alf sleeves. Regular $1.00 values,
special, per garment,
F. fti :: ;
All high-grade : makes in Fine i- Underwear
Teitures are represented in' out Tumishing ;
Goods Department
had offered to pay her 1(00 per month!
rent for a HO.OOO building, which shs
proposes to erect :
.. eturn fot Gaze ef XoKhesv
Mrs Dalton has resided on the place
ever since it was bought from Buchtel.
At the time of Us purchase, she alleges,
it was agreed oy tier two Drotners that
she should remain in possession as long
as she lived. This, she alleges, they did
In consideration or her promise to care
for their mother during the life of the
iauer. . ; ' - ..- v
The tiklng of testimony for .the
plaintiff was finished during the morn
ing session and , the . defendant's at
torney attempted to secure a non-suit
on the ground that adverse possession
for more than 10 years had secured to
her all - the rights In the case. Judge
Sears denied: the motion and the story
(Continued from Psge Ona) ,
general " election, ' This element has
threatened to put me m a hole' if ,i
opposed them, so to order that no mis
take is made l openly indorse Mayor
Lane's administration and sussest that
every Democrat who approves his offi
cial acts, writs In the name of Harry
Lane and make tbe X before the name
st tomorrow's election.
Rev. John Ovall will, leave this eve
ning. for Astoria where he will lecture at
the A. O. U,. W. hall tomorrow eve
W. C. Putter, : Republican candidate
for councilman in the primaries from
the fifth ward. Is lying very HI In the
hospital, whither he ' was - taken Tues
day. A change for the better Is ex
pected today.
Judge M. C George, who has been
confined to his room for some days with
serious attack of the stId. rested vrv
well last night and is reported as some
better today. He still, has considerable
fever, but is no longer delirious. v
The funeral services of Mrs. Lillian
B. Wade, who died at her .home, 303
Eugene street, yesterday morning, were
held this morning at 11 o'clock at the
Portland crematorium. : Mrs. Wade was
the mother of Dupont W. Wade, who
lost his life. In the explosion on tbe
steamer Regulator at St Johns last
year, ' - x
The new 110,000 hall on , Russell
street near WUJlams avenue. Just com
pleted , by the Alblna camp, Woodmen
of the World, was dedicated last night
There Was a large attendance of mem
bers and their mends present and a
very enjoyable evening was spent '
Riots In Northern India.
- jarfil Rpcelal k.nice.1 .
Alfihabad. May 8. Anti-European riots
at Rawalpindi, Punjab.1 resulted In the
entry pf troops to patrol the city. Hin
doos destroyed many houses and much
property. They burned a garage and all
the moor cars it contained.
MUUon-DoUar Plro, J
" ' (Joarnil fiDeelal 8crrtM. ' .
Hamburg, May 3. Warehouses about
tne naroor were destroyed by fire today.
The loss will reach $1,600,000. mostly
on cotton and raw sugar.
discomfort and lossof Business Energy,
, Headaches, Heartburn, Cas-belchlns;,
Acid-risings In the throat, snd Colicky
fedlng are sure signs of bowel trouble
from food poisons, and should bo dealt
with promptly, . ,.'
One Cascaret win stop the coming
trouble, and move on the Bowel load, If '
taken at the first signs. ' ,
' Don't fail to carry the Vest Pocket
Box of Cascarets with you cftnstantly. 1
' All druggists' sell them over tea nhl-.
Hon boxes a year.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
; pany and cover gold In' bulky Every
tablet stamped "CGC" - tBVs
Rogers Stalnfloor - Finish
possesses so many points of
excellence it, is hard to tell
them alL It makes house
work easier; sanitary: easily
cleaned no scrubbing neces
sary; s coats makes an old
pine floor look like new hard-
wood ; easy to apply f costs
less man i cent per square
loot ( tor two : coats dries
quickly; does not scratch or
show heel 'marks, i Call at
our store and let us show
you this magical paint. It
does everything we claim for
it and more. We sell every
.thing you need to paint with
The ratal tore..-.i .
Phone Xtaia 8093. -
It " ' " esMtsk.ssjskfe
W W t I mm
cp, but hai
T much easier 1
mm Jsi you land? Are
. TlyT need of extra money?
ROLLING a stone
down hill is a
al easier than roHIcjf it
der to atop and much
dangerous, Spending money ia
saving it, but where do
prepared for a sudden
Oregon Trust Havings Dank ft
txth sad Waahinatoa Steeets.
Resources Over $2,500,000.00
Kj paid on
A savings
milt PaylnqTfor It
."AnJ this applies to anything you-boy in this
store.. We carry a beautiful line o diamonds
. ' watches, jewelry, etc. You pay us $1.00 a week
nutil paid for and wear it while paying for it.
, WHEN . YOU PAY THEM . CASH. , CalL and
' . look over our stock.: AsIcust our prices and terms. '
r on wnicn we, seu ana uiert compare- these pnees
with others. You wilt find that, we sell, cheaper- -.'i
' than any of our competitors.
- 5
riO' 'S -
354 to 370 Ecct Herri