; THE ORfeGON.; DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1C07. Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion iii these pales will be found on Page 14. San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 MarkctSt, bet 3d I fir 4th AOTEsrnmtcirTS - awd ' tirs- ,P, ,f, SCJUPTIOMS BCEIT, 4 Oregon." when In San Francisco ran have their mall eent In car of The Journal office. ... ARTHUR I FISH. ; Representative. NEW TODAY. $1700House on' ,' Vancouver avenue;' near Going,: lot 50x100, wm rent for ; $15 ; terms, $500 casn east front. : REAL ESTATE TiXANSFERS. R L. Stevens (sheriff, to H. P. Palmer, ; lot 1 and 8. block 40, Sell Wood...,..,. 600 .: ' Pjluu rstw brroom nouse on . - Garfield avenue, near Goins?. east front: Summit Investment Co. , .' - " BUSINESS CORNER Union ; avene ; and , Killingsworth, lot 50x90; only business corner near Piedmont and Walnut Park. tot abstracts, 'title. Insurance or mortgage MM,iiu racine i iti tiui company, au---T railing oiag. . . . Get roar tnsaninc and abstract to real win from tn htm uuarantee at itmi om- psov. nu wssuingioa at, corner necona. .noticeCI; Summit fnvestoieot Co Borthwick and Killingsworth Ave. ' Phone East 5404 'iWHEN AWAr FROM HOME .- OnlM af The Joernsl eaa- obtained ha tnUnmitir rlUrm and tnwna eatelde ef Oregon. The Journal would appreciate tbe receipt ef . report of faller to ebtaia eopiee w paps at an or tneee piscee; rni tit 'iHinTfl-A. M. KhM. VALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Wlla Wfl Stationery Oompanr: Bopara-Hoawall Ooan . it pany; Hotel Daere Hw oianaj vuwm, uiw ' Stand; Central New Compaay. " . TACOMA, WASHINGTON Hotl Taeoraa New . . .'. Btaoa. liv. Hour roan atrsei, ueim-a K.ara Ptoinle'a Newa Oa. ' FEATTLK. WASHINOTON lUlalof ajraad . Nawa Stand; latermtloaal Nawa Atenc ' Navrapapor Wajraa; Hotel Seattle Haw a tana V.mmmrn Nam fin. : SAN DIISOO. CALirORKtA Aatae Jtewe Oooj- paBT, Newepaper Watron. ' . , 8POKANB, WASHIMOTOMJoa W. OrakMl m IJOe UINNEAPOLT8, MTJtNISOTA H, 1. Oaa- . ' naaab, BO Third afreet, atb.. ' 8T. LOUIS. UI880DM k T. iett. tf Oltea ; etreet: Oeorre L. Ackermaa. . W. car. Elithth and Oil re etrerta. - . KANSAS CIT. MISSOURI Toma Hewe : panr, A'twipapr Wafoa. Ualoa .M rln. AnrHMlta tlnlM deoot. ' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS F. O. Maw Compear. ITS Pearbora etreet. DKNTKH. COLORADO-Caloa - Dapoi Haw . staaS. LOS ANOELBS. CAUrORJIIA Ajaoa Kewa Coapanr, Mewepaper Wagoa. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Amoa rtewe Oeta- any, Newapapw Watwi: Bala New Oa. M rRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA M. WbeatJe Kawa Company, Newapeper Wagon) IterA ' Oreer, rerrr oaiuinig; ona r. ... Stay, nol Fillmore atreeij newe vi ewa'Wagoaa. , ' ' v SALT LAKB CITT, CTAH Roaenfeld Htn on. Newepaper Waroa; 0. I Darlaa, Bote Kenrea: Barrow Broa, 49 Weat Saeond atrret, Sonth. ' ' jDODEN. UTAH Gray Kewa Compear. , Depot Newa Stand. - OMAHA. , MEBSASKA Mmarl Hotel Kewa Staad. . , KEW TORE CITT Arthur Botallag, vewa. paper waroaa. NORFOLK. VA. King Ooald. Hawthorne Realty Co. ;TWo fanna to trade. One ll-aer rrurt farm; ona 0-acre, 7 acrea of frutt For Portland rraidenea property. Call 285 Marguerite avenue, 'corner Haw thorne. ; Tabor tit. - ' HELP WAXTEIV-MAJLK. A STRONG boe of 17 or'JS tor aeonring elotbeaj te a' huatleri chance for adTancement. Berlin Dye Werka. 847 Second at. -m WANTED Batlroarfa - reonlre more 1 help: ear mdaatr get rtfl to 7fl per nwnth; can do ;., thta for roB.- Oregon Collage, 0O3 Coramon- HALT1 Intereat In eatabluihed real eatat office; , experhnca not neceeaar. Alexander Laad vv., oo auta at., aear Pine;- , SITUATION WAX'fSP fttillB. WANTED Poaltlon at Janitor or almllar work; . will, be able to do any carpentering worfcJ vmxmmKTj, in connection with poaltlon. o dreaa Chaa. H. Newton. Arleta, Or. . YOUNO man, CS reara of aaa. la dealrooa -of procuring light office work; good experience and , not afraid of work. , iddreee 0 tbi. care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE - FOB RENT IIOrsteltEEriNQ. : "UNFURNISHED bouiiekeenliigrooma, reaaoBabl , rant. li North Unloa are. FURNISHED . HOUSES, tlO Tbree-roora furnlahed Bat. cloae lnt Aa law. Pbona Eaat 16ST. 634 fteventb at. - . WANTED rirat-rtaae man, . Portland, eP triced, tof wagon twite, to tell teaa. coffi epic, etc.; ao opportunity for good pay nonortnRltr for ennd navlne I P"i"fl n ngnt party: etate rerer ence end experience.' Addreea Grand Union i . mia naaningtoa at. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed blda will o receieea o me poatti orcaimw nuuaing ' eommlralonera, atate of Oregon, at the eecn- tlte office. fcMlem. Oreeon. ootll 1:30 p. m Tueeday. May 21. 190?. for faralablng aU labor and materlala reqalredi In remodelliig .and changing old library room, atate eapltol bnildlnj;. Into rooma In accordance with plana and apeclficatlona. wlilch ran- be eeea at tlia Mid exwitlre office, Salem, Oregon, and at tha office of Dek D. Neer, architect. 183H Flrat at.. Portland, Ore (too; alao. blank forma for making propoaala can be bad at either office. A certified check la the eum of ten (10) per cent of bid, drawn to tbe order of F. W. Benaon, aecretary of atate, moat be enclosed with each bid;, the aam to forfeit to the atare or tiregon in cane toe loweet or acceptea bidder falla te qualify with acceptable bond in tiie run aum of me contract price within ten (10) daya aner to Work la awarded, No. bid will be receired after tbe apeclfled time, and no bid win be considered anleaa ..munluf K. .1.. MWtfUJ ..... Attention la erpeelally called to ' "General f fARTNER wanted for good bnatnMa pro Hemaraa in apecuicationa. - . By order of the board of eapltol bo tiding commlaaloaera, atate or Oregon. W. K. GATENS, Clerk of Board. MAX t do chorea and attend bnraea and rowat 4 LADIES', and gentlemen' plain aewtngr mend' wagea $25, board and room. 081 Hood at. Ing and -piece wur. aeatlr done. y is j, , care journal A0ea WANTED Bright boy for offlcd work, about ; . . i prater one living witn parfnta; Unlimited onoortnnltr foe a wldeawalie hnr. who will be ai1eii'' aa rapidly aa capable. Apply adrertlalng department Ellera Piano nouae, w aeuingtoa at., corner Park.' ( WANTED Young man to work In flnlahlng rownu pw opportnnuy. , do Nona rront at. WANTED A boy IS year old at, Wright' ; pinery, ova Huaaeii at. EMPLOYMENT - AOENaES '' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICS . .' FOB MEN. tf North Second at. . Phone Mala IBM. PoitTLANn KMPrnrunae orrira . J09H Morrlaoo at. ........ Phone Pacific 9Vl 7 North Baooad at. Phone Paclfle 100 GERMAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT CO.' for- niahea male help or all kind free. 233V enroaioe wt.- rnoue Ham saw. ;- t BOYS with wheel wanted at one. oio. wortman King. -,: Apply to ! ' RED CROSS EMPLOYatlCNT CO. ' ' togging camp and farm help apedalry. SO North Second at. Phone . Mala 62M. Wa pay ail telegraph chargea. WANTED AGENTS. tloni man a ad wife ore faired: 8125 reonired. I Z. . -' ,n " " " 1V North Unloa aea. wnxBi uaa 'yoa aeii goods T BOYS wanted to distribute elrculare. Orevna viatrltmtlng Co., Fifth and Everett ate. Call SatnMay, 7 a. m. ' ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. Beautiful Souvenirs IB OREGON HARDWOODS. Plain and ornamental wood turning. LOUIS BOHERMAN ; lOIVi 4th Bt, near Balrnon. SEALED bid will be roceltrd at the office of the school clerk, city bail, tip to 13 m. TQfaday, May II. 1907. for beating sad ven- riutlng tha toiiowing acDooi anuainga, via.: The Vernon achool building, Creaton actiool building. Terwllliger echool building. Plana of the bulldlnge and apeclflcatlone of re. anlrementa chb be eeea at office of architect. 834 Eaat Third afreet. All propoaala most be eTfTh7.uurofTl- "Tu'a WANTED FOB PACKERS. LABLERS. tMVarfl mumm tha vivhr tn awteet . n v anlt I If so w need you. Complete outfit free eaeh weekly. Writ for choice of territory. Cap ital City Nursery Company, Salem,. Or. . ONE bustler la each : tow or locslltr t handle medlclaee or aoap: writs quick: big money. R. M. Ptammer. SOO Third at. , WANTED TO RENT. all blda. ... THOMAS J. JONES.' Architect Hawthorne Realty Co. Juet the place for an apartment house. Beautiful,"-hlfh quarter block, corner. Such a house would pay well. Price right. Call 2(S Marguerite avenue. cor ner Hawthorne. Tabor Bit. UNDERTAKERS. Dunn In a. McEnte 4t Ollbaach. aadartakM aae emoaiaera: aaonera m every detalL bnath ana rue. aiaiB aMi. Lay assutant. LADY barber a bop now opaa at 84 Fourth at.; tour cnairf ; waiting. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern! Oa March e, iwrr, i porcnaaed tn property known aa the Willlama Avenue Planing- Mill from me Q.J. Eaton, and I hereby give notice that I I will not be reeponitble for any indebtedness against tb plant made previous to tbat-date. i. vrinier. -.,.... ; MEETTNO NOTICES. M. W. A. BYBROREEN CAMP. B.4AS. meat Wadnaaday evening, Allsky bldg., Ttolrd aad Mornaoa a is. . M. W. A. Oraooa Grape Camp No. S.S7B. Moa day. 17th and Marshall, vialtor welcome. WORK CLEAN AND LIGHT GOOD -WAGES CAN BE MACS PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANT - TWELFTH AND DAVIS ST8. WANTED TO RENT Ronsee. cottages, flats. atom, oincee, roommg-nonaaa. ale. ui lords will do well to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. rnon vx. m. a. B. cor. Sd aad Oak. FURNISHED house to rent, Woodlawn, five rooma; fruit. ' National Traet A Investment Co., Worcester bklg. Phone Main 1877. 1000 FURNITURE of S-room rotiaee. eomplet HUlut-rn,. inciuulllK fw IJinnu, linn vi.".., - balance 15 per month: auiin: rent .ISj- O . lumblan Realty Co., 82H Third sU, room 0. BUSINESS CHANCE! A MAT whe haa aom knowledge of bnylng farm Implement and vehicles and has f 10,OoO : can aecur half intereat in a jobbing boom . having aa established trad in Oregon and ' , Washington. - Thla la flrt-clasa and will , tand cloae Javeatigatioa, ,; Addra X 181, care Journal." . ' . ' " FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOB ' RENT Furnished house. 8.18' Williams ve. Owner would board with tenant. y--,. FOR RENT-HbuSE9. y; STRICTLY modern 8-room cottage.. Sunnyalde; S200 down, balance aanie aa renc, . r. mltb, owner, 818 Commercial blk. . ' ' WE rent m Co. and aell plaaoa. Sherman. Ola 4 AND 8-romn heusea at 1 10: eaat aide,. 84th and Division ata. H. t. raimer. s 6-ROOM bona for rent, $12 per month; atao 8-rnom flat. 14. 1Z4 Knott at. . ruon B.at 2028. j. . . .,.'. FOR BENT 8-room bona; furniture for sal. 88 10th at. one block from wasningtoa. .: GOOD 7-room bouse, with basement, on west aide of river, in good neihhoriioon fzu; win furnish, t.30. ' Also furn tubed hoiiaekeeplns' rooma, flO and 815 month,- .'W4 North 36th at.) W car to 20th, turn aontli half block FOR RENT FLATS. FOB RENT 8-room npper flat, flreplac. fur nace, gaa. cement basement, porcelain nam, bookcases, 123. 13tb and Hall ata. Mala 67T. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED or T-rooiu modern hons. la elty; ao agent; wiu pay cash; stat price, ate Addreea L care JonrnaL LADY detnonatratora, booa-tn-honao.worki sslsry 13 per week and axpenses; abort ' hoore; axnerlence dealrabl bat not absolutely essential. Apply before 9 a. m. or after 4 p. m. W. Paha Co.- 80S Colum bia t.. PR 8 ,Dt wlth 8 or 8-room bona, on term. mm sesar. aoraa if ibi, ear journal. WANTED To bar from owner, mode re hnase. m ... . . . ' i or o rooma, ana ran lot. Close in oa eaet aiae, uurnaid to tiawtborn. west of 20th prererred; atar fan partlonlar and term; muat b a Bargain; no agent. A 188, JonrnaL FOR RENT J flat, .furnished or unfurnished. Pnon Eaat 8055. FOR RENT-STORES-OFFICES. Brickaoa Undartakbie Cm., anil amhalmh,. aoo I siraar at. roosw asaia nnu. umaj aaaJataat. IX)ST AND FOUND.' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Furniture and household good of vafToeacrinrioo Doagnt. aoid and exchanged. lot , in mi at. ataia oat, f J. P. Flnle A Soaa. Third and Mariiam. mtm vriwa ei county coroner, rnon Mala , sWIer-Byme Co.. faneral dlractara. era, i xtau. , East lusa. . uady aaaJataat. NEW. TOD AT. D. E. KEASEY & CO. yieiaht i-'i. ',.'.. ''.:;; Vsr ., .- : FOUR NEW COTTAOES I SipSO $4,000;: On car line, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, gas and electric lights, 'Sewer and city - water, cement basement, furnace. fireplace, etc., fine view of Mt Hood, lots with each house. Terma-to suit. --.'-;.-:v-...:': D. E.: KEASEY & CO. : Exclusive ' Dealers j in Heights Property. Office ori the Heights and 7 Chamber of Commerce. ' Main 2159. A. B. Hematock. fnaerel dlractne. Meat tan, I ana umauiuu.rooii Beiiwooa ti. Lay assistant. Edward Hoi man. undertaker, X30 Third at. CEMETERIES. Lost 3,0O Shares Butte Boys CciiscMated Mining stock, aDmewher between Morrison, Washington. Second and 10th at. - , Please return te Tha Journal office aad receive re ward. WANTED Girl tailor oa coat a and rear. Lautanachlager, tailor, 220 Ooodnougb bldg. I WANTED A family cook: wiu pay 30 a I month.- or mora if service ax exceptionally I good; a people tn lamny. r apply 007 nan-1 dera, or phone Main Mtu. - WANTED Young ladle to atndy telegraphy; poainona at gooa wage wnea auaiiriea. . ure goa College. 008 Commonwealth bldg. . WE haul dead horse and eattl free. Oregon Fertiliser Work, or aotlf Carnev'a VstarL. nary. Foarth and Ollaau ata. Mala 1986. . CAN us 88.000 worth farnitar tbta wsek: blgh. eat price pan i city. Was tarn Salvage Co. Pacific 798, i.WB WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. W "STERN SALVAGE CO.. 827-82 . wastunujuix.. racirit; iws. LARGE OFFICS BOOM. Second floor, brick building, north and onth llsht. 30x30 feet Jn else: also room adjoining, 10x11, for rent in connection; 830 per moat a. Near sixth and ua at. ; PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0RFO0N, 8. B. Corner Third and Oak t. 8H A0BE9. H mile from city limit, an under tin state of cultivation but about U aura, nice 4-room cottng; barn, cnicaen nousci, :, etc! good family orchard of aaaorted fruit in full bearing! Ittinf tria - and - elty -t-t water; fin roads; , good nalfhoorhoodi price 81.80U. .- ' . ,M " t.-UH acrea on 19th at., In heart of residence i; dlatrlct, all- In aaaorted fruit ln full bear. : Ing; adjoining lot aelllng for 500 ad Boot . good putting propoelUooi prlc .88,800 term. - i" L". , looxioo, corner of Eighth and "B". t.--B good bualneaa property; would mak a fine ' sight for tbaafre or hotel; centrally located! . price 8,000; term.' ' ,. New 8-room cottage and eomar ot mod- , ru plumbing throuKhout; corner Olot; choice 7 tocatlim; price 81:800. r . . A sacrifice) S-room cottage nd lot 60x140 feet, for- 81.280; owner leaving town and muat aell; talma; rents for 18.80 per month. , 3 house, on a - large f-erory 10-room , honao. modern throughout, with basement, -. snd 4 fine lota 100x200; desirably located; . the beat Investment In th City tor tit . money. $3,800. 'r- Good lot. aouth frontage on Fifth at., with : ' i comfortable 8-room honae; will rent for $18 pee month; . prlc ., $3,100; , lot akin :, worth that. - , - . ' , ' . Mala etreet bos! ores lot with half hv ; tereat In party wall of a two-etory brick v ; bualm-aa house. In the heart of the brick bualneaa dlatrlct; $4,000. i Ynur choice of 85 lot In Vancouver, Waao, the qbmlng city of Waahlngtoa, alt- ' Rated only $ mile from Portland: a th . .' .' Ooliimfila river, at the head t deep water . aavlgatlon. and In tbe heart of tb richest farming and frnlt raising section on th const; th lot vary la prlc from $200 to $M0 each, nd can be aold oa tb install meAt. plan; we hav large Hat ef both . Urge and email ranche for eale: call and . see us before bnylng. - i ' I , THOMPSON at SWAN, t qtln' Bant bldg., . Vaneouvar, Wash, 1 FOR SALE Lot. hons. hern. T cows, bora, -,r. ""aon. mil route, vdv.Bi $780 boy booa and two lota, cloae to "Xfk. a nld: raith, i?.'L'A 51. ,D5 cold water; 20 foot ur Vi,vn-Sa00 eaah. balance on tlmv - S. FEIOHNER,. " OS Eaat Morrlaoa t. i FOR SALE A 4 room bungalow, with Porcelain ; , www inivr piaster, ooosceaa. window neat and kitchen cabinet built I house; dilngl side and basement: srlce $1,100, Pboo Mala 8818. M.DE.BJ.,rD,l Dw rottog. 89th and Eaat Morrison aad 1078 Eaat Waahlngtoa it,"32a?L 200 dow' '-" ""e a-Tin" A. P. Smith, owner. 818 Commercial blk. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 848 Waan- Inrton at., corner seventh, apt tah-s. Phone Main 2668. Fsmal halo wasted. WANTED Spot cask paid for year fnroltnre. re. rrompt . attention lwya given. 894 saat Clay at. Fbon East luoT. a'iE?IFWCd,,nfiJ T"TM( ,10j ,n'nr kbv. a.w mm .,vw. in oujj csmity i rort : Und which perpetuslljr malnUln and car w una. . nr run inrornratlon, apply to W, B. Mscksnale, , Woreeater block, at. W. M. Ladd. praaldeat. STRONG girl for candy factory. George A. mcnmi compqy, wholesale eonractlonera, 110 North Foarth, Beer Gllaan. ; Cr2I SlDsTla graves, $10; family Iota, . $ to $78. 8uprlntndnt at cmtry, eor , ner of Fremont at. and Colly road. Pbooe FOUND A place to have hair mattr reao-.- vated and returned name day . 828 Front at Main 474. Portland Curia U all gastory. , 0. , Metager. proprietor. ' i .. jw.-, FOUND Bay mare; call en F. F. Gllpatrlck, 1204 Willamette Douievaro, nt. onn ear. LA ROB bnslneea firm daetre woman not under su wno is Troatwortny and energetic: experience unnecessary. Address by letter only, riving toUpboa.' M. Knight, 207 Til ford bldg. , .ir Tabor 208. For fall InformatioB apply te I ' " ' 1 "'' " Frank ScblefcL. 603 Commercial blk, Phoa I LOST Oun-metal watch with fob and locket; 0 IT NOW ; Mnr yroperty that la store to make yen uo&7. We hare It In lota and tvoreafe. ' $2750-7u-rter block In new bualneaa center 'on Hawthorne avenue. $3000 each for two new S-room, oolonlal style, modern house, $1,000 cash, balance terms. - 940O0 Lot on Water street, west aide; sood buy. Remember the rail- road coming on Front -street. ' . 2700 H acrea, I miles by. rail from city; station on ground. 1300 acres bearer dam land 8 mllea from city. U3 ; :K , ".,' fJeader J Sutherland Mala 2828. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. and Agnee Martin to H. L. Ootvln, lot 6, 8 and 7, block 1, Abanda' addl- .Alblna..,.,..... ....... ....$ xoo n.uaci sou aonano imnerty to Mary aaicuaet v uoonor, luuxao reet be ; ginning at a point 80 feet oathat from northwMt corner of block 81 and oa eaat line of Seventh street. In ex. tension and completion of McMillan's addition mo George W. Brown to Soph I Obsen. lot and I, block 2. Woodmar Park...."! 878 The Und; Company of Oregon to Frank 1 Wilson, lot 13, block 11. City View : -v?I"'VJ- ............. 7B iunoaare ua loere uaberkoet to Her- man (.. ana uebecc Kllxabeth Carlson, west H f lot fl, double block 264. Couch addition 1,900 in.aaiioianat company to A. J. Ahrendt, lot 11, block 61. Vernon.... $T8 Charles and Arabella P)e to Charles Stout, " Jotol. X S and 4, block 1, -Mount Hood View.....,,,......,,.." to A. P. 8mlth to J. A. Bundle, eaat 88 1-8 ' rf krt 1 nd S, block fl. Bungalow Glad addition 2,250 Krlatma Ptderaon, administratrix of th r estate of leak Pederson. to Aleck and Pauline Nelson, lot 8, block 0, Feurer a ' addition , t i 023 Lillls and Archibald McDonald to Car rie Kirkley, lot 18, block 18, Soathara Portland ....... ..,,. 1 100 Francla M., Elizabeth G., David 0. and SareptU Eitell Anderson to W. H. Lesb, lota 7 and 8, double block P, -elty 19,900 Portland Cnlveralty Land company to , Nellie Foster, lota 84 and 85, block 174, Unlveralty Park i. 400 L. May and George V. Bate to Isidore Goldsmith, lot 8, block 8, King' Sec- ond addition' . 8,000 Lula B. and Jamea D. Ogden to William risen, tot a, block 25, North Irving- reward full rain: ao qneatlona aaked. dreaa F 181, ear Journal. Ad- GIRLS WANTED Opera tore to wort ea afctrta and oreraua. Lssons given to tnzperlnced. Apply at Standard factory No. X Grand v. and East . Taylor at. - CASH for honsebold good. Savag A Pnan, oao-sai rim at. t'oooe racntl SOU, HIGHEST eaab prtee paid for all kind emnd bead good. Pbon Mala 2111. 83 N. Third. HIGHEST cash prlc paid for second-hand bicy cle., nam w. ,1 DO you treat year money hack, with Intereat, - which yoq bav pUd on lnatallment contracts i for lota oa th peninsula t W pay eaah and aeeum th contract. Ohio Realty Co., 404 Commercial bldg. , LOST Irish setter pup, whit oa breast. Re turn to 427 Present t t, Beward. LOST A rat-terrier, 1 white ear and black ear, spotted. 1 hind foot crippled. 224 H . First at. Reward. Ella Kerens. LOST Gold auggt stickpin, first part ef week. , Return same . to 328 Seventh at. and get reward. ' COMPETENT girl for general housework In family of two; most know how to cook; good wage.. 804 North 84th at. WANTED Girl for cooking and general hooae- wnr. xamiiy 01 auuits; gooa wage. 070 tioyt. 1 GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory Voi s. uraao are. ana awax ley tor x. HELP WANTED MALE. ton 875 ?! ; j yhotta M S117. .40 Bwetland MT. favvihorne Realty Co. A- snap. -' Two fine, high lota, $0x100 feet, on Improved street. South Sunny- ,v aide; f 100 cash. baJanoe $20 per month, 8 per cent Call 385 Marguerite avenue. comer nawtnorne. xaoor oib. OWNYODR 01 H0f.lt ! i Jl Male. Ybiir Rent I r "Money Buy It l For Sale New C-room bouse with full I lot $0x100 with alley, for only $1,600. Terms, $180 down srrd $20 per month, with Interest Looation East 8t. Johns, only, one- block from car line and one 1 block from -Columbia boulevard. Ex- celjent location, fine situation and prop erty -witn a ruture, j Ttou seldom have i . an- opportunity like thi to become a ' home owner, . 600 1.775 278 10 8.000 1.800 2150 , Take St John t. $rt off at Zt St Johaa, Oolnmbla booleward.v " .' ; Hawthorne Realty Co The finest (-room cottage In South Sun nyaide, $0$ feet from -: car j line: - A beauty. Prtoe tl.TOO 11.600 cash. Dal. , ate. aaay, .. Call 5' Mar'guertt ava corn f Hawthorne avenua Tabor 111. Albert Ferhenbach to B. A. 8aion part of aectltm 8, township 1 south, rang 8 east, and part of donation land claim of John Roger, beginning at f point in center of Baae Lin road where aam crosses west boundary of said donation land claim 4,000 Frona Wilson to H. A. Scberraerhom. - lot 18, block 13, City View park John C. Caraon t al. to Security Sav ing A Trust company, lot 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, block 2; lots 5( . 7. 8, 14, 16, 18 and 17, block 7, Caraon Helgbta. Harry Jones Wallace to J. A. Smith lota 24 and 28, block 12, Arleta Park Me. 8 .. J. Louise Sharer to John Carlson, 3 acre hi Seldoa Murray's donation Und claim, section 1, township 1 aouth, range 1 east Willi aud Lena Fisher to Isabella Bot- , tier, lota 8 and 8, block 129, Car n I hers' addition '. P. B. and CUr B. A ret to John Joos, eaat A of lota 7 and 8, and lota 8 and 4, block 70, Portland City Homestead.. Earl C and Grace L. Bronaugh to C. E. Messenger, iota 19, 30 and 21, block 8, ; Arbor. Lodee ............. Chariea J. and Laura C. Sutherland to' George Braun, Iota 8 and 4, block 10, Stanbery'e addition . ............i.. .. . H. G. Jesaen and Martha Jeseen to Dan iel V. Hart, lot 15, block 2. Port mourh V. . . vv C. O. and Katie Bamaln to Carrl A. Wbeeler, 168x80 feet,, commencing at a point 488.7 feet weft And 8nofeet aouth of (ton t aectlon cornel of action 7, 8, 17 and 18, township 1 onth, rang 3 Met, la center of county road r . P. and Genevieve W. May to Emm Richardson, lot 2, 8 and 4, block 3, Carter' addition . F. and Minnie J. Bell to Georg Sehmer. lot 16, block 13. Lincoln Park. Title Guarantee A Treat -. company to Walter Hog, lot S, block 11, Sonth St. John ............................ Title Guarantee A Trust company to O. R. Down, lot 4, block 11. South St. John Oregon Real Estate compaay to Duncan I'. Hbearer, lot o, Pioca aai, itona day'a addition John D. and N. Mabel Hewitt to O. F. Fish, lot 15. block 1. Bungalow GUde. . Hana and Maren Laraen to John Lea moot, lota 8. 7. 12 and 18. block 1. Laraen' addition ....... ........v.... 3,050 WlUtam J. Patton to Robl L. Reld, lot 8. block C: lot 1. block D: lot 11. block R, and lot 14. block B, Green- way addition ........................ Elisabeth Ryan to Kate and John Rue sell, lot 3, block 19, Irving' Harbor View ... ...,.....,. -i.: .. . . ,,' Moon Investment company to C. J. Carl ton, ktS, block 18. Vernon.........,; Anna and M. 8.. Flalibura to-Mary F. Finch, lot 16, block 12, Eaat Port. Und Height .w:.,...v. ...... ....... Joseph snd Mary E. Paqiiet'to fleorge . S. Whiteside, lot 8 and 8. block 120, East Portland Earl C. Bronaugh to Mary Fanning, lot 18,-14 and 15, block 8, Arbor Lodge. .. G. O. aad Margaret Holme to Gnat W. ratersoa, lot 3. S, 4. 0, e and 1. Bprlngdal,- excepttng mU 1-acr tract In northwest corner said lot 7. 3,000 WANTED Stat and ' local m ana sere for a Ing weekly benefit to Its mcmbera; furnlah- Ing free medical attendance; no Cxamlnstkin required. Liberal contra eta to good agenta. American Sick A Accident Assoclstlon, Buf falo, N. Y- - - ; ' - -: WANTED A lady bookkeeper; experienced. , 178, ear Journal. CASH FOB ALL THE FURNITURE WB CAN GET. PORTLAND AUCTION ; BOOMS. MAIN 6068. WANTED A full-blooded fox terrier pap, male. 188 12th t- ,. , . . WANTE econd-hand id-band pocket earner : lo ype-wrlter. . K 181, JouraaL FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Apply OFFICE-ROOMS, anfarnkhaw ronma aad sam ple-rooms for rant. Gaodastigh bldg. levator. A DESIRABLE ealte of office rooma for rent In the Madtooa bldg., 360H Third at. SMALL store with Irving roemei excellent loca tion for shoemaker, tailor or barber, inquire wakerieid, rtle Co., x atar at. HOUSES FOR RENT -FURNITURE FOR SALE. $850 FURNITURE 10-room bona, long leaae. bow clearing foo per month, and a beautirul home; boa too location, west aide; a bargain. Phone Main 970, or call or vgddre Box 05. -Tha Bamond JmtrL . .. -ROOM bona for rent, furniture for eal; prlc fxoo. rnon Mam otb. or can 20s Mill it. ia - r-TTTT -- -r- t ...r...a. .s FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALLROOM aad todgereom, new, with all modem conveniences, oa carlloe, Fhoa Main 896; Automatic A.1S08. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED M1ddl-gd woman for homework. cooaing: must oe reiiaoiei 10 taxe care chll- , dren; wage $88 per month. 824 Jackson at. J np-te-date lck Bd ee1d-nt saaoclstlon; par 1 WANTED for. getferal boaaework, two hi fam ily; cideny -womia prerrrd. Boom 7, Cam bridge bldg Mala 1722. rXn to SEVERAL rjm9 to prepare for Portland pntt- offlee examination. May- 11; few daya only, write racine istate ncnooia, McKay bldg. .V, , GIRL to work In candy factory. North Fifth t. Apply at 104 WANTED AT ONCE A HOUSEGIRL. APPLY 223 NORTH 218T, OB PHONB MAIN 1240. PACIFT0 STATIONERY A PRINTING CO, . 206-207 Second at. Pbon Mala 931. -" We design and Install th moat mod era and tmproved office ayatemet eomplet Una loose leaf filing devices. WANTED Salesman t many mak $100 te $180 per tnoath: eome even trior; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchard: eaah advanced weekly: choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery compaay. Top. pen lab. Washington. :: . , MEN AND WOMEN to lean tbe barber trade in eight "weeka; graduate earn from $18 to $25 weekly: expert Instructors; eatalccve free. Moler System of College. 88 North Fourth t.. Portland. .i WANTED High class' ssleaman for choice ter- . rltorke: hlgbesr commission paid; everything . furnished: eaah advanced tor expenaes. A rare opportunity. Address, quirk, Oregon Nursery, Salem, Or. j WAtfTKD Walat and aknt hand. Hecbtman, 713 Marqoam bldg. Mia WANTED Girl for general wagea. 875 Eaat Eleventh way car. . boaaework: good N. Take Broad- GIRL for general housework : good wage. 138 14th St., between Waahlngtoa and Aldr t. WANTED A woman to do general housework. v 191, ear journal. r COMFORTABLB furnlahed Urge front and ether outline rooma; aoubi bed,- . trsnsleat aad waexiy. is' iniro at. THE Yamhill, ' 881 ' Yamhill at eomar ef West Park Nicely furnished rooma. alntl no n suite; tranaient aojicitM. pacific 1800. THE RICHELIEU, 83 H North Sixth t Bhv gantiy rarnianea; stesm hsat and hatha ' j FOR SALB OB RENT Feed store and chop mm. oomg a larg ausinets. in iiveiv town that aaa bright future. S. K. NotL KUmsth, saue. ut, IN BEAUTIFUL WOODSTOCK ADDITION. . .-V.orjr 8 room, conveniently arranged, nice-looking houae, oa fin AOxlOO fenced Wt In choice bearing fruit tree, rosea and pln' did Uw; good graded (chool. churrhe. (tore and etreetcer near; only $1,000; halt dowa. HOMB LAND CO., 145H Flrat t. ' $1,000 7-ROOM house.' woedboaae, ehlrkea-bouae aBjS naaasaV 1, .a BAa-IAA ..a . . ..... .... to.i,... anruDnery; terms. Inquire of owner, 1378 fiurrag at- WllUm ette station. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS reatdenee, f room. - bment electric and ga flxturea, shade, Urge closets: . roses; auto-honse; one block to car; fine view: $4,800. Owner. Ad dreea B 179, care Journal. . TWO S-room modern bungalow a, new. nk-elr tlntd. window (bade. flxturea, modern plumbing, good location. $2,400; $400 rain. $28 monthly. Pbon owner, Wootflsw 197.' t-ROOM houae, oa carllne, cement walk, elrc- ..re mm, ,4,.uv, easy leroia. vwar Paon Union 2783. ' ' T IRYINGTON. $8. 750 New modern noma, 8 room,' and lara reoeptkm hall; furnace, nreplace; large ttlc; lot 75x100: pretty ln and ur. S?n,7T,lt.I,lL0.I!, M$ 1943. C. C. Sbay, 804 Ablngton bldg. j - CORNER lot with two new cottage In center 01 resilience aiatrict, Vancouver. Waab. ; In com AO per cent net: price $3,000. 0. R. Perolval, owner, 408 Commercial blk. NEW ADDITION Fine lot 60x100. street id feet, near car etation at Lenta, Se fare, only Tak Mt. Scott cr. O. R. Addltoo, Lent,, Or. . , ... ..... FOR SALE Carpet cleaner, beat, largest, most up to oat in tn city; win atana m voice .88 ACRES tn high ata to of cultivation, . 10 hjii east 01 city, 1 miie rrom streetcar line: new building. wU, stream of water, frnlt and berrlea: oa good county road, Ohl Realty Co., 408 Commercial bldg. , nan If taken at one. ear JournaL Addreea B 174. ! MODERN 8-room noose on Eaat 28th t., 86W: i.u pii.iii 1 Daisne 00 payment Of 3 FOR THE GRAND,' 45 H North Third at. Room for ij gentlame. per week and. pp. RENT Cheap. Baltimore hotel dining 1: aood location: runre n kitchen. 801 Hawthorne are., et and of Madison brldg. THE ARCADB, 146H First at., near Morrlaoa. rurnianaci rooma, zse to lis transient. AVI MONEY Anything la printing see Md- eea, uaa rciiowr ismpi. rirst ana Aider t.i upstairs. ' ; THREE desirable front aolte at $ and $8 and a few (lnrle room at $4.60 week. Hotel vaiuv, otxia ibu vmm sis. I THE- best paying grocery tore la Portland; a Doot gi.ouu required.' oin jerreraoa t. $200 BUYS beet located restaurant la Portland. appv kmh waanrogton at. ... WANTED Girl or middU-ared woman for earn eral boaaework; work not heavy. , Call after . 1 p. m. xi Morrison at. WANTED-aaood dining-room girl at 104-108 North Seventh it.; $8 per week, board and room: at one. T.ADV r.achara tnm n.l.,Mn.l r. , oca rr 1 . 1 uiuinf nunifin nIKot acuooi, rrom 1:00 w w.gv. Appiy isi BixtB at., corner Alder. WANTED Apprentice at New York Millinery hJ wain warning, am IQira It, WANTED Young men to study telegraphy! poaltiona at good wage when competent. Oregon College, 808 Commonwealth bldg. MEN and boye wanted to learn plumbing, plas tering, bricklaying, electrical, tradea; free catalorue; pnetttona secured. Coyne Trade Schools. New York and San Francisco. MACHINE chop, electric snd stesm engineer. ing positions open ror young men wishing a . leiru the bualneaa; good pay for beglnnera none but clean young men willing to atudy neeo apply. . , INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCB SCHOOLS, Office 514 McKay Bldg. . ' 1 1 ror extra work In a family EXPERIENCED girl want work by th day. Call up Saturday Bast 4481, or address 450 siawuHirne av. WANTED Glrto to work la paper-box factory. . F. 0. Stettler, corner 10th and Gllaaa ata. A GOOD asleaman and collector; muat furnish horse and wagon snd reference; aaury or commission. oz waeblngton at. MEN to solicit advertising: those with expert ence only need apply. Call after 8 p. m. 218 uwonougu Diog. . WE want a flrst-claila eoatmaker. Tbe S. D. Wllla Tailoring Co., 128H Fifth t. WEget-work-for" our member; pecKl mem- oera. u. 1. m. c. a.. Fourth ana Yamhill. WANTED Operator en--custom eoata: 880' a .wee: tanor Kastern uoat Maker, 203 vumuHcsitu oiag. 1,628 4.6001 SSO r 225 .'225 1.400 id WANTED Boys over 18 yr to work la candy iai-uirr. amen lb nay uo., iota and unaan. WANTED At once. a. flrat-claa painter. 164 Union are. . carriage WAflTEU ooatmsker, aecond claa. bill paid. noioroox a lyeveen, 407 Steam bldg., Statb BOY to work-in candy factory. North Flftb t. Apply 104 WANTED A young man with good choollng . for . exceptionally good poaltlon; wagea $7 .per wee wr sun; must come well recom mended. Address, stating age, reference , ate, to " ; X 400. CARE JOURNAL. BOYS, 18 year of , If energetle and roll- bl, thy wui nv good chanc for ad vancement. Old, Wortman A King. - 10 WANTED SIGN PAINTER. Berger A Son, 384 Yamhill at 100 WANTED Tarn experienced gasoline tagln erector. . Fan-nan , none a Co., 95 First at. 800 ARCHITECTURAL draughtsmen are In demand. A complete aauimmrii engineering course in tha . International. Cortesnm,f,ii,w, c.li. ' , J. . . . IKIHIUI, 1 3 j for aale at a bargain. Addresa H 1S3, Journal. WANTED Girl for housework tn family of 4 adults 1 good bom to good girl; $20 per month. 670 Mill t. r : ' - GIRL for aecond work. Main 3811. 238 King at. Phone TWO Udy preaaen; an'evenlnga; good wage. French Fancy " A Portland Dye Works, 211 Fourth t. ,,, . -tt TWO apprantlceST Portland A French Fancy vje norm; 411 ronrtu at. APARTMENTS Aa elegant and complete np-to- ilst an.ptm.Kt e a Mm. I..I.4I.- ...... to let fumUhed or unfurnished, to deetmbl ro RENT Beat paying rwtauran! 1b the party only. Addre. Q 183. car. Journal. ''JS .ndl THE ELWOOD Newly furnished noma. tuu. I- Peta. Box 01 a, Vancouver, wh, per month,' rial bldg. . H. B. DIokloaoB, 408 Comawr- EXCELLENT residence lot on Ainaworth av. cheap for caahv Inquire S88 Ainaworth ave. $3,500 BUYS 8 acre level Und adjoining O. R. A N. railroad track, near MoatavilU; fin factory alt. $1,200 100x140 feet oa Marguerlt v. eaat facing; aay term. $800 100x100 feet, very rightly, oa O. W. P.; term. $100 eaah, balance monthly. Large eelectton of houae ind lot for aj en favorable terms. - B. J. COWLIRHAW. Main 8887. - ,817 Cemmerclal bldg. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. rtiH kent 3 anrnratshed rooma for email larouj. tJM jerteraon at., near Flrat t. CASH grocery; living room; aplendld location; aomg gooa puainese; muat oe aom at once; reason. Address H 182, car Journal, THREE unfarolahed room for rest. Peifle 788. Pbon TWO unfurnished room for rant. 80 Eaat 12th at. Eaat 8841. A SUITE of 8 room, $9 per month, phen at. Inqnlre at 480 Ste- JF YOU want Batte Boys Consolidated mining toca ( iw, use it uuw , iuii otiice la ntm Esst Morrison at. ' The directors of tb com pany, owing to tb continual Increase of value of tbelr or and th devetnnment work done and being done, have decided to raise tbe price or atock to loc oa May the nth. und may be taken off the marker, even at that price any day. If you want It. get In now. Butte Boy ConoUdtd Mining (., 360 Eaat Morriaon et, $1,850 EASY terms; 8-room, new nrndec house In South Portland on corner lot, 85x87, porcelain plumbing and electricity. See H. W. Lemcke , Co., 8th and Washington at., . Main 530. . 10-ACRB ofchsrd, winter apple, cherries, grapes, strawberries, 8 ' acrea timber; live stream rune thronch place: 8 mllea from city r good bnlidlog: $2,500, terms. Columbia Realty Co., 82 Third at., room 6. ROOMS AND BOARD. THE CABLETON The moat daalrahla remit. hotel la tbe city: It ha tha location! ..ft - .. fnrnlah AtltaIHa nv,m. . In.t. .. , . . (V ' ..cam. B..i, uui ana coia running watr la rooma, and the beat table board that caa be found anywhere. TL Main , 8168. Corner aotu aua Aiaer at. - HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. If your hotel I for- sals, la or oat of th elty, bring It to a snd w will procur trarrhieer without publicity.- Reference Hotel Men' Aoclatlon. . P. L. AUSTEN A CO.. Original Hotel Brokers, Salt 122 -to- 128, Abingtoa bid. Pbone Main 243... B08EDAL8 (the Barrel) eetate), 404 comer tum ana sianison, jnat opened; everything flrst-claa. Newly furnished tbroaghont. I BOOM and board for two young ladle or men, ....nB.kl. . . 1 .1 .1(1. m . . . . ' vMWM.u,, Bwu wniiua. oji,sst aiomaon. A CRACKER-JACK stock hardware, ssth. door ana luipmui.uini price, incmaing hulldlnir $8,000 easbl no trail conaldered; got to give up business ea account of health: If jtm desire good business, her I your chanc. Do not answer unles you mean business. Address v 10, -car journal. HELP WANTED Union Laundry company. m.rwiiHT-. .Tt-i'ti. airai.irtiiirnniiai ,ws..js. 4-mm MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and supplied, mala or female. Tt u. uraxe. zuok Washington St. racine 1370. "ARDMORE COFFEE," 8 pound for $1, that' au, iioya ia. uo., wo nrt t. THE International Corrranondence School can assiat yon to Better postnoa. Cu at their office, 183 Fifth (t, for a circular. DISTRICT AND LOCAL MANAGERS in every county in uregon; eataDiisnao traternai so ciety; all forma of policlee, ages 18 to C5: exceptional opportunity for aeveral men and women to aeon re exclusive territory en liberal contract. Union Provident League, Tllford bldg., Portland. Or. ' : . GOOD Jaequard weavera; good pay, steady work; come at twee. I'enoieton women Mine. 100 8001 PAINTER" wanted. ; Phone Eaat 678. BOY, 18 to' SO, wholesale bona. Addreea la ewa ; nawrinn. wiut, rcierences, , j ibi, cere Journal, .. - - - - '- . NIGHT clerk wanted a the Caloa hotel. pavtai aiavtai 81 Classified Ads In The Journal reach the people Jn the great Oregon country at tha right time. ' 1 ' , ' ' , ' ' '.' - -" . k ' . : ! Rates for. Classified , Advertisements Couni six words to the line.) i One cent a word each -lnaertlon. More than two,inertlona, S cents per line each lnaertion.;. By the week, $0 cents per tine days).. ' .. , -' Mo advertisement taken for less than II cants. , t,;: t a ':t-.:.'K,ix f . ":: '; i;: :'- y , WANTED Children it.,,, north. , to care for. $26 Isabel CHILDREN'S print borne; mother' cr. East 16th t. . 1 41 WANTED Two gentlemen boarder: room and urcasisst, so wees., rnone aaat ay 71. . 8-ROOM rooming-house on Gllaan t.. ehean IFOR SALE BY OWNER Corner grocery and -' - .7r ' " ; . ..w.. .. m s.nsrai mer. i-usnuiw iiuri no niiuoeition! rtiMr. ..... or.wouiQ sen Kit ann atore building with - - " mm aoo. .nnrnai FOR RALE 8-room bard finished bouse, with ' 4 nice lota, all fenced and fruit trees; close . to-.Wooilsbck carltne; price $l,flO0f $500 cash, balance $18 a month. Address R. T., Joorual. HOME BUYERS. LOOK AT THESE: 'V $1,600 bur tbla eleaant new 8-room moder . cottage: this la a 'perfect borne with every conveniences nothing to do but more In; close to car: $500 eaah. balance $15 per month. $1,600, for thla 8-room plaatered bouae: frnlr, , berrlea. lot 50x100; $200 eaab, balance $30 month t 6 pea-ent. $1.150 8-room modem brnise. corner lot 6O1 100 1200 cash, balance $18 per month. DIAMOND REALTY CO.. 363 Alder et., room 10m. ANOTHER BARGAIN-11 acrea, mostlyj rood boos and bam. fin MlLi cheap. Tb Title A Abstract Co.. . Mulkey old. Second aad Mot ilorrlso at. 8-ROOM , colonial bonsa, $2,800; $500 cash, $25 monthly. I'roo East 073, . KICELY fnrnlshed room for two, with boa'd. private family; home eooklng; , gentlemen,! nrBicrrao, i iiwui lutn at. I'noo Pacific I awn. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.60 WEEK CP Large, clean tarnished boa. xeeplng-roome, Unndry and bath. 184 8bt man at... aoutn, t-oniana. ;.. " LOOK" AT THIS. Th beat stock of grocerlee on .m. to exchange for realdence property; must be uj gufti wui.,vn, v.iuv not to arxceed XX. 000 It wUI pay yoa to InveatUate this v . ... . .1.... n ... - . . v a . . u .uuii.B mj oo, care rfournnl. GROCBRY AT INVOtrK ' Ha four fin living room, basement ,.. aioreroom. gooa fixtures,, rreah atocfc . nA mjiua utw ui.i ran ainnr m ihm..uJ. choice location; require around $1,060; would trad for real estate, of fair rental value; BOMB LAND CO., 1481 Flrat tt. $1.38 WEEK UP Clean Furnished bonaskaep- inx-ruoniB, tiarior. oaui. tannarv. tarns ce neat. j.ru. cu7t oiauuns ev, i u car. j 1 saw v-aoti amait grocery, living rooma: ehean M . , I MM. A ...I.I, i B ,., . . " . , .mm iu... .uiun. r ' u, journal. - walking dtatance from poatofflc. Apply 894 I GROCERY tnr doing a good business; cheep Sixth at. j - 4.'$. 1 rent; will Invoice lor eaah; alvkneaa causa 01 seinng. Aoureae isj, car Journal. FO THREE famished bonaekaeplng-ronma. $18 yard, woodshed, , free phone. Call . Pbone racine xmn. .!.-;: THE. MITCHELL HouaeAeeplng and tranaient raaaonani, : oeventn sna risndera at. TWO room nicely fnrnlshed for housekeeping; ukssv 111; use at . pfwue. 010 mam St. 1 TWO clean housekeeping-rooms ; gas, btb, phone: walking distance. Call morning, 492 tiay x.-.---.-i GOOD ' furnlbd or nnfnralahed hooaekeeplng- v rooms, two tor iw mou in, - xnree ror 15; good 7-room honae, unfurnished, $28; all on weat aiue or nver. appiy a4 North 26th et.; W cars to 20th, turn aouth half block. -. THREE large anfnmlshed' housckeeping-rooma. .. -...rf hath an, I -,1m SIORn dni w,?. T T. wou naw at., comer Meade. FURNISHED hoosekeeplng-rooms; ga and bath. i iwa unnn ava.-1 ... UNFURNISHED housekeeping of nicely fur- Binm .mkiioa twaif ior gentlemen; todera: ae children. 410 Jefferson at, near lithTi M.;l.'V.;V'yP WANTED A partner In well located and fur- nisnea reel estate oirtce. .Addrea p 181, care Journal,.:- . ..,.-...,-.,-'', t. BARBERS, three chairs, good business, well - loc ted; Investigate. Addrca 856 Fremont 'at. Pbone Woodlawn 700. SEVEN new furnished rooma,. 308H Pine it., $450; rent $30. Call and trade with owner. A CHANCE tor good man to get Into business; too much basilicas compels tn to sacrifice , a half Intereat In my atore; good layout to . offer; very little cash required; Investigate '. qnica. ass. ior jocuran, itay uity market, 185 Fourth ... near Yamhill; no triflera ,anwr..;- . $5.00 CASH, bnlaar $4 per month bars nice lot on earllne. Address it lai. care journal. WANT A HOME? Pbone owner, Woodlawa 692." Beat of reasons for telling. " 6-ROOM bouse, tin frnlt. fin location, $1,900. Owner, 818 Commercial blk... FOR SALE Lot 4, block 17. Elbert. $175; $100 eaah. Call or writ 288 Broadway. A NICE 8-room honae. 907 Bast 10th at-, north. $1,600; terms, $500 down, $10 per month, 7 per cent. Trade with owner to house. SMALL chicken ranch, , J. B mu kti rnui:n, an v.r, .uay, Holliater, Commercial blk. $1,100. IF yon want a good home cheap on, easy term ae . 'morn ton, uw rem-TWoooiawn. nav two bouses, one a and one I some mlt trait. ,. , '.: A FINE suburban borne, IB mrantea' ride, neat house, 100x100, garden, frnlt and berries, : $1,700; $600 cash.. Room 29, 26S Stark at. v BUY now, when yon can tak advantage ef the ; svil. wimi ut , tn. ami I. , r.uaia . uo au , the O. A W. K. R. between the rivers; maka : a home for yourself; I am going Mat, mast sell four choice 60x100 lots, improved, BasM '.' I graded. Bull' Run water; .good -car arvl?aakF all room 80, 268 Stark at. See tbe owner. A FINE Income-bearing- property at St Johns. pya i per cent net) leaeen ror long time; flnancUl difficulty: must MllMS. son , n A an 29,08 Stark t. " . ' . POWLINO , alley ' In Vancouver for sale at a -mvi.iiva, pt,w, w.m au VMU)nj."tSt4 f1Jt, Nnrtbwestera Realty Co.,. 811 Commercial blk -ror 404 Waahlngtoa t.. . Vancouver, Wash. REAL ESTATE OPENING. : Downtown, - ground floor . loratlon, sear Waahlngtoa at; good leas at low rantf al Inolude building, la and business, F ita. car Journal. r ..;-'' .--. - FINE. 8-room plastered boa, St. Johns, 50x100 lot, $1,8501 term. bU cash. Boot 3. 208 Stark t. -',,",,;....!"..--(-..,, v..s .. FURNISHED houae for rent, 7 room, aleely : furnUbed; to rent for 8 month after th 16U; adults: cheap; at St Johna. Boom 20, 268 Stark t. ,'-', .:' . .. . ., A SNAP 7-room house, four Iota, corner, room to ho lid 4 or 5 more tcottagaa: trail fenced: , price $2,200; part down, balance ea tim. $2,390 buy new bungalow; small payment - down, balance $20 or $26 a month. This i an.up-te-dt bungalow, cloae te car. ' S750 bure a houae and two lot wlthta SOS - feet of station. . Thta U a banal. , - -j -: t S. FEIGHNER, . i ;r-: " vr ;. . 413 East MoxrUea ea. :.-i.t, i'',-f a .r ii---c.--i.;.:l-;-i:.a?'VJ-i';' i 33 I ' J a fr .( t ,. .... .. ...... i . . vV . ... . . K f l i.