THE OREGON DAICY 'JOtTRMAIi - PORTL'ATJD, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY '8, 1807. SBM J Town Topics 3 II I.: Halite . : ..... .......rt,. HferlA MlJl Baker .,,. ...,...,..,.. .."Tbe Dictator" ......'Beware of Men" 0r"d . mm.......... VanderUle is .................... ."For Motber'a WW Be Open, 'All Day Sunday Ao flttleecln la the dealre of numeroua MHAM MIxlAUl for an nnturlnilt In vast la Ita eharee, the Butte Boys . Cotf eolldated Mining company, Weatberly j i pauaingv io saat Morriaon atreet, haa decided to have Ita offlca open all day : Buaday for the eale of Us atock. The eorapanT'a advertlaementa hava - an. nouneed for a week that the price of anarea would M advanced from 10 cents ' to IB cants on tha mornlnar nf Maw K In eonsequence of which there haa been a tremendous men for atock every day thla week. ., ' In fact Secretary Mo- Aecnme naa Been swamped, and It will be Tuesday before he haa hla dacka ait cleared. Manager . Bever aaya that the . man or woman who la compelled to work all week ought to have an oppor tunity 10 book 10 Better me or her con dition even If a aacriflna muat ha malK and for that reaaon he wUl give all an opportunity on Sunday to be possessed of aa many of the compaWs aharea aa wicy car to ouy. The Butte Boya nvea every; prom lea of beeoming an other Mohawk. If it doea all lta atock boldera will etrtalnly have reaaon to rejoice. In a - lecture before the Ptople'a Forum on "Soma A S. jr. McAllister laat night charged that in unitea Btates aenata waa tha moat roruuti ana aeDaucnen lariaiativa rwuiv e World and cha.llAnv.i in. nn. In the audlenoe to name one man In the anaie wno actually repreeente . the people. A number of apeakera followed. uutung r . a. crown, wno atated that Senator Bourne represent tha people. necauae he la tha only man In the senate choaen by the people of any etate and that all hla actions so far near out the fact that he la working lor tne interests of the people. Sheriff Stevena waa yesterday after noon called UDOH bv the countv authnr- Itlea at Salem to serve a writ of habeaa corpus on Mrs. Lena Kaptahahn, com pelling ner to deliver her t-yesr-old child to the circuit court of Marlon county. Mrs. Kaptahahn la accused by her divorced husband of neglecting the child and leaving it with strangers I while she visited in Portland. The woman heard of the Issuance of the papers and took the train for Salem before she could be served here. The papers were remalled to the capital laat nignt. The husband is E. L. Kaptahahn. The couple were divorced last July. The funeral of William M. Patterson, who died at his home In Mount Tabor yesterday at the age of 82, waa held thla afternoon. William M. Patterson was born In Edwardsvllle. Illinois, In 1828 1 and came to the Pacific coast In 150. He was a veteran of the war of the Rebellion and had been a resident of Portland for the laat 2J years. He leavea the following children:. Captain W. H. Fatterson, James Patterson and Mlaa Louise Patterson. The? Cox)k or should KNO W that his reputation is safe when he prepares a ' cup of Ghirar delli's Cocoa. "He . may be sure that its delicious i fra grace will please the most exacting guest. ' With his owj, breakfast, also ha drinka cap of ; -r. Ghirardelli's Cocoa eM FOR CITY ATTORNEY Obaervatlon Car Dally Trlpa Rose City sightseeing cara leave Second and Morrison streets at 10 a. m. and I p. m taking In the best scenic beauties. Take in Council Crest, tha greatest panoramlo ride in America, fitopovera on Crest and Forestry building. Competent lec turer aooorapanying oar and tells story of trip. Time of trip, Jtt hours; fare. 10 eenta. Baseball! Baseball! Saturday, May 4, t-iO p. m., L. S. Frakea ve. Bralnard clube. Twenty-fourth and Vanghn atreeta. Admission 26 cents. Grandstand free. Baseball! Baaeball! Ornamental treea and eh rubs, Japan manles. acaleas, rhododendrona and vaimiaa. hav trees lntuba for noroh and veranda decorationa. Large atock Juat arrived from Belgium. J. B. Pllklngton, nurseryman, foot of Yamhill, north aide. It la terribly dangeroua to neglect your eyea when they need attention. We make no- onarge ror examination. Small charge for proper lenaea if neces aarv. Geo. Rubensteln, graduate op tlclan, 18S Fourth street, near TamhllL Dr. W. I. Cottel, Republican candi date for the council for the fifth ward. waa nominated by the South Portland Renubllcan club to aucceed W. T. Mas tars. He understands the situation and will repreaent the people If elected. Rabbi H. M. Heller wlll officiate thla evening at congregation novin .eaeca, i..h mA Hail atreeta at 7:30 o'clock. He will be aaalated by a trained, choir of 1J alngera. Saturday services win begin at 9 o'clock in the morning, It seems that Dan Jlellaher is not backed by any Interest. He will have to depend upon tne peopie. ins puduo has found him dependable for two They should nave mat Kind oz or mayor. .. . .. Call Steel,Fue1 company, phone East 424, for choice No. 1 fir cordwood, dry or green slabwood. Prompt deliv ery, both sides river. Office and docka foot of Randolph atreet Bishop R. B. Jones of the Free Meth odist church will be at the Olive Branch mission, 280 First atreet, on Monday evening. May . ,One night only. - Dan Kellaher ' voted against the Fourth street franchise from the first, " He did, not wan unui juai oeiuro eiec tlon. wrv. Tralnln. nf Children" waa dla ...4 h. circuit Juda-a Frazer yester day afternoon before the' Home Training association. The head of the juvenile court aa!d mat tne most suaceptioie - t iA r , x f f 1 f " t " y f ( v - - V" r ' ' ' 1 1 f l ' ; .'r-i' V t?y j f , j ' i " f f n ' ' . a ' i j , ' ( v ,'f iw' . v v 4 v . ' '" r-xfprfjr : 1 l . l i : r " I WILLIAM R. M 'GARRY. That W. R, McOarry will be nomi nated by the Republicans for city at torney tomorrow la a foregone conclu alon. If Mr. McOarry la elected city attorney the people of Portland will have retained a lawyer of standing and not a machine politician representing any special Interest. - Mr. McOarry'a standing aa a lawyer and gentleman la thua summed up by Hon. Willis B. Perktna of the Michigan bench: "William R. McOarry haa been an honored and successful practitioner 'be fore the bar of thla court for a number of yeara laat past. , Since coming to thla city about seven yeara ago to prac tice hla profession, his gentlemanly conduct and legal abilities have com manded the respect and confidence of all with whom he haa been brought Into social or business relations, and It la with the deepeat regret that hla frlenda learn that he la about to remove from this city to another field of labor. "It la a pleasure to say that aa a lawyer, Mr. McOarry'a work haa al ways been of the highest character, being marked by the moat careful prep aration of hla casea and an earneatneaa and seal In their presentation which leavea but little to be eald by othera when he la- done. His practice during the past few years haa included many of the moat Important cases tried In the courts of this state during that time, and, wherever he may determine to lo cate it is the earneat wish of his frlenda and business associates here that he may soon achieve that' succeaa which his character and abilities deserve." age of a child la between the agea of B and 8 yeara, and that during those early yeara he ahould never be allowed to dis obey with Impunity. Steamer Jesse Harkina. fo Camaa. Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leavea Washington atreet dock I p. m. Have you joined the E. Side Ath letic clubT $8.00 entrance fee aaved If you Join thla week. Professor Rlngler, director. Dan Kellaher haa no political man ager. Hla administration will be free front that kind of Influence. F.W. BALTES COMPANY MAIN 165v INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES FOR PRINTING FIRST AND OAK STREETS Why pay more? Metzger flta your eyea for fl. S42 Wash. St., cor. 7th, formerly at 111 Sixth street Vote for W. C. Puffer, Republican and Business Men'a candidate for the Fifth ward. Ballot No. 85. OHIO DEALER IN RAGS ISSUED ODD COINS A peoullar coin la the property of Ed bert Williams, 346 Seventeenth atreet. It la an American coin with the liberty head and date 1863 stamped upon It In the uaual manner, but on the reverse aide la stamped a firm name with an address at Cincinnati. In the center on the aame aide la printed "Dealer In Rags andXoln." Mr. Wllliama haa a number of other Interesting old colna. E. T. Smith of Tualatin possesses a Spanish coin dated 1803. Vote for W. C. Puffer. Republican and Business Men's can didate for the Fifth ward. Ballot No. SS. ... .,,..:,..,:,. -5-V For Sale A few aecond hand Incuba tors; good aa new. 321 East Morrison, corner First atreet. A man'e public record la good evl dence of hla character. Look up Dan Kenanere record. Dr. O. F. Koehler, removed to 403-4-5 Bwetland bldg. Dlaeaaea of stomach. Acme Oil Co. sells the beat safety coal OH and fine gasoline. Phone East 780. Worn an' a Exchange. 183 Tenth atreet. luncn u:so to 3; nuaineaa men a lunch, Eaatmcn kodaka .and supplies. I. Leeaer Cohen, 111 6th, the Kodak atore. Dr. William Cavanaugh. dentist, haa moved hla otnee to 603-4 Buchanan bldg. $3 Oxfords, all leathers, new ahapes. Marks Shoe Co.. 291 Morrison. D. Chambers, optician. 129 Seventh. Berger 81gna 384 Tamhtl Phone. Klaer acenic photoa. Imperial hotel. '.-. . in 1 1 -1. 1 1 , . i;,..:..; Don't naa harsh ' nhvalca. " Tha raan. tlon weakens tha bowels, leada to ehron io constipation. Oet Dean's Regulets. They operate easily, tone the stomach. cura constipation. -. . . GREAT SAVINGS IN GROCERIES For Wednesday. Thursday. Frt day and Saturday sale we present a oargain list that win intereat every family, indicative of the valuea that crowd our atore every day. Scotch Oats, 2-lb. pkg...... .. Bo Fort Stanwlx Condensed To rn at oea, 1-lb. can So Orlffln's Aa't Soupa, 3 cans...B5o Oriffln'a Asparagus Tips SOo Grlffln'a Boston Baked . Beans, 8-lb. can i .;.18o Log Cabin Maple Syrup, pta. BOo Log Cabin Maple Syrup, qta.. .35o Log Cabin Maple Syrup, H gal.eso Lonrr's Preserves and Jama, I6-01. glass SOo Southwell Orange Marmalade. 8O0 Table Blackberries. 3 cans....86 Clear Brook Yellow Peaches, 2H-lb'. oans ISo Washburn-Crosby Co. Gold Medal Flour, per aack, . . , .9100 Seat Valuea In Butter la tha City, D. .C BURNS CO. 10 TBZ3U) ST. FKOJTS XAX3T 613. y-F special interest to the women of Portland is the fact v vthat an excellent class of people is buying property at Rose City Park. This means a social atmosphere that l&vll will be so attractive that all of Portland will be proud to participate in the social gatherings of that delightful part ' of the city. The married women will do well to influence their husbands to buy and build their permanent homes in Rose City Park. We will be glad to have you call at our office any day with your friends and visit Rose City Part with? f us in one of our automobiles. We know you will be pleased with the ride and will also become ac quainted with the city's most beautiful suburb. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce - BANKERS Ground Floor g?aavtei. ew.(; ita r WE SELL CHEAPER ON CREDIT THAN OTHERS DO FOR CASH W A T C H E S ON 0REDIT EASY TERMS Pay a small amount down upon purchasing, then $1.00 PER WEEK. You ipt only save money in buy ing from us, but we also give you the privilege of wearing the WATCH while paying for same. GEVURTZ , SONS : First, Second and YamHill Otm D I A, n o N D S WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF SILVERWARE - CLOSINQ-OUT SALE OBJLDB FAXHTS. STZSKXa, BXVSSS8, STAXaTS ITS OZIiS. We are selling; our entire atock at low cut prices, which we know will causa it to aelL Now Is your opportunity to ret -foofl Paint or Varnlah at low prices. Store for rent., rixturea for Bale. We Axa Oolnr Out of the metail Boalaeaa. . R. N. NASON & CO on aad ratal iUknw,1tTyr 44-46 V. Sixth St, Veat Ooooh St. JOURNAL WANTS PAY BEST HEILIQTHEATRE 4th and Washington Phone Main I Seat Sale Today Amertca'e Beeottful Actraw, Lillian Russell la ta DeUtatful OooMdr. The Butterfly'' afoadar, Tuesday, Wadnasdar, ThurWir Ntfbts, , May, i I, aad a. PRSStow Floor. 13.00. $1.80: Balooey, Beeta BelUof at Taeatra Box Offlca. ' t4tn ana ' UT-tt lit VBCITCtG araahiasloa UUUU lllkninu Hala t, atordar eat laaaay ITkUs, atay 44, . tim -taanaa Irlsb nnwedHwi... MURRAY & MACK la tbe Mutes Farce Oonedy, . ... xiiAmra m rawTi." -v- PRICK8 tower Floor, Hi Baleonyr t5e, fte veuery, ioc, oc- aeata aew feuug ai uteaua, n irrn aariens numuti.t DAHC.H intAIIlt Parmaaantly Loeatfd Tfca Famooa Bakar ttiaa. tra Stock Compasy. . i WUllam Collier's 0t Comedy Bnceaaa. tj Blehard Bardlaa Davta.' One of the fnonleet corned 1m ever written. -PereonaV direction Mr. Arthar Mteltley. " " MetiBoe nattuday. Erenlnf Prlcaa 2Bc aju ooc. Matinees, lie. Me..., Cowboy aad tea lady." " Vest Weak "Tha Milton W. eamaa, Meneg er. , Tha Botna of Tonlfht All Week loiUnt Bit Ibbmbm cf coP..r ta M.tlueea Wedneaday and Saturday n l .hi an weea -oaa uarea Da JUtht, " Picnic at Rcbs.e's Pari. Sunday May 5 BOWUWJ AND DANClsa. GAMES Of AO. KIKD8. -Take Car at Seooad Morrlaoa u. LYRIC THEATRE rertlaad's 9uualmr-ntaA ha lm la.1.' eraoan aad, Zveaiaa- Tata ireek. Zyria Stoak Cemaaay la tha tmaum Melodrane B ' "bsalid Lira." , "rd Beats eta bow be seearad In edTtara ma 10 a. ra. to 10 p. at. Dally awthiees at aaoal.tlm.. Reenliic perfocxaanfea at i:15. Saturday and Saaday erealBfa. tint partes, aace at TUB. . f... "i.,-;.,;-,''..:-.; The GRAND TZIhtiaf atiji ta. Tanderille '. Oa taaa. AhXHXX 0TB, ' PteBtla,"' i The taral thetoh, "After Haay . Tesra aHal Aided ' : Featurei . ... . Xka Tbraa .. ' Taieateenee. ' Ssauad, lnw aa felmeada, Xnily Vioe. The CsMttu. rrwtrla koberta. Araadlaeeae. ; THE STAR Weak ?.?r0 ft... -y THi" AtttJJ TOck CO. Prnt i : . Tie real '! Cnmwlr-rtrasia, 'TO MOIJI' eK." . ' Carrie Aatikr Ciaiaa. Mat Teee-, Thurt- Bf. end Bnalare it f aricee 10 and SO eenta. Ctery emtng el I ! prtrea 10, and 0 casta. Beeer4 if - 1 t 1 !