The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 03, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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Steamer v Aragonia r and
J ' ' ' Monarch .Sail Heavily
V" . " "Laden, ;'vvv-
jPopnlar Craft Will Bo , Replaced by
v the Steamer AJesIa, Which If Now
V Bound for Orient From Europe
.- Ar agon is Goes Home for Repairs.
-Wlth a cargo valued at 1206,441, th
Portland V Aaiatlo liner Aragonla will
' call tomorrow morning tor Japan and
China, v She ta finishing loading thla
afternoon at tha flour mills. Thla wfll
be the laet trip of tha Aragonla out of
Portland, fo tha preaent at' laaat, as
har plaoa ' will ba. taken by tha liner
Aleala, now, on tha war to tha orient
: from Europe. v, -' : v
. The Aragonia'e cargo conalata prin
cipally of Hour, of which commodity
thara ara 47,917 barrel a. valued at $19,
ttt. Moat of it la booked for Hong-
, kong, although a considerable Quantity
goaa to Yokohama, - A feature on tha
manifest,. 1 a shipment of automobllea.
liner Nlcomedla ta due to arrive
era during tha flrat part of next week.
; The British tramp ataamer Irian lion
arch will eat! today for Japan and
China with a cargo of I.SSI.2T4 feet of
lumber, valued at IS4,1Z5. , Ehe flnlahed
ioaaing iat nignt at tna
Inman-JPoulsen company.
Is looking Into the case and promisee I
umnng developments in case the ru
mor prove true, ',v .i,y.-.u ,,, ;v,
Tha collections of tha collector of I
cuatoma for the month of April aggre
gate tl25.lte.77. which Is considerably
aoov tha average. . , l
Tha steamer Charles It Spencer re
sumed . operatlona - this morning, the 1
damage to her machinery having been I
repaired. -.. i -,;,,,, -
'The launching of the steamer. J. N.
Teal of the Open River Transportation
company will probably be held next
Tuaaday Instead of tomorrow as at first
contemplated at Bupple'a boatyard.
Lighthouse, Keeper Finds Racks
. Stamped Bessie K." l ..
O. X Hansen, lighthoua keeper at I
Heeceta Head, la In thaVlty today and
he reporta that coming out by way of
Yaqulnev h found several piece of I
wreckage from tha lost gasoline schoon
er Beanie K, Tha wreokaere consisted
of smaller fixtures such aa water racka.
etc, and all bore the name - Bessie K
m plain, letters. x ', .v-.' .,"
Mr. Hansen Is tha keener who lasted
tne wreck or tha Besele K floatlns bot
tom up off the Heeceta Head llahthOuae I
a lew weeks Ago. Ha says tha vessel's I
anchor muat have dragged because de-
spue a stiff north-went brees and tea
the derelict remained practically In one
poaitton for a whola week. He la fully
convinces mat caption Lasavltch and
crew of eight men were loat when the!
aonooner capalsed. . ; . -
, Aldea'BetM, Am.' bk , at Astoria.
: JordanhUl. Br. b., at Ureenwlcb,' " ' .
(taleuirs, Itnua. str.. at O. R. A N, Alblna.
: Norman Ithw. Nor. str., at Montonar tie. t.
Kra, tier, str.,-at Irrlnr Aixk. ,
Rollpae, km air., at Sh Ulmis.
Klnlta, Br. tk., at Orwnwtcb dort.
I'sUua, Oar. k.. at Columbia Ke. 1. '
Ainls Lartao,' sen.,, at Astoria. .
, Bailor Boy, acb,. at. Astoria.' jfr
ftieirosa, Am. sen., at aaiama. - '
3. M, Oritflth, Am. bkta., at Lloatoa. '
; Lambar Oarrlara Xa Anita. '
. ClamoDd Hm4, An. bk San PadPS., ., ,
E. r. Wbltoer, Am. bk., MakajrsU. - ,
-Rlwall, Am. tbH flan Pedro. , , .
, LUIebonoe, rkm. ech., Uanlla. O
Lucille, Amt ah., Baa randans '
Mabal Gale, Am. nefc.; aa rraaeUee. ; .
Jobs Palmar, Am. bkta.. Sag a'ranetsee,
; Ratrlarar, Am, bkta., San Vrasetaoa. ,
' Slntram, Am. ah., Radoodx '
Aurora. Am. bkta.. Baa Fraaptaee. .. , '
Columbia, Am. acb., Saa rraarlaeet. ,.' r;' '
Jam Rolpk, Am. aea., Baa Padra, v ,
Jnbn Smltb, Am. bkta.. Baa Pedro.
Makavtll, ' Am. bkta., Baa rranHaea, '
Bunta Aoa, Am. atr., Baa Pranalsa,
. Alreoa, Am. sen., Baa f'adro. . ,
KtnllT Am. str.. Baa padr. ; , .
. W. B. Hum. Am. seb.. Baa Padre.
Polaris, Am. aek., Baa Pedro. - "
Uttltla, lav seb., Baa rraadato. .''--..
Marlel. Am. sch., Ban rYaaclaoo. ' ' ;
J. B. Btatsoa, Am. str.. Baa rranetaea. -Tiverton.
A 81. atrn Baa Pranelsco. ' ,
Wm. Olssn, seb.. Baa rtanciaco.
Palar Freeman. Am. atr.. Baa rraadsa.
tren. Am. sell., Ban Pranelaeo.
V viratuiM, aim. vch., rnnciim
Churchill, Am. acb., Baa rranctaeo. i-
Ea Snt WIU Oemeat aad Oaaarml. ' .
Buoclaoch,, Br. b Bambnrg. ' : . ,
Bread, Tr. bk. Holt ' -., '
Conway Caatle, Br. bk, Antwerp, "
ralrnar, Br. eb Hambarg, . . -
Europe, rr. bk., Antwerp. '' !
OeaTlea Mollnoa. Pr. ba., LoaoVia. . . ',
Ren Kerrtitr, rr.h.. Bambars- .'- f
Lacunae. Pr. ah., Bwanaaa. . , -
U Pillar, Pr. bk- Uadoa. v
Martha Boat, Pr? kk Nambors. :' -Woaamblqn.
Br. ah.. Keweaatla, B. '
Samoa, Br. bk., BbMda. ? ; , ' ' m
milja of tha
' i Tha dredge Columbia will ba ready to
reeuroa work next week. ' Bhe will be
gin work by making a fill near Llnnton
for tha Portland Oas company.; , Tha
harbor will be deepened , at the , same
, Tha, Ban Francisco liner Columbia,
Captain Doran, will be at Alnawortk
dock about a o Clock this evening.
.Harbormaster fipeter today notified
tha aklpper of tha British bark Jordan
hill to place a. net under tha gang plank
for tha protection of thoaa going to or
from the craft. The Jordanhlll Is tak
ing ballaat at Greenwich dock prepara
tory to loading lumber. ,
Tha 43efrnan--bark-IaUus 4oat a num
ber of aallors yesterday afternoon and
It Is said that they were enticed aahore,
plied with , liquor . and aubaequently
taken on board the French bark Mlche
let, which . left down bound , for tha
United kingdom.' Harbormaater Speler
your babyt . Tou wonder why ha cries.
Buy a botue of Whlte'a Cream Vermi
fuge and he will never cry. Moat bablea
have worma, and tire mothers don't
knew It : White a Cream Vermlfuga rid
tha child Of worms and cleans out Its
system In a pleasant way. Every moth'
er ahould keep a bottle of thla medi
cine in the house. With -It, fear need
never enter her mind. . Prlosj 16c Bold
by all drugglata. y
vAaioria. May i. Balled at 4:50 a. m.,
steamer Nome City for San Francisco,
Arrived st ( : and left up at ,1:80.
steamer Columbia from Baa Francisco.
Sailed at 1 a. m.. French: bark Armen
for .United Kingdom, for order. . .
8an Pedro, Slay I. Sailed yeaterday.
ecnooner cnurchill, for Columbia river,
Ban Franclaoo, -May s . Arrived.
Steamers Aurelia and Thos. L. Wand
rrom qoiumbta river. 1 8aUed.v tug Sam
son and barge Washington for Columbia
Astoria.' May l.-Arrlved' at'p. m..
steamer Argyll from Port Harford. Left
up at i:so p. nv, British bark Zlnlta,
Sailed at t p. in., steamer CoqulUe River;
at 1:20 p. m, schooner Sehoma, for San
Francisco. Arrived down at 1:80 p. m,
steamer,. Noma City. ; ... - , . '
Queenatdwn. May 1-Arrlvod Brttlah
Darif ,mvemehir from Portland. '
Falmouth. May t. -Arrived. French
park uarechai Caatrles from Portland. 1
- Astoria,' May 8. Condition of tha bar
ai a a. m., amooth; wind, northwest;
Tidea at Astoria today High water,
4:88 a. m., 8.8 feet; 8:10 - p. m., 8.8
feet; low water. 11:88 a. m. a t nt-
i:t p. m., c leec c
Boroa, - rri, ab., Naweeatla, M. I
Vlneennes, Pr. bk., Glaacow. ' V ''
tfaracbaaj Tama, Tt. bk., Bambarw. .
Villa da Unlbonea. Pr. bk.. Aatwara. j
Onetbary, Pr. bk., Antwerp.'
Pterri Lotl, Pr, bk., Aatwara. ''
Walden Abliey, Br. eh Antwerp.
Oleneaalln, Br. ah., Astwern, . '
Jan Onillon, Pr. brn Lendoa ' ,
Vsrialllsa. rr bk, Leltb. k ,l ,
Goal Bnlpa ta. ftatrtv t
Betan. Pr. bk, Xeweaatl. A.
Col. da VUleboi Marooll, PrbkBewaaatla. A.
Clsrtrdoo, Br. eh Nowcaatl, A.
at. uouia, rr, aa aewcattie, a.
Tramp taasMra. Za Baa.
Do you know the fine
ness of tea or . only the
Tear tracer re tarn year money if pea 4b1
ka8chJUiaf'aBt; weparalai i
Banlar Itnar Ba aa Inba, f
ijoraaiBia, rrem saa PraBeiae....M,..afar
", a" Doo Bay... w..May A
Nlcomedla. from Orient u. a
a . ..... . " : .--..W-...W. j m
r. . .uanrn. mm Baa Frna. and war. Mar a
Roanoke, from Han Pautnt anil . w- u..
Coata Rica, from Baa PraBclaM u.. a
O. W. Klder. from Baa Pedro and way.. Mar 14
Nnnvantia, from orient ................May 28
Jnm HP" 'nn 90
Atoala, from arunt. ........ ....... .....July It
Xartuar Unoi to Saoari.
Ooata Rica, (or Saa Prancloo........l..Uar 1
Aragonla, rot orient. ..May
Colombia, for Saa Francisco....,, Mar 0
Alliance, for Coo' Bay. ...........Mar T
Roanoke, tor Baa Pedro and way May's
P. A. Kllbnra. for Baa Praa. and ... a
Nleomedla. (or orient..,.. ......... ...May II
Geo. W. Elder, (or Baa Padre and way. Mar is
Numaatia. (or orient.. inn . a
Arabia, (rem orient...... ..,... ..June IS
Aleala, (or orient...... j....... Jul 31
v TmU a rrt. .
Colambla, An. atr., at lAlnsworth wharf.
, Aragonla, 0r. tr.r at (lour mills. ,
, Irish Monarch. Br. str., at Astoria. ' . "
, J. Marhoffer, Am. str., at Wil. iron Worka
TarJ Plkea, Not, atr., at Bainiar.
ByoatM,'Pr. ah.,, at Moatsomery dock Ba, 8.
Dlmadala, Br, bk., st anchor la atroaam,
Kir kl, Br. trH a Ocosnls Sock,
' Mlcblet, Pr. bk., Astoria. '
tola. Br. ak, at Elerator dock.'"'
Ascot Br. atr- Baraea Am. 1 ,
Hyndrord, Br. tr. Baa Trancl . , .
. Uniaaa Mara. Jap atr., Japan. -African
Monarch, -t. strM Baa Praaeiae.
Hercule. Kor. str.. afororaa.
Buatbelyd. Br. tr2 Baa Praaslsa.
Btrathrr. Br. str.. Baa Pranelsea. .
Tellua. Not. tr. Baa Praaouco. '
Tottenham, Br. atr., Cosms, B. 0, -
tiara, not. str., saa rraneiaeo. ..
Maori King, Br.' atr, Bhanaiial. . v '
Kale-tit Templar, Br. atr.. orient. .
Banrlk Ibsen, Nor. str., Saa Praaet. -
. A Handiorne Booklet ,
The Title Guarantee A Truat eon
pany of this city have just Issued as a
aouvenlr of their twentieth annivereary
very nanoaoma noouat conuining
succinct history of ths company and
setting forth an acoount of Ita remark,
able growth and development Tha 11
luatraUcma show -tha- anterior of - tha
company's building at the corner of
Second and Washington streets' and a
number of sxoellent Interior views. Tha
publication Is really a work of art and
la from tha press of J. R. Rogers, 80
First street. , .-V'--,
Copies of this, as wall as other souvo-
nlrs, street maps and views of Portland
may ba had for tha asking. Tha. Title
Guarantee V Trust company. 840-844
Washington street, corner Second- Port,
land, Oregon. , , . . . .f :, .
'yz Brewer Para Finev.' '
- ,' (Joanal- BDeetat
New for.' May 8. William A. Brewer.
former prealdent of tha Washington
Life, .paid a $800 ftna on a pies. Of
guilty -to a charge of conspiracy. The
perjury counts were. dlamlaeed.
' Inrestigate (Chicago. Police. , : ;
Chicago, May 8. The draft secret of
the police department as to the outcome
of tha' city election Is expected to ba
bared. Thirty-nve heada of tha depart
ment were summoned before tha grand
jury toaay. 11 it stated tnat half a
dosen , Indlotmenta have been ordered
drawn up. .v , - . . '
V (Prealdent Portland Safe Co.) '
Candidate top 8anrtUoaa ZTomlnatlon for
A pnalmaas ICaa or a Bnslness-AdmlaV-
. . Istratloa.
The Market Basket
Made in New York
A VOID vulgarity expressed in "loud"
TA ' clothing. Alfred Benjamin & Co. make
clothes only for men of good taste
distinctive in character but never over-step-
1 ' " ' ! "a1-1I !i i
piug iuo minis or -
correct form.'
The merchant in
this city who sells
clothing bearing the Alfred Btenjamin fe Co.
label sells the very best clothing the most
skilled tailormen can produce. ,
Correct Clothes for MenL
! J - ' ' - : Exclusive Agent Here. ,
Buffum & Pendleton, Inc.
311 Morrison St.
Did yen ever stop to think that the
fruit erop la ruined avery year If we
ara to believe every report that cornea
concerning It It's not many years that
tha peach crop of Delaware escapes de
struction, and yet wa see Deiawar pro,
dues about aa many peachea one year
aa compared with another, During tha
paat week they had a froat up In tha
Inland Smplre and the next day tha
crop waa reported aa having been oam
aged at least 80 per cent These early
1 1 reports ara aiwaya exaggeratea ana me
laieai one waa no exception to me ruio.
year ago they had the etrawberry
crop st Hood River ruined, yet the total
figures of the crop of that dlatrlot
ahowad quite an lncreaaa In production.
Tha same thing was trus of apples.
now they re having tna worma eating
up tha strawberries of some dlstrtota
These reporta arrived several days ago,
but have now been denied. The flrat
Oregon atrawberrlea have already ap
p eared in the local marketa, and while
tha fruit waa not fully ripe, It ao far
outclassed that received from Cali
fornia that the two can hardly be com
pared, Tha first ' local strawberries
cams from DUlard and sold at BOo per
one-pound box. California berrlea are
now .arriving la batter ahape. but the
larger arrivals, has forced ' the prloe
down. " ' .
Butter Is again Be a roll lower In tha
retail market. Tha , altuatlon In this
market .la moat peculiar tha preaent
season..; In years heretofore It has been
the rule for butter to drop down below
tOo a pound In the wholesale market, or
8 So a pound at retail. Thla year tha
market la now fractionally, above that
figure, and preaent lndlcatlone are that
It will not go' much lower. According
to one city creamery, a cold storage
operator has offered to buy every pound
of surplus butter at ths present full
market price. This butter will be stored
away ror winter una, wnen irean ous
ter Is eoaro and price high. -
Eggs ara again lower, owing to the
heavy lncreaaa . In the auppllea. cold
etorage operator are busily engaged at
thla tlma in taking oare of ail the eggs
they can pack, tha preaent price being
about ths loweat point Of the year
Cheese Is so high and sesrea that you
don't get a very big silos for 26c. Tha
auppllea . from Tillamook have - been
rather scant in this market thus far
this season, owing to tha trouble in get
ting transportation. Soma - California
Cheeaa Is in market, but is not nearly
as good as that made at home. Sella at
tha aams price, however, on account of
the scarcity of tha local product '
Tha past week has shown quits clear
ly that the Oregon onion seaaon ia clos
ing. Home stocks are now of such poor
quality generally that there la little de
mands Texaa atock la of fairly good
Quality, but is not first oiaaa. it sous
In tha retail market at lOo a pound.
Potatoes remain scare and high, and
now It has been found that oven-with
tha heavy shipments of eastern pota
toes to this market there is not enough
stock in sight at this time to supply tha
demand until the new crop la ready for
market. The aeaaon is much later than
usual, owing to unfavorable weather In
the south and tha flooding of the isl
ands in the San Joaquin and Sacra
mento rivers In California, These lal
snds produce moat of the potatoes of
Asparagus is coming somewhat fast
er from local points. The California
saaaon Is about ended. , It will coat S0o
a can for asparagus of good quality the
coming season on account' of tha
soarctty. . .. . . . , ,.. .......
Sugar continues to advance, and witn
ths opening of ths fruit season ths mar
ket Is firmer than ever. The last ad'
vane was for 8O0 a Back.
Oarden peas are glutting tha market
thus early in the aeaaon. Heavy ar
rivals from California and. high prices
the cause.. Price lower now.-1 ,
String beans ars selling at 40c a
ound in tha retail marketa, and there
quits a fair demand for them at that
prlc. v . .
Yfkafs in , a - Name I
; "That's a dandy cigar; Jim; where'did you get it?" i?
'Just down the street.'!
;: ."What's thevname?"( .i ,,
;"Don't remember the naimoi the brand, but it's one of those
Triangle A brands we hear so much ! about nowadays" r .:. .';
c The name ofa brand of cigars is not in itself importahty?
it only makes it easier for you to ask for the cigar you want; :
' What you wafit whei) yon buy dgara is a have no way of distinguishing other brands ,
guarantee something by which 1 you can of the same manufacturer so you can fight K
, distinguish the brands of one manufacturer shy of them. That's why so many poor
from another so that you can tell the cigars are sold. .)'.
. h .. l ti . '''''if. ..'.,.'.. V ..'' "i 1 A m . a . ' 1 ' ' ' T ai . at a at ' '
I good dgars from the poor ones. . , V " ' 1 ' ' " Ana " 8 1638011 m world why t
V And J youV have this guarantee In the
Triangle A merit mark, : . '
t 1 The American Cigar Company is the one
manufacturer to distinguish its brands so
that the smoking ptibhc may know who
makes the best cigars. ,
Some manufacturers seem willing enough
to hide behind pretty labels and cute
names, and let you take chances on the
you should always look for the Triangle A
when you buy cigars. .
You can understand how every Triangle : :
A brand must tie good vahie, because if
any brand bearing the Triangle A merit; .
mark were poor quality it would not only-
kill the sale of that brand, but would hurt
our whole business. 1
What better assurance would you want
of honest cigar value ? What better rea-
dgars you buy.V When you find one of son that you should always buy Triangle A '
these Irresponsible brands is no good, you " brands? . ; ' - ' "
. If you like a really good domestic cigar we suggest you try y" '
Every box-is now extra-VrTapped-fa-gla
at each end with the Triangle A In red. The cigars are kept
clean, fresh and in. perfect smoking condition until the box )
is opened. - ' ' . T
,v -
... v '
;v it ,.,', . -
To South Portland Voters
k -.''.'::' - , -. ."'":;.(, , ;. . .;; ..
act that I was the first man and
first councilman that got after the Fourth street railroad
with the "big stick'! to have the franchise repealed, turned
into an electric road or at least safety "gates put at the
I ran against several brother councilmert who told me :
to "lay down" that I would get no support. You know
what that means. " j.
On Saturday cast your vote, for a hustling, anti-grafting
candidate; ' , . " -
. - . . . - , . ' , -
31 ) X f FRED T. MERRILL, For Councilman at Large :
(Special Dispatch te'Tb JoaraaU
Hooper, Waah., May t. The eontrao-
tbrs for the Portland Seattle rail
road hare Juat received a arload of
dump carts to M oused; with the atearo
shovel at thla place, also two large
donkev engine and . three fiurler ' rock
drllla. - The ateam shovel Kang began
work Monday on the Conkllng ranch, a
mil tip Cow reek.- MK Conkllng1 came
oot and atopped the work. ; on , the
ground that the Portland & Seattle com
pany had not settled with hint for ths
right of way through his farm. As oon.
aa a aettlement la made the work will
Be reeumed. 7 ?' '
Construction r work on this road has
been delayed all winter: and sprint; by
the lack of equipment, but now the
machinery la arriving for construction
work by every freight iraln.
l XI) I Ai
100i-107 FIRST 1IT.
mTH'UTjiM'0ymrMLtrn.tnm aim'
mi. assrwffin
My w ,111
my Dpb'1 Tea Coy ; i :
(he New York OnlOIIIng Co.
If you could get better clothes than ours by paying the difference in price then ther might be some
.excuse for buying elsewhere for cash. But you can't Yon oot only can't get better clothes; but you'll find
it difficult to get aa good for the same money.. Then agtin--what'i the use of paying cash for yonr ap
parel when youl may have It an4 enjoy wearing, the while you're paying tts at 4 ; A'; tVFFTf "
the rate of , , . , ... .,. ...,..,....,.......,. .sj AeV vL f . s W' t
A fortunate buy baa, brought to n from our j New Y ork representative a swagger lot of chk styles in
handsome covert coats at an underprice. ' Aa we buy, to we sell. They go to our patrons' at a very
special low price tomorrow at $1.00 A WEEK. ' . , ' ' - T ; ,
NEW ARRIVALS IN EXQUISITE ECRU LACE WAISTS, Aristocratic beauties, for $1.00 A WEEK.
Special Sale of Sample Street Srife SATURDAY
Some of the greatest bargains ever offered in Portland, all new, the awtllest convention of style con
ceptions in town. Pay us $1.00 A WEEK. . . . "
A swagger line of new Spring Millinery Juat in. Pick, then pay us a little down and $1J00 A WEEK
:Theiiw YORE orarmiE:co.:'
Your Credit is Good 165M67 First Street
sariiBuevir 6A3rsnAr won cm
. . (Jontnal Specltl Berrie.) ' ,
Boise, Msy -1. Men connected ' with
the case say It VU1 ,-taka - at least a
month to get a jury to try Haywood,
and. that tha Jury when Secured will
hays'" to spend from two" to - twelve
months away from noma. ' There will
be no further' 'postponement. Lit Is ad
mitted that the trial will 'bo matter of
montha. at least four. Securing the
vldene has; tost a quarter f niUion.
Mr. Kavanaugh lauth present chief
deputy to th city attorney, curing
hts five years experience la that posi
tion ne has become familiar with tne
charter and ordlnanoes and the laws
relating to njunldpal corporation. Hla
official record Is clean, and if elected
he will ' glv th' city an honeat and
capable administration, of ita legal af
fairs. Ha will tender the city devoted
service and th important matters com
mitted to his care will be securely
guarded, v He nJoys tha confidence of
his profession and th esteem of a wide
circle of friends and acquaintances. .
, Washington, TJ. C, May I. Orders
were Issued today transferring General
Wood to th command of the depart
ment of the at. extension of which
will be deferred antll after Tart's visit
Sunday Excursion to As foria
Sonday, May 51h For. Astoria ; .
Will leave Alder atreet dock 8 a. arrive Astoria 1 p. m.
Astoria 3 p. arriva Portland 9 p, m. '; -
. Meals served 50c
Main 565, , ,
Ticketa on sale Alder street dock. Phons
" V -'..'.--,', - a
confer .With Wood. General Grant will Th eruisera tnv -
go from the department of tha eat.f ara orderl t tK a
Waatern-wlll succeed Wood am r.r'v I it the 1 ' .i t
to the rhlllrplnss, whsr h wishes to goes to th depaxtsxaat ot th CvUa.1.:.' vLI t i 1