The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 03, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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fosse in Battle With Five Hoboes
on Blind Baggage kills
s Their Leader, 1
Marked Men Stealing Ride on Sunt
, F Train Are Taken for Gang
. of Robbers Posse Awaits at the
i Neit Station. - 1 '
(Journal floectal Berries.) "
.'. Btreator, III., May J. One roan" was
fatally shot and four others arrested 'n
a battle on the Cant Fe California 11m
uea, westbound, as it drew inio mis
city from Chicago last -.light Police au
thorities at Jollet had noticed five rough
looking characters mounting the train a
it wrt the yards there and they com
municated at with the police here,
, It wis feared- thatva gang of train
robbers had planned to loot th express
car, and a big posse heavily armed.
awaited the train.. The five suspecrs
were found on the tender and at the
front, end . of the baggage ear, their
disguised with handkerchiefs. The
posse Immediately closed around them
ana ordered them to surrender.
' The men showed fight and the shoot
ing began. After the leader fell the
others surrendered. -r Trainmen ran
through the cars calming the terrified
passengers and ' warning them not . to
put their heads out of yie window or
go near the doors during? Jthe battle.
Charles Leppard cf Cincinnati was
shot through the spine and is said to
ne dying. The other Suspects rave
the names of William Horner of Chica
go, Frank Anderson of Kansas Ctty,
John Harrison of Chlcgo and ' Tony
Trenausen of Cincinnati. 'They denied
iny intention of robbing the train, but
could not explain why they bad boarded
It They had masked their faces, .they
said, not to disguise themselves, but
avoid the dust end cinders'
0 1 II
V:' '.-,-:T"; :,? . iii i. i 1 1 i. 'SLSt:::Si zs ."
Captain Harry . Elklns Says the
. ; North Pacific Coast Peo-Vv "
pl Are Stayerq.
Vncto Sam's Job i Bigger Than His
: Hired Men Have Yet Reported, Imt
-l He Will " Finish, ' Says Captain
Harry Elklns. 1 . i v "
(Special pltpttefe to The JoonlJ
Albany, of.. - Mar: I. County treas
urer James Elklns has received a let
ter from his nephew. Captain Harry EV
kins, formerly of Lebanon, but now In
the emtjlov of the government as lorw
raan of one of the large crushers used
In the work of eonstruotlng the Pana
ma canal. Captain Elklns want to the
Isthmus about nine months ago and was
first engaged In police duty on the lath
mus. He has sines been advanced to
work in the mining department at aa
Increased salary. Certain portions of
the letter are of general Interest, In
view of the wide variance of the reports
from "men on the ground." Among oth
er things Captain Elklns Says: ,
The rainy season . has lust set in
and the wet weather will make opera'
tlons dlaagreeable for the next six
moaths. " The dry - season began - the
Testify; as to His Qualificd
'f tiorr for. City Attorney,
The undersigned members of ' ths
Portland bar. having knowledge of the
duties and Importance of the office of
the city attorney of the olty of Port
land, and having acquaintance with the
professional standing of John P. Kava
naugh, hereby testify to the qualifica
tions and fitness of Mr. Kavanaugh for
the said position of elty attorney: a
George H. Williams, C. A. Dolph, f.
W. Stapleton, 8. C. Bpencer, 8. B. Hus';
ton. R. 8. Fisher. C. H. Meussdorffer
Jr., J. M. Long, A, EJ. Gebhardt, George
. snepnerd. J. V. Beach, A. I Veasle,
R. L. GUean. William W. Banks. A. C.
Emmons. - E. B. Williams. Ralph HJ.
Moody. Wilfred B. Farrell, W. M. Paris,
F. 8. Fisher, Walter H. Evans. Jerry
Bronaugh, Earl ' C. Bronaugn, Ellis O.
Hughes, J. N. Pearcy, F. D. Chamber
lain. Csrl B.-Wlntler. P. Barbe&n valla.
J. C. Moreland, I E. Couch, Seneca F.
HYIllfa Irlhll V Tltft Ula Allan
K. G. Morrow, H. M. Tomllnson, R. W.
wuDur. a. b. rarue. a. w. Larrertr.
J. Thorburn Ross, P. P. Dabney, G, A.
Johnson. Robert Treat Piatt, Lewie C.
uarrigus. H. B. Dickinson, Russell E.
Bewail, 8. H.-Grubnr,' George W. Cald
well, O. F. Martin, William M. La Force,
James G. Wllsbn, H. W. Hoguo, J. B.
Hoaford, G. G. Gammons, Dsn J. Ma
larkey. Rufus Mallorr. J. E. Ma sera.
J. A. Beckwlth, , a A, NeaV Arthur
Langguth, Martin 1. Pipes. B. E. Ton
mans, William Foley, H. K. Sargent, N.
D. 81mons, 3. C. Veaile, W. D. Free
man. W. J. Makellm, I H. Tarpley, R.
Williams, E. E. Coovert, W. L. Boise,
f rank Motter, A. T. Lewis, Frank 8.
Grant. H. D. Anirell. H. H. Rlddell. E.
tj. uurur,' josepn H. Fare, Frank F.
Freeman, Miller Murdoch, J. F. Cahalln,
Economy 1temsoffcred for tomorrow only and for which.mail, telephone or C..Ot D orders will Iriot be uc-
; Campaign Expenses Purified. .
' Spokane, Wash., May I. The Item
ised campaign expense acoount of W. J.
Doust, Republican candidate for mayor,
totals ofliy. izlo.TBr iO xor. prffitlng ex
tept the 25 deposit fee. Council eandl
lates' expenses ranged from f 10, ths de
posit fee,-to 10.88. i
i m m - ..v. m Ji-ii k..... ITraut Ttnn o T V T
miUUlB VI UBCVIIIDBr WllU "JU"! I""I' 7 . . , ' , a.. . v.
ueisier , cnanea a. tarey, M. Deniinger,
omar c. Bpencer, H. M. Esterly, R. M.
McCann. Walter G. Hayes, E. B. Sea-
brook. John T. Whalleyw Thomas H.
man. J. F. Booth, jGeoge J. Perkins,
Lt. j. naynes, K. K. ontner, R. A. Bui
llvan, E. E. Miller, B. MendenhalL A
F. FlegeJW T. Masters, J. N. Teal,
ueeir tit saner, j. u Taugher, John A.
Lee, - William O. Hale, Claude Strahan,
John F. Logan, John C 8 hillock, E. E.
Merges, J. C. Flanders, W. M. Gregory,
a. k. jnenaennaiv Mcuants Stewart, A.
a. winire. : s ,
while the nights were oool and pleas-
The sanitary conditions on the lath
mus are excellent, since the government
made If so, though many or the- em
ployes out of such . great number are
dally Uken to ths hospital and all do
not recover. What rew north racino
people. there are here SUnd the climate
better than ' those from the- north At
lantis ! sutea-"' '--y v
"The cities of Panama and Colon are
growing and building up In modem
style. -i-.V ,:---"'rt",-.--;,v-.-'.; ,
'Ths building of the Panama canal is
an Immense undertaking In its engi
neering and construction. The, general
impression by thoss In ths work is that
to eomplets the canal wlU require more
years than the late government reports
say but it will be finished. At present
17.006 menare ' on' the work, 8.000 of
whom are Americans; ths others blacks
and Spaniards. The latter are mors sat
isfactory man the negroes. The actual.
big work of the canal : extends from
Pedro Miguel to this place (Baa Obis
po), mr. distance - or - seven miles, sp
bracing the two big outs. -. ''' h
no ,ut tnrougn cuieora pass ana
Bas Obispo it la estimated will require
at least seven yeara Work has started
on the big locks building at Gatun. The
total length of ths canal will bs 47
miles," t . t v ',
(From ths Oakland Herald.)
''In an unpretentious place away out
tn Kan Pablo avenue, not far from Six
tieth street, there 4a a sign of activity
that. is hardly In keeping with its pas-
shipped from India to London, and every taStem OapliailSIS 10 OUng InO
Latest Methods to Creation
of a Home Market
iniDortant clt In the
fn touch with thla little community,
and It Is possible even probable that I
It will make Oakland familiar to, all tbo
On Commonwealth avenue, in Boston,
Ik... lu a -I t An, aa, lia ftf Willlflm T AnvA
r..H.i. v rha iMiiin'.hit naM-fnr 4 - ' (Sneeial DUeetrt to The Jeeraal)
was contributed by the sons of the men Albany, Orw May I. Albany seems as-
ho draaaed the living man at the sured of a large woolen ralll. to he eon-
tope's end through the streets. Istruoted wtfhin a very short time. Stnoe
' A little overr a year ago there -was the loss ef the large mill on the Willam-
1a1a to resi in iww o-m-"". ette by fire a few years ago It has, been
..mUnnUnn-j hi fcSSSTbr mbltloa of eitlsens hers to have it
whose memory will also be honored pyi . ... . . . .w.. a..Kii.ha
future generations, for there is no doubt " '," " "
whatever . about his having discovered for the wool of thl' section, i - ,
t speciflo for Blight's Disease and Dla- A recognised authority declares, that
betes. The Herald is In possession of the Willamette Valley Woolen Mills
racts that enaDie n to state inia au- company will construct a 10-set plant
thorltattvely. It la probable that a hun- here and that the machinery for ths mill
Ired peopU . In this cr fJoae f has been ordered from Worcester.. Mas-
Tact that they are living to the late ,....- , n - A rrudriinn of that
lohn J. Fltop, and however prejudiced "i'a.S
ne may be as to the cufabllity of these city, who Is president, of, the new. .eon-
liseasea, i yet a doubter with an open oern, has been here te perfect arraoge-
silnd can be convinced in an afternoon, ments ror the installation or the mm.
Kxperiencea fresh from the hearts of He stated that his company represented
the people are obtainable to so great a ample capital and that associated with
aumber that Inquiry is soon satisfied. . hlm were strong eapitalists of the east
0nt ?i t.!LS?u?hy., "h,rhn0ut" ' The company plans to establish a re
jlines to permit the use of his name, . .. vM1 ... t
recovered itrom diabetes under clrcum- Jf oum arPo rt"a h ,J
itances that are hard, to believe. v.k . Jt" woolens and will put forth every
A local business man telle us of : a errort to nrmiy estawisn tne aemana
friend of his who Is a physician in a 1 for their good. Toe plans Include a
nearby city, who was stricken . with wholesale clothing house In that elty and
Bright s uisease, ana was h huun oi ths gradual Increase of the mills' capao-
sis mcuimuunj ji - -' Ity .to meet the demand as business ln
siinent and it was decided to trick him
into the use of it, His recovery re-
v Another Dhvsiclan who is a particular
friend of the proprietor of the San Fran
iixn Bulletin, was advised by the latter
fo nut himself on the treatment. Al
thnh hla case waa in the serious
yet ne, loo. vn. mv imuueu wiiii
(he nurability or tne,aiseaao tnat ne
would not at nrat coneiaer iw
Noted English woman Reformer
Makes Last Public Speech f
at BrIdgewate; .1: X'.
London, May t Before a largf. crowd
at Brldgewater house today Lady Henry
Somerset, ' the widely-known reformer,
delivered what will probably be her. last
address in public. The announcement
was made by Lady Henry herself,' who
explained that the fatigue incident to
the many calls upon her have Impaired
her health and that she has found It ab
solutely necessary to curtail her work.
Though retiring from publlo . life.
v,ifhi;4. .711 Rod and Brackets lT ,
...avjaus i&r s. puifv i ,;.-.:.. . j
! , I 1 ne Dpye quanuiy in wniie ana
' iM ' i f '''. DianUace edge and insertion. v3
fx i x v I feet 6 inches wide : and 3 feet 9
inches long. ( All hiadejup and ready to hang. These reg
ular $1.25 and $1.35 values per pair complete with rod to
be offered at the above ' special tomorrow, evening only
after 7 o'clock in our Drapery Department Sixth Floor.
i aDourettes
.'iii 7 ' i .t v it: &i.'tyf'';-'';'?rt .
'.' -' A : SB ; - H4-.'.. '
1 4
5: :r-:.;-y, ";
Aikt cut, ! in the
weathered finish, 1 inches
high,-9-inch top and base.
a substantiallittle : biece
for jardiniere. - Sell regularly 'for $1254 Of
fered for tomorrow at the above special. ; One
only to eacn purchaser.
frf J. "Us?'
Lawn Mowers, Garden HosetReels,
Nozzles, Sprinklers, Grass Catchers
. In the Basement Department (
, Bargains .
in Our
Dept. (
r Specials in jthe. Basetnent
Department ; , y
; "i - a r -' ? . . ; r. ; 7;;: : f: , j I -
Chopping. Knives, special, each.'. . . . . .10c
Three sizes in wood Chopping Bowls,'
special:.. . . ....... :f4 . .V. . ,20c,' 30c, 40c
Large size Clothes .Baskets, special, each. .75c
- Purchasers will be limited to one each of the
above articles.
Oil and Gas
. Stoves
irfll 11 'mi 1 ii li 1 II 1I1 J". JMl' n"MMs.:i n'm m 11 "If ' i 111 r "
Dept ;
tji iTanrv will carrv en her home
at Duxhurst, whsre she will continue to
live, ;: Bhe has been before the publlo
for man years. and is almost as wall
known In America aa in England. An
unhappy marriage led to a separation
from her huaband, and shs determined
henceforth to give herself to social and;
religious work. t Her first publlo meet
ing waa a little gathering of villagers
from her Kastnor estate, to whom she
spoke few earnest words for temper
ance, signing the pledge In thslr pres
ence. From this beginning she develop
ed Into one of the most accomplished
platform - J speakers among ' English
woman. ' ! , i '
The Industrial colony founded by her
at Duxhurst, In" Surrey, Is the pioneer
Institution of Its kind. Women of all
classes iuffering from alcoholism find
there pleasant . homes ; where, among
workrooms and gardens, poultry yards
and dairies, they can forget the old in
fluences whtoh have dragged them
large. '
T. Merrill for counollman-at-
$1.00 A WEEK $1.00
- .(- " ; . am as. , '
Standard Jewelry Co.
(Special . Dispatch to The 7oarnal.)
Albany, Or- May I.- The Linn County
r .... ..IRihhalh Nrhnn1 ihimi iitlon. wh(li Mil
Mrouia noi i am -. ii 7 --- -
rritteal moment, he changed his mind, vened hei Wednesday, closed last even
rhe case yielded; and he has returned to I ing. National Sabbath school (workers
tin practice. u -r a' were In attendance and delivered ad
lumber of Oakland people. A lady liv- duot.d b- Mr. j. w. Bjbs end C A.
ing in an inttnor town, our wno 1 p. - ; -
k.M r at aa VTS1 in W 1 V ; flVlTl Br . IT I wmr v-- v mn j uva-
'A.'' . V. " ful uics-estlona wera ms.da and no
if her Bhrslclan for the East was the methods, of work Introduced. The sea-
neans of saving her life, due to the fact slons were divided between' the Presby-
ihat the new pnyaician caijea-nto me terlan and United Presbyterian churches.
ass changed tne treatment iq tne new (The eloalna rallv was held In the. audi.
ipecinc. i" ""n' 'V V.T. t I torlam ef ha lattef church and1 proved
&&&AlnVil&t.U th best of the session, v ThP work
lalned - .4 of the school, f was maintained, ' was
The writer can give the name of a a great factor in building up Christian
former Southern Paclflo physician who character and a great agent In estab-
a-aa cured or Bright s uisease Dy tne I nehing the moral side of the Bible
ame treatment ; unaer circumstanoes etudent's life. The attendance waa good
ilmilar. to those one , of the-c"" and m11ch interest was manifested. ,The
?b,?,vJ- h?-t'.r.,nIiB .t0 be dec,ve1 ,n local workers report the cessions were
wa nova aean two. letters rrom unvsi-i m .
ilans, both Of whom have had several)
a sea on the treatment witnout a xau-i
ire. '- ' ;:! j : :
Recoveries in an waixs or ure- are
lo numerous toat iney ra eimpiy camur
alive. .
And the pity of it Is that the ethics
f the medical profession are such as to
' fJonruil 8mcU1 Stfrlct .) ' "
T..V1 1 "4g. mm SJ . TPVa. T-V.. V. lla-." a.
.... i i Jinn in. iuar v lies ii uuuhh . airtasTiaa
,reveis tne eany espousal ana aecjara. .-.";-' ".1.1 -mTh, "ir.a-
'iortit this henencent aiscovery. '" ,1 ,,, t , " " v""v". "
.yt New and Oreater Oakland nro. the world Will have Its first Opportunity
ilalm It to the world, carrying hope and of realising the, momentoua revolution
lapptnesa Into clouded -homes along that is quietly but not slowly, trans
wlth her 'own name to 'remote corners formln the Emerald Iala into a land nf
f the earth. Oakland Pally Herald. I abundance and prosperity. There la no
The i.dmlSlw ttdli'-In m.!"
.f the census showing that out Of evei S.rVh Z i,,. Vn. iT ii
(00 deaths from Kidney Trouble ef If"1 or CW . bt " la
.am had H)t'i nia. hiw An the greatest and the most Interesting
terth csn people who have any kind of scheme of : the kind yet undertaken in
Kidney xrouoie anorfl to taae any thing I ireiano. it is essentially an exnimtion
ut Fulton's Renal Compound, the only I of . Irish industries. ' thouah Germanr.
mown- specino for Brlght's TJlseaaer France and several other countries have
Bihtii1-i?.L?toa?tan,-J Jlton ! sent exhibits that are of especial later.
?amoh et WohSi ' '.."co ksis to the Irish people. ' Helther Can.
IffbleCTAlS"1 -"J.Unlted States J. .officially
-rOT-sanrby all druaalsts. ' Trada aun- sssoemt-a wi'.o mr "Diumun. out many
lled by Clarke-Wood ward Drug Co- 'one nd oaughters of Ireland who have
sholesale dru-rlats. Portland. Or. found homes in America are expected to
return on a. visit to tne flia soa aurmg I i
the coming summer, yv
Fred" T.
Merrill '."for councilman
Telegram From Mr. Strain
268 xn . 20 Paid . 8
FK. New Yorke May 1-07
Mgr. Hub, Portland.. Oregon.
V Saorlfloe everything in stock, siuat
haye room, L big stock on the way give my
friends the plain people 'big bargains. "
; " JPAUL STRAIN. ' 31 6po
:Sifle:Wifl le
The telegram from the proprietor in
New York explains all. Sale all day
tomorrow and tomorrow night-
$12.00 and $1 5.00 Suits for Men, dj A C
$16.50 Suits of Scotch " " (Iji: fiJA
Tweed. . . .: . .V:. . . . . V 4)v0
$16.50 to ? $25.00 Suits of imported blues,
blacks and fine W'i $ 1 0 Z(
worsteds .v.. ...... ..vlaWOU
Men's farts ,
$1.50 and $1.75 Workings ' 'QQ'n
Pants ............... ... . . . . . :
$2.00 and $2.50 Vprkin ,
300 Coats to choose from; not one cost less
than $7.15 to $13.50. Your choice
tomorrow at .... ... .. . .
: KfleillSte
$2.50 Box Calf and Vicl, '
latest styles :Cv...;wn.....
$3.50 and $4.00 Box Calfr Vici, J OC
Goodyear welt, all shapes V. 1 00
$4.50 and $5.00 Shoes, guaranteed to wear,
and to be-the most stylish, in flj
different leathers ... ... ..... ..$L00
Special prices on all Oxfords ; . J .
$1.00 Ribbed Underwear . . . . . . , 1 . . ,29c
$1.50 Ribbed Underwear 7.7. . . . . . . . ,43c
$1.50 Blue, Pink and Natural Wool bal- ,
bnggan ,40c
$4.00 Imported Scotch Wool Underwear. 71c
50c Working Shirts; the best on earth ,, . 33c
$1.50 Grade of Shirts . ...... 73c
$1.00 and $1.50 Golf Shirts, beautiful pat-
terns, standard brands: Your choice , . . 63c
75c and $1.00 Neckwear, splendid' assort-
ment 21c
15c White Linen Handkerchiefs, all you ;
want at, ...... ... 3c
12c Sox, variety of colors .. . v '. . . , 4c
25c Sox, all you want of this. year's pat
terns, tans and blacks lCc
Urge, . ,