A Little Ai ' in THE JOURNAL Journal Circulation Erhgs Results. Cosls Cn!y One Cent n Wcrd. - - r n i I,,, i i.r i iijil ii.. i .1 ..u-i... ' ' f '" " " The Weather Fair and cooler to- " night; Saturday fair and warmer. VOL. VI. NO. 51. , PORTLAND, V OREGON, .FRIDAVV EVENING, MAY 3,- J907.-TWENTY-TWO PAGES, , PRICE , TWO 14 CENTS. ' , MBc"'1 AWAITS DIVORCE TO WED 1 liMiwfi . II n n n n i i it ii F 'i - m 'i.i Ihi iLlU ' iu) YBEMQCM1S ffflR IS DKB BIT Official Ptioiaty Nominating Elr 1eniqct'atxc Patty 9 tot Pfccibv , .Poftlandr Oregon, at the P ? ing Election to be held! . . . Jlark Cross (X) Between the Snmber and Nunc IKE LANE IE OF For Kayor. YokforOue, ft. M. THOMAS, , Plan to Write Name on Ballot Meets General Approvalr-Man J De clare It a Duty r.: For City Atditor. Jota for One. DE1CRACY 1 iv oto x, smith, ft Democrats throughout the city pre dict a landslide 'for Dr. (Harry Ine when .the polls are opened' tomorrow at noon. ' From, every side cornea the word that the movement to write the name of Mayor Lane Into the vacant apace -p left In tin Democratic Column la as- 4 aumlng - general proportions and that practically every Democrat in the city who favors the policy of the present ad ministration will follow the plan when negoes to the polls to vote. 1 1 . ,. ' ' A large number of Democrats who have discussed the matter state that n their conversations they , find '- the movement .tp have become very strong, and the prediction la made that the . nomination of Dr. Lane seems certain. It is contended that Dr. Lane 1 the . choice of fully SO per cent of the Dem ocrats of the city, and that If these men had a chanfce to vote their choloe the present mayor would receive that pro portion of the Democratic vote. - The plan proposed gives , the chance, and It Is argued that every man who has heard ' of the privilege granted him by the primary law wilt take advantage' of It and cast Ma vote for D LaBe.-'ii;.K'-r; , r no planned by. Msyof,.'!.';:',' - Mayor Lane has not planned or urged the movement Jt U entirely the work of his friends in the party who are Op posed to the treatment . accorded him by the party organisation, controlled by Mr. Thomas as chairman of the county central committee. Strong opinions were expressed today by many Demo crats who discussed the matter. - I Indorse, the plan most emphatfcal ly," said W. T. Vaughan.,5 "I believe it ts every Democrat's .4uty to ' vote that way, and I suggest the following, to all Democratic ; voters: V There' are four things that every Democratic voter should do, in my opinion: First, go to the primaries; second, write In Harry Lane's name1 on the ballot; third, place a cross In front of nia name; fourth, 'do not mutilate the ballot by scratching off the name of George H. Thomas." -togioal Party Candidate. -"Lane Is the logical candidate of the Democratic party," said Cecil Bauer. "In my belief M per cent ef the Demo crats Of the y wouia vove ior m.a tomorrow If they were r am heartily In favor lined to write his name Tfc on the bal lot and think from rhat I hear that he will be nominated by that method." "I am going to get out and dig for that nlan. It suits me Just right,' was the way a. F. Flegel expressed him- self. DEMOCRATS WHO WANT LANE AS THE PARTTr NOMINEE FOR MAYOR WILL' MARK THEIR -. BALLOTS. LIKE THIS. DO NOT ' f ; FORGET TO MAKE tHE CROSS BEFORE. THE NAME" AND DO NOT DEFACE THE BALLOT B T SCRATCHING OUT THE NAME i Rank and File ot Party to Accept Challenge Issued by Thomas at the; Primaries.; V' ;PF GORGE H. THOMAS. OUST WIDOW TO ERECT 00ILDIIIG Cardwell Trustees Try to Force :X Mri. Dalton From Alder Street Proper - as It . Has ' Become n Valuable. I Possession of the Cardwell property on , Alder etreet between Twelfth and Thirteenth which has been eeeunied by Mrs. Martha Dalton for the past IT years, la being fought for today In the circuit court. The litigants are Helen R Cardwell as trustee of the estate ef Byron ' P- Cardwell, , and i Mrs. , Dalton. On account of the prominence of the partlei the suit has attracted much at tention, especially among the ploneera Of Portland. .5--v Mrs. Dalton, who is a widowed sister of Byron P.' Cardwell, does not claim to-be he . owner of the property, but she claims' Ufa estate and refuses to vacate. . The property waa .willed by Byron P. Cardwell to hla two grandsons, Fowler HT and Oliver B. Cardwell, to be (Continued on Page , Three),. AOSTIIIilll COUIIT Democrats who desire to make Harry Lane the party nominee for mayor have been challenged by George H. Thomas to I go to the. polls tomorrow and Indicate their preference by writing Lane's name on ths ballot. " " ;.'., t..v.'j Those who desire tQ accept this chal lenge must write Lane's name in the blank space immediately below tne name of. George H. Thomas, aa Indicated in the "cut published ; herewith, end 'mast also mark a cross before Lane's name. Two sears ago when Thomas was a Man With Whom' Posse Had a tlon for tnayoir, he received In theprl- . , . . marioe 14$ votes, while Lane received Running Fight at WlHOWS lsle9S. There are now. 4.401 registered laentrfiea as Count OttO Von to parUclpate In the primaries -tomor row. A 'An overwhelming majority of them desire to see Lane renominated and reelected. This can be accomplished If they will go to the polls. ; . voting places will open at noon to morrow and will close at 9 o'clock la the -Waldsteln. , tit .f. SI Oeomat , BpeeUl Serttee.) 1 Ritn "frrmnnmn.r. Vit M.Tha Rmfilnm w- i I evening. A r i WILSON MIZNER. YOUNG HUS- MIZNER. , HIZNER TO WED EDITH CRATER : .' true: The following letter from John Van Zante, who was chairman of the-Demo- The man who was shot to death atlcr)lt0 county central committee In the Willows as Smith, the murderer of John Maroovlch in Oakland, Was not Smith. The body went to a pauper's grave an other unknown from the long, hard road. But that man of the midnight battle and the 'paupers grave has been Iden tified. He bore a name as Illustrious as any In all the history of Europe. He also wore a title aa-tne scion . or one of the proudest; houses In Old Austria. More than that, he was a hero in his own right and a knight fit for the days of old romance. (Continued oft Page Three.) WaftSftt Plain Truth' ot the Zinita's .Voyage Reads Like the Wildest Tale - of the .. . ' Sea fContlmied on Page Te SiBoli Harriman Organizes a Banking Concern to Buy All of Union Pacific's' InvestmentsStock V Goes to Harriman Holders. . i. ': 'ii ' rioonut Boectal BcrrleeA - New; Tork. May J. B. H. Harriman's holding company, which has been In progress of formation for the last six months, has at last token the shape of a banking concern, according to a rumor , in ; Wall -treete.I.t-waj :..reporte44.that , Harriman's attprnc had found a way . of selling aU the investments held by the Union, Paclflo to the banking house Thla banking house, ia to, be Incor porated and the stock will be distrib uted among Union Pacific shareholders ha a- bonus. It ? is to , have authority under Its charter to deal In stocks and bonAw and .transact a general private -inking business: ' It is to be a bank iV- of deposit or discount, but will also. un derwrite securities and sell them, over the counter, doing practically the same business aa Kuhn, Loeb & Ce J. F. Morgan & Co.. and Bneyer A Co, 1 When . H. Harriman waa asked for details of the new company, ha said: "Tou ought not to ask me euch Ques tions," -? He director or officer of the "Union Pacific - company will admit officially publicly that the holding company Is being orga7itzrHt"-privately4hey jo not hesitate to say they believe such a thing will be announced soon. '- One of th first pieces of business the new banking company would do would be to raise $100,000,000 for the Union Pa cific company, . or for itself,- -which would amount to the same thing. It probably would -underwrite -the 1100,-4 000,000 of ths new preferred stock. . For a!x solid weeka champagne, cog nac,,: whiskey and ' delicious cordials flowed like water on "board the British bark Zinlt and there were times when the hilarity reached such 'a height that It was difficult for the officers to get a man at the wheoL - : ' Thla occurred on ' the Atlantic ocean while the windjammer, was making her way from Antwerp to thla port. She arrived in the harbor this morning and made fast at the Greenwich wharf. It is estimated that all told about 25 cases ef liquor were consumed by the thirsty tars. . ; - ... -The Xloattnr Graveyard. The Ztnlta is referred to bv soma of her crew as the floating graveyard be cause of the. many Uvea that she has sent Into ths great beyond, and her voy age u wis port was up to the standard necause enough happened during" ; the 197 days the waa out to fill'a book, covering - almost every phase of sea faring life Captain Swan is so dis gusted with the voyage that he refuses emphatically to discuss It, thinking that ne can thereby gradually erase It from hla memory. And yet he, is not accused of .cruelty or mistreatment, the sailors on the other hand speaking of the cap tain as well as . the mates in as high terms as .could be expected. although they complain somewhat of having been ahort of water and provisions. . This Is not laid at the door of the officers, bow.' ever, and .the tars rather blame the owners. - ... The Zinlta left Antwerp October 11 with a general cargo containing a con siderable quantity - of liquor. -. When three weeks out life on the ocean wave became too monotonous for four of the crew, a British Columbian Indian, Portuguese, an Italian and a French man, and they broached the cargo, by breaking open the forward hatch. Liquor began to flow freely and others of the crew were compelled ' to , accept their, hospitality, v It meant fight to refuse a drink and the desperadoes were tall slx- footers and powerful. " . At one time, so the tale goes, every man was in a drunken stupor about the deck, with but one man at the wheel. Captain ' Swan finally - succeeded In ob taining a promise from the men not to touch the cargo, but the good resolu tions were soon broken, v It was with tears streaming down hie bronsed cheeks that the Frenchman declared he would never touch another bottle, but a couple of days thereafter be was dis gustingly Intoxicated and believed him' self owner of the world and everything afloat, at sea. Mutiny 'Planned. After thia had gone on for a length Of time the four desperadoes began . to realise that the consequences would probably be very serious, ; and so . they planned to kill .the officers and escape td a small cliff that could be seen In the distance. " They equipped the small boat' and had it ready ' for , launching, but I were unable to carry out their ..(Continued on Page Two.) FRfSCO ARE LEFT SILENT BY STRIKING " (Jotrrntl Special Bervtee.) ', '. San Francisco, May J. The strike ef the telephone girls weht1ntoeTfect' at o'clock this morning. Every line In thia city and ail long distance lines hav ing connectiona- here mre silent. . The scale on which the girls had been work ing was from 128 to SSP. They demand ISO for beginners and an Increase with tors who have been In the service a year or more. ' . - The linemen's; unibnr4""whicn-5 bad pledged its support to the operators when i the . latter ' were organised, meets tonight to take action. They will, walk out. It Is reported that girls are being tmi ported from, Portland. 'Los Angeles and other coast cities to take the place ot the atrlklnc operetortv ' 1 campaign of 104 - which resulted in the election of Manning'- and Word, is one among many similar expressions received by The Journal: -.. "To rha Editor of The Journal One would think, at , times, the Democrat! o organisation to opposed to Mayor Lane's renomlnatlon and ,. election. 'That la a mistake. If the ? Democratic county central committee, of, this county, of which I am 'net -end have been a mem ber for about 10 years, were called to gether ' the candidacy of Mayor Lane would be indorsed ' by at least SO per cent of Its members, and bis administra tion-as mayor by not less than IS per cent. v ' . j - - "But there Is opposition to the may ri m VIU.ai;. W4U At Will WAV same element (open town) of our party which opposed the election of John M. Oearln to the United States senate, and the reelection of Tom Word, sheriff of thia county. It Is true this element (not wholly. but largely, liberal') registers its voters aa Democrats, but Its influence In the general election le In favor of the can didate .who .will grant 'privileges..' : , Po Good of city. i "t am not a recipient of the mayor'a honorary paeronage, but X accept the challenge to write the name of Harry Lane and place before It an X upon the Democratic ticket, at the coming primary, election. If It were generally known that- thla could- be dons there would be an inducement for Democrats who favor a decent and economical ad ministration of our oity affairs to go to ine pons tomorrow and vote. It goes without saying, that a large per cent of the ring leaders of this so-called Demo cratic opposition to Df: Lane will vote for a certain Republican candidate, no (urrerenoe who the Democratic nomi nee is. ' I know this to be a fact i "This opposition and lu Influence' will cast from 260 to 400 votes at the primary and not to exceed 600 at the Young ! Husband " of -Yerkes' Widow Will 4 Marry the yttle Blonde Who Threatened ' Breach of Promise SuiL . BABY BOY IfllMiLY : MURDERED Three-Year-Old Child .' I ' .. 'V i- ' ' '. ,., , .... ' Found Dead in Barrel in Yard-Near Home in Cleveland Utile One Not Seen Since Mon- day, Supposed to Have Been : Kidnaped- He Was Evidently Strangled and Then Placed in (the Waterl : v SAY LAIVSOH IS TRUST'S AGEIIT .. ' ... ' r ' . . Wall Street Report Says Lawson Is Now Agent of -the System He Fought and of the Stand ard Oil Company. (Jeanial Special Strrlct J New Tork, May I. As soon as he la free from the loose tie that binds him to Mrs. Char lea T.i Terkes. Wilson Ml; ner, it . la reported, wuu marry , wrna Crater, a beautiful little blonde whom he has worshiped at Intervals for sev era! years. " w -r-v . i i.t-v-; .;f ,, Rumors of the big Ban Franclsoan's engagement to Mlsa Crater have been afloat in Bensonhurst, where she makes her home, for months. Even last sum mer, not long after Mixner'a wedding to the traction magnate's widow, the town . linked 1 their names. - Big auto mobiles in which Mlaner and Miss Crater rode whlased along the bath beach highways day and night, and they were conspicuous figures in many merry partlea . on . the Island at times when Mlaner waa said to bs In the west - ' Miss Crater used to be an actress and ia tne zormer wire or J. T. Bamms, a Denver man. He, It Is said. Is In an In sane asylum on the Paclflo coast At ths time of Mlsner's marriage, when he was making lavish . expenditures : and talking about an unlimited "pay streak,' the girl announced In Denver that she had ordered her lawyer to sue him for breach of promise. The suit .never came to court It being understood then that Mlaner would remain married but a abort time, and that he would wed his pretty blonde sweetheart within a year. "Vi rr-rj-yy:;. -v( .;;. v At Miss Crater's ' home in Benson burst the prospective marriage was de nied today, v "My sister marry that big, low-lived pup!" ejaculated George S. Crater, her brother. ."Why, he never had a chance with her. He has been here as my guest, and they have been together, -of course, but there Is nothing In the marriage story." s When asker what ' he meant by his uncomplimentary .references to,. Mlsner, Mr. Crater said: v"Oh, that's only my affectionate way of talking about him. When I say It, I amlle-Uke the 'Vir ginian."' - '. - 4 . (Jeoraal Bpeeial Serrlet.) ": Cleveland, Ohio, May 8. Alex Hoentg, aged I, the4 child of a grocer, waa found dead in A barrel In a yard near his heme this mornlngJ He had been missing since f Monday. The police worked on ,the theory that be bad been kidnaped. w : --r;;- ' .k :' ;.'!.. v--rThe boy's' body- bore t evidences of murder. On his neck - waa a long red lineas If made with a rope, the side of his neck waa caved In aa If with a stone. The skin on his . breast was loose and there was a long black mark on hla leg. ; :". ,; ' - ;. ; -. ... . .... The .body was found la the bottom of whiskey barrel In -the rear of a store. two doors from David Hoenlgs grocery, by Mrs. 1 M. Leopold. . It was . covered with rubbish, the outer clothing waa re moved, only the stockings, shoes . and drawers remaining on. There were sev eral minor bruises en the body. , Alex was three years and four months old.. He was playing on Monday after noon tn front of hla father's store with his sisters when last seen at 4 o'clock. Indications are that he waa murdered some time Wednesday, or early Tburs- The police are working today on the theory that the boy was drowned in a vat at the rear of the store that waa used for . washing bottles and that the body wag carried to the barrel. The chief of police says he will detail every man en the force to find the murderer If It is necessary, r'v ' ' ' vi ';-.". It' developed later that the body was not in the barrel Thursday evening de tect! vea having then examined It for possible clues. It was necessarily placed there during last night ' The chief of police has detailed a de tective to watch a suspect In the Im mediate neighborhood of the crime He loin OUT HESS DAY IS CUT Portland Workmen Aro Joining in a General ' Demand on the Coast for Eight Hours Iron Works ' Offers to Increase Wages . if Men Will Stay at - Work, but They Say the Nine Hour Strain Cannot Be Borne : at Present."-: : . ', ', .:" '.. '- Faningro -far la thelr-efforta to se cure an eight-hour day from their em ployers, 160 lronmolders In Portland will go out on a strike next week, unless the concession of an eight-hour day they have asked for la granted prior to that time. - The men will walk out whether or not they are orderea o ao, oy Joseph Valentine, president ef the In ternational ' organisation, upon; nia ar rival bare next Tuesday. ' , ' - j The strike, If carried Into effect here. will throw about 1,600 ironworkers, em ployed In various other branches of the Industry, : out of employment and win further result In a general tie-up of the Iron foundries and machine shops, not ; only in Portland, but In other cities along the Paclflo coast Ten local con cerns will be compelled to close down. ;Oesral Coast Movement Three hundred Iron molders in ' Ta- coma refused to go to work thla morn ing because . their demands 'for an eight-hour day bad Been refused, ana word was received at labor headquarters this morning that a strike would be de clared In Seattle and other coast cities unless the Iron molders succeeded In their efforta to get shorter,: hours of labor. ; This concession, apparently, will be refused and It is stated that a. gen-, ral strike will ensue which will affect many thousands of workers between Seattle and Los Angeles. - A. ' A peculiar and distinctive feature ot the impending strike in Portland Is the fact that some Of the local concerns have offered their men 0 cents more per day if they refused to go out . But this offer has been turned down, not because the men da not want more money. . but for the reason that they cannot stand u under the strain ot the long hours.. The strike will not be for . . more wages.. but for the reduction of uwiuvviiivw vjl win ct.ilio. nv I DWI. ..IBC.UHt .v. ... says the boy was probably strangled, I one hour per day of labor. (Continued on Page Three.) ; (Continued on Page Three.) Portland Industrial Workers of the World Con demn President for Remarks the ..(,.. jig. a v . ... ask " " s ': V ' ' t J ; bteunenberg.Uetendants , -;'.. ' -yf.m i'i 1 1 ii i i i President Roosevelt is on the scab list of the Portland branch of the In dustrtal workers of the World. Keso- intlons ccaderanlng the president for characterising Moyer and Haywood aa undesirable olttsens were adopted at a meeting of Local 1 92, I. W. W., last night They follow; To the Citizens of the United States, Desirable and Otherwise: In view of the fact that Theodore Roosevelt presi dent and desirable cltlsen of theae United States, has gone out of his way to jeopardise the Uvea of our .fellow- workers. Moyer. Haywood and . Petti- bone, und thereby abused the trust that said office of president carries witb it and, therefore, said official. Theodore Roosevelt merits the condemnation of all undesirable citizens in other words, workln; men; therefore, be It - .- i T.esolved. That we, the members Local No. J 3, Industrial Workers of the World, of Portland, Oregon, com posed of 1,500 undesirable cltlxans, do condemn the action of said official aa vlclour and disqualifies him for our de sirable list and he hereby placed on our scab list; and be it further "Resolved. Tlut we extend our entire aympathy to our fellow undesirable citi zens, Moyer, Haywood and : Pettlbone, and that we pledge them our loyal sup port in every particular; also we pledge ourselves to know no rest until the class war, of which the Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone case Is but a skirmish, bag been fought to a finish. ; . "E. a NELSON, " ' " - v ' "V P. BAILOR, . A. HUMPHBErr . . "J. "D. SMITH. iXJommlttee on Resolutions. Joorol Special Srrte. ' New Tork, May I. A clrcumstanUal report ., la being . circulated In Wall street that Thomas W.. Lawson, .who has gone to' London to operate In . the copper market. Is acting a the ac credited agent of the United MeUls Selling company, and that while his al liance with -the copper, trust and "sys tem" which he -fought so long and so sensationally la not yet. openly admit ted, it Will htVhin Mi iyil..ln. In Ten don la completed. ' It la said In Wall street that on his return to America Lawson will be the acknowledged agent of the Standard OirrotnimftyTitewsxiirlr announcements in: uXiOndon: -,eoncernlng Amalgamated Copper are like thoss made by the Standard Oil people here. . With the re tirement of John W. Gates and the are and comparative Inactivity of James R. Keene, standard Oil needs some man of vigor . and nerve Uke Lawson to swing the market . ' - - - i Oih I Beauty Queri Closes May 1 The Journal has received word' that it must hasten the close of Its beauty contest, la order that the winners, may participate In the international contest - - - f M . . "... ' 1 The Journal therefore is obliged to close the competition sooner than first Intended, ss It is desired , that an Oregon gkl be given chance to be declared the most beautiful woman in America. - May 10 has been set as the day upon which the contest closes. , . The awards will be made at once thereafter.- If the photos of the beautiful women that you know, have not .been sent to The Jourr -;! ! office, send them at once. ' It is the. last chance, - . M . - . . The Journal is' sincerely desirous of finding the most beautiful woman In Oregon. It has done i best toward this end.;1 It has given everyone a chance. If you know of some beautiful woir;an, it ii your duty to send her photograph in. It will be returned at the dose of the contest. The contest has evoked widespread discussion and interest throughout the state, Nearly aU country papers ' have volunteered to assist in the quest. .t . - The Journal Offers Prizes of $75, $50 and 525 for ; the Three Most Beautiful I'omcn in Oregon 'There is no money in the contest for The Journal How could there be? T International contest simply that Oregon girls might have a chance to C -l:y t world, that the state, should be properly represented with other states. nnoitief0age VJbnzh in ' j 11: s