The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Yovn Topics
1 1 A
TJ1, ,,""",I''"'
star, ...,,....,.,ror Mothers Sal
.................."The Marie Melodr"
m .i . . "xu Dictator
.................... uaware or Men-
Somehow. It crept into the types y-
wruay. inn nuyers or ' 6 " or more
V " i to wuue eoye mining snares
,( wew- mignt par li per cent , down and 10
T par cant per month. If deslrlns to buy
on urn. It ahould nave read "250
- aharea lnatead of 21. Stock of he
r , ouua soya wm Da aavanoed from 10
to IB eenta on Sunday. This paper baa
eold so freely that the company his
now ample meana t proceed with do-
. ' veiopment In the moat expeditioua man
- ner and on next Monday Dr. M. O.
MoCorUe and Oeorge W. Bever, Tic
president and manager, wiil depart for
Ooldfield to ;j lnatall steam boiat
In . machinery, y, a . hand windlass
' ; having heretofora been .K uaed. In
another part of. today' f paper . tha
' company's , advertisement announces
tha increase of prices of aharea to be
in vogue from and after Sunday, , so
tha to "get in on the ground floor"
it ia necessary to be on the alert. Since
Robert F. Scott a month ago., pulled
down $105,090 from an Investment of
1160 In, the Mohawk, a Butt Boya
neighbor, people have pricked up their
'eara to the value of Ooldfield mining
' aharea. and aa it Am declared that the
Butte Boya la almoat an exaot counter
t part of the Mohawk, when the latter
, ww at toe earn a tare of development,
- ; It seems almost certain that its tro-
trveness will eaual that of tha Mo-
SWk 'when the limn riAnth nf shaft
t atiainea. The Butte Boya office la
In the Weather!? building. 160 East
Morrison street y: -'
Mrs. Ada Unmh addressed the mam
bers of Central W. C T. U. yesterday
Bircrnoon on tne subject "Anu-Nsr-
eotics,- eapeclally relative to tobacco.
Bh apoke of lta evil effect 1 on the
brain, putting to sleep the half which
acta aa tne entlo of thought. She r
ferred especlallT to tha unnleaaant ef
fect of tobacco on non-smokers in the
streetcars, and desired that public sen
timent demand that no smoking bs al
lowed on the cars. - Rev. Elisabeth Van
Horn spoke of her work In tha sast
among prisoners. Rav. Mrs. . C. B.
Blanohard, pastor of a United Brethren
church, also spoke. Mrs. Jamleson aang
-una sweetly ; Bolemn Thought," and
Mrs. Wllllarar recited a poem. At tha
conclusion of tha program light refresh
menu war served. Next week will be
a mothers' meeting, led by Mra. Mar
garet Houston, and , young mothera are
espeaiauy invitea. ,
If mere ever waa a food asaa llrtnf a this '
, oteaaea 'earto .... . .- :i
If there ever t-wes a hams ef toeatiinabJe ,
worth A -.' "i ;
If there erer was a -feeing bright and eheerfnl, I
sot sedate. . .. , - ' ' - i
lt end ImiBf.t always" tender,; Ifs year,
. : prewnt eandldate. ' s. . ; .. . . . I
Toa mt not sndentaad ' alio, feat Ifs traa,
the fellow would
Ehew all Mil ambition te eoaaaee the poblle
gooa; - - ,:
He'd remain awke-t atgbt time, laher early.
. labor late, ' ..'.'?;'
Jwt to hoip.yoa tar your hardens, would the
kindly candidate. . ay ;
Be would net aoept aa offloe far the ptttanee
of the pays ' - '
Be is not that kind of fellow, he was aeret
born that way; . r -
Bnt be'4 sacrifice self pleaaane ntortal's sor-.-'
rows to abate- . ,
Da sot apeak unkindly of kun he't year friend,
j' , v, the eandldate, ,j '
it we were worth a ollllon qokkly we'd dtrtde
... 'I Mn ' . . . .vc: . . , . 1 -
And we'd pour into bis eoffere nntil we bad
- filled bla enp 'y' "
And we'd say into the goad man, We Ba?a
opened wide the (ate, - ' y
Help yonraelf, dear friend wet pray yea, tot
Tel. Main 898. - - Beoooa im wnram.
The first annual meetine of tha Port
land, branch of tha National Industrial
reaee association will be held . next
. Tuesday evening in department 1 of
tha circuit court Juag Fraser will
preside." At that meeting an executive
board will be appointed. On tha rec
ommendation of the board of directors
Judge Fraser last night appointed Wal
lla Nash. William MacMaeter and Rev.
James H." Black to conatltuta tha com-
mlttea on oncluation and arbitration,
Tha Portland Relief association which
waa organised a few weeka ago by
newspapermen and employes 'at . the
courthouse, Vaa reorganised last night
under tha name of tha National Penal
Relief association. , Joseph H. Jones waa
elected areeident and & B. Martin waa
made secretary. , ' Tha purpose of ' tha
cssoctatlOTi la to. give lmmeduti reUef
te neady families f prisoners. -r ,v
Tha eptdemio of Cerebro spinal men
ingitis in the Pacific northwest waa tha
principal aubject for discussion at tha
regular meeting last night of tha City
and County Medical association in tha
chamber of commerce1 special pro
gram la being prepared for tha next
meeting which will
from last night
occur two weeks
many members of tha exutlva board
Mm lis he dlaooaed in favor of It. They
believe'that in an- emergency case the
physlolan ahould ba on tha spot at the
quickest possible moment, and they are
winina- to srrant him the machine. ..Tha
board has no power to -make an appro
nriattnn tnr the Durchass of tha auio,
however, and It nauat refer the matter
to tha council. ,
!.i r:--i; -x.j-.
Tha Portland Railway,
nnmnanv has filed a Hi
bera of lta board of dlrectora with the
cnunty clerk. Tha names are' as ioi
lowa: Ogden Mills, Frederick O. Sykes,
CM. Clark, H. U Clark, rreoencr v.
Holman, Alfred C Bedford, Frederick
Strauss Louie Sanger, C. H. Klggins,
8, O. Baed and F. -X. Fuller.. ' r,
James . B. Small 3u eight : nine
Mayoralty Candidates on bast
Lap of Their Success
; or' Defeat, yhl
Tfaomaa C ! Devlin, John B. Coffey,
Louis Zimmerman and Pan J. Kellahar,
tha four mayoralty steeds competing for
tha Republican trophy which baa been
hung up for Saturday next have round-
ad Into tha home atretch and are now
.galloping neck, and neck tor tha goal.
George U. Thomas la making for tha
last Up on the little track all his own.
Thomas C Devlin,' whom some say
has the pole position, la being assisted
In his race by Ferdinand Reed, whom
ha onoe repudiated and disqualified, but
Raymond Whitaker, Lead- r"
log. Man of -thai Seaman Stock and Third atreeta. . -t . ,.
Compaay t tb Bmplrd. '
Mr. Coff ey'a pacemaker la W. E.
I Burke, -who had something to de with
Senator Bourne's successful campaign.
Unlike Mr. Reed, ha does but little
talking, but what ha doea say seema to
be eft eotlve. He evidently believes In
the adage that still waters run deep.
xxmis Zimmerman is temporarily
Last Tim Walker Whltealdo Tonleht I Pn" dod deal of time in Max a.
vyeu s ViUbf A a,u vyiuuiui UU1IU
In. 2 Hr ' Bhort black clfar -ur la
Tidenc - and mm of all natlonallUea
a list, of the mem- i--n Y"
r AivMnrm with .the f::.,: '':..''-':. :;::'.
The laat narforiuBM f Am amtiMnt mrtnr.
Walker WhltMlde, wUl be siren at tha HelUf
theatre, fourteenth and Waahlnftoa straeta, to
night at 8:19 o'clock. TUU cUrat olarer la
upported by aa eicellent company and la pre-
aniing ma eomeoy-aninia, '11M . Vacl HeV
come and go continually. Mr. Cohen
aaya ha la not aaylng much except to
remark that it la a oinoh, '-yr:r:;:.-
Mr. Kellaher la selling groceries over
tMtunda. arrived In Portland yesterday. 1' - , t.'v a on tha aaet aide and dlacuaaing Uia aiu
KtteSm of Jam., a Smill aenioV! Moiry; d Mack Nert Satardar. ,uuon ov.r the v.MJiLa Ba
w.n.irnnwn railroad contractor who , ate-aew eemng ft the fanny Irish official manager, but relies upon bla
" ,., removad to Portland and who 2,"?u,, Um' na Mc wne eome to the eountenanoe, wrapped up In every pack
recenuy retnovaa to J-ownu wnw g,,,, theatra, Itartaentb end ' Waahutton I Ma bom ut tha membara of th Om
is one of the kapplast. men In tha worR itw1,, a,., Ma ,nU J,., I Hth' "fbr" 'f th,t Jf.
Mr. and Mra, Smell reside at M North
Twenty-third atreet ?yU;, ";;'.:; jf 5?
MIssAjessIa Miller told mora tbaa 150
school children the story of the origin
of May day yesterday at the public li
brary. Tha meetine waa held In tha
children a room of the pnbllo library,
which waa profusely , decorated with
aprlng fiowara. v
Members of tha Home Training a;
aociatlon of Montavllla will listen to aa
address tomorrow afternoon by Rev.
Oeorge B. Van Waters, rector of the
St. Davld'a Eplaoopal church. Th meet
ing will ba at tha school houaa and tha
aubject will ba Tha Government of
'At the flelling-Hlrsch building to-
nirht tha People's Forum will be ad-
d reiaed by tha president K. J. 8. McAl
lister, a live speaker wno win taut on
a live aubject The public la Invited to
come and join in tha discussion
Dr. W.' X. CotteL Republican candi
date fpr tha council for tha fifth ward.
waa nominated by the South Portland
Republican club to succeed W. T. Mas
ters. Ha understands tha situation and
will represent the people If. elected.
The Mount Tabor - Mothera and
Teachera olub will meat Friday at 1:10
p. In the Wait avenue '-school. Tha
program will consist of a review on
Tha wiaow u-cauagana oya,- oy
Mra. A. , Harding.
4 and 9, la the moalcal farce-eonady,
ine Town." .
Seat Sale for LUllan BaaaelL
Tomorrow (rYldar)" mornlnf at 10 e'eloek at
tha bos office of the Hal lie theatre, roorteenth
and Waablnctoa itreeta, the edranee saat sale
wlU epea for Lillian BnanlL Tble beantlful
actreaa will Bra not the dallshtfnl comedy,
The Bottwflr ' for foar alfhta, bacuuilnf
Hondar, stay a.
oers asioctatlon.
Mr. Thomaa la holding onto tha ooat
of Oeorge L. Hutohlna, who aaya pros
pects were never brighter. He la aura
that hla candidate will reoelve tha nom
inatlon. .:.- ;",!' '?,...(.
of tha candidate are working
aarly ana lata and much duat la. ex
pected aa tha goal la neared. , ;
- . 'Sealed Llpa" t Lyric
The Lyrie atock eompeay la talking a hit
thle week In "Bealed Upa." Thoae who bare
aaea - the play have bean lmmaaaaly pleaaed.
The Plot of the drama h anlqoe In lta way.
Mlae Howard Is good in the anal role. Matinee
erery day. Two par for mi new aatorday and
Sunday niffcts,- the lint at T:1D e'eloek. Beats
nay ba laaarvad by telephone.
i , anaMaanaeaeieaBaawaweawBBaanr.
V ' Ifew Companv t lanrle.
- Beginning Moaday evening the popular Allen
tock eompeny, with bflae ?erna Falton, will
ba at the Lyrle, the ftrst bill to be the faroooe :
farce eomedr saeceaa. urown in iowb."
There will be natlneei Tneaday,' Tboreday,
Saturday fend goaday. The eompany bae beaa
trensthened end will prodnce the beat playa
ebUlnabln. Beat aaie opens snnaay aranum
far the entire week..
Rev, Tufts Heads Movement to
Shut Up Uquor Shops
Toi' Mother'g Sake.
Sen wood wlH hava the dry and
parched tongue after June 1 If Rev. O.
U Tufts and bla fellow workers are
able to have their way at the polls. A
movement baa been started in that pre
cinot to awltoh the precinct Into tha dry
column and ahut up tha beer garden at
tha Oake and the two saloons now run
ning In tha district '' Tha prohibition
forces have perfected . n organisation
X robber entered tha country home Bunday night,
of C A. Cogswell, near MUwaukia, a - r '
member of the execuUve board. Tues-I The Silver. KlBg.'
day Bight and ransacked tha piaoa. Pro- -r-taet ef ansUsh makxtraniaa, "The
Visions and Other artlolea Were atOlen. I niWar Kins." will be the attraction next weak
at the Star theatre. Tula bill win lntrodnce
"ar Ifetber'e Bake" at the attraction thle
week at the Star theatre. Tali nlay bae not
beaa eeea before ia atock as Maria Heath, the
hH comedienne, need It as a tarries play
for several rears. The Allen eameany Inter- I and hava elected tha following officers
prats tt aa wall aa Mlae Heath's eompany and William Iria, . chairman; B-V. Belford.
treasurer; axao-
BenUey, , BV a
and C. F. Petaob, ,
A oommlttea of IS will ba appointed
on election day to aaa to It that tha il
legal -voting or last June is not r fr
et ted at this election.
x sirTirBtt xmtttina
Call Steel Bridge Fuel company, phone a stock eompany, eempoaed ef eome ef the pop- I ara-
I flr oordwood. r,,r PWyere or tne ceaai mm wu aa poopie isrrn.
dry or green alabwood. Prompt dellr- . SETrrrST- .Vi T.' w
East Hi, for choice No. .
- At the meeting of tha Universal As
sembly of New Thought a free lecture
to women only will be given tomorrow.
Friday, at I p. to., at tha weitern aoad
amy mueic hall, Second and Morrison
streets, tha Mulkey building.' Subject
The Centralisation and Use of.Prana'
(the twentieth century woman). "Sister
Avacamia.ia tha speaker.
Observation, Car Daily Tripe Rose
city aigntaeeing eara leave second and
Morrison streeta at 10 a. m. and I P. re
taking in tha best acenle beauties. Taka
in Council Crest the greatest panoramic!
ride in America, stopovers on Crest
and Forestry building. Competent lec
turer accompanying car and tells story
of trip. Tuna of trip, jy hours; fare.
0 cents. ; "
Penney Broa.' Friday Special. Our
tl-tO grade of Red or white Port Tor
kay, . Madeira, Angelica and Sauterna
wine at 11 per gallon. Our $1 grade of
Port and Shetrfj wines at 75 cents per
gallon; It. 60 grade Of L W, Harper
whiskey: at 11.80 per gallon; ' Friday
oniy. : S7S-IV1 east Mormon- street
Phona East H7. ; Free delivery..; 1
i Vahiat
(Jur ever
Valuable' time and money can ba aavad
every shaving man by getting a
ehlfteag outfit from Albert Bern!, the
druggist Its Washington atreet Every
thing that cornea rrom Bernra drug
store can ba. do, nded on a satisfactory
or money back, - - , ! ;
Soma day In tha near future Health
Officer Wheeler may be seen traveling
in an automobile ambulance, going at
the speed of JO or to ml bss an hour
and wltnout any police hindrance to tha
operation of tha machine. That is a pos
sibility. Police Commissioner T, O.
Oreene yesterday proposed the purchase
of theauto for tha health officer, and
-i hJ rvm 3 ' ba provided with new playa and eaeh eae will
err, both sides river. Offloe and docks I Z mn.r mitt a
jvui vt wwni mm. i are now ea sale zor ine biitw aing."
Umminm Vtt Ta1nf mwmmTm Iwigii
looks better and covers more than, any kalmlae, bay trees lntubs for porch and waahlnftm.
other floor naint F. B..Beach A Coiveranaa atrormuun n iw
nv us irir.t f arrived from Belgium. J. B. Pllklngton.
. tv... ;-' ... l...,nniin font nf TamhllL north I
Fred T. Merrill for councllmant-
14th and
street Phona Main 1814.
Invitatlona have been Issued by the
boya and firls of Portland academy to
attend an Informal gymnastic exhibition
in tha gymnasium tomorrow afternoon
at SUB o'clock. .- '
Steamer Jeese Harklna. for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex-1
cept Bunday. Leaves Wsshlngtoa atreet
dock 1p.m. '-
Have tou Joined the B. Side' Ath
letic clubT $5.00 entrance fee aavad If
you Join this week. Professor Rlngler,
Why pay more? Metsger Ate your I
eyes for i. 4i wash, st, eor. Tth,
rormeny at in sixth street -
For Sale-r-A few' second hand Inouba-
tors; good as new. Ill Eaat Morrison. I
rorner sirai street
Dr. Oeorge F. Koehler. removed to
4014-1 s wetland building. Diseases ef
tne stomach. .
BJ. W. Moore, expert photographer,
Elka building, Seventh and Stark Bts. j
Dr. W. B, Knapp has returned from
east; offloe 10, Hamilton building.
$ Oxfords, alt leathers, new shapes.
Marks Shoe Co ifi Morrison.
Ko. IT X Geo. B. Cellars,
D. Coambera, optician, It Seventh,
Berger Signs- 184 TamhUK Phone.
Dr. XL C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam.
Klaer scenlo photos. Imperial hotel.
uiblxb a oo. rsssBirr
la the Oomedy-Orama Saeeees,
Prleee lewer rieer, fl.Wi Batoosy, !, lie.
evei wauwx, see, sea.
14th and
Waahlnftoa nuwu uuu laa. uk L
Satsiday and flaaaay Vlghta, Kay 4,
The Famona Irish Oomedlana,
.. . Is the Mnalcai Parce Comedy, .
PRICES Lower Floor, fl; Balcony, fVe, S0c
uauerr, eoe, sob. awaia now eeuing at theatre.
Acme Oil Co. sella tha beat safetv coal
ou ana line gasotina rnone East T8s.
Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth atreet I
iuncn in.? to s; ouaineea men a lunch.
Eastmr.rt kodaka and supplies. I.
Leeser Cohen, 111 4th, the Kodak store.
Advaaoe Bale Opens Tomorrow.
KXTXIO THEATXI next Monday, Tsetaay,
, weaneaoay, xoarsaar, nay e, J, s, s, .
in the Comedy,
PEIOMLowvyp Floor. $X $1.60; 1s!mix. ftCA
Program Rendered at Locei In- BAKER TBEATRt? StttW,
stitution and Tribute Paid
Archbishop Christie.
No. 17 X Gea.B. Cellars,
Dr. William Cavanaugh. dentist has
moved hla offloe to 408-4 Buchanan bldg.
Ornamental trees and shrubs. . Japan
maples, asaleas, rhododendrons and
. The. founding of Columbia University
was commemorated today with appro
priate ceremony and by trlbutea paid
to Archbishop CT4tK who was moat
instrumental in tne worn:, une scnooi
has ahowed a healthy growth during
the few yeara It haa been established
and its founders' are proud of ita ac
complishments In this short period:
1 At noon a dinner was given in honor
of Archbishop Christie. At 8 o'clock
this afternoon tbe following program
was given, opening cnorua, by Colum
bia Glee olub; "An Ode to the Arch'
bishop," . by Paul E- Smith; overture,
"Poet and. Peasant," by Harry Couillard;
essay,' istian Education," by F. W.
Blank; song, ."J uanlta," by Columbia
Olee club; address on behalf Of faculty
Permanently Located Tha Famoos Baker-Thee-
ir Dioca uompanr. t
TVUllani Collier' a Great Comedy
"lai- juuiaius," . , ,
Br Klcbard Hardlaa Darla.
One ef the fnnnlett corned lee err wrtttes.
Personal direct Ion -Mr. Arthur Macaiav.
Matinee Saturday. Ewninf Prleaa K BSe,
, gaai Wean--" The Cowboy and the Xady,"
Wc regard the steadily continued krowth of this in
stitution as a credit to the enterprise of our business com- n! -"dents, by Rev. Joseph oaiugher;
munity as well as an evidence of the esteem in which our M??M ArchbUh0I ChrtaU-
,pf&ers and OuB business policies and methods are held. VERNON PRESBYTERIANS "
We invite vvou tO'rnake thisr hanlc the rlMrintr hnuca fnf
vnitr fiTianrial aftairs v We wan the small ar'rrtitri f i
iRev. G. A. Blair was Installed as pas
tor of the Vernon Presbyterian church
last night by a committee from the
Portland Presbytery, t . Rev. Andrew
dividuals as well as the larger business of firms and cor
porations. The" wage-earner has need of the bank as well
aS .the business man. Open an aCCOUnt With even a Small Montgomery of the Third Presbyterian
amount, pay all your bills with checks and see howmikh'-
Detter you get along. v When you have any money left
over after paying your bills make a deposit on a savings
account which draws 4 per cent compound interest This
will help you to grow. : 1" . ' ' ,1
Presbyterian church and Rev. D. H.
Here assisted in' the Installation, tit.
Blair has an unusual church-building
record behind him and . haa i already
made plana to build a 15,000 church In
Vernon to aupplant the small chapel
now In us at Bast Twentieth and Wy-
gani erreeiB. lie nas neen in tne min
istry for 11 yeara and in that time has
erected 14 churches, the Vernon edifice
being bla fifteenth. . - i
Empire Theatre M.ETrV
The Bone of
Httt end
Mll(on W, Seaman, Hanacer.
Tonlfht. All Week Inttant Bit Immenae Pop.
nlarlty. Seaman Stock Company in the Thrlll-
nr moral neioanima,
Btarad onder direction Mr. Herbert Aahton.
Matloeea Wedneaday and Saturday. Night
Prlrea 10e. 80c SOc, BOc Uathieea loo, 20c.
; Vazt Vaek-'-Bhe Pared te Oe Blfht."
Pertlaat'l Popular Stock Hottae. Zrary Aft
eraeoa and I renins Thia Week. Lyrta 8 took
Company ia the Famona Melodrama
Beaerred seats can now be eaenred' to adTinee
from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Dally matlnaee at
naual time. Kranlng parformancaa at 8:13.
Saturdar and 8nndar erenlnfa. ftrat nnm.
anee at T:16. f - .
T. Merrill for. souncUmaa-at-
VEEX ef APttt tt, . . l
Vandevule De ; Xuae. Kdmonaa, Ian.
.... AJIOEIX BOTD, sen Edmonds.
The Xarel Sketob, Iradrio Bobarta.
"After Many -. Taaia. Oranalaoopa. r .
Ithe star ajraa
,.v.;.v; --j ''.-Weak ef 'April M,
"H - THB AtAKN STOCK CO. Preaents
- Ihe Great Roral Comd-Drama.
, v i v TfO XOIHEB'g 8AXB" , .
By Carrie Aabley Clarka. '
Hat. Toaa., Thnra., sat. and Sundays at 180
prleee 10 end SO cents, i Irery eraatnc at :1B:
prleee 10, 80 and W eeW .JteaarveaVaeata by
Phone Main M8. jj1 , '
"BilTW Xing' Vextflaakv . '
i-lyyyy , y : r i-y t&y-
y. t- s y, :)7i- y- i- yy-yy'i a:.t77.
F VtUtltl m KWIWIO.MW u Will
nPHE Highest Quality Way means much to the
; J- piano-seeker. It means, first of all, - choosing
from the line of Highest Quality the line of Higlv
v est Merit from such famous makes as the Pianola,
Weber, Chickering, Kimball, Hazelton, Stcck, Ho-
bart M. Cable, Bush & Gerts, Wheelock, Pease,
" Crown, riaddorf, Lester, Schurnann, Story & Clark
and other equally meritorious and unassailable pro
ductions of factories which rank highest among the
foremost leaders of the piano world. '
The ILilers Wayw
The Jflghest QualitxWay means the assurance of a sat-,
.. isfactorr selection, not 'only in the instniment, buf In the
entire transaction from a tusthesapoint of viw,t:It weans
reliability, fairest treatment, strictly one price, the lowest
cost and a broad and satisfactory , guarantee. It means .
i safety from every sUndpobt It means securing every ad- -vantage
in the matter of value, which our modern method J
in buying, shipping and handling make possible. ',
It means dealing with the largest, greatest, most pfogres-1
, sive, most liberal piano-selling organization in America, the
' House of Highest Quality Itimeans buying the money--'
saving, easy-paying way the popular way. - J, i
Rar A V SV 1 S BF
The House of Highest Quality
tores' ta lrvery Xmportant Cdty ta the '
. . . rmolfto xocthwest,
353 Washington Street, Cor. Park
fans ;
,, 4 aVae ikiiiit.
Will mcr&se your comf otU increase your
"business, and increase your capacity fori
work during warm weather
Keep your store cool and breezy and
your customers will find shopping a
pleasure and your place of business an ;
mvitmg place in which to linger Hectric i
Fans will increase your trade whether it
be a restaurant an ice-cream parlor, a
drygbods emiporium or an iron foundry,
Your wife needs an Electric' Fan in
the household as much as you do at the
office Get it for her.
The cost for all this comfort is a mere
trifles A 16-inch faa can be operated at ; ,
a cost not to exceed one cent an hour and 1
" a 12-inch fan an be run FOR LESS
7 - ..
m r rr
y m . ..
, ULmmfrf tit StrnH tf Onwe .
wsv K leddk T. Ptaa. E. B. Oreaa Oaal Iftjk
aa Sf.OtWMLn W..iiiiliiOnUaa.)
t Cawaaal "
ferdaee Caew ef i
. ; rartieae Beara ef Trees ,
0gea Treat aai SaHesi Beak lrBaaaOraV
Tee Snaitraat C le.ay
a. v Pea Ca. Cisnlel Asaaey
i we aat feUI .
Wf (he r a aeaara eW taaSaaef , -
JTrntUmttrnm mi aa fmrtM flra,
: For Wednesday, Ttntraday, TH
day sad Saturday sale we present
a barratn Kst that will Interest
-every family. Indicative of : the
valves that crowd our store every
day. .'.- ' - y-;
Scotch Oats, t-lb. tS... Se
Tort Btaawix Condehaed To
matoea. 1-lb. ca. .......... Be
Griffin's As't lloups, t eana..BBe
Orlffln's 'Aspararus Tips. . . . .BOe
; Grlffln's Boston Baked Beans,
. l-lb. can ............. .....lSe
lot Cabin Maple flyrnp, pta. too
Los Cabin Maple Syrup, O.U...8S
Vog Cabin Maple Syrup, U val.a&sj
1 Lena's Preserves and Jams. .
lt-os. slasa BOe
Southwell pranse Marmalade. BOe
Table Blaokberries, 1 cans..,. BOe
Clear Brook Tallow Peaches,
ltt-lb. eans c.wj ......... 15a
Waahburn-Croaby ' Co. Gold
Medal Flour, per sack.,.,.fLs
Talaea la SuMes la the City.
rr. non tuxm bib.
xaan obass pazbtts, tab.
i ajto oixa.' ..
fifi ,'t r'-j . , .- "'
We are aellinr our entire atock
st low eut prices, whioh we know
will cause it to sell. Now Is
four- opportunity -: to Set food
alnt or Varnish st low prices.
Store for rent. Fixtures for sale.
We As Crater Otrl ef ta iwtall
y , Snslaeas. . .
R. N. NASOrJ & CO.
OU and Taint Makers, ,
-M V. sttxVa aTW Taat Coooa St.
. Konx, coiTAnrnta toa books. .
The St. James
, ' Wsa. BUSS." M&:;fy0y
! Is sitnated is the aeart ef the aetleees s
! triet. Modern and aaadaomely faralabed. frf.
I Tate aatbs, telapboaea ia every room. Sample
I toons (or traTelks aaea. Batca (rem 1AS to
Mao. aropoee plaa. Aeeeaalble te all eapete.
Bltuated m toe heart ef the aboppiBg ess aaet-
aa dUtrteU Uoae te tb tueetres,
Blaste tooeae er ea Sottek Slevevar. ateas)
beat. eletrle lifbts aad Jill saodara eoamU-
weae. smcuy fi-iaaa. - vaoraaiaBi w ww ,
pins ceatera. vm ainct una iroa iwrrj iuui
Third aod TeweaeBd depot. Batee X . as. .
B38 aula at., aaar ran iaee araaoa. .
etrtd itHMtd BttlMT
about tvSk waiiaearfnl
MAJtVTL wnh-Uftg tpriy
aew Taawai ayran, jm
tlon a Amrttom, bmr .
Tf ha eannol upi1t the
p. m
USVIL. aoMDt aa
Otter, kat aaod euunp fot
lllaaumtad boot ;mim4.
anil narUdBlmra and Airm
TaiuaiMB co laviiea. a H f. rev. -
ju ssa sr. a aw oh. '
I Mm Sal ey
I voosaBS. etA&AB co. iin iaux cat:)
1 t-a L.c i i a s i, ...
mix k f a--'! I
... i f ,
- - K i
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