EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE JOURNAL rpXJri? TlT I'D XT A T A "b'PPing industry eannot be built X 1 XL( J Vjf U Ji N XJU on a foundation of mere bounty. AN INDKI'IXDENT NKW8PAPBR. C. B. JACKSON.... If It ' cannot lire except ' by bounty PublUber I wrune from ninar indimtrlAS. It party's action throughout the coun try, and sending government of ficers hither and yon to dictate what shall be done or not done; that It Letters From the . - , , People Tne Heartlessness of Commercialism r veronal? 'nl jm'fMi- ousot t die- That 'la what happens should rely upon its record, its pub rnrVirthni'armbm Vtrtj Portunav or. to farming, livestock and. kindred Jn- lie 'acts and professions, -and' trust . enters it the pottoffiet t PartimMi. or., for dustries, and shipping is no better the party to support and 'sustain it. " -T th&n r Every experiment we A ; president and J his - cabinet. 1 and Mitchell W noting to 7 bit aa to " ' .- telephoned maim ' Tin.' " '''T' '"' " " I hte ver made with subsidy has upjpther government officers of respon-jtiJ Boosaveit pioda should think ah Drtmnta rMcb or tbtt somber. Teu set tne contention of those who plead Isibilltyl it 1 will 1 be urged., have i f. of i would begin to put on .. TheisO Silence 8ignlfict.- Portland, April 10. -To, th Editor of The Journal- I mi that, Comper and for the graft, and now come the three enough t" do in! Vttn'r.- W . "?lB c 1 nd . I.! w0 .fm... vj.inj-Buimia special AdrHini Apntf, n BW n er .. eauie io sun lunner people's business ; without spending both vice-presidents of the Cltisen's al- Lnair limit inn arrnrta n , tn t 1 n - . ' . 7 . . . ' I They are limply using; the labor oraant- rww BoiMinn. m riitb itom, We confound subsidy apostles there,' J orb j. Trtbno BnlldlDf, Chicago. - I .... ,,: . j eddnaa I ice. - Babaeriptloa Tanna tr M to an; la tbe Valta4 BUtaa, Canada er Mas! .,v , - AILY. " " - A,.- ... One raar..,....3 00 I o Month.,. ....I M B0DAhr4.--- One faar. ...Ixto month.,.....! JS , DAILY AND SUNDAY. - Ona mr.:...r...S7A0 One BooU....... jB( A FOOLISH1 VICE. , , MONO all the sorts of people that it takes to make up a world are those - with av mis- ':.'. slon. reformers of soma kind. and if they do their duties well they I sationa ' to. milt. their oapltaiut com- can safely leave the results to the Pniona. ' with whom they hold office. people, and to the rank and file of Uny opinion on the subject "No man their Dartv. ' I kl 1 ' lean serve two masters." If theae men naa oeen true 10 lanor iney wouia never t r-Hr Rev. ' Thomas B. Gregory.'""' la civilisation a blesalng.or a .curse f - To take the bull . equarely by ,, the home, la the present oondltlon of the world an advance upon v its condition 1,000 or 1.000 years ago? y J- t Let us pause before answertnr in the Those early aces look pretty grim In the perspective of history. - The annal ists have told some pretty tongh yarns of . the anolent : folk; but how, do the stories that come down; to us of the Pyramid builder and the rearers of the Babylon walls corapar In coldblooded Inhumanity with the facts of our mod- I N AN address made before a Cem- M cranks, yef many of them are ocratio club last Tuesday even- worthy of approving attention. Such v 7 ,, V 7 V M HaMfar- wh u aHh CTI he U doing -great things or will aee ;ed that all Democrats who would HalIfax who is waging with voice l- . and nn a ortiaa. .raln.t ,fnw wf J luwwwr, iioicr, i7ur, liuui m taej .ueaqf 01 ' . r . , the, party tjeket should Indicate that He truly says that not only men, preference by scratching their bal- but youths and even children, are lots in the coming primaries. Thomas ddlcted to this foolish and to many declared that he would abide by the oibe? - Peopi : disgusting I habit of result. r WIth thls Idea la view, a U8,n "bla8Phmoui, TUlar and ob- communlcation publlehed on (the first cen language," not i only ' among page ot this paper urges Democrats tn0B h appear to like it, but in who prefer Lane, to Thomas to go fne (bearing and regardless of - the But we BUDDOse the critlfta will ha Z T."u."v"..u" ?vAnZZZ? ZSZ rn clvlllsationT t v, - - ' - 7 "-i iiaarv juiuqu viisj billion el auuauuoi wv uiuii , a u . - . t.. ". ft... it. r.,.. ,. nwBin- nf I ' .wvorwuy, inaeeo, must do eur . .-r- - 1 ." i - z..:' . .4. i answer. ..-mv-i: that the party will with rodfe acclaim surrender all its privileges and they are silent aa the grave. There KLrSlJSlJiJ'L an4 prerogauve. to the man in the M-ur.. gJS JSA JKSS mite Houser agreeInf not only that out boldir and denounce jn .unmistak- able tonaa the insult tendered tp every man who .tolls for. a living. Ifll were affiliated with the A. F. of Xj. I would but that neither, he nor any one he I soon do something to Mr, -'oomper. He tunas ana curses lor rerreanments. -f we are told how the men who reared TkeNee & of Inland 'Waterways, ; - "rjrro,,,- the Boston Taliban At ft the lapse o many year pubuo sentiment again favors the building of canals for commercial Durooses. : mor to the raMroad era, the nation relied upon inland Waters for the shipment of f relght , , Then cam the construction of railways, and canal . digging was practically abandoned ; ' :Now the case la different. 1 Canals are demanded because of the extraordi nary congestion of railway traflto. Thla congestion of trafflo extends ait over the country. . J. J. HU1 : has in formed the Interstate commeroe com mission that the business of the coun try Inofeased , 110 per cent from 18IS to 1901 and transportation faculties for handling the saros Increased only 20 per cenhv during" that time. He added that the country needed at least 78,133 miles of new railroad to relieve con gestion, which would cost fully 15,500, 000.000. a sum Impossible to raise. Under the circumstances It Is likely that more rapid progress can be made with the building of Inland waterways than with new railroads In the next Small Ctange. Portland certainly has enough to cW ,'' brat over. . , , Every spring la the most' beautiful ' on that vr waa. , -K 1 . ;A nomination in not ult ' Mqutva lent to an election." . , , i , , That man Ooethala is stayer; his resignation Is overdue. s ' : i" i The most prominent presidential tlm -ber appears to be the Big Stick. .? v " Fairbanks' popularity ought to in oreaae during tb hot weather. . , Why should the poor complaint They can buy platinum at only $14 an ounoe, ' fj , V' "-..ti;, :'.;i.i,':t!.J- 4?. ,r Ik . J-y. ' Three Republicans will And out that the people haven't called 'them to nu tor mayor. -. Perhaps Secretary Taft elded to run. for president fat exercise. th Hanging Gardana of Babylon and J ooen years, particularly a numerous chooses can do wrong, i IS THIS THE ' SENATE? I would either be on my , aid or step down from his pedestal : aa national president of the A. F. of I The Appeal to Reason aounded th alarm when it came out that these two men bad taken that ' position about th time of th great strike commission -wherein Hark the tomb of the Pbaroaha were driven to their work by goada and keot at it by clubs until, tired nature being sbl State are not waiting for eongreaa to do all th canal work, ' . At . present . there 1 projected ' a N DISCUSSING his vote on the La to endure It no longer, the poor icrea- water rout for freight extending from tures fell dead at their task and were the Cape Cod canal throogh Ixng born away to make room for other vie- laland sound, th Sest Mver New York tints of man's vanity and heartleaants. harbor at d Rarttan bay. This inside . All of whloh 1 probably true. ! route, as described, aa'to the Delaware nut how much leas true la th bar-IT' riian canai, io vetaware to the railroad rate bin, Senator elmtaiuts. The Anneal eald that tbe h." th rml4 builder and Hanging j tP., .... ,V. M - I h.B. mMntwrl I uwu oom n- o-..- ...trellrlona or roflnM nalhllltua f ' . . " I nt mruiul ihnr would hava to choose I snau we aay or tn modern boases. t". , Bu.u.r --".r- :" T """""" prouaDiy a gooa measure, hut that Jbetween the two orassatlona. It seems 01 ln Present day captain of Indua that preference, and it is explained P0 hon " offends. Aside from U couldnt pass the senate. th. almighty douar, In thm nmwini.tinii f lanr religious consideration at thai. ... Unt.ti. .n.t An th uhiMt. Alas for I are crushing their human vlctlma a ..vuwwU v . - ----- -i f Mur. nemc a rood mnaanro. wh 1 " r . "..r ' I remoraelesalv aa ma mm Jtaa-mraantat matter, vulgar, obscene and what Is eoilIdn4 lt 'm, -'Wll' I lnmmni' saaavh A. A - mm- en m, lja.I: " " . : t- i - - . - , r . " i- .. . . I lot how they can do this. bay; thence by a canal to be out, using existing waterways, to Norfolk har bor. Going down Chesapeake bay the rout will eros southeastern Virginia and North Carolina to the Atlantic W&iL'.?&Ato Pleaae om. men. wa a wo iaa V4Hi lsa W V b,ual yasxa, vt uw 1 , , , - i "-y Doaslblv. bv dlsains a new one. Now : J,r2P after h tm loted Inayof finally : d is an antf :-. '.V- at a iji-"''- t '.v ' There seem to be some occasion new for resurrecting the saying,' "Keep your .V. Alii .I.-.,' ' That Honor Jaxon spalls hi name that way doe not necessarily mak htm an .undesirable cltlssn.. , hiyV.iV:f e.f.,v'fet!k:,!':'';l' Well, If Portland I going te Jgsv that big Fourth of July celebration is time to be on th rustl. ., . ,m. '.' ',-7 e; , ; . . ''A Milwaukee man sued for a dlvoro because his wife refused to talk. It Is '. t: - I Af 111, N,hnAli,An.mM . 4 TKMkM I w.Bw. -www.!, v& fcMW wvl- ..... . . legislation, and the ?."0' .f,1' what la it i the.; ar-r ..ST !t on th . AUantio -ooa.t without ,T,w,I? It was. why were there Kr o?th?TO fM ! . t. v. I ), it in th Kf k to naa a familiar I ' " sucn tning as m sacreoneaai . .k., j M.-.h I .... v.r v v. The Journal approves of this ,ng. commonly: regarded as profane lan- ... mnrtnnm gestion, and hopes as many Demo- " au excoeamgiy rooiisn- vice, jgenator thinks , crats as possible will go to the polls Tber l federally ;no evil or "bias- ., iA,v .V , v ! mt ' I nhmnna" Intent In hA a aI .1 1 . T I n . v.. ha . ,K. . - rwiw yean "VV.wT the United States a place Ekurtri roWy Ve.pon.ib e and.th. spirit .of Independence. ago.Dr. Lane i.nd Mr. Thomas were lanjtiage. it is simply a bad habit, where legislation is tot a Question of M hZbrm "aJ andhop. m th heart ad,i candidates, and the yote was about but Is one that offends a large pro- the merits of a measure baiaalaal theae atrenuSu tim. onto th .Am.n. J W " 'HI'1'!y !.w? v '.I, nortinri 'naAniai '... .-4 w nts or a measure, Dut,a Ques- ..w-rt-, Beware.- t th locomotive pound the ateel track uieB Bn" Jr, yor TJ " "I " " tlon of whether or not the .senators T, ' SOCIALIST.4; is. not ow etnoioato. lot. tno ;vv -x will let it pass? an the senate, is nomination, and his name will not Obscene, indecent language Is pro- legislation not so much a matter of be printed upon the ballot, but all hiblted by law, and if would be well what would be good tor the people Democrats who desire to express the if the law were more frequently en- M , matter of what the senators' are opinion that he has given the city forced, but the more effective cor- wm,ng t0 ,et the ,a hayJ, . .And a good administration and that he, fectlve is In teaching the rising gen- In thlf geneis it the custom for T luwmr ' r. . I kU! roup of the senators to "stand in" tor lfright now,? Th lader on Mrs. , candidate. , can and shoaM 'Ote as achools the -uselessness, ' foUyand page in-the tssu of April tt. iaey uuu in tne primaries Saturday, i uwoKrtjaoiouwsB, nui w j7 wicaeai now macn characterised Mrs. ' Dun! way r Appreciates The Journal ; Portland, May 1. To th Editor of Th Journal If there remains a. mud woman In all Oregon who 1 not a sub scriber to Th Sunday Journal ah ought,: In luetic to all womanhood, to over whloh tt speed. In th mad gam of money-makins th finest human sentiment are crushed as tbe falling tree crushes th wild flowers that 11 in It way, Carolina coaat, connected by short artl flclal waterway, will Insure at fully sheltered rout from Morehead city to Cap Fear river, where another aerie of sound and bays on th southern coast of Bouth Carolina and' Oeorgla will take the rout to Florida, where I Cuba any rain tor six months. naviaaoiv-'waierways sxiena into in peninsula to points easily pierced to give plenty of water to the .Oulf Of nobody , aa if. president 1 r. "No wonder th Cubans are dissatis fied with Unci 8am'S guardianship! his weather bureau men have not giva Truth, Justic. kindness, courteey. are I uin . a. .i u,.w0nlLto.b hov ?v,.p mo.ng f1- eoeata ot Loulalana and Taxaa glv that Democrats will make any effort I dence that the user is not a , real to make him their nomluee. He haslKentleman; . - :. Detroit News:' A kettle slngtng on th stov and th sound of th wind . In the chimney these are two of th sweetest sounds of civilisation, f AjJ: -y? T-l'-'l Back aat' peopl seem to think Mr. Bryan's advocacy of th Inltlatlv and ; referendum ' la very radical, even chl- -merlcal, ; They ehould take a look at : Oregon.:,; ;,, ,v , - '( ; ,' aorernment to lmnrove it I . Mr. Watteraon is Quoted a good deal houses I navigable water, particularly th Iwrae I Just now. . Any editor who can afford th Onlv I rivers, tharebv , malclnr . tham rrutllo itund Mvtnl month! In Bursas ' elf-respeoUng woman th selfish an-1 jning mat' makes lire worth having I freight carrier and rat regulators. I every year or two could think, of om imua that nromnti a frfw tiuraa-nroud 1 numan jov ana innanea. th spirit Of I v It la Ineontrovartibla that well lm. I thins to say In that tlm. tons interview aamits tne senate to sisters of plenty and protection to op-1 wnvwj ana ueipiumeaa is rapiaiy i provea rivers .and cheap ratea wouidl ,, v contain, In my Judgment, the best. blsh, : No regard 1 had for human, foal- inga A man . 1 valuable, and 1 re spected, only to the extent that h can be uaed as anlnstrument of "profit" to his employer; and when, in th em ployer's opinion, he Is no longer "profit- Or how little legislation mo.t inral .nil h mrr war lrref ut-1 able" h la kicked aside without csr- . iuu.oiucui, is auw jirompMsa iuxt9 m uiav j hm Aunwc.A tha nnr.W th-n able reDlv to th "anU" onhistnr 1 mony ana wiinout explanation. :, by Mayor Lane. So far as The Jour-1 habitual or even freauent use Is the Lu. . -.-:,1 against equal righta for the mother of T Great fortunes are being u. - .i, - wi.-iJ ! " . w.wugH . nwnumoi t- M that. I have vr read anywher 1 " ollare and centa, la ua iB UTiociUa lie ua.u uu laawieaze I "ifcM. vi uou btcu uaiuia auu oti- i ..u. i , . . - . .. a . .,) lomi awtit tha Maa.iMa - w- , a inni 1 1 a air l aa w n i ii as r . -,. a ir niiAsiai narnra sivairw iinnrrvBinvinB'. i Ma (wiu sbmisu .arem uie tuociu ki ixasa great opportunities for the continu ance of th rout to th Mexican fron tier at the mouth of the Rio Grand. While th statea on the border of the Atlantie ocean ar Intent, evidently, on penorming tneir auty in perrecung an Insld water route along the coast, It I oontended that lt la the dntv of the pua up i federal This Is about what Senatoi." Fnl- made and will make no requester bomfta or be. fit is about what Senator La Fol- 5- f,rt7 d lUo tM2t5 !!.kt?J A-J?0..?-P"1!"0- ''A New Tork woman 1. Offending wuroH avroi - - i ui.uu.wi.n,miimuiii mu i dlvorco suit brousnt urainst ner on tna ihould read f P't It la crushing something and railroad. Th railroad realise that -Vd that wbeVeverafh heard her kvery voter that la -weaker than ttaelVV:;ii ' leanale could now kelp th.lr business tn. lbUw'.txlmt ainrf ' mim. ', in th land aoqualnt himself with th vn civuiamuon, wi iw am sioaa 01 impairing k. 1 va n new water- gha denle ' that th whitl waa tin. tusingj to reducp by ten;milllona the ,ortc faU t0 flnd wltMn lt engine and autos. it kyscrapr and wayacould tak car of a commarc "J .Sfl . blowing of ItTuTd Oi raUway allowance for carrying the columns; and, by allrmeana lt very ateamships. It. billionaire and captalas that.th ranroad ar now unabl,to outlon 1 When h took hr hu. ... .-i.-.i- ,. . , s iwiiub . SArthv Af tM iimt uotulnt Of industry! '; - -n . handle.. ; ' . ... aim v. - mu. in n w oe. , WiBpoui I Sjlf ' wttu th Wisdom and logU of Better, a thouaand time, better, th II la significant ' that th Nw Tork ple.seof the older tlmo, which, ;wlth bond Issue y tl state of 1191.000.000 f. . mmal mV. nart aMN 'M him ait af it. ... u.a tar th krnL.iit . th. ' a'na wan muat snor let nua suggestion of this kind, and for his language is an 'offense, and when own part Is entirely willing that Mr, ' young man finds himself Thomas should receive an. ; uncon- using or tempted to use senseless teeted ", loralnatlotu A f But f a large "swear words" or rile epithets or number of the Democrats of Port-etpletives he should stop and think f ' . . . AAA AAA at .'lUUlUttLCB Ik S.U UH. 1L IBi & till 11 L 1 iana, we are very certain a large pi nis motner, sister, Bweetneart or ,. i-...it-M"8"" woom ana gio ox "iil..t7,fc- "lfw.ii T.V.-- LU. .1. up with snoring without blowing . a i r ... - .n a v t.im..is km. What the people almost .Universally such dub women as 8arah A. Evan,-, unclvlllsAtlon-the bejbarlsm, if-, you C.ntrrollwayv voted to aup.port the -S.-u.. wa thinv ,h. ouahtto win. majority or them, it Lane were a candidate, would prefer him to Thomas, as they did twp years ago. They cannot vote for Lane aa air active, av wed candidate; if nomi nated thus he is under, no obliga tion to 1 run; : but they can express their; choice' wb.ich both as Demo crats and citizens they ought to do, wife, and ask himself how she would like. to hear him. PRESIDENT AND PARTY. conceive it to be. and is. incidentally, why a change Is wanted in the Ben- ate and Its methods. . ABIOAII SCOTT- DUNIWAY. EOPLE. even Republicans, will j : In each ,, Chinese Famine : Sofferers. : ISTortons, Or., 'April 19. To th Editor of The Journal I noticed In your paper mi favr A m va m am mn MMiint Af lh. anff.. ward there will . be the j lnr In, China, but wish to ask a mora aii ox no oruaeneaa ana rougnnes. had I wr ui amargement oj .us axis canai, iu . . . . -r .- vet soma llttla noetr iml inn um. M tha around that the lmnrovemant of I v. """w little regard for human right and hu-J that waterway would cause such an lit- " ; ; . ;a - man feelings, than th heartless greed. 1 ux or peopi into tn stat along it r . f liiw 'X. J .wUi.. which In its hast to "make Its pi la," j hank and o many additional manu-j ;-VrCgUl VJlUCllgilV9 tuw&i iuv xiuiJVBi anumanu or ins) smotiif viuvi v tueai, iusj auaiumsi and rough-rldM it ovr all tb graces th jod in tb carriage of pan U .. rt :;.;;U; t nW tnnr n-mrt,. i. .11 llattmiaTte hew to .ed 2-f2 ,1",.".-?"; 'North Powder wlU build considerably I . . ; . .. I r.v.' a. t. . . I money, vt course, wa who llv .far I .'.w. ... I ha nr. nni ii,m..i. k n I year,,, the -resident s renorted actlv- on ? the .ballot to be ' voted for .r" i 7 .k7- -"Ir" T7.: . courti that mak man man. . ..tt . .t" ! - . .1 ij amsvi venuvt . , w vui uwii uubui, . . - -i. , - , i lty in New York, : Ohio, the I mayor, auditor, one councilman at I Now, to what address in San Francisco .. ' . lanntfi anil aliMdon n'ff,, I InrirA and In mm. sinti nna winl can we aena it one sareiy renaDier Ai mey Deiieve ine mayor nas aone ' --v..;...u. - - - and would do well, and Vis better 01 tne W1 oy himself of the next councilman. ; mere is no opposition, timber for mayor than Thomas, let national Republican convention and so far aa the ballot shows, but Dem- them say so at the polls Saturday. :? Its Pllcy and candidate. Many will ocratio voters can fiU In the blanks Since it is certain that some Dem- "a7 that wnUe 'ordinarily this activity with any tame they; choose, or can ocrats will vote for Lane, though ould'.be Improper and mischievous, substitute a name" for the printed not a candidate, as against Thomas, thta Is an exceptional case, especially one. In this way, if they desire, it would be well if all who prefer as Roosevelt win not be a candidate Lane instead of Thomas may be through the column of your. 'paper Lane would do so. iWe think Jiis ad- for denomination. He has set out; it made the nominee. ' , which ,1. 'J ministration deserves this much of wm be BaId to work out some great , J . large crowd of enthusiastic sport, (were 1 reforms, which it is of the ntmoatl The value of new hnlldlnara b- or waa) present, if hotn are correct, b very much augmented, and the road would, profit thereby, although th canal would carry th low-claa frlght at a rllr5',.. mnih rAnmA mmt- ' .. i . ' I rhOdOdMldrOUa Four Handkerchiefs Year. ja. H. vadbk, i vom tne ew xora American, I. At nvtnhu rim. irt mini. htt.. ' f Funds sent to th National Red Cross I Madam Creel, wife of th Mexican I nn -th fAiiar&i trrvr mint whlnh society, Washington, D. C' will be for-1 ambaaaador. In aa Interview yesterday I own them, should Improve thorn. Many ; ' ".. . couia vm so improrea in a rew w-j iuuuiu, pivimin t.,vvuivv a rear. Tou ask me what I think a woman with unlimited money ahouid spend on herself. She should spend anything ah likes; but she should not oa extrava gant I will, glv you the Hat? 4 . Th Coo Bay region Is abloom with warded promptly to th famine auffr era. Ed.j . , - , ' Singular Verb la Correct.' ' Portland. April . To th Editor of I The Journal Will : you kindly . stat e Klamath Fall. wUl hav a new M,00 Methodist church. Larkspur kUled over. 108 ef a Lake Vfailpel SI Si Kaa lltlllssuV 9fm sMMtMaiMia I pUrpos. long: before new , railroads unty man' (Bhp. Could he hllllt. Th mA h nuM h. I ' '. to commerce t obvloua Th coming renalssancs - of Inland waterway in tn unitea state I. a Madame Creel enumerated th follow-1 tm PSi" laadaad Belgium depend upon their .: ur nrssssB a ie en. i waterways for the removal of consider . iwo osis ai .io sacn. overwhelming majority of the Demo- j importance should be carried . fOr-jgun or' projected in Portland during crats in Portland, if they would ex- warfl 1,7 his successor; powerful in- April amounts , to fl.645,450, as press themselves, would vote for him terests will combine in opposition to against $550,000 In April, 19 08, or rather than" for the man whose name 111086 reforms, and will seek to-con- Just about three times as much. This will be printed on the ballot. Tsince trol th convention for their V own is the way Portland is slumping, and Mr. Thomas, perhapB expecting that malign purposes; the president can we suppose, In advance of the fig few beside his supporters would onT , make sure of his good work ures, that no other city in the coun- vote, has thrown down the gauntlet I Deing carnea on r oy securing,, the try will show so great an uphill, for- end Invited a test of strength, all conir01 OI ine convention and prac- ward , slump. i which 1 preferable? THOMAS. hi. fMtflitrartthnnt hrMlrln hnlb In Shoe or boots, 14 pairs at til a pair, any of thos four countries, Germany Two embroidered bag . for confeo-lowea her industrial nnintHt tA n.n.i. .The jungle Congress. . Br Wax jonea v Without ' the allghteat bungl an wild folk of th Jungle Cam together in a clearing to pro-1 mot the cause of peace. th They elected , Mr. ; Buffalo (you ought ... vi .hum. r ' A. chVian mlng hat 5tt.h i -ii warfara eaasa: ot Chihuahua, I did not have a dollar tlonery.'. Silk stockings, 15 pair at IS a pair. Two handkerchief a , Two alternate handkerchief a' . Fouropera cloaks. Three purses, leather and .ilk.' "I do not think," continued Madam Creel, "that any woman should spend 1100,000 a year on her dress, s your MUdemolselle Moroslnl says. When my Democratic friends of the mayor and "eaUy dictating Its utterances and nicely, but t see a town grow come Then the .miiing alligator roasted ant. fig 'Pe?ain J?.0"??'. .1 ?on. cottog . , .. . .. . .. ' KAmi.Hnn. w.. vi- a I . ..... h. ... . I owns ana OAnoea in them, too. I his administration should accept the nominations, hence his efforts are to Portland. challenge and go and vote for Lane. not onIT JuBtmapia but laudable. ah tnis assumes that the presi- That the Gates brokerage firm has SUBSIDY DEFEATED BUT Jdent to UBt rlSbt, that he is really lost several' million dollars lately .... , '. uoms vt . aiiempuDK w ao great ana nas aeciaea to quit the game s-ROil , Seattle comes the report good, that the country can trust no while heavy losers Is a very interest- M . that three steamers are to be oneJelse as lt can him, and that he lng story in Wall street, but is of J, added ,to the fleet. of merchant is in fact needed ' as ' essentially a but sllghf Interest out west The vessels plying between that port dictator of all public affairs, , - country hasnV much at stake in the and oriental waters. '-..What seasons j Protests against this 'assumption. Wall street games, and would not ice announcement; with interest Island tnis use or the government to go Into a panic of grief If all the that bo large an addition to the mer-j coerce the action of delegates to the players lost for the losses would be chant service or Seattle should come j convention, will not he lacking. It mostly water and wind. eo soon after the defeat of the sub-will be Bald-that under no circum- Eidy bill, and com at that to a. city (stances ought the governmental ma- .There is only one more day for from whence the appeals for subsidy cnlnery be used for ouch a purpose; candidates tq "rustle" for votes. No were so strenuous and so prolonged that the president ought to trust ,to doubt they will all Improve it. And Seattle, too, is the home of Con- j the ' people " who have shown i such gressman Humphrey, whose fortlssl- J great confidence and faith in him to I ., .Criticising Presidents. mo predictions,, of calamity to come nomlnate.a fit auccetsor and. make t From the New lork Commercial; if subsidy was ot granted, recently right declarations withou this jres- toriwrtetteSm.nT chook tho nation from stem to stern. sure; ithat the duly. chosen ,MeIe xaeoy that notion that the president According to the news,, however, we gates, fresh from the people, and hot w" be'en ont'd "m " b"?lu'ly have, rln spite of the. defeat of the an outgoing administration, are the that it is impossible to "Septate th subsidy graftA not defunct mer- ones to settle the party's policy and presidency xrom. the holder of it th chant marine so jtsslduously predict- choose its Candidate, $ And if -the Sr2d to a eK - ic't c d, but added ships and tonnage and administration's ' -.policies', and pur-J should alway. operate to keep criti- probably a proportionate Increase of poses are so clearly- andr aesuredlyf iVJIZT Zln Z .IU J? bouflda maia mat caier . To ths horrid vies of battle and described it. dreadful harm. "I move you, Mr. Chairman, as a delS ;: gat and fair man, -' That the Jungle will b peaceful If th Jungle folk disarm . . 'i ; "Hurrah!" said Mr. Monkey and th ele phant ao chunky. And all the other animals In on ap- "i plauOlng cher, And said portly . Mr. Rhino, "Mr. .Chair man here' what I anow- r ' Let us set about disarming, now that everybody' here." . - ' "Oood," said Mr. Buffalo, la tone' you couldn't muffle O, "Let every one disarm himself and guarante th peaca . . We'll hav eighty million gallon, of as sorted teeth and talons, r And the' lions and th tigers will be- , com a tame as geese. But Somehow not a martyr would con sent toj be tne starter. uanais are a . .paying investment, aa a rule, and they ar now a neoesslty in ue unueg state.. Today In History. , I486 Lambert SJmnel., pretender to th English throne, crowned at Dublin. . 1494 Columbu discovered Jamaica, - IBIS Leonardo da Vinci died. . 1826 Pedro IV of Portugal abdicated. 1848 More Jhan 100 Uvea lost b col- laps of suspension bridge at -Tar-mouth, England,, , , v : 1868 Jerome ' K, Jerome, English autnor, Dorn. Th Toledo poatofflc shows a gala of II per eanf In a year. : . . "- --t Two Riddle boys -oaught lit fin ' trout on day In Judd creek. 1 ; Cove expect th railroad to be 'xm- . pleted to that burg thla month.; Many rattlesnakeaf ar making aa early appearance around Madraa : . - ; - V ' v ' Emplr City marshal la It years bid and la paid a salary of II a month. . s.-c-4:"-.. .;.)': '.;:r:t.- .'vV'--' Vi.': . ''.' ''.',': Many . peopl hav been paaalng through Shaniko hunting timber claims, never again had such a lovely tlm In my life." - -v -,.. :";.. Madam Creel Is " th 1 dsWhtar of uenerai Louis Terrasas, of Chihuahua. J Muguenota ' died. Born September 8, xerrasas won nonors in tn Maximilian 1 1 - : " Incident, and waa rewarded with . larg I ; 1887 Remaina of Rossini ' relnterred tract of land , in northern Chihuahua. I in SanU CrocOv Florence. ,t He owns more than, one twelfth of the! 1893 Deeming, the wholesale mur stata His Wealth has been estimated I derer. convicted ; ab Mslhoum. . knm. at mor than ,8100,000,000. He still conducts many business affairs, : al though more than 80 years of age. Prominent Corvalll people ar . af fecUd wltb rollerlsm not "holy" , but skating. "- ' i - His friends mad . th marshal ef 1864 O. Meyerbeer, composer of "Les J Praia a present of a fin new official uniform. , ' - 1 ' ' 'A Malheur county . sagebrush la IS lnchea in diameter at th .tump and II ft high. : - " ' v . ' ..'.,.. All th fruit trees around Aurora ex cept . pear tree prom! to boar larg yield this yean trails. 1887 Congress of th United Postal Union opened at Washington, JX C v 1901 Glasgow International exhlbl- uon openea. premiership. F;What Did ltK? ,7.TX. V -, .. From th Dallas Observer, f ' I. y Polk -county's goat again take "the T AO A A MflAilftlM. ,V.. L... .. V-f a th pool of 40,000 pound .old t: at I The Light That Hasnt Failed. uaiiaa recently, went for v80 cents al " " Vom Life pound, or . thre fourths of a-cent I Railroads have always been a branch higher than any bid offered at any! of government, but it la only lately that other place this season.- Salem 8tatea- they have begun to realise lt; If a road. The high price paid for the An Aurora man claims to hav caught 1 9 06 M. - Wltte resigned the Russian I one day over 100 carp, as long aa . a plckhandl or a piece of string.. A deer wandered Into Bend and want deliberately trolling around th atresia, but curiously waa not molested. - - r A lot nf . saa-arata will ha .vs. aninnaA master who bosses the hiah wava Af hla I from Mlm tn Pullman fnv lnnMtn1a- Pnllc I townahln la an nf ftnar , n I .- -" . 1 , . 1 j - M . .. .. i . r . ' -. . v. . w. Bv,viuuiaui, I vu, wiu VUI lieu UU.. (9 BUI CAU n ISlSaW i. And by laying down hi weapon, so county; mohair la one of the direct re-1 so, certainly, in essentials. Is the re-lamong their pestiferous fellows. . advano th worthy cans. . suit or tn annual goat ahOW held at sponsible chief of th raBroad which r e-e V--,?t They all looked -: rather f foolish, and : These, shows hav encouraged traverae. that township and Is chartered ;Aurora.;tsayi tht Boreal iwsjTnr'atr; eyed th chairman cooll.h. the farmer to get rid of theirjnferior by th tat of which the townahip 1 a we lJ!lZ rJZ mlZ And each looked rather nervou. at animal, and to breed their flock, up' to part ;;Ha. too. la-a public servant and .v.. fiiH.'a a man atanaara or axeeuanc. Tn i thouah h ha larv Atmnn. i - ri ir"."" I I mohslr In tha Polk count t nool mnr. I datalla nf (ha uml... v. . . "'.'-i ' ; -,-..-1 - V'- I . - . - f ' muni BlUfl Well, of course, there waa a Quarrel nearly meet ,th -requirement of the 1 the rewards he shall exact for render- (thls hasn't any moral), uuuiuimiu. "j vruuuuou bibb i ma; inem, wnen ( it comes to the final And the tiger found the chairman a satisfying lunoh. where in the state, hence th high price tn Duyera are wining to pay to- ' tnei,P-, ntiud to a certain While tha toothful alllsatora and ethar urS It Th goat Dreetlers who ar , . Z.rr. : --v. .u " .----Cir I". - . laAVina ehipplng husiness, at least at Seattle, Thus does fact belie the fondest notions of fads and fancy.; The claim that subsidy canymake or unmake merchant marine is an oriental pipe dream, and the- monumental fallacy if the age.' Aside from Japan's new experiment. Prance is the only cargo paying subsidy nation In the world, end her merchant marine is actually declinlnf.'.; She .-has spent ; millions subsidizing her merchantmen, and tot b or reward she sdes her ships i ctually disappearing from the sea. . :. '-' ' ' .' a'.'. . it- W i. . 1 - . "....-" 4 ""'"" - OUU i or me puoiic gooa,- now .can mer? i pounas raignt oe conaonea in the criti cism or otner persons; that while a man may make of his tongue an un corked bottle of vitriol at his own sweet will, there 1. at least one In. stance In which h may not do it with out hideous violation of good taste. be any danger of their being rejected and overthrown .by a convention that surely will be duly , appreciative of them? , Is there . not something : la this early and aggressive Interfer ence suggestive , of the . Republican masses being either foolish or venal in, their political affairs, so much so that the president must protect them from themselves? ' v, Not a few Bepubllcans, also, ; will believe that an administration is out of place la - actively controlling Its , '...No "Social Equality. From th New Stat (Okla.) Trlbuna - A negro moved Into the town of Bug ler and rented a house. : - As soon as th whit people found out the fact a committee visited the place, put a stick of dynamite under one corner . and touched lt oft The negro had not etopped-Tunnlng when last seen. The sentiment In Stlgler is against letting negroes setae there.; , . - y , , hungry craters Nabbed the unprotected fellow, that - had missed the obvlou. hunch. ucruuunu rit, L Fonf Outing. t f ' In a single day Geronlmo, when In hi prime, ran 40 mile on foot rod BOO mile on one stretch, a. faat aa he could change horses, and so completely wore out th column which finally cap tured him that thre t of - officers were needed -to flolsh the chase, and not mor than on third of th trooper, who started wer tn at th flnlsh. - . Kinds of Confidence. From th Philadelphia Record. . via the aame proportion In which Gov ernor Hughes of New Tork ha lost th confidence of the Republican machine he has gained the eont idenoe of th public. working earnestly ind Intelligently to produce tbe beat possible grade of hair! I are adding materially to Abe wealth and prosperity of Polk county. . . Dr. Harry Lane. From th McMlnnvlll Telephone-fteg- later. , . Th people are now demanding-men in public office whom they, .can trust, and those that hava been tried and not found wanting. Mayor Lane Is such a man. The political Jeadera In the ma tro polls - do- not want - him, for ' mayor, bnt th honest law-abiding -people do. He has a clean record and has done mor for th city of Portland In th past year than any mayor that city has elected for years. The bribe-giver and grafter finds no quarter 'within the wall wherein Mayor Lane reigns. He should serve Portland as mayor an other yar. S.J.iWw, , want to th baU gam at Woodbum. " v a a The Aurora Boreall. 'office ays that paper, does. Job work for all parte of vl th state aa far south as AshlanSsvtast aa far as Burns, and Portland and OTW. " gon City ar good eutomera Harry Stevenson and Delia Lady went - show-down It is not he that own. th publio but th publlp that commands him. , 1 --. - - , r -v Mr, Hartrman seems to hava hn low in getting this Inexorable truth through bis head, and has. doubtless. In some particulars, found a nroflt in his (from MyrtlerCreak tn-...,,.. tardiness, t Mr. Rockefeller and hia I circus and innidaniaii . friend were alao alow In apprehending Delia being only 18, her fatheA waa die- I It and also found profit in Ignoring lt Suob men do not realise such facts until they hav to. v ' A Burning Nose. . ' From tha Detroit News 1 A man with an inflammable no. re cently created exoltement on tbe Boule vard 8t Michel, Pafla H was lighting a olgarett when hi nose became sud denly Ignited, and it and hia beard. were aoon on nre. Th man Jumped about In great pain, and waej carried through a horrlfled crowd to - a druirKlst's shoo. where the bias' waa extinguished. It waa then found that hw had a eeUulold pleased, Harry skipped out Delia tried neraeii out was aved, and It 1 supposed all will b happy otfn. - Rainier Review: A cruiae of th tim ber landa of Columbia county would ooat not mora than - 810,000, and the assessor Inform us that it Would re sult In an lnoreased payment equal to that amount from two flrma : In leas than two year, it would ha .n pens Incurred and an increase suffi-' clent to morjr than quaL. the cost of I ii.w. wuiiuuua.. i ne nirha. uation yet placed upon timber land has n ui an acre- ana .Om of worth over 81,000 pr aor. , it u