THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 2, -1B07. i in i M II ii ti i i ii ' ii ii'i.i I i ; ni ,.Jr i i ni i I in ni'i ni ir . i ii hh nt,n ii i i n ii ) ill hi ii Ii i ill 0 i' mmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. M'l m i I i .in 1 A Good 'Kerchief Special Find These at the Handkerchief Counter, Right Near Corner of Fifth and Washington Street They're dainty affairs of all linen, finished with fancy colored em broidery in various designs ; there are dozens and dozens of them for this fine Friday special, so many that "all . who appreciate pretty 'kerchiefs may; share in the sav in; have ii -Inch hemstitched hem,' pure linen and regular 25c values ; special for Fri- .' f day only, each 1 1 C . ' The new Crossbar Linen' Hand kerchiefs, with J4-inch hem stitched border; regular 25c val- ;-SSJh 17c More Bargains in the Same Aisle. Fancy Braids and Bands, a great: assortment, can, be used for trimming waists, dresses or children's coats worth to A 35c the yard ; choice for Friday only v; . . . ..... ; !C On Sale at Little Booth, at Fifth Street Entrance. Fancy Ribbons, hundreds of yards, come jti dotted effects, embroidered and Jacquard de signs, stripes or plain taffeta; regularly worth 40c ' " OA to. 85c; the yard ....... Women's Short Silk Gloves, 2-; clasp style,' in fancy mesh silkj a regular $1.00 grade ; come in black, white and 4 few colors; special for Friday, V Women'a Long ,' Gloves, silk net, come - in black, white or cream'i worth $1.25; , the. pair ;'. , i . i .'. ........ f tJC WomenV Umbrellas, a good quality, 'T' piece ;' dyed ; taffeta . cover, a fast black ; have neat handles and are as good a dol lar fifty value as you'd be of fered anywhere. We're going to make a big specikl W ngl Friday, each, only. . .; ..OC Shows many and Vondroua opportunities for great economies. Savings of the sefi7 sible sort, for they're all on the wanted sort of goods and the qualities are the thor oughly dependable;grades. ; Interest should be at fever heat, for the announcements ; , , that we make' here represent savings rare indeed. ' m ported Madras! 8c A Remarkable Wash Goods Special tor Friday a Sate that Will Distribute Thousands of Yards of Pretty Tubabte Materials at a Marked Saving, WiMll. mf Hfe Place Them On Sale at Thlt lAw Price: Absolutely Fast Color Good Patterns and Regu lar 25c Qualities. SPECIAL FRIDAY YARD. NO PttQNE ORDERS FILLED. NOT MORE THAN 20 Yds. TO ONE ' ' i'm rrrrniirn nr 'tmmxi' ' $l:50WhitePetticoats87c ": ' ," v. Made of fine cambric, in dainty pleasing styles, with flounces ot deep torchon lace with wide insertion between tucks or with deep flounce of embroidery and clusters of hemstitched ' 07 tucks; famous $1.50 values ; special for Friday . . . . . .. . O I C Children's Wash Dresses, : of e ginghamV percale J or tchambray ; made in Buster Brown or French styles, very neatly trimmed. for little tots from 1 to 4 years old ; worth $1.25 each? special ' at : Vi'vV. v. ... . . . . Round Center Pieces, 27-inch size, in pretty tinted effects, in floral designs ; the materials are rood and the regular value is 76c eacn; special -V Large Laundry Bags, made of .white mercerized huck; stamp ed in pretty, designs, tinted in light Mtlue or: pink, finished with tasse led draw- : 'A! string ; 60c value , '" j'J ft : of':,:: Haviland China Friday is the third day of this prodigious event, and still there remains" immense quantities for selection. For the last two days,(yesterda v and today) buyers have come in throngs, but the assortment was so large that even jthls furious selling could not deplete this splendid stock; Bread Trays, worth ; $1.15 for .vi.V....S;... -cs'. -. j 'v,-il- -''-r Chocolate Pots worth Chocolate Pots worth A i Q C $2.25 each, for pllD Chocolate Pots worth d 1 - A A $1.65,for...,.;;y.lUU Creamers, worth eOcforS Cake Plates, worth 85c for 52 Chop Plates,' worth ( 'AC Dinner Plates, worth (1 : OA $1.70, for . ... k 4l) 1 Breakfast Plates, , d Q A A worth $5.00 doz.;for,$t)9UU 100-Piece Dinner Sets, reipular- ly worth $37.80, , . Anr for ....... ..... .DUuD Haviland China Pudding-Tor Reg. 35c each, for. .... .12 Tea Plates, worth it fl fAlKtf C eacn, tor;. A? S4il5 dozen. for Sugars, worth $1.20 ; TO, each, now ............. f i. Spoon Trays, worth OP ' 60c, each.... ...... f.V,.ODC 60-Piece Dinner Sets, regularly worth $27J0, . M C OC for ,.. ;:9)l04Ut Reg. 40c each;-for'.-w'?;vt .14 Reg. 45c eacht for........ 15 Reg. 60c each, for...;....16p Haviland China Soup Plates, in three grades, one-third their real value. Read: Worth $6.00 dozen, for.. $2.00 Worth $7.00 dozen, for92.35 Worth $7.60 dozen, for,,?2.50 SpAendidMc Hose 19c Pr. Women's Bursoti Hose, in brilliant,' fast ,: 'black' and' "seamless"- and full ff Jx J'( I fashiortcd4?: Haye spliced heel and' v ; . V v '-' tof and madCtof iprime quality ot- ;af& ? J . ' 19c tolf- and madetOf pnme quality t6n; regular 35c value; :i -, BLICkiai ... . . . . ..,,, Women's Lace Lisle Hoe, with em broidered figureiin white rr colors ; these are fine 50c -values;.; QQ; special for Friday, pair ... . . . , , OOC Women's Silk ' Embroidered Hose, in fine black lisle -finished cotton; a splendid hlaclc- Hermsdprf dye ; em broidered in black silk and in ycry i pleasing designs ; regular A $1.60 Hose; special uit pair.V yOC Children's Hose, in fine ribbed black cotton, with white maco yarn sole ; come m sizes 6J4 to' 9yi , ' and are regularly ' worth to 50c the IpatrfJoq special , , . . . . Children's Waists, in light col ored . percale, : come ;; in neat striped and .checked patterns and for boys from 4 to 14 years of age; good 35c val-t . OQ ; Ues ; special , , ... . . . &)C Children's Vests,' of real lisle, nicely finished, a pure white ; reg. 25c, 30c and. 35c . - 17 values ; special, ; Friday . ; J f C Women's v Union Suits, v um brella style, knee lengths ; these are the famous Merode gar ments and are all lace trimmed ; worth $1.50 each ; d OQ special at ''.......'. 1 LlO Women's Vests, of lisle finished cotton, with ; ribbon top in plain ; or fancy styles f , good values at 85c each ; special . iW.l ..... ... . . ikQ Women's , Vests,' of a prime grade of white cotton, in the high ;neck and long sleeve style jworth 35c ; 9Qa each ; special:... .....CtoQ Men's Seamless Hose 12c Pr. They're a prime black cotton, with white feet, just the thing for tender feet; a grade well worth 20c the pair; : K t, . 1 0 1 special, Friday . . ........... ... . ..... ...... r ....... . li2C Men'i . Muslin Nightshirts, French neck, made without col lar, : with : full sized body and sleeves ; worth 85c . ' CC each ; Friday ......... , UuC Men'sUnderwear,' - in' derbv Men's.' Handkerchiefs, plain linen, with hemstitched border; these too are regular 20c, val ues ; special, . , .inl Friday ...1AZC Men's Handkerchiefs, of f ancv mercerized ' material, come in polka dot and-; fancy borders, and they're a ' regular 20c grade; going Friday f inl at, only .'.I2C ribbed balbrieean, in the popu lar ecru color, with French elastic neck; have double cuffs on shirts and drawers ; worth 60c the; garment, 39 C Regular $7.50 Hats $3 A9 and $10.00 Ones $5.00 Where, but here would,you find authentic styles, splendid ma terials and the right sorVof trimmings on a hat for $2.08? The headgear that we offer; in this grand special is from the leading !;ousts of New York", : the trimmings are chosen with unusual :aste, the sfiapes are chic,vjauiity little affairs and the colorings md materials are muchtyery much better , M;'i"A than enters into the construction of the ordi- Yk A " f i,... ......1 i ... I Trimmed Hats, that would look well and please the most fastidious of women, A diver sity, jof shapes and trimmings so great that none need be disappointed, made and designed by New York milliners and mm:' every one a regular tyO.OO k K f If I Value ; special If VI nary $5.00 hat; special , t: Trimmed Hats, in the newest smartest shapes and modes, the most popular colorings and with the trimmings tastefully applied. They're triumphs in, the art xf making modest priced, hats, gems of the milliners' skill, and though theyire regular $7.5.0 val ues, Friday they arc . DUt ......... t ;.''.'". . . .' In the Smallwaresi "l ii ".I . ,Tf li if .I ,i fl' i "' i l. ill Hi ' Hair Brushes, with ' solid' back and pure bristles, worth $1.00 fiQ each, tor .t . . .i ......... . ..U7C Toilet Soap, for hotels or boarding houses, one dozen cakes in box; reg ular' 60c ralue; M1r special - JUl Plnaud's Sapho, Violet or Carnation Toilet Water regularly, CC, $1.00t the bottle ... ...VOC 8-ox. Jar Cold Cream ..,...,,..25 Colgate's Talcum Powder, box.. IB 10 ydsvLace Edge Shelf PaperT. 8 15c Pack Playing Cards 10 8c Ruled Writing Tablets . . . .'. . 5 Writing Paper, cloth finish, 100 sheets in pkg., 35c 97 Talue, for ", . . .... XiAiC 10c Pksr. Envelopes to Match . . Tjt Writing:Paper,1n fancy boxes, regu lar wc value;. f special, Friday wt Hooks and Eyes, 2 cards for ... 6 18c Plain Shell Side Combs ....12 15c Bottle Sewing Machine Oil.. 10 Cabinet Wire Hair Pins. asst.... 3 4; worth 35c and 50c; - , " 1 Q special ........... i ............ . 1 1. , i i .A.. ' ... , ,. v .. ,i'. ' ,. .... ' ," Womens' Coats SS $5.69 Coats Worth to $T.50, $3.95 ;T Walking Skirts $2.69 ; Natty Spring Jackets, in very swagger fancy effects,' loose fitting models, in the plaids, striped and checked effects. They're made well, trimmed with braid and iancy buttonsr;some have velvet collars, some collars of. silk; still others have collars of the same materials as the coat. All are long sleeved models.' Every one tn the lot is worth from $9,60 or more, in fact ' the prices we've been selling them for are' $9.60, $9.75 and $10.00'. Choice, Friday only . . . jucia. .every one $5.69 Women's Spring Jackets in the loose fitting models or half fit ting style, come in homespuns, checks and striped designs; trimmed with : braid k and fin ished with Velvet v collars ; worth $6.50, r $7, & $7.50; ' OH choice, Friday. .44 . Women's Walking Skirts, in fancy mixtures and checked or striped patterns ; good colors and good styles, and they are aliregular $5.00 to $6.50 values. Afot Of JUSt : a' - 84 go on sale SJ f3 Friday, choice ; 4aw JJr Two Grand Specials Here Qillcc ' About. 3,000 yards in JIIA the wanted Scotch clan, stripes and plaid effects ; for ; the natty jumper f shirt waist ; suits, and they are, fine iilkq in all wavs : crood . pat- Iterns; good qualities, and to get you here 'Friday in large num-. bers we make the- Cy price only . . . . . . . 4 . . . .OmC Dress Goodsll good . colorings , and 56 inches wide ; come in the chiffon or regular , finish, and as good a value at $1.75 as you could find. Plenty of them for Fri day; brilliant blacks; '1 'OA special , 4 .' , . . i .J) 1 Black Only, Mind You.: ' Novelty ' Lace Curtains i3;35 White Lace Curtain; with Marie Antoinette borders; fancy nov elty designs and plain centers; double thread net, a curtain that will rive wonderful service, and a grade regularl worth $4.50 the pair ; yards long; 50 inches wide ; special, O 9 1- Friday, the pair Penrlleton Shawls, to'use when traveling; fiiife all wool shawls, in the best colors, black ana ereen : : can 1 be used for slum ber robes or traveling: rugs; wortb$4.50 each, for . ... . ... $2.45 Reclining Folding Go-Carts, with fine reed body;' full ad justment of back and dash and good springs ; wheels are fitted with rubber tires, and the reg ular price, is $8.00; special ........... a $5.98 MIGHTY GOOD SHOEWALUES HOUR - FROM 8 TO 9 A.M. - , Women's . White Canvas Ox fords, In the regular or blucher lace style, made with tip or with plain t6e, two pfjhe hesjpelling styles . we have, and regular $1,75 grade ; special d 1 OA for one hour .... .. .D 1 iU Aft FROM 9 TO 10 A, M.H : Women's Comfort Slippers, wo syles, one with a. round common sensettoe,;tow Strap j over v instep, the other with a round toe, opera heel, strap and bow; both are splendid- styles and good $1.50 values " A special ..... . . .. , .. i vf JL X , . r.:. FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. Women's OxfordSr several, styles', in kid or white, blucher or regular lace styles; medium or heavy soles, and in all izes; reg- d A ular values to $2.50 ; special . .. ...plJU .FROM 11 TO 12 A. M. ' Women's . Bunion Shoes, made iof soft ,kid, especially fof feet afflicted with bunions, corns or callouses on the bottom of foot; the most perfect : shoe "of the kind rrhade rand regular $4.00 .values; special, -, '.O OA for one hour 'only .ti l i-iy$QU- : - . : FROM 12 TO 1 P. M.. ; Men's Oxfords, in two styles, patent leather or bright : calf, blucher lace cut," on stylish .'last, and regular $3.50 shdes; special for f0 A one hour only, pair ............... tDil0 FROM 1 TO 2 P. M.' r-. Men's Florshiem Shoes, in patent leather ox fords ; made on themnew 1 urk last, with hand welt soles; the best low shoe the fac- rfQ A tory makes ; a $5.00 value , . . . . .tPaJUl . FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. Women's White Canvas Oxfords in five styles, in the new button or lace styles; with light or neayy soies ; maae 01 sea island Q cotton duck; worth to $3.00 pair; at'.pl9 J . V FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. ' Women's Shoes, in tans and champagne colors. jlu styies, siraigni oris wing xasts, DUtton or lace; come in.kid or calf leathers, in the "dif ferent shades of brown and tan; (to 1A worth to $5.00; for pne.hour f . $0 1 U FROM 4 TO 5 P.M.-T Girls Oxfordjs, in 10 styles; including all the desirable lasts and patterns ; heavy; or . light soles; patent or kid leathers. 1 - 5 to 8,.worth $2.00, for 1?. .11.. $1.19 f8to 11, worth $2.50, for ...81,39 11 to 2, worth $2.75, for .......!... $1.79 2 to 7, worth $3.00, for.. $1.98 , FROM 5 TO 6 P. M. - , Boys' Summer Shoes, made of high grade ma terials, kid or box calf ; three of the jbest shoes we carry, priced thus:', V . 9 to 13, a $2.00 value 7. ."..;.;.. 1.49 1 to 2, a $2.25 value ..t.c".$l.G9 2X to 5, a $2.50 value 91.8D . '. -. '. ' ;. I"1 : " . ... 1 . ? ....... A. . Great Sale of Bags $2.98 Made of seal or' walrus leathers, and come in black, green,or blue; Bags that have been selling fbr.$3.50 and $4.00 each, but they are down to two or three of a kind, therefore we make a great reduction to clear out odd Bags. For Friday only, we place them on sale, and if you have a need for a purse, supply it IJO AO then. These fine Bags go for only nS)Lyij Men's Card Cases, in several shades, very flat to carry in pocket, open at one end and have metal K l i :i - su -' - - f .m i . Dinainirs; suctiai, C4ui,.., . v Gold Filled Tie Pins, for men, with sets of rhinestone, tur quoise or cameo; regular 65c Mr.!..v.'n...45c Real Tortoise Shell Hair Pins, four in a setr regularly .worth $1.25 the set; . AO special at.., ......lCC Back Combs, that sell reular-t ly for 65Cand 75c;i Of , . . . . . ' . C Cut Beads, in rose, amethyst, amber or ruby; a beautiful line of goods' that sell regularly f r 35c the struig; special rifl cv for Friday, only Viclet Cellar Pins, in m straight bar -effect. t rhinestone and Y" '. larly worth 35c r special-1 n 'ay 1