The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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hoe deihb:
ieur vessel
American Ship Eclipse Sailed
: Five Hundred Miles Off Shore
; Coming North. ; ,
Wu la Company With Schooners
-. Newsboy and Alpena Bound North,
4 Both of Them Being ,Many Days
Out Lumber Vessels to Load.
birds are so tame that they aro al
lowed their, freedom even In port.
The Portland & Seattle Railway com
pany' tender Cruiser will be lifted on
the drydock tomorrow" for v repairs., ;
j Frank Waterhouse of Seattle and An
drew Weir, the proponent shipowner of
London, were In the city yesterday af
ternoon on their way to Ban Franolsco.
I, uiree cm
Too fins weather was responsible for
the slow voyage of the American. ship
Eclipse" from Ban Pedro to the Colum
bia river, says Captain C. V. Larsen,
who cams up from 1 Bt Helens this
morning to enter st the custom bouse.
It was sunshine., light ..breeses ... and
smooth water ovary day for. two weeks
when the old windjammer lay about SOO
miles off tbs coast barely making head
way. , ,
"Ws did not make, an unusually slow
passage," said Captain Larsen. "Thirty-
three days from San Pedro to the Co-
. river Is not so' bad, although
run can be made In three days.
Northerly wind first took us far off
shore; then fins weather earns on and
. ths -winds fell down' to almost deed
calms.- . What little breeses we encoun
' tered wars from ths wrong quarter, and
v- It took us a long tlms to work back
ft ' near ths ooast where a fresh brsess was
r making It good sailing for ths vessels
that left several days . after our de
' - perture. Ths schooner Alpena, from
Baa Diego and the sohoonsr Newsboy,
. from fian Pedro, kept la our company
nearly , all : ths way, until ws readied
ths Columbia river. Both of them bad
been out as long as ths Eclipse,"
Tbs Eclipse wlU load railroad, ties at
St. . Helens for Ban Pedro or Redopdo.
' She will possibly make several trips.
, The German bark Tellua, which as
' rived hers yesterday morning from
Lelth, Scotland, with general cargo, will
- load lumber outward. Her destination
has not been announced. '-'
- The Paciflo Export Lumber, company
received word today that ths British
i1 steamer -'Tottenham will leave Com ox,
British Columbia, this svenlng for this
; port, to load lumber for. ths Orient
This win bring her here Saturday, sjj
Parrot's Death Forecasts Loss of Old
Windjammer. '
Captain Oeorge Johnson, master of the
American ship Louisiana, cams up from ;
Bieua yesieraay wnere n thin is
loading lumber for a California .port.
Ho was formerly master of tbs old
American bark Coloma, having resigned
his command of ber before she started
out on ths voyags that proved to be ber
last' V '. t '-V'-'--;", '
"A strange coincidence it was," said
Captain Johnson, "that a pet parrot of
mine that X bad bad for years died on
the Coloma's voyage south. .. It was a
bad omen I thought and I resigned my
command upon reaching-vport.' '-.A. few
weeks Inter ths old . windjammer was
lost off Capo Flattery. Fortunately ber,,
crew .was- saved. She never completed
another voyage after the death of ths
parrot" , r
Kerala liners Dne te Arrive. ' .
CnlnmMa, from Ian Pranalacs.. ........ May .
Alliance, from Coo Bar. ...... ...... ...Mar
Nloomedta, from Orient .,. ......My
:, . 1
wk, a, ic aAJUT
Bapnblloan AsptrasS tow City Attorney
Whom tbs reopls Should Vomuste.
The launching of the steamer We-
Own at tha-St-Johns shipyard fester
' day afternoon was a complete success.
Tbs new craft will belong to Rainier
, -and will be devoted to towiiig. V .
The French bark Mlchelet Captain
Rosa wilt clear this' afternoon for ths
United Kingdom with 111,774 bushels
C et wheat valued at $90,856. She la ths
- first grain,, vessel to clear this month.
Ths steam' schooner Nomo City, Cap
tain Hanson, cleared today for Redonda
' with 900,000 feetof railroad ties. Bhe
1' left 'down, yesterday afternoon from
.Llnnton.. ... ... r- "".
-ttZXbi steamer .Ooorgs W.' mder sailed
last" night for San Pedro and . way
porta Bhe carried a full.frelghj'oirgo
and many passengers. '',..
The French bark Annan left down
Yesterday bound for Newcastle, N. 8.
-- W.. In ballast -: - - -v
"V". Captain Prohn of the German bark
Tellus has a flock of pigeons that cams
out with the bark from Scotland. Ths
smnTsTiriTsT .-'..
ON ANY F100R '
... -, s i ;
with Stainfloor . can be .made,
closely to ' resemble - any of the
eostly hardwoods at Yery mall
fraction of their cost - 4 ., t
NEW FLOORS of either hard
or soft wood in first-class con
dition should be treated with
Transparent Stainfloor.. It pro-;
duces a full lustrous finish and
does not darken the wood. .
te beautiful witn one appu
sn of Stainfloor Undercoat
' and one or two I coats of , tht
reguUr Stainfloor. Finish.
ANY FLOOR, WdTor:new;:'
hanlwiMMl or nine, whether pre
viously painted or-not, can b
made- beautiful with Stainfloor.
It does hot Obscure the grain
of the wood like paint, but ttill
produces the desired color, f
ap ,! T.trJnT.ICTIM ' and OIL.
CLOTH there is
satisfactory, as Stainfloor. It,
restores the original lustre- and
impart a rich, durable finish,
which can be washed without
injury. An occasional coat ,of
Stainfloor will prolong life of
Linoleunv or Oil Cloth indefi
nitely. ' " .
eluding staircases, Vainscoting,
window sills, baseboards, refrig
erators, and, in' fact, on any
face . wnere a ; naturai,; wooa,
kh is desired, Stainfloor can
used to great -advantage, u
One gallon covera 300 square
feet with two coats.
One ; gallon -costs $2.75; half
gallon $1.45; quart 75c
Eight choice colors from which
to choose, k" ' ". ;
' t : . -..:oii''-t-;":::--iv--"
Oars la a complete paint
store everything you need
to paint with. , i'
Booklet, MOare of Floora, Tree.
mms, cress & co:
' Tbs Paint Store. . 1 i
an, ' ,. . . ... -"'S - - '-
ia rirst Mi. Telephone atala BOSS
V. A. KUbnra, from Baa Fraa, and way. May S
KMnok. from Sa Pedro and way. ...May T
Coat a Elca. from San Franeiace Via S
O. W. Klder, from Saa Pedro and way, .Mar 14
Numaotla, from orient ............. ...May Sff
Arabia, from orient... .....Jona S4
ataala, from eriant. ..,.. ., . , .Joly IS
" BatHlar Lhwrt te Depart.:;
Ooata Rica, tot Saa l"rancUoo.....,....May 1
Arajonla, for orient ...,,.,,,,May e
Oolambla, for San Franeiace., May S
Alliance, for Owe Bar........ ..May T
Roanoke,-for Saa' Padre and way. .v... May S
r. A. Kllbora, for Saa Fran, and way. .May S
NloomadM, tor orlant......... .May II
Oao, W. Elder, for Saa Pedro and way. May 18
Nnmantla, for orient. ................ .Jane
Arabia, from orlant.. ............ .....Jooa 16
Aleala, for arlant... .....July 87
'V ;-.;' ' . eaaele is Port ,r7
-rTeane City. Am. etr., at Aatorla. ;
- Araatnla, Oer, atr., at 0. B. A N., Albtna. '
, Irian Monarch. Br. atr., Inman-Ponlaaa mllla,
J. Marboffar, Am. atr.. at Wli. Iron Werka,
trja Vlkaa, Not. atr., at Balnlar. , '
Annan, Fr. bk., at Maraey dock.
'Bayonne, Fr. abH at Moatfomary Sorb We. B.
' Dlmadale, Br.' bk., at anchor in etxeam.
Klrklae, Br. atr., a OceanM dock.
Mtcbalat, Fr. bk., at Columbia Me. S. ;
. Tola, Br. ab at Blarator dock. ' '
Alde Baeaa, Am. bk., at WaUaee akmfb.
: Jordaohlli. Br, bk4 atiraeawlcb. .
Belaoca. Rata, atr., at O, I. t N, Albma:
riormaa Ialaa, Nor. atr- at Moatfomary tie. 4.
Bra, tier, atr., at Irrmt dork.
. Ecllpae, Am. atr at St. ileiaae. "
tinlta, Br. bk.. at Aatorla.
TeUna, Oar. bk., at Colombia We. t, -
. Annie Uraon, aca., at Aatona, . . ...
' Bailor Boy, ach at Aatorla., .
Malroae. Am. sen., at Kalama.
, i. U. OrUtttBr, Am. bktn., at Unntosv
( . .. .. Lunaar Catrlara Za Beats, .
Diamond Bead, Am. bk, Saa Padre.
B. F. Wbltaay, Am. bk., MakaweU. '
Blwell, Am. ab, Saa Padaa. V ,
Llllaboane. Am. een., Manila.
- Lnetlle, Am. an., Saa Fraadace. . - .
Mabel Oale, Am. ach.. Baa ' Fraoeiaae.' .
John Palmar, Am. bktn., Baa 'ranclaea, "
. Batrlavar, Am. bktn, Sae traacttoa,
Bin tram. Am. ah Bedonde.
Anrora. Am. bktn Ban ITanclaea. . .
Colombia. Am. ach.. Baa Fraaclaco. ,
'Jamea Rolph, Am. aeh.. Baa Pedro. -,
John Smith, Am, bktn., Sae Pedro.
' Makawall. Am. bktn., Saa Franolaee,
Santa Ana, 'Am. atr.. Baa Fraacleee.
AUena, Am', ach., Saa Pedro. ., ..
BmUy Bead. Am. etr.. Ban Padre.
' W, B. Home. Ami ach.. Baa Padre; '
Prilarla, Am. ech. Ban Padra. ,
. LttHla, Am. ach.. San Franeiace. - . i,
Mnrlal. Am. ach.. Baa Franclaeo. '
J. B. Stataoa, Am. atr-Sae); rrandaoa.
" Tiverton. Am. etr Ban Franeiace,
Wm. Qlaan, ach., Baa Franciaco.
palay .Vraaman.. Am.-atr., San Fraaemna.. -
Iran. Am. ecu Baa Franciaco. - '.
Vlrflnla. Am. ach gaa Franelaee,
' Kb- fonte With Oameat and eeaereL '
' Buoolaooh, Br. ab., Hamborg. -.
'. Brcnn, Fr.- bk Hull. -..-.i- -
-Conway Caatle, Br. bk, Antwarp.- . '
uaignar, nr. en uamnnrf. , .
Bnropa, F. bk., Antwerp.
OaaerieTe Mollnoa. Fr. bk., Loodoo. .
Bena KarrUer, Fr. eh Bamberg. -
Laaonee,- Fr. tb., Bwanaaa. - ,
, La Pillar, Fr. bk London. .
'Martha Bou, Fr. bk Hambarg,
Mocambkina, Br. ah., Nawcaatle, JL '
Samoa,- Br.. bk. Bblelde. - ?
fllam, Oer. ah London.
. Boooa, Fr. ah., Nawcaatle, . .
-. Vlncennea, Fr. bk., OUacow.
Marecbaal Tnrrane, Fr. bk., Hambort.
Villa da. Mnlbooaa, Fr. bk., Antwerp.
. Gnethary. Fr. bk., Antwerp.
Plerrl Lott, .Fr. bk., Antwarp. ' '
Walden Abby, Br. eh., Antwerp. - -.
Gleneaalln. Br. ah., Antwarp. , .
. Jane Gnillon, Fr. br London. .
;?araaiUee, Fr. bkf tetth. , .
' " , Coal. Bhlpt Ea Xeate.
. B1B- FT. bk.. Nawcaatle. A-
Col. de TUlebola Marenll, Fr. bk., Nawcaatle, A.
i;iaTeraon, sr, an nawoaatm, A.
St. Lou la. Fr. bk Nawcaatle, A.
": Tramp;-Btaamere 'Za Boate. ::
Aaeot, Br. atr., Baanoe Ayrea.v '
-Bradford, Br, atr, 6aa Francieee
' Crnaaa Mara, Jap atr., Japan
- African Monarch, lit. atr. Baa Franotaoa.
Bercnlee, Jior. atr, Mororaa. -
Stratbclyda. Br. etr San Frandaee, ' -
Btratbyre, Br. atr Saa Franelaee. .
' TeUna, Nor.- atr Saa Fraaclaco, ,
Tottenham, Br. atr., Comoc, B. 0.
Bark, Nor. etr., Baa Fraaclaeo. j
Maori King, Br. atr, Bhaafhal.
'- Knla-ht Templar, Br. atr., orient. -5
Benrlk Ibaan, Nor. atr., Baa Frandaee. :
Astoria, Or., May tnArrivofl down at
S and aaJled at a. m., ateamer Oeo.
W. Klder tor Saa Pedra Arrived down
at I a.1 m.. schooner Alice McDonald.
Ban Francisco, May I. Sailed, steam
schooner Johan Poulsen for Portland.
Queenetown, May S.-Arrlved, British
' Tha of flea of city attorney la one of
much Importance to every residentof
Portland. Much, responslBlllty rests up
on . the r-ereon .who holds that office.
It la an office reauliina cool judgment
and careful study, of existing condi
tions. : . i- "' ; : '
- - While this offloe Is one of purely
local character it is none ths less im
portant to i overr cltisen of Portland.
Mr. William It. MeOarry. however, en
Joys both natlonall and international
distinction. ' He waa retained, by the
Nicareguan' government as its legal
representative at Washington - during
the Isthmian canal controversy. He
was also engaged as eoansel la the cele
brated aaa between North Carolina and
Tennessee which settled the 'boandary
of those states. He was principal coun
sel for the state of Florida to the Louis
ville A Nashville land grant ease, wfalob
Involved c millions of dollars worth of
property and carried It to a suooessrul
issue.;. '. ; ' ' .
Sines coming to Portland Mr. MoOarry
has built up a large law praotioe ana
is identified with all matters of nubile
Importance, . He Is a fighter by nature
and a gentleman who will make gooo
the office of city attorney, to which
position the . Republicans , of Portland
are urging hfa nomination. - '.v-
ship Glenaivon from Portland, and sailed
for umerlclc. v&-.t;:;s -t.
Tuslcats, May, J.-Passed; yeaHSroUtyTf many sars were transferred to duty la
British bark Xnvernesshire from Port
una, ' ?r""T -'-.T---.. v-'-.:- : '. i-
Astorls, May X Arrived down at 1:89
p. m French- bark Armen. Arrived
down at 4 and sailed at 6 p. m., steam
er Costa Rica ' for Portland. , , Arrived
down,- steam- schooner" CoquiUs River.
Salem, Or., May s.-A movement for
better schoolbouses has been started by
isupenntenaent J, H. Aokerman in the
new school laws which are to be off the
press In a few days. He has Inserted
several pagea In the pamphlet , which
show plans of schoolhouses of one. two
and 'three rooms, suitable for districts
of the third eflejaJiw';!
. Moreover, 8nperliitendent Ackerman
has obtained from the state school de
partment of iOeorgia a number of book
lets containing the plans, specifications
and elevations for eaoh of the scbool
houses shown In the school law pamph
let A copy of this booklet will be sent
to each county sahool superintendent In
the.- state. s'i'V'P''!
' Salem, Oi. May I. Moses Hurd, an
old soldier 82 years of age, passed
away at the asylum yesterday of senile
exhaustion, r It .was Hurd whosome
years ago livedv.In the Silver Creek
falls district some 20 miles from this
city, and . who became so enamored or
the casoara tree that he began to'bulld
his own coffin "from-" Its wtrod. Just
what -has become of the chlttlm wood
coffin is not known, but that Hurd bad
been working on it and had expressed
a wish that he be burled Iff that sort
of a casket was generally known. ... ,
A. L. Flnley Buys Tract Corner
r of YamhllrWIII Erect
Ths total values of transfers filed for
record yesterday amounted to 1115,500,
Indicating a ' ateady growth t in f ths
volume pf realty sales. U A number of
Urge Inside sales were closed yesterday
and realty operators report an increased
inquiry for both central and outside
property Indicating ' a renewal of the
heavy buying that prevailed In' the early
days of the year. . - s
The largest deal of ths day waa the
purchase : by A. L- Finley of a half
block on the south slds Nef Yamhill
street between Fourteenth and Lowna-
dale streets. Ths property was owned
by Annie J. Lawrence, and was sold for
255,000. The deal was made through
the agency of F. O. Northrup. tit la
probable that C six-story family hotel
will be erected on the site within the
year.';,';v5-"?'-';"'"v: r"'' T: .
C. H. Korell has sojd to F. M. Brooks
the OOzlOO-foot let, with improvements,
on the northeast corner of Johnson and
Twenty-third streets .for $15,000.
- The lot on Twelfth street near Wash
ington which waa purohased by Captain
E. W; Spencer from the Bushong print
ing company has been resold by Captain
Spencer to ths Title, Guarantee St Trust
company. t..V (:',''.j.".--',-v'':n,,... .!.:'::'
A party of Salem buyers purohased
about ,25,000 worth of lota In Rossmsre
addition yesterday. . The Title, Guaran
tee ft Trust company report that a syn
dicate of Albany investors is negotiat
ing for a" number of Rossmere lots,
with a view te Improving them this
7 . " , , v ' " 1 1 ' 11 "' '55" ; i-ry
v (Jonraal Special Service.) ' " ,
- tffew Tork, May 2. The detective bu
reau in Brooklyn was shaken up yester
day for ths first time in its hfstony In
consequence - of ? Police Commissioner
Bingham's determination to give the en
tire polloe force of Greater New Tort
a general overhauling. Seventeen lieu
tenants were removed from the bureau
and ordered to report . te various pre-
olnots for active work. A batch of pa
trolmen who had been in the bureau for
In all 21 men were ousted and picked
young policemen put In vaoanolee.. Most
V ut una vu uu imu vjua ui vv
reau before Brooklyn became part of
Greater New Tork. s-v.'vf
Lieutenant Frederick J." Parker was
dismissed from the department for let
ting a prisoner whom he was bringing
from the Paciflo coast escape.
Bemarks Abons vonxlahlnff rood,'
"A physician's wife gave me a' pacs
ags"of Grape-Nuts one day, with the
remark-that she wassure I would find
the food very beneficial,, both for my
own use and for my patients.. I waa
particularly attracted to the food, aa at
that time the weatner "was very not ana
I 'appreciated the fact that .Grape-Nuts
requires no cooking.
. "The food waa deliolously ertsp, and
most Inviting -to the appetite. ; After
making use of It twice a day for three
or four weeks, I discovered that it was
a most wonderful lnvigorator. I used
te suffer greatly from exhaustion, head
aches and depression of ' spirits. My
work had been very trying at times and
Indigestion hadset in. ,
Now I am always well and ready for
any amount; of work, have an abund
ance of active energy, cheerfulness and
mental poise. ; I have proved to my en
tiret satisfaction . that this change has
been brought about v by Orape-NUta
food. - ' '-' 1 ' .J'-';.;- t.v .,-;-
,rThe fact that It IS preaigested is a
very desirable feature. I have had many
remarkable results in feeding; Grape
Nuts to. my patients and I cannot apeak
too highly of the food. My friends
constantly comment on the change in
mv aDoearanoe. I have gained nine
pounds since beginning the use of this
food." There's a wessons neaa -aei
Road to WeUvlUe," la pkgs. 1
35c Pressing Combs
10 Cents
Pyralin iDressing .Combs in shell,
white and amber;'' good qualities.
Regularly sold at 35c Spo- - A
.:''..'' l'f f - 4 f . , -i" J ........ i ! ,.i..'3.!S. '.....'.. ' f ,
0o Tooth Eru.-. .
13 Ccnt3
Women's , and ..CbiHren's Tooth
Brushes at about half pries. All
our regular 15c and 20c Brushes on
sale at, ' BARGAIN, , , n
That a "Chain Id Ho Dtr onsw Than Ito Vealicot Isinli"
Is apparent without -debate.; The? chain of values we offer tomorrow is representative. ;t Each "article intro
duces you to a wealth of similar values. ' This advertisement deals, with : - value?.' and . low prices, shorn of j a
. r , - flourish of words ' " - ' ' - , V4t
Whenever you ; buy here you can always shop with the' fullest conviction that your 'money is accomplishing
its most. We believe we have reduced this feature of our business to as near a science as possible. We buy
liberally; in every market Our buyers are many ajid escpert ?- Opportunities never . pass us unnoticed. J Com
parisons are not odious in comparmg our goods and prices with others. We court comparisons. Being satis
fied with small margins of profit and doing an immense volume of business we can and do make prices that
more than meet competitive figures. , ON EVERY ITEM ; ARE SAVINGS TOTALLY UNEQUALED.
When the best values In woolen dress (roods and silks arc wanted the well posted shopper comes here directly as a matter of
convenience and economy. The largest and most complete dress goods stock'in the city including every new shade and every
desirable pattern In the latest summer fabrics for you to choose from and invariably at lower prices than similar qualities art
to be had for elsewhere, For tomorrow-Hargain"Friday---GOOD VALUES ARE MADE STILL BETTER. 'n ',-',
Now no yia 50o
44 and 46-inch Npvelty Panamas, in great assortment of new.
shadow checks, block checks, stripes and broken' plaids all the
very newest spring colorings.' new tans, new graVs, new
ombre effects; 75c, 85c, 95c values. Special Bargain
a. ivij . . . , ,. a... v . ......... ......
&Bcst 76o SIIs
Fancy Dress and Waisting Silks in an elabo
rate showing of new colorings and designs.
Taffetas and Louissines in neat checks, stripes
and figures, large variety to choose from; ex-,
ceptional 75c values, - Specially priced - Q
New Coin Dot Foulards; the correct material
SfUgfain for spring and summer waists and dresses full
Friday at 24 inches wide, all size dots, rings, etc., colors
2f,,205 navy; and black ; regularly sold elsewhere1 at
, 75c. Our pnee Bargain Friday, per f A
J . -.-.t-.-t - - -------- - --- - w
, 27-inch Figured ChalHes in an endless variety of pretty designs
in dots, .figures and flowers,' elaborate collection of dainty col
orings nothing better for summer gowns. Special price QO-;
Bargain Friday......
g Now F
A new assortment of stylish fancy Panamas in checks, stripes
and broken olaids very suitable tor spring and summer weaii
unsurpassed assortment of designs, 88 inches wide. A g
Special price Bargain Friday. . ; . .V. V. . : ; f.'.- . T.fffIC
New arrivals in fancy Mohairs, cream with neat small figures,
dots and scroll patterns, large variety to choose from, neat pat
terns ; excellent 60c quality, special price bargain
.' Friday....... .'..,.'v . . ... i ...;'.'..".;;. -iva . ...
fi6-lnch broken ombre effects in new Panama' and basket
weaves, great range of new colorings, exclusive line of pat
terns, very stylish ; always sold at $1.00 and $1.25. . 70
Special Bargain Friday; ..... ... i...,. I VC
The ,
U Newest V:
' Special ;
f jr.- , r- v .. v
Great Seini-Annual Sale of
...... ... -
Shoes "for Men, Women-and Children that are
all through. The precaution and discrimi
nation exercised In the selection of our
shoes precludes all potaibillty of inferior
quality or- styles entering into this gather
ing. While the variety c4eathers -and
styles is almost imlimltedr none but the
most select, and. reliable trill be found here.;
The Roberts' Bros. shoe reputation ? is
firmly established!. WE STAND BACK OF
Women's SHOES and OXFOBDS at 01,00
Best $2.50, $3.00 Grades Our semi-annual; "One Dollar ..'shoe' sale.. it
now in full swing. Another shipment of several hundred pairs has just
arrired and go on sale tomorrow for the first time: Shoes, Oxfords and
Slippers, in new, up-to-date styles, in all the best leathers:' vici kid and
patent colt Shoes, , rlei kid and patent feather Oxfords, in both black
and tan colors; also vici kid and patent leather , one and two-strap
Slippers, ' medium, light and heary soles. Regular fit AA
$2.50 and $3.00 grades. Specially priced .for this cialeg jk I I II I
at,'.' only '..., ,.,..' . . . .'....,.',.... lr J et M M ,
Qoing to invite you to a bargain feast in this useful department We've
got hold of several lots of curtains and domestic goods, and they're
going to be sold unusually cheap. Take careful note of the offerings;
JouTl wonder how it can be done. -These prices for Friday only, to
esitate is to lose one of the best saving chances of the season.
Another Great Sale of .'
Quite a large lot of Manufacturers'-Samplo
Curtain VEnds ..arrived, here .today just in
time for "Friday's Bargain Sale short lengths,
of the newest, moat fashionable patterns and
designs of the season, .These curtain ends are
extremely desirable ; for sash curtains, small
windows, transoms, glass doors, hall windows
and panel effects; they come from 2 to 3 yards
in leneth and from 40 to 60 inches wide In an
unlimited assortment' of patterns in both white and ecru; samples of
curtains that would sell from $2.00 to $4.75; specially arranged in three
great lots to Insure easy selection.' t . - i.. ,
V 75o KID BELTS at 48 Cents
'Tf t-n i ... I-,' . ...... . .
Women's Kid Belts in all the newest shapes and colors; fancy
gilt and oxidised buckles; our regular 75c quality. AQ
Women's and Children1
I5 Sample Hosiery
12.000 Tairs of Plain and Fancy Stockings The entire sample line and
surplus stock of the largest importer in the country, secured at a small
fraction of the regular price; all styles that are new and but recently
imported from Chemnitz, Germany. A Vast Collection of Wonderful
Stocking Values; only a few doien of a style, but an abundance of
styles, all greatly reduced for BARGAIN FRIDAY i .. , .
aIV 121c 15c . if3- 19c
Lot 1, at 10 Gents . Lot 2, at 17 Cents
35o CUSHION SLIPS 10 Cents
An exceptionally fine line of Tapestry Cushion Slips many f Q J
pretty designs; our best 35c quality. BARGAIN FRIDAY. ..IjC
womens Summed Underw'r
Women's 25c Vests 18c Women's-Vests, made of Paris thread low
neck, sleeveless, Swiss ribbed, finished with hand crochet beading and
edging Good 25c quality. Special Bargain Friday .....18e
Women's 50c Vests 35c Women's lisle Swiss ribbed Vests; low neck,
sleeveless, pretty lace -trimmed yokes excellent quality. Regular 50c
values. Special, BARGAIN FRIDAY, 85y 3 for..r. ". .f l.OO
LOT 1- "9C
Women who have attended our former lace "corner" - sales were de
lighted with the extraordinary values those who come tomorrow will
find even better -and grander; values than ever before those who ap
preciate first choice will shop early positively none reserved, none sent
C. O. D.; mail or phone orders cannot be filled at these prices. :
18c and 20c kinds...'.. JLtQz
Some of the finer kinds of pretty
Cotton Suitings go on sale tomor
row at reduced prices about 900
yards ; of , wool-finished Serge and
Como Suitings in light, medium
and dark colors, in an extensive
showing , of up-to-date patterns jn
"checks, plaids and stripes; excel
lent values at 18c and 20c a yard.
Specially priced, BAR- 10l
GAIN FRIDAY; at v..... 1C
WJic Values, at.... U
This domestic i section of ours
has wonderful offerings of late
here's-one for tomorrow you can't
afford to overlook White Hack
Towels of excellent wearing qual
ity, good, large size, 17 " by "32
inches, finished with fast colored;
borders in , shades of red; great '
values : at 'regular selling price,
12V$c each. ' Specially priced .v fl
75o PILLOW BUFFUNG J30 Cents :
Good quality Pillow Ruffling, all colors; usually-sells at 75c, OA J
OuTSpecial' price, BARGAIN FRIDAY V ..eWC
RibbonG and Embr'dery
25e Plain Taffeta t4c Another great underpriced sale of plain. Taffeta
Ribbon" in ful assortment of colors, also black and white 4 . inches
, wide-all :jllk; Regular; qusJity . , JC
60c Plain Messaline 29c An unequsled assortment of plsin Messaline
Ribbon, beautiful,' soft, lustrous finish in great demand for millinery
furposes.' Regular 50c and 60c qualities. .Special , BARGAIN 9flc
Flouncing and Shirtwaist Embroideries in an unlimited assortment of,
choice patterns 18 to 22 inches wide extra fine -quality.? Sells regularly
at $L25,S$1.5U, ysra.. special tJ A AIM r KlUAi, per KjC
85o LAUNDKY B AGS at 15 Cents
Good, serviceable Laundry Bags, made of extra heavy quality f 0
sateen; our best 35c grade. 5 Special, B ARGAI N FRIDAY; . . . leVC
Veaf d . fc ' i m; m t 1 1 m 1 mm iMti J
Dainty Embroideries 10,000 yrds of Swiss and Nainsook Baby Em-
w.A:j.:aa nl TAerfiAnin iriatrfi(H f avtri inll finished-
dainty floral effects large and small patterns. Regularly sells 00
at 50c, 60c, 75c Special BARGAIN FRIDAY, per yard.v....;, MeJU
IlJS rrr ,. .. ,sai
sttr ... .
Mens Underw'rrFurniGli'fjo
. This ' business ' grows " and grows,
because more men are daily realis
ing the advantages of our popular
men's section. Here' are some
"growth creators"7good, depend
able ; goods at very reasonable
prices specially reduced prices for
tomorrow only, so you'd better be
quick. :
. lOo fop Hen's Beer C
" Best 15o Grado
Men s Cotton socks or gooa .quality mtco yarn, wnite xoor wun rein
forced heel and toe black elastic ribbed top, superior wearing quality,
alwavs soldat 15c pair.- Specially priced, BARGAIN 1 A
FRIDAY at ;,,..,i.....v;.. iL J
19o for Men's Hose, Best S5o Grado
Men's fine Cotton SocksL absolutely fast black, made with double U
and heeL extra fine quality, a-ood Ylue at 25c i pair. E.oecial!v 1 '
priced for BARGAIN FRIDAY at. ... .... . . . .... 1 .
75o Grade Hen's Gaxnmcr Under. r'r "c
Here'is a great rowth creator" Men's extra fine bai'cr! '-r- '
wear. Shirts and Drawers, in all sires; regular and extra i , i . '
from fine combed Egyptian yarn, medium weight, extra i ,
shirts made with heavy silk front and fine eUstic r-.' '
drawers made with strong strsps snd faced with y !
good values at 75c garment . Specially pric-1 f r...
Iwiwwuilrriwiwrlnrw yirwt