The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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1 .6X17 '
and hiost Complete
w war
5) Y '
Stock on the Coast
VVHvfl II I V V V MUST BE TURNED INTO MONEY AT ONCK' .Within the frLn n f )(
l JaUII ! ' 1 l A -past six week! we Jiave received many thousand dollars' worth of 1 j ii I
CIPlVLy ft ' V V , spring roods. . Not having room in the old store to unpack them QPv V V u
they are now on our hands. ' Under ordinary circumstances every
" scrap of this belated stock would by now nave been,, turned into
money, and in order, to make up for lbst'time we shall offer extraordinary Sacrifices of values, including in 'our new department such
as gloves, "hosiery, handkerchiefs, neckwear, underwear and corsets. Considering, the low prices at which goods will be sold, all
salesjnust be hnalno telephone or mail orders will be accepted no goods will be sent on approval. - - v,
NOTICE -To out of town merchants, we are now prepared to sell you Skirts, Suits, Coats, Waists, etc, at. New York prices,'
Pretty" Spring SuiSecMedly smart models; $40 d A
values., First Friday Special. O
" Stylish Smues';vii $25.00; First Friday CIO CA
- Special . ' i .' " " P Vr ,;.
Extreme novelties in Suits, values up to $20.00. (JJ A AA
First Friday Special. Vir. . V . v ....... ) 1 UUU
SkirtsVvalues up to $7.50. First Friday 4 - v ' C J 7 C
Special. : . . : v . .Pt.0
Skirts, values up to $10.00. First Friday - , OAC
Special .7. V.LO
Skirts, values up to $15.00, including voile, Panama (jj if fj Jf
and mixtures.; First Friday Special. , . . . .v. i.'. . . pU O
Silk Petticoats Extra Special
Silk Petticoats, all shades, values up to $12.50. (fF
First Friday Special;........ ..... pOe0
Splendid Values ' In, Muslin Underwear
- Splendid Values In Hosiery
Splendid Values In Neckwear , '
Splendid values In Gloves
- Splendid Values in Handkerchiefs.
MILLINERY Extra Special
Another great assortment of choice Trimmed Hats, (J A AC
values to $8.00.' First Friday Special at;-:........ tyTtusD
Long Spring Coats Extr Special
Fine long Spring Coats, about 200 tVsdect from (JJA AJJ ,
values up to $25. First Friday Special. , .'. . tPy.yu ,
Coats In black covert and mixtures, fitted and (IjZ Agf
. semi-fitted, values up to $20. - First Friday Special. )U70
$3 25
. .$1.10
$5.00, $6.00 and $6.50 Waists. First Friday
$1.'75 Waists. First Friday ! H '
And' T
Retail AL-
alt nt
New . Store
O Alder Sts.;
' Lents- Buys Mount Scott Works
and tays New Mains
From Larger Tank.
The LcnU "Water company ha
cbae4 .th4llimntiecettwattprIWiUi
and the Lients 'water umiem m new
rvaovaUd wad put Into the bst Of con
dition. The raold aereiopment or
aubiirb la demandlna Increased water
facilities, and Manager L F. Coff man
of the Lenta Water company la prepar
ing to meet, all the requirements of the
: Timbers arrived 'yesterday for a new
29,000-gaIlon tank, and the work of
construction Is already under way. The
tower will, be It feet high, ' about 10
feet higher than the old one. and the
new tank will hare twice the capacity
of the old one. A great number of new
Mgn pressure pipes are being laid by
( the water company In order to supply
f '.T ' - -. . - ,;,-';rT."T"r;;"'"t'i'''t"
vThese suits are worth '
. blowing about. -
j . . After studying the a
whole market we select-, '
ed the finest assortment
of Boys' Togs that has
been shown hi this city.
",Out of justice to your
boy you cannot afford
to miss this display..
. Special showings to- i-
'day and tomorrow. , .
Wash Suits 50c to $6;
Men's and Boys' Outfitters. -
1C3 and 1C3 Third Stl
X Mohawk Euiiiin-, -
A : four-horsepower i gasoline" engine
with double cylinder and pumps will
be Installed, and the old facilities will
be moved over to Nob Hill, the location
of the tank and well of "the Mount Scott
Water company purchased by the Lents
corporation. This . system will also be
thoroughly gone over and put into per
fect eondltloa vf,. v;,.
It la the plan of Manager Coffman;
to be able to furnish enough water for
all purposes during the present sum-1
mer, .including irrigation. Heretofore
there has been no water for Irrigation
or for watering lawns in Lents.
The Improvements . will be completed
in to days.' Furthermore the company
is laying the best pipes. In view of the
fact that when, the city wishes to in
stall Bull' Run and connect with a res
ervolr on Mount Scott, desired 'by all
the system will be able to withstand
the pressure from the Bull Run con
duits. Mr.' Coffman Is endeavoring to
avoid the difficulties that have arisen
between the city and ' the owners of
plants at YPoodlawn and Mount Tabor
where the latter were or mue service
to the city, but still had to be bought
at a good figure out of fairness to the
proprietors. , , ,
iiLniiikii mi.
Sixteen Days Clear, Just Enough
Rain.' Temperature Gentle
as a Kitten.
The meteorological summary just la-
sued by the weather bureau for. the
month of April, brings to light the fact
that April was a very ordinary montn
so far as weather conditions go, and be
haved much as had the. tt Aprils that
have rone before, sinoe the establish
ment of the bureau In Portland in 1J70.
The mean temperature for April was
B2.S, while the average mean' tempera
ture for , April for .the, past tt years
was Bl.t. The warmest day was the
dlst. when the mercury climbed up the
tUDe W 7. vmj ooi nay,' wm- tvui,
aia the temnerature get as low as 85,
and but twice during th,e month did It
go; Jbelow 40. The toui- preclplutlon
was t.57 Inches, sllghUy above the aver-
are of oast Aprils, which, was t.ll
Th oniv unusual fact brought out In
thm resort. Is that there were It clear
days daring the moftth; - which is oon-
Owing to the congestion of freight In
the railroad yards, tne .eouncu sas
granted the Northern Paclflo Terminal
company the right to build a temporary
track on Tenth street south to Lovejoy.
Manager Lyons told the council mat
with the present trackage facilities
freight - Is often . delayed for weeks.
One hundred cars are now in the O.
a N. yards, and there are several
hundred more la the yards of the ter
minal company. , ' .
Albany Has New Recorder. ; .
Albany, Or, May 1. At an adjourned
session of the city council held last
Avenlng F. M. Raalield was elected to
the position of city recorder to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
W. Lair Thompson who goes to Lake
yiew (to sraeUoe law, .
.j- A Chance for 'Cooperation. ,
I wonder 1rhy the business women of
Portland cannot have a dub now wait
a. club which should have for Its espe.
clal function the serving of a lunch at
the noon hour to business women and
perhaps ' establish a rest room which
should he supplied with the late maga
sines and easy chairs.
I know that the Y. W. C, A. meets the
needs of a few. It has a cheery read
ing room and a tasteful lunch is served
in. the1 dining room, but It can be pa
tronized by only a few Of the many,
Most of the : business women of the
city cannot wait for a seat.
Every eating house down town where
a woman can get a cheap and a 'miff 1
clently nourishing meal Is crowded at
the noon hour. ..The Woman a Exchange,
Haselwood, Royal bakery, Swetland'a.
Gordan's and the rest are over-full ev
ery day In the week front it or before
until l:t0.4 It would seem that the
business must be profitable or it would
not flourish. - y ' - , '.
I am not Informed as to the,klnd of
a i meal furnished every day to- the
members of the commercial club,' hut
most women flo npt care, for a heavy
dinner at the noon hour. " ' ' ,
A favorite Juncheon of the busmess
girl IS a pot -of tea and three hot bis-
Breathe Hyomel'a Healing "Air and
All Irritation WOI Be Qnickly Cored.
The most irritating and annoying
form ox cough is that termed bronchial.
People subject to bronchial troubles
whenever there is a change In k the
weather or they are exposed to a draft
will ''catch" a bronohlal cough, which
is very disagreeable, Irritating and an
noyingi'i y -a- y,vt:::ihi.i
Bronchial troubles cannot be cured
by stomach dosing. The medicated air
of By-o-met is the only treatment that
reaches the affected parts and elves re
lief and. cure. It destroys aU the dis-i
ease germs that are present In" the
nose, throat and lunge, soothes and re
lieves the irritated mucous membrane
in all pts of the bronchial tubes and
quickly overcomes the lrrttaMon?-..
Bronchitis is really en inflammiiten
of the mucous membrane lining the air
bassaarea and Is purely a local disease:
so that tt needs a local treatment like
that afforded by Hy-o-mel. vt v
We do not want anyone's monev un
less Hy-o-mei gives relief and cure, and
we absolutely, agree that, money wlll
be refunded unless : the remedy gives
satisfaction. " f- i .
All druggists snouid oe able to stin-
ply you with Hyomel or we will send It
by mall on receipt of price, 1 1.00. and
every package is sold with, the. distinct
understanding that it costs nothing un
less it cures. . Booth's Hyomel Com-
cults,' and If one Is feeling particularly
prosperous, a piece of pie, .This
most lunch rooms costs IS cent. An
other' lunch whioh Is frequently or
dered is snails ; and coffee which costs
10 oenta. Again a good and sufficient
ly nourishing meal consists of a bowl
oi' soup witn cracjeers, a glass oi miia
and a chocolate eclair. . This costs 18
cents, and it meets-the general desire
of the business woman better . than
heavy meal. . v -
'. Now of course on each meal the prof
it would be small, but by buying In
quantity and with a capable woman at
the head it ' would seem that . such
club as has been suggested could fur
nish a limited menu each day to the
busy women of the' city, expeditiously,
and be a self-supporting business. The
profits as they accrued might be used,
as I have suggested, to fit up a rest
room for tired girls andf women, and
perhaps an employment or registration
bureau might be added which would be
Qseful, ; t I t
i- Suppose. BOO, women who are obliged
to take their lunch down town every
week day should form such a club.
What think you, sisters and "co-labor
ers? .
Almost every business woman who
lunches down town pays out at least 90
cents a week for lunches. Suppose that
with this cooperation the same menu
could be served for : 60 cents a week,
Suppose that 26 of the 40 cents gained
were turned Into the club for a sinking
fund which could be. used In time to
Increase the usefulness of the club, to
erect a permanent building or to build
a working , girls boarding house which
is sorely needed in the city, where
working girls, could find a pleasant
homelike boarding house at a reasonable
price.;;':'."..,, v'. ',iv::v.V
A profit -of If cents would still; re
main from each member. This could be
used to reduce the cost of lunches and
so 'accrue as so much clear profit to
the Individual cliib member-or It could
be used in any one of a hundred helpful
ways as the women and . girls who com
posed the club might suggest.
It , would be a very great ; satisfac
tion to hear personally from any bus!
ness woman of the city who would fa
vor such a plan. Can't we get. together
and make. it. a real'tyt ., What .'sugges
tions have your
. Arts and Crafts.
The -Arts and Crafts society Is not
an . unknown institution aitnougn we,
of the west have had little opportunity
to follow its achievements. The ex
hibit now in llaee at the Art Museum
is the first we have had - In this line
and there are some features of the work
which are not generally understood even
by those who feel Interested in a gen
eraf way. 5 "
There are also several mistaken no
tions, held in regard to the revival of
handiwork as seen In the arts and crafts
movement ' 'T ' '" i-'i,"-
It is not merely a rad-oot simply
the latest thing In fashions to -have U
verware and Jewtlr mad by hand. - ;
It is not merely an attempt : to 'at
tain the '- striking and bizaara . in de
sign." although some of . the results
achieved are striking, '- - , f,
Perhaps the most common mistake
la regard to such a movement is that
it is an attempt to revive bygone con
ditions, to hark back in civilisation and
insist npon doing things by hand which
... Appendicitis, - s
Is due In a large measure to abuse of
the bowels, by employing, drastio pur-
gitlves. To avoid aU danger, use only
r.' King's New Life Pills, the afe,
gentle cleansers and .. -lnvigoratora
Guaranteed . for headache, bllloumiess,
malaria and jaundice, at Red ' Cross
Pharmacy vJ6o. , , 4 ,
could as well or better be dona by ma
chine. - , . . UV;"?'' '?"
People who look only superfloiajly are
apt to ask: "Why not do things la the
quickest and easiest way t If ma
chinery can do such work, why. go hack
to primitive and out-of-dats methods?
Why attempt to rout bygone conditions
upon the public"? s.fvr,so ,. v'v -
The work of the arts and crafts so
cieties Is -not such an attempt. The
supporters Iofthmovementdo, it is
true, try to bring hack past conditions
In this regard. They , work toward the
revival of that kind of doing which
a Joy and a satisfaction. To take
very simple instance which - every
woman will appreciate, consider the dif
ference between feeding a machine with
material, and working out a fine piece
of embroidery. -t The first Is a task, the
second a oeep--ana joyous pleasure.
Watching cloth woven by a , machine
and watching the work . of . one's own
hands grow Into a thing of beauty under
the guidance of one's own artlstlo sens
are two widely different occupation
The main tenet of the arts and crafts
movement is that objects of daily use
the bowls, baskets, fire-irons, sugar
tongs, portieres whatever articles are
necessary to our comfort and happiness
in dally life are capable la some small
degree of being the vehicle of artistic
expression and thus of being works of
If they are to he so, it Is plain that
they must be the work of men and
women who are themselves correctly
guided in artistic expression and that
they must . be the work of the hand.
wrought out, as are the works ot the
painter or the sculptor. "
Where machine wdrk Is better or as
good as hand work la should be em
ployed; but articles so made should be
absolutely -plain, , unostentatious and
simple:' A machine Is Incapable of ar
tlstlo feeling,- say those who support
this movement, and elaboration . and
decoration are Justified only when the
article in question - responds to the
artist's touch. People are coming more
and more to appreciate the beauty of
oDjects maae oy nana which are thus
capable of showing individual feeling in
weir execution: ana such product
largely through the Influence of the
Arts ' and 'Crafts society. and ' whole
souled genuine workers in all parts of
the civilised world are more and more
sought after and valued, rather than
the dull and; uninteresting products of
, . . ' For rVnlt IThlDB.
An Ingenious fronng housekeeper de
pends on various fruit pulps with, white
or eggs wnippea surr Tor tasty iis-ht
spring aesserta,,, Appie sauco sweetened
to taste : is the foundation of two of
tne most delicious ones. If the apple
sauce is watery nearly all the juice is
strained off and the pulp is put through
rruit press. Then it is whipped with
revolving egg-beater mto the stlf flv
oeaten wnite or tne eggs, a tablespoon
rui or tne apple being incorporated at
time. ' For a pint bowlful of puis the
wnites or two eggs are used. . :
To vary this apple whip, two bananas
freed from their skins and the stringy
portions scraped off are -run through
the press and added to the apple, the
oiena is very aeucious. a light sprink
ling of cocoa is sometimes given the
top of the dish, v No definite pronortloa
of fruit and egg is required. This is
one of the advantages of this class of
dessert The whip should be- placed
on the Ice or in a cold place as soon
as It is prepared and be served very
cold. '!.?', '-:;.f. -; -
For "prune .whip, stone a bowlful of
prunes and put them through a fruit
press, sweeten to taste and mix it with
ine wnites or -a eoupie or eggai
Jhese whips are - aoxQetimea mads
II.. - J II H"
Mr m
rk. ' I.: .:
dOfilDli'fe a& IfTr I llRhli?ti)
rf u m iv inii ni nTTirii itf u I
will- .f- siwvmiii"m
-Second and Taylor Street, Portland
with whipped eream. For a tasty dish
mix i a cupful of banana pulp-that has
gone through the fruit press with a
cupful of cream "whipped stiff, and
sweeten with four tablespoonfuls of
powdered sugar. -y t v ..',....'.v-
wnen eream is ssea powaerea sugar
Is best because the mixture will be more
watery but granulated sugar does equal
ly well with whites of egg Half cream
and half whites of eggs may be used.
' Preferred Btook Canned Ooeda, -Alien
Lewis Sft pranov '
Ipeelal at the Brownsville
-,rv Friday and' Setmrday, .
At a special leader during our great -trade
building sale we will sell for Fri
day and Saturday of this, week L00t
pairs of boys' corduroy pants, regular -price
75c, special at tfio per pair. Posi
tively only one pair to each person. V- '
- Brownsville Woolen Mill Store,
UIU to Man Clothier . -
" ' jraUd and itark atmta. ;