The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Ordinance Passes Requiring. Railroad; Company to Gluit .Fourth
Street or Use Electricity Instead of Steam as Motive .
Power Inside of Eighteen Months. '.
'"h? After monthi of dlsousslon tha cotm
oil finally decided' yesterday that the
Southern Paclfla Railway company had
oo yatd rights on Fourth street, and
, Ordered tho corporation to quit the
, . street or um alectriclty... Instead of
team as motive power r Inside of 11
'months. The ordinance which has been
' k before Various meetings of the council
was called up by; Councilman Vaughn,
4 , ; Who had proposed' It Mayor Lane ob
' Jeoted to some of its prorlslons be
i eauae he thought they might defeat the
, object of the council. ,
tt "Let us send It back to the judiciary
committee and thrash It out there,"
: said Qray.;;,.":f.V"?- :c'"V W''V'V'
LU VaughnBaker-nd Booths opposed
the motion. , Upon motion of Boothe.
Attorneys Mark O'Neill, Alex 8 week and
, Milton W, ' Bmlth wars granted the
' prlrllega of the floor. All said that
any oonoeasloa granted : the Southern
.' Paclfle .would glvs ,.; tt vested rights.
The council should order the company
to cease the operation of locomotives at
'- once, ang let It take the matter to the
,. courts. When the final decision, which
might bo rendered within two years,
. . - Is handed down the council could then
mie- arrangements with the company.
'And say.'f said Jf. P. Iber. "I be-
Heve the locomotive should be taken off
me sireei at ones.- we have no- objec
tion to an electrto line, or to any other
sort of a line except that gasoline insti
tution the company established a cou
ple of years ago. The roar' of those
; cars was about as loud as the discharge
of a park of ' artillery. Freight cars
should be taken off. and we should have
nothing 'but a suburban railway."
t "Forfeit the franchise and let thera
lease It to the company for 18 months,
or until It gets Its east slds bridge
built," suggested Bushltght. ; ' ,
Objection was made to this." City At
torney MoNary, who "had drafted the
Vaughn ordinance, said he had drawn
up every provision In aocordanoe . with
the resolution of ths .:. council. The
operation of freight oars after .18
months was prohibited. If the council
wanted to take further action It must
revoke the franchise., fy'"
"But," -added . Mr. MoNary. If you
take away ths power to use locomotive
you must give ths right to use-other
power. Tou may either regulate .or
prohibit" . -?--; :
'li believe we-should prohibit"
Judge Sweek. "t ra satisfied that the
oompany has no perpetual rights on
the street. The council should revoke
or take soms definite action that would
bring ths company to4 terms." ; ? -
. Vaughn objected to a section that,
gave the company the right to operate
eleotrlo cars on ths street MoNary said
that if the section were , eliminated
the' entire ordlnanos would be Invali
dated, v' :'!- r-7 ' V
- '1 don't ears a cent what you do with
If he eeld. i lfs your business, not
mine, t drew the ordinance under the
direction of the council. It was -an act
of courtesy on my part It was not my
duty to draft ths ordlnanos.", : -
A motion to order ths company to
cease the operation of ths locomotives
at once was defeated by a vote of It to
I. The ordinance as drawn, compelling
the vacation of ths street Inside of IS
months, was thsn placed upon its final
tot and was passed unanimously.
-:. esfSSSSsUSSISBBSseBBBXaXSSSXS r . , -v v-.j
Interested Bidders From -Entire
x Northwest Gather at Irving
- ton Track Sale.' v'-
' At 4he Irvlngton raoe track- yester-
day the auction sale, of horses began
with good attendance and Interested
bidding.' Horsemen from the .entire
. northwest including British Columbia,
wert in attendance. The sale will con
tinue Until Baturday.:v..' . ,:s
' R. I. Harrlmai from Missouri Is ths
auctioneer and entertained th orowds
with clever methods.,' Hs succeeded in
arouslns considerable Interest -and food
bidding. Ths Brook-Nook consignment
pf horses arrived over the Northern Pa
cific last night and a portion of them
. were Included In today's sales. Ths fol-
, lowing sales were recorded yesterday
W Morgan Boy, b. by Lambert Boy
Nancy, B. etraaahan. Hood Blver,t$lOj
,'Mambrlno,- br'- g ; r hy 8pecla' Tels-
gTam-Medusa, j. KODinson, xne iaues,
'-$159; Anodymon, br. ., I, by Nocturno-
; Anodyne. , William v Frasler, city, I?0
Moonlight Bells, ch. m.v t. by Noptumo-
Webf oot Belle, . Frank Auey, Jtoseburg.
Or.. $400; Myron N. br.-s,, 1. by Noo
1 turno-Webf oot Bells, F. , Barnes, Silver
Lake, wasningxon, siso; i;ame iiiion,
b. m., 7, by Xovelacs-Dora, 0. H. Stands,
city, 1155; Zell Z, b. m., t, by Zombro
Anna Mack. M. Brown, city, $100; Daisy
Q. i Hill, bL IT, by Jtaraont-Belle
Prfc. R. Wilson, city, $$40; Maggie Cau
tion, br. m, , by Cautlon-Maggls Ar-
nold, N. K. west, ia .oranae, uregon,
$200; Jldy Beach, 1L im U, by Alta-
Osee TheagM Vessesary for the Baytmd But
Is Xtw Sae Away With by a Sim-
sla, jiatatai .
laves ties.
Viaaerfal ApsllaBee k tains sad Oates Wlth-
ot uun venter er rum in aunr
xatpeiy w ana ceeuuw
, ' - te Itself.
; Sent on Trial
- Ttm (wtni is ae lonsM1 seccmanr Otllint.
allnnln trnim and berbaroa method ot trcst-
. ins rupture are duct awty with by tbe wendw
ful tnnatloa or a man 'woe nas spent uirty
vrars to make it abeolotaly pwrfact Tbe mar
Valoas sew Brooks appliance gives to tbe rap
tures instant relief, ft. and eeenrtty, whars
. ..k. it MMW'ail Irrltatton and re-
"Sr-inrei etery part to its natural pnsttlon as soon
' lslJs naed and for all time afttrwards. Trots
i tartuis"!
na own axv uuvwb w
Where others UU ! whtre I have my
greatest ucees-C. p. BKUUKa
oks' spDllanee eares ere ebaolotelr wltb-J
KTt nnoratlnn na in or dancar. . Its price ts so.
low (lets than the coat of many hnrtfultruttea)
(nit anrnna, run n pwr
dlate sod trnlr wondcrfnl relief of thla mar
. ratoas' tppllance, and no one with rupture can
forS tingle day afford not to have It .
' ifntHtiuiaa cit mrmt mm. women and children
beatify to Its aatonlahlng sneceis sad laatlng
cures. Mr. James Brltton, a wealthy maonfac-
torer of Betblehem. Fa., voices tne praise ana
proof of thoueands. " He sayst 'H would be
' verlUble Godtend to tbe unfortunate wbo softer
from ruptnre if all could procure the Brooks
' Rapture Appliance. My rapture' la all healed np
- and nothlnc ever . did It but your appliance."
- Where others fall Is where 1 have my great
est .success. No springs, pads, salves, oint
ments, or harness of any kind,- notliing eomplK
ted. no pain or irritation, but just tr simple,
aatural appliance wblcb cures., .
Immediate relief guaranteed. No fakes or
lies, lust straight buatnees, and money refunded
f not entirely ntlsfsctory, -Ask Brooks for
full Information- Do not lay this a aide, or de
lay, or fort-et. but write today for Brooks' Booav
. n tells sll about Brooks' msrreloua new Ap
pliance, gives prices and nmi of people cured.
Address St once, 0. X. BS00X8, ee7 Sreekt
BuUdlag, KarshaU, Jtloh, .
mont-Hollywood, jr. J. Kadderly, elty,
$140; Amanda Q, b. m., ,. by Phalla
mont Boy-Amanda Phallamont. C H.
Brown, Oakland, Oregon, $2J0; Amy
May, b m, 10, by Alexls-Beulah, N. K.
West 1 Grande, $170; black -gelding, I.
by Captain- McKlnney-Dalsy, S. H.
Graham; city, $116; eh. gelding, $, toy
Captain McKlnney-Marlgold, H. I
Spahr, -Aurora, Oregon, $120; Daisy Mo
Kinney, bt m., 1, by Captain. JVKinney
Dalsy, A. A. Baker, city, $250; hay mare,
I, by Captain McKlnney-Lady Beach, N,
M. McDanlel, city, $1T; bl. stallion, t,
by Captain MoKlnney-Martgold, N.. M.
McDanlel, elty, $101.60; Boodle Jr b. g
4, by Boodle-Tempest, C B. Wllllamsj
city,- tlt.u.;'i..-3.;-;'':lS.-". . r-f
Council tax "Chunk of Ice on
"! Request for Greater Speed
r'ff( In the Harbor
TTomea Who Wear WclL
It It astonishing how great chance t
few years of married. life often wake In
ths Appearance and disposition of man v
women. .The freshness, the charm, the
-brilliance vanishlike the bloom from ft
peach which Is rudely handled. The
matron-is xmly a dim shadow, a faint echo
of the charming- maiden, There are two
reasons for this chanfe, Ignorance ant
neglect. Few young women appreciate
the chock to the system through the
change which comes with marriage and
motherhood. Many neglect to dealrlth
tbe unpleasant pelf Id drains and weak
nesses which too often come with mar
riage and motherhood, not understanding
that this secret drain Is robbing the check
of H freshness and ; IhCIorm , of ; Its
fairness,' S?,: y'-'t
As surely as tbe general health suffers
srnen there Is deHfjgement of the health
of the delicate wonuftrlfWgans,,io surely
wheiPttae organs arJHs ubllshed la
health the race anWnvit once witness
to the Tact In ftocTOd come
e, roiUJon women haJtaJound health an
happiness In the use of Dr. Plfrce's fal
vorlte Frgscrlptlon,, It makes weak wom
en strong and sick women well. Ingredi
ents o labelcontains no alcohol ' or
harmful . ktblt forming drnrs. Mado
wholly of those native, American, medic
inal roots most highly recommended hy
leading medical authorities ef all the sev
eral schools or practice for the curs c!
woman's peculiar ailments. ' '
For nursl nsr moth ers.or for those broken-
down in health by too frequent bearing of
emicuren, aiso lor tne expectant mothers,
to prepare the system for the coming of
oaoy ana m&King its aavens easy ana
almost painless, there Is no medicine euite
so good as Favorite Prescription." It
can do no ham In any condition of the
system. It Is a most potent lnylgoratinp
tonto and strengthening nervine nicely
adspted to woman's delicate system by s
physician of large experience In the treat
ment of woman's peculiar ailments.
Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter
free of charm. Address Dr. B- V. Pierce
Invalids' Hotel and Surg leal Institute
Buffalo, N. Y. - ' f '
Celebrate Silver Wedding
The. requeet of the steamboat ; men
for' permission to operate their boats
at ; a epeed greater than eight' miles
an hour was listened to so coldly and
sat down upon so quickly by ths ooun
cll yesterday afternoon that all ths
captains spread their sails for the open
doors. ' :'..yy.-- r-.ty
. Ths former speed limit was six miles
an hour. Last . summer captains In
harbor raoes ordredths engineers to
open their throttles and run to ths
limit, and four big steamers ths Spen
cer, Gatsert, Telegraph and Telephone-
running at rrom is to IS miles an hour,
threw swells that broke ths. moorings
ot a steamer of 8,000 tons and moved
a number of ships trom their anchor
ages, .us- . v., -; '',-.,
, Wharfingers complained and the spesd
wae fixed at six miles an hour In tha
harbor. As summer travel Is about to
begin, owners want the limit raised
to it miles, as ths fastest boat out of
ths harbor gets , ths most trade.
"Twelve miles is too high." Mild
Harbormaster Spier, a shipmaster of
many years' experience. "Eight miles
should bs ths limit and when the steam
ers are -nearlng the flouring mills, the
least protected part 1 of . the city,, the
speed should bs reduoed to six miles.
Vessels ' at - docks ars ' moved by . the
swells . and ." It Is , Impossible to work
them when they are careening." ;:.
- W. B. Ayer and W. D. Wheelwright,
representing the chamber of commerce,
made practically the same statement.
The council accepted their advice and
the advice of the ' harbormaster, and
the eight-mile Ordinance wae passed.
..4 ' ..... . .. ,t . '. i ',.,,,''
Harmony Meeting to Discuss An
I nexation of West Seattle ; v
J':M:A Discloses Friction. . , ; .
Oeofge W. Arehart, who died aud
denly at Ills home at Junction City,
Oregon, laat Friday. : His wife, who
was Minerva Mathews, and like him
self a native ot .Ohio, survives nlm,
with, seven of their ulna children. -
inn he
and Mrs. T. H. Wellsher and ramlly, Corrallls.
' CorvalUa, . May . 1 Ths twenty-fifth
or silver anniversary of their wedding
was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. T. II.
Wellsber In this city Tuesday evening,
April SO, ' at their . home on Fifth, and
College streets. They were married near
Monroe, this county, S5 years agoN the
bride being Miss Josephine Ingram, a
California girl, and the groom Theodore
Wellsher, a native son of Benton coun
ty. They have prospered and are num
bered with th best families In this olty.
Two daughters, Mrs. E. C. Cummlngs
Of Portland and Miss Vivian, Wellsher,
are the only children. ' ' " y--The
celebration Tuesday evening was
Informal and the hours were - spent In
social conversation and in disposing
ef a tempting luncheon. , A mock cere
mony was . performed by Ber. G. H.
Fesae, the- bride and groom renewing
their old obligations, with many . new
ones added In humorous yeln by ths pas
tor. -:':;-?-: :, : -y-yH V';- -
A handsome silver fruit dish was ths
gift of -ths company to Mr. and Mrs.
Wellsher. ' Those Invited were: - Rev.
and Mrs. O. H. Feese, Judge and Mrs.
V. E. .Waters, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cv
Swann, Mr. and Mrs.. A. L SUvensoni
Mr end Mrs. J B. Smith, Mr., and Mrs.
8. B. Bans, Mr. and Mrs. H. U Hall,
Mr and Mrs. James Flett, Mr. end Mrs.
Charles Beaeh, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Good
man, Mrs, C. C Chlpman and Mrs. C
D. Abbott . , v w - t:-,-.
Washington National Guard to
Encamp at Coast Forts to
. r , Test Scheme. .
Victor Ford, . Former i Portland
kesident, Left Mexico Just
' ' ' Before Earth Trembled.
' fSDeeisI' Dlsoatdt to Tts JoaraalV
Seattle, May 2. It was a meeting to
promote harmony among those Inter
ested in the move to annex West Se
attle to Seattle proper that was called
in A., O. U. W. hall m ,thie olty yeS'
terday. but it came very near breaking
up In a free-for-all .row. . '
The meeting' was called ' quietly to
discuss the annexation question, for ths
benefit of - Alkl Point - residents, who
Kasouercde and xlleotrio Carnival at
Oaks Blnk. - .
One of the most sensational and at
are opposed to the present . movement-Uhe same time pretty masquerades ever
W. W. McGulre of that suburb started
the" fireworks .By oeojanng tnat tne
people of Alkl Point had -.been distrust
ful of the wisdom ' nd even the sin
cerity ; of the , West Seattle Officials,
who- are all annexationists.. :
J. B. McXiaurhlin of Oxbow arose to
say that lt was time ror ths Alkl
Pointers to ' forget '; their ,; troubles and
work withx the rest for the common
good. vThere was a murmur of protest
and McLaughlin again -Jumped to the
floor. : -V ';' ::, y?' :.
"Am I right or; m -I wrong- he de
manded, as he - brought his fist - down'
on the table, In front of him. .
"You're rlghtr t yelled , the annexa
tionists In chorus. .
Then City Attorney MacHahon of
West Seattle,', one of the . most ardent
of annexationists, launched Into a tor
rid attack on the citizens, . whom . he
characterized as obstructionists, mas
querading Under cover of AUegsairaie
trust .of ths sincerity ' Of : the fathers
of the annexation movement. ; MacMa-
hon moved that the meeting adopt a
resolution Indorsing the i standJjiA West
Seattle officials have taxen. ,- it car-
s i i ma. " ait,
Victor B.- Ford, whose home Is In
Puebla, Mexico, on1 the edge of ths
earthquake belt. Is: in Portland having
Just 'arrived from the stricken district.
Mr. Ford, however, left Puebla a few
days before tha quake and felt much
concern for his wife , and son for
time, whom he had left In charge of
bis i business in that city while on ;a
vacation In Portland, , his old borne.
Puebla, next In else to - ths City of
Mexico, has about 110,000 inhabitants.
Ths earthquake at that place lasted
minute and 0 seconds while at Mexico
it was four minutes In duration. The
San Francisco earthquake was but of
to seconds' duration, which, as. is tes
tified by those present was plenty long
enough:' The damage that a fottr-mln-
ute quake might do or even one of a
minute and a half can hardly be imag
ined. :- - V..:v' ' -itv 1 :,
The damage dona In Puebla was con
siderable,: although there were no lives
lost Several of the finest architectural
triumnhs were ruined j or badly flam
aged. .Those In- Puebla were 250 miles
from the nlace where four years ago.
according to Mr. ForcV 00 people were
killed In. an earthquake. :
Mr, Ford Is tha only American of.
SS0 men In business In Puebla. He con
ducts a shoe firm. Portland v Is his
home and a desire to spend a month
or. two In this city again led him to
make the trio at this time. , Aitnougn
Mr. Ford says that Puebla has the best
climate In the world he la evidently
true to his Oregonlan Instincts for he
longs for a vacation in a location where
the climate is more vanea. -
given will take place at the Oaks rink
tonlghtl? The Ghost masquerade ia ,an
entirely new "stunt" ; In the west and
every detail hoe been arranged to make
,v a grand affair. .'Twill be a wild, weird
and uncanny scene to see the hundreds
of ghostly maskers as they fairly fly
over , the smooth, polished floor of the
big rink. ' The brass band has ' been
doubled for the occasion and a 'grand
program Is promised. ' The grand march
will be given at 9:30: also the prises.
Masks will be on sale at the rink and
any, on .masked In any way may par
ticipate. Did you ever see the Brocken
scene In "Faust"? Well, thts event will
be a thousand times finer.
ried 1 v nanimously.
refused to vote.
Pressmen Walk Oat, ,
' (Jaarosl Spelal Bsrrlee.l '
St ' Louis, Mo., May t. A strike of
the pressmen of all of the dally news
papers of thlrxity at noon has tied up
ths town. Tke pressmen presented new
demands Wednesday. The contract,
which calls for arbitration, lbs been
disregarded , and International .officers
threaten to revoke the pressmen's char
ter.,. The Tl"es is not a member- of the
Newspaper1 Publishers' association, .- A ,
Olympla,. Wash., May I. The eamp
of Instruction of the Seoond Infantry
realment of tha National Guard of
Washington will .be held this year at
the three ooast defense forts near Port
Townsend, Forts Worden, ; Casey and
Flagler. . The regiment will probably be
divided up equally between the three
forts, ths first battalion going to Wor
den, the second battalion- to Casey and
the third battalion to nagier. it is
ths Intention to hold this camp be
tween the 1st and 16th of "July for a
period of 10 days.. The exact dates will
probably be from July S to Is, inclusive.
This . plan was originally suggested
by Secretary Root when he was secre
tary of war. The object of tale camp
is to determine whether or not tne pres
ent deficiency In the number of men
for coast defense work can be supplied
by the organisation of coast artillery
companies in the various states or tne
Union, which organisations, during ths
time other than when they are stationed
in the forts for Instruction, will : be
maintained and. used as Infantry organi
sations.. The work this year will be In
the nature of an experiment on the part
of the war department to determine, if
possible, the feasibility of the plan.
The order s from : the war department
covering this tour"of duty prescribes
I that officers or tne mums snau oe aa.
I signed to duty with officers or nxe
grade In the ooast artiuery organiza
tions. ' -5; ;-k 'L v; v Vv "i. " V. ? ':'
McKfnlay Says President ' Con
suited Uninformed Eastern '
wMen About Jap Question. , '
. (Jearaal Spedal ServUie.) W ;
. Berkeley, CsX, ' May J. Congressman
MoKInlay here laat night told i of the
fight whioh the California delegation
had at Washington In seourlng the at
tention ef President Roosevelt In the
matter of Japanese exclusion. McEln
lay spoke under the ausploes of ths local
Young Men's Christian association on
"With Taft in Japan." He said:
' "At the time the. questloii eame np
the president was Very busy with sub
jects which he thought more Important,
and., very, fortunately wasthat - sale
b rated message sent by President
Roosevelt to ths California sohool
board which resulted In a vigorous pro
test and caused ths president to take
the question up for consideration. ;.
- "He. had oounseled with easterners
who knew nothing of the real condi
tions, but when ths protests cams in
he consulted with Metcalf and the Cal
ifornia delegation and learned his mis
take. ' .. "i'i;l.ivk-j ' V''
-1 mtve mads a mistake,' he said.. 1
believe that we must exclude the Ast
atlos, but we must not go at this mat
ter hastily. I feel that a treaty can be
arranxed ' with tne Japanese witnout
wounding the pride of ths nation.' Then
the president started at work, and you
all know how the matter stands pow
MkeBMMMSiapssBHaaMkwaBSBVaMaSBeMSHSeMMasMaS .. . '
r' " Fref erred Srtook Canaed Oooda. M: '
If Allen Lewis' Best Brand. V , '
'trv i,
A special of most desirable Summer
Underwear.- Tine white lisle with
pink stripes. Shirts with long or
half sleeves. Regular $1.00 yalucs,
special, per garment, , ,
All high-grade makes in Tine Underwear
Texlures are represented in our Furnishing
Goods Department ' ' ; ' .
The Executive Board of the Portland Municipal : Association
respectfully recommends the voters of this city to nominate tha
follcndngtndtdatei on the 4th inst,: .
T?t City Auditor ........ 18.....,....... Oscar P. Miller. .
For City Attorney zOx . John P. Kavanaugh.
For Municipal Judge . .. .24x.. , ...... .. J. S.' Winchester.
- For Councilman-at-Large. 26x ............J. N. Blair.
For Councilman-at-Large . 30x ......... George M. Hyland.
For Councilman-at-Lrge.32x. ........ Horace G. Parsons.
Councilman, 4th ward. ...34x. .......... Rufus C Ilolman..
' Councilman. 5th ward....34x..... Dr. W. I, CotteL
Councilman, 6th ward-...34x,. ............. . J. M. Mann.
Councilman, 8th ward . . . .35x. . .......... George F. Brjce. - ;
Flower Seeds
2pf. 5c
very Kind
iVc Sell all the Popular Magazines
Flower Seeds
2 ph. 5c
" Norehles, Gold and Silver Mesh Purses,
Shirred Chain Purses, Roman finish; 95c, to
S35. Special 25 PER CENT OFF.
Of pretty soft leathers, with purse, ' card
case and powder box. .Regular $15.
, Special .....,..- fW
Beautiful Leather Handbags," fitted com
plete with purse and card case, gunmetal
' or silver finished mountings. Specialise
Our Leather Department, la replete . With
everything useful and beautiful to supply per
sons about to itart on a vacation, A late ahlp
. ment of elegant Suit Cases, Leather Traveling
Bags, Ladles' Handbags, Toilet Cases and
- Handsome Belts are now on sale.
' ';"v;rV;.;,;;i hA-h V : - - y'':'yr'.-Mr:
i In seal, walrul, afligator," ne shades of grass green,
with gold mountings, and French gny, floral and
' etched designs. Price .............. ... f 12.00
Glove-Fitting Belts, all the new shades, silk
and leather , lined, gold buckles. Spe-
eial . 89
Large lino of Belts, soft leathers, different
y , shades and . kinds M)f leathers, hand
stiched... ................ ..05e) and up
Waterproof Pegimond 4 leather, riveted
frame, double-action - lock, with br'ass
, bolts. Regular $4.50.; Special... ..a.CQi
jap-a-lac, t Varnsfc, Paints and Stains For Household Use
Stains and varnishes at the same - - ' " ' V . , .
time. Floors, woodwork, furniture, ; All tne color, ana wooa snaaes. oasy to use,
bathtubs, screens, front doors. pr0(juccs a' perfect finish. Handsome and rich in
color. Call for color card and prices. ,
water Dines, etc. may do - maae
like new. "Wears like Iron.",
sUnequaled for glosa and weartnj
qualitics.Prepared ' for chain,
tables,: pictora frames, wkksr
ware, lamps, chandeliers, etc. "The
Peerless Finish. -.'
A new line of both plain and
fancy handled Brooms ranging to
price from 25e up, .; .y
Everything yon needFilms, Plates, 'Mounts! etc. ;
The new Lumiere French Films, remarkable for depth and
brilliancy, fit any kodak or camera. ...
. We have facilities for making enlargements, lantern slides or
transparencies. Bring in your negatives. We develop and print
the same day. -No waiting for work. ; . f - -
yy M:?'-:-yy '' f-l ; ,?.'.;-,,
Of every kind, turkey and ostrich
feathers, ' down andv wool, , 25e
snd up. t ' , , . "
The protector
stops the presv
. sure i from ., '
your shoe.
This relieves
. the pain.
Price 50a.
7 AgotAu
Place the
pliant leather
protector over
your bunion, v
It shapes
itself to your;
.. ..."Mia siMvsra aia r;; . , ? -
For f Victor ' . and , Edison Phon o
graphs are now in, and mytt
heard in the Gift Room. Come h
and listen, to your ,favorite se'.i
tions on these wonderful instr !-
. r .....
an;: cry
' V'"'