The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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..vii an
Huge :LecJge That Mortars Out
Hundred Seventy-Five a Tori
. Activity at the Hurnp.
j ..('"....,.... .''.J.., - , '.V
'(Special Dlipatea t Tae JearaaL) ;
Buffalo Hump, Idaho, May J. A new
gold strike of almost Incredible rich
naa la ranrirfaA fmm Paaalav f?ralr.
DODGED PAYMENT, ' C " the north "loo the Clearwater.
rc a i luriMV ai tnwrn mc very rar rrom wis piaee. me ore
OF ALIMONY ALLOWED Ja, very tlch in gold, and when pulver
ised In the Tpugh yields nearly 1175 a
ton. The mine was " discovered by
Confectioner Sworo.Jle Had Spent Mowa and Carpenter lata laat fall but
- i uuuiing waa nua iiwui h ineu. - iini
His Money ou Gambling and Autos j eprlng they want back and located the
f Flan. of Wife's 'Attorneys) Who
- Are Following the Judgi
14 . Suggestion.
COlllllII 10
County. School Superintendents
Will Hold a Conference
There In' July.' :'
delivered the addreaa of the day. He
spoke in a strong voice and with great
earnestness, pausing frequently at the
outbursts of applause. Aa the president
concluded um address the flags envelop
lng- the statue war released, and the
massive bronse figure emerf'd through
the folds, of red. white and blue. At
the same Instant tha hnnm f -an an.
Had Train Stopped at the Next I tlllery salute came from a battery of
' ioe Bias wpangiea Banner' can from
the. manna band. - It was an lnapirlnc
moment, and. led by President Roose
velt, the enure assemblage Joined in
(Joarael ftmltl KervleeJ ; I Tha nnvalllna- : was " 'nllmaA t a.
tos Angeles, May fc The fortunate dresses on tha Ufa and deeds of Oea
olrcnmstance of a passenger of a South-1 eral McClellan, delivered by Major-
em Pacifld train falling to get off at uenerai uaniei B.-Sickles. Major-Oen-
Statiorv and Switch Was
Found Open;
In conformity with tha Oregon echool "r" . "7" 1 , , r. aral O hw rM.3.Z
ws. state fiJnarintann.ntJ. h a,- Santa agination, last night j?:,4 " Major-Oeneral
Bat" Admitted Store
Held In Trust for Illm.
I ledge, bringing out Q them a small
e,n I box of the richest orkever aeen in thla
district The ledge -1s said to be 100
feet wide, and old prospeotors say It
will be tha richest gold mine in Idaho.
Prospectors are' flocklne- Into tha new
Charges Of perjury are likely to grow I district and staklna- claims and flllne-
eut or stuDDorn sgnt peing maae oyi locations on adjacent ground. X,,,
Ceorge tCheen. a PorUand AetlTlty fat tha Uxmp Omatry,
"Tpo'n Mm !7KeMTS5 fJgff SJ'SlSl
Jast tcember. At tha conclusion of a STZwnnJani
two hours' ..-.ion brfore Judge Bears XWrZ 0T lhA
Peavm.9anrtBGarnoun " winter
tEFlUfiJl tif? kth. difc h, ! crew and tha l.
their next move would be to ask the aie-i ,, h
o tile a number oc per-i-. n I
i-'v". . .Vr...Cf: Prevented Z TeTrlbie "wreckT Tha for. Qrenrllla M. Podga.
? 7 . , , ; w v Ti tnU paaaenger aaked tha condactor
at Salem - July 1-1,
to let him off at tha next station, a eld-1 1A A OUI MfiTflMfC P.PDT IC .
L. D. HalrVr,of (r,-. allarf Hatnaa. an aft.r aomel f llllU I Ul O UtDI IO
trlct attorney to
Bury informations against Gheen,
During tna aession Attorney vaugnni
from Lake Creek, will be running full
blast The Jumbo has recently put on
la h)a fnrra. Tha ftnafa 4a Mki m
, asked that Gheen bo committed to JalU'men and la sinking and running levels
r for refuting to pay the alimony, M It r end doing mora work than ever before.
J. Smith la In charge of development
.(Continued from Page On a)
appeared certain that ha baa tha money,
, .When Judge Sears ruled that a court of I work.
, equity haa not tba power to commit ai. The outlortk inr ri,ia wv ...
tnan to Jail for euch a reaaon Vaughn other nearby camps Is brighter than
Jhen asked that Gheen be committed for many yeara. Men are very scarce
, fto JaU for persistent lying on the end wagea la fS.SO a day. There la at
"n ruieo iuon prTpresent ii feet of snow In this die
ceeaings woo. a noi ds proper ana sug-j trlct. Which Inaureo an abundance of
poBioa uu 1am mij rmw7 unaor un i water for mining purposes.
' vircuniBwncvs w vuiy b ui mi ouargaa
j gf perjury.,, ..-:.''1fw:. : v
i -' -: Said JKe Blew U tha Xonay. ' .
;' Gheen waa put on tha witness stand
: to explain why ha had not paid the tv
' 5S0 lumn allmonv and IIS ner month
tha court bad -awarded his wife, MaudeJ vulnerable to the attacka of an army
A. Gheen. -At previous alttlngs It had reaonero ana artiste. , A persistent
been conolifslvely proved that be bad rumor that aha had already been mar
at leeet $4,000 or IM0 on deposit In rld to Corey in Paris waa not deemed
local banks a short time before tha da- worthy of denial . Another that Corey
crea or tna court... Jie pieaoea poverty, I nlu securea me xsmous maaiaon Square
bowever, insisting that he had spent I Garden apartments of tha lata Stanford
, most of his aubstance on racetrack wmie waa aiao allowed to go by default
gambling and automobiles. Believing Beyond admitting that aha would
,th(u he had the money "salted down" marry Mr. Corey on May It, Mlas GU-
Isomewhere, tha wife's attorneya put maa ha refused to be interviewed slnoe
, htm through a severs course of cross- her arrival under aa assumed name yea-
'-jauestloning. yr'x.ti'x'1' iS vj-'jU ' v.v-.'-:- .t4,.,
. Though the confectioner waa on - the XUata line XMrtom,
stand for over two hours, the lawyers Arrangements bavo now been oom-
Kot less information out of him in that Ptd by Mr. Corey for occupying
time than. the. witness could have told wlth hl" bn New Tork residence at
Jn two minutes if ba chose. ' Instead of f 01 rifth avenue. . When Mr. Corey se-
. answering tha qusstlons put to him, be lcted the mansion . the owner. Mrs.
.discoursed on foreign topics, tried to be 'ames u Marti jv protested against
funny at te expense of his questioners 1 leealnglttoa single man, whereupon the
and otherwise misbehaved. He contra-1 magnate assured her that be wiahed it
for uroseix ana bride. tease was therefore mmAm ant
Menominee. Wisconsin, wUl be the prin-f grumbling the official agreed to do so.
clpal apeaker and has chosen for the ... Aa . the train neared the aidlnjr ' it
suojec 01 nisaaaress lnauscnai glowed down, and -the- engineer was
cation." H. B, Dewey, deputy state I horrified to aee that hts locomotive took
superintendent, of Washington; W. n I the switch, which had been left -open.
Harmon, state superintendent or Mon-1 This switch ends abruptly in a
(Speeta! mpeteh te The Jeanta!.)
Olympla, .VTash., May ISUte Treaa-
aand I urer Mills today paid off 1240.000 out.
Una, and Miss S. B. Chamberlain, state bank, and everr effort was made to I standing -bonds aaralnat tha atata'a m.
!U.?rl?.Un,ei?t ' i. i1 tdlcSf "top or the train went into .a hole, eral fund. The bonds canceled - were
" vvmiui.i7 wiuiauwiN jwaw. . Air was sppuea anu awo put on iua i iBauAj In ' 1001 hv Havarnn Tnk r
Praalriant R AlH.rm.n haa r.ra.1 All. 1- llB"U"a ,n "1 UOVernor JOb R,
- w , . mm , anv axow w . .ay - w a eMa HW WW w WVlll naw , wihj av aa a uaaan an" VWAM, MIlMhaaaa ajafSB Aak OBWaT
nmrmA than ZnTlAwlnar nrvo-r.m I wa-wa wis hanlt whar. ka rpain ama I l MWi" WW-, W Am !
W w ' " f " i- lvwa vasa nio watin. w uvu aw umii msiw -aa ID ODO MOIL i' ' ". "-t -l '
Monday. 1:S0 p. m"What the Coun- to a atandstilL - v
ty Superintendent Can Do to Make the! At this point which la downgrade, I atan-itn. t. Vv- .V..-
Annual MeeUng Better Attended and trains usually coast at tha . rate of SO I eral fund which tha atata i iT.
ifnra tn).M.Mnk- t..h. mnnnii .11.. .- . u .ki I "r luna, wnicn ua state owaa to the
...... , - un general sonooi rut i and on which a u
reporte to county superintendent I but the stopping of. the train to allow !.r e,nt j, being pa!4 118 01
jueaoay, a. in. vxiuniy annuu m-i me passenger wno raissea nis station toii..ii ,h. ... - .
Btltutaat What Part Hhall Ra Infnrma. Xl.amharV . ... . w v "iio,ia
tionU and What Pert In.plr.tlonair; tropha. Omclal.-.f wad are - 1.!?'
ehemgearia afhool register.
Tuesday, i:0 p.-tn.--Ksaults to Be
Secured from Iocal , Institutes: - (a)
Academic; (b) ,' Professional! (o) : On
Community.", "Administration of Com.
pulsory Educational Law.
Wednesday, a. m "What May Be
Accompiiabed pt School Board Con'
ventlonsT Howf;
vestlgatlng the open wltoh.
(Continued from Page One.)
dieted himself numerous times and in
J lea. ted bv his a-anarai aahavlar that ha
was determined to dodge payment of the " wa w! "tieaaea by and ifor the
Mrs. w. . K.
v l Store Held te Tmst,
- Gheen i virtually admitted that John
Holtgrieve, who aucceeded him aa pro-1
. prietor oi a store at 181 Third street,
, It holdulg the property in trust for him
J until ue"'Mtti-nli may disentangle
nimaeir jtota' hia marital e
; ties.
oooupancy of Mr. and
Corey." - :
' Mrs. Elisabeth Corey Bigga, slstsr of
the steel king, aald: , . j
"I do not object to my brother's mar.
rlaga. , Why ahould I object T My prl
vata opinion In the matter la that it la
fata business absolutely Us business
tionj (a) City; b) Country."
The Marlon county teachers and the
uaiem teacnera are nuauy at
making all local arrangements for the
convention, which is being planned on
a targe acaie.
number of the reaorta against which the
Industrial Educa-rmy officers hadbeen vainly protest
(Continued from Page One.)
'XJeorge H. Thomas haa challenged Dr.
Harry Lane to try conclusions with him
aa to their respective strength and popu
larity with the Democratic voters at the
coming prlmarlea.
"The name of Mr. Thomas will ' be
printed on the ballot as tha only Demo
cratic candidate for mayor. Mr. Thomas
chairman ' of the county and city I e w. vorto
V . 1 . . . - . . . I . w-
wmocnug caninu ooraraiiiae, naa uau i present
lng because of the proximity to their
own homes. The mayor's order was I
placed In the hands of the police com-1
mittee, of which E it. Sohof leid is
chairman. - v, - v ' -.
Captain Bradley, acting Judge-advo
cate, who haa handled the matter, so far
as tha army officiate ware concerned.
when told of Mayor Harvey's order, ex-1 association is in annual aession In El
pressed his entire satisfaction with it Paso and tha business section of the
stating tnac no runner action wouia be i city is gay with colors in honor of the
taken oy mm in closing the streets, visitors. Delegatea from all parts of
providing tno order was raitnruiiy car-1 Texas were on hand at tha formal enan
iriea out, ,
warrants being unimportant
Hereafter the atate will be obliged to
pay not leaa than 1 per cent Interest
on permanent school fund moneys, . In
stead of per cent, which the pres.
ent outstanding bonds carry. This la
a result of the .law passed last winter
fixing tha minimum interest charge at I
i per cent ., , J
i aearaal Soerial aarrlee.) '
El Paso. Tex May I. Tha Texas
division of the Travelers' Protective
(Continued from Page One.)
tha general's son, was
lng today, Numerous and novel fea
I turee of entertainment Intersperse the
convention program, which extends over
tnree aays. y The reporu prepared by
the ; officers for preeenUtlon to the I
convention show that tha association la
I in flourishing "condition, both numer
lcaliy and. financially.
President Roosevelt and the members
of the cabinet were escorted from the
white House by a squad of cavalry.
When tha president r arrived at the
stand tha entire aasemblage rose and
splendid facllitlee to advertise his can'
didacy. . v; ;-.,'-.;.;,
"On the other hand the friends of May
or Lane are and have been under the im
pression that ha would not be a candi
date at the prlmarlea and on that ac
count many of them will not go to' the
primaries at alt Many Democrats who
advocate his reelection are not cogni
sant tof their right to vote for' Mayor
Lane by writing his name on the ballot
and placing the X before hts name. All
this, added to1 the -natural Inertia of
many, and the reluctance of voters to
take the time and trouble to write the! Bishop Satterlee, President
name or ine eanaiaata, maaes the con
teat a most unusual one.
"Yet I belie-a.-notwlthstandlh the
handicap under which Mayor Lane would
be placed in auch a rontest, that If the
right to vote for him by writing his
name -thus: - 0C Harry lane.' In the
space which will appear on .the ballot
Dixi Fljer It Wrecked.
(Journal Special Sorrlce.) - '
Atlanta, Ga,, May 1. The Dixie rive.
the fastest train on the Georgia Central.
Wt -Jro'm Ttnta "JSE? "
killed and a number Injured, some fa
tally. . , . - ; ; . . " .
president of the Society of the Army of
the Potomac, delivered a brief Intro
ductory address, and General Horatio
C King of Brooklyn, recording secre
tary of the society, gave a sketch of
tha statue. :
After aa
Aeronaut- Make Start.
St Louis. May I. The"HawleT-8tev.
ana balloon a tartar at 11 in tkia mm.-
Impresstve invocation by lng. There waa little wind, and tha
Roosevelt I balloon drifted In s northerly direction.
no n .n
Tailorei CMlm
The smartest ready-to-wear clothing In America. .
They depict the latest style innovations for spring i
and surnmer wear.' t . r , , ;, '
There are but .few of the high priced exclusive':
custom tailors who can equal the smart, fashion
able Chesterfield Clothesnone excel it
Every Correct Style Is Here
P.60 So $50.00
: 269-271 Morrison Street '
New Tork, May I. Baroness da Mae
" wav know her fata tonight, if the
......Winn are completed - today. Her
attorney told the Jury the prosecution
had baaed its case completely upon cir
cumstantial - evidence, supported by
biased witnesses. Tha prosecution up
held it circumstantial ease. It Is ex
pected .the Judge will charge the Jury
late this afternoon. , - ...
The Seaside Signal wants to see aa
academy or college, established there.
The Store Noted for Beat Goods at Lowest Prlcea.1
and , concerns nor, one elea. It la his Immediately under the name , of Mr,
Attorney-paar';aVaiJha Anally n J'.h',w,th" 10 mUTf MabeUe Thomaa,; la made known and brought
v. WUaT wvt w villain, umVW
i SB a VI iwet a n at A m laalAa a 1. .
,'that he has something over 1100 on da- Z?
nait in h u.w., '. i , 1. 1 1 cannot set
and f 300 on deposit at the Ladd at Til
ton ba'bk, and Judge 8eara Issued an or
der of Court requiring the banks to pay
ver this money. ' - -
The grounds of the Gheen divorce
were Cruel and Inhuman treatment
Grose and habitual drunkenness -and as
sociation with disreputable persons were
among the speclflo charges. Gheen's
appearance on the stand showed him to
be an alcohollo degenerate. ;
see why there has bean an
mncn pupiic' interest In Mr. Corey's per
sons! affaire." - . . v-.-i
Mrs. Riggs expressed, surprise when
luturinea ox ue nearness of toe import
Sister Kept Ignorant.
to the attention of any considerable
number of the Democratic voters, Lane I
wiu receive a majority of ; the votea
for mayor at the primaries. I am led
to believe this not alone from the senU-l
ment 1 bear expressed by nearly all the
democrats with whom I coma In con.
tact, but as much by my faith in the
average Integrity of the mass, of the
is, I nave not beard it" she said. "I
oo not xnow the date. If any haa been
aecraea upon, ana ix I aid know I cer
tainly should not tell it I do not know
anything about any arrangements, and
have nol aeen my brother for a long
um iinini Mr, yorey has aucceeded
very well la keeping the publlo Ignorant
Of till nlifi.K ... ... ..
(Continued from IPage One) 1 Mr, Corey Is a man "of deepest re-
.t,. . - T ., . .L. ' aerve ana tuia not ventured any publlo
;j Z Z", 1 : I explanauon for his acta, but he re-
Maa,w55s 5S?ss
Mf-the date of the wedding is May Democratic voters of this city, and of
the sentiment prevailing among them, I
in favor of law and order, and In a ,. I
less, honest administration of our city
Xlvlde Spoils of Offloe.
Tn writing thus. It is not my lnten-
uon, ana I ao not wish to be understood
ae speaklna disnaraalnalv nf Mr. I
Thomas, He has Ions- been B ' ner. I
inena, ana i oeiteve mm to be
clean, courageous and honest Ha waa.
however, schooled In his earlier life In
ue ranxs or the Renubllcan cartv. and
aviaeniiy oejieves in machine methods.
VWLiVO Made from, best
grade cambric with 2 rows fine
torchon lace insertion, lace edge
and CUt- extra - full frnnt A
splendid 40c quality, all Or? -sizes,
each .............. eWC
nv fhu hn,, A him ,,, i . 3 ?lmikllr "nt w tM ot tn" world. "He has. nevertheless. I think, sub
my unicago house on him, but I would I Mia cnni.mni.t.4 at, i. ,v. iaii t,i..i ..... ..... 2 ""X
noi give mm anytmng more. .That lalatraaa ith v.i. ... v nsin. dm..i . l
sralnarf at ahnnt tea AAA - I .... . " i . ."Mvto mm Iiai- I
' L' - --- . , . i un aea ana wno nna hun .iivino- innnt. ierea dv a nnmh nr aaii i
uously In a chateau in France with a crate none of whom believe he could
retinue of servants since the domestic possibly be elected, -and few of whom
troubles of the Coreva became niihlln will support him In June, if ha la num.
la believed to be part of his plan toiIna-ted, Into becoming a candidate for
"set nimseir rignt" -t mayor on a piauorm tne principal plank
: The new home which Mr. Corey haa ,n which la a promise of a fair division
ffniMMi Tnf nia nnna nv.riAnir. ih. i or ina anoua nr Arriba ,
L. "TbB 5nJ th romance that startled It Is a magnificent f lve-atory mansion o, "To the end that no covert Inalnua.
wf w T?.r V."? teor than rear gray atdne. The interior is carefully t,on" may be charged against this ar-
wnen tne miaaie-agea woman married J planned to be entirely in keeping with I '. desire to state frankly that I aak
the young Lochinvar from California on the archltectuBe, the reception haU hav-1 th' it be published for the purpose of
11 anftai Ma . a) ja 4 A As) ' a . a. A a. . ' M A I . aa. . I .mltlH a.-.Ab. . . 1
J, Tv' ,' "' movu monin ww i imr rounaea oaicontes, a rounded stair-1 clulln io me attention of that large
Along Broadway, where Mlsner Is
well known, It was asserted that he had
obtained the $1,000,000 settlement -which
Mrs. Mlrner had promised him before
, the marriage. ;.rv,- - .
; One story in clreulatlon is that Mra.
rjizner win soon wed again.
,16-Bntlon -
Silk Gloves
, $1.19 Pair
For Friday and Saturday 16V
button Silk Gloves in colors,
tan, gray, mode, pongee, navy,
brown, pink, blue and reseda.
Wash !a Waists $2.75
Suit Department For -Friday and
Saturday we place on sale about 10
doxen best quality Wash Silk Waists
in black or white, with elbow
sleeves and front in beautiful em
broidered and open ' work designs
these waists self regularly at $4.00
each. '.. Choice, while they fj
last at, special ............ 1 0
Voile Shirts $9.85
Made from the celebrated "Altman"
Voile and the best $15 skirt in town.
Come in black only, in - extra full
plaited styles with 4-inch silk fold and
day and Saturday eSJ.85 I Special . ;..97c
Lisle Gloves
i. 7c Pilr
Best quality French Lisle in the
popular suede finish and in all
leading colors, including black
and white, all sizes, best $1,50
grade, . . ,
ivnirr i aims m
1IUI1L) Uiallll
other ,
big lot of those
pretty white lawn
Waists will be ready for you
Friday and Saturday Dainty
embroidery and lace trimmed
styles. Regular $1.65, $1.85 to
Mr.' Terkes' death.
case with a balcony at the landing and I number of Democrats who believe that
la tall white marble mantel. ' public office is a publlo trust. The
The drawlne room la on the aaeond I ' tnai tney can vote for Harrv Lauia
floor and furnished In Lonla iv. atvla. I t the prlmarlea by wrltlns- hia nana in
The color scheme is buff and gold. The I ,tna Proper Space on the- Democratic bal
furnlture is entirely in rllt. elaborated I lot and placing the OC before It and bv
carved and upholstered with- pale Un I ao doing place the stamp of their dUap.
sua, nana emoroiaerea - in vines andl"UTU tne macnine metnods pur-
l flowers of delicate design. The table I fu,d and th' PUa system advocated
is aiao or gilt laoorateiy wrought as r oeueve to oe a very small
are also the mantle and an antique wall minority of tha Democrats of thla city.
mirror in a massive gold frame and! In Justice to Dr. Lane, I desire to
mounted-on a quaint gold table wlthl1 that this article is submitted
carved leg. , I wiinout any auggestlon from him and
In the center of the drawing-room, wunoui aia Knowledge or consent"
resting on tne leaporda akin, la an an-
wA Handsome Booklet.
The Title Guarantee k. Trust
tlquo wooden sleigh, filled with foliage I
reaching to the celling. In one cor-1
i .t.nAa .m, v.n.ti.ii nM...n.i i i n ib uuarantee at Trust Mm.
. fci i v. . w. v.m . vMv.n.i. wv .iviia. . . . -
v,i, n-a mmjt i- .k...t. I pany or tnis city have 1ut lsaned aa a
I mA' .U VUVIUUI .a. . I . . . . . r . . "
eeremonles, mounted on a post six feet Z"IYZ nvT lw ,V"n anniversary
high, all gilt elaborately carved. J,, ndBOn. booltlet oonUlnmg a
In the empire bedroom the walls are ffV-..!ltorr of tt? company and
i . ja aaaw aia.aa a - - ii. v - a. &vi vu c4k BiuuuuiiL a 1 1 ai vsem ai rati
dranarlea. canon and nnholaterina- to r,w0 development The 11.
niatohVT - --. " ; " lueirauona anow the exterior of the
.m -.1 . company's bulldlna- at tha erniM f
Alia orioa a uuiaoir im m. araun oi I a-t.nnA mr.A TXr..i.i-..- V . .
beauty and on. which would delight ; , Z??Wl'l
any feminine heart White suit damask l Bnhiiiiiinii T. ...n. . . L "1
spllshed with immense pink roses U ff.1 "prSaV? &gf!l
naed alllca for walls, chairs, dlvana oil I . . v 1 ogers, :
used alike for Walls, chairs, divans, pU
lows and raperiea , A long circular
dressing table. Is built In the curved
Take them off If they hurt.
You cannot wear the "oinch
OUt Of a Shoe. But you Can buy If window and covered with a glass top.
Roses aiso ngure in tne arapery arouna
this toilet table. : There are also many
lounging places ' and f acilltlea for , re
ceiving and entertaining the fair guests
of the bride with charming informality.
Boaewood Pining Soon.
a shoe, without the pinch, the
tianan bhoe; for instance. Feela
as comfortable as your stock
ing, built along graceful lines
and holds its shape until the
last nunme, . i -. .
First atreet
Copies Of this. SB well aa ntha anna.
nlrs. street mapa and views of Portland
may be had for the asking. Tha Titia
Guarantee A Trust company, 240-244
Washington street corner Second. Port,
land. Oregon. ,
the house, one side being fitted tnHmi
The dining room is buUt in one end of ls used :throughajt a mantle extending
w mi wuiij-uB an immense side
board, on the opposite elde of the room
Doing eiaoorateiy carved with Hon
The ' table Is also "beautlfutly graven
ana is surrounaea witn rour chairs te
fMbvtsuviuvnuvw uu i ing a, tone-or siaieuness to the rare
tt 'a," .' t I beauty of this room. , Two marble Hons'
'77V tVft tit) I JJUOr COUCC, It ISH ( JJUOU I crouch on oitner siae or the dlntng room
iiX r U 1 m J 1 1 1 tor UnvbOdV.- ,4JaiB are intended rpr foliage.
.k w L) mtll Ll 11 u 11 m II 111 . ,
Isn't such a shoe worth pay-
ng a httle more for? Hanan
Shoes for women, too. J -v
It is : a mistake': on j the I
Buy Ribbons Dere
i;S0l?ard8. Jet quality Satin Taffeta Ribbon in
N0.JBO width and m all the popular shades, in.
eluding red, pink, blue, green, black, white,
2rtn,S',iRn' brown, navy, etc, etc, on Special
Sale , Friday ndSatarday at, ni
yard ,;:,;.'..' . . .'., . . . , ,,,,,..';,,,,.-. . , . , mJLC
RthwHth2!!l ?' -SiIk Taffeta as follows:
U's W. 2! 22. 15a; 40, 18a; 60, 21.
: r-.
Knitwear Specials
Women's Summer Union Suits
sleeveless low neck, . knee
length lace trimmed, regular
45c grade, Friday and. OC
Saturday . .OC
, Women's ine Ribbed 1. Lisle
Vests low neck, sleeveless and
our regular 20c grade al) sizes.
Friday and
Saturday t r 11C
-Women's Ribbed Cottoa Vests
sleeveless for a ' great. Fri
day ; and Saturday special . we
offer entire lot at, :
each. . ; .OC
.Women's fast black Hosiery
double heel and toe and best
garter top our best 20c quality,
Friday and '"'1A-.
Saturday IUC
Men's 25c Fancy Socks, lace and
embroidered styles; also white
feet Special, pair. ....... tZtff
Men's - Pure Linen Handker
chiefs; H - and -inch
hems; regular 25c grade.
Each ..,..12e
Men's Extra Quality Balbriggan -Underwear,-
in flesh, bliie, v
pink,4rown and black; 7Se "
gradeT Each ; . . . . ... .60
Men's Soft ' Front Shirts, ' the ,
. famous Mt. Hood brand; de
, tachable cuffs and neat , pat.
terns; $1.25 grade. Ech..,T3
nigh-Grade Corsets
Thompson'! and . War- 1
ners Corsets, in new
u dip hip, medium bust
. models, with hose sup-''
porters attached front
and sides; a very pop
ular shape for the av
erage figure; regular
Warners sad Thomson's .
Corsets, in models for
the woman of full
proportions: one of
: our best selling num
bers; comes in black, 1
. white and drib, and in
Redfern Corsets, the .
only all t whalebone WT"
corset made; new models now
on exhibition. $5 grades .......
If yoo'rc fitting up your ummer home, here's a rare chance to buy the popular J
"u wuiyv mauni curtains at away unacr wo regular price, come full three
ards long, with fringed ends, and in a wide variety of colored Stripes; standard
15U pair corded Arabian Curtaina; 3
50 pieces 38-inch lace stripe scrim: our
regular 10c grade.' Friday and Sat
urday, a yard ,. , ... . , Te)
yards lonar: 4S inrhn wM.'..nt..
; $2.SQ grade, A pair'.m,.m 1.63
Toef grocer reraras rear aioaer If res deaf
like Scaiilias'i SMt: we pay bla."
The library Is perfectly adapted to
comfort and the circular cases are filled
with hundreds of well-chosen booka
The music room is in gold, crimson and
pale - oUve green, while the piano is
green - with touches of gold. On the
veiling is a painted figure of a' beau
mm woman.- noaciBg upon oeeoy eiouas i
We - are ' headquarters for
fine Table 'Linens, Lace Cur
tains and Draperies. . ' Get
our prices for comparison.
Mail Orders
Orders received by Wait ate
given" immediate and careful
attention. Samples sent on
request Try as. v
with little cherubs. . , " I