The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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Classified Advertise
.... ''''' ,.-" V-
ments received too
late for insertion in
these pages will k
found on Page 14.
San Francisco Office
Oregon Journal
ASTBSTmnreirra Awxjtw"
' Oregontane when lh San fTanolaeo
nn bave their mall gent la are of
The Journal office. '
ARTHUR Ii FISH, Representatlvw.
rvnia. of Tb. Journal ma b ebtatoed la
the following oltle and towns outside ef Oie.
n-u. i....T nii annraelata tba receipt ef
report at failare to obtain aopiat ct tba paper
' at y er vbb .
xiiil V7aaiVnfvtMA. ft- Blue.
Stationery Company; RrVHo!"'L
pany; Hotel Deere News Stud; Union Cigar
Stand; Catrt Nw Company. '
ntaad. tiu Mouth Fourth street: Caatral
News Co. J Psople' Nevr Co. -
nn.TTi.i.. WASHINGTON Ratal erraad
: Newe StaBd: International New At?
Newapaper Wagon; Botal Seattl News steadf
-wloTcAUWSKlA-.' Mws C-e
cany, Nawspsper Wsgoe.
A. ...
IH-Jdbm W. Oraaaai
aaagh, 60 Third treaty aoytt. j
t. Loins, missoubi-R. t. Jan. sna on-
. atreat; flaorra..-Lv ArlWBUML W. CO.
' Eighth ana Olive treet.
iriuiii otn uiaanrtnt Tama ltaa Ooe.
,.. Nmnasar Wasoa. L'nloa Avenue
New Co., ppoett Union depot V
CHICAG ILLJNOiar. -a llawa Company,
ITS Dearbora afreet. .
DENVER, - COLO B A DO -CnloB Depot Haw!
a. ..... ,-.: '.
ftAaTrwX! cafJRNIA Amos sw 'Ot
mr. Nrwanopor Wroi Hala IfawaOa. -S
Htwa Company. Npwtpipar Wiml Itaf
anr. 1461 nilaora atmtj asmm Htwa Co.,
Salt lak! citt, ctab BoaBfM A hb-
. aoa, Kawapapar Wafwi; 0. U Dartaa, Balal
Kreii: Barra-r Broa, 48 Waat , Bacoo4
OGDEN, t'TAH Otaf Kawa Ooaaaay. Dapa
OMAHA.UMBEAi-ICqiar4 Botal 9ww
1 KB WTOR-T ' CTTT ArttiBT BotaJfeac'i awa-
papr Waoaa.
KOBrOUkV VA-JCraf 4k flonld -4
V aiaawai U' MM
$3,750 to $4,000 :
On car line, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, gas
and electric lights, sewer and city
water, cement basement, furnace,
X fireplace, etc, fine view Of ML
Hood, 1 lots with each house.
Terms to suit
Exclusive Dealers In Heights
Property. Office on the Heights
- and 7 Chamber of Commerce.
Main 2159.
Hawthorne Realty Co.
A enap. Two fine, high lota, 60x100
feet, on Improved street. Bouth Sunny
aide'; $100 eaab, balance 120 per month,
pier eent Call 1SS Marguerlta avenue,
corner Hawthorne. V Tabor 416. ' c
Make Yours Rent
Money Buy It
' For Bala New 8 -room bouee with full
lot 60x100 with alley, for only fj.,600.
Terma,u410 down and 620 per month,
with Interest Location Eaat StVJohna,
Cmlr otto block from car Una and one
block from Columbia boulevard. Ex
cellent location, fin altuatlon and prop-,
arte- with a future. Tou; seldom have
an opportunity like thla to , become a
home owner. -.
J. I
r Take St, Johaa oar, gwt ezt aS Xaai Bt,
rokxua, Ooliunbt toonlaTard.
Hawthorne Realty Co.
Tbe flneet B-room cottage In South Sun
nyglde, 400 feet from car Una. . A
beauty. Price $1,70011,609 cash, bal
anej eaer. Call 286 Marguerite ave.,
corn, r Hawthorne avenue. Tabor 614,
'Must Sell 34
Oa Johnaon oreek, partly Improved, no
better land In the county. mile aouth
ntatlon on O. W. P. r, r, j h mllea
eaat of Lenta. - Owner elek. WU1 aell
for leaa than adjoining lands. Price
and terms .. -- . . .i--.
J. L. Wells Co
80S ChainbeT of Ooumeroa Bldg.
iwo xarms to. trade. On
frmt farm, on 46-acre, t acrea of fruit
Tor Portland residence property. Call
rss Marguerite avenue, corner Haw
thorne. .'Tabor 616. .-;i-'I v..-;?;'...-;
Choice Block on Eas
' Morrison Street v
Will handle it Improved
: " will .
On investment. For partic-
r mars see , "
ornamental wood turning. , .; .
; JOIH 4th St. near Salmon. A'.
Hawthorne Realty Co.
Juat tha placa for an apartment bouaa,
BaautifuL high quarter block, corner.
8uch a houM would par well. - Price
right. Call 185 Marfuerfta avenue, cor
ner Hawthorne. Tabor 816.
MattHia-a. alike. Jananeae fancy rood a
now ai Mortn at near uavia
fnone racme
TLa tmaU dlatnrbaoce natcrdar eantral m
aoothweainra I ilk bo baa morad aootbeaatward ta
weatara uoioraao. it aaa eanaad llrht ra'na
ta Bortharn L'tab and answ in Wramlnc. Tha
Canadlaa high prtaanra area haa aoorad aotitb
aaatward to tba Dakotaa, and Terr - low tana.
prraium pnrau n ua ajiaaonji ana appcr
Mlaalaalppl rallara. Tha Hlcblraa blah prcaaurt
ana now tarllce tha appar 8L Lawrence ral
hr, and low temnerataraa alao prcrall la tbe
who ragioa ana unie nutr. kuuiic rroa
t ported in tbe Dakotaa, haavr froeta I
Oblo Taller and lower lake reeta, and llabt
froata la Mobraaka,- im and Ulaasart. - Fair
weawer eontmaae oa tbe Faclfle olopa. where
tbe tenparaturea are elao below Dormal. and
llrht fraata eceorrad thla mornlna la exaoaad
placaa in tbe north Pacific otatea.. h
. The Indication ara for fair wcathaf ta thla
dlatrlct tonight and Trldar, with allghtly higher
temparatoraa. Tbera will be froou tonight ta
aoatbeaatera Idaho.
..-, -; 'vita. . atta. Preda.
Atlanta. Georgia .......74- -. vt
BUmarck. Morth Dakota... 6fl 16
Boatoo. Ifaaaeehaaatta .... 64 ' ' 41
i M
Cbicaco. Illlnola 46 r 40
Cincinnati. Ohio .......... 60
; 40
" 81
" M ,
' : 66
. 48
48 .
'- - i, 4i .
. 88 !
,J9 S4 :
- 84
48 '
Danrer, Colorado .......... 64
riagataff, Artanna ........ 66
New Orleane, Loatalana.,. ti
New York. New York...... 68
None, Alaaka 40
Omaha, Nabraaka 66
Philadelphia. Cranartranla-. 68
Portland. Orcgoa...... ...... 68
t, Louie, Mlaaonrl. ....... 64
St. Paul. Ulnmaota....... 60
Bait Lako. Utah 61
tan Frandaco, California,. 66
Banta Fa, New Mailco..., 6
Taeoma, Waahlnrtoo. ...... 66
Waahlngtoa, D. Co 61
f, Dana tor, McBntae A Ollbaagh,' aodcrtakara
eed embtlntera: moo am la evara datalL . aeraata
ana rue. .etani aou, moj aaaiauat, . -
Brlckaoa rndertaktng Oo., and embalming, 406
auaer au . rnoa. asaia oiM. . utaj aaaiataat.
I. P. Flnley Bona, Tbtrd aad Madisoa eta.
umca ex eouniy cotoot. . rnotv Main a.
or. 178 KaaaeiL East 1088. Lady eaalatant. :
A. B. Hematock. fnneral director. Eaat 18th
end OmaUlla. Phone Bellwond 71. Lady eaalatant.
Edward Bolmaa, aadertaker, 836 Third at.
BIVEB VIEW 8 In ale grarea. 410; family lota,
iuu m ei.wu. roe oaiy cemetery la rort
' land which perpetually malntalna and care
for lota. For full Information, apply to W.
B. Mackeule. Woreester block., city, W, M.
Ladd, pre.ld.nt.
BOB! CITY Single graeaa, fl0 family lot,
'. atapcruienaanc i cometery, ear
net of Fremont at. end Colly road. Phone
Tabor 806. For full Information apply to
S rank Bchlaget, 603 Commercial blk. . Paoae
aln 8823. . . .
M. A. and M E. Mana
to Mary J.
Magee, north J00 teat
of tract B,
Nash's Ftrat addition a
Mary i. Me to Mrs. H. E. Mann, lot
i ana wsai 4 Ol Jot lit, block 8, Hon.
Portland Trust company to Edward W.
. and Rarah E. Oehler. lot 8. block 74. x
Woodstock 1 nn
John and A. B. Gsntenbeln to Frederick
. W. Rella, loU 8 and 8, block 8, Central .
A lb in a 1,000
Lain B. and Jamea D.- Ogdea to Fred
erick W. Bella, lot 8, block X Central
Albina . (28
Thoma and Hasan Clayton to Frederick
W. Bella, lot T. block 2, Central Al
bina ' BT8
Tbe Land Company of Oregon to Bobert
: Macinaw, lot 8, block 7, City View
- ? ..i 8T5
soon ana o. m. unnnmg to Oregon Elec
tric railway, lota 1 to- 12. block 8.
Home addition .,...,...U..... ........ 10
oannan noaney aioms .t ai. to Oregon
Electric Railway company, eaat 25
feet of Iota 8 and 4. block 170. Car-
u there' addition 1,250
UMTeraity lra - company to John C.
.. McKane, lots Si- aad 22. block 134.
"PnlTeratty Park ,..wiv...-. '400
L. r. La uuay to ohn o. McKune, lot
.. 6, block 20, Peninsular addition No. 3. 100
Bile ' H. ' Leonard to Olive H. Hnrlbert,
lot 6. block 2. Grime' addition to
8t. John ............................ 80Q
Annie A. ana w. a. jjucnanan to oeorg.
and Grace J. Vath, lot 8, Buchanan'
O. Jr. and Minnie J. Bell to Georre Al
bert, lot 10. block 13. Lincoln Park.... . 850
LUxle, and Cbarles w. Jenklna to. H. W.
and Marcus avruDxa. jota 14 ua la.
. omen d, nKDDwita. ,,......... . v,aj
Joseph' M. llealy et aL to Owen Jonra,
ur a. oral . in. wamjeisa neiirnra
addition 450
M. B. and Clara G. Thorn peon to School
. District No. 1. lot fi. block 14. Cook's
: addition to Albina. w. .i ............ .. POO
Bearer Inreatment company to Title
, flnarante. 'V Traat comtianr. lot 2 In
'' north of doable block I. city....... 87,000
Moore Inreatment company to tiiaaoetn .
P. Preacott, lot 14, block 41, Vernon.. .'880
Edward and Virtue ' Rogers : te. George
. T..I, Ilavannort. . lot 8. block .112.
Carothers' addition .................. 1,800
Fred G.. and Effle L. Bocntel te Martin
a.vm.nakl Inta SB a ad , 26. Atilnck 9.
Wbetland addition No. S... 150
Samuel t. and- Victoria At Craft to
Henry Grebe, Weat H of eouthraat H
miihmmt u rtf aentlon 85. townahlB
1 north, rang 8 at,.;....i..i.,.'... 10
Carolina E. Wlleonfet el. to C. A. Mo
Cale, 102X4H reet Beginning at a
point oo west line of North Ninth
etreet 49U feet sooth from northeast -
corner ef fractional block 66, Oouch's.
John A. and Jennie G. Oiler to Claud . --
1. Hubbard,, north H of lot jj and
18. block 1. Edendale........ ....... ..1.000
Tbomasin. P. and L. Ceratenaen to Mary- . . '
: , Mclntyre, lota a ana a, block 15, cr- :
'1, other addition, 8 year, per eent. . . 800
Henry and M. M. A.- Grebe to Bamuel J."
Craft weat V, of aoutheast 4 ef aoutn-
west K of eeetloa 85, township 1 aouth-
" ranse 2 east.- year, a per eent. . ... . i . ' 40
Charlee B. and Otti B. Hodgdon to
Joha Read, lot 4, block 10, Center !
addition, 1 year, 8 per cent....,.,,.., ; $00
J. O. and Mlnerra E..U Elrod to Ida f ..
5 Condlt, lot 12, blocl 8, Barenawood .
addltioa t ;:' 600
Peter o. Hofated t. F. Kenbaw, :
i lot 4. block t, Bummlt addltioa....... 800
BlTMTlaw Omctery aaaoclatloa to Wll
. llam B. Barr, kM 130, accttoa 101, aald
'cametrrr . . .'. ,
Xerx lirae.' to 8. D. Vincent, weat V,
ot mm H of nortbeaat 14 of aorth-
Jwat U of aectlon S. townablo 1 aonth.
range 1 eaat....... 10,000
Hannah and Ollrer Anrterann to Frank
Wllllania and Mary V. Karxbaw, lot
8. block 46. flunnvalde..
. 1,800
John and Katbar fiennatt to Frank Wll-
1 la ma. waat 60 'feet of autxllrlaloo H
ef lot 1. block 4. Portland Bomeotead.
B., J. Gilbert , to. Julaeppe..egrettot, lot
2. block 6. Ina Dark........
' 400
Lambert and EUle Dnnbar to William 0.
Airord, land beginning at norinaati
corner of filackiatone'a addition.......
Point View Real Batata eompaitr to Lain
a. itoea, iota a .ane a, : ntoec , rouii
v law .......... ........ . .
Jamee P. UcOllnchey to J. J. Hharta,
mte a ana , dkck u, fonamoutn
Villa Annex No. 8.........
Moore Investment eompanr to George B.-
ana toa u. rana, iou ana a, viofs
46. ' Vernon . . t. , .-
Beth 3. Storey to 0. W, Ktnnedjr,. lot 6,
block g, Wbltwood Court (contract for
aalel .................................
Annie J.' Lawrence to Artbnr L Fin ley
(troetae). lota 1. a. 7 and 8. block 800.
eitr ................................. 88.000
Albert and Mjrtla Cleland to fabsl C.
Gritrham, part of-block 110, Wrorer a
tttte iaabel Bnrke to B. R. Rnrke, lota
l, 4 and d, and eaat H or lot a, diocb
8. Ooucb'a addition
Frederick O. end Nora 8. Bjkae to Fred
erick H. Strong (troatee). a tract bo
feet north and aouth and 100 feet eaat
end weat off north aide of lot 8, block
11. Doavbar'f Hecoed addition: alee
, Iota 6. 7 and 10. block 11; lota 5, 8
: and B, block 12, Doacber'a Beoond ad
dition. reara. 6 eer cent....
Claud 1. and Myrtle B. Hubbard to Equit
able BTlnga A Loaa aaaoclatlon, norta.
V, of 1U IT and 18. block 1. Edan-
4lale. laetallifienta
Clarence B). and Marie Boah to Jacob
Aaatad, let 6, block 30. Alblne Botue
atead, inatallmenta, 6 per cent
0. F. and Nettle Banker to Frona Wll
aon, lota lfl. 16, 83, M and S3, block
86. Flrat addition to I.inntoo. .......
U. L and War W. Holbrook to T. A.
Topham, lot .1, . block 18. Eaat Bt.
John! ...'.. . ,........
0. W. Bhlrley to Frank L. Glbaoa, lot
1, block S, Third Electric addition....
Anthony and Mary Surgard to Hat tie F.
Forreater, lota and 10, block 0, Lin
coln Park Annex
Jamea W. and Marie- F. Beatty to
. 80p
' 889
Analera Boakowlta, iota 1, 1 ana ,
block 71, city
Portland Treat Company of Oregon to
George 0. Reynolda, Iota 14 and 19,
block IT, Tremont Place........
Charlee H. and Francea M. Korell to
Frank Martin Brooke at aU lot 18 and
aonth 10 feet of lot IT, block 8, King'.
' 160
Beoona aauition
- For abetracte, title tnaaranee at mortgage
loans, call on Paeine Title irnat coenpaay,
S04-6-6-T Falling bldg. !" .
Get roar bearance and a t tracts to
eatate from the Title Guarantee Trait
pany. 140 Waabingtoa et corner Beooad.
8EALRD bide will be recelred at the office
of tbe ecbool clerk, city hall, np to 11 nv,
TUMday, May xi, isut, ror eeaimg ana tco
tllatlnf tha following school bulldlnga, rla;
Tbe Vernon arhool building, Creaton arheol
building, Terwllllger ecbool building. Plana
of the bulldlnga and -a peel ft cation ef re
quirement can b. aeen at office of architect,
884 East Third atret. AH propoaala mnat be
eeeap.nled - by - -certified -cneek-fnr - JO-per
cent of the amount of proposal. Tbe ecbool
board reaerrea the right to reject any and
aU bide.
! . THOMAS J. JONES. Architect
LADT barber shop now opea et 84 Fourth St.;
roar enaire; no waiting. -. t
NOTICE To Whom It May Concern! On March
6, 1907, I purchased the property -known aa
the William Avenue Planing Mill from ve
G. J. Eaton, and I hereby glr notice that
I will not be responsible for any Indebtedness
agalnat the plant made prertoue to that date.
J. T.. Drinker: , .,,.-- ...- -. .
W. O. W., meet Friday
night In tbe W. 0. W.
temple. 128 11th et. Mat
ter of importance will
corns sp and all member
are requested to be present.
visitor welcome. ,
BUB. Clerk. ;
i, F. and A. M. Stated commualca-
v tion this (Thnradarl evenln.
. o'clock, Masonic temple, Third
- and Alder it. Work In M. M
: degree. All M. M. invited.
. B. 8. PAQUE. Secretary.
If. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6,466. meet
WdBday evening, AUsky bldg.! Third aad
Morrison sts. r
M.'W. A. Oregon Gran Camp No. 6.878. Mou-
daya. 17tb aad Marshall. Visitors wsleoms.
ASTRA CIRCLE will' giv a dsnc. Thursday.
May a, m tn w. u. w. bldg., nth at., near
waanmgton. wooa music Admission xsc.
Lost 3,000 Shares Butte
. Boys Consolidated
Mining stock, somewhere between Morrlaoa,
Washington, Second and 10th its. : Pleas
retnm to Tb Journal office and receive re
ward.' . . - . .
FOUND A place to have hair mattresses reno-
vaua ana returnea same aay . xa rront st.
Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H.
Metsger, proprietor.
LOST Monday afternoon, a pair of field
glasee.. Finder pleas pbooa Eat 4564. -
FOUND Bay mare; call on F. F. Gllpatrtck,
1204 wuiamett boulevard, 8t. John car. .
LOST Soma Blac on Wsshlnrtnn at., s rfiah.
and locket containing picture pfi pnbrt valued-
nigniy oy owner. Kwara...-i4 Grand av
north, room 4. Phone Eaat 4146.
FOUND A water spaniel dog pnp with narrow
white stripe In fsce, front feet white, blue
eyes, about IV months old. Call 132 North
Sixth et. x
rrarix.i otaie ana local managers for an
up-io-nsie sica ana accident association; pav
ing weekly benefits to lta member; furnish
ing free medical attendance; no examination
required; Liberal contract to"igood agent.
American Sick Accident Aaaoclatlon. Buf-
SEVERAL men to prepare for Portland post
office examination. Mat 11; few day
i only. Writ Pacific State School, McKay
bldg. "
205-207 Second at. Phone Main P21.
We design and install tbe moat modern snd uiun aaiema; complete line
leaf filing device.
WANTED Salesmen; many make 8100 to 4160
i per month; soma even more; stork eleaa
grown on reservation far from old orchard:
' . eaab advanced weekly: choice of territory
. Address Waahlngtoa Nursery company. Ton
pen Ub, Wsablngton. ' - iny, iob-
MEN AND WOMEN to learn tb barber trad
In etoht weeks; graduatea earn d. am .
425 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue free.
sawcT djbvpu. wufin,.w nonn- four til
at. Portland.. , . . ,,, ,
WANTED High das salesman for choice ter-
attom; Blgnesi oommisaion paid; everything
furnished; cash sdvanced for expenaes. A
rare opportunity, Address, quick, Oregon
Nursery, "Salenj, Or.
MEN and boy wanted to learn plnmblng, plae-
lertng.. oricaiayins. airvincsi trade; f,
Ulognt posltlooa ewo'-ed. Onyn Trad
School. New York and Ban Franelseo.
WANTED Young jnen to study telegraphyt
positions it wu ", u.n competent. 1
Oregon oiiege, owe viuiaunweaiia Bldg.
ADVERTISING solicitor,- eemmlaalon, theatri-
- eal program. o aauy?cf penenc unm
ary. - w uosooeuss :
CARPENTER wasted: a good finisher, aeen.
tomed to bardwooa; gaaa wages to tight nun.
inquire ave sou is
. A. L. BAB
MACHINE! abon, electrical and iteaa engineer-
lug poaitlona open for young men wishing to
U-arn tbe bualneaa; good pay for beglnnera)
'none but clean yoongimea willing to etudy
neea apply. -,g t
. , ; SCHOOLS, . . . .
.-V. :V;0ffle 614 .McKay K$,-fPr
A GOOD aaleamaa and collector) moat famish
here, and wagon and reference. aalary or
' commiaaioa. eva waanington at .
MEN to solicit adrertkUnr; thoae with expert-
ence only need appl. Call after B p. m. 118
. UUUUDUQKD OiUg,',.. . I; .r I .
WB want a flret-elaaa eoatmak-.r. The 8.
WUla Tallortng Co., . 138 Fifth at. ,
WANTED Elerator boy, Modern Confectionery,
v I.k anil .,, at. i. J 1 '
W get workror oar ag.nberst apeclal nem-
oera, w x. at. u. a., roarth ana xamaut.
SEWER dlggera, 13.75, boon.', Hamilton are.
ana unw t, bouui fortiaad. w .
WANTED Boy ever 16 years to work in candy
factory.- Aiaea tanoy uo., iota ana uusan.
WANTED At one.- a flrat -eUa.
painter. . 164 Union are. " ,
WANTED Tonng man to work ta bakery; some
experience, 648 first et. .; .
WANTED Coatmaker, aecond elasa, bill paid.
Holbrook-A Lareen,: 407 Steam .bldg., Sixth
.. and. Morrison sts. , "'.--.'i. ::i
B0T to work la candy factory.
. North Fifth St. :,,(-;
Apply 104
WANTED A young esaa with good schooling
for exceptionally good position; . wage 17
-per week to atari; moat come well reeom-
- mended, Address, stating , age, references,
x 400. CAB ronwt ac..
BOTB. 16 rear of an. If enarcatle and rella-
ble, they will hire good ebanc for d-
. Tancemens. - ouu, wertmaa King..
WiUmv Onaratca, : mi matnm OMtsl 886 a 1
weea; tauor jo. aastern mxi aaaaara, a
Oommoawealtb bldg.
-.ff ubw WANTED. "'
Tea vmina man handr at naillna nn box.
Mo other need apply. Bteedy work. Apply
at cracker department Pacific Coast Biscuit I
u. mia ana van. . ! -.
TWO strong, tedjf boyf for work In bindery.
me james mnung vo., a-nu airax su
Berger Son, 884 TamhUl et
PORTLAND Old Llns Stock company wants men
to wii special nuita sua accident Bunrenee.
4UO siarqaam oiag. .. . 4
WANTED Two expetieaced IT sol In enttn I
enrass. iirDusa, atom uo., o Tint St. 1
ARCH TTECTU BAL draughtaoMa ar In demand.
A complete architectural engineering course i
in me international uorreaponaence Bcnonla
ror aaia st a nargain. Addreaa h i 83, Journal.
i a i
raiaiso wsanu. rnooe saac U(0.
BOT,- 18 to 80. wholesale houae. - Addreaa In
t own handwriting, wit references. N 181,
car journal. , ,
BOYS over 16 to lean the drygood busmen
sea msi tnemseires generally narul; also
girls for . wrapping counter. Apply to Mc-
Auea et jacixmneu. - . .
WANTED Person to travel aad collect la boms
territory;- weekly salary of 61.078 per year
ana - tpensr. , .aares josepn Aleisndsr,
NIGHT clerk wanted at the Union hotel,
norm nixta sr. - . ,. .. . ,. ' .
Shoemaker wanted at J.
A. 8 trow bridge',
188 Front et.
LADY demonstrator, feeu-to-
boase .work; salary 812 per
. week and expenses; short
' honrs; etperlenc desirable but
not absolutely essential. Apply
before 8 a. m. or after 4 p. m.
W. Palmer Ce 804 Colsm- '
bU st
CO.. 291 oXAKK TJ.
WANTED Girl talloree oa coat and vests.
Lautonschlager, tailor, 22V ooodaouga mag.
to learn;
good pay.
finishing on panta; - steady
807 Oommoawealtb bldg.
WANTED- Dressmaker aad ladles' tailors. 888
ataer si. . -)- . '-:-
WANTED A family eook; wIU pay 830 a
month, or more It services are exceptionally
good; 4 people In family, supply 657, Flan-
der. or ph
r pnon. mam ooi, a
WANTED Youns- ladles to study telemnhm:
DOMtiona at good wage wneu uuaiinea. ors-
goa College. 80S Commoawealtb bldg.)
Ingtoo t coraer Beventn. apstaua, rboe
asaia zova, eiu. uwiy vuhu, , ..-. . ..
STRONG rirla for andy factory. Georg"A.
McNeil cosrrpaoy; wnoiesaie cociecx loners, no
North Fourth, near uusan. , . . .. -
HELP -WANTED Union Lauadry eompany1.
LARGE bualneaa firm deelre a -
woman not I
unaer no wiw m irueiwuviMj mq vnvraetir;
experience unnecessary. Address by letter
only, giving telephone. M. Knlgut 807 Til-
ford bldg.
GIRLS WANTED Operators to work en shirts
nd overall.' Lessons given to inexperienced.
Apply at Standard factory No. 2, Grand are. j
and East Taylor St. v.
"" i i -
COMPETENT girl for general housework la
family f two; mnat snow now to coot; good
wage, bo North zin si.
WANTED Girl for cooking snd general boose
work, family pf 4 adults; good wages.. :.S70;
iioyi. - '...' - . ', :t-
W ANTED Two girls to burn leather. ,
109 Sixth St. '"
Boom 1,"
. .-.'" '
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory. No.
2, urana av. ana its si isyior c
WANTED A lady bookkeeper; experienced.
178, car Journal. :
WANTED Competent ''girl for housework;
mnat understand cook Ins for femur of two:
- good wage. Apply 768 Northrup st Phone I
Main 2105.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for housework,'
cooking; must be reliable j to caa ear. can
' dren; wagea 435 per month. 824 Jackson st.
EXPERIENCED waist finishers . wsnted at
once. 135 10th st.
WANTED Olrls to fack crackers st Western
Packing COb,Eaf Third and uavis sts.
WANTED for" general housework, two In fam
ily: elderly woman preferred. Boom TV Cam.
tV bridge bldg. Main -1722. ,
GIRL to work in oaady factory.
Apply at 104
Nortn Finn st.
WANTED Waiat and' skirt bands.
Hechtman,: 712 -Marquam bldg.
: Mis
THE Beehive desire experienced woman -for
- fitting - and alteration department., Apply
Imsaedlately. 171 Third et . , . .
WANTED Girl for ' general - housework: good
wagea. 875 Eaat Eleventh N. Take Broad
way .' ; ..... ''. ,
GIRL for general housework; good waxes. 128
14th at., between Washington and Alder sts.
WANTED A womaa to do general housework.
.. J 181 car JournaL iL-. v.. . ' .
.. ... . .-
WANTED 8 chambormaid. S0 a month and
room. . Dewey House, 2 Vi North Third. Ap-
pl for position at 1 p. m. ,
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for gen
eral housework ; work not heary. Call after
1 p.- m, 278 ..Morriwa at. . , , i. ,
ACTIVE girl, not less than 16f cbnc for
promotion.. ' Apply wrapping counter, McAUen
dt McDennelL - i - a . .-. , . ,
WANTED Good . dlnlna-rooua elrl at 104-106
.North Serentb t 46 per week., board and
'fruomi at once, v" . : ? "
mmfpmjtntvnfv,rafamtm9mKKime I Jilai aaaaaaaaaaaai
HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. ' B.
w. vraae, zvovk wasningtoo at. , raein intv.
ARDMORB COFFEE," 8 pounds for 41, that's
all. Boyd Tea Co., 80 Flrat st ; ., "
THE International Correanondenc Bchools can I
, assist you to a better position, vau at tneur
office, 132 Fifth St., for a circular. .
WANTED-iPosltlon as Janitor or almllar work)
win B ani. to ao any carpentering wora
BKvvwmmrj yi oonneciion WHO posiuou. ... avv-
drea Cha. H. Newton. Arleta. Or. ' .
WANTED position by experienced family cook,
Aaares t,'hineaa mission, a47V4 aurk st.
YOUNG man, S yean of age, Is desirous of
procuring light office work; good experience
and not afraid of work. Addreaa O 188,
ear Journal. . .
BOT want work after school sad Saturdays.
Phone East 6140. - 'mK , '
LADIES' and gentlemen's plain sewing, mend
, ing and piece work, neatly don. Address I
Q 182, care Journal. , y.
EXPERIENCED lady, honaecleantng, er will do
men's washing at home. Call. 144H RusseU
street 1
E31TLOYIENT agencies.
FOB MEN. - '
' 86 North Second at..; . . Phone Mala 1828.
805H Morrlaoa st......... Phone PSetfle
87 North Second St..
Phone Paelfle 1800
nl.haa maU haln a all klnda fraa. . 88844
,slu tauijs .jnriA i c. i v,.
Logging camp and rami help a- epedaity.
80 North Second at. Phone Mala 8296. We
pay 1I telegraph chargea. ljuui
610 A WEEK Exneneas advanced I man or
womaa to travel ror .maaaraernree aaa sb-
pouK sgvnns -xor nowafnoia '.nwcaaauvr t bwu I
pay for bom work or part time. Elogler I
Co.. 221 Locust t., Philadelphia. Pa. (.
AGENTS WANTED Caa yon Sell goods 7 If
so we need you. complete eutnt rreei es
weekly. Write for choice ef territory. Cap-
Ital City Nursery Company, Bale. Or.
ONI hnaflar In aarh tnw. or locality
handle medicine or eoap; writ cuicei Big
at. rremmer. aw -rnirur x.
WANTED TO BENT House, cottar, flats.
tore, office, rooming nous, . ate. - ub
lord will do well to call OB
Phone Ex. 78. S. B. Cor. Sd and Oak.
WB have five-client wanting bouse of 4 to S
room;. 1 300 to gsoo down, balance monthly
payments. If you have ueh e place call oa
as at one. Commonwealth Trust Co., Sixth
and Ankcny ts. . -.-v.'.. ?
B-ROOM bouse. Piedmont or Hlrhland nre-
f erred; .owners only; full part icuisr flrat
letter. B 18a, car journal.
MODERN -4 or 6-room house and lot ta Hlrt-
land or piedmont Inside or SLOW; WO down,
balance monthly; owners only. 804 Pekum
bklg. . J'" .,',:-
WANTED e or T-room modern boo, ta city;
no agents; will pay caah; state price, etc.
Address i, lsi, ear journal. -
WANTED Furniture and boaaehold good ef I
everydetcrlptloB bought, sold end exchangeoV
Tb . 881 First st. Main o3T. ;
WE hint dead horse aad cattle free. : Oregon
Fertiliser work, or sotiry tarney vtn
aary, Fourth and Gllsan sta. r siaiaiaen.
CAN us 48,000 worth furniture this week; high-
at price paid in city, waetern aaivage
Co. Paclfle TlW. -
WANTED pot cash paid for year furniture.
ate. rrompi attention a i ways given,
East Clay at. Phone Bast auOT.
CASH fur household goods. . Savage AY Pmnell.
846-847 First . Phooe racins sou.
HIGHEST cash price paid for el kind aeeoadV
band goods. Phone Main mi. - aa N. Third.
HIOHEST cash price paid for second-hand bicy
cles. Mam saw.
DO von want Tour money back, with Interest.
whlcn reu nave naia on uiaiaumoni contracts
for lot on the peninsula T W pay caah and
assume the contract. Ohio Realty Co, 40S j
lammerciai wag.
MAIN B085.
WANTED-A fun-blooded tot terrls pup, male.
12tB St.
WANTED Second-hand pocket eemera; also
second-hand type-writer. . isi, , journal.
I ... iiM,flwrm nnAlla Vnrf-T. vv.
r Hwiauiiu mivjiir-i uii mi a.
COMFORTABLE furnished large front and other
OUtSHIS" rooms, wws ovuej . vanaisni i. snu
weekly.. in xana st... .-r-.-.K.-.v.,-.?- .
THE YAMHILL. 81 Yerohlll t., corner of
West I'sra Mceiy rurniaiiea rooms, singw
and en suite; transient aoiicitea. racuie 1800.
, ,t i i ' , ,i'i
THB RICHELIEU,. 834 North Bixthst.-Bl
gantiy.'furnisiiea; steam neat ana natns.
THE GRAND, 454 North Third st Booms for
gentlemen.-f 1-29 per week ana up.
THB ABCAD' 146W f hit et:, near Morrtsoo
Furnished room, ZOC to si; transient.
THREE desirable front snttea at $7 and 48 end
a few -single rooms . at f 4.00 week. ,. Hotel
OxforiV Sixth, and Oak st. . . ,
APARTMENTS An elegant and complete np-to-
date apartment or o rsoma, including earn,
ta let furnished 0f unfurnlahed, to dealrabls
party only. Aaaress-u usa, ears journal. - '
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished rooms. 848H
Morrison st. - i
FOB BENT 8 unfurnished rooms for small
family,' 229 jerrerson St., near rust st. .,
THREE . unfurnished
rooms ,fo rent. - Phone
Pacific 788.
TWO unfurnished' rooms, fee rent.
Inqulr at
80 Eaat 12th at, eaat K841.
THE CARLETON Th-nwt dealrabls family
ooiei m iuv ' , . . uu .-m .gvu . ..u
furnished outside rooms, single er en suite;
dram bast, hot snd cold running water in
rooms, and- tha best table board that can
found anywhere. - TL Mala 2158. Corner
18th and Alder sts.....-,).;-,- , -p, -.-7r:'
ii 'ii .,- i T ' i i
BOREDALB tbe Burr.ll ertste), 404 comer I
10th snd Madison, Just opened; everything I
flrst.rlass. . newiy inrnisnea inrougnout. n
MINNEQUA INN. 876 Yamhill st-Nlc rooms.
' steam neat, spienoia meats, - oay, wi
' , month-; oetv aiaoagemeot; hom cooking.
ROOM and board for two young ladle or men,
, reasonable; gaud location. 624 Bast Morrlaoa.
WANTED Children
'- at, aorta. :
te care
for. 628 Isabel I
11.60 WEEK CP-Large, clean fnrnlabed bonee-kaanlna-rooma.
.laundry and bath. 184 Bber.
man t, eoutb, Portland. "
81 18 WEEK CP-rCleaa Fnrntebed bonsekep.
- lng-rooms, um,. . hi., -
: yard. avBH atanioa v w.-,, .
F0 BENTv-Cnfnrnlahed ' hrniaekeeplng-rooirisj
..walking distance from poetof flee.' , Apply 804
; Sixth at. -'.
t mtdm MM.iaA.a hnnaakaanma-rooma. am
. v.mI amnflaheo. XT. . LHiuiif. v.ii . .
" pacific 8D2. .;.:,.'t;:;
THB MITCHELL Housekeeping and transient
room. reaonabl. Serentb end T waders st.
TWO room nicely furnlahed for boorekeepUig!
close Int use oi poene. . '
TWO clean houkeeping-room; ga. nai"t
phones walking aiinc. wu iuwuui,
CUy st. . : -
GOOD 'furnlehed or unfurnished houeekeonifij.
room, two for 410 inonth. J'1
;? good T-roora hou., unfurnlahed. fL"i.Pl!
' west side of rlrer. Apply 84 North 26th St.;
' W car to 2flth, tarn aoulh half block.
I HAVE a fine B-room bona nicely furnlrted In
the country ner ear line.- 6c far from Port,
land, will rent to a reliable couole for 8 or 8
mouths. Call st room t. 268 Btark st. . ,.
FCBNISHED 8 -room boas with fa and bath
, and newiy paperea enu pamicu, .uo um-.
st.,-- for 41T per month, Get key at 110
Groter at . ,c - : ' J'--
610 Three room furnished 6at eleae lot ane
view. ; rooae oaex toot, oe neTania
FURNISHED bona to rent, Woodlawn.nre
mm: fruit. National itum inveanneni
Co.. Woreeatev bldg. . Phone Mala 1877.
1 8TRICTLT modern l-room cottage. Bunnyslde;
8200 down, balanes m as rent. - v. r
Smith, owner, 614 Commercial blk.
WE. rent aad
sell , plaao. ;v Bbarmaa, Clsy
I AND 6-room bouase at 10; east side, 84tn
and Dlvwioa sts. n. i. rsimer.-.. .
8-ROOM boa for rent, 618 per month: awe
room flat. 614. 124 Knott at. rsone ami
.8026..' ." V , .' -
FOR RENT 6-room house; furniture foe saw. ;
JB8 10th sU one block from waaaington.
11 ROOM bouse for rent, partly furnished, half i
block, from a sawmills; rani, ao, juqafiw
140 H Front et.
nnnn a Ikism. with basement, ea
Id ef river, la good neignoornooa, u; win
furnish. 480. Alao furnished housekeeping.
room. 810 and 815 month. 864 North 26th
at.'i W ears to 16thv turn south half block.
FOR RENT 6 room upper flat fireplace, tor-
nac. ga, eemeat basement, porcelain pain,
bookcases, 425. 18th and Hall ate. Main 6787,
FOB RENT 1 flats, furnished er unfurnishsd.
Phone Kt enoo.
. ple-raaeas . toy seat
elevstar. .t., .
iieodaoagh bldg. Apply
A DE8IRABLB suit of office rooms for rent
to the Madison bldg., 860H Third et.
... : V , FOR SALE. . v -..'v.:
tiuo FUBNITURB 10-room botme. long less.
- . . . ..... i
now Clearing sou pw nwoin, ana a peaniuu.
homo; bon ton location, weat aid.; a bargain,
Phone Main 870, or call or address Box 05, i
.The is mono aotei. , .,,., v.; ? . '..v.v;-ii.
6-ROOM house for rent furniture for (ale; price
8200. raoa Main oise, or eau aoo suit .
BALLROOM and lodgeroom. new. with all
' modern conveniences, oa carllne.,, Fhone Mala
8M Automatle A-1896.
4 v . -, .y ...
; r .business chances. .-
CHANCB for nartr with some eapltal to In-
east to ranreMBt local food aroduet SMno-
facturlnc ooneara In eosst . tersltorr. : No
enmnetlrlnB! sair sale! hi Brofff ea lavet-
ment and good wages en road. Addrsaa for
Interview, V 170, care JournaL
FOR SALB OB BENT Feed store and chop
mill, doing a urge ousines. in lively mwa
tht has bright future. 8. X. Noel, Klamsth
, Falls, Or.
FOR SALE Carpet cleaner, beet, larrsat, ,. moat
ap to gate m tn city; wiu etana invoice;
snap If taken at ones, Addre B 174,
(care JournaL -
FOB SALE Stock of general merehandl, In
cluding postoff Ice. express agency, 10-room
. house, 1 acre land. - For particular address
' u., Maessay, ur. .
FOR RENT Cheap. Baltimore hotel dining-
room: good location! range in aitcoen. bui
Hawthorne ave., east snd ot Madison bridge.
IBAVB MONEY Anything ta printing see Mad.
aaa, una reiiow- ismpi. rim ana Aiaev
:-. !.; apstatre. .. "v .
THB beat paying grocery atnr In Portland;
about gl.500 required, oio Jrtrson st.
4200 BUYB best located restaurant In Portland.
Apply xzsft waanugiou st. . , ,
FOR BENT Beat paying restaurant in tb
dtvi more business . than can be handled:
net proceed 4400 per month: new and com.
piet. - Box 01 a, Vancouver, waao.
CASH srocerr: living rooms; splendid loestlon:
doing good bualneaa; muai no eoia at once;
reason. Auar a loa, car journal.
IF YOU want Butte Boys Consolidated mining
stocs st luc, .use it now; tni orric la Hua
East Morrison t. . Tb directors of tbs com
pany, owing to tbe continual ; increase f
valnee of their ere and th development work
don and being done, have decided to rala
th price of toc to in oa My tb 8th, and
may be taken Off the -market even at that
price any day. If yea want It, sat In now.
Jiotte Boys Consolidated Mining C, 860 Beat
Morrison at.
8U ACRES within sight et city, on mala line I
. of ranroao; au xeei aeep water iron tag on
- Columbia river, new wharf, large store build-
Inge, stock of merchandise; big chane to
deal lu mercnanaise, corawooa and lumber;
' th business now nets 42,500 per year, can
be flouDieo. nice witnout merchandise.
. - 45,000: aseroliandta goee at Invoice; or will
exchange for city property,- Ohh Realty
. XM.t H unnanivrvwi. was... '.-i.. .,:vv.r. .v ...
; It your hotel Is for sale, la or out et the
" city, bring it to us ana we win procure
-. purchaser without publicity. Beferenes Hotel
- Men' Association. - - --
. P. L AUSTEN A CO.. j'
Original Hotel Brokers, r,'
Suit 122 to 126. Ablngton bldg.
,v ' Phone Main 24S8. .
A CRACKER-JACK stock hardware. sash, doors
and implements; price, Including bulldlnga,
48,000 cash; no trade considered; got to glv
up business oo account of health; If yon deslr
. a snod hnstnes. her. la vour chane. . Tw.
answer, unlese you mean businea. Addreaa I
owner,.- D 184, car JournaL
FOR SALE Good mining stock In Sumpter I
district, ox muB ' us auto; ivuu cadliia I
- prererrea.
A GOOD blacksmith business for sale; lot 50x I
100, shop 24x40; 8 fir, most of tool new I
: last year wagon ahop in connection; a good
8-man ousineas; -on terminus ot railroad,
heavy freighting. 4 (tare lines running; owner
1 disamea: pne fi.wur ow oowa,: saw on I
I , aia uwuM.a ..... .... va.w ,v.u., I
8-ROOM rooming-house oa Gllsan. St., ' cheap.
son Aiisxy DlOg. ' ' -
FOR SALB BY OWNER Corner grocer and
feed store; good location for- a general mar
- chandls stock; no opposition; cheap rent;
or would eell-lot an tore building with
good Uvwg 'reom. Address B 183, Journal.
Th best stock of groceries en east aide
to exchange for residence property; must he
: In Sond condition.
lltlon, value not to xcea 12,000,
It will-nay yoo to Investigate thla.,
F agent ' Addreaa D 188, ear Journal. .
T7 - 'L-a llaa-a Man, k.uMMl . 1 ;-
aa. j. ,
soed fixture, fresh stock - and
paying trade 4ht can easily be Increased;
-,.--- 1..1L. . M--,, at fuui. . i .1
WWUVIIj . u .1 WW Mini.. ..VW, WIU1U I
trde for . tear eeUte ef fair, rental value; j
;7ajoWLAHD CO,146H tot rt. .
200 CASH Small grocery, living rooms i ebaan
rent. . Act quick. Address P 175, Journal. . -
GRtK'ERY store doing a good business; cheap
rent; will Invoice lot cash; aickneaa cans
. of selling. , Address7 J 183, car Journal. . '
WANTED A partner In wall located and fur-
nlsbad real aetata . office. ' Address P 181.
: car Journal. ,),', '"
BARBERS, three chairs, good t busings, well
located; Inreatlgate. Addreas HOB Fremoat
; St. l'hons Woodlawn 7o9. . - ,
SEVEN new furnished Tooma, 808H Pin. at.
v460 rent 430, Call and trad, with owner.
A CHANCB for good man to get Into business;
too much business compels me to sacrifice
a bait Interest In, my a tore; a good layout to
offer; very little cash required: tnvcatlgate
; nick. Ask for Cochran, Bay City market,
Mi Fourth at.,; near VamblU; no uUMeV
auewer. , . . . '. ' j. ; .. , ; .
HOME bakery and grocery, small place; cheap
rail) men ior iauj; aeii cueap or iraa. xor
' lot. Addreaa 0 , 181, car Journal. -
IM ACRES, tt mile from elty limits, all under
fin state of cultivation but about U acre,
: nice 4-room cottage; barn, chicken honaee,
, etc.; good family orchard Of aaaortod traits
, In full bearing; : living atresia and . city
' w1t,rL. lflJ v-,road,. good nelghborhoodi
price 4t6i". '
814 acres on 10th at., in heart Of residence
district, all in assorted fruits In full bear
lng; adjoining lots selling for 6900 snd 4UO0;
a good . platting proposition; erica 48.500:
: terms, - . ., -; . : s , . f .
looxlOO. corner of Eighth and "B" ' sts. .
good business property; .would mak a fine
' lgbt fnr theatre or hotel; centrally located:
: price 49.000; term. 4 v Cv
New 6-room cottage and corner lot; 'mod
ern plumbing throughout; corner lot: eaolee
location; prlc 41.500. . ,
A sacrlflre; 5-room cottag aad lot '60x140
feet, for 41.250; owner leaving town and
must sell; terms ; rente for s 18.60 per month. '
. 8 house, on large ltory lo-room
houa. modern throughout, with basement,
end 4 fine kit 100x200; deslrshly located:
the beat lnv-tmB a tbe city for the
money. 43,800. v, . , -
Goodiot. aouth frontag on Fifth it., with
a comfortable 5-room bouse j wIll-NaiLfor
wtb..ton,1,i pr,c . nmi teV
Mala Street busViN lot with half In
tereat In party wall ot a two-atory brick
bualneaa house. In tbe heart ef the brick
business district; 44.000. ' ,
vx.. lbo, ?' ? snoouTer,
Wash.,- tha coming city of Waahlngtoa, sit!
nated only 6 mile from Portland; on the
Columbia river, at the head of -deen water
navigation, and In the heart ef the richest
forming and fruit ralalng section on the .
fwMit; the lot vary in prlc from 4200 to
4560 aacb, and can be sold on the install
ment plan; w have a Isrg list of both
large and email ranches for Bale; call and
see as before buying. , .
Cltlsens' Rank Klrl. . . V. . ...'
"MAIX chicken ranch, near cr; snap, 81,100. '
at. noiiister, commercial blhtJ, rt .
l UiWl 0 424
. . mv. cuaat Bio. ' - i . . . ..
6-ROOM colonial bonae, 42.600; 4509 eaah, 626
""wat rtnmm e-SX BIO . y.- - . ... v
FOB SALE Lot, bouee, barn. T eow. 1 horss.
harneaa and wagon, milk route, 50. .
. TOO buy house and two lota, rinse to ear. ;
J-room new bouse, Just finished; bath."
toilet, hot and cold water;. 80-foot allay:
42.T0O; 4500 caah, be lance on UmiV
400 Eaat Morrison et.
68.06 -CASH, balance 44 per month buys nice
lot on carllne. Address II 181, car JoarniL-
WANT A HOME! Phone owner. Woodlawn "
68Z Bert of reasons for sailing. - -
6-ROOM hone, fin fruit, fine location, 61,800. -
vwhw, oio umimerciai Dia. . t - Tf
FOR SALE Lot 4. block 17. Elberta. aim
4100 eaab. Call or writs 288 Broadway
TWO acres inside city, 8-room houe. I acre
oaring orcnarq, Sa.uw., ayfc. First at. .
A ICB f-rsnra bou; 807 Baet ltb st.t aerth'
si.sw; lerms, ouo oown. f jo per month.' T
per cut. Trad with owner la house.
- t t
FOR BALE A 4-roon bang'alowt with Mreelala
ain ibs mwu wooa iioer piaster bookcase,
window seat and kitchen cabinet built In '
houaei ehlngle aide and basement J , prlc
41.100. Phone Main 6510. JgTt;--. T." ..:
MODERN brand aw 6-roont cotugea. SSth and
; a.a.i Hisniw ana iqro Eaat waabingtoa
ata., 42.250: $200 down, balance asm aa rent
A. P. gmlth, owner, 616 Commercial blk., ,
6-room. eonvenlentlv arranred.
alce-lonking house, on Itm 60x100 fsncad lit.
4a choice bearing fruit trees, rose and aplen-
nia lawn; gnoo graaea icnooi, cnurchc, store
end streetcar near; only 41.500; half down.
? ' HOME LAND CO., 14BH First St. . ?
$1,000 T-ROOM bona, woodhous. ehlckn-hoose
snd pars; lot nuxioo, lawn, ahrubbery - terms,
Inquire of owner, ""1276 Barrage st W 111am
ette station. .
Wit LAMBTTB HEIOHT8 residence, T room,
run basement, eiectrio ana gs . nxtur,
shades. Urge closets; roses: suto-bouse; on
block to ear fin view: 84,600. Owner. Address-
179, care Journal. .
FINB lota for sale, 8 block sooth ef Hawthorne
are., on earn sr., dou ana gwu; streets
graded end water In; 410 down, 610 per
month, Inquire - on ground, 848 East 44th
st south. Phono Tabor 254. t .t;,.,., -..
TWO-6-room modem bungalows, new, nicely-
tinted. window shade. flxrure. modern.
rlumblng. good location, 62.400; 4400 cash,
25 monthly. Pbons owner, Woodlawn 187.
8-ROOM bouse, on carllne, cement walk, elee-
rric light. 2,zuu; eaay term, uwner., roone
.Union X793. - ,, p.-. i ;,
88.750 New modern horn. 8 room, and -
large reception ball; furnace, fireplace; large
attic; lot ioxiuu; pretty iswn snu sur
roundings. Phone Main 1842. C C. Sbay,
804 Ablngton bldg. y ; .
CORNER lot with two new cottage ta center ,
of rldac dlatrlct, Vancouver, win.; in
come 10 per cent net; price 83,000. ; G. M.
PercivaL owner, 408 Commercial blk.'
vd-mBi Acres
4 acrea cleared, all fin soil, level: well
fenced; amall bou; saw barn; plenty ef
mixed fruit; good well; only 4 miles A8 .
Vancouver: and rlaht st rallroadasvnftion; .
good road; price le only 400; can iv om -.
term, but prefer cash; this I a snsp and
must be taken soon; It will not last long. ;
.i. D . t . n. alt C.nin.Hlil
..... 11." f.iri II . UC, 1 L, , ' ... . VWUiu.'
block. Portland, or 404 Wsablngton St., Van-
eouver, Wash. :' .
NEW ADDITION Fine lots 60x100, atreet 60
reec near car station at Lenta.. Be far, on it
4118; terms. Take Mt. Scott car. a R-
Add! ton, Lenta, Or. ' . .
8.63 ACRES in - high state of cultivation, 10.
mil east of city, I mile from tretear
line; new building. ..'well, atream bf water,
fruit and berries; on good county road. Ohio
Bealty Co., 408 Commercial bldg
WANT A HOME t Phone owner, Woodlawa
602. -Best of reasons for selling.
(MODERN 6-room bouse en Eaat 28th at, 8600;
caa arrange ror balance on payment or
per month. II. B. Dickinson. 40H .Commer
cial bldg. . ,
EXCELLENT residence lot on Alnawortb av.
cheap for Caah. Inquire 886' Alnawortb ave.
42.600 BUYS 8 acres level land adjoining O. B.
A N. railroad track, near MontavUU: , fine
factory lt. . . v - -
81.200100x140 feet on Marsuerlts are.
eaat facing; easy terms.
4800100x100 feet very alghtly, on O. W.
P.; terma, 4100 eaah, balance monthly, ;
Larg selection of houses snd lots for sals
on favorable terms. ' . . aav,
Main S88T. .- , ' 61T Oommerelal bT3jL.J
2,ow NEW 5-room modern Cottage, full lot
ajiib inwn, noiu ai. , ouu Trm.
41,625 Fine . corner lot on
East Davlar
terma. ' ..
4450 Nice lot In
term. - - '
Vernon,' close to ear;
42,650-New T-ronta modem house, close to
ear, full lot, elos to Hawthorne ave.i term.
4 , rhone Main 8T43. . . ',
Will sell lot 45x8 feet at saorlflc If
.taken thla week: make aq offer; plenty of
shrubbery on this property, .aim lawn; walk
, lng distance snd close to . car. . Inquire of
- owner, 171 Eaat IBth near Belmont st Phons
Eaat ISIS.- Cash er term. ....... ........ ..
41,650 EASY term; 6-room, new modern
. honss In flaUth Portland nn mm...
. i i , . . . WI, 4," L"
j"Twia,u fuuiuuvi spa eiecmcity, B. It. A'
vo" ou" WahuigtoB sts..
i .
FOB BALE A saerifle; undivided Interest I
""- rosd. Inqulr .08 SUU