The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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    cnne, Oregon daily journal," Portland. Thursday evening, may 2, ic57.
crigcratorsScrc ei Doors Window Screens, Gas S Movers, Gcrclen HoSo, Tcob, Etc In tho Dascmont
'( The Meier (Gi Frank Stored Great 90 1st Friday Surprise Said
1 1 tf. of: TheiPr Magnificent Assortaeat.
$60-$ 75 Valsv;at M&M
- . . - I. ! J
4 -i ' '
. s - ) J - . A Jr.......
' I :
v S , J
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store has planned for
row's 901st Friday Surprise the grandest special sale offering of
its historyA sensational bargain in new, up-to-date, highrdass
Gowns that will appeal to the best-dressed women in the city.
Never before have Portland women had the opportunity, to share
m such a Tcmarkable bargain These beautiful costumes gath
ered from three of New, York's leading makers whose specialty
is the 'manufacturing of high-class apparel copies of the most
attractive Parisian models-r-We cannot commence to tell you
about them in cold type Here are a few details regarding styles
and materials that will interest you Included will be found-
Women s Afternoon and Evening Gowns in 2 and 3-piece Suits and
Princess effects in voiles, chiffons, taffetas, satin stripe radiums, Rajah
- silks, cross-bar etamines and messaline silks in light blue,, cream, pearl
gray,' lavender; pink, champagne, reseda, navy brown and black, also
fancy stripes and plaids Waists are elaborately trimmed in Florentine
Fillet, Plat -VaU Irish crochet, Venise and linen duny laces 3-piece
Suits in fancy stripe voile with waists finished with fancy lace yoke;
. skirts, pleated effects finished at bottom with folds of taffeta; Eton
jackets of braided chiffon, trimmed in Persian bands Suits.; lined
throughout with taffeta silk 3-piece Chiffon Suits of chiffon taffeta in
plain colors Princess Dresses in delicate evening shades Bodice of
fillet lace trimmed with motifs of Florentine lace 2-piece Dresses with
waists madrin the-newrpleated Gibson effect-withpointedTyokefront
and back, cape effect over sleeves oFruffled lace or tucked net and chif
fon Skirts made kilt effect with bias bands . of silk finishing the , bot
tom Silk lined throughout 110 garments to sc-ft "
' ect TOttmL sizes Values up to $75 each Your vv j ffl
choice tomorrow only at the low price of,' suit. Sr ttP
Stort opcn"promptly mt I o'cIocfcAbtolotely nont hid id cr cnt C O. D Yoq will hay
to b here early tf yoa want on of the 'magnificent cotomes Se 3 Big StliW Windows
The Meier fiFnmlt Store 1 1
.. - i i u n i inlii .. jj ij ..i .e.ii m i uiii,. u, i.i .nr i-r fnTf n 1 .
90 1 st Friday So-priso Solo
iJXO handsome Bilk'MDt Barry" acarft-at lesa than half their value for
tomprrow'i 901rt Friday Surprise Sale. "Made of extra quality China
' ailk.-crena de rilnc and flrtwod ilTnntl1 11 of them full two
t yards ' long;, beautiful designs in4 large variety; all; neatly .OA
hemmed.: Regular $1.00 values, on sale, at. this low price, ea. iJ7V
'mti ' 1 i For , tomorrow's 901st Friday Surprise
tflllTOTI ySale we offer 200 women a very nano
Hat : Drflpca
69c ea
ards in
length; come in white, light blue, tan,
brown, black,-pink and champagne, with
large velvet dots in contrasting shades.
Regular $1.25 values, in the Friday Sur
prise sale for this special low , LQf
; price, each ...
2,000 Pairs of WomeiVs Oxfords
53.00 Values at 51.98 the Piir
Another great Surprise Sale
offering of Women's Ox
fords tomorrow All new
models Patent leather
i vmps, plain toes, dull kid
backs and Cuban heels Pat-
ent - leather, Blucher cut,
light soles, plain vamp,
Cuban heels Vici kid, pat
ent rip, Blucher cut Oxfords.
Light or heavy soles, Cuban
heels Large eyelets, ribbon
laces Qunmetal Blucher- Oxfords welt soles, Cuban heels.
All sizes, width All new;, standard $3 footwear fj1 AO
on sale tomorrow at less than manufacturing cost PI r O.
$4:00 Values at $2195 Pair
In the curtain department for tomorrow's 901st Friday Surprise Sale
a great' special Jot of French net curtains, in white or Arabian
colors,' edged with Renaissance braid; 50 inches wide by yard
,V long;- ui' exceptionally good curtain to launder. Five patterns to
elect from. Regular $4.00 values. Buy iall you H CO
want,.tomorrow;at, the pair .......i.........,........V1
Custom shades and-drap.ery work' our specialty. )' Best materials and
workmanships Lowest prices guaranteed. We are sole Portland agent
for the' celebrated "Vudor" porth shades. Best on the market; all sizes.
Silki French Faille Ribbons
50c-65c Values 33c Yard
The greatest ribbon sale of the season will be held at the Meir 4
Frank store tomorrow. 10,000 yards of beautiful quality ' all-silk
' French faille and Jaff eta silk- ribbon at a low price; full 6 inches
- wide, and all the newest and most-desirable shades to select from .
black, white, light bluepink, cardinal, navy, red, brown and green.
Soft, pretty ribbons for summer dress trimmings, fancy work, belts
and millinery purposes. v Every yard in the lot is a guaranteed regu
lar 50c value. Buy all of it you want in tomorrows Sur- J
prise Sale at this special low price, yard-take advantage.
I Press Mafor-Tailorigd Hats--46we"Feathere--Sto. 1
mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i i - . ,. - ... - , ' " 1 '' W - mmmm
L 1
On Sale at Off Regular Prices
100 beautiful new flower' hats, handsomely
trimmed; all the latest shapes; all prices, at a
' special low ; price. l' On sale at..... H OFF
" IflOO Tuscan and Leghorn hats for women, misses
ind children; handsome shapes, prettily trim-
med. Great assortment; all prices, at.J4 OFF
tfflOO worth of new imported flowers,1 all kinds;'
J take yoor choice at off regular prices. J$
tfiQO untrimmed Chips and Milan straw shapes;
, black and colors; all new fash- U Qff.
. ionable styles; all prices, at . . , 'f y
Wings, .quills and fancy feathers at ,.i...y OKK
Great showing infants and children's hats and
caps. -All the newest and prettiest styles shown
for sprinjr.and summer wear are on sale at the
J : very low prke's. .--"i'V:-
Taflored Hats at 'A Off
Take your choiceibf our entire . stock of
Tailored Hats i at off tegular' selling
prices All the famous makers are rep-
resented, Phipps," 1'Gage' Burges-
86' and many othersAll this season's
noppiest snapes' in ail sizes, 1 1 fG
fashions and colors.:all go atr4 ,vIl
The greatest values in Tailored Hats the season
has offered -The economical .woman will take
advantage of the matchless values in all grades.
- ; Second Floor.
Meier ( Frank's 901st Friday Surprise Sola
French Kid and in Black Only
--1 - . - f . ;
330 Values for 2.3 a Pair
,ong black kid gloves continue to be the favorite With the
best dressed women in the fashion world For tomorrow's
901st Friday Surprise Sale ,wc announce a timely offering of
1000 pairs of Perrin's celebrated real French kid gloves at a
price 77 cents a pair below regular value mack' only tun
12-button length Every pair pertcct-rArms cut extra tuU
width,-mousquetaire style The finest real French kid stock.
Gloves of style and quality and guaranteed to give satisfactory
service Sizes sy2 to 7 iwery pair.
fitted at the counter The careful
ouyer win anucipate ner giove warns ftp
and take advantage of this price, paii
See Morrison St. Window Display Mail' and Phone Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled'
rr S L aJ
i ' ft
( Frank's 901st Friday Surprise Sale
, " A,
t'i, :
,4 V -
400 Handsome Mounted BadiCombs
la the jewelry department for tomorrow's 901st Friday Surprise Sale we offer 400 high class back combs
' at an cxceDtiomUlv low orice: verv attractive mounting- hell and amher: larara &aortment in. irVet
irom. Kegujar ss.iw values on sale tomorrow at this unusually low price, each, t C 1 A
rMeier Q Frank'r901stIdaySpiTrise SdeV
2000 Yds.Siviss and Batiste Alio vers
Great surprise sale of 2000 yards Swiss and Batiste All
overs An advantageous purchase from a -t large. New
York lace importing house enables us to offer values tip
to $2.50 a yard at this wonderfully low price Beautiful
styles for walstings and trimming purposes English
eyelet, venise and French effects in
splendid assortment All new
the soring and summer of 1907
. up to $2.5d yard, choice tomorrow, yd
See Fifth St. Window Display--ro Mail or Phone Orders Filled
Meier d Frank's 901st Friday Surprise Sale
3GG0 Women's IScesfe 18c
,-.r ... ...I .
In 'the 'knit-underwear department for tomorrow's 901st : Friday Surprise Sale we offer. 3,000 women's
. Swiss ribbed knit underyests: low neck and sleevelets styles. AH are handsomely trimmed with French
Valenciennes lace, front and back yokes; all sizes. -Every garment, regular. 35c value. Your 1 fj
choice tomorrow only at this low price, each. No mail orders will be filled I OC
Meier B Frank's 901st Friday Snrprise Sale ,
In the
Men's Furnishing-Goods Section for' tomorrow's 901st Friday Surprise Sale two ex-
. ' ' tra ordinary values in men's nigh-class four-in-hand ties and men's
f 7T?l hats Values we know every, economical man must be greatly in
CTTttTr?. i
-: n if i 1 3 m I 11 i n I I
i i
'terested in Read these carefully and take
advantage of the bargains; 1 r
200 dozen . men's .fine silk ' four-in-hand tlea all
.'the very latest silks,' designs and colorings for
spring .wear; light and dark effects, in won-
derful i array; made full French fold, with
stitched ends or reversible. Beautifully made
and finished: Regular values up to 75c Q
ea on sale tomorrow at, this low price.
Great sample line of men's hats to be sold to
morrow at a marvelously low price. All new
. spring shapes, in. telescopes . and fedoras; in
- pearls, grays,- tans and browns; best blocks; '
, ' all sizes; regular $Z50 to $4.00 5 1 ' 1Q
; values, on sale at this low price.. v
m BConiaon Street Window MapUy --
Wash Goods Remnants Low Priced
35 c to 50c White Goods 1 8c Yard
-1 0,1 "i?1? tomorrow: ThotaiHl of rnnnta of white and "coiorwl wh goods, in all this season's beat
;;. jcuKuiB-wiu i qiuuw lor women ana. cnuaren s wear win oe lound at very temotina- fricn vl
i" L. V, - .wHKiuca -wmieKpoas,' in medium
; ihllw!ht' 'waists, sug,etc.r bert' designs in large assortment; valuea rangihg 'from 35c If?
.. to the: yard. . Your choke tomorrow onlyat this marvelouary low price, ycv take advantage 4 1 OC
1 ..... ... -Mlfa
I' . . - . ... ., . . . - .? . -. 'Vl.