The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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wBms mm keis
Now That Oregon Strawberries Have Ap ;
peared It WillNot B ;long Before ;$hip
merits Will ; Be General- Goodby California,
' Everything Is Being Cleaned Up
.4' J. tAiW MHU ArAM Daf ..
eSVIfcll IflCM, V I
North Would Boy. ;
: Today market features! :
"' Butter solas Into atoracp
' ; Oregon atrswberrlee appear.
;nfir market a very firm. '! v:
"1 Weaker tendency in erge. J-.'
' ' WbMt ind floor very firm... ....
Aaparaira future ar eery hiV
1 " Hothouse cucnmber ar dropping.
wow potatoee bold very nla.
: . Ieal onions going to dump.
rowtry price are too nlgn. -'
Salmon ran batter la Columbia., -; .
: j 8ha oat eh getting beary. L
'? i ' Butter vela's Into Storage-
: 1 If anrona ha any donbta aa to the general
food ton rnllnr la ' tb creamery batter
market they ahould try to bar a larf amount
around preeent f lgaraa. Thar , would find that
practically eeery creamery ha all tba trade
it can attend to and that tba market waa now
la a bettr position tban now. They will find
that cold a tori (a operatlona bare begun both
bar and In the .north with tb result that
yound of aniDlua atock la taken at 22 H
ii te a pound. Almoat all the beat butter la
morad it that figure, although - one or two
Front a tract fc mixta seem to ba afraid ef the
market and are freely offering their supplies
at although eoe buyer who purehaeed
aom aald be would tare paid more If it waa
aaked.. One city creamery haa an offer for
every pound ef enrplua butter It ! can torn
out at 22tye a pound aa long at tba creamery
wast it.' Northern bntter bnyera are very
. anxloue - for aupplle - and 1 Bom offer from
there at the . local valuea bar been turned
town became the local trade la supplied fJrat
and' then there la practically Bona to eelK to
the outside. Recelpta of dairy butter are ome-
wnt mora liberal bat it la aelllng ap vary
eloae to the price charged for city ereamery.
Waakar Taadeaey ia Zgga. : -
While" value are . unchanged today .fa the
egg market tba (one la not nearly, eo good aa
a few day ago. Receipt during the Beat day
or aa bare been greatly Increaaed while atocka
are beginning to- accumulate deaplte tba heary
canaamptloa and CPld atoraga operatlona.
Poultry market la on Tery dangeroaa ground.
While recelpta are but fractionally Increaaed,
tba extremely, high vlu that hare ruled of
lata bar. mad retatlera Indifferent
Cbeeae market remalna eery firm with price
maintained deaplte, the liberal California ar
rtTala. ' .
'at- Vary Sight
Opening vslne 'bare been aamed for aapar
ague Aiturea In ' thle Hty. Tba price Hated
are. fully II a dotea higher than the opening
ealuta of a year ago. At that time a very
heaVy advance waa llkewlae made erer tbe
preceding year. At the preaent price of future
retailers mil not be able to aell tb beat 'graee
thla aeaaon under fiOc a can.. Tbe aertona uo
ward movement In price I dn to tb flooding
f tbe. lalanda between: the Sacramento and
aa Joe quia rleera In California where prac
tically all the canneaaparagua of tb world
" '3 K:'Ky Yetatoaa Hold tary ElgS.
While Ha rewtlpta; f new. potato , -fronj
OaUfofnfa are. Inereaatng aomewhat, the 4c
maad la auftlclent to keep tb market ateady
and rtrat taloea are being maintained.
Old potatoaa remain ateady to firm In thla
market with quality atlll very good. Price
malatalaed. .
Ontooi are weak for old atock oa account oi
very" poor quality- Ea the Texaa atermuda
are aot ao good a a few day ego. ...
Recelpta of California atrawberrie delayed
ernr' torr 4atciee th- tralnar Price
add at 12.73 for beat. '
I Hotbona cucuinberi grt Borg plentiful with
rice eaaing ore. , -
Bothouae lettuce la not a firm but price
r (till being maintained for bert. - -.Run
of aalmoa tn: the Columbia aomewhat
bettor yeatcrday. Ia Willamette run la wore
If anything. Sbad run .bearier.. Flab price
am. .
Sugar market la .firmer with heavier baying
jot (pecuiauoB. - :-
' Uot Karket Remain Very Quiet.' '
' While there ar report of emaU traaaae
tiona la tbe bop market, trading generally
ontlnue quiet bout her and in tbe eaat. Ad
rieea from New York atato that tb yarda ar
oacawaru uiere, in Mine mm on in rinnfl
enaet. The poaltion of the market both her
and el at where- la th United State ahowa
ebang. " v
The trad pay the following prlcea to Front
treat.. Price paid hippera ar leas regular
ccmmieeionet .
Orala, Flom. and Feed.
GRAIN BAG-Caleutta, Be, large lotai amaR
lou. lue. -
WHKAT Crab, nwc; red Roaalaa, We
hlneetem. 7fl77c: ealler. T8o.
COBN-Wbol. I2&XKI; cracked, f36.00 per
BARLEY-New Feed. $21.00021.00 per toa
rolled. I83.wi4.ou; orewing,
OATS New Prod ocere' price No. I whit,
127 HOWM.00 per ton; gray, $26.50327.60.
rt ri: R- Kaatern Oreco aa teste. 14 VI'
atralfhta. $3.78: otport. $S.85; ralley, $3.80$
VUi granam, e, u.wi wuuie wneac, fS.TB
lag. fancy,. $100 ardlaary, lobbing, fl.8S(S
100; caatera Oregon, $1.88(91. X); Mlnne
eota, 11,7602,00; eweeta, per lb; BW pota
toaa, St per lb-:-i
ONIONS Jobbing price No. 1 Oregon, $1.T$
Wt.QOi No. g, $1.0(hai.00; Texu, a per idi
ffarUe, $ per lb. v .
APPLES Fancr Hand Hirer Soltaenberg and
Tallow Newtown. 12.76: fancy WlUamatt
ralley and wathera Oregon. $1.6002.00.
FRESH FRUITS Orange, new aareL $8.50
CXa.75; . Mediterranean awaata, ' fa.ZOQa.Dui
tangerine. $1.25 - bananaa, 6c . per lb;
lemone, $4.00ad.2S per box; lima. 1 Mexican,
11.26 per 100: pineapple. $4.00di6.0O par lai
arena fruit. 1.1 2R: atrawberrie. (Z.7S
per crate ot is. coxea; cnemea, J per wu
VBOETABf.ES TurnlD. new. aoeO$l eaekt
earrota, 7&cu1.00 per tck; pacta, I1.7S par
lack; parenlpe, 1.00Q1.2fi; eabbag. f3al5;
tomato, Mexican, 1.76i! Florida, 4J4.oui
paranipe, oc6(l.TO;
etrlng beana, 18 per lbf
do; . peaa, , ,
cauliflower. 1.2fiZl.M
horaeradlah. ' te ner lb: artichoke. 78c4ill
per doa; aummar aonaab, $3.00 per eoxi
eraaberri, tlQMOmiM per- , barrel;
aprouta, ( ) per lb; aaparagna, iei
rhubarb, IQSe par lb; green onlone. 160 doa
Florida beii peppera. 25c per lb; aplnacb, $1.2)
per fear: head lettuce. 40c doa: botboua, $1.7$
ia Box; cue lumber, l 1J1 aoa; rauiane. idv
Ita buncbee; eggplant, Sfo pa lb. ' '
DRIED FROlfa Annlee. rDoratd. 6HO
Ic per lb; apricot, 1814C20C per lbi peach,
laoiiau per lb; aeka. Ui sr lb la; pruoea.
80 to 40, 6ffl9c; Ho drop en aeb 1-10 aooaller
lae; fin. California black. aHo . per lb
California white, QH per lb; data, golden,
$a.60 per box: tarda. $L40ai.60 per It-lh Beg.
. r. , wrooerie. Jlnta, Xta,
SnOAlt Californin h Hawaiian Cube,
$8.87H; powdered, $8.72H berry, $6.67; dry
granulated, 6.62y; Star, , $6.42HL OBt f'
3.ov; extra B, 4.! goiaen v, a.vzri
yellow, $4 82Vii beet granulated, $5.42.
Weetern Cube. S6.87U2 Dowdared. 66.72H1
dry granulated, $6.62; P. C, C6.42MI Bt.
extra C, $5.02; goldea 0, 4.MU; D yellow,
tt.S2Hl beet granulated, $5.42; barrela, 10c;
alf barrela, ubci boa, 60 adranc oa each
Duir Demand 4 end . Liquidation
; Carries Away More of Price'
'All Districts Affected. V
Bandatorm 6
Jumbo 10
Booth ........... 3
Adama 1
Blue BU g
St. lee 10
Black Bock ...... t
Potlatch 20
Mayo ........... 1
Great Bend ...... T
Red Tod Bit..... 4
Kewanoe ...,7a, 12
vracisr 4ca .. , 1
Lou Dillon ...... 1
Grandma t
Irlangle ......... 10
Red Too ........ 10
Mohawk ,,.....,..160
B. Butt Rxt..... 1
Kameralda $
Columbia Mt. .
vernal ...
Blue sun
HUrer Pick ......
G. Colombia
Lone Star ........ ! t
Oro ....... 1
Atlanta T
Bmntre..,....... ' o
Florence .........
roruana ...i....
Red Hill ....... 4 1
x i xiKer . . . 4. .
Col. Mt. lit..,,, I
. V :A
Xnmbo Kxt.,.'.V 10 ,'
Ner a da Boy ....... 1 l
G. Wonder .,..,,.. 1
S. Pick Ext........
Weakneea aa well aa dullneaa la noticeable
all tbrooib tha Nerada ahare durlna today a
trading in 'Prlaco. Goldfleld a how aoma heavy
loeee and In arery diatrtct th aame atory la
,aM HlieM Im, 1 ,U Hl tmAImm V A
m imirMki mi . vith iamm (n the fuiA.
(Aberg price are SO dara nl aah quota I Tpnopaba are very dull and what aalea were
tloaa.) .s..; r k.-s..ry,j-.. ;; , ' j mad wer at a ioa. Sam aoadltloa la Haa.
tre, 60a, $5.00; bale. $2.75.
aflLLSTlFFS Braa, $17.00 per
dllnga, $28.00; abort. Country,
110 110: ehoo. gl6.00al21.00.
HAV Produce ra' price Timothy, Willamette
ralley, fancy, $M.ooais.(K: ordinary, au.oool
14; eaatern Oregon, $20.00021.00; mixed, $109
10.60; clorer, s.oow.wi grain, fs.uugjio.00j
cheat (S.ou.
Butter. Kgg aad Poultry.
BDTTKR FAT f. o. b. Portia nd-Sweet
Team. 2ie; our, iwc.
BITTER City creemery. 22Hc; econd. SOc;
OnUlde, ncy, !c; aeconaa, we; , etore,
icjnaawBitra fancy, eanaiea. aswe. .
CHEESE New FuU cream, fiata, 16c;
Toonx Amerlc. 17. -.
POULTRY Mixed chicken. 164J16U per lt:
per ib; e
14(36 doa.
ataga, 1212Ho per lb; fryer
broiler, $4tf0 doa; old dacka, 13(3
lac oar lb.; apring ..k, ic per lb.; gee
. V. IK. ,itrV. v. ITa lne lh te9 mM . . .. . v. -
$2.00 per do; pigeon, gi.oo per doa. Dreseed
3 ARK 64J9 for ear lota; email
Mnitre lfiltte per lb higher,
Hopa, Wool aad Eldaa.
BOPS 1608 crop Prim to cholc. Sc;
nlum to prime, dHOei mdlum, 6ol,c;
tract, 1907 crop, 10c. .
WOOL 1007 clip Taney, . 17020c: eaatera
Oregon, IBftfiae. . '
HOHAIB New 1007 28a2Me.
8HKKPSKIN8 Shearing. lfiyiOc each; abort
wool, jwiejeuo, BMaium wool, ,, ouaj70' Men;
long wooh- 76cO$1.00 eech.
TaLLOW Prim, pw lb, $HCJ No. I aad
creaae, xarxvie,
ante. 6C.
HIDES Dry, No. 1, IS lb aad up, it 9
im per id: 017 up, no. 1, n u ioa, xowiac;
dry calf. No. I, under $ Ibe, 20c; aalted hide,
ateera, aonad, 60 lb and orer, 8HHe; cow.
(Qftc; atag and bulla, eound. 6a7o; kip,
18 to Ibe, Bet calf, aonad. under 16 lh, lie)
grea, un aalted, 1 1; coil, 1c par lb lee;
' (one bide, aalted, each, $1.00A2.00; dry, ch,
li)0QlJ0; oolt hide. 2oJ50e; goet . ektna,
eommon. each, 10616c: Angora, each, 2SeJ
$1.00; aheep akin. 86cO$1.60. - ;
' Frulta aad Vagtabl.
POTAJTOICS Buying price, i eaatera Uultoo
giJypd Clackamaa. eelect. $1.85(31.63; eell-
daim nini v Mrrcncn
' i ' (SnecUl.Dlapateh to Tb Journal.) "' "
- Albany, Or., May l.-r-Tfat , )
. farmer of Linn county are Tiop.,
' lng for rain. ; The sudden change
e from th ' exoesatva damp and
., wet weather that prevailed for 4
e ' bo long a period hag worked a 4
- hardahlp on tha . f arming , ,coaxal.4
" munlty , In , that H makea tha
!. e r working of the eoll an extreme
, ly difficult Uak. With a warm , )
.. wind blowing the newly plowed '
e ground beoomea very cloddy and,
almoat lmpoaalble to work dowa e
e - Into condition to receive the
.' e s- trrain.' ,mi'.f' vvf e
HONRT IS M m erer.
COFFEB Paekaee hrnnda. 616.8801d.68
SALT Coarae Half Bonad. 100a. $11.00 par
ton: 60a. 811 i table, dairy. 60c. Bio.wr luua.
14.78; bale, $2.00; Imported LirerpooL 60.
18.0(1! 100.. tllDO: S24a. 116.00: XU fin.
bbla, U, 6 and 10. $4.6006 J; Urerpool
lump rock, $20,60 per toa; 60-1U, rock, .wi
I Above nrlec aoolT to aalc ef
ear lot. Car lota at tpeelai prloe aubjaet to
liuciuauona.) .
R1CB Imoerial Jana. Ha. 1. Set 'Ko.
6Hi Mw Ortoaoa, head. Ts AJaa. 61 Creole,
BUe. . . - .
BEANS Small whit. $8.80;., Urge whit.
$8.26; pink, $8.25 bar 00, $8.76: Umaa. OHai
Mexican reaa. ,,. . .";,''
NUTS Panata, Jumbo. U ptt. Ib Fir
elnle. TU Dr lb! routed. lOe-ner lb I Jua
aeee, 6wHt roaated, Jffl7Vi per tol aoooa
aou, U90c per do; walnut. CaUforato, 10
per )b; French. 16 per lb; pla not, UQlae
par lb; hickory ote, 10c per lb; eoeetaota,
eaatern,' 160 1 P' Ib BraaU nuta, IS per
lb: . filbert. I Be per id; laocy pecan. ovwi
aimoBoa, . vtntu m . ; ' -
Xa, Itah al Frerlalaaa,
FRESH MEATS Front Street Hoga, faacy,
Uflsc ner lb: teaL extta sakt Btr JD
oruinarr, lac per u, uw, w. miuv
ton, fancy, SOSc par lb; apring lamb, 12014c,
with pelt, per ID.
H Awn, BACU.i. Ionian pace iiocaii
a ma.. 10 to 12 lb, lee Per lb: 14 to 16 Ibe,
16 wo ner lb! 18 to 20 Ibe. ISttc: breaktaet
boon. lS(S21c net lb: olcnlca. 11V4C ner lb;
COttag roil, HVjO per id; regular anori cieera,
chiar backa. anamoked. ll'Ae; emoked. 12u lb
lb; Uolo butt. 10 to 18. Ibe., anamiifced, 6
Dr Ib: emoked. Be per lb: clear bellle.
amoked. ' 11 Ue ner lb: amoked. 18Ke oer Ib
tbouldera, 12c per lb; pickled tongue. SOc each
LOCAL LA KD heme tear. ioa. 184 per
lb; 6a, 186a per ! 60-lb tine. lle par lb;
team rendered, 10a, per lb; Be, 121c
ner lot compound, km, .ft pt 10.
CANNKO SALMON Colombia rlrr. - I lk
telle. $1.80; Mb talla. $2.78; racy l ib flat.
il.H0; U-Ib faacy flata, $1.18: faacy J-lb oral.
$2.76; Alaaka talla, nina. aaiflwc; tea. l.W;
F18H Rock cod, 7 par fhi flonadera, 6c per
Ib; haUDUt, ee in; atripea oaaa, ue in; rattlab,
10c lb; aalmon, treeh Oolumbl Chinook, 6H lbl
(teelbead. 8c per lb; herring,. 6 per lb; aolee.
Sc per lb; anrtmp, lue per in: percn, oe
lb: blCh cod. 7 per lb; tore cod. 7e per
lobater. 16c per lb; freeh mackerel. 8e
lb; crawflah. Sue per doa; atargeoa, to par
lbl . blaek baee, 30 per R OolnmMa rleer
emelt. 6c per lb; atiad, 6 per Ib; ro abad. be
ner lb:-ahad roe, 200 per in.
UXBlKltJl-HrowjwiiTr'Wi;, per fmuoiv
IS RardahelL Per
$2.00 per box, 10c per -do.
per 100-lb rack. uiympia, per gallon.
$2.26: par 110-iD aaca, fo.augo.zo;
eannao, tuc ceo, '-w mm.
- ralat, OmI 00. Xto.'
RSPS Pare Manila. 16KI atandard. Ue;
alaaL 11.
COAL OIL Pearl or Aetral Caeea, 114 per
gai; water wain. ho onie, ie per gall
woodea.i 17e per gal; headlight. 170 deg, ea,
Hue e ral.
GA80L1HB SS df., MM. MM PT gal;
Iron bbla, 18 pr gal. i -
BBNZ1NB 68 dag, eaa, 25 per gal; Ire
BDie, inc per jmi.
TDRPENTINB la eaaea, per gal;
bbla. BHo ner ral.
- WHITB LEAD Ton lota, t per lb; 600-lb
iota, sc per id; wee wie, ne per in. -WIRB
NAILS Preaent baala at $2.69.
LINSEED OIL Pore raw, In 6-bbl lota, 60c;
1-bbl lota. 68c; eaaea, 68c per gel: gen n In ket
ile-boiled, eaaea, 0e per gal; 6-bbl lota, 64;
-bbl lot, 68 per gal; ground cake, car lota,
$20.00 per toe; lae tha car lou. $30.00 per
Lower Rao&e of Values In Jtoine
Shares During Day.
J. 0.' Le comoanr a fork haa been atrlcken
from tb 'lint of the Portland tock axclianae.
Pacific Coaat Blacult 6 loet 60c. Lakeriew
Mining Met 2HC Manhattan Crown Point gained
He and reticle gainee ic Aiaaaa retroieam
loat ViC Mamrootb kt Ke In the bid. but a
aale waa mad at farmer flgnr. tfornlng kwt
e ana standard ronaounated gainee 14c.
la th Coenr d'Alene Hat Bnlltoa loat W.c
Copper King gained th same aum. Happy
iny ro ana v. a. wmeoiiaatea joat c.
Snowaho loet 2e and Snowstorm 6c.
Sale; Ten; tbouaand Mammoth at l$1ie.
o.tAHi aame at lie.
Official prlcea:
. .$aw.oo
Bank of California...........
Banker' Lambermen'e.....
Merchanta' National ,
Oregon Trnat It Sarlnga. ...... . .....
Portland Trnat uo..........t .....
United Statea National......... 200.00
American Blacult Co. 6...... B8.60
City Suburbia .....
Horn Teleobon 6s... .....
O. R. A N. R.r. 4a 87.00
O. W. P. 4 R.. 6. 100.00
Pacific Coaat Blacult da........ 96.60
Portland By. 6e
Aaaoclated Oil................. 40.00
Home Telephone 88.60
Pacific Statea Telephone....... .....
Paget Sound Telephone
Laketlew "
Manhattan Crown-Point. r ,18
PotlCI Mining .......h,. ....... .19
Wuhougal Eatenalon .......... ,.26 .
T equina Bay 'Telephone. ....... 6.25
Oregon CHr Mill k Lumber.... .....
Alaaka Petroleum ..............
Britleh Columbia Araal. .. ..,.
Caacadia ................ '
Mammoth ,.,.....,..... ,
Morning ......... . .r. ,t.......
Standard Consolidated
Ikcomi Steel
Aimed Consolidated ...
BnllloB ' ,0T
Copper King .16
Happy Day . .04U
O. K, Coaaolidatad.. ..i. ....... .0
Snowaho V........ ........... .46
Snowatornt 163
$ .....
, 120.00
' 85.00
' .2V
.11 '4
hat tan and ether diatrtct. .
Official bid prlcea
uooa company 1 ...
Saadstorm 65e, Red Top $4.10, Mohawk $17.6$
aakad, Columbia Mt. 62c, Jumbo $4-10. iambe
Ext. $2.16, Vernal 20c, Pennaylraala 2e, Gold
field M, Co. $1.68. KendaU 42c, Booth de.
Blu Ball-48c, Adam 17e, Bllrer net SLOB,
May Queea 28e aaked, her. Boy lee, B. 8.
Ext. 12c, Blue BeU 22c, Dixie 10c, G. Columbia
70c asked, Hlbernla 12c, St. Ire 61.87V.. Con.
qneror IS. Blk. Book 6e, Loo 6Ur 28c, O.
Wonder 6c naked, Potlatch 60c, Ore $40, Ken
dall Ext. Sc. Sandst Ext. 7e. Maya lie, At
lanta 70c Great Bend 8c. Emplr le. Red
Top Ext, 41C, Florence $5.8TH. DUm'f. B. B.
Oona. 6C, a. Daley $1.06, Lagnna $1.60 aaked,
Commonwealth Sue, Comb. Freet, $4.16, Or.
Bend Ext. K4. Or. j Bend Aax. 17o, B. B.
Bonanaa 10c. KewanA $1.12H. Esmeralda 23c
aaked, Portland 80c, Cracker Jack 23c, Vtand
Mohawk $1.80, Bed Hill 66. Mohawk Ext.
18c, Lon Dillon 14c, X. Tiger 20e, Grandma
20c, 8. Pick Ext. 10c aaked, X. Bos 12. CoL
Mt. Ext. So, Goldf. Con. $7, Dlam'C Trt
angle 84c.. . kwM .
fieaiega ax, Maaleu -He, Goaid a Carry- Mev
Con. VlrginU tic, Baeege 80c, Hale Norcroa
72c, Tellow Jacket 60c, Belcher 47e, Confidence
85c, Sierra Nee. 46c. Union 41e
Orielnal 11c -. Bullf. M. C. 16c. Mont Bullf.
6c, Nat. Bank 80. L. Harris Sc. Amethyst
am aaked, wold Bar sue. steinway, isc, uram
Buf. Anx, Ha, Bonnie Clr 41c, Mayf. Con.
4;lc, Monty,. Ohio Ext. 10c, G. Sceptr 17c
Montr. Mt. 21c, B. Daley lae aakec nome-
atake Con. c, Tankee Girl Sc, Nufget 7c
Tramp Cons. 8c, Victor 18 aaked. Banner SOe
aaked. Norm Btar 7c aaked, Mlda 60c asked,
Sunset $c : j .
Ton. Na. 819.60 aaked. Mont. Ton. $$.40,
Ton. Ext. $3.10. MaeNamara 44e, Midway $1.45,
Ton. Belmont $ Ton. no. Btar one, un
Ton. 4c, West End Con. $1.20, Rcacn 184.
Toa. ft Calif. Sc, Golden Anchor 82c Jim But
ler $1.06. Ton. Caab Hoy Be Ton. noma luo
aaked. BoU Toa, 11c MoBareh Pitt. Ex. 16c,
Mont. ma. Ext. e, woKia,Aiwwa im, n. 1.
Ton ."Coo. 10 aiked. ' '...
Maah. Con. T6e aaked. Manh. M. Co. Sc, o.
Wedge Sc. Seyler, Hump.. Be .Dexter 17c, u
Jna Ae. Creecent Ac Combination 6c asked,
Orannr 20c. Mmrtaax 20c Little Grey 80c
Cowboy 4c, Orlg. Manh. 19c Broncho 11c Jemp.
Jack ISC flneuot 10c. unriaio oe assea. ,e,
Dog 20c T. Horse 6c Indian Csmp 84..
Fslrr. Sllrer .King 46e aaked, Fairr. Eagle
60c Nerad Hlfl 14.20, Pittsburg Silver Peak
$1.86. No. Star Wonder Sc. Eagle' Nt 27
aaked. Rube Wonder. 0e aakad, . Alice of Won
der 10c akd. - . - T
snorn REPORT
Comparison . of. April Condition
With That of May Forces an
( Early . Rise In Chicago.
- Snow's report of 'condition et
wheat crop May J oompared with
April I: -:-
r perct, per ex peret..
W aass ... ... .
4 Tenneaee,'
: Kentucky .
Ohio ,,.;..
e - Michigan .. .
e Indiana . . .
4 Missouri ..
4 Kansaa i.,.
4 ' Keoraaka ..'
e - Oklahoma '
1$ 1
V .T
:V .e)
r T
1 r. j Mays. .1
May ...'....$ .814 ,
July ....... .84tfB J
May L .Gain. 1 ; wm.
88 ...001
Sept' v. .66 B .864 .on1
Dee .8754A .64 .00
Tbr eonttnne a ry ateady ton ia both
wheat aad floor teeally. Sale ef Hoar te the
orient remain vary heary. MillfMda Bad hay
fully as firm aa a week a. .
Chicago had aa adranc of aeuty a eeat at
tha openlag. tb market conumnng to role
around Initial figure aO day. Snow report
a bowing moca damage' to. the erop wa th
baala for tbe early rise.
World a rrto r Xar waaaa
Th nrlc of , Mar wheat todar outside of
et. vomt ...... tbh Liverpool ani
m. xori
... S7V.B
S6 Nw
ork ...... 62
Minn noil
Official Chieige price by Orwheek, Starr
::::::::: Si-
Open. High.
Slt".v, N14
4TH 48 . t 46U 4U
f.n.r- $6? m2 ifli
I"-, 60
t.1666 166T 166$
........ .1612 : 1697 1600
., ..1600 1605 1600
.i 868 - 870 : 868
882 882 88T
......... 880 886 800
876 v. $77 , 872
- 882 $87 662
86 B
46 4ai4
49 , 46iiA
$0 . to a
86T B
862 B
686 B
876 A
ltorpool emanr HaBJcn.
UTrrpeot) May t Offlriai prlce
wuia r, .
Onen. .- Oloa.
Mar ...... .6 7Ud a 7 aid
July-i ,...... tut v frj tZd
Sept ...,.v.. 8 Tid
Julr ........ 4a7U4 4 TUd
Sept ........4 TUd 4a THd
May I.
Ski 'S3
New ' Company .Organlzesi and
Will Rush Plant Farmers
i-'iWt Increase ;;Acreage,
fSnecial Dtanateh to Th Journal 1 ;
, Oranta Paaa. Or- May S. The recant
Iy Incorporated Oranta Pass Cannlns
company waa organised- yeetarday ; aitr
ernoon at a meeting of the stockholders.
Offlcers were elected aa follows: Prea-.
IdenL H. C. Kinney: vlce-prealdent, I
B. Hall; aecreUry. O. 8. Blanch ard
treasurer, Joseph Moss; Buperlntendant,
H. C. Sampson; directors, H. G Klaney,
I B. Hall. Joseph Mobs. O. S. Blan
chard, H. D. Norton, C. C English, R. A.
N. Reymers, C H. Sampaon and O. P.
Jester.' The capital stock of the com
pany is $18,000, of which over half has
been subscribed, and It ia expected to
hare the remainder taken in the near
future. The vinegar works and fruit
tree spray factory, operated In this city
for the past year By H. C. and Arthur
Sampson, will , be taken erer. by ; the
new company and aa addition to the
building erected for the cannery, plant
The work of equipping the cannery will
be pushed with all speed, as It is tbe
intention of the oompany to handle this
seaaon'a erop of fruit and vegetables.
Ia anticipation of having a cannery to-
give them a larger market the tanners
of Rogue River valley have planted thla
spring a large acreage of garden and
field crops.
The Southern Pacific company made
It possible to operate a cannery in
Grants Pass by lowering their freight
rate on canned goods and cans over cne
half to Portland, Ban Fraaalsco and Los
Angeles, and by giving tranacontlnntai
rates to the eaatern markets, thus plac
ing tbe cannery here on an equal foot.
Ing with those of Portland and Cali
fornia. , ...-',"'.: ..-. .'Ji-w -...,:.;
(Special Dispatch t Th JonrnaL) '
Pendleton, Or.. May 1. City Marshal
Dave Lavendsr of Weaton, who recently
ehOt Justin Reid who waa resisting ar
rest and who afterwards died, will be
held to appear before the grand Jury,
aays District Attorney Phelps.. .. Inves
tigations will be made connected with
the shooting and It will be determined
whether - or not the officer was Justi
District Attorney PhelDgi its ttaalsa
that investigations will be made In the
Camas Prairie country in the southern
part of the county regarding the re
ports of horsestealing. Reports are cur
rent to the effect that a band ot horae
rustlers are terrifying the people of
that section.
Breaking Ground
for Indepenccnt
-Fhoae C, Opens TeaoheS Aion '
Vt -SQMraey Street fos Oomdult fro" ffrH
' Closely following the announoement . 4
f the purchase of ita sites for the new ,'.'
central telephone exchange . and ' the a
; north side branch exchange,- tha,' Ihde- r V;.
pendent Telephone Co. has begun active f ., '-
construction work for the installation h
of tbe sew automatic telephona plant
' A .large force of men went to work
Wednesday opening up Harney street '
from Nineteenth eaat for the ditch in
i which to lay the initial line of conduits -.leading
from the central building Into
'. the business district The trench is be-.
lng opened on the north side of the
, street near, tha Bidewalav-i-'-i w'4
. A novel feature connected1 with the .
construction work is- tbe marking of , '
the open trench with a row of red
pennants, each bearing Inwhita letters
the words "Independent Telephone Co." ;
It la not only a clever advertisement
calling attention to tha progress of V
work in building the new plant, but It '
sJbo suffices to Inform curious specta- -'
tors and Save the asklDg and answering
of innumerable questions. -World-Her-(
: aid, Omaha, Neb, i-,.r. .- V'i':
Y- ' J !'
Superintendent and Doctor of
Warm Springs Reservation
Involved In Controversy.
- ' Bog.
May 1 U-
KtrtAf AyrtDsf- eTnfir MlDkTT September
lb.if I vrrv . w wwt- ". October
Union Pacific neavHy Bought; and
Shares JR& Nearly Four Points.
TTnio. Paetfle waa tli leader la New York
todar. aeenrin aa adranc of nearly 4 points
.'TCI m f .v.. - . -
nortnera racinc, ureas nennni ana enun
Pacific each rained nearly t points. Tb f-
New Tart, Hay f. Oottoa fa tare I '
Hlrt. ! low. S . 1
10M 1046 ICRS IMS
looo 1060 : ions ' ions
1066 1061 1066 1061
lOitT . 1015 1024 .1015
... ... 1026 1018
102 1021 1086 1010
102S 1010 .1030 1011
1017 1006 1013 1006
1087 102S 1088 1027
.... ... 1084 1026
1041 ' 10S3 10ST 1032
Tannery ,.,.,.1066 ,
February .....1060
March ........1061
Max ...1021 :
July 1028
Auirnat 1024
November .... ...
December ,...1082
eral market wa tron;
Official quotation by
Cooke company
at a point ap.
Orer beck, Starr
Amal. Conner
Am. Car A Found., com
do pref errea ;
Am. Cotton Oil. eom..
Am. Ico., com. a.. I..
Am Suaar. com. ....
Am. Smeltr com.. A.
do Divf erred . ..
Anaconda Mining Co..
Am, Woolen, com. ..
Atchison. Com. ......
. do preferred ......
Baltimore Ohio, com.
do preferred . .
Brooklrn Ranid Tranalt.
Lanadlan fc. com.
Central Leather, com
bl. Gt west., eoin.
cm. Mil. at. r...
Chi. Sc Northweat., Com.
Cbesaoeeke a Ohio
Ootei Fnel V Iron. com.
oolo. Honthern, com...
do 2d preferred ....
do let nreferred ...
Delaware .Hndaoa .
, ft K. o., com......
do nreferred .......
Brie, com. .... ,...,
do Id preferred ...
do let nreferred ...
Illlnola Central ......
Ixmlerlll A NaahrlU.
f If I SF
Z.lrpt Cettoa lewr, :. -'
Urerpool. Mar 2. Cotton . future elnaad
onlet, m to 6 polnta lower.
I January to B Freed,
(Joomal Special Rerrtee.) '
Washlnaton, May 2 .-The signing of
the recommendation for mercy for Wil
liam January, the Missouri Jean Valjean
awaits only tbe return of Attorney
General Bonaparte, who la ' expected
from .Baltimore this evenln.
PorOaaa Taloa
stock reeeJptai
, j it- - Boara. Cattle.
Today 6 111
week to ., , 60
Tear aco 100 J r 88 V 1191
Frarloos yr 200 600 . 400
- a lew jsmn a re Belna recelTea nnt - th
anmber la eren too email to baa notation.
Cattle arrival ar fair bat bos and aheep are
aiow ia eemins. ah una con I inn in Oemaao.
Today 82 borae ram In.
A 7r aro today: Lamb weak, 26 lew-;
muKw ana cbki euier.
S Official Ureatock prieee:
Hon Best eaatern Oreron, 27.26; Stockr
ana reeaere, 7.uo; i.nina rat, J7.00.
Cattle Beat eaatera Oraenn ateera. tB AMk
6.26i best cows and heifers, I4.00Q4.26; stock-
era ua leeoer, .UK(r4.; trails, fa.M
Sheep Mixed, ,4!;eae; Umbs, HiCS.
sTogs and Cattle Are 6tevdy-Ahep
Market Strong, r
Calcafe, Kay 1 Ureatock retSlnts
Hoe-a. : riatll-. BIiam
Chteafo .21.000 , 6,000 12.000
Kanaa City ....16.000 6.600 '4.000
Omaha .. 9.000 6.200 S.000
(Special Dtspatck to The JonrnaL)
Madraa, Or May IDr. J. A. Por
tan, forernment physician tor the In
dians of the Warmsprinf reserration.
and Louie Martin, srorernment black
smith, were in Madras today on their
way out to the railroad. Dr. Porgan
was recently" suspended by. Superln-
tandent-X3aade C. Ceyety- and Martin
quit yesterday of Ms own accord. Mar.
tin is an Indian who has been In the
ffovernment service- for a number ot
years., He is Sioux and Cheyenne. Dr. !
Por ran-received his appointment aa phy
sician several months aao and since
Ijif S Pint ; to . IhB.TVarra sprint asency
matters between' him and the superin
tendent are said not to have run smooth
ly. Dr. Poraan said: v -
"Durtnr the winter a case of disease
resembllnv smallpox was discovered in
an Indian boy ' which I pronounced
smallpox. Superintendent Covey called
in a local physician who"ald the dis
ease waa chlckenpox, and the superin
tendent accepted hia decision, although
he ordered all unvaoclnated Indians to
be vaccinated. I then sent some of
the virus from the dleeaaed boy to th
United States Marine hospital for analy
sis and received from that Institution
a certificate that the disease was t,"
ulne smallpox. . -
"Another point ef dlspjit' arose when
I reported some of the pupils ef the '
Indian school to ba affllctsd with tu- ;
berculosla and others with typhoid.' and
aaked that tber be removed from 'the
school for the safety of the other chil
dren. . This request was also denied. I
sent some ef the blood ot the suspeoteit
typhoid patients to the Marine hospi
tal and the hospital authorities re
ported discovery ,of typhoid terms in
the . sample of blood sent them.".
Other point of diaaareemient Bprunr
up between the physician and the su
perintendent and finally Superintendent
Covey suspended Dr.. Porsan, giving as ,
the reason lack of funds to carry on :
thla department - at - Warmspringa. - al-
though it is claimed that the reeerva-.
tlon physician and blacksmlthing de
partments , are provided for in special
appropriations of 14.000 annually for
these two branches, annually, on each ,
reservation. . '. .,-
Dr. Porgaa appealed to the depart- .
ment at Waahlngton and was. informed
that bis suspension would be effective
until he resigned, whereOpon he re
fuses to resign and here the contro
versy rests at present.
;. Martin, the blacksmith, claims that
too. mush extra work was forced upon
him by the superintendent. ; -
i X- Police Shoot Newsboy. .
' Streator. I1L, Mayj. Charles "Lea
hard. a Chicago newsboy, one of five
tiding the "blind baggage" of a Santa
re train, on arriving here this morninK
waa shot fatally by the police, who hat
been advised they were robbers who In
tended to hold the train up. The men
declared they were simply beaming tbelr '
way. They wore moaks. ' k
'-, BBaaBBasBaBBBaaaBBaaaBSBSasaB
The big new Bandoa pulp, ani papet
mill. is assured. , .
Be a Perfect Maura
Hof are steady at ytrdaya raloea, with
ten orer. Keceipta a rear ar wer 20,.
H!"& WiSOea-WHi (ery, $6.4096.60:
2.800 left orer
ono vin4 e
rooih. ta.26'.86; llfht, .806'.60.
Sheep Stronej.
Manhattan Kallwa
k. a t.,
Max. Central Railway.
TJirrnD states ooTKxJrxzvT bobds.
Vtw Tcrk, May XOoTernment bonds:
V . . Dt. Bid. Aaked
Two, recuteree , iwo 10
do eonpon 1080 104
Three, registered . ........ 1918 102 1
do coupon , isis 1021
Threes, smallbonQir .....T81S 102
Four, new, rfitrea .... inaj ii
00 eonpon iv iwjv
Four, refiatered. old ..... 1007 10U
do eoUDon 1007 1011
Fnara, Philippine ....... 1914 loev
104 H
108 U
102 . .
Two. Pa nans, refiatared.. n., .104
. do . coupon . , 1. .
New TLoadoa Silvan
W.M V-Mk ll.a l 1 . MM.. W
aoa, 10 iTjjd, ' "w
1 .J
do nreferred
Great Northern ..,..
Mieaonn raciii
.BTKnai iao ........
New Xork Central.....
N. V., Ont. Weatern.
Norfolk West., com.
do nreferred.........
North American ' . . . i.
Northern Pacific, com..
rue no Man a. a. -co...
t'ennsrirsnia Railway..
P. O.. Li. ao. Co....
Pressed Steel Car, eomu
ao prererrea,
neaams, com....,,
do 2d preferred
do 1st nreferred.
Rep. Iron A Steel, com..
Boris islsnd, com
. uu ireicrrea. ...... 4w
St. t,. B. F., J pfd..
do 1st preferred......
St. L. 4k B. W com....
Bontbern Pacific, com..
do preferred..,,,.,..'.
Sonthera Railway, com..
do preferred...
Tenneeaee Coal Iron. .
Tol., St. t. Si Wh, com..
' do preferred. ... . , , .
Union Pacific, com . . . , .
do "preferred. . . . . . .. . .
D. S. Rubber, com......
C. 8. Steel Co., com. ., .
do ' preferred , , , .
Wabaab, eom. v.
' do preferred... ,... i."
weatern union Tel.,.
4 !)
WE CURE WEAK MEN j! 'CurQ Men's Diseases
L S1
With Nq Bflck Pains No Nervous
ness No Waste of Power No
Loss of Ambition Cut With Plen
ty of Life and Energy . and the
Vigor of Youth.
To be strong and manly Is the aim of every
strong man. and yet how many we find who
are wasting the vitality and strength which
nature gives them. Instead of developing
into the strong, vigorous, manly young fel
Iowa that nature Intended them to be, they
find themselves weak, stunted and despondent
no ambition to do anything. They struggle
aimlessly along, sooner or later to become vic
tim of that dread dlaeaae, - nervous a debility;'
their finer sensibilities blunted . and their
nerves shattered.
Total sales for the day, 74,600 ahare.
uu money closed at 3(32)4 par cent.
........... . vte.4eoos
poktuutd sasrx STATXhTZirr.
Oleartnts today
00 year. aro. .
flata todar
Balaacea todar
ao year aso...
,,.$ 266, 770.67 I
T3.6ia.D0 I
aa yvasoisa Sraia Maiket, -1 '
San Franrleco, May 2. Wheat: ' May, 61.37 V4.
SaxJv-Aia 10, DMwaber &2. . -
We want to imbress-upoa
wyja-eak man that we can
make him ' strong, vigorous,
healthy, alert and free from
every taint of disease and
weakness. We have limited
our Specialty In practice to
only a few of the more Im
portant disorders so that we
could understand' these thor
oughly. Our experience along
thla line for twenty-five years
qualillea us to say positively
that auch troubles as atlght
Bmiaaloaa, toM Tlgor, Yert
cooela, Hydrocele, OontraoUd
Siaordara, Contagious Blood
Poison, gtrioturs and "Weak
aess" can ba cured narfeetiv
se aa. to stay cured.' Of
course, we ;' use different
methods - than the ordinary
physlolan. Most of these are
original with us and , were
devised for just such cases aa
the ordinary courses of treat
ment fail to reach.
AT ITS TOM CrtrmXaV-A. Cure With TJS Means a Ufa Lon- Cure.
We offer not only fUI Consultation and Advice, but every case
that comes to us we make a Careful Examination and Diagnose with
out, charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert
opinion about his trouble. ;r ? "';v;...v. v. '
It will not cost you anything to call at our office and consult us,
and by so doing. It may save you much time and money, and if we can-
n cur you " wui noneauy fu you SO, and Jrou. wUl not be Under
any financial obligation to us. ' . , vT
M OXIM mrnXM OT TKUrna ts aupertor to any in thla country,
and our cures are the result ot these methoda. Wa never fail to effect
a cure in any casejretake. If ytra suffer .from neglect, from want of
money er from unskilled practice here is an opportunity to get the
services of a skilled arjeclalist, a graduate phyaician, with years of ripe
experience in treating eompUcated and special disorders of MT onr.
It wlU cost nothing to talk to us, and may be the means of restortng
you to health and happinesa Why not call today f Our offices are very
nrlnte. Ton in onl tlia drwtnr . ,.
;t so-low it enables many'who are afflicted to procure.
.ma num Buioauna ' meaioai asaiBuutee, r Terms made to suit if neces
sary, so that anyone need not go without treatment
Hours: t a. tn. to i p. m.; evenings, t to 1:20; Sundays, a. m. to It
BOOn. ' ,' :'..-,'!: -'., ',. .; " . ...... j . -.. -.
wwMaaa. mvwoiw uu (utauia axjbSSTS, rOTlial9i QXSQOW, ,
SB. T ATT, OS, -t
. The Xeadlaf aTvoiailsi.
I have treated hundreds of men who have long
suffered gradual decline of physical and
mental energy aa a result of private ailments.
and have been Interested in noting the marked
general improvement that follows a thorough cure of the chief disorder. My
auccesa la curing difficult cases of long atandinr has made me the ftoremoat
specialist treating men's diseases. This success is due to several things. It is'
due to the study X have given my specialty: to my having ascertained the I
exact nature of men'a ailments, and to the original, dlstlnotive and thoroughly I
acienuiic memoes or. treatment I employ.
To those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid the smrinua
results that may follow neglect, I offer free consultation and advice, either
at my office or through correspondence If your ease la one ef the few that
has reached an Incurable state, I will not accent it for treatment, nor wilt
I urge my services upon any one. X treat curable eaaea onlv, and cura ait
caava a tivafc.
3G Ytsaras In Portland
Uncomplicated , Cases
Fee Is Only
YboPay When Cured
Kb dangerous minerals to drive the
virus to the interior, but harmless.
blood-cleansing ' remedies that re
move the last poisonous taint
Absolutely painless treatment that
cures completely in one week. In
vestigate my method. : It is the only
thoroughly scientific treatment for
this disease being employed.
My colored chart showing tha male
anatomy and affording an interest
ing study in men's diseases will be
given free upon application. - -
Consultation and Advice FREE.
stonrs S a. U. to 9 p. m. Btmftaya 19 to 1.
Sfcc DOCTOR 7.7L
jpatlaats living out of tla c!t.y and eoirlng t Tm" -if m
j--- --furnuhea wittt tuse r-om free ct . ...
. - direct tJ 83t :i I i..., x I
Tou've probably been treated for
so-called weakness and helped tem
porarily or not at all. and. the, reason
1 very apparent when causa of loss
of power In - men , la understood.
Weakness la merely a symptom of
chronic inflammation of the prostate i
gland, wnich my treatment re
moves, thereby permanently restor
lag strength and vigor., ; , , .
Tou can , depend upon . a quick and
thorough cure by my treatment A
QiUck euro ia desirable because' a
alow cure is apt to be no cur at all,
and. a chronic development will vome
later. I cure you beyond the posaln
unity or a reiapse and, in half ths
usual time required. f
-.-iQ MXTX.XX AXL2CE2TTS. : ' , ;H
Often the , condition appearing to he
the chief disorder is only a reflex
ailment , resulting from some other
disease, Weakness sometimes coms
from varicocele or stricture: slim
and hone diseases result from hinnd
poison taint and physical and men-
rat aeciine follow long-stand ins
functional disorder. Mr lona ex.
perlence in treating men enablt me
to oetermina tne exact eonriv.i,in.
that exist and to treat accord In a;! y
thua removing every damaging cams
auu ii tiiwii,
Cc:i prVrit-sTc