THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. -PORTLAND, THURSDAY - EVENING, MAY 2, IS07. Oilier Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 18-19. JTEW TODAY. jtMmH ovloo the ehajwe t t In the ground Hoot price bow ekd (or the fine lots In THOMPSON'S ADDITION TO GRESHAM ', The lot will advene in prie rep-1 Idly, bono tho grows, fto prie It th prloo you gt aow. 1 1 .' ' , BASV TERMS Koom ta irkshlBstoa tioSWag, otty, aft la tba Ubruty taUaiaff M OraaJuun. B7 ptvfMlf thss Is nf to mako yo monor. Wo kavro tt la lots Ma aeroMro. f 2750 Qoarter block In now bualnaas center on Hawthorns aveno. - 3000 Mb 'or two now s-room. colonial stylo, modora bousos, f 1,000 i " cash, baianca terms. - - - B4000 It on Water stroot. west side; food boy. Remember the rail road oomins on Front street. ' S2TOO H acres, miles by rail from city: station on sround, ' , S1800 1 aores bearer dam land J ml lee from dty. - - 1 ;,' ... " - .,- ' . I Header & Sutherland! noao k but; 40t BwwOatid MIA. 31700 House on Vancourcr arenae, near Going, lot 60x100, wilt rent for, $15 ; terms, $500 ; cash; east front v C2100- New 6-roora house on I Garfield -avenue, near Going; v east front. Summit Investment BUSINESS CORNER Union avene and KiUinesworth, v lot i 50x90; only business corner near Piedmont ' and Walnut Park. Summit: IayeshneDt Co. Borthwick and Killingsworth Ave. Phone East 404 , HOMES FOR tOtOOO GOOD PEOPLE Improved farms, dairy ranches, acre , traota, near Portland and In Willamette valley; great deal of the land Is on lectrlo roadSjWlth 10, 10 and 10-mtnute car servloe. The price will bo right and ' OB-sasy-tannsL--:.;-.--r.t,: ,)",'- - City lots In every part of the etty for ' sale. .. , Also realdenoes.' t ' BOHXTHXaTa IXW 3f TB3T atxaor COLWELL'S . ADDITION , aro rosTXAirs. Lots tOxloo; each lot la covered with . bearing fruit trees: 15-mlnute oar ride to center -of oity; 10-tnlnute car service; one of the most sightly locations Inside the city limits, on east side; Bull Run water; no grading to do on streets. For the first ten days we will give you your choice of lnsldo lots at f 400. Cor ners' 1500. . .4 .......; i V,.. - SO 000 acres of timber land that win bear Inspection. , This land win be sold on easy terms to responsible people. Cesa Lsad snd Inprovecect Co. ST. K. SBaW, Vaaaflwr seon 631 Chamber of Ooauroxos 9Ug. Choice X Clock on East Mv Morrison Street ; VvTII handle it Improved ORESHAi DO IT NOW l - and pays T $325 Per Month ' :i. "' ' For particulars see , ' , 366 E. MORRISON ST. CHEAP LOTS . $200 Lots in Eden i Clinton car Una. ' addiuoa, near .f250-Lots in Myrtle Park addition, . Mount Scott line. . ' f 300 Lots In City View Park addi tion, on neiiwooa una. - $500 Lota adjoining Walnut -CH ear lino. .. .. r . . f 2000 00x80, Elisabeth, street, Port land Heights; fine view., , f 210O 1JU100, S7th and Wasco, jiroadwey or Ankeny ear. af you want goojd values la lots you cant afford to overlook these. CCMMO WEALTH TRUST CO. erkTK avta iattn. MONEY TO LOAN. UST payawat loaas to aaUrted people. Rib- puiaa uoaa vav, lie iMkam BMg, Mala 24,1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. B. A. Brlatow. ML sat Ada M. Track. HnrjWtalihw, V sad Hrm. Ulue PT Christ KmpM, So, aad Anna Broggsr, It. , Herbert Luwa. 1M. and Illea Peterson. 29. J'Jf: T"" . ' EJfle Tangoes. BS. v '''"-f. ' '....,. ;- L ' John TsenBler of St. Johns. . and M utU s S3. Boat, a. aa4 laanie WUtrarid, go. Woden Carria. W. a. nith A n . ar..x. mgtoa oiug, earner Fourth and Washington AH kind of alaate for sale at 41t Tiaaaamr 1.1 pneae raaaontDJe. rboae East GJ7Q. TlSlaSlll A On fWw4aa tW nn.iii Made, 123 Sixth at. ' Clarke Btna.. rinrteta t nm Mil AtmI ooaigBe. aav Morruoa at. . hfrvn to" srita for rent all elsea. Dak tailoring Oo, SOS Stark at ; FTJXERAL KOTICES. CE4WTORD At tba family reaJdenee ta Nub villa, on aft Scott Una. Mar 1. Claraooa T J Crawford, aged U yean, 11 mootha and U ; ar. xne raneral earvlces will be bald at ) Ftal.r'a ehapel at 0:80 a. rrKUy, Mar I, srtsr which tha ramalna win ba shipped w vigm viij jot atermeni. . LOST,, AND tOVTHD. LOST Oan-matal witoh with ft aid lock at; reward fnu Vila; no qosetleos uktd. Ad . arose 1B1, cara HELI WAKTEP-MALB. A STHOMa key of IT ar It lot sneering tofheet moat pa bnstiert enanee roc Mraneenteat. varus wye Worhe. BsT Seeoad at WAMTTD Railroads require hatei . oar , graduates sat e to 70 Jo par aonth; caa da , Ula for Too. woalth hldf. vouata, eoa B0T TO WORK lit CAHDT A!CD OBAOSKB FACrrOBT. PACinO COAST BISCUIT CO, U1U AN0 DAVIS BTS. - WANTED AT ONOB Hot. 18 to 18. aa aaatat- ant laaltor: alao atoek kor- Boearta Broa., Toira ana wtruoa ata. v I HALF btaraat la aatabltahad raal aatata meai aapartoaea aot aoaaaarr. AMsandar La ad tio.k. But at-jxar naa. MAW ta do-cboraa aad attond koraaa and eowat wayaa 9m, hoard aa raca. cm Hoaa at. HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY taaebara for Xpiaenpal Ohtoaaa Blaaloa at 289 Taj lor at, nlht uv i ' .on t :80. pplX 11 Sixth at.eoniar Aldor, WAVTKD Apprmtla at Haw Terk MUUnarr . Stora; pay waaaa wbila Wanting. S28 Third at WAIfTEO, ' taSMdlatalr, ' axperlanrad - xtrl for aocoaa wore: prrrata many, enoorDai $2S. SS0H TanhUl at Mala Ml. FURNISHED HOUSES. $oo rtJBHiTUBB of S-roon eottase. eon . aad atodore, laotodlaf f00 plaaoi half balaaoa 1S par moatb; aaap; rant fit. complete eaan. . tambtaa Boa it oa. Nit nira ot. s. BUSINESS CHANCES. BOWUMO . ener ka Vaaeewrer for aala at . aacrtfloat price, trlth all eqnlpeMata, I30O. Korthwaatara Bealtr : Co, 811 Oommorelal bik, ar eOa Waahlnstoa at, Vaoaoarar, Wash, SO-BOOM hotel, eentrallr loeatad, .elenntlr far- atahad. ataani heat: alwaya crowdod; frn lar- -aatotd to clear S460 each month;, rent ST 175! price fe,goo, eea? tcrtna: Kif M . . t. I.. ACSTIK A CO., IM Ablnctea bids. BIAL E8TATB OPBNIltO, BToand floor loeetloa, aaar Waahlnfltoa at.; good lease at low rant; aala toclartea building, laaee and bealnaaa. : F 1S8, are Jooraal. ? -i ' FOB BALE REAL E8TATE.1 10-ACBB 'orchard, . wtatar . applaa. ' eherrlaa, Tapae. atrawborrlae, J acraa tlmbar; lira traam nna through -place; 8 mllae from city ' aood bnlldljf; IJ.SOQ. tenna. Oelomblaa Realty Oo.,'82H Third at, room S. FOB SALB $ room hard-fin lahad bocaa, with 4 nice lota, all fanced and frolt trooa; close to Woodstock earllne;. price 1800;500 cash, naJanee is a month. .. Adoraaa a. r., onroai. BOMB BUTBB8. LOOS AT THESBt ' (1,600 boya this elegant new 6-rooes modara ; eotuaat this la a parfact home with -every convenience; nothing to do but mora In; close to ear: sow cash, nuance fie par mentn. 1.600 for tbla S-room otaatarad honaat frntt, . berrlee, lot 80x100: 1200 cash, balance $ 20 month at S per cant. - 11,1150 B-roora modara- benae, corner lot BOl ' Nut B2W aasn, bsiaaee fio par montn. W wmmii, vaiBNBiaj fiv irws ssiw PIAMOND EEALTT CO., X ana aiaer si, room iu. a-ROOM plastered hooae, earnest basement! lot KS1W, tl xrnii uass mnnfi anau oarn; on earllaa; 13,160. Smith Algar, 188 Va .- rtrat et., room 1. - r FOB SALE FARMS. ROMB8TBAD BBUItQUISHMKHT. 160 aeraa ta eastern Or roe, 10 mllae from "railroad station, s muee irom podiio roaa email eaMai -40 aeraa tillable land, stream ef water on place; ever 1,000,000 feat of fine umber: pnee wh; iana worm 0. H. PFAFFUD, tot Third at HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. GOOD driving horse, weight 1.900 poonda, bar- nesa and boxir. O. H. Pfame. SOS Third at vk, TIMBER. aaaShjaSajaaBtMaaa BOO ACRES tlmbar, yellow pine, soger pine and fir. all In Josephine county. Columbian Realty Oa'i.B2H Third at, room B. How Slow the Train Was. -Two men were oomlng into Denver from i aaaahv town en a loeai train tha ether day The trtta stopped every fir tn In at as. It eaemed. and ana of tha man became impatient Finally, when thftrala halted for the enslne to gat op steam, the man's Impatience evarnoweo. Now, what do yoa think of this tratsr h aald to tha ether. "It Isn't making mock : prograsa, repBad ba frkmd. ' " "Procress. I should eay aof said the I satlanS man.- : "It woo Id be a flares Job to take a moving phrfnro ef thlo tram." Ghost Oalts RinK ELECTRIC EFFECTS ! ' WILD, WEIRD. ..' , UNCANNY . ' , ' NOTE -Masks on sale at the rink. ' "If you' don't skate come, out and watch the others. ' SPECIAL BAND n GRAND MARCH Masquerade Tonight EAST SIDE, rvv - if -M turiLtt i t- winnTi iSaa The conorete abutments for the tfrs ongafed In putting- in the falsework bo required to complete me steet truas, wnen ; ins Driage wiu do openea to avenue bridge will greatly relievo the the only open thoroughfare from north Clarence l. DarroWi.! Attorney -Jot Moyer and Haywood Issues , a Statement, , LtECALLY KIDNAPED , ' r ON PERJURED EVIDENCE Systematic Attempts - Alleged . to Poison the Public Mind Against Federation Officials Roosevelt's Charges' Answered, v; v (SoecUlDlsnatch to The loaraaL) Boise, Idfho, AprU -Claxence Dar- row, attorney Tor Haywood. Moyer ana Pettlbons of the Western Federation of Miners, aolased of complicity In the as sassination of former. Governor 8teu- nenberg, has issued the following state ment for his cueati!H.?!,',':!';,Hr;.'.;;-,'.i "We have been charged with '.killing sx-Oovernor Steunenberg with a- dyna mite bomb. -Our trial -is to begin on the ninth of this month., The details ef I al- j , , W ...kil.k.J I ACCUSED f S uiv s onn nam a i inn nave wovu uiiuimiiw,Mw . ui vuuwi broadcaat throurhout the clvliisd world I for more than a jrear.: During all thisl time tha nress of the country, and espe-1 elally of that section of Idaho where tranoe when they earns to view the blo ws wiir be placed on trial, has bitterly torlcal building. Some of the women denounced us and the Western Federa- overcame the difficulty by wearing the tlon of Miners, to whlch-are ,- belong, hats and caps of the men who escorted The " most powerful interests of the oountry are seeking to take our lives. 1 Kidnaped Sato Idaho. - "We were not In Idaho for years be fore the crime was committed. Under the law we could not be extradited from Colorado. But, in spite of this, we were arrested on a perjured affidavit charg ing that we were In Idaho at the time of the' commission of. the crime - and that we immediately fled from the state. and on this perjured affidavit, known to be false, the governors of the states ex Idaho and Colorado kidnaped us. in the night time, refusing us aa Interview with family, friends, or counsel or ohance : of appeal to the courts. brought us on .a special train a thou. sand mile from home and Into a state and community systematically poisoned against us by newspapers and officials. v "We have been confined in Jail for 14 months against our,' protest ,and denied ball, whUe constancy demanding a trial. Every effort has been made to teach the farmers, Business men,' ana vworaing- teen of the community, that we are as sassins and outlaw,, 1 - "After ai this time our case Is about to be reached; and the president of the United State, in ho way-interested of ficially r .otherwise, send two letters broadcast over tha country charging us with guilt and crime. These are re published In every paper in the land, and especially In every paper In Idaho. The governor of Colorado a day or two later adds his words of spite to the venom of tb president and says that w ar not only guilty of the crime chargedybut of many others, too. , am for jorao oniy. - "While the president of the United States and the governor of Colorado are sending) out their statement ' to com' pass our death, the Judge of this county has brought a citizen before him for contempt . on the charge that he tried to influence the mind of a prospective juror by saying that 'the state adminis tration, was trying to railroad us.' On the appearance of this man lb court the Judge promptly told the state's attorney that no should have this obscure farmer indicted for felony because be triad to influence the mind of .. a prospective juror. ; The president knows how much greater weight will be given to his words than those of an obscure private cltiien. ; ? ; "If we are about to be tried In court every law-abiding cltisen, however great or humble, aaould do anything in his power to cool tne passions of men, rather than add fuel to the flames. If we are to be thrown to the mob. the officers snot, t at least open our priaon doors ana give us ome. ehanoe to de lena ourBoivea. . , ';. 'Cormorants Trained to Fish. . From the London Dallr Oranhle. OorBorant ar famlllar enow h objects fish. I lag on the enUylng roeke below tha ellffsl whereoai they nset. or seated upon the posts I which mark the coarse of the channel la a I tidal harbor . thalr brilliant emerald area ever oa the watch for nan, -; Bnt .- ttwi iwoola ' are perhaps aware that these great , black sncoota looking birds war at one time trainee, in nminq 10 catch fish for the amusement ' of royalty. : The sport I was lntrodneed into - (pis eoantry from the oonrt of rranee la tha time ef bonis XUI.; the - French courtiers had bean taught the I method of taming and training theet birds bxA Dtftcbman, whose countrymen had already I teamed llr earing ineir Tojsan id me rut, For tt Is to the Chinese and Japaneae flshsrme that European natlooa ware first indsbted for a knowledge el the porb ' GULCH SOON TO BE 0PEUED eiiaaaiyaM"aai; g y ayw wi mn w " ii n mm yj.t t :iWS;i':i:,T:W::?"ii V ' -':: (s ; :": .J . '- ( ;. '1 umirii a Concrete Abnttaenta for Grand Arena Bridge Over Orand arenne brldse orer SnlUvan ruloh for the support of the main span. It pressuro of traffic em tmlon avenue, to south on the oast side. ' ENGLISH ODDITIES - Big Estate of a Cheap Clnbman ' : . Paoper Has OonL It . Is now known that thV receipts from death duties' In England during the financial year just ending; beat all previous records. The total In round figures will be 1(8.000,000. Since the passage of Sir William Ver non iiaxoourrs. finance aot u years ago the total receipts from death duties have exceeded , ILOOO.000,000. The largest sum paid on one estate was 14, 500,000 on that of George Smith, gen erally known as "Chicago Smith,'' who lived at the Reformed club at aa aver age rate of 14.60 a day. A member of the Lambeth Board of Guardians complain that the ratepay ers have to maintain a man who had become 'char gable to the rates through eating too much. The reference was to a cabman who Was recently admitted to the workhouse Infirmary suffering from gout The man had an enormous appe tite and bis malady was dus to over feeding. . At the same meeting a com plaint by the cabman to the guardians Of short rations-was brought forward. it was explained that he was being dieted In order to effeot a ours. The guardians decided to continue the diet cure. ''.".,;. : .,. . -i A pretty wedding party was stopped at .the entrance to St Mary's church, Scarborough, and the bridesmaids were forbidden to enter because .they wore no hats, simply wreaths -of marguerites. The difficulty was quickly overcome by the bridesmaids fastening white hand kerchiefs on their heads. The vicar of the church enforces the rule that the h..1 M. k. .m..,JI MwMu.v with great Strldtness. Last season when the "no bat" erase was at lts-helght many were refused en them. . others who were not escorted or who would not wear a masoullns headgear were obliged to go awa; Clorerdale now has a dentist and nho- tpgrapher. ; ":.r.. , . . . Watch for bur ad in Friday's market section EVERY INFORMED Table Queen Bread Because she knows that only the purest and most nu tritious ingredients enter into maae Dy cooks wno are experts, unaerstanamg inorougniy : .. the scientific principles of wholesome breadmaking, and un- ' der perfect conditions as regards hygiene and sanitation. ; The most complete plant west of Chicago, Order a loaf to-" day if you have so far failed to do so, and see for yourself how really modest we are in our claims for. this splendid , product t ""t v ,' . "' ' ' '-" Look for the word "Royal impressed iieach loaf - Air Grocers 1 ll& m mm a m m m m at 7 im m sr - ' stjn Scniethlng Need Painting ? No matter what it is, you can get the right paint for it at your nearest dealer's under the name ' '. " ACME QUALITY a, mark that makes it easy to paint, en stain or varnish anything, new or old ' Let us send yon a copy of the-rmly com plete paint guide ever printed, ."The Selection and Use cl Paints and Finishes.'' If your dealer cannot supply you, with the "Acme Quality" SUIK1, we win. . ' , ' ' NEW ERA PAINT & VARNISH ' ;, X7S TtMSt WSBSSET, TOBTXlAJTD, Distributers ?'!,. A I , ' 1 .i-v ,.,..,..,v.,., , .... mm.,,, j,. ; - ' ' . .-.. , . . .. Sulllyan's Gulch. haro been comDleted and workmen is estimated that about 90 days will irnna ; The completion of the Grand which has for several years . been :;, Height of Wave. :':S-'' M. Bertln, . a , Frenchman, , has been making new observations of the else of ocean billows. He says they are greatly overestimated when the term "moun- taihous" Is applied to them. . The longest waves be measured, were 1,5 10 feet from crest to erest, he says, and their average duration was IS seo onda. - They were not very high, only about (0 feet or one-fiftieth of their span. :V:y"-:r., -:;:.:.,;:kx-'r ,,r''l'"cv-' Indeed, he is of opinion that the greatest height ever reached by waves in open' water is (0 f set and be ac counts for higher 'estimates by saying that they have heretofore beea observed for the most part from the decks of ships, and the perspective effect result ing from looking up along the slope has misled the eye and Judgment : When 'waves- become break era, strik ing against some obstacle, there is too doubt that great masses of water are burled to a height of 109 feet and vol umes of spray are flung and blown still hlarher. t:'H-A'i-l-"r:':''-- .kh... ... Very few waves 1,800 feet long and 80 feet hUh are ever encountered, he adds.; In average vbad weather, the waves run from 110 te 110 feet from erest to erest and their height seldom exceeds tt feet Their duration Is not over' to I -r eeoonds...- Method ht His Profligacy. Tb other day on of the Nationalist members, raw te London, was intro duced to a party of ladle In the dining room ef the house ef eommon. . A he left he. gravely presented each .lady with his card." A : friend ventured to hint that thi was carrying politeness too far for London custom. " ' "Sure,' was the reply, 'It didn't mat ter.- I had 210 of . them printed. ' I've changed my addreas anyway.'so they're no sit to me!" e. ' - ' HOUSEWIFEJJSES its composition ; thafjt us WLAUtjAntni Hiohdt Quality Bread ,' ' the .Ikmd1 m sT T JJTf MM T sV m B f f .v yr j j . amel, feSjsj? I-,:,,- AN: , , WVWWWVA I -.-e- : ,VV :, . ... iiBarikeKS? & Lumbermens 't.-:-?JK? "-. vn:r.-.v.u; -.-. ; ' ; ; Statement of Condition May 1, 1907. RESOURCES. r:n Loans and Disunts.pi,;.9 Over drafts Bonds, . Furniture and FteresV .v.VP Cash an,d Due From Banksl iVi . V J LIABILITIES. ; Capital Stock t t ' ; - Deposits f' Surplus ............v....... BaBnBBBBaaaaBaiBB The Victor Sings Baby to Sleep I Under tht Victor's woothlng while his mother, happily rocks Madame Butterfly Records Come te otnr Victor parlor -- M (ma Hmmmjtm. Sherman; XOTJBB nil i Abac? XfLJJ ltf atooettT,. I a flry wfil score ef others fWj A'TmXr V ' ast reoelved. I I Jyj Sixth and Morrison Sta. Opposite Postof Ike k Portland, Orefon. May THIS IS THE DATE i VERNON. WILL BE ADVANCED IN 'PRICE. V'9 i LOTS Are selling- entirely too low; property adjoining Is bringinf twice what we are asking. STREETS GRADED; SIDEWALKS LAID. . . Ball Ran water piped to every lot. ' ' Lots can still be bought a low at $200 a piece ear very easy Jnat,fcwlot,ltla Vernon Heights Moore realty eo. i Frank Harbke, agent on the Alberta streets; telephone itast w; office always open. IliiiKlTRAVESiili:!!!: NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY On NORTH COAST LIMITED Xlf D look roa THE IT STANDS FOR THE BEST J WUXiiMAIf STANDARD SLEEPERS. 'blsxJtbic Lights. DUTOfa CAB NIOHT AND DAY. -ELECTKIO LIGHTS. ELEGANT DAT COACHES. . . ELECTRIC LIGHTS. , ; ALL COMFORTS FOR TRAVELERS r ARE FOUND ON ANY Cr OUR - I " THREE TRAINS DAILY Call en or write A. D. CHARLTON, A. O. P. A, corner. Third and Morrison i Streets, Portland, Oregon. ' J:: 810,032.52 ';V 532,51 30,471.82 0,004.25 020,483.08 if. 81,484,385,08 J 250.000,00 1,231,783.80 ' 81,484,385.08 ,1-.::',: ;S . influence he falls (ently to rest; him In the soft dusk of the Smn- Glay fi Co9 OP QUAXITT.' 15th ON WHICHLOTS IN '. ground; office Twenty-first ar the TRACE MARX :: PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEraRS) ' ELECTRIC LIGHTS. . . . OBSERVATION CAR. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND "ANaV' BARBER SHOP, BATH. LIBRARY AND BUFFET. ' SMOKING ROOM,-"! and' bear our new ree- 1 L ZA im . a.nui." anf if i.;'u v. if