The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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EVENING, MAY 2, 1507.
. 1.
Favorite Horse VVil
Not Be Able to Perform '
Any; More.
- Latest Information of All Kinds of
1 ; Sport la ., Great , Britain Oxford
f ! wad Cambridge Athletes May Meet
j Tale' and nairard.;-
t '-v.,-';' Br Richard' Dahlgren." -
London. May J. The reputed' break
i lug dowa ol Malntenoa "Vv". K.. Vender
- bllt'e aret racehorse, undoubtedly the
, Mil horse en the French turf iaat sea
, eon, it not to beat In Europe, baa
cauaed sincere , regret among English
turfmea as well aa thoaa en the other
Bids of the channel . Malntenon , bad
'. been entered for the Ascot cold cup and
:a race between Mr. Vanderbllt's great
horse and , Spearmint, winner of last
year's. Derby, had bean looked forward
, te as one of the features of the season.
Already Malntenoa bad been eat end
t ehowed he hadVlnUred well by winning
good race and'runnlnr a rood seo-
ona u another, and .there wae every
reason to believe that ha would main-
tain hIeeuperlorlty;TheB. came bis
decisive defeat, at Lonechamoa Sunday.
, which surprised all race' followers, who
- regarded aim as a certainty for the race.
Now Comes the explanation that the
treat horse has strained a tendon, and
It le feared win aster again t face the
. . starters. . There Is a bare possibility
tnat the horse tnay be brought around,
. but It Is not at all probable . Experts
value Malntenon at not less than $200.
0ft for stud purposes, as be Is said to
be the best bred horse In France- einee
the days of Gladlateur. . .
. ... , t.
- An Interesting piece of goaalp eomes
in connection with the approaching wed
ding of Edna May and Oscar Lewlsoha.
It is to the effect that as soon as the
young couple return from their wed'
ding trtp Mr. Lewlsohn wfll go tn ex
tenalvely for racing. I understand he
., already : has taken a place near - New
Market and baa made plane for' a big
. racing; Stable" Like his New York rela-r--
tlvee, Oscar-Lewisohsr always has been
a keen racing man, but has never fig
ured to eny extant as a racing owner.
".'!;'' ?.'''?''. ')
As I have remarked previously th
' fates seem to be working for the Amer
w lcan tennis champions this year. The
announcement that H. L. Doherty baa
decided that he will not defend the title
Is the latest piece of luck for the Araer-
- leana It is taken to mean that they
' .have more than an even ehanee te take
i back the Pwlght Davis trophy. It Is
, becoming, more and more evident, .how-
ever, that the Australian team will have
to be reckoned with before the. bam
plonship Is. settled. ."Wilding is playing
a wonderful game these daya His re
cent ea ay defeat of Carlda makee htm
champion,- with H. . I- Doherty but
BrookS also Is showing exceptional
irvnswu mi, pur. 41 b hu. (uivu.iiui
..therefore, that the real test will be be
... tweea the American ahd : the Austra
' liana : la speaking of his' retirement.
, U U Doherty said recently: ..; ' ,
V "I. don't Hie , squabbling an. ' When
some members of the association ' and
the All England . club got at logger-
. heads. I felt so disgusted about It that
I decided to withdraw from the game.
. I was persuaded to play, but einee then
several things have . happened . ' which
' j caused jne to. lose most of my Interest
v in jawn tennis. -
' . .... - m m m ......
' ing Instead, and I will not defend my tl
. tie or play in any championship tourna
ment," . -
;',. , ';J,v::; ' .. e e - , ...-' ?... w
The British women's- championship
will be at Newcastle, Ireland, beginning
May - a. ana me ADna smuinuo,
f Mtse Harriet-Curtis,l will be a starter.
1' u,r iixiir Mlm Margaret, twloe run
ner-up In this country for the national
V title, le also to enter.
I Altogether. 110 entries have been re
J celved. For the first round Miss H.
f Curtis has been drawn agalnat Mrs, Rob
:, ineoa of Hunstanton and Miss M. Curtis
f will oddom Mlaa Rohertsoa of Troon.
i Neither Miss Robertson nor Mrs. Rob
; inuui Mi hwn nmmlunt In M. oham-
"'plonshlp competition, and 1t Is coneid
Q ered not at all unlikely that one or both
f of the sisters Curtis will at least get
r Into the concluding rounas.
. e e - , - J
i. While It has not yet been definitely
decided that the star athletes of Oxford
? and Cambridge end those of Harvard
and Tale are to meet la an International
match thJg year, the chancee are that
I' srrangementa for the meet wllf be
made. If It is a rather Interesting quest
Columbia Univerelty Nine Meets
Defeat; at Hands offPort-
land Academicians. -
Portland aeademy defeated Columbia
university yesterday afternoon by the
score of dt te 4.. The . contest wae
Jammed with errors, 20 in all being
made. Locke was -touched up for . le
hits, while Btone held the Columbians
down to I, s Here Is the soore:
-.' !-: COLUMBIA.
Ennls. e. l 7 e
a , in
Cam pi
s, e. .'.
pball. 2
Barry, - as.
Welsgerber, cf.
O'Brien. If. .........
Davia, lb. i
Locke, p. . 4
9 I
0 1
Totals . .'.......... 4 B 17 It tl
. -v- AB.B.H.PO. A.B-
add, c, ............ i ? ? !
lckols. rf." i 1 I I
R obi son, 2b. ? .
;'gham, Jb.-rr. e 1 -, y
lb. , a i
Hurlburt.. lb.. ........' f t J
Inn.i ........ 0 S 1 I
H. Cook Ingham. c. , . 4 1.1 .
Olaaa, If. ........... 4 lt 4,1 ,
8tone, p. ...4 0 1 .
atone, p.
. ...;.:.:..t 10 10 it
Columbia 1 ! J 1 f 5
HUM X sj A 1 D V V
Portland Acad. .. 1 I I 1 110
Hjirn . ......... w e s v s a a mxv
.W ,:ZJ.'!-: 8UMMART.
Struck ont Bv Locke. : by Stone, T.
Bases' on balls Oil Locke, 4; off Stone.
Tnraa-nima mtHuriDurc. 'iwo-nai
hit L.. Cooklngham. ; Double playa
Roblaon to Hurlburt: Jocae to jjock-
atAT. . Hit tv oitcnea diui -trjriea.
H. CookJngnam, ,OUaa Umpire Ran
kin. . a. '
JL Hard ebt te Pay. . ""-t
t . "I eera debt of gratitude that can
' never be paid oft." writes Q. B. Clark of
, Weatfleld. Iowa, 'tor my rescue from
death, by Dr. King's New Discovery.
. Both lungi were eo seriously afteoted
' that death seemed Imminent, when I
s commenced taking New Discovery. The
ominous dry, hacking cough quit be
fore the flrat bottle was used, and two
. more bottles made a complete cure."
Nothing has ever equaled New Dlscov
ery for coughs, olds and all throat and
lung complaints.- Guaranteed by Red
' Croas mannacy.,
bottle free.
tlon arises as to the statue of the
American Rhodes scholars who did so
much, to win the championship for Ox
ford this year. Will they play on the
English team agalnat their countrymen
or will their patriotism be so strong as
to keep them off the team altogether t
r"Tr:'rTrreT.s-;:e;;- -77,
The , American boatg which go to Kell
to race for the kalaer cup may nave
royal competltore to beat. The German
erowa -prince le having a boat built for
the racea and Prince Henry of Pruesla,
the kalsera brother also will have a
boat in the trlala Prince Henry, If his
boat Is one of thoee choaen te meet the
Americana, may race her in person.
.!;. , e .e e . :. i;" ; v
An American polo team wilt Compete
for the international cup in France next
month. While the personnel of the
team has not been definitely decided,
it will be selected from among these
gentlemen, all of whom, are expert et
the game and ere available. Craig
Wadaworth, R. Llvtngatone Beeckman.
Jay Gould. W, H. Carter, W. B. Carter,
Isaao Bell, Mr. Tree and Lydlg Hoyt
London, Birmingham, " Leeds, Man
chester, Liverpool and other big cities
are much Interested In the athletic de
velopmente of the New York eohoolboye.
The leagues will be formed on aimiiar
lines to that of the public school ath
letlo league of America. It 1 intended
to make lnter-citv contests a feature
of the Jearuee and Include all the lead-
lng branches 01 sport in the compettuon.
At the last lnter-clty football game
played between the schoolboy assocla
'tlon teams of London and Glasgow over
10,900 spectators witnessed the game.
. i
7 The negotiations for an , agreement
between the federated rowing societies
of France and the Amateur Rowing a
soclatlonvof England have been termi
nated and no arrangement upon eligi
bility will be eatablishM betwaen the
two eountrlea ' The proscription bsalnst
artisans which- forms a conspicuous
part of the English creed found no
f vor In France and the French fed
era tlon rejected It . ' (
Former Aubergine ClyesMc
"' Credles Claiits a Coat of
Seals Take the Champions Into Camp
and BMIw No Mercy flan Fran
cisco ' Team' Flared Star, Sngage
tnent Official Score) of Contest.
Probabilities Are ? That Athietlo
- r Council Will Select a New
Instructor 6t 'yareity.
(Jesraal gpeelal lervlM.)
&aa Franelsce, May f. The Portland
ball team wae given, a severe drubbing
yesterday by the Seals, suffering an I
to shutout Quick, of Paclflo North
west fame, was In the box for the lo
cale, and be held the visitors helpless
throughout Callff was on the firing
line for Portland and wae found for
safe bite la every inning. The work of
the visitors was stupid throughout Mo-
Credie found fault with Perrlne's de
cisions and kicked through the entire
game, although there was no reason for
the objection. . Here . is the official
scorei . - . ' ." -. .. '
AR R. H-'PO. A. E
Shlnn, sa 4 0
Lovett cf. t
Casey, lb. .......... I 0
McCredle, r& 4 0
Dunleavy, It ........ e
Donahue, o, ......... 4 ' 0
CrolL lb. ..... ..i. 0
Carson, lb. .....1-0
Callff, p. , a
, Totals II 0 I It II I
' ' .SAN FRANCISCO. . - s
pencer, of. ......... I 0 0
Morlarfty, lb. ....... 11 I, 010
Mlldebrand, It ...... 11 110 0
Wheeler, sa j 0 I 0 1 0
Williams, lb. ....... r 4-1-1 II -0-0
Murphy, rf. I 0 110 0
Street, a. 4.1 1 1 1 1
Quick, p. 4 1 1 1 10
Totals ? II J? W I
Portland . .......0 000000000
Hit .....1 OI1IU1 I
San Francisco ... I 1 1 I I 0 0 0 I
tut rr . . 1I J a I J I J T-H
V.::.-'1 SUMMART, :
Three-base bit William a ' Two-base
hits Wheeler, Dunleavy. Baorlfloe hits
8 pencer. Fn-st baae on called balls
Off Callff, 4t off Quick. 4. Struck out
By Callff, I. Hit by pitcher Mohlsr,
Spencer. Double play Mortality to
Mohler to Wllllama. Wild pitch Ca
llff. Time of game One hour and s 41
minutea Umpire Perrlne. v
Chicago .
, ' . .. Won.
............. 0
Detroit . . ............. I
New, York . I
Cleveland .... T
Boaton . . ............. 0
Waahlngtoa ......... . 4
Waahingtoa ......... . 4
8t Louis . ....... 4.
In a loosely-played oontest the Al
blna Vlotora gave the North Central
baseball aggregation a. good drubbing.
defeating them by the soore of II to t.
The feature of the game was the pitch
ing of Ferguson who was a putsle to
the North Central boys. The lineup:
Albtna Victors. North Central.
Ferguson ... . . . . . . .p. , . Ryaa-Umphrey
Sheen v. . . . .. . . . V. .c. ........... : Roth
Duncan .'.(......'.ss...... . . ". . . Mundell
Nutbrown ......7.1b.,.. Vmphrey-Ryan
Hiacon r. . . . . . . . , .lb. . ..... . .. Calavan
Colvia-lf ueller ... tb ........... .. Brigs
Mueller-Colrin .,,.lf...... ... . .. Duvls
Manning . . , ..... cf Taucher
Kerns.Hogan .....rf Gardner
The-Beavers were defeated by the
Twenty-eighth street nine -yesterday
afternoon at Twenty-second and Sandy
road by the score of it to 11. The line-
Beavera Twenty-Eighth Streeta
Shore ... .. .. . . . .0. ........ , . : Holdom
Fields . . ... .... w'.-p.. .. . . .. - Kellog
Chapman i ...... . . . , Stoops
Glbbe .1.. ....... .2b. ......... Areguly
Bell Ford
Doveny .. ........ as...;.... .. TWamer
Kline If.;. Touser
sua ana ii.uu. . xriati junior ...........n. .........
: I Star.. cf.w
11 '
: (Special Diapetek Tbe loaraatt
;! TJniverslty of Oregon. Eugene, May S.
It hee not : been determined .- yet
Whether Physical Director Besdek will
coach 'next years football team ;,.ot
Whether others arrangementa , will " be
made - A committee by the 4 athletic
council has been appointed to look after
that, but so far no decision has been
taken or made ' public: r Hugo Besdek
put out last fall probably the beat team
that ever , represented the university.
Of course all. was not due to him. for
the material wae extraordinary; but to
say the least a great deal was due to
his experience. Next year, wherever be
coaches, whether here . or any ether
plaoe. he f will be a much better man.
for besides added skill In matter con
cerning football be will understand Im
parting his knowledge and handling
his men far mors successfully.
For this reason there may be some
doubt about Besdek consenting .to r
main here nnless the council should
grant whatever he desires. , Besdek
said he would like to stay with Oregon
for hr tikes the men. '. The western man
Is different from the eastern man and
he appears to . have enjoyed his first
year's work.'"; "; .; -:
Besides coaching football Besdek baa
shown himself to be a good basketball
and baseball coach and has put out good
teams, considering' the '' matertaL The
athietlo council Is being watched with
Interest to see what it shall do, for the
choosing of the coach Is of, the great
est Interest to the supporters of the
university, :;'? " " '
Ttta baseball teem of the "Multnomah
club will play here Saturday, Hatha
way." the rarsity third baseman. Is 111
at hi home tn Portland with poison
oak; and will be out of the game. Just
hew the men will be shifted hap not
been announced. V;
At Boston.'
K. TtE.
Boston'. . .....,...........-. 4 II 1
New York .1 10 I
Batteries Prultt and Shaw. Brockett
ana jueinow.
Cleveland .
St Louis .
. Batteries
sen and Buslow,
At COevelaad.
R. H.E.
............. .....I 0 0
0 4 0
joss and Clark; Jacob-
Al Setrott. :
14 Innings ' . - : . . TL H.TL
Detroit ................... .....1 15
Chicago . . I 7 1
Batteries Mullln, Schmidt and Payne:
White, Walsh and Sullivan.
" Won.
New fork . ... ,.,12
Pittsburg . . ....... ... S
Philadelphia . , S. I
Boston . . (
Cincinnati 4
8t Louis I
Brooklyn . . ........ 1
s -I
6 ;
11 .
.A4....ssa1 gpeelal Servlea.-
New, Tors, May 1. Jamaica race, re
sults: 'l'----' ..; ;:
Six furlongs Robin Hood won, Chief
Hayes second Slickaway. third; time,
l:14.- V.'.,,v,, ,,,:. -:;. ., (;;V , ' I
Five furlongs Sussex won, Helen B. .
second, Sempro third; tlma 1:011-1.
One mile and one sixteenth Jaoquln
winMazner second. Robador third;
time, 1:44. .. - ,
Five furlongs, the Greenfield stakes
Woodlane won, The Dane second, Trans
vaal third; time. 1:01 4-6.
One mile and one sixteenth Mara
thon won, Lord Stanhope second. Coble
skill third; time, 1:41. '
One mile and one sixteenth Tommy
Waddell won, Athlets second. Ooodluck
third; time, 1:46 4-1.
Five furlongs Toothful won, Senator
Beckham second, Enlist third; time,
1:01 l-l. r-':VV
S.:':r At Oakland. v '7l I
' 8an Franelaoo, May I. -Oakland race
results:: . ,w" -. -' v;-
Five furlongs Lemfeet won, Smithy
Kane second. Andrew R. Cook third;
time,. 1:08 M.-'-; jj'v. !'-s '' -i'":l'.,::"!:":.-'
Five furlongs Aaron J. won, Billy
Mayhem second, .Burning Bush, third;
time, 1:07 s-w -y
Five furlongsTurneway won, Ra
leigh second. Walter .Miller third; time.
1:07. 1-6. - " ; .:
One mile Loglet ilia won, Lisaro eeo-
end. Princess Tltanla third; time,
One mileTan) won, Dolinda second.
Nothing third: Ume, 1:41.
Five - and' one half furlongs Entre
Nous won; San Farcl seoond. St Fran
cis third; time, 1:01-6.
'5 -V l.M . -i w ., TIIA.u. ".e ... ' i J MM
- A f Ar;-(',r''v.- i ..'..The MenV-the. Westt;:r'-ii (it
l y 1.
In 1906 they smoked 100,000,000
- Advertisinc didn't do it." ' ;
. .Selling schemes didn't do it,"
" r Tkt Impetialts themselves did it. .
v Their rich tobacco, conscientiously selected
and judiciously blended is . the . f oupdatjon ;of
- their universal popularity. ' ; v , ...
' The thin roais paper-ria" not pasted
lets Imperiales smoke smoothly, deudously,
right to the mouthpiece. ; ,
Imperiales never leave the slightest trace of
fter effect," even when smoked incessantly. '
" 10 for 10 cents : ,v' A
', Sold Evergwhen ,
. Maaviactorere r .? - ; . Va Fraaclee
M.M.....M II III .. .mi
" A Mttabarr.
R. Hi El
nttsnurg . . ..... ............ s 10
8t Louis ...0 5
Batteries Letfleld and Phelps; Mo
Glynn and Newman. Umpires -John
stone ana iwpemer. ,
AtSTewTork. -
R. H. Bl
Boston . . ......4 fi 1
New Tork . f 11 I
Batteries Porner end Brown; Mo-
Olnntty and Bresnahan. ,
Northwestern league
At Seattle.
. , R. M. TL
Seattle. 0 0 0 0 t 1 0 0 It 7 4
Spokane ooooooooo I 8 4
Batteries Allen and Stanley; -Os
borne end Altman. umpire MuUan.
Oakland . . 14
Los Angeles ........... 14
san Francisco ........ .11
Portland 6
.1 -
. I
a "s
"ft '
V. '
I' ?
J v ' . i $
1 v:
To Voting Worlungmen:
' : Have you ever noticed how solicitious many of the
candidates are just at -this time for the welfare of the
"man with the overalls ?" Do you believe them all? No?
Look up some of their records and see if they ever
shook hands with the "workingman" before they were
Tunning for office, and consider whether they would do'
it afterward. I could paint you a picture of the "square
deal'' that the roan with the overalls without money .or
influence often receives in the" council. 1 (A "square" is
a fourth part of a circle, on in four could not help you, ,
it would take a majority.) ' . '
On Saturday cast one vote for the workingman's con
stant friend, tried and true. '' '
31 X I FRED T. MERRILL, For Councilman at Large
At Lexington Track.
Lexington. Stay : f .-Kentucky Park
race results: .
Six - furlongs Fling won. Barnsdals
second. Autumn King- third; time,
1:16 4-6. , "... .
Four and one half furlongs John
Marrs won, Bkyo second. Black Mary
thirds time, 0:66 1-8. , vl
One mile Morti Bov won. The Abbot
second, Box-Ara third; time, 1:45 1-6.
Four and one half furlongs Bitty
Bowlegs won. Cheswardlne. second.
Bucket Brigade third; time, 0:51. " v
Six furlongs Ralbert won, Lafayette
second. FanUsUo third; Ume. 1:14. '
MUe and en -- eighth Oauxe won.
Request second, Belden third; time,
1:68. ,
(Bpeelal Dbpateh The Jaaraal.) '
Anaconda, Mont, May 1. Jlmmle Mo
Halo haa signed with the Stockton out
law. ' He Jumped the Portland team,
where he was held en the reserve list
because the Portland management would
not'give him the salary wanted. He
has been negotlaung with Cy Morland.
manager of the Stockton team for some
Ume, and they reached an agreement
today, when Morland wired transporta
tion to McHala Judge McCredle, owner
of. the Portland club, made the Ana
conda man an offer laat Sunday but It
was rejected, as : the salary was not
what was asked for by McHala
The Portland Hunt club rider will be
entertained Saturday afternoon at the
residence or juage ana Mra c H,
Carey on Riverside drive. The rldere
-will start at I o'clock from Johnson
and Twenty-second streets. -
i-.i. .,'."., ey : ..
Kenneth Fen ton of thle city, student
at Stanford university, has been award
ed the skuU and snakes trophy for the
best Datung average or the college sea
son. Fsnton struck .656.. '
In London yesterday Jay Oonld won
the International tennis championship
honors by defeaUng. PenneU. the 1104
champion, 6-L 6-1. i J . v :.
The Harvard ball nine defeated Am
herst yesterday at Cambridge 6 to 0. '
Weetern Association Busy.
(Jeers! Special 8rr1c.) --
Tokepa, Kan-. May 6. With the same
circuit as last yaar the Western as
aociatloa begins its baseball season to
day under conditions that promise wll
for success from all standpoints. The
schedule provides for the opening games
to be played as follows: Leavenworth
at Topeka. Springfield at Oklahoma
City, Hutchinson at Wichita, and Webb
City at JopUa.
r ew. Factorr Inspector.
Albany. Of .iT May 1. State -; rhr
Commiaaloner Hoff ha . appointed w.
Iroioy'o Honoy
and Tap
There is no case on record of a
cold resulting in Pneumonia, or
other Serious lung trouble, after
Foley's 1102167. and Tar bsd
been taken. -'"j u
It will cure the most obstinate
racking - cough, and heals and
strengthens the lunes.
Foley's Honey and Tarhu
cured many cases of incipient
Consumption and even in the last
stages will always give comtort
and relief.
Foley's Honey and Tar elres
Quick relief to Athma sufferers.
e. it jr 1. 1 a.tL
as ic relieves lac cuxacuxc oreain
(use emi vuvv4 . j -
Remember the name Foley
Honey I and Taraod refuse
substitutes that cost you the
same as the genuine. Do not take
chances with some unknown
preparation. 1
, Contains no' opiates.
Cund of Terrlllj Ccujh ca Lcjts
N. Jackson of Da&vflle, UL. writse:
"Mr daughter had a. severe attack ol
La Grippe and a terrible cough en her
lungs, vye tried a great many remedies
without relief. She tritfd Foley's Honey
ana Tar,wmcn curtaner. bat has nerof
been troubledL with a cough aiac.w '
CcnsHSKptlsa Csnl v
Foley ft Co.. Chicaeo. Dana. lad.
, Gentlemen: Foley's Honey and Tar
cured ma 01 consumption after load
suffered two Tears and was almost des
perate. Three physicians failed to rive
me ant relief and the last one said ha
could do me no good. I tried almost
every medicine 1 beard ten of without
benefit; until Foley's Honey and Tar
was recommended to me. Its effect
right from the start was magical. 1
Improved steadily from the first doss
ana am now sound and well, and think
Foley's Honey and Tar is a God-send
to people with Throat and Long Trou
mo. ours very trtuy,
Three sizes 25c COc. Sl.OOl -
The 50 cent size contains two
and one-half times as much as the
small size and the Sl.00 bottle al
most six times as much.
axx. xmvaOxsTB, .
: sry . '5vi .-i v.- f ':., -a -,,'y-
Alteration Prices on Men's Hats ' ,
Is Creating an Lxcitement ;
That Is Daily Taxing that Department's Capacity
Worth Up to $3.50
Go at . . . . .
The Latest BIoclw
Stiff or Soft Shapes an the
Leading Colors
Cm the
The Chicago Clothing Co.
69-71 1.KRD STREET
Over the
are: employed in producing
That's why it's so good, so popular ;
and the biggest seller.
per loaf
,VV -
At all
B. Chaaca of thla ctt' deputy inspector I
si laccories in accordance with a late
act ot tbe legislature. His territory will
laciuae-' Marlon ana Polk and eoutb,
tsktne la the counties or soutaern. Ore-
Would please the most Particular of men, If the worVmanetilp, mat"' I
and atyle were Juet rlrnt. If the men who ere seeking correct ,t
. Rural Carriers Named.
Washlnaton, v.T i.-Arthttr DaUey
was thle merntaa resorted reauler ear I
ner and C M. Dalley suasurste cmr-i
rler en rural free delivery rente No. S all
Murei, uregoa. .. '." .--'.' ' ,
Denaouon in worimwiiniD mna material win niv thir mm
Stiine maae or n vail onm ranr mrj via nave eolvo.t tn
shirt oueetlon to their complete satlataction.
gee ' ana raiaaras v paiierna at me
See those handsom "Tor).
no TOtT ZOTM '
your baby? You wonder why he cries. I
but a botu nf White cream verm l-l
fugs and he will never cry. Moot babies
ha v . sormi the mothers don't
know it. White s Cream vermifuge rids
me child of worms sad Clean a out Its
system in a pleasant way.. Every moth
er ahouUl keep a bottle of this medi
cine to the house. With It. feer need
never enter her miad. Price tic feoljj
rhome Kei J07. ., s9X tu,-. ru, r.t, t
the V.'n
aual t
i have
r b -
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3 rf t
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BT. OAI druggist , ... ,:,.