THE ".OREGON DAILY JQURNAt,, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 2, 1CC7. Willi. Mi L J L. II lilln WlW-Wj WWW Aft CDIVS STILL euocii of coses SOU AT LARGE , ? , S I' , 14 f , I 13 WSii 15 cepiis wis 41 Improvement Association Com mends Councilman's Efforts to Get Sullivan Bridge. : A' treat deal of uneasiness - has x-1 luted among the member of the East Twentv-elabth-Street Improvement as sociation arising- out of the disapproval Vy the mayor of , the ordinance provid ing-' for., the, construction .-Of rein forced concrete bridge, across Sullivan's milch on East ; Twenty-eighth street. The club ha Jbeen Instrumental In pro moting this needed Improvement ana vas much chagrined when the announce ment cam that the mayor had rerusea to nien toe-ordinance. Councilmans Frank Bennett, however, fissured the association last night that a new ordinance was being prepared to met the wishes of the mayor and that little delay , would ensue. ,The mayor thought that the provision of the or-1 ' finance were extravagant i and .asked thnt some of. the expenditures be ear- tailed. - ' ' In order to show lta appreciation of the efforts of its councilman in secur ing the passage of the former ordinance commendatory resolutions were passed ny the association. , Frank Motter was for the third time elected president Of the association last rijrbt to serve for the ensuing year. Other officers were elected as follows; V!re presfdent, W. B. Ball; secretary, TV. I Gardner; assistant secretary, Jo seph; 8. Hutchinson; treasurer, F. W. Arise,-' - - i ( Festive Bovines Make Faces at Residents of Lents Notwith standing Posted Notices. GEORC-i. BAKER. PIONEER DIES AT - MILVVAUKIE' HOME William Settlemler, a pioneer of 1149,1 died yesterday at his home In Mllwau- kie of apoplexy at the age of 78 years, i Death came unexpectedly, although Mr. Settlemler , had been 111 ' for ' the past la asking the voters , of .the Fourth ward to elect him to the oouncll to suc ceed himself, George X Baker , feels that he, Is Justified In saying something about what he stands for ma a repre sentative of the people in the city's law making .body. In the first place, his Republicanism has never been question ed. He has always been loyal to his party and will continue to be. He has month. He .was long a resident of Ar lington before coming to Mllwaukle. He! always been f, progressive eitiien, fa- P. Gould, Portsmouth; Mrs. Qalbralth, Canyon City; Mrs. Alice Atdrey, Sell- wood; Hattle, Fay and Bert Settlemeler, Miiwauwe. - ' ' yancing the city's Interests. Daring The problem that has arisen In Lents regarding the enforcement of tin stock law Is as far from rotation as ever. De spite the fact that noticeswere Issued to the effect that on and after May 1 the law would ' be rigorously enforced and a poundmaster appointed to enforce the law, there are a many cows on the streets of Lents as ever, . And some ay that they have counted a few more. ' A. IX! Shepherd was reoommended for the appointment ss poundmaster by the Lenta Push club, but after thoroughly investigating; the law, Mr. Shepherd an nounced that he could not take 'the po- ltion because he found that he would have to assume the entire responsibility In the event that he-took up any cows. As a result an entirely new procedure must be adopted. It seems to be sim ple and yet effective. The law provides that the owner of etock running at large' may be notified three times by any one through .. the Justloe of : the peace or constable, or other proper au thority, and if he then does not take the stock off the street - he ' mar be prosecuted by anyone properly filing the complaint No officer is needed. , It is the intention to try this proce dure and make a test case of the law, for the people are anxious to prove the law effective. It is asserted by resi dents of Woodstock that they have had no trouble in enforcing the law, which Is the same one that was enacted at Lenta. But the residents of Lents say that It has not been enforced . outside of the city limits. ' - , . , the term . to which he -expects to be elected he will devote , especial atten tion to street and sidewalk repairs In out the entire city. ' He will favor gen UIP fll fl PllltlO DIIT IMCO :.,Wii?v IMo BUI UUlU town business section or In the residence districts, ' the pavement of as many streets as possible in the shortest pos sible time, the general development of the city to all lines to the end that Portland may become the metropolis of the Paclflo coast'-.'"- THE SHOP ON THE CORNER ' . With Prices on. the Square AT FIRST AND ALDER ON TllE CORNER V.' 12 pounds Soup Bone 5 pounds v Short Ribs 8 pounds Beef Stew 8 pounds Boil 6 pounds , , Brisket 6 pounds Flank Beef 6 pounds Corned Beef 3 pounds . Round Steak 3 pounds ; Hamburger 3 pounds '; - Bologna 4 pounds Choice Roast , 6 pounds 5 PJateBeef 4 pounds Pot Roast NOT KHOW THEIR VALUE , , QUIT WORK SO THEY , CAN VOTE SATURDAY ! The Teameters" union has declared half holiday Saturday In order to give ;' the i members an opportunity to go to ; the polls to vote at the primary eleo ; tion. The teamsters' will quit work . promptly at noon; which practically . .ineana the .closing of all business and i freight houses In the city Saturday af U prnnon. IRS. SELLING AfiAKI r - 6IVEH PRESIDENCY Council of Jewish Women Unan imously Reelect Her to. the Position. T COFFEY FLIIiGS SMALL PEBBLE TOWARD BEACH Among. Others Q. 3. Thomas! ! Has Three-Cent Piece Which, Lacks a Date. 5 pounds r Mutton Stew" 4 pounds ; Beef Steak 3 pounds . ; , . s Liver Sausage 2V2 pounds Pork Chopsr r 2V2 pounds Lamb Chops ;These meats are fresh killed, government Inspected and protected from dirt and grime of the street by double glass, and you can rest assured that you are get ting the very best meat in the north-. - a 7k7,r, west yrhen you buy your meat of 1 1 r. ri I VV LvLJ elfth if you suffer from rheumatism or oains. I Ben I bring I dency for a year, was unanimously re- Electlon of officers was held yester day afterndon by the Council of Jewish women at the annual meeting. Mrs. Selling, who has held the preal for Ballard's Snow Liniment will quick relief, it la a sure cure for I elected to' that oositlon. and the -same strains, rheumatism, contracted muscles I &P.4 paln-and within th reach of 0f th vlee-tvMnlfiint- MIm Riia Htrsirh C R. 'Smith. 1 um. m-j-Ai. t if . Eallard's Snow Liniment in my family wlr,cn- -lM eorreaponding aecretary, for years and have found It a fine rem-lMr8' Morris Goodman and the treasurer, edy for all pains and aohea , 1 recom mend it for pains In the cheat" Bold by all druggists. . . . , , . . Columbia t V. , 1 Tailoring Is RLAL , Tailoring It's the' lasting goodness o! Columbia ' suits that makes every patron a permanent cus tomer ot . this , tailor shop. Permanent customers, each one doing his willing part in add ine to the' prestige , we enjoy. and a rapidly, increasing trade. already larger by several times than done, by any other similar institution , in - the west - make this business the most success ful tailoring enterprise ever es tablished on the JPacine coast. Success is never achieved with out merit and merit alone is responsible for Columbia sue- cess6-- ' i!'sv ' k' " I' Colcunbia noeess Is nr"innri anoe of satisfaction. Onr promise to itional . gnarantM - that . erttloal pref ereaoe shall be saUsfled. And Columbia Tailorinz Saves You MONEY ' -r " , ' SuitsV ?'20 toV40 ' Trousers, $4 to $10 ls' BaUdisg Btrenth and gtwrz Mrs. Guitar Simon. Mrs. Leon Hlrsch, Mrs. Julius Lippltt and Mrs. Fred Seller were elected members of the board of directors. Beports were heard from all the standing committees which have in charge the settlement work of the Neighborhood House, a work which has far outgrown the hopes of its most can gulne founders. - The work has been in corporated under the laws of the state and is carrying on a broad and non-sec tarian charity though supported entirely by Jewish citizens. , ' Mrs. Selling- In her' report touched upon the immigration question which this year hat so largely concerned the national -council and all the sectional chapters of - the council. The threat ened exclusion of 'Russian and Rou manian Jews by the exclusion bill be fore congress aroused the B'nal B'rlth and their efforts -were .upheld by the , . , The Portland council has sent an ex hiblt of industrial work of the classes of children taught at the Neighborhood House to Jamestown as a part, of the national council s exhibition. The pure food movement was indorsed and (20 was contributed toward the fund which is being raised by the state federation as a scholarship fund for de serving young women. Miss Amy Seller of San Francisco. who has recently returned from Europe, where she has been studvino- mutrfn tertalned the council with two brilliant soios. John Vogeo Of 409 East Twelfth street is the possessor of some rare coins. The oldest is a Canadian penny from ..the Bank . of -Quebec minted , In Mayoralty Candidate Sings Gas piece. hair-cent of u. & a. .mintage or aoi is a copper coin resemDimg flye dollar piece with the same figure head. A rello which he prises is a piece of federal money of the kind that Iwaa In circulation during the war. It Is - of brass and about the else of penny, marked on one aide "Army and Nary," and on the other "The Federal Union: It must and shall be preserved. There is no mark ot Its value. ' : ART EXHIBIT REMAINS Song for Senator's Benefit at Republican Club. , Practically every offieeseeker. In the Republican ranks 'was present at the meeting of the South Portland .Repub lican club last night when It held its final rally before the primaries in Ar tisans' hall. Front and Olbbs street OPEII UNTIL MAY 18 Many Rare Articles From World Wide Points Are Being Shown. i m mm amw Alt.... I gcuncuilir WM I1DU 10V XeaSl. ft,..!...! a Th. T,rn1 mitrinm The art' nd ewcfu txhiblt opened v ' ' Ancient Modes , , ! Have no place in these up-to-date times, xne particular man realises., this an Is aa fastidious about his dress as about his dinner or his cigar. That Is why the particular man wears Schaefer's korrect Klothes. Schaefer's smart gar ments stand 'the closest inspection of tne most raatiaioua There's style in every thread, every button, everywhere. Don't be a relic. It costs no more to be stylish it you seleet Schaefer's korfect jclotb - ' "J.C SCHAEFER ft CO., . Rooms 10 and 11, Raleigh building, 823 H Washington street. , SON OF GENERAL SHERMAN WILL SPEAK IN PORTLAND Rev, Thomas E. Sherman, son of General Sherman, arrived. In Portland today and will deliver a aeries of lec tures on Sunday and Wednesday evon ings during the entire month of May, at St Mary's ; cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets. " ,. The general subject Is - "The Phil osophy. of Religion," and the subdi visions and dates are as follows: May 8, "The ' Soul's Bridegroora": May ' 8, "Man's Place in Nature"! May 1. "Who Is Christ?"; May 16, "The Rock of Faith"; May 19. "What - Abbut the BJblef"; May J 2. "Woman's Worth'.; May E. "Why I Am a Catholic": May 29, 'The Road to Rome"; June t, "The Di vine Banquet"; June 8, "A Real Rem dy for Evil." OREGON STRAWBERRY MAKES INITIAL BOW e ' Dillard again has the honor for shipping the first; Oregon strawberries to this market The season's first , arrivals were re- ported in oy Page A Son yester- 4) day afternoon, The . shipment '. consisted of one crate of the - regulation; Oregon else, boxes be- 4 ing full weight - The berries were fairly ripe and sold to a 4 -Fourth street market at 30c a ' pound. Regular shipments from w local points are expected to be- gin during the coming week.. campaign by saying nice things of one anuiner. John B.r Coffey, candidate for mayor, took a little fall out of Senator S. C Beach, who fathered . the resolution adopted by the Union Republican club on .. Monday night expressing disap proval of Coffey and Parsons because they would not pledge themselves to support the ticket nominated' by the Re publicans atJthe primaries. Mr. Coffey stated that prior to his election Senator Beach had pledged himself to repeal aU perpetual franchises and had - then voted against ; his pledge in the legis ""SI . . . jk ..-.n list of old coins that he owns and ?5J?"aa w.m " "u"r,"uw,L.i 1 wlshe to know their value to coin col- nJ??ieu" " '"W'tZ lectors. Among other coins he has a J?1" 9mt?J2t&Z Spanish dollar of.lM5. a number of th Arts and Craft, society at Copley United States copper coins dating as In B:tonVth "mLn,' JT hnmif far back as 1818. two Canadian pennies collection from many Portland homes, of lilt, a wlhrer dim of 188 and a including rare articles of handiwork In three-cent sliver piece without a ate. i jwwry,. r- ana omw cumin in.ui . ; V. .1. ..- Mfl.. 1,. '. tHM& ' Ifl MAIiii AAlAIIPn IIIPAV J ( .. u w : www 7 i;UMMIMU tn WCo Hshowlnc a few choice paintings by con- nnnnn 1 sairv nrriAr temporary American artujw, in oraer TIUUO LMIMU Urr IVC that all may see the exhibits the build ing will DC opened wiuoui cnarge ior e.t.m nr . fav t Oovernor Chim. aamisajon next Baturoay evening xroro . Mtrdir received the follow- o v a om . mwuwh Si a j.- S. Wl N Cli ESTER g if .Candidate for Republican Nomination for ', h IUNICIPAU JUDGE B . ,v. PUtfonn: ' - Kr' "' V, N A SQUARE DEAL, FEAR NONE. FAVOR NONE ' jj Not backed bv nv Political Machine H T ' " Nor b7 any Gambler' Trust m GOVERNMENT - ' Indorsed by the Municipal Association ilPffffflpiPWl, ial.MaaJ.ii I forTclean GO mure by rerusmg to lend aid to repeal , ?1 1 . IZ atVtl i T,i t to 8. The building Is open dally from his remarks by a lltUe couplet which .,1Tnmnn h.r .?. itl centa, except on Thursday and Saturday ran: Senator Beach' may rant as be will. But the smell of the Oas company will oung to him sun." Mr. Bevlln and Mr. Zimmerman also addressed the, meeting, and explained their attitudes on public questions. Be sides' these speakers, various' aspirants for council positions, city attorney, mu nicipal Judge and the rest repeated the remarks which have been made in every part of the city during the past few weeks,- t - .,- ... .-.-- , v having been summoned there as-a wit ness In the Benson-Hyde land fraud case: " "Have gone over uregon f lana matters with commissioner of the gen eral la nd off Ice and h ave prom lse , of immediate, action on lieu selections." It seema that mere has been an un usual delay in the issuing of patents I to Oregon applicants for lieu selections. centav except on Thursday and Saturday afternoons, when admission is free. i .1 i Metsger fits your eyes for 11. '343 Washington street, corner Seventh, formerly at 111 sixtastmt" rt Frefenred Stook Canned Ooodav Allen ft Lewis' Best Brand. NORTH END PROPERTY HAS PHENOMENAL RISE. Just as soon aa the council announced its Intention to build a new city Jail and. emergency hospital in the neigh' borhood of the park blocks In the north end prloes of quarter blocks In the vi cinity went up 1 18,000 in a single night This statement was mad to the council yesterday afternoon. It la not likely that the higher price will be paid to any of the property-owners, however, be cause the Jail and hospital should be centrally located.. On -this account the matter was referred back to the ways and means committee, with Instructions to advertise for bids for sites. Fred large. T. Merrill for councilmab-at- ' V LARGEST AD ON RECORD , ;f . i, ' , . . , The People's Warehouse; conducted by Leon Cohen at Pendleton, the largest-' department store lneatrn Oregon, can be credited with the insertion of the . largest advertisement ever placed by one establishment in a aauy paper tn Oregon. In the East Oregonlan of the , 80th ultimo, appeared an advertisement - occupying four full pages of space of ; this enterprising Pendleton store. The advertisement is so constructed as to say what it means and mean what it - says, affording every con riaence to too. .. reader that the Store will meet every promts mad therein, thus adding to the store's reputation for fair dealing. Such advertising pays, the fruits there of increasing as the confidence in the advortlser spreads. ' ST. JOHNS MISSES SERIOUS FIRE parly Morning Pedestrians Dis cover Pile of Shavings Blazing in Cochran Block. :- T A serious conflagration was ' narrow' ly averted at St. Johns early yesterday morning when a pile of shavings and ex celsior was discovered on fire in the Cochran block, which is being remodeled. The nlane !a anttralv mn j n I bought that some person hostile to the establishment of another saloon In St. Johns endeavored to set fire to the building. But the fire was discovered near the street, a very unlikely place for the operations of a firebug and an exceedingly likely place for an : acci dental blaze that might have been started by some one carelessly tossing a match into the tinder-llke heap of shavings. , . The building Is central! Incut. anA had It not been for the chance passing of late revellers there would have been nig lire. ' The blaze was Aiinnvr,A about 2 o'clock yesterday morning, George B. Baldwin. United States eon. stil at Nuremberg, who died recently in New York, was one of the moat (ntim.. friends of President McKlnlnv ! nominated McKInley for his first public "". "J- proiiecuting attorney. ,. S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER ree from grit and aci.d. Pre vents accumulation of tartarl Will not injure the enamel of Grand Souvenir Opening rRIDAY LVL, 8:00 until 10:00 o'clock : a t . 1ANM OM3 New Last Side Department Store 388-390 1L. MORRISON ST., Near Qrarid Three Blocks Last of Morrison Bridge- . : '1t';. i 0 ' ' ' rJxl '"! r (,r A Cordial Invitation is Extended to One and All : EVtRLST'S ORCHESTRA: Will be in attendance A Free Distribution of Opening Mementos v , Valuable Souvenirs for Lveryone An Unlimited Qgantity Dainty Gifts ' Worth Coming Tor f; SometKing You Will Treasure for Years "V : ':v: :;: r ; , -; - 1 ' No Goods will Be'on Sale : !-; -7v , 1 " -f V ; f ' But, An Old Time House Warming is Anticipatpd ; ' ' COME AND GLT ACQUAINTLD v " " : ' " he teeth. Ask your dentist ff