The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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noiCATion is
Friend of Nelson and Danlelson
' Entertain Them at Swedish
' 1 . il - Ml -L.
ar: f ! ejwsBsjBBnenBWBBajBSBwaewsBs e 4 .
:..' i- "'.'. . . -, '. - ... J'
Entertainment Last Night Ua& Been
Arranged Wntte Men Were Wait
- lng Commitment to , Penitentiary
for iijndgren'i Murder. ,
). ? ... . .-ih.' ';v-l: Wi;
V' Ed Nelson and C. A. Danlelson were
present last eventne at a benefit en
tertalnment arranged in - their behalf
while they were locked up In the coun
ty Jell awaiting commitment to the
state penitentiary on the charge of hav
ing murdered Oaoar Llndgren. Subse
quent event showed that ther were In'
nooent of the crime - and yesterday
morning the men were released from
oustody . and complete y - exonerated
They were neatly - attired and looked
happy becauee It was their first, day
of freedom sines arrested three months
Tpe entertainment was given . In the
edlsh , Lutheran church. Eighteenth
and Irving streets, and the edifloe was
crowded with people. : many , or wnom
. Irons the very first were confident of
the young men's Innocence. John An
derson, who. was largely influential in
securing a new trial, presided. He v.
John Ovall, who has also taken -a deep
Interest In the matter, reviewed the re
markable case and In conclusion thanked
the press and the general publlo. for
the kind aaslstanoe rendered In right
ing a terrible wrong. ' : v -1'
Program and Statement Maud.
Mr. Anderson explained that Prosecu
tor Moser had looked thoroughly Into
the case and while he thought the- cir
cumstances pointed to the men's guilt
at ths first trial, svldenoe secured later
convinced him fully that Danlelson and
Nelson had nothing whatever to do with
the killing of Oscar Lindgren. -
Among others on the program were
Miss Hilda Carlson, Miss Ida Benson.
Miss Christina .plsson, a male quartet
and the flinging Society Columbia. Rev.
B. J. Thoren spoke of May day and
Its algnlflfance. : ': '"-t 1 v .-, "v
At the conclusion ef ths entertain
ment the following statement from Dan
lelson and Kelson was read by Mr.
AndertW-f. '.n v -v ? ..-'.'sJ'i.f'
. ,To the eommlttes of Swedlah-Amer-le'an
friends and those who were Instru
mental In securing our liberty and right
ful freedom: We wish to express our
heartfelt feeling and gratitude for the
kindness; and good will that has been
shown us while In JalL : Friends, be
lieve ts when we say we have searched
our hearts In vain to find words, to
express our .feeling of appreciation to
you for what -we have received from
yon.: -A; mother could not hava dona
mora for her , offspring and wa hope
ana pray mat eacn ana every one oe
Hevee In our Innocence, as God knows
ws are. It haa been the will Of Ood
to have1 ns Inoaroerated and our axpe-
rtenea- has been a dear one. But expe
rience ' la"' a; ea school jn whtch ' wa
larn.! ' ' ' '
- ' kank Attorneys. " '
; friends" . and fellow oountrymen,
again we wish to express our heartfelt
appreciation. Ws realise that there are
those who were prejuaicea ana aia not
hesitate to pronounce us guilty. But
there are men who know nothing from
experience and are sver ready to Judge
end criticise. We than UOa mere, ami
lives a feeling of universal brotherhood
among our followmen. We also wish
to1 thank , our attorneys, Messrs. Judge
M. 1m Pipes, W. W. Banks and Seneca
Fonts, for their Untiring effort In se
curing our release. We are also- -very
grateful to Judge Fraser In granting a
pew trial" , ' s .--v ' '' ': i-: t - -y.i..
The .committee having In charge the
funds collected from various sources
for the aid of the men will meet Tues
day night In the Cambridge building to
wind up the work.
One Hundred and Eighty Portland
Members and Washington Dele- ,
gatea Leave for California. ,
'. A special train carrying about 180
members of Al Kader temple of the
Mystlo Bhrlne. Portland, and delegations
or 80 Bhrlnws from TMjoma and M
from Spakana. "'a ieayB o-
t Over tnB BOUtnorn rtiira ur uw
iiiiacm ' . . -
ed officially by a aeiegaxion consist
Mc of B. Q. Whltehouse, Robert Lutge
and George li Hill, Portland, and Dr.
;. W. Lowe, Eugene.
. Tlckais will be good for 00 days and
the party will return at their leisure,
singly and In groups. Many Of them
will spend some weeks In southern Cal
ifornia. The Oregon excursionists are:
0 W. Stapleton and daughter, J. C.
Moreland, . It. Stockton and wife, Sa
lem ; O. W, Johnston, and wife, WF.
Laraway1 and wife, A. H. Meagley and
wife, " William McLaren and wlf , Dr.
ouit W M Hnrrla. Dean - Blanchard.
Dr. T. ' H. Harris and wife, Eugene;
j, H. Albert, and wife, Salem; J. Bu
chanan -Henry Blackman and wife, J;,
' h . Baker end wife, J. JX ornett, Mrs.
Sidney Smith, Mrs. O. W. Wanacot,
Foseburg; Mrs. F.- E. Bishop, Mrs. . H.
Morgan, A. J. McDaniel and wlfar X
E Beard, Miss Carrie Beard, Mrs. Bige
. low J' Vert wife and mother, Miss
Carrie Klhgsley, Wv ' W. Clark" and
daughter, Mrs McKlnley and daughter,
Mra C N. Broaach. ' C E. Fields and
wlfo. Miss Jennie Logue, Colonel C. C.
Henkman, wife and daughter Medford;
-MraiAiao Oavurts, J, H.. Mackintosh,
' aflwlfe, W, H. Raymond and wife,
J'J. H.;Hob& and-: Wife, Eugene; T. O,
' smith, Salem; W. N. Ross and wife, F.
' ,W."Glbblei; Q. M. Perdue. H. VT. HudV
son, Frank Olbson, Mlsa Bothmer, Miss
Ij. Bothmer, J.- Pellet, E. J. Bryan and
wife, F. 8. Chandlers and wife.' Mary
A. Barber, Mlsa Minnie Lay.' Mrs. El
len McCoy, H.Hlrschberg. Miss. Kittle
Harbord. M1S Emily Jeffries, Mra Ida
Babcock. Mrs.W. S. Mott. Miss Emily
J. - West, George H. Hill,. Mrs. Hill.
Miss Hill. C. N. Wanacot, Mrs.'. Wana--rot,
B, H.' Ntooll, Mrs. Nlooll and son,
- R. E. Williams, H. B, Albee, Aire. Albee,
. Cftptsla-L. A. Bailey1 Mra Bailey, J.
p. Anderson, ' Dr. - C; 8. Seaman, Mrs.
; Seaman, E ; D. White, -Robert Lutke,
-. Mrs. Lutke, James Muckle, Mrs. MuckK
aon and daughter, J, B. Reynolds and
wife, A. M. Brown and wife, D. . I
Povey and ..wife,. Rlchhrd Martin
Jr. and wife, Mrs. W. H. Stensloff,
Salem W. 1 B. Weed- shd - wife, - Miss
Alice Leonard. Miss 1. D. Sutherland,
Tombrrov; Anollier EsciUno Darflain !n file Suit ncom Enlire Balance bl Symcs' Danlirur.l
. v f v
Skirts S4o
And when wc tell you it's the greatest skirt bargain ever offered on the
coast it is no exaggeration The entire balance of Symes' Dress and
WalkiftglSkirts every single one he had in stock some, 600 skirts in
all $10, $12, and $15 values bunched in 1 great lot at $4.98 for choice
Ef amines, Voiles, Panamas, Serges, Mohairs, Sicilians, Mixtures,
Plain Colors, Stripes, Checks, Plaids and Fancy Novelties
Skirts so beautiful that they baffle description Skirts of every concelY- fl ;nl: f4)
able kind and style toe richest, best and most exclusive of this sea- a)
enn'c nnvolf loohofiiif ifiil mnrlolc full nlontorl nnrl Knv ' unr! cMa nfonf -
.effects all fully tailored and richly trimmed with braiding straps,-buttons,
etc; all colors and black There's not a single solitary skirt In
the assortment worth less than $10. most all $12 and $15 values
Beyond doubt the most sensational and greatest skirt sacrifice Portland:
has ever known None sent C 0.;D.-r-Plo phone or mall orders filled
You must come yourself to share In them Sale begins when the doors open and those that
come quickest get the best Choice $4.98. . "I1 f - : j :
Fines! 2!c 5-in. Fancy Ribbons
Ail ' -1 1 UJ -r 1
tn pure DU&, in isacy smpes, encura anu x-cibiui -ti,. g
effect: all colors, and remember. fuU 5 inches 1 1
vn'rlft. Not a ninvl vard worth less than 25c. . aZli Yd
Grand Free
Tomorrow aft sr
noon in our new
and complete Phon
ograph department,
In basement. Selec
tions from.
Grand Opera
WW Je render e
and you are invit
to attend.
It's Free
Cut Rate '
Ask About
, Them
Baby's Photo Taken Free Tomorrow
Thli offer it made tlmply to demonstrate the superiority ; of our Photo Post Cards, which we
sell St 6 for 30e. No buying is necessary. Just bring baby. Well take the picture free and present
you one with our compliment. " ' , '
A Friday Sensation Sale of '
. Women'oFInest
20c Black Hose lie
The entire balance of Symea best 20e Hoaa at H;
at - almost half 'price to dear them J J1
oat In a tingle day j all fast black anV f " f
fine gauge, seamless, double heels aqd - V
toes and all aiieaj erery pair tha beat . ;
20c Hoaa youVe aw seen. Choice. , . J UI IsT f
Just In, a $1,500 Purchase of Manufacturer's Samples ';
Pearl Bead Necklaces
Ten thousand Necklaces and mora to go. Necklaces for erery woman In Portland. Pearl bead Necklaces of
arery kind and style, white, pink and blue, 8, 4, 5 and 7-etrand, all handsomely mounted with rhineetone
and brilliant bat aettinga. AU beautiea and the very kind erery one la wild after. Necklaces worth 33c and
up to US, all go in S great lota at cnoica.
1 7c Epi;
for 2 row
25c Ea.
for 3 row
35c Ea.
for 4 row
59c Ea.
for 5 row
79c Ea.
. . aw . ' ,
for 7 row J
Another Lot of 200 Dozen ;
Women's Imported
: $1.25 Long Gloves 89c
No matter if they are atarce and that erery other
store fa town la holding op the price,
we cut them to the very bottom.
Ladles' Sale thread Long Olorea, 16
button lengthy black 1 and - whit ej all
ties and all rag $1.25 gloves. Choice.
LOT 2-Hundreda of beautiful Back Combe in the
mtm1 : MimfiM hell and amber hacks. raiA.
aterllng and brillianf&ttinga. AU regular 7Sc id.
and $1.00 raluea. Choice . . i ...... . . . . . . . . .fUw
Juat unpacked, and ona of the beat lota from the Symea stock-Back Combs
cheaper than yon erer bought them before. Bargains to aet the town wild
Wttn ezCRemenb , xorss (ixat wn sua au bbu eww
; All Finest 50c Grades
8.000 in thla ona lot alone, Shell : and Amber Back and Side
Combat dotena of fancy styles, plated and aterllng mounts and
alio brilliant atone settings. Not a single one in the lpt worth
a penny less than 30c Choice
LOT 3. The flneat of IM and $1.50 Bark
7Vf each. Ail the wtest noremee; oeauanu
tnd brilliant jewel settings, uvery one a
1125 to aio raiue. vnoice
Comba at
, mountings
: Vash and
White Goods
27-inch white Dotted, 8wisa, an ex
tra fine sheer quality;- ; ',
cheap at 15c, yard .......... e7l
27-inch Wash Voile Plalda. latest
nf sorlna: novelties and. .t 15
Wortt 25c, yard . .laJC
Nrar atrinad Eollennes. same rou
pay50c for all orer, 39C
5,000 yards to go, and
all the best of 20c
Kadea at 12Ue yard.
ie newest of figured
designs , in r' beautiful
colorings fuU 27 inches
wide; nerer sold under
20cj for one 1 91i
day, yard . . . iV.laMl
Bankrupt Soaps
JSa.Cutlcura Soap... 17
J8o Woodbury' Facial Boap
i.ri;,....i... ........ 1TS
I5e Pears' Scented Glycerine
i 1T
Witch Hasel Cold Cream. . .a
SPBCIAIi 1.008 cakes OH- 1
lett'a Shaving Soap, nly ,
1 eakea to . a oustomer,
eaka ...
69c Black and Colored Panamas. 36-inch, yard . . . . . . . A9
50c Cream Danish Cloth, yard wide, yard
60c wide 19-inch Black Taffeta Silk .;............49f
$1.50 Black and colored 50-lnch Serges, yard B84
Symes' finest 60c wide 27-inch Champa, yard. .4Bf
Pan slas fine Tapaatry ortlerea.
frtoffed at feota aada; Symea' Aj gn
vast $3.60 ralnssj pair ...... CVO,
BOxeo-taea ; Oteponette Bresser Soarf
rtnae4 ail uouli well nade , rtrk"
aad worth BOoi one day only ....jC
'KUi Xada yard-wide aiararat SUkoleaa.
wortn eHe off the boltt 1
yard 4aC
Men's Belts
BO dosaa Ken's Seethe Belts -I Has
ul blacks, harness auokle j . A 2
saada to aeU at 60oj spaolal , JC
Less Than Leather Cost -".$! Q
iiiuuxHnui ui.rnin in nunicii .ji.t.uu
Hlth-CIass Footwar
Footwear thafs among the beet madet the finest and moat ear-
dusire of makes. Shoea worth erery penny of $3.00 and all at $1J9 - ..
pair. Made of the finest and softest of kid, in the newest tylee, hlucher cat or
straight lace, light turn or heavy extension soles, newest of toes and heels;
plain or patent tips. In fact. ita Just such footwear that you're nerer bought
anywhere short of $3.00. All In one lot tomorrow, and a whole SI - tTQ
table load to choose from. Choice ,... ,. rltJ
fa1 AA Jut about 80 pairs in all and if you want any coma In a
W u U nurry. women e via ana aongoia xia nouse suippera.
a 1 1 ZJaV tnree ana four-strai
rfa.sjsasi r -
Women's $2.00
House Slippers
. cheap at $2.00. Cho
p. plain or tipped, all sues. very pair
oke f 1.29 pair. . ,
Bankrupt Dinner Sets Reduced
Hundreds and hundreds 'of sets to go and all at far below
Symea' prices to clear them in a hurry.
42 Pisses
$4.65 Ones
The Above A
SO Pieces
100 Pieees
$11.25 Sets
Chatam, Light Green and Fancy Edged Dlnaerets
42 Pieces
$4.95 lets
50 Pieces (JO Pieces
$58 Sets $685. Sets
mi $6.00
QQ Pieces "
$5.10 Sets
re in Peacock Clue, Lyndon, Fancy Edges
Decorated Toilet Seta, 1
nieea. Mirth tin n at.
. . H w w w v.f
Johnston Bros, white Semi-Porce
lain 8-lnch Dinner Plates,
100 Pieees J
$11.45 Sets
Decorated Toilet Seta,' 10 $9 7C
worth $L10; special doxen. . vUC
Tea Cups and Saucera, . .
always $1.10 dozen, for ,....3UC
Adjustable Window Screena;OJA
well made; Special 83 e and -lC
Here's n Darrfdln for tire Men-500 of the Best C
Only one to a customer, so all can share In this bargain. Men's pure wool
Sweaters, with roll collars, Jersey knit, all sixes, splendid weight
one guaranteed a $3.00 value." Choice.
Every ;
a a B: a a ;
i' a-Ja
10e grade at, yd. .8 l-3o
12H arde at,rd. .l0c
15c grade at, yd.. 17 c
18o grade at, yd.... 15c
20c grade at, yd...,18e
And finer, grades like
wise reduced.
Silks and ,
Dress Goods
All odd lota from the Symea stock
at almost half 500 yards rich nor
elty PUld Silks, full 27 Inches wide,
finest $1.2 quality, cut to, ftl
yard . e; a-V '"a "s' i a"S-" W W
Yard wide plain Chiffon Taffetas,
broken linee of colore. 70
worth $1.25, yrd r&iSLiiJVC
Spficspankrupt Drons
sso Docue wnca juaaat..i99
80a Cream de Lllaa......89
lSoFetenaao'a Roach Food. 8 i
I6aw OiUett'a Bouquet JBorat-
ad Talotun. ....... .......8e
18o OiUett'a Bonauat Borat- ,
ad Talatua.M..... ........ 6
S6a bottle Jaterlne......lTa
tl.00 bettla Harplelda....69e
f 1.00) Flnaud's Sau da Qui
alna ......... .........69f
16a Fine Tar Shampoo...
ISo Peterman'a Ziqold Dl
t eorery ............... ...9j
MO! Enda 0c and 7c Figured Calico, yard ........... .2a
34-inch Madras Shirting and Suitings, 18c onea .......
28-inch Dark Percales;" regular 10c ones, yard ........8 1-3
15c Yard wide Fancy Percales; ail colon, yard ....,.12ie
18-inch Bleached Terry Goth, worth 85c, yard ...... ..
Save en What You EatWhy Pay Rerjular Prlcos When You Can Buy UKe This?
Sc Sack Table Salt ... 2c
Minced Qams, can v . . 10c
Canned Soups, , can;. ... 8c
8 lbs. Pink Beans ..,..25c
20c Can Pineapples . . . 15c
Extra fancy Dried A -Peaches,
special, lb lIV
Hunipty. Dumpty, same as
Force, 4 picgs.. tor. ; . .zac
Reg. 8c Iunes, lb . : . . : 5c
ISc Bottle Catsur for . 8c
White or ' Yellow : Corn
Meal, 10-lb. sack..... 23c
Ginger Snaps, lb. . . ; . . 10c
H, O. Breakfast Mush. Sc
40c M. & T. Coffee, lb. .23c
Arm & Hammer Soda 5c
Condensed Milk,
3 cans ...w. i
40c Navel w f 27n
Oranges, dozen . ,fJJL
2 Cans Corn for .'; ... .15c
Pure Honey, comb . . 15c
'V J A W W awwaMW wwayw awe, j w a AACU&Uilvi UVW a..f w-w ' T w r
Reg u 1 ar 25c CX SOc
100 lleoea 18taeh pure BTOra41ne, i
alack, waita, vtak, Mma, and oi cta i
shadea. Tbe soareaaa axtlola ta or-..
land eaday, and sold all area ' a r
at ase aad Soo yard IL C
Baatlaff Tbraad. a spools fo......
Basy see a cord Tbcead, S00
yard spools f o il .. ,
GtoUaia tlnen Tliraad, 8a apools...
toe aaa loo EmcvolAery Eucx ,
aU SUea
aynes' COo fancy cut at: i
Bnttoca, doa
tj i.n Mtllu and wife. Mra. C. O. Hill
and aon. J. 3. Pry, Salem; J. C. Welch,
wife and eaagnter, t). a. spencer ana
C. "W. Lowe, Eugane: B. O. Whltehouse,
rm T if. Par. Mra. IQmma Hummell.
Or. W. JC Cox, Pr. J. T. Manning,
Walter Burden and wife, R. Sparks nd
wife. W. .W,- Sparks and wlf, John
Harrey and wife. Joseph . HarVey and
wife, J. H. Heaalay and wife. I H.
Hidden and wife, Harry Smith and wife,
D. L. Millet and wife,
' New Firms Incorporate.
(Speeltl Dtopateh te .The JoomL
Salem, Or May I. -Among- the arilr
eles of Incorporation ; nied . yesterday
wera the followlnc: . ; . ,
The Northwestern Oold Copper com
pany; Incorporators, J. Bl Murrtn, lawta
Walker and R. jr. Bannoa; main' offloa,
Suaanyltle, Grant county! capital stock,
$1,000,000. .
The Rock Creek Ranch company; In
eorporators, JL C Burdlck, B, X. Tou-
mana and Arthur P. Tlfft; capital stock,
ISO.OvO; main Bfflea, Portland.
The Merger Oold Mlntnsr oorrrany; In
corporators, C. F. Cnndlanl, W. M. r
erta and II. K. Sarc-pnt; ms'i t.".s,
Portland; eapltal at-. K J.c
riidt. i.ff
ea t' I