The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 02, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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lav: Foutj
DowIe'sTHol Clt)rrto Be Made
'Into a'Fashionabls' Resort
forj Chicago 'Peopltlfjf
pKiypfeil Hundred Thousand Ti
! ', IV : ered Upon the Bor
Troops Cath-
Question Whether Government
Can Prosecute Sale of Liquor,,
' on Special Reservation. ,
,:,-.i ' ' ; ' X X.
Open Utter Mdre
?;41 Raises Serious QuijsiwWhftthe B$en Ja,'
Border Near -,
) '' V Guatemala. 'xlf'.'
Resident of Portland . Required Five Y6ars. . ;
of rao!
, : .xxx V
in im nnnur nnnrvr HfJtriTCn kTlM mm
i.x i u iinui i ii II 1 1 1 i i brf ii ii 1 1 ii ii i mil . ..r ;
: 6. d. Spemr, anattorney, baa written
an open letter to W, R. Mcaarry, can
didais for the Republican nomination a
city attorney. In which b directly ques-
4ion the eligibility or Mcuarry u nom
' office under the city chartor, -'
Sentiment amongst the. legal frater
nlty seems very mucn against saouarry.
A paper Indorsing Kavanaugh ban al
ready been signed by 110 attorney. In
cluding, many of the prominent mem
bers of the profeeaJon. ; v V - ? Z
Mr. Spencer quotes a number of au
thorttlee regarding the interrelation of
the charter on the length of residence In
the city required, particularly aa to the
r-hrase "at least, m years . precoaing
ucb time.": The letter U as follow
- ' Questions f Aaswara. ''
Section of ths charter Jf tha elty
of Portland provides aa follows:
. "The city attorney shall be anat
, torney of the supreme court of the state
of Oregon and shall be an elector of
the elty and of, the atate of Oregon at
the time of bla election ana mum
been surh for at least ore years preoea-
- "1 would like to ask you If you hare
been an attorney of the aupreme court
of the state of Oregon for the last Ave
"i would like t ask yon if you have
been an elector of the city or wina
and Ute of Oregon for the la flye
"i would like to ask you If yon will
bave been an elector .' of the city of
Portland and atate of Oregon for nve
years at the next city .election!
t . ' xniffbtttty Tttal Folnt.
"l look upon the office of city at
torneyof the cltr of- Portland aa one
of Its most important races,, ana you
are a candidate for that high office. If
yon are not eligible to this office it la a
matter of great puuuo importance ana
passes way beyond personalities. It
would be nothing else than a public
calamity for a man to be nominated or
.elected to this office who Is not eligible.
, "If you should not be eligible and
should be elected to this office and as
sume the duties thereof and the ques
tion of ' your eligibility thereafter
should be questioned In the courts and
The courts should ' decide that you are
rot eligible. It might raise grava ques
tions of a Jurisdictional nature relative
to proceedings instituted by the city in
which part bad been taken by you.
t . .' Affidavit Is Supreme Court. -.
'On the 14th day of July, 1904. you
filed an affidavit in the supreme court
bf the state of Oregon in the matter
of your application to be admitted to
practice In the supreme ourt of this
state and the other courts therein. In
this affidavit, you, state that you-werf
admitted to practice in the state-of'
Michigan in. the circuit court of the
county of Montcalm, on the tSth day
of April, 1SS7. and that you had prao-
tlced your profession in various other 1 637,
1iaces urouKiioui in suns oi aiu
for the Ust seven years," with
prinoipal office and platie of business
at Grand Rapids, Kent county, Michigan,
If, on the 14th day of July. i04. when
you made this affidavit, you had ben
practicing law in Michigan for seven
years prior thereto you certainly cannot
coma within the provisions or section
IIS of the charter above quoted. ;'
". : ; meglsterea Two Tears AgW
On the lltb day of April, 1804. you
registered In the office of the -county
clerk of . Multnomah county from pre
cinct seven in the city of Portland, and
according to this record you stated that
you were an attorney; that you were IS
years of age. and were born in Mich
igan. and that you had lived in Oregon
seven months. If, at that time, you
bad only lived In Oregon seven months,
aa this record shows, you oould not
oome within the provisions of the sec
tion f the charter above quoted. ; Tour
affidavit that I bave referred to Is on
file la the supreme court of the state
of Oregon. The t registration record
that X have referred to is la the office
of the county clerk of this county. -
l have heard tha , matter of your
eligibility discussed a great ) deal,
have talked to you about the same per
sonally and I never heard from you or
any of your ' friends answers to ,the
questions I above propound to you. And
it is a matter of such public interest
that I believe I am justified la asking
you to answer, these questions.
s SBonld State Vosltlon.
Tou are either eligible .to this office
or yoa are not. If you are not eligible
to this office and if you know that you
are not. I cannot believe that you are
treating the .electors of this city as
tney snouid be treated., if you are eli
gible you undoubtedly know It and you
can inform the olectors of this city
upon that subject and give : them the
benefit of your knowledge on that Ques
tion, and forever set at rest the . con
troversy as to your eligibility, s '-
"Municipal corporations ' by Howard
& Abbott a leading textbook, volume I.
section 611, says: .-,., ' , :
m further maintaining the orlnclole
of local self-government the conditions
of residence v v v - la almost ' unlver
sauy required, and the lack of . this
quallllcation Is sufficient to debar 1 one
rrom holding certain prescribed offices.'
rive Tears mesideaos ITeoessary.
The learned author cites in a foot
note a good many cases substantiating
this - statement. -:, It would seem from
these, citations and many others -that
mlghte cited that the provision of the
charter above quoted Is a valid pne... ,
, "in the latter part- of th 4 section
above ' quoted are . these words: 'And
must have been such for at least five
years preceding such time." The court
hold that this language means Ave years
immediately" preceding such 'time, i .
wiucins State, 10 InoVSTS. -
Slmnson vs. Roberts,' SB Georgia, ISO.
uarcia vs. state, 6th Texas AooeaL
llaces throuKhout the sUte of Michigan i Myers lya tateJth,' Texas Appeal
your 1 (140.
Mrs. Richardson and Frank Irons,
I Who Eloped From Portland, ;
; Caught In Sound City : t
s -y::' -iff '4 - . -i
f As the result of several months' In
vestigation by Lou' Hartman, a private
detective, Frank B. Irons, alias Voberg,
and the wife of G V. Richardson of this
city, who are said to bave eloped 1 last
. October, were arrested at 2J11 Mouth C
Street, Tacoma, yesterday afternoon by
Deputy Sheriff Btenso and Detective
Hartman. , .x.-l--. t- - .-i.'i-y
Irons, who was a driver employed by
a local grocery firm, and Mrs. Richard
son are alleged to have fled from Port
land together on October 28, 1906, and
Journeyed to Tacoma. Mrs. Richardson's
young son was . also, taken along by
.' the couple. .' '., i a ; --v -r
-, Detective Hartman, who was retained
by the husband, after a long search, lo
cated the pair in the Sound city. The
arrests were made yesterday morning,
and Irons, after the officers had forced
.their way into the house, endeavored to
secure a revolver, but was prevented by
'Detective Hartman. !:'
The case will be tried In Tacoma. De-
'tective Hartman . returned to Portland,
. last night with Oliver Rirchardson. the
child of .the unhappy couple. jf ;!
v - it,'' ff -;"
i iStwdit DliMtch ts The JoarasTI '
Salem, Or., May J. District Attorney
J. JUL McKary yesterday filed a motion
for rehearing inthe case of the stale
of Oregon against A. T. Kelllher and
Ii IL Turner. : This is the famous land
case ta which the defendant Kelllher
through the instrumentality of li. H.
Turner, la alleged to have defrauded
the school fund of the State of Oregon
l ot 101,862 acres of land, a large, portion
- of which is situated in- the counties of
Coos, Curry and Jackson and is covered
with pine and fir. -
' The brief submitted to the court says
tne rest issue fried in the circuit court
between the state and Kelllher was this
The state contended that Kelllher was
guilty or rorgery which the defendant
denied ;. and by way of a bar to the
sn-osecutioa contended that he - had' se
cured nis vaiuaoie reason
pf having committed the crime of sub
ornation of perjury. "The s supreme
court som4- time since rendered an
opinion stating that there was no testi
mony corroborating the testimony of
Turner and that there was no testimony
to connect Kelllher with the commission
of the crime charged ia the Information
cscept the testimony of H. H. Turner.
Russian Prisoners Fired Vpon. ,
St. Petersburg, May "t.Vor refuainv
, to obey their guards, the nrlnnr mt
Vlbourg prison today were fired on by
the soldiers. One was killed and many
, wounded. The revolt was the direct re
sult of the douma'a action of abolishing
drumhead courts-marshal. This em
boldened the prisoners, who h'ung out
red flags today.'
? " ' " ' i. I, . ii; - i ' ' i '' .rj
SUtn . nidi ott School Bonds, ;
, OH-mpia. Wash., May, l. The state
board of finance tods v hi a nn a Hnnd
issue of $50,00 offered by school dis-
inci io, 61, Bnohomlsh county.
fill IS DUE
! Dffif fOiIliBOl'J
W -"'IJoernai Soeetal 'Sernaeii "f-M r'(1
' Chicago, May 2. Zion City Is to be a
summer resort. Following the action of
Receiver John C. Hately of dismissing
the-old management of the Zlon City
hospice and installing Homer Kessler.
former controller of the elty, aa bead
of that Institution, steps are to be taken
to make the city one of the most, at
tracUve places on Lake Michigan.
, SSloa City has tha finest bathing beach
on the north shore, and this la to be de
veloped. Pafks will be built, pavlMons
constructed and docks made. For years
the bosplce had been conducted- at a
loss, but -with the installation of the
new regime It Is to be pushed as a sum
mer hotel It will be altered and "addi
tions! built if needed, and the surround
ing lawns and streets of the city .will
be parked and beautified. ; ; .
Officials of the Goodrich lines have
promised to make Zlon City a atopplng
point and to push the .place aa a sum
mer resort if the officials will cooper
ate with them la making the place at-
tractive to summer oxourslonlsts.
-MU-Kifi- ?:f?rj; iXf. : : ;.; :.:.-.
1-vi JT1"?' 'X'
. , :i
jMifcaWK.I.MMW-WMWWM"--'-"- :
Bridge Aerdss Willamette River at Bprlngtield on the Cutoff Branch.
DO put on Deiween ikugene man wenuiing.
the Booto-Keiiy sawmiu town zo miies
Comrnittee Holds Attempt Futile
When Senate Is RHed With I
Presidents Satellites.
(loorul . gpeelsl SarHee.t . 1 ' '
Chicago, May 1. The labor men have
Decided to abandon the plan of filing ar
ticles oi impeachment . against Roose
velt, the legal committee advising that
it Would bo '"worse than useless to at
tempt to proceed against the president
at this time, when the senate is filled.
with his political associates and depend
ants, i ..u"1..'':!! -:r- ,,.!'. 'V:. i
Instead of impeachment resolutions.
a meeting attended, by 10,000 workmen
last night adopted an open letter criti
cising the president ana pledging sup
port to Moyer, Haywood and Pettibona.
Eight thousand were given "undesir
able, cltlsens" buttons., - -
Present Concessions to Union as
Ultimatum -Must Accept
by Saturday, r :
(SMcial Dlspateh to The SoeraaL?
Xugene. Or., May 1 The Southern
Pacific company is said to be working
on a schedule for a suburban passenger
service between Eugene and Springfield
over ; the new Springfield-Henderson
cut-off branch. A dally train may also
on the Mohawk v. valley from here.
Freight trains have been operating
over tha' cutoff branch since last fall,
but as yet, no passengers bave been
routed over it .
i-t.'Vwal'' Speetarierrlee.), ';"vV'-; ;
n.f .rim ritr. Ma J.-News received
mat ststas that Mexico's preparation
I for war oromlses to involve President
Cabrera of Guatemala in serious diffi
culties at home, .Revolution is said to
threaten him. '.:;--' :-"x,,.":':. '
; Over 100,000 troops are mobilised near
the Guatemalan border. A serious ad'
dltlon to the critical .situation caused
by the international dispute is the extra
dition of General Lama, who1 la wanted
In Mlro on a charge of conspiracy to
bring about the assassination of former
President sarma oi uuaieiuaim.
. Tnaiilta are dally reDOrtea to mexi-
can cltlsens in Guatemala, w The pjople
are greaUy inflamed. Before the Lima
incident revolutionists in Guatemala
had plotted to, overthrow Cabrera.
am. siihs in
En n
Senator, pulton Delivers Address
to Graduating Medics of
'r . Willamette University.
Thirteen nalra of gents' socks of va
rious hues and three pairs of women's
hose are reported by Mrs. Farrell of 74
Fourth street to have been stolen from
off her 'clothes line yesterday after-
noon. ' Detectives Jones, Ticnenor,. Hen-
yer. Priee. Baty. Alden, Hawley. Kay,
Kienlln, Inskeep and Inspector Bruin are
working oa the case. . x- '
.kA' M. Knapp, ' having offices In the
Lumber Exchange building, reported to
the police , this morning that a sneak
thief 'entered his. rooms Saturday af
ternoon and carried away' II In' nlckles
and about 80 canceled. checks ranging
from 11,004 to 15,000 and mads payable
to M. S. Woodcock, v ,.!,,, .
Former Army - Officer, ? Then
Streetcar Jehu', Becomes a
v - Capitalist Suddenly.
y 'i 1
Federal Judge , Comes to Pro
nounce Sentence on Mays,
( Jones and Sorensoni . - '
Tomorrow is the day set for the sen.
tenclng of ex-State Senator Franklin P.
Mays, ex-Representative Willard - N.
Jones and George Sorenson for con
spiring to defraud the government Out
of Its public lands. Judge William H.
Hunt of Montana is expected to arrive
in Portland tomorrow in time to hold
court, although up to the present time
no information baa been heard from him
relative to his arrival. . ? - ,
Mays. Jones knd Sorenson were con-
Tlcted last summer in the. Blue Moun
tain land fraud case. ;Judge Hunt pre
sided at the trial, the last one in which
Francis J. Heney participated. i
in aaaiuon to sentencing the . con
victed men. Judge Hunt will also decide
the bills of exception in ths Mays, Barn
ard, Zachary and. Hendricks case. : Zach
ary and Hendricks will not be" sen-,
tenced until after the, hearing In the
Butte creek conspiracy case. In which
ex-United States District Attorney John
H. Hall, ex-Senator W. W." Stelwer and
others are indicted. - Zachary and
Hendricks will be government witnesses
In this case, and to sentence them at
the present time would disqualify them
as witnesses.". fj '
After deciding the bills of exception,
Judge Hunt will' leave for San Fran
cisco, where be will sit on the United
States circuit court of appeals for sev
eral ' weexs. . xi win then - return to
Portland and resume the hearing of the
William Carter, alias William Curtis.
was one of the. robbers. mixed up-in the
looting of tne Bt. Johns pastoffics, so
cording to an , indictment returned' by
the federal grand Jury this mominsr.
Carter is in the county Jail under a
botm of JJ.000. Included In the indict
ment against Carter was John Doe, an
unknown member of the gang who has
not neen -arrestea , ,
It 1 believed that the grand Jury Is
hearing' the evidence against' Wayne.
Kelley, Smith and Kanklns today. Louis
w. Smith, the bartender at the Manhat
tan saloon, was another witness today,
as were Officers Evans and Phillips.
who were detailed on the Sell wood rob
bery the, day after It occurred. , :
Carter was . indicted for robbing the
St Johns postofflce And for concealing
the stolen property, The members; of
the gang against whom evidence was
heard -r today will be indicted for the
Sellwood robbery. . . ' ; , '''
James Currln, wno was indicted last
week, was arrested yesterday at Orearon
City and brought to Portland. Currln
was Indicted for breaking a rural mall
box. - He gave bond yesterday afternoon
in the sum of 1760. : .. ' , -
" New Belgian Cabinet. .
' Iooraal epeeial Berrfct.) v '"'
Brussels, May l.A new-cabinet . has
been formed with M. DeTrooa oremier.
aa minister of the interior,
, (Brrll Dlipateb to Cks JeeroaL) !
Seattle, Wash- May I. The - Puxet
Bound Shipping association this morn
Ing decided to grant in part the Increase
asked by the longshoremen. -The rate
for overtime has been, the bone of con
tention, but the owners have agreed to
pay the 60 cents an hour asked. . They
agreed this morning; upon the following
scale: XxxxUi.X--?,'5si H Xw:v.
General merchandise.. 40 cents an
hour. an. 11 per cent Increase over the
present scale jon creosote material, 60
cents an hour, 76 cents for overtime. In
crease of IS per cent; wheat, 60 cents an
hour, 2 hi cents for overtime; lumber,
60 cents an hour and 76 cents for over
time. The ultimatum was delivered to
day to the union with the declaration
that If it is not accepted by May -4 open
shop wUl be declared. . -
" rJearaal Bneelal lervlee.l
San' Francisco, May . Army officer,
motorman and . capitalist. , These are
three successive stages la the career of
Charles L. Sllcock, who was found in
this city yesterdays after being report
ed missing by his mother. The young
man entered the office of Postmaster
Flsk yesterday as a humble motorman.
He left the building a. capitalist, for
the postmaster . informed him that
H 160,000 estate was awaiting him in Tea
nessee. ;, The finding of the young man
yesterday brought to light a story of a
varied ' career which' began when his
name was entered in the army register
to be written later among the names of
the missing;.
In the beginning Charles I' Sllcock
added to his signature the words, "First
lieutenant, Twenty-fourth United States
Infantry." ; For a time f he . wore the
shoulder : straps. ' Then v he wearied of
the army, resigned and came to this
city. X'-'.. -' '- '--
One day 811cock, the motorman, failed
to appear at ths car ' barns - and his
whereabouts became unknown. Queries
began to come from 1 Follette, Tennes
see, where the mother of the former
lloutenant resided. The mother wrote
to Postmaster FlBk that she bad not
heard from her son since last January.
She stated that she had telegraphed $118
to him and had received no reply. She
said that her son bad fallen heir to a
KO.OOOi estate.
(Special Dlapatet to The Jodraal) : -:
SUverton. Or.. May 2. A meetina- was
held in the opera-house Tuesday even
ing, ' when v. C Wolf was placed , in
nomination for mayor of the city of
SUverton. P. W. Potter, H. D, Mount
anl Julius Aim i .were . nominated i for,
eouncllmen, Wilson Bowser for recorder
and M. J, Adams for treasurer. ; The
city election will be held next Monday.
It is understood that another ticket will
be placed In the field by the so-called
temperance , people and will be headed i
oj tne name oi i a. Kaucn, an attorney
of this clty..-j,'' -x -:j?xxxJ
The question of purchasing a road
roller will also be decided at the aom
ing election, and it is very likely to
carry In favor Of the transaction, f
jiX: K-Vft';. ."..;- ";'"',"'-Xi,.,.'V,.-jfX.i
1 Z. ','A fi : ilV' ' X vV
Had Started Out to Avenge the
Wrong Done His Mother
less Daughter.
Tokio, May 1 It is believed that a
Franco-Japanese agreement v has been
concluded for the mutual respecting of
Frenet . rights in France's .Asia'tio ter
ritories and Japanese rights in Formosa,
Cowa and the Llaotung peninsula. The
signing of the treaty haa been postponed
until the conclusion of the Russo-Japanese
entente for the preservation of
pbSllni ttu iuo In the far
east, which depends Upon the pending
EE?!!? ',1."her7 "0lons.;i
draft of the treaties for the latter has
already, been finished and detailed of
l0,al statements are being prepared.
Telegraphic advices were received fro
annaem were received
from .Seattle this morning to the ef
fect -that C. W. Coddlngton.v wanted
here on a charg4Hof larceny, was ar
rested la the i Pu get sound .!
morning. It is alleged that Coddin.
ton and Dr. McArthur of Salem, who
was arrested .Tuesday nlsht. swinrti
Fred Teuscber, an employe of a matt
ress factory,' out of $800 by meikna tit
device for affixing advertisemnnt.
wagon wheels. Chief Orltmacher noti
fied the Seattle authorities to release
the prisoner and it is exneeted , th
Coddington will -rolunUrlly return to
testify in tha case. ,.
nn i err wit i ncMir )
San Franolsco.' May J-Oovernor Oil-
lett will demand Railroad Commission
er Andrew Wilson's resignation this
evening. - Wilson confessed that while
a member of the. San Francisco boar!
of supervisors he accepted bribes from
the railroad1 and telephone companies
and the f ighf trust ,
' (Special Dispatch to The Jobraat.)
i Lakeview, Or.j May J.. Charlie
Thompson, a Lake county rancher,
whose home is at Parsnip Creek, rode
over from Lakevlew a few - days: ago.
and with the avowed intention of bring.
ing in by force of arms or otherwise
Pat Angeiand. a young' Irish sheepman.
whom he accused of having ; wronged
his (Thompson's) motherless daughter
aa-ed about 10 years., X;txx y ix-x-.
Tuesday Thompson's horse, saddle and
bridle were found and on , him were
bloodstains, t Shortly 'afterward .Thomp
son's dead body was ' discovered - In
Greaser canyon. A bullet had passed
through the head from-th chin back.
Details are at this time-lacking, so
that how ho received : the wound that
killed him Is not known. He may have
committed suicide, he may: have been
killed In. a gun fight, and he may have
been murdered. - Upon- being Informed
of the discovery the sheriff and district
attorney sUrtedat onoe for the spot
XX'' '' 'v',''i-' ,: X-" XX" ' tJ
(Special Dlinatch t Tbe Journal.) ' .
Eugene, Or., May X. The Great Amer
ican company, composed of Portland
and Eugene men. has taken options on
over 400 acres of land six or seven
miles south of this city and will at
once commence- prospecting for , coal
and oil. A three-foot ledge of good coal
has been found near the surface and it
is expected by the company that a good
vein will be found further. down. A
gasoline engine And drill . were put to
work on the property yesterday tor the
purpose of sinking a" prospect hola
There are some copper indications also
In the vicinity of this land and the com
pany may bond the land on which they
are located and prospect for this .metaL
""Sir George Arbnthnot Arrested, r
(joaraal Bpettl sVrrtt, 11
"Xondon, May I. Sir , George Gough
Afbuthnot, head ' of the banking house
of Arbuthnot ds Co.,N has been arrested)
at Madras, India. The London house
was' P. McFaydea A Co. which failed
last October for a large sum and Mc
Fayden committed suicide. . Tbe a r rest
has caused a sensation here.. No de
tails arei known. nArbuthnot's bank in
India was regarded as safe as the Bank
of England. , ... ,
' fflnofliil Dlntrt to Tha Joarnal.l
' Salem. Or.. Mar 2. Amid profusions
of flowers and surrounded by an audi
ence composed of friends, , the fortieth
commencement of ths Willamette uni
versity college 'of medicine was held
last -evening at the First ME. church.
and 16 atudenU were slven their di
plomas. - The program was ,xcelle1it
and the address of Senator C Wf.Ful
ton was one calculated to; be of special
Interest to young people f on , ' the
threshold of their life's career. He
spoke of the requlsltss for 'true sue
cess and said; ?' r.-::f-uS,,'i,. -'.;"
. "It is necessary that our associates
be of the best The tallest trees of the
forest a re not surrounded by ill-shaped
and scrubby ones but by vigorous and
fine trees. It'll only when excellence
supports genius that the latter is able
to reach the highest , pinnacle of suc
cess. Toung people,' this is a brigtit
and happy world if we walk in the right
direction, yet difficulties will be' in ths
way, but none so great that they can
not be conquered, Above, beyond the
L clouds :of darkness there' breaks
vinvintin Tt : vnu? motto be NI1
(Spwnal Dispatch to The Journal.) I deanerandum . .
L-iHiifS to thi elaas wa. given by
Dr. I F. Griffin Of this city, a member
of ths faculty, and the degrees were
conferred by Rev. John H. , coiemaa,
president of the university.- .
The members ox tne hot ciass were
Government Sends Corporals to
Act as Jap General's Escort
to Washington.'
the peer of the . steamer . Cartwright
which met tbe Akl Mam at Smith's
cove, the reception to General Kurokl
took on a formal tone. In charge were
the . chamber of commerce, Asiatic and
Japanese societies. The f government T.,.i. Austin, of Portland: W.
was represented by Major-Gcneral Ar
thur Mac Arthur, Colonel Frank Winn,
Major W. W. Hart and two non-commis
sioned officers, who will act as the es
cort for the imperial Japtneae party
rrom Seattle to Washington.
"Special Dispatch to Tha JonrnaL)
McMlnnvllle, May, J. Onathe First
was crowned queen of May yesterday,
Promptly at 10:18 a m. ths procession
started on' its march, headed by Arch
bishop Bougnton. followed by the oueen,
her pages, maids and guards, while the
Sixteen girls i followed with the ivy
chain. -After ." the . coronation : of the
queen and the reading" of Queen Ona's
proclamation, a program was rendered.
This Included vocal and piano solos.
duets and. quartets by soma of the best
talent of the . college. . The May pole
dance was given in a very, pleasing way
by sixteen of the girls of the college,
Following this a tennis tournament
was held, between the, Adelpblo f rater
nity and the college. -: E. F. and R.
McKee represented the AdelDhla and F.
G. Bough ton and J, C Austin played for
tne college. The score was ss follows
First set to 4. favor of colleVe: sec
ond set . to 4.. favor . on Adelphiej
third set, to 6. favor of the collese.
The contest was very interesting' and
ciose tnrougnout. , . ,
?tt '-'fix-?:-' XS'iJ.:' '.' '" ' Xf ii Arfjitf-
(Jooraal Special Service.) '"
Wheeling, W, Va.,Mayi J.-Delegattes
from many states - were present today
at the opening of the sixteenth annual
meeting of the General Society of the
Daughters of the Revolution. Mrs. Ade
line F. Fits of Massachusetts, first vice
president general,: presided at the open
ing, when Mrs. D. Phoenix Iflgraham of
K8W lorfc.lh- president general, de
livered her annual address. Two ses
sions were held during the day, devoted
almost wnouy, to the opening formal!
vies and to the, reports from chapters
or tne society throughout the country,
mis ;: evening ths delegates r are , to be
entertained at a banquet at the- Fort
Henry club. The convention : will con
elude its real business tomorrow, though
tne social program arranged for the
entertainment of the visiting - delegates
will extend over several days, to coma
(Special Dtsostcb te Tha looraJI.)" T
ottjora, ur awj vwvernor unam
oeriain toaay nonorea ; requisition pa
pers rrom Governor oniett of Califor
nia t for Ernest - H. Anderson who IS
charged with embenling f iat while in
the employ ,of James Moron in San
Franclsoo. Patrick CConnell is named
as the sgent to return Henderson to
California. -
Violated Optometry Lavr -
(SpechI Dlapatch ''to Tbe ' JoaraaLt
Salem, Or., May 2. George ft Ridge.
way, who was charged with practicing
optometry without a license, entered a
plea of guilty and was fined 120 by City
Recorder Mooree this morning. ; It Is
the first case of violation, of the new
optometry law in this section of Wil
lamette valley. ' - .
. Say Foraker Will Retire,
- (Jotlrnal Special Serrlca.) .:
Washington, May 2.--8o encouraging
were " the reports that' Taft brourht
bofik from Ohio that Taft men here are
browning to state that Foraker will re
tire: jtsurton is tne chief shouter.
:, n-.X'm 1.' '. -"i..
- uxiora xionora xieii. .'-VV-vv.:
(Jooroat Special Service.) -: .
London. May- 2. Oxford tndav non.
ferred the honorary degree of doctor of
sciences upon Alexander Graham Bell.
H. Becker, of Salem; Joseph R. Barr,
of Springfield: David A. Forbes, of Ore
gon City; J. L. George, or Balers; Lorin
L. Hewitt of Salem; Rider R. Hamll
tori, of Jefferson; William C Kantner,
Jr., of Seattle: Smith J. Mann, of Cor-
vallts; Henry C Randle, of Portland;
William H. Pollard, of Tlgard villa; WU-.
Ham C Rebhan, of Brownsville; Osmar
K. Wolf, of Salem ; Elmer Jacob Walns-
cott, of Long Creek; Robert Lee Wood,
of Amity.-. . , . T ,.
(Special Plipatehrto Tbe JoornaL)
Chehalls, Wash., May Today at
noon fire broke out in ths Idaho restau
rant, on Chehalls street Three children
who had been playing upstairs were
taken out two of them, being dead. The
third was revived. Their ages were be
tween two and .five years. They were
suffocated but not. burned. They were
the-children of Mrs., Ella Strahm, a
widow. Ths cause . of the firs is not
known. .... -; !-,-.'. !.:.xr.x i;...-?,
John West's grocery store, adjoining.
was badly damaged and V the Grand
opera-house was on Are several times.
Thai: flra company , gave ..very,, efficient
service and . the water pressure -v was
heavy. The fire was An extremely dan
gerous one,, owing to the inability to
get close to It The prevailing dry
weather made . the wooden structure
burn like tinder.- Estimated loss is be
tween IJiOOO and 15,000.4 Mrs. Strahm
lost ber AJsband a little over a year
ago.:-; , & x;t xxx. iV-' '.'':?:.& -:
' " f" " ' r
' -. (Journal Special Service.) .
Paris, May 2. Tbe end of the bakers'
strike Is in sight the jnen having voted
to return to work. An attempt to pho
tograph the American Law. who was
injurea oj me moo, iaiiea. Tne man s
head was beaten almost beyond recogni
tion, u was tnougnc at first that Law
had been killed, but it was learned later
that ne stiiLiives.' He is a naturalized
American, naving peen born in Russia, x
Tonight there will he a special Sons-
service at mo .wniie uempie., Mra Wal
ter iieea, miss Kate Lawler, Mr.. RoVn
son1 and Mr. Belcher will sing special
numbers and favorite hymns of the con
gregation will be sung. Dr. B rougher
will speak and F. E. A.: Smith of Ann.
kans win make some brief remarks. A
large attendance of members la desired,
as this will be the last prayer meeting
for Dr. Brougher before going east next
Monday. '
a'-' -!,.,, -i .,-Xx'.
" . . -.
-" Jornil Bpcclsl Servlea.t
San Francisco. Ma v 2. -The street
car situation has a serious aspect this
morning. The attitude that the United
Railroads adopted at Wednesday's Jolht
conference aroused the men and they
say - the v : will not make any . further
concessions. ' A general meeting may be
called . for - Saturday, and a vote on" a
strike taken. -
1 (RpMlal Ptopatch to Tha JoaraaL) - -TT
r..,un i,ohn Atav 9.--1 n holdln 1
Cowhide William, a Nes Perce Indian, ,
to answer to the federal court, which x.
at Moscow on May 15. on a .
charge of introducing liquor on a see- ,
clal. government - reservation. .United :
States Commissioner O'Neill yesterday :
laid ; the foundation for- a case which
may become as famous as the Helt case '
in Kansas and the pick case from Nes,,
Perce county. .-Vv'S-; ' 1
Federal courts will be asked to de-
clde whether the sale or introduction
of liquor on a special reserve, wherein
the title is still vested in the govern
ment can be prosecuted. -Williams Is -charged
by Indian Agent , Lipps with ,
carrying whiskey on the special . reser.-.-vatlon
near Kamlah, which . had been ?
set aside by the government, for the -exclusive
use of the Presbyterian In
dians as -a alts for their church build-' '
ing. .. ... i. X..:Xx' 5 '-v XX.X ;
Commissioner O'Neill holds that as
such land is owned and controlled by
the government and Is set apart for the -use
of the Indians within tbe reser-,
vatlon, offenses of the character com
mitted thereon are amenable to the
United States statutes governing cases
or tne una. y-vu.;..'fi'v. ;-'., i-
In the Kansas case tha fourteenth
amendment to -the constitution was In
voked to save Heir frlra prison and the
supreme court of the United States held '
that the government oould not prose
cute .him for selling whiskey to the
Indians. In the Dick case,- which also .
came out of Commissioner O'Neill's
court, tha circuit court of appeals con
strued . an, , agreement . between the
United States and the Nes Perces pro- ..
hlbltlng the introduction' or sale of liq
uor on . patented land in the reserva
tion oa which allotment had been made
in severalty was unconstitutional. .
:X; ' ' ' ,'':,::..'.
The Oregon State Dental association
met in .annual convention at o'clock
this afternoon. In ' the rooms of the
Portland Commercial club. Thef con
vention will remain in session through-.
out the remainder of the week. J The
last session will be held Saturday after
noon, when officers - fort the ensuing ,
year will bo elected. - a
It is estimated that between 10 and
100 visiting dentists will arrive In ths
city by tomorrow morning. - .
Dr. B. Frank Gray, of Colorado
Springs, this afternoon delivered an in
teresting lecture on "Mal-Ooclus.on of
Teeth." ( ,
(Special Pfgpatch to Tbe JnarnaLV
Seattle. May 2, Isaao Hlmelhoch.
Juror In the case of Ruth Jackson, on
trial for ' tha . murder.: of, Jar husband.
has set a new precedent for Juries, .He
believes that it should not be all work '
and no play for, the twelve peers, and '
accordingly went to Judge Morris -with
a request that he be allowed to take
his colleagues to the show.. Nat Good
win Is playing; in town and Hlmelhoch.
always admiijed Goodwin as an actor.
The courutnought it over and decided
that if there was nothing relating .to
murder in the show it would be meet
Snd proper for the Jurylo attend. So
it came to pass that when the curtain
rose on 'An American Citlsen," Good
win faced two boxes filled by the 11
good men and true.
(Special 'Dispatch te Tbe Jonrael.)
Seattle, , Wash, May -James , F.
Wilson, one of the saloon men at
Toungstowu, ' who are within one mile '
of : West Seattle, has obtained an in
junction in the superior court restrain
ing the county commissioners from re
voking his license. The commissioners
must, corns into court tomorrow and
show cause why; the injunction shall
not be mads permanent 4 County Sur
veyor .Valentine has measured the dis
tance and found that the saloons In
question are about 100 yards - within '
the limit City Attorney MacMahon
of West Seattle" opposed the restrain
ing order, calling attention to the
statute which prohibits- saloons within
one mile of any incorporated city.
i ii i m in 'I i . i. ;-. ,:-.,!
(Journal Spaetal atrvlce.) --
Boise, May 1. The city is rapidly .
filling up with strangers for the com
ing trial, although the case will not be
cauea unui May i,; ;.iriy aepuiy biibi-.
iffs -will be sworn in and it-Is bellevfd
that more than that number of detee
tlVes will be employed by both sides.
Ths attorneys for the prosecution -.are
guarded day and night Extra guards
are constantly on duty at the JalL Tho
publlo Is not excited, but a determined
feeling exists 'that the prisoners must
have a. trial and that Justloe must not
be thwarted bv a show of violence. ,
x"xX;: f '" "" ' " x&'r4 t
' Ernest f!'Lane,'' the"" Nob''' Hill ".burglar, v.
was taken to Salem by Sheriff Stevens
and Deputy Baty yesterday to serve h)7
15 years': sentence for assault and rob-,
bery. At-the capital they were, told
that while' in the reform school Lane
had ' broken all records 'for gpod behavior.-He
had never received a black
mark,- had nev boen caught laa lie,
and the authorities had so muchao
fldence in him that. for a time befoiTN
being paroled he was put in charge of
Riot la Wheat Pit. .' ;j
i -(: (Joornal Speelat Sarvlet.k - ;
Chicago, May 2. The market Is on a
rampage, with bullish, excitement .on
account of crop damage report that pre
vailed at . the board of trade. The -ad
vance threw the pit Into a state of ex
citement bordering on riot ...July wheat
soared to 854 and has advanced t cents
in two days. :, , ijN
:'-'': " -;:':-' : X ';:. ", , 7 :. YX?Xr?''X 'iX
. Salem', Or, May 2. Governor Chnm..
berlain has .returned .from Roseburg,' '
wnere ne consulted commandant Elder JL
of the Soldiers' . Home relative o the
new assembly hall to be ereoted there. ,
The buildings ; at the home are to be .
repainted and about I J.50O will be spent .
for improvements. The governor found
conditions at the horn satisfactory. -
. Buef Denied Ch&aytf Venue.. .
San Frsnclsco, May 2. Abe Ruef this
morning demanded a change-, of venue.
This was denied and theexamlnatlop '
of talesmen resumed. -.
I. ,' .- - , . : ..J-:1.-. ..