The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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i ( t
Wittenberg Wants Extension' of
Time for- the ,United
l" - - Railways.
SThey Once Flayed Bali Together, bat
' Before ; Council - Committee Each
- - Telia the Other He Is Trying to
: Grab Everything f ; . Vi -
Charles Swlrrt. general t&narsr of
th Oregon Electric railway, and hla
Janr-tira ? friend. Herman Wittenberg
tf. the United railways, competing for
, various franchises, aald things to aacta
ether yesterday, Swlgert Intimated to
i he council committee on streets that
Wittenberg monopolised the biscuit and
cracker business of the northwest,- but
i.e didn't know how to build or operate
a) railroad. .. Wittenberg told - Bwlgert
that he did not know how to run a
t racker' or a biscuit factory, and, heyl
the two shook hands and became as good
friends as when one pitched and the
other caught for an east aide baseball
team. . . A '-vv:r.;''-.',.'t ,;
- They talked pleasantly, for about fire
minutes and then self-interest and am
tttioa began to work opon them. -
Swtgsrt's Xodeat Baoaat
. "We should ba given the priority of
rlpht on Front street," declared Swlgert.
'The right haa been given to tha United
railways, and that ' company Is doing
nothing axcept to build on Front street.
It has not apent mora, than f 60,000 on
all Its lines and It baa not started on
the Salem and Hillsboro lines. Wa are
laUding right to -Salem, and we have
spent 1.1S2,600 ait the line that we
l ave built so far and will imtld within
the next month or two. we do not want
this company to hold ua up at tha city
limits on freight and passenger trains.
Make Its employes or ths "responsible
persons do some work on the other
lines. ' W have the Hillsboro line to
look after," '- i. .:. ;(;:' -ir :
. : "Tou are kicking . Just because we
cannot get labor," aald Wittenberg of
the old schoolhouse In Alblna. (Swlgert
had attended tha same school and there
be learned to play balL ) . ; i ';' . . V . . . .
-The two looked at each other menac
ingly. The angry glance wa of but a
Jninute's duration, for tha thoughts of
both ran back simultaneously to their
boyhood days and tbey became friends
Penalty Broog-t Up.
Talk about change in human senti
ments! Five minutes later those two
men were enemies again, and bitter, too.
Old days were forgotten. .
i "We can get neither labor nor rail for
our Hillsboro line," ' said Wittenberg.
When we can build out to Hillsboro wa
will be able to run. our line to Tilla
mook. ' We want an extension of time.
'"Tou ought to pay a penalty ,f or "the
delay," aald Councilman Wills.
, "A penalty of. 1600 is provided and it
should have been paid the' first year."
said Chairman Vaughn. , "Tou pay that
and get a standing before tha council."
Wittenberg" explaiped that Portland
capitalists had just taken over tha fran
chise, and they were trying to straighten
out the affairs of tha old company be
fore they finished their city work. - '
! "Ton are doing nothing but crowding
us out of tha.-city!. retorted Bwlgert
"All the work w can do la on Water
andrCaruthers streets, ana there you
have got Ba bottled tip. ': We can't.eorhe
Into tha city ' unless we operate over
your lines." .
Fan a Kold-TJpT
"Why don't yon da aome work on your
pity linear' demanded Councilman
wills of Wittenberg in the abrupt way
so peculiar o tha SellwooH legislator. -
"Within SO days." answered Mr. Wit
tenberg. "we- shall pave laid S.OOO feet
of rail on Front street and . 5,000 on
other streets. We have spent $260,000
on the Oraydoa and Why ta franchises,
and we have delayed construction only
because one of our financiers was taken
down with " tuberculosis after the San
Francisco earthquake," t
"That's too bad," aald Swlgert "Serl
usly,- though, (to fha - eomrnlttse)
while : tha other . company intends Jo
build to Salem, - wa are aetuaiiy run.
nlng tha Una to the capltol city. Wa
have paid 1500,000 for our rights of way
from Portland to Salem and Hillsboro,
All the money needed for tha building
of the two Unas haa been subscribed.
Tha only complaint we have to make Is
that wa have to coma in over a Una that
may at any time force ua to terms at
tha city limita If it wished to. Wa tre
building a line. We will bring business
to tha city. . Wa should not be given a
position secondary to that of another
Una that is being built only In ; the
city.". - w.,, :..v,,-
- Karrtmaa Behind Xlm.
"Ail our stock Is ubscribed." said
Mr. Wittenberg, with th same malig
nant glance ttjat he cast at ; Bwlgert
when tha latter threw him an outshoot
Instead of a drop in the Albina school
yard. "We have all tha money wa need.
and our bonds will be bought long be-f
fore our line is built. We'll get Into
Salem before ' you, And"" (to the com
mute) do you know Charley 8 wirertT
Did you aver hear of Charley giving
up a franchiser I've known him for
10 odd years, and mayba moraj and S have
never known him ta do It. I have never
heard him. say: Herman, old boy,1 coma
ana taxe tnis rrancnisa' we are going
to develop a section of country haw
that hla won't touch. He has Ham
man behind him. and ha Is fighting us
because wa are going to run Into Tilla
mook." ' - i -
Whew!" : whistled Charles Bwlgert,'
"Say,dld you aver hear of Herman
i " l ' .: " ' V- ' ',.; ". ' "
--;. vV vV- ? v
-i w is ', :' . .'" ' . .-: r "''''V1,vj"j'-' '-'"'J
Program Includes - Coster Songs by
, Two Former i English,
. Sailors, '
Tha formal opening, of the Seamen's
Friend society was held laat night at
uie hall, 26J Flanders street. Tha rooms
were decorated with flags of all na
tional bunting and evergreens. The ca
pacity was taxed ' to its utmost Fol
lowing is the) program: Opening march,
Clifford's orchestra; prayer, Rev. B,' 1
h. Ely ; opening remarks, ET. Quacken-
bush; song,' Mrs. B. 29. S. Ely: recita
tion, Mrs. R. & Maguire: song, DornZan;! Lot at Corner of Sixth and Salmon
recitation, Mrs. v. . Williams: songs.
Realty Market Almost Unexpeot-
V edly i Active and permits , '
Show Big Increase. x
Streets Sold for Thirty-Two Thou
and and Deal for Large Sum Also
Closed in North Portland. : V
James Turner; address. Rev. Paul Ila-
der; songs, H. Clausinnelua Jr.: song.
wuiiam -lay ward; closing remarks,
Kev. s. H. r.oper. . , ;
Novelties on tha program t were the
coster songs by Messrs Turner and
Havwurd. fnrmerlv Rrlllah umm 1t. I
ters of regret were read from the lui-l Portland' real estate market started
lan, German and British consuls and off wltI unusual briskness this week,
Mayor Harry' Lane.
Miss Helen Hill Lytic, daughter of nom
The value of the transfers filed for
record Monday and Tuesday aggregat
ed about f 250,000, notwithstanding the
I fact that In fully 25 per cent of the
deeds; tha consideration' was given as
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth Lytie,
was married last night at the First
Presbyterian church to James Alexander
Ellla. Rev. William Hiram Foulkes of-
Tba total value of transfers for the
month Just closed footed up f 2,?71,lj5,
while those for April, 10, aggregated
S3,m,m, ahowing a gain for April of
Wittenberg bulldnac a railroad any more
than my lack of tha benevolent bumpT
your baby? Tou wonder why he cries.
Buy a botue of White's Cream Vermi
fuge and he will never cry. : Moat babies
have , worms, , and the mothers don't
know it White s Cream Vermifuge rids
the child of worms and cleans out its
pystem in a pleasant way. , Every moth
er, should keep a bottle of this . medi
cine in the bouse. With it, fear need
never enter her mind. Price 16c Sold
liy all druggists. -
If you have, call tha doctor or the
chief of police for -one of us. Leaving
jokes aside,",, resumed Bwlgert "
want the first right on Front street
Tha United should not ba given any ex
tension of time on city streets." ,
"Tou'ro working to monopolise the
trade." said -Wittenberg. ,
"Haven't you monopolised trader re
joined 8w1&trLlyi:!,:LZ;';i:
Friends again." Both laughed.
Councilman-Wills Jarred, Wittenberg.
Wins Takes a Xaad, ,
"Put up $160,000 that you will build
tha Una to tha city limita and. tha line
to Hillsboro within tha time specified,"
he demanded. . -s--.--
"They hava only spent 150,000 an their
whole line In tha .city, and tbey have
spent nothing In. the city so far," said
Bwlgert rwe are building from Port
land to Salem." .-:?v" -V; T
i ; "you are trying to crowd us out,"
angrily rejoined .WKtenberg. "Tou
want to run the. whole business.' You
want to drive ua ut ofc the state."
.'Tm.not' laughed JBWlgert - -
"Tow ..are, and you know it but we'll
see that you don't do It" ream Ihe re
ply -in the same angry tone. . ;.
, "Let It go at thatr. iald Swlgert
AS the conversation seemed to be at
an and,-Councilman Booths .moved that
the resolution granting tha United rail
way an extension of tim be referred
to the council, , The motion was car
ried, -t .
. And then , Wittenberg and Swlgert
shook hands agJn and forgot ambition
when they spoke of boyhood days.
Senator Redfleld Frootor of Vermont
1 one of the largest holders Jn munici
pal real estate lri the country. " 1
owns desirable corner lots in many cities
throughout the country. - f
dialed, EdgaV ft cauVs'en 'played the " w '00'00. "
marcn ana Mrs. Walter Reed sang. The r . 'i,
bridesmaids were Miss Ruhv r.rirhfnn I "B naw Frospetlty.
Miss Maraaret O'Connor. Mlsa Alice! But It is the record of building per-
Forbe and Miss Mamie Dunne, and the m,t" 'or tlw two months that proves
oesi man was Mr. Cathcart of San I aw "nrv"ous prospeniy oi t-oruana.
Francisco. An elaborate reception at ADrlI 1907 shows a total of 11,660,000
the home of the bride's Barents foK Mn Prmlta Isstiad by the building In
lawed tha ceremony I paotor. while the total for April. JM,
r . yf ; I was 1550,802, a-gain for the month
Mrs. R. K. Warren's Bibla olaas of I Just . ended of . f 1,100.000, or 200 per
tha First Presbyterian church will give I "eat- It la probable that no other city
a reception tonight In tha church par-1 n ma country can equal tnis reooro,
lors In honpr,of "The Champions," the I nd certainly non other on the Pa-
wmnmg team in the recent moaberahln I "" coast wiu coma anywner near it.
contest Tha class la tha larst young Several fair sise transaotlona In Port
woman's. Bible class In the world and land realty were closed yeeterday, two
numbers over -700. member In all for central places that involved a total
About- 850 are in town and " actively consideration of $72,000; one a 58-foot
mterestea in the work. . There will be I lot on the corner or sixth and Salmon
a program and refreshments will be I streets, sold by Mr. A. O.. Pag to
servea. v , - ,. , i i jsamuna, t. Amei lot ijz.oqo. and th
. i . ... , . i omer a diock oounaea oy isignteentn,
Observation Car Dally Trlns -Rose Nineteenth. Vauaban and - , Wilaon
City sightseeing car leave Second and I streets, sold by W. D. Hoflu to Lam
Morrison ireet at io a. m, and 2 p. m. I Pert DUnhan lor, $40,000. -
taking in the best scenic beauties. , Take I The southeast corner of Lovelov and
In Council Crest the greatest panoramic I Sixteenth streets has been purchased by
ride In America. Stopovers on Crest I Richard Nunn for 110.000.
and Forestry building. Competent lec- -.-a lUtBMlL '
turer accompanying car and tells storvl . , . .
f. cs. Tlme of . hour,: ?Fus$nrB??t
nouney avenue ana Monroe streets lor
The large amount of work involved
In fixing and publishing tariff schedules
is.sov. ' Anotner AiDina sale that, -was
consummated yesterday wa - tha - pur-
has delayed VhT. InauVrVtlo 7 of to'lT? iTm UfJ"?.,5r0m
Canadian Pacific Railway company's Ma ?f lot,on Goldsmith near Du-
f relght ervlee into Portland via the
Spokane gateway. ; The service was an
nounced to begin today, but has been
pont street consideration, $8,000.
-In South Portland, W. H. Sullivan
purchased three lota from M. Bottler,
DOstDoned several weeks and nrohnhi located In Caruthers' addition, for $6
..." .... ... . r - I A a fru L. . .
wui not get atartea until late in May. I on
Tha special coffee sale every Thurs
day at Uie Oregon Cheese company
store, 128 Fifth street ' draws the
crowd. We aell 40-cent coffee for 25
cents per pound,- We also hava a full
Una of butter, egg, cheese,' honey, etc
Everything fresh.
If you have a cough or cold that ordi
nary cough remedies fall to relieve, ring
up Main 400, and let us send you a
bottle of our Kenyon Cough and Cold
Cure, It la only 50 cents, and cures
when others fall. Albert BernL the
druggist , 238 Washington street ; ,
street between Sharman and
Ornamental tree and shrubs Japan
maple s,v asaleas, rhododendrons and
kalmlas, bay tree lntub for porch and
veranda decorations. Large stock lust
arrived from Belgium, J. B. Pilklngton,
nurseryman, foot of Tamhill. north
slde. . ,
Banaafi St. Patrick's Corns and see
the beautiful things that the ladles are
offering, v The chance of your life. .
Why pay more? Metsger 4Us your
eyes for $1. 84$ Wash. St,, cor. 7th,
formerly at 111 Stacth street '
Preferred Stock Canned Good.
Allen & Lewfs' Beat Brand. ,v
Father Shrrman I Coming.
Father Thonpts E. Sherman, F. J, a
son of Oenerfl Sherman of civil war
fame, will reach Portland tomorrow.
He wilt deliver a series of leoeures at
th cathedral Sunday , and Wednesday
aveninga during May on . "The Phllan
trophy .of Religion." . The first lecture
will be given May 5. A feature of these
lectures will be fha question box.' ' ,
DRESSER'S , Id-Ueeti Specials
I - .-'I . ' ' lVV W - , - y w a-p ' r " ' : Tfc . ,r ',:, :-V " .' -i
Portland's Largest and Most Popular Store j
TiTJ tTCCt7"D'C CTP AHtJT?tt V CtTrTTrA If ff - ' ' 1 A . 1 i "I 'l : : 1 Ks-roii1or 9df
DRESSER'S PEANUTTAFFY, lb.;;.iVv....i.:;... w,..;.,.i;i&Nrreguiar 25c
. . - m wr . f Jkf
CTMflAPAOTT CT Trt?n TJTVWAPPT T? ' oin :--.Sr?s 'e'VIV ;'rT"r. '.15a--lftzerl 81.75 H
. .,; 8
Branches: East Fifteenth and Broadway and Seaside, Oregon J
: . n
Lowest Prices
HI A MONf AAf t ITTQ la order to ascertain just what our diamonds
JSIJ-llfAYllI' , V nta-VLJ are, you should have the stones themselves and
.then compare tHerri with the diamonds from other jewelers. - It is impossible to give,
an accurate idea of our diamonds by merely, stating the slie and price for, which we
sell them. When you have our "diamond! before you. and at the tame time stones from
other houses, you can compare their color, cut, see if they are perfect, or the degree of
Imperfection, and judge as to who gives the best value. Will you not compare4 our
diamonds and prices with those of other jewelers' the next time you need any?. We
know we' can sell them at lower prices than any jeweler in the city.
Your troccr. must sell
poor coffee; we can't all
be comfortable; but he
needn't sell it to you. - -
'. - .
Tear tracer r, tarns your moaer If yoa doa't
like ScUllisf ' B,t; we pay him.
Altogether Better Than Any
thing on the Mt. Scott Car
CLEMSON has j& unique bcation. Level.iyet well drained. The ground is perfectly clear'
and ready for use, s Streets are being nicely' graded and water mains will sen be laidc- Two
minutes walk from car line.: ? Stores and pdstoffice. ; Splendid raded. school pi 450 tupils ad-
;Wts if thyjocation of Clernsbn and Lents is part of Portland; fi centi takea'ybn td i Clemson.t;
EVERY LOT IS PERFECT," every lot will hare every convenience arid fn every way prove a
splendidnvestnient.- Don't fail to see Clemson,:r Choice lots, low price$ and easy terms.
Think of getting a lot for $100 actually' wortm$150 now. Range of 4 prices up; to 8300.
Some business lots. See big sign pn the ground. Call at our. main office for further informa
tion.! To go to Clemson take Mount Scott car at First and Alder, get off at Lents and come to
our branch office at'Lerits Hotel
Main Office, 319 Abington Bldg. Branch Office, Hotel at Lent, '
mm Tm a ti tci
tt IMS
l 5lh, SUARES OF I
3) (j.So
, Remember, it is a home company that owns Uiis mining propertylOO acres in the heart of the great Goldfields, Nevada, minimregion. It is-the mine' that gives promise of developing Into second' Mohawk: It is the mine that
has sold more shares than ever was sold before in Portland by any stock company.. verlaunched in Oregon. We expect this gold mine to make its shareholders Just as rich as the Mohawk is enriching its stockholders every month
- On May 6th, President McCorkle and Manager Bever Will Depart for
To install a steam hoisting engine and all other necessary apparatus to make the development of the mine more speedy than was possible under the conditions existing heretofore, when the rock was hoisted by hand windlass ' In fact
.eno expense will be spared, lwaya remembering the interests of ihe stikkholdert to bring th Butte Boy foto' the dividend-paying class tt the earliest moment possible to- accomplish thii result ' ' J
;iTey:'v . 1 .' Tk ' a ' , :-m" . ' :w'" y'- ' ti a : : r ''aj IX,''. g -W';i';
iyo iears Ago monawiv ioc was uegging ror Buyers, loaay it iejis tor $17.50 -ve reel lontident That Two
" Years From Now Our Shares VIII Sell at Mohawk Present Prices -
y-J - - "But today they are only 10 cents each. Next Monday they will be 19 cents. . Terms, .cash or 25 per cent down and 10 per cent per month on all orders for 29 or more shares. ; ,
"A New York Company Has Just Bought a Claim That Adjoins The Butte Boys, v
Machinery i at this, very time b'eing installed upon that property to begin its development ; The manager says that "It looks about as good to us as the Butte Boys claim, and that is good enough for any man that knows his bus!-
ness." This company is not sellmg stock. f It is a close orporauon, with enough means to carry out its deajres, and will not afford any one outside its directorate an opportunity to participate to the profits it expects to make, , ;
This Very Act of These New York People Is Positive Evidence of the Value Men of Experience jlpon the Ground
'' ' V ' Place Ilnnn the Rntte Rnvs Hnldind ; v
myyy- y ' : yyy Kfmvmt '
1 We have had chance after chance to sell at a good, round profit, and all around us are claims of from half an acre to five and six acres, not one of which can be had for any sum in reasW
V.' y- - v -W'f & "yyiiy " yy -ryy:y- y "t . -yjy:xyyyyyx,yyy
And. we are offering
.now and larger
rejoice that they
.s. ...
' - py - : a . at m m mm -v a m p- ' . - ....... . . - , , , , . - ... , ... i. ...
the public an opportunity to join nands.witn us in piucwng tne triit we are sure will ripen vpon our greatly coveted golden tree. v Forty dollars invested in Mohawk shares at the beeinnine would be worth $27 MO
sums in like proportion. : We believe tnat witnin two more years tne name of the Butte Boys may well be substituted tor that of the sublimely profitable Mohawk mine, and that then will our fortunate shareholders
ever were permitted to peruse this ad and were persuaded by it .raNbecome a part and parcel of this house of thrift ' ' ' " . ' ",',,, Vi
DR. M. O. M'CORKLE, President. . . . ; .Portland, Oregon
GEORGE W. BEVER, Vice-Pres. and Mgrn Portland Oregon
P. A-WKECHNIE, Secretary.,.,. Portland. Oregon
O. W. WEATHERLY..., , ..Portland, Oregon
D. W. F A1RCLOUGH ....... . ... . ; . .Portland, Oregon
CHARLES MAUTZ i....... Portland, Oregon
A. W. LAMBERT.. Wtland. Oregon
1M Mk Boys Consolidated MiningiCo;
Capl!aUJ,OOI),O03 In 1.00MOO Shares al $1.09 ac-FalIy Pald lp and Non-Assessable
iyy-.y v,:' Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Oreerbn
Weatherly Buildings 860 East Morrison StreeCCorner East Third, Portland, OregonC
MKe Checks Payable to the Company
Persons reinlttlng money by mail for. Butte Boys stock
art requested to make all checks, express or money or
ders payable to the Butte Boya Consolidated Mining
Company, and NOT to any member of tjie company.
This rule muat be rigidly adhered to, in order that the
books and accounts of the secretary may always be
kept free from error. -