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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. - PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENINO. APRIL 20. 1607, HANDS OUT TO PULL COFFEY OFF FEME Membsrs of Union Republican Club Adopt Resolution Denounces :"V Candidates for Nomination Who' Refuse to Pledz -k r , Support to th Ticket, Come What May. . i Union Republican club oratore- had no reepert for th cl"th or th beverege lut night at meeting of th club, but ther burnt Mr. Parson and boiled Mr, Coffey with hot and acaldlng word and left them practically utaM the pale accurat with the weight of con demnatory resolutions attacking' their consistency and Republicanism. Teh only factor of peaceful Inclina tion during the whole eourae of the meeting was J. M. Tootney, but hi voice was too doleful and was drowned by the war song of W. Pike Da via at at Mr. Toomey lost his chance for fame by butting Into the Inharmonious chorus of discord with a request to know. He desired to be Informed how much Ice it would cut with Mr. Cerrer and Mr. Parson If the Union, Republi can club did fall to indorse them or did condemn them by resolution.' This was 'an unkind thruat on the part of 'Mr. Toomey when th organisation waa on th eve of .signing up Its fortieth active member. : - ... , That Torgotten Speech. After, J. T. Booth had corrected the tnlm by reminding President John Olll that h had mad a apeeeh the week bfor which liad not been Doted by the secretary, Mr. Pavla suggested it would be a good time to hear the report of the city central committee regarding those candidates who hsd pledged themselves to support the sUte. Mr, Coke- said that alt th candidates had signed up and were entitled to health certificates except . John " B, Coffey and 11. O. Paraona. , Pike Davla began to uncork th vial of wrath which ha haa been carrying about with him for a couple of weeks, but put the atopper back while Senator S. C. F'rh' Introduced a long reaolu tton which begsn by outlining th pro vision of th platform and ended with a denunciation directed, toward Mr. Coffey and Mr. Parson and th fol lowing: , ' .. , .' ' Rcaol-ed, That the Union Republl' can rlub doa hereby express its em phatic disapproval of, such candidates anil that their action doe not entitle them to the support or confidence of Republicans,' . . . Mr. Davla then ' began his remarke with " gentle suggestion. He stated Emu : ; : Amnm that he bad read In th papers where Judge Cameron had fined a negro 140 for attempting to flirt with a white girl and n auggeated that it waa about time to fin Mr. Coffey for flirting with th Republican party. He aaid that If Coffey or Paraona had Intended to run as isbor candidates they ahould have climbed upon th labor platform nt, first and not started to run in th. Republican race with the Intention of bolting the ticket ahould they not re ceive th nomination., "Coffey la plac ing himself above th Republican party," Mr. 'Davla said. . . . , Mr. Toomey pleaded for peac. "I think th people will expresa - their wishes and I don't think we will do ourselves any good by favoring n candidate above another." he Argued. "I would Ilk to know lust what proportion of th voter ef th city this club rep resents, anywsy," h queried, . ' Ssaok Out Ashamed BCeaw- . B.C. Beach as Id th resolution was Intended to make Republicans out of those who ran on th Republican plat form and to smoke out men who were aahameft , to stand On th Republican platform. 1 . : A. J. ran no. Oeorg Hyland, George P. Booths'. Max Cohen, Judge' I R. Webster and Dudley Evana all added their mlt to th flow of oratory after which th resolution was adopted unani mously. : ' ' ,'.' . ;. Mr. Davla then moved that when th club adjourned It be to Monday night foe th purpose of meeting with th city central committee and planning way and means for the horn at retch of the city . campaign. Mr. Cake announced that the central committee would or gs, nix Monday vn!ng. . maker fm4 "woUd Mix.- ' . George L. Baker defended himself from tb attacka made against bl can didacy for election to th council from the fourth ward. H said that at th time the council of 100. granted th franchla on Fifth atreet to th Port- land Street Railway company tna ao tlon had bn petitioned for by a larg number ef resident. . Tb company waa struggling in competition with th City tc Suburban company and . the council bad bean unanimous in granting th franchise. ' He also defended th "solid six" a a faction of th Republican party which would not b dictated to front tb outside. Speaking of hla bank ruptcy proceeding h said that h waa new paying hla obligation dollar (for dollar and big Ppr . waa at, par, Candidate for Councilman - , Fifth Ward ; r For Ce-Electioh : The Best Scocrias Soap FXat , , A Seoarioff Soap . r V A Metal Pohh r A Glass Cleaner e m i r . a , jsir - 'w r a ivi L f I Is." ' . : , ii K If, k ii 1 ! i j CLAIM STRIKE IS BROKEN BEFORE BEING CALLED (Bpeclsl Nspateb- to The Jeoraal Seattle. Wash., April 10. Eighteen ma chinist from th east hav arrived and hav gon to work at th Moran ship yards. - Almost as many from tb aaat wtr accommodated at th Washington Iron works. Th impending strike of workmen (n th metal trades acted as a magnet to draw this skilled labor her, whr th highest wage In th country are paid, with th possible ex ception of San Franclsoo. Vry tw machinists walked out at th Washing ton plant when th demand for In creased wages, mad two weeks ago, wa rfusd. - ' - . Th moulders, who threatened to walk out May 1, hav taken no action. In ternational President . Valentin la ' at San Francisco and h must lssua an order be for th moulders can act. ' J. V. Paterson, general manager ef the Moran company, says the arrival of the eastern machinists has reduced th general strike move to an Impossibility, as th man hav seen with what facility skilled labor can b obtained in the east. u , 3. X ,t i. I J. F. BOOTHE at. AT THE THEATRES J "Tb) Magic Melod-i at HeQig. x " Th sttraetloa st tb Betlig flteitre, foor teeath ssd Wuhlngtos, tostght Wednesday sad Tfenrsday blxhts, win be the eminent actor, Waltre Waluelde, In rue seaattmi cob-edr-draaie .race tee. "Tbs MagK Meledy." Special Matinee at Hellic Tomorrow. A special prtc matinee win be gives -at the Helll tbeatre tomorrow (Wednesday) af- teraooa, wtien waite ,waisiae in -in afasto Melodr" will be tb sttrsctkn. ; Cur- tala at SU8 'eloek. . , ...,';. Seat .Sale for Murray and Mack. The advaae Met aale wiU epea Tbanday BMrnlag, Ur X at the box eflee ot the Betlut theatre for the famoaa Irish earn- edUne, Murray and Mark, wbe eooe gatorday aad Soaday algbts. Hay aaa D, la tneu latest aiualeal faree-eoatedy ' . "Arousd . the Tews." '.; :-,-, . ; '.. . t. B ETTER PIANOS tor lesi tnoney. because the Hou o F.ilcrt t grcatrr buying; power, better (icilitiea for handling;. more perfect shipping gygtcm and more com plete arrangement! for dmtrihtttlon ow t wider extent of terri tory than tny other piano firm in Amerio. ' ' v . ; , , .. Better pixnos for 1es money, too, becauae the Houe-of Kiler aclla 72jj per cent of all the piano wold in thi territory; all other dealers combined handling only 27j per cent, giving tin tn advantage in the matter of trade relation with the world' foremost maker that i not enjoyed by Any other hotne. ( V "The EilersWay" Of piano gelling Is the popular waythe liberal way. Small . profits, quick sales small payments, strictly one pries- very sh's eklsa. V a - si f4 ftKaft IIIMi fA sVtf sWAn SB arsrla imin UIwV U9 faillVi IU IU T1TVI1S wucuivi . . r.l . . . -.: man, woman or cnuaj togetner witn a guarantee tnci aaa worm to the makers warranty, so broad and tubsuntul that there is no chance for dissatisfaction. . ,, . . -a And when yoa chooie front the Line of Highest Merit, you 1 lect from the best pianos in the world the Weber, Chicker ing. Kimball. HsceUon, Steek, Hobart M. Cable Bush h Certs, ' ,VVhelock, Teate, Crown, Haddorf, Lester, Schumann, Story & Clark nd Other equally well known and famous productions. . Notice. . , To the Io Trad of th City and the North weat Trttoryt Upon th return of summer weather ,w are compelled to cancel our winter rat and hep our effort te lnduoe In creased consumption of our produot by continuing th low rat so long has been appreciated. a.- Owing to Increase hi the coat of the manufacture ef los and in order that th prtc shall not go above what you have previously en jo yea m recent years, w hav arranged with th 1c , Delivery Co," a new corporation, for the delivery of our entire outputs. Each plant will be interested In re taining all old customer a and th pro curing of new trad. Present arrange ments will enable th Ice Delivery Co. to give much better servioe; driver will apreelate greater responsibility; com plaints nan be better handled; expens will be greatly lessened, which benefit will enare alike o the consumer and manufacturer. . .: Our Individual lntere. and Identity remain, and to patrena favoring th Ice Delivery C. we are pleased to state that our combined capacity, energy and support will be at thetr command. 1 CRYSTAL ICS STORAOB CO. PORTLAND ARTIFICIAL ICB CO. i INDEPENDENT ICB dk COAL CO. . PULLMAN TRAIN DITCHED 1 . .AND NOBODY INJURED ' (gpeetal Dlspatea te The learaaL) 1 ' Nsmpa, Ida, April SO -For years th Oregon Short Lin has had an excep tionally clean record in disasters, butt W . kuLXVI. . k . . . . . ' 1 accident ever known "en the tine oc curred six miles west Of here yesterday, when a whole train of Pullman car went into th, ditch and not a person was injured. ":.,.; . While westbound ' train ' No. I was daalylng along at a SO-mlle clip It wa wrecked. The engine struck a spread rail and . th entire string of sleeping ears left th track. . Nona of th ears waa badly damaged and a delay ef IS houra was the only result . - it , hw Si a i ' ' t , .-.:'. ' i .. . j , ; '. i.,. rie- HOUSE OF HIGHEST QUALITY f JTiorws tm Evmry tmprtanl City of th Pacific Alrihu9.t . 353 "Washington. Cor. Park) NEZ PERCE RESERVATION IS TO BE SQUARED OUT :''! ' ,. . ,' (Vpedsl rtlsrateb t T JoereaL) ' Bpokan. Wash., April IS. Th Net Perce Indian reaervatlon will, hav it boundaries shitted, TBI is the de olelon reached by Secretary Garfield nd he haa notified th land Office at Lewlsto'n to that effect. Th secretary wants the borders to form a straight line, which will mean that white set tlers will suffer the loa of much land, as th enlargement will Include a tri angular strip tS miles long on either Side.' , The dispute as to .this boundary haa been tinder consideration by the In terior department sine1 HIS. BLOOM ON THE TREES; , SIMPLY. FROZEN OFF (Special ritepateb t The 7onniatt ' Rtarbuek, Wuh., April SO. A heavy frost and frees here Saturday night practically destroyed alt prospects for a fruit crop this season. The peaches and cherries were all In bloom and th blooms were simply fro ten off. Colfax Hotel in RecHyer's ' Hands. ' (RpeeUI Dtepetc t Th JemaL) Colfag, Wash., April 10. Th Hotel Whitman 1 Colfax la in the hands of a receiver. Mr. Thompson, who ftaa bnn running It for J he past three months, haa made an assignment, and the-preo-erty ha been turned ever, with Mr, Mc Veigh ot Tskoa U SUxge, . '. '- . LiUlan Russell at Heilig Monday. The new eeeiedy is three arts. The But terfly." by Kellett CaaBiMra, aew eerves te inoredace aflss LtllUa Unwell aa a eemedtvane. Under the. dlreetloa ef Joeeph Brooka, Sitae kosmU will iDour ia "The Butterfly" at the Belli- theitre aeit Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day. Thursday slihts. Mt . T. sad . The aew piece is a esmedy ef eeeeatUlly np-tevdaU mner. wita ecesee lai ia Mew xera uiiy and aaratega. ..,'..,.:.",.-; . V Going to The Dictato',T - t Tss 'name ef Bleb aid Harding Darts has Srawa naay eecesloawl vlsltare te the Baker thta week to eee "The inrtator.- nut tney have been foeVed te admit that the play was sever la better beads tbaa la these, ef the incomparable Baker company.. Be they ere eUtng all their , Meade" te ee Tbe,Ile- Utoc". this week.. It's straight tip. , t "Beware of Men" Matinee. A play that stirs every sanypatky la "Be ware ef Mae." thta week 'a straag attraction at the Empire. . The atsrriaoa street playhouse la besoming mare aad more popular siaee tae relga ef the spleedld Seamas Stork company began. There will be a aaatlaea ef "Beware ex Men' i-. I a "Sealed Llpe" t tjnric. The bfO et the Lyrte thla -week the fharaoa BMledrama ' "Sealed lips" asd local crlttce decUre It eee ef the best erfeHnfa ever made by the Lrrte- Thle la the farewell week ef the present stock enranlsatloa, aad all the old fa vorl tea nay be aeee te edvaatage. There will be a matinee every ag tbu week; aeeu for esyasrforsaace may be reserved by tele phone. ,- . ', .,( ' , - :., ' , Tera Felton's Hit. v Thta week Tenia feltoa hi playing the atar part at. the Star theatre ta 'Tor Mother'a Baks." As tbe boy who makes a rortane with hla mining Inventions. Miss reltea give a ftae eleee ef acting which compare well with th work et Marie Heath, for whom the xher aetev wee written, "roe Mother'a ke';r la a comedy-drama, the first act, especially, being novel and antone. Matinees Thursday, Satur day and Sunday. Beat aboald be ordered .kt advaae.-"., , .--.' ..:',..'..-. -f)'.;. I'. ' "Only Joke." -i Only a Joke" I -the title of sketch at the Oread thle week which is three-eot farce belled down to a few minutes. Bmoada, la mreoa ead Kmoade offer this aad they have made eae ef the hits of the bill. Archie Boyd, tbe character actor wb haa played la all the rural dramas' of Importance, presents a play, let, "After Many rears,' which Is s elsealc Tbe Three yiylng Valentines have eomethlng mew la the wsy ef easting asd .the act la dressed dif forest from any other act ta vaade- vtlle. - - . v, , .- MACARTHUR WAITING AT , SEATTLE FOR KUR0KI tfpoeial Plena tek te The Joersal.t Seattle, April 10. Arrangements have been completed for th recaption of General Kurokt, imperial Japanese rep. resentativ to th Jamestown 'exposi tlon. The reception is in charge ot Lleutenant-Oeneral Arthur MacArthur, who has arrived here to accompany Baron Kurokl acreas th continent. The Imperial party, aoonrpanted by Oeneral MacArthur and his staff, will probably leave Seattle on the Northern Paciflo Friday morning for Jamestown. Should the Akl Maru not arrive "until Friday the start eastward Will be made Satur day.. , :.; , ". i : r : Burial of Explosion . VlcUms. (Special Dlspeteh an The Jdsraal.) Black Diamond, Wash.. April 10. Work In the mines at this place and all business waa suspended Sunday while slmoat th entire population turned out to attend the funerals of. th thro victims of Friday's explosion la th Morgan mine. The victims were Jo Bolmentl, Fhlllp Domenleo and Albert Do mint The- body of R - T. Reese waa burled yesterday. No further develop ments hav occurred relative to the disaster. ' Troubles of . Visionv often result from th coffee habit. Betord consulting tbs optician, ' quit coffee and try . ' ,?. POSSUM " '' ' ""t1- - - . " .' " .'Thsre't a Raor.M TllOU ' in Qiiality in ...... . Values $lo00 For 81.25 and 81.50 Values EDre In This Season-' Host Beautiiol, V i. Plain and Fancy: Saiiingrs : For 015 and 01.50 Values 1 , These are beautiful goods woven of mixed yarns In plain shades of blue, tan, gray, "green and other wanted shades; soft and fine; just the right weight and style for summer wool dresses. .Fancy Novelty Suitings, spick-span new in various shades of tan, brown, gray, etc. in broken checks, stripes and plaids. All are this season's most popular patterns, are extra wide and cheap at their regular price of $1.25 to $1.50. ; , : . r . ; v ,"' Moonlight Mixtures (0 inches : wide, strictly all wool, firm, hard twisted weave; very suitable for shirtwaist suits AfV 'or jacket suits; $1.C0 quality, Wed'day and Thursday is2)lUU ' Silk hd Wool Noveltles--43 Inches- wide, beauti-aasortment - of pretty shades, every one .the newest, coloring; ytrj 'pretty lor summer gowns; our $1.25 quality. Special Hfl Wednesday and Thursday. ......C.,.;;...;.h...;.-OlaUll Novelty French Weaves 42 wide, beautiful sheer fabrics ; " one of the finest foreign creations; first time shown in this city; - regular $1.25, $1.60 and $1.75 values. Special, - AA Wednesday and Thursday..'.;.!..;...., ..-..) lev If $1.50 Novelty Suitines $1.00 All our 64-inch Priestly and Jamestown in every late "style, de sign and weave; all the, fashionable color combinations m gray, tan, blue, green, i brown; also pretty line of block checks. Specially priced at., SLUM) for Fasliionablo Dress Goods Wortli 01.25 and 01.50 ............ , Threo Extraordinary Silk V alacs .51.00 38-Inch Black Taffeta War ranted : all silk, spot-proof, pretty,';; Swiss , finish ; good '$1.25 grade. Special Wednes day and Thursday, per. AO' yisXcia .sj ; .' mw C 87-Inch BUek TaffeU Fine rich lustrous finish, pure silk ; well worth $1.00 yard. Our price, Wednesday and Thurs ' day, per '.,;: J ' v I . ' YSIUi ................. 75t 19-Inch Black Taffeta Pop ular buckskin finish, warrant ed . all silk, spotless black ; good ? 75c grade. Special, Wednesday and Thurs-1 day... a -SdC ' " We have prepared to take care of your. Underwear and Hosiery wants this season better than ever. Stocks are larger, assortments better, and the following interesting numbers at very interesting little prices will greet you 'for the first time tomorrow: ' . v : VKV -',.',;';.'!.-, v- Suits" 80 :r- ; Women's fine white Upion Suits.made of lisle thread, trimmed, with 'j fine Val. lace, silk tape, low neck, sleeveless, umbrella pants ; one of the best weiring garments ; usually sold at $1.80, : Special -; OQ-'' . tomorrow, at , . , ...,....,.......'...... Oat ' 25o'T'i;:f. Large line of Infants' white mixed wool and cotton Vests (Puritan make), warranted the best and most auraoie garment maae; our regular or Special at LtO C p m fji f 10c 35c and 40c garments. Women's Summer Vests, 10e. a ' 300 dozen Women's white Swiss ribbed sum met Vests,' prettily trimmed with laee; have low neck, short sleeves; an exceptionally fine '. garment; sold elsewhere at.ZOc each; UUr pctll (lite, cavu. ,.,.. vi' !; f- : Women's .Lisle Vests, 50. i'f f Women's Imported Lisle Ribbed Vests with pretty hand-made lace yokesj low flecks,' no sleeves, silk tape values up to 85c only about 30 dozen in the lot Specially priced for, fAj each r.y . . ... ........ . .t. OUC Boys Stockings, 25f?. ' Have just received a full line of boys' armor clad and athletic Stockings, best stocking ever made for wear--iave four-thread heel and toe, three-thread knee, are reenforced throughout- well worth 35c and 40c ; Ouf price, '''": ) Z' 25c New' Lace Stockings, 35s. An exceptionally pretty line of children's and misses' Lace Stockings J large variety of styl-x ish designs, regular made, double sole, high spliced heel and toe; colors, white, pink, blue, and black good "60c values special, per pair. .... .... . . . ... .... . . . . ...... .Ou C V : Misses' Lisle Stockings, 17. . ' C About 200 dozen misses' fine Lisle Ribbed Stockings in black and tan; made full fash- ioned ;; naveJugh-spliced ' heel,-: extra heavy double sole, excellent wearing quality well worth 25c special tomorrow 17s 3 pairs for ... ,7. ........ .. . 3UC .. " J. :Z Women's Fancy Hosiery. ff " An unequaled showing of women's fancv hos iery. Every desirable shade and pattern in lace, embroidered and polka' dot styles. , Col ors, black, tan, pink, blue and white rt ' prices range from $1 down to abOC :A Wonderful Sale of Tmhrn.HnHnn finrl Tonn . Tha best assortment of kinds and patterns ever shown ia the city at prices that art unmatcbable. , Every woman whq has home sewing; to do requires a liberal supply of exactly thesa goods before the summer season starts. . Every item here represents good, worthy embroideries and laces that yon can depend upon, and when you consider how much of these goods you will use during the season it is well worth securing i.. ' .thern now at these low prices. . 4 ;, , ..-v- j, Beautiful All-Over Embr'deries 1,000 yards of Exquisite Embroideries, in over 50 different patterns; undoubtedly the best assortment ever placed on sale. Beautiful florsl aad open ef fects; others ia stripe and lace designs; widths from 20 to 24 inches; not a piece in the lot worth less than $2.50 yard, and values up to $4.00. All st one price Wednesday.-, -t - ':' " C.1 AO (See window display) ...MltUV.. Torchon Ziaoe 4o 10,000 yards of new fresh Torchon Laces, over 200 new exclusive patterns in the assortment; every edge hss an inserting to match; widths from 1 to 3 inches: .prices range from 8c to 15c yard. yl Special, per, yard ................riC Piatt Valenciennes 12Mo Another beautiful assortment of -pretty Piatt Vat Laces, used so much in trimmmg fine white under wear; 2 to 6 inches wide; regular 20c to ,35c 1 0l grades. On specisl sale ......... ...... .....laCsC Zlechlin Lacca llo s 5J0QO yards of very fine Mechlin Laces, including sll the clever new novelty patterns, as well aa every one of the staple designs; comes 1 to 2yi inches wide; sens regmsrry at prices renfing Irom 18 to 1 1 a iv Flouncing: and Shirtwaist !, 'V'-' '';; r.' Embrdideries .;-';: ic: 'A most besutiful and largest showing of finest Gall Embroideries to be found anywhere in the city. ' Thousands of yards of the most beautiful pat . terns in shadow, eyelet, padded and cut effects. Specisl attention is called to the neatness and per fection of esch piece. . The regular selling prices of these embroideries are $175. $1.50 and $175. All ' at one price Wednesday. , : fl Q arm '(See window display) :..UOfJ :V Baby Irish All-Overs The most' wanted Isce of the season Is the Baby Irish - alloVcrs. ; By a fortunate underpriced pur chase.we have , been enabled to offer at a greatly reduced price two beautiful values of . this stylish , lace. - oeautitul assortment ot designs regularly sold at prices from $3.00 to $5.00 per yard. . , nr. j i i ppeciai vTconcsgij, per vera $1.49 Another lot of $1.50 to $2.50 values- Reduced CIV, ;' for Wednesday to. yard . , . . . ..... .... .OUC .Pretty .Dresden iiibbons . : 4-in Floral Ribbon, wide rsnge of patterns; rtiru Urly sold at 25e. Special at ....,............ 4I4-in Dresden Ribbons, beautiful dainty, colorinsrs; our 30c grade. Special at .,,....,...."..'......a3v' 35c. The entire lot at one price, per yard.. . Specials, Art Goodq csid Hotipnc If anything were needed to further demonstrate tha saving advantages that accrue from buying In these popular sections, it's found in this sale tomorrow. A few of the many items follow Dress Shields Specially ReducedWe hsve just received a special underpriced purchase of lightweight Dress Shields, suitable for use with shirtwsists snd light dresses; every pair fully guaranteed; sssorted sues; specially priced as follows Sise 2; 15e kind. i.': 10 8Ue 3i X8c k!nd,...12e Sise 4; 20c kind ................ ...14 ; 15c Tablets 10c 15 doren i best quality Irish Linen Tablets, ruled or nnmled: full eoant; our best selling number fm st 15c. Specislly priced tomorrow at ..........lie J : i35cWash Belts 25o White Duck Wash Belts in a large assortment nf this season's best styles; nestly embroidered in tv newest designs; finished with sdjustsbl t i " . rther stores ask 35c for this grade. ' . -' - . Our special price 75o 7ash Bolts 60o White Linen Wssh Belts, the newest styles; hand embroidered in pretty floral designs; finished with large peart buckles; sold all over the city st 75c Dur special price ...................... ewv Special Salo Uand Bars $2.00 Values at $1.19 The price onirht to attract t tention. but tha baga themstlves will fix it snd make it impossible for you not to buy one or more. A ?;rest sssortment f all th. newest styles to choa rom In all the best leathers and color..; well m-!, with riveted frsme, moire linirsf s"l ro" p"'-: regular $1.50 to $.C1 vslues st one rri' - ' "1 "? Choice - C5c Cr.:' !r ' " Tf'"-trv Cn-'''''"! r -, i ' ' ' : 1 col ; i r C"!' " ' ;