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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL' S3, 1007. V y 'iilEPREMIEM Call Me Early,-: THE GREAT SALE OPENS TOMORROW AT 9:30i A. M X Mother Darling' for I'm to Be . First at the Sale V" '''' 'A Vs NcT . IT f Jiff 1: : Come Dance Around the May Pole The Opening a , May Morning Festival ; STUPENDOUS MAY DAY MILLINERY SENSATION The Most Colossal Sale of Magnificent N on the Pacific Slope! Portland Womcn' and Visitors May, Buy Their Spring and Summer Millinery From a Manufacturer's Vast and Entire Stock at - v - : : ; From V4 to ty2 Milliner s Prices WOMEN WILL WAIT TILL WEDNESDAY WOMEN WILL WAIT TILL WEDNESDAY WOMEN WILL WAIT TILL WEDNESDAY TO SAVE ONE-HALF TO THREE-FOURTHS THE PRICE ON MIELINERY $50,000 WORTH OF BEAUTIFDLNEW rtHLLINERY AT LESS THAN IT COST THE BIAKERS OVER 10.000 HATS TO CHOOSE FROM THINK OF JT1- More Hatt Than All the Combined Millinery Stocks in Portland Could Show I v , v . , , A PARIS STYLE EXPOSITION AT YOUR VERY DOORS PATRICIAN MILLINERY AT PLEBIAN PRICES FOR PORTLAND WOMEN! The millinery fashion, are proclaimed, and here, spread out over 6,000 square-feet of aelling apace, in the most colossal retail millinery salesrooms on the Pacific Coast, Portland femininity may come and revel to their hearts' content 'mid the feast of plenteous beauty and magnificence. Here is a display of new milhnery that will cause aM Oregon to "atf up and pay attention Concrete inspirations of French dreamers and American creators that have real being. : Millinery style creatioits for now and for summer. Come and sea them a youd come to view beautiful paintings but come prepared to possess them for very little. There's a charm about the hats far away and ahead of any .you've seen, before; styles weeks in ad vance of the commoner showings about town But the prices average from a half to fourth those asked anywhere In Portland. We've neither time nor spac to tell you of all the marvelous bargains but 'the excerpts we make from the wonderful story of prices is full of heart interest to the dressy, thrifty buyers of fine millinery who take advantage of this SEN SATIONAL TEN-DAY MILLINERY OFFERING. ;-' ' T ' '..-,..,-:., Z.-- . 4 ;,'- ' SMART STREET HATS ,y A kt of wonderful Values , op ; to ',$4.50, to be sacrificed to early comers while they last;? all newest L';"'.V: Qfln models and latest Eastern styles, for i f0 Hundreds of other values from $175 up to $10.00, at an aver: "Re of 4 the price, via 4f to f 2.49 for grand $10 values! $2.50 values for ......... $3.00 values (or $3.50 values for $4.00 values for $5.00 values for And up to $10.00 values at i 69 75 89 984 iMtlMKM - .2.49 'MONG THE FLOWERS A" veritable garden all abloom, and the greatest bargains you ever saw. Flowers in wonderful variety and surpassing beauty. Abundance the keynote. Lilies of the valley, violets, forget-me-nots, buttercups, daisies, black-eyed Susans, cow slips, chrysanthemums cornflowers,- fruit clusters, etc Flowers in infinite variety too . great to - mention in full. Wheat grasses, feathers, quills and magnificent plumes at a quarter of regular prices yes, and less. Hints . . ... Crushed Linen Roses, 3 in a spray; 50c, values, in the sale for ........................... Crushed Linen Roses, 3 in a spray; 75 values, in the sale for ............ Crushed Linen Roses, 3 in a spray; $1.00 values, in the sale for Crushed Linen Roses, 3 in a spray; $175 values, in i 5 the sale for..... Crushed Linen Roses, 3 in a spray; $1.50 values, in the sale tor ......i... ...... Trashed Linen Roses. 3 in a sorav: $5.00 values, in the sale for 1.25 854 L STYLISH SUMMER SHAPES Milan Braid Dress Shapes, in a large assortment for choosing; values (o $2.00 and $2.50, in the sale at ...............494 An unlimited assortment of the smartest, newest shapes of the season; swagger dress shapes, for swell dressers,, in every fashionable braid, embracing Milans, chips, split braids, rough braids, etc., in all the pretty colorings fashion, loves, at about J4 today's values ? ' . ' ' $2.50 shapes for .'...,..;.....,.....'.....'. 494 $3.00 shapes for T54 $3.50 Shapes for 894 $4.00 shapes for ........ 984. $4.50 shapes for . 81.19 $5.00 shapes for ...........81.39 jjp to those dress shapes worth to $10.00, in Milans that are in the sale for ........................... .82.48 LADIES SAILORS Chic and Jaunty, r The newest Sailors shown by leading Eastern houses Broad- :49c way . favorites, and splendid values at $1.50. in me saie. at a cnoice lor . . . . . . TRIMMED HATS .fl.98 ..82.85 a l 'v-C $ 8.00 values for $10.00 values for $12.50 values for $13.50 values for $15.00 -values for $16 50 values for . ....84.45 $18.00 values foe f4.95 And values up to magnificent Pattern Hats Parisian models priced to sell at 889.00 at regular price. - i....... 83.25 ...i 83.69 u 83.98 VIOLETS Big Bunches ; Natural as the delicate beauties that bloom, on the hillltdes, : by the side of bubbling springs; best values in town at 15c : In the sale for bunch .t.. .......44 L;L ;, ,;;.V. CHILDREN'S HATS t' ' ' ! ? ' , ; ! I ' - '' ' . ' Chic, jaunty, verve conceptions, full of "go,", the brightest, newest ideas of specialists who cater to the . wants of America s little lassies. - . & GWW Sailors, 59c values, in the sale for ...... ........194 Children's pretty trimmed Leghorns, with dainty fancy lace brims, droopy and graceful; best $4.00 values ever shown in Portland, in .the sale for ! ; . ; . .'. . . . . 984 Special little lots of Children's Hats, worth up to $25.00 -: and $30.00, 'for .V.V... 3.85 and f4.95 Children's Lace Straw Flats, 89c value ............ .....234 . . . RIBBONS r ':::'r-iV; : Beautiful Ribbons radiant with stylehundreds of miles of brilliant ribbons, fairly bristling with newness and be'auty, at almost unbelievable values." Read - ..- ' ' 35c Ribbons for, yard .......154 ,' 40c Ribbons for, yard ...... .................. 194 60c Ribbons for, yard .. ........'............ i. 22 65c Ribbons-or, yard '...... ................... 85c Ribbons for, yard ................ ,.354 95c Ribbons for, yard ...494 $2.00 Ribbons for, yard ........ .v.. . J. 954 ' - A wonderful galaxy of bargaina in pretty ornaments for millinery trimmings. Big choosing at little prices. ' "T .;' THE STORY OF THE SALE " Owing to the del?y in building operations at San Fran cisco, caused by non-arrival of materials consequent upon car-shortage, and the scarcity "'of skilled labor, many buildings promised for occupancy May 1 are "far from completion and will not' be ready for their tenants before fall. Such, was the predicament of the St Francis Mil linery,, of San Francisco. With $50,000 of the finest millinery standing in, the- freight yard, no building avail able for occupancy, and the season well on, they turned to the Shafer-Whittier Co. of Portland for. aid promptly tendered; : ; '..'' ' " '"' ' v ': '. : " ' " -' The goods have been shipped to Portland and will be placed on fofceji sale for ten days by the Shafer-Whi-tier Co. at from" one fourth to one half actual value- less than the actual wholesale price x today X, The, 6tores two floors with entrance at "326 Washington street, next above the welt-4cnown- Goddard fit' Kelly 'Shoe House (Sixth and Washinjgtfon streets),' been leased for a brief period. Here, overflowing ' 6,000 square, feet of loor space, will be spread out the grandest array of fine spring and summer Millinery ever shown under any one roof in Portland. -V' K ' : ,: ' -'''. ' ' Over 10,000 Hats jn the vast aggregation more milli nery than was ever shown by one house for retail selling on the Pacific Coast.. Trimmed and pattern' hats, street hats, ready-to-wear conceptions 'and shapes, in endless variety,, 'Not anold hat or article in the. lot,' but many in the unbroken packages from' import, never having yet seen the light of day in America.'- Weeks ahead .in style of any millinery shown elsewhere1 in Portland. The en tire stock will be offered to Portland's feminine public at about one fourth actual value. . The sale opens Wednes day morning at 9:30 o'clock. .; . '', ' We have engaged Mile. Silverstein, late of New York City,, as chief designer and chiefess-in-charge. Scores of competent salesfolk will assist, and all patrons will be waited on promptly. Early choosers, of course, get best selections be early on the ground. . . - $50,000 NEW AND L: 'LK'"' - r"-l y 1 1 ITiTtTrTTTrTTr o. All to be sacrificed at from 25c to 50c on the $1 of fust cost in this stu pendous millinery carnival 1 Sale opens Wednesday at 9:30 a. m. Ready Wednesday morning to admit the multitudes to the monster bargain and beauty fest at 328 Washington street (entrance), this city. Two floors filled to overflowing. Stores formerly occupied by the E. P. Charlton Co.s 6c, 10c, 15c shops. Entrance next door above, and salesroom over Ooddard & Kelly's well known shoe house. . :'- A Grand Day and Night Millinery Sale Will Be , Open; Evenings I !! Washington set THE SHAFER-WHITTIER COMPANY, Managers 1 e 326 Washington Street SERIES OF SUBMARINE . EOAT TESTS AND RACES The Octopus and the Lake, Built by Rival Companies, , " Are Contestants. , i f SrvwtK, R. T April . With th ' i i. in. ooo approprlktloa BM4 by th mnirm u th prla. a avrtca of - - . . I A Ortelaal AtMek -i H lnr,f.nW eltlwns la frequntly ! In that aptMircntlr ual'a II", if i i. rllit tsa fcnipni1t." tSr iiiv t' rilt it prutranted con.ilpa- n, 1 loir Jlvr torpor. Pr. Kina't v 1 if. 1 ' t . i rvftnlal Iho llvar, pr "i Ti"!litl, and (t.llih ririlar i "i im t t U towel. lo at Ke Croaa i t.iiiia-,' . . teat waa inaururatad erf Newport to day batwaan tha two typea or American aubmaiina boata. Tbo oontaat wilt b of a. moot atrinrnt natur and will oc cupy a period of two waeka, brio Bin to a focua tha Wtur rivalry of yeara te twean tb Inrantora and maliufacturera of undar-water craft. Th member of, the United Btatea marine board ar eon ducting th Inquiry into th relative merit of th boat and their decision will determine th winner of th blf pura offered by th government. . t The Electrlo Boat company, which manufacture th Holland typ of aub- marlna. la represented dt the octopus. th larmeat boat of Its kind aver made m thla country. It la over 1H feet lone and can flr four torpedoe elmul- taneously. The Lake SubiMuin Boat company has entered tha Lake. Invented and built by Rtraon Lake: It h made many lone trip eucceaafally and In a preliminary mn her traveled elarht milea and a half an hour on th surface -lnat a strong wind. - Th teats Include opeed, quickness at diving, r.diua of action, abUlty to At- tain great deptha and other fln points. Captain Adolph Marx 1 president of th naval board, which wilt decide th con test .fi i" s ' ' i. . Barrlman'a Ittlrvment Rumored. (Jeurael Special fcrtW.) -New Tork, April 10 Wall atreet Is fiUed with Union Pacific runrora. On la that Harrtman will retire and Mor-gan-HlU crowd will enter th director ate. Another l tnat a treat holding company Is forming to -take over the Unjon Pacific Inveatmenta with capital that ceds 1300,000.000. . Prominent Business Corner TEA Do you think the only differences in tea are a few cents a pound ? -1 ; ' Tear freest retarat rear Mk SckUaas'l Best: we pas BMey tf re seat on Sixlli St. . : For sale at a price that makes it a snap. Are you Yl ', V ; r -" interested?, ;L" mo n T A fTtiV INVESTMENT L Y. LLA J 1J COMPANY : : . 307 FAILING BLDG. Phone Main 1258 i - - - 1 ( ', ; PLEASE RESERVE SEATS IN ADVANCE ' Also, don t forget that every one who goes to Waverlcigh wiu have an opportunity to share in the free lot and 60 other gifts on May 13. H. W. LEMCIiE COMPANY; Main 550 Home Phone A2537 Sixth andWashington