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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
r S3, 130T TIIC- OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 1 ToivnTcpics J ToinoHn Auvtzutvn. Weill Haiplre . lilt ......... brand trtc ..Til M.rle M.lodr" ."Tbe Dlcutor "Bar of Mm" .."For alulu.r'a K...1 Vaniir.illa 14 LrjBj On of the moat Important meeting ef the Adman' league since that body tut been organised will ba that of to- 1 morrow evening, Wedneaday, May 1 New by-la wa and a conatttutlon that will Involve change so that the organisation N will be practically an en tirely new organization will be die- '. cussed and adopted. It la expreaaly .. stated that alt who do not attend to morrow evening and offer their'' ob- , linn. ,A Ik. Mnfu.Mil a h a 4.... .w , ' ' 1" I. VHP II. ,w . II eonatltutlon and by-law will forever ba requested "to bold their peace." The nam of the Admen' league will be 1 changed. There will bo more rigorous qualification for eligibility, an Increaa of due, with Incidental provlalon for permanent quarter. The change are vital and far reaching and the Admen' league wilt practically be disbanded and m new ..amu vigorous organisation, it possible, will take It plaoe. - v - : j - ' - ' t M. J. Swell and Ren Parson, two f til vAilnaraat flnilwri An tha nnattf. hava Just returned . from -. thrilling trip down the Nehalem river. They had Born land to crulae on the lower Nehalem, and decided to avoid the bad road by a river trip. They built twiat from .nil wh ' lumHar anil .thmitli neither knew the channel of the liver many ; aangers, tney paaseo with out aceiaem tnrousn tn urana kdic.- .w a.w .mi. . i . . i . v in ii, i.ii. . the g-orge, all well known plaee in the Ih. nintV riffl.. Ik 1 1 , , l . ... 1 1 mA river. - When thjy reached the big fall they left 'the boat and 'walked the re maining Thl .'a the Jret boat that ha ever been over the riffle in month becau of the awl ft water and the huge- boulder. -,- r': - ' Mri IL C W'orUman, who I an . authority on art. -will talk upon - "La Fargs and HI Late Work" tomorrow afternoon at the monthly literary meet ing of the Unitarian alliance. Mr. Wertmaa la not only an Interesting speaker but I an enthuilaetlo art stu dent and ha spent some time In the aat - recently, especially studying - La Farge. ' A short business meeting will .precede Mr. Wortman'a address, which will be given. at 1:10 o'clock tn the tinitarlaa chapel. Seventh and .T.amhlll atreeta,. ' Mark'CNell told the Nolto Progrea Ive club of North Alblna aome thing about) the Iniquity of the paa ayatent at the meeting held last night, and a a result of hi address and other! mad during the course of the evening, reao Jutlona were adopted censuring council man who used passe and also demand- k.. . , . v. . rn..v. k. I.VW V, lll . VUI V.( V, W . f franchise, A special committee was -also appointed to prepare artloles of incorporation 'for the ourooae of secar- fnar funds for the erection of a ha.ll. , Or the verge of the grave from acute tuberculosis, Chris Krueger, an. iron worker of Chicago, wa brought to the police station last night by Patrolmen Edgerton and .Tenant and removed to 8t. Vincent's sanitarium. A card writ ten by the unfortunate man addressed to the proprietor of a lodging house at T North Second street, where the con sumptive, hsd been rooming, indicates "that be contemplated suicide. Krueger .Is a member of the Structural Zronwork ,er anion of Chicago.. '''' j."'R. Morgan, th official "bouncer" was -before Judge Cameron thl morn ing on a charge of assault and battery preferred by Morris Goldman, a second hand dsaler. Goldman was thrown out on the sidewalk where Morgan Jumped on the prostrate man snd almost chok ed hint into Insensibility. - The defend- . ant tn the police court this morning de nied striking Goldman bat , admitted choking him. The ease wa continued until tomorrow for further teatlmony. . fi A 111 AaIImam rv. a. f, muiiLfjuniei x win uo.iwa ' hi lecture, "A Tii9 to the Summit of Hount Hood." tonight at the . Third Presbyterian church. Rot. Mr. Mont gomery I credited With a number of visit to Mount -Hood, a great many more than I mad by th usual climber, and he ha made a thorough- study of . fc. k.1 -1 J. Um nuinwr Ul M 111 I L TMWI WIIQ WHIVH he llluetrates hi talk. There will be ao admission fee charged. The lecture announced for tonight by " Rer. 3. V. Ohormley on "Ben Hur.f at . th South Portland library. First and Glbbs streets, ha been postponed. ' It ; will be slven Wednesday evening. May I. at I p. m., at the Fourth Presbyterian church. First and Glbbs streets. This , lecture 1 on of the best In the Course "and will be Illustrated by a superb . collection of stereoptlcon views. . Th friend of Major and Mr. T. C . Bell of Sell wood gave them a farewell reception last night at th home of Mr. i. f. tverirnen on DDonano avenue, mr. nd Mrs. B"U are leavinc Sellwood for new home in California. Havlns long been resident of nellwood they have many friend. w ; '.-,: Central W. C T. U. will hold It regu- jir mmiinr id mam ail, .inranoufn .building Wednesday at f:l p. m. The Subject of "AnU-Clgarettes" will be presented by Mr. Ada Wallace Unruh. Special muato and a recitation by Mrs. Williams will ailil tn thm intaraat nt tha meeting. Everyone made welaome. . ,nT,iiiBiim ,aiiv m lUDiinniiiii the truth of the story printed in tlTe Cltr reaterdav to the effect that 11.000 had been ottered by the Portland. Ga HOW PORTLAND'S STREETS ARE BEING IMPROVED , i. .-. if.,. . . .. . , , , ' 'A Yi " i DlKKinK Out Old Pavement and Preparing Foundation Ptremont on Second Street From MorrUon to Columbia,' .. TUI SHATXXr D HAiaCOTIIXr AiJIZ. It mme toe gnkd to think o( that 4b bms - who cul our balr . rintl aruiuul tlxtr Joan and JaekeU few mlllliies tbr eaa apara. Wblch will sow be murr-ta4 frost tbelr dus- t9"am Urar Sad ank. For tti balrcutien and aiiarer bare oeclared tber'll start Bank. Toe charge (or stowing leekletf will be boosted ep 11 eaaia, . V Aad tn ah out ot uramblnaton'' eaa keaH CMMr oat to Latita; ' Bet tkt bartwra have aaaured a It's the SMMth- taig o a crank, Wbe kaa aot a salt a dollar he eould pot Is . any bask. ,. Sen enemlee ef caplUl, we bear will Sot submit A , . Te the ha treat Wrattoa ao, they will aot, utwr nit . . .. . M u I m, we're glad ,e aland beekU the liU and rank ' . ' . - Ot the thrifty ampstetora who-are bon4 . start a bauk. It mar be that some sialeaatent wboae beart la (ull of strife, . , . , rer aplta wilt hand bat reisann ta bit pels sad paitent wife, . . A ad will eay. hop off SJy ringlets er your peraoa I will spank. . rer r asm this bualiMMS of the H. sod W. bank." f y Tel. Main MS, roti aod ffolnmbla. company to defeat John B. Coffey tn hla efforts to secure the nomination for mayor. The tory eem to be on of the usual canards printed Just prior to election for th purpose of Influencing the result . one way or another. William Pelletta of St" Johns ha brought a charge of threatening to aiu agalnat John Mahoney of the ame plac and th defendant waaarraigned before Juetice Reld thia afternoon at I o'clock. "I will kill you before night."' i me atartllng declaration said to have been made by Mahoney to Pellette. Mahoney I a deckhand In Bt John, and of reckless, excitable nature. The trustees of th Unlvrlty Park Baptist church held a meeting test night and decided to call a mass meeting of the church, congregation and ail inter- eeted in beautifying and repairing the church edifice. The meeting will be held at tha church Friday evening May 14. War and mean for Improvements will be discussed. ' Dental work at the. Dental college Persons desiring dental work and oral surgery will receive prompt attention at the Infirmary of the. North Pacific college, which 1 open to the publlo th entire year, Cornet" nrteentn Couch atreeta.- Telephone? Main llltl Horn AlMt. -w. aaaiHawaaaawjaw ' " At tha metlng of the Universal Nw Thought assembly, tomorrow even ing at o'clock In hall No. I. Molkey building, M1H Morrlaon street, Sltr Ava Bamia will lecture to men oniy. Subject. "How Can We Centralis and Us Prana-tr Th lecture la free. . a, -. tt k .aaaaaawa - "; , i 1 Dr. W. I. Cottel. Republican candi date for the council for tha fifth ward. was nominated by the. South Portland Republican club to succeed W. T. Mas ter. He understand the altuatio. and will represent the people If elected. Before purchasing your lawn mower you ahould call and ee tne - raiaune mower with Your blade; 11-Inch, ft.tli 14-Inch, 11.60; le-lnch.IJ.7i, For 1 by Krochman Hartman, 1 Flrat streec- .,, - ;-,,.;?.; t- Don't forget the banquet of 'state at Centenary church. Wedneaday, May l. at : P. m. a gooa ainner, proroi nent apeaker and pleasing program. all for SO cent. ' . t Dan Kellaher ay and nay vote tn the city council for th last two year show wher he stand. It apeak louder than empty promise. .. t . j Steemer Jesse Hark In a. for Camas, Wsshougal and way landing, dally e eept Sunday. Leave Washington atraat dock lb a. i ;.:.:'.', Dan Kellaher ha no interest tocom mand hint, no ' manipulator to direct htm and no clique to favor. . H la for all tha people.. .- , ? v .. ; ". Have you Joined the B. Side Ath letlo elubT I (.00 entrance fee eared If you Join thl weak. Professor Rbtgler, director.' v- - ' Dan Kellaher forced tha repeal ef tha occupation tax, ending the double taxa tion of business and professional men. For Sale A few second hand Incuba tors; good as new. til Bast. Morrison, corner First street. Dr. Oeorg F. Koehlar, removed ' to 408-e-l Swatland building. Dlae of th stomach.; ; ; Dan Kellaher prevented the confisca tion to apeclal lntereat of Kaat Third treat. ' i -, : , ;,';. Dr. Homer I. Keeney ha returned to the city after a professional visit to atrn Oregon. . , ; - Acme Oil Co. sell th beat aafety eoal oil and fin gaaolln. . Phon Eat Til. Woman' Exchange, 111 Tenth atreat, lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunch. K. W. ' Moore, expert ' photographer. Elk building, Seventh and Stark St. r ' awaasajawaSnsa ' ' ' V ' . " Eastman kodak and euppllea. I. Leeser Cohen, 111 Ith, the Kodak atore. Dr.' W. B. Knapp haa returned from east: office 10, Hamilton building. Why pay morT ' Metsger flta your eye lor i. in oixtn trat, . .- Dr. Frank Q.'Freeberger, 106-1 S wet land building. ; ', Dan Kellaher started the fight on the gas truat . . ; , John F. Carroll will deliver th ad draaa at th next regular meeting of th Oak Grove improvement aasocla- 1 P - V i for Bltullthio V : "jatfl Rsfrteratort, Lawn Mowers. Ice Cream Freertry Scretn Doors,-Window Scrxnt. Etc.. Etc, In fi Bmmtnt ; ' -x TfM Lettont In Art Ernbrolitry Work CIvtr. DaUy by sr. Expert New Usit. Nsw Mstho4.- Fifty YcaU's in Portland DcdPilIovs,53.50 Vetoes at 51.09 , Great three days' sals of high-grade . Bed Pillow prim gooa feather fllled. weight m pounds each; covered with fancy aateen-finlahed ticking; tegular - - 1 QQ ' $1.60 value, each,., e) l.O Mall order will be carefully Oiled. 800 Pri. Blankets 53.Q0Vcls.CI.97 54.00 Vals. 53.41 400 pairs fancy gray blanket.' pink and blue borders; extra large ls wool and cotton- , ( A ;. , mixed; $4 rala., pair. T)l'vl Special lot ' of s German Bath Rob . Blanket; large sis, every pattern a novelty; regulap 1 O" II value, each.... e) 17 Great "May Solo" of ToHet Articles I0o Satin Skin Cream,' for. 7.',. 394 l5o Sanltol Tooth Paat, for.,. .19 I6s Banitol Tooth Powder at.. 19 16 Pond' Extr.. Antlaaptlo. ,.1T 0 jar Pompellan Cream at.,.. 89 t6o Tetlow' Talcum, In lb.... 19 iOo bottle Dandartn. peclal..3S lOo botUe of Colts' Dan ' draff Curt, gpecUl bottle. C Mule Team Borax, apeclal at.... 8 Violet Toilet Water, bottle.... 39 "Papier Powdre," powder leave in book ; on sale, per book. .. ...IT Superior Bay Rum Dandruff Cur and hair Grower, apeclal at.... 19 Meyer' Medloated Toilet Soap; lao value, on aale at, cake... .... .9 IOo bottle of Llstertne for..... 89 NTH" Perfumes, extra quality, all odors, Juno rosea, Mia q ' and hello; apeclal eune. . 1 Premium Fountain Syringe, t-cjt, ' "Rapid Flow,' hard rubber fix ture; bast quality white rubber V bag; absolutely guaran- QQ ; teed; oa aal at, eaoh....70C Special lot of Fac Sponge, A Sn allk quality, at, aoh...rC DasementSpbcials Meat Safes $ 1.07 600 Wlr Net Meat Safea. ITxltx II -Inch, , wall nch, , well made t9 Bniahed; special. 1 aVIft ' and - Complete atock of screen door and window acreena; lowest price. 11-ln. Lawn Mowers, good .model, easy running; lt.II Ta(....f2.e9 Garden Tools lie Garden Trowel, apeclal.. ,.11 10c Garden' Trowel, apeclal 8 a Garden. Trowela, special...,., 4 Te Weeding Fork on aal at....S 6o Spading Fork on Bale at.. ..3 To Spading Fork on 1 at.... 6 tlo Hoe on l at, each. .....19 60e Hoe on al at, each.;. ...38 T6a Sped and Shovel, each.. 64 lie Rakes, B4 I6e Rakes. .20 POPULAR CONCERT . . TrMT, M7 i lvT,.l a, .am. The White Temple ' Twelfth, aad Taylor ta. BBBBzcaaanBBavxaBsanBaaaBsaaBaasBBwa McMinnville College Ladies' Glee Club . Fifteen well-trained gingers. .. . ' Claaslcal andT college aongs. . : Ten win enjoy th. program. ' awaxBxsaaxtamamtBMsaasaExsMJsaxat Reserved Seals 15c and 25c Woods rd V Clark. Cor. Fourth ; and Waahlngton Sts. tlon, Thursday vnlng. May 1. ' Soma Important buelnea I. to-be tranaaoted and a large attendance t. desired. . Klser eoenla photos.'-"' Imperial hotel. D. Chambers, optician, ill Seventh. ' Dr. R. CBrown, Eye-Carl ' Marquam. Berger Slgns-114 Tamblll Phone, . Strike Is Stilt On. i : : ' '' The strike authorised by the Paclflo council, I. B. E. WM agalnat the Horn Telephone company of Portland,., Ore gon, la still on, , Whereas, certain: business men friend iy to organised labor jm learning. that said strlkjJs still bn contrary t state men ta made by said Home Telephone company and it friends, have ordered their home telephone, removed;- . I Resolved, that local It, 1 E 1 W., doe. hereby tender to said business men their thanks. - International Brother hood of Electrical Worker. 111,. Port land, Or.. ; Voters Atttntlon. ' . I wish to hav IV diatlnctly under stood that In case I am sleeted mayor 11 th. aaloOna will close on Sundsy un til 1 o clock noon. . : - LOUIS ZIMMERMAN. Metsger fit. your eye. for 11.44, Ill Sixth street, near Washington. tj 1MB avEusii . CHEAT SALE OF DdyaMVash Suits at 42c to 51. 10 1,000 boys' fin Wash Suits, la sailor tyles; ages I to II years; also Russian blouse styles, la age I H to years. Material are Galatea ' cloth, linen craah, fancy - check, tripe. Oxford . and . overplalda. Handaomaly trimmed ' In ' white, blue and tan, with bloomer panta. The Russian blouse suits mad la halt affect; wash suit other tore ask 11.76 and . at a I for: on aala, suit elelU t.000 boys sailor or Russian blouse Wash Suits. In : ehambraya and eras ties; plain oolora and - fancies. Bloomer trousers) acre ' iat ttt to 10 years; at, suit. .wC Special lot of boy black sateen Blouao Waists; I to II years; full eut, well made; special, eaob.19 Jewelry Specials Fancy Back Combs, gold Inlaid tops, floral and Grecian design new high Jet tops; special ....... ,85 Swastika Enameled - Scarf . Pins, Brooch and Collar Pin.. ...19 Swastika Enameled Belt Pine, all colors; at, each .49 Solid Pearl -. Bead Neoklaaea, vary band soma; special, at. 39 let Bead Necklace, neat finish; T6o valuee, at, each......... 49 Stttlonery and Card Party SnppIItt Tally Card, Immense variety, all kinds, for all parti; value to 60c, on aal at, tha dosen. ......... .IO Bicycle or Bee Playing Cards; best card made; special, pkg. . . .19 "eoo or Progressiva Whist Boo re Cards; special at, the dpsen..lO "Greyoourt" Linen Writing Tablets, note or letter else, at. 04 Envelope to match, package. .. .8 Shelf Paper, la all colors whit, green, blue, yellow, pink, 1-yard . 1 trips; special at ......2 Framed f Pictures 53 Values $1.33 Special lot of . 100 handsoms .Oil , Palntlnga, gilt and oak -frame; variety of subject; ltxll-lnch; II vahiea, whlla they last. ... .81.23 Picture Department,- Fourth , Floor, atKVSSMBaTTS. UU.BEIUC THEATRE TOnOET, I.U O'CLOCK. - Pbene Mala I peeial Frioe Waaaaaday Vtskt. Tkanay Via at. atlaae la uauLER a co. PRBwairr v WALKER' WHITESIDE la tha CesMdr-DrasM taeeees,- THE MAQIC MELODY Breaiag Prloee tewar Tleer, 11.6; Saleeay, 1. Tee. 0ei alleiy, 4a, 4, to II. XAIS UMXIJIO AX THXATX1 SOX OmOl BAKES THEATRE Pboae Mais 1 Oea. U Baker, Mtr. PersMaeatly LocbI The Panuma Baker Thea tre Stock Company. . , Wintaat Oolller'a Oraat Comedy larr.aa. , , , r "THK IIOT4T0. By Blrkata Hardlnc Davis. ' One ef the rnnaleat eaoMdlea rlttsa. Peraaaal dlreettoa Mr. Arthur Markler. Matinee Satrdr. Bnalng I'rteas Zfle. SB. ftOe, Matlrwae. loo, e. 7 Best WeahWThe OewWy saaTtha Xa4y.M Empire Theatre Psoaa Mala 11T Mlltea W. geeoMS. Maaaaar. The HesM ef - MelnaraBia. . All Week Instant Hit, fmnwaat Poe- aiarttr. saanea Ntnrk Oorapaar in the Thrill. . , 1 mr Maral Malnilrama, - , "BZWAkX or UM." tared SBder dlracttnn Mr. ilarbert a.htna Matlaaee Wedneadar . aad Ratardar. Mrht lOe. SOe. Hoc. IHV: Matlnam Ml. an. JTest Wees "Wlakad taaaas. , . LYRIC THEATRE Partlaad'a PaeaUr Rtoak Kaaaav Can, art. eraaaa aa Bvanlns Thta Ink. Inla aaok Oesapaay hi the Faaau Malwtnuaa . s aaaiiEw t.ira." , B.ati i ad saats ran bow be eagBfd ta adaa fim 10 e. B. te 10 s. aa. Dellr aatlneaa at Banal time. , Cvanta aatfaraaiK'aa at :!. Saturdav and guadar evanlnaa. flrat um timi aaea at 7:16. ' . The GRAND v-nx ef-Ana to.' YaeOevul .Be lasa. , ABCHIB SOTS, -Praaastlag . The Bam gkaiah, "Aftor Maay Taara." artel Added yaatnrat . ' The Three Vatontoanaa, v SdsMada, Kmav, eaa A Idmaeda, Kaillv Blae. The OaaMtoa. Fradrto Baaarto. rsadiMaya, . - p.?paik Store Laces and v yBjMaaIBSaBBaBaaasBaaaaaaaBBBaw Embroideries 1,001 yard of Cambrto Embroidery. T to It. Inches wide; eyelet and blind work design ; serviceable for women's and children. "A33c wear; value t. Tic, at. 1,000 yarda of -cambric, nainsook, Swiss Embroidery and Insertion. He to 11 Inches wide; handsome designs, large, variety; 1 Q f6o value; at, th yard. l7C Great clean-up sal of whit baby. v Irish and Vent band. Edge. Medallions and Galloons;. AQ IH to l-lai M6 values. VOC Whit Swiss Embroidery ind while , Net Robe with trimming of Juba niching; $10 values, at.... f 6.98 French and round-mesh VaJU Laces . and Insertion, 4 to l-ln., ;y Teg. value to dosen. TaC Handkerchiefs: Women's fins ltnsn . eroesbar Initial , Handkerchief a, - aln. hem, block Initial; nlo heer. qual- -4 Uy; best 10 value, each. 1 UC Women's pure line Initial Hand kerchief a,, la plain and crossbar effects; script and block Initials, ' with ' wreath Of ' fine embroidery; all Initials; tfio value, each. 15 Women' : fin Iriah linen ' Initial Handkerchief, hand embroidered Initial and wreath; - four atyle; ' plain or crossbar effects; affects; at, ti.tflC 40c value, on al 100 dog. woman' Initial Handker chief. Una of Initial; broken ' lot of hlgh-olaaa handkerchiefs. In broken line Initials; band-hemmed. ' band-embroidered wreaths, dain ty and pretty; val. to 660.. 38 - "" , t r y . Mens Hose; 29c 1.000 pair men' high-grade fancy Hal Sox; in plain coloring and fanolca; lmmana assortment; all . new, pretty deslgna. all Q slies; (Oe values, at only. 49 7 C $5.00 Portieres at $3.85 a Pair "May - Sale"' of Figured Rep Por- tier with, tapestry borders, light and dark colorings; also double faced tapestry Portieres, , f rings top and bottom; 60-ln. wide by I ; yard long; rag. 6 value. . 83.85 Six style of Mercerised Tapestry, for portieres, window hangings, . . bed cover, ate; two tone of yel . low, . two tone, of green, red and : green, yellow and roee and green ' and red;' entirely new designs; 60 Inchsa wide; $1.60 value.... 95 ' ' , ' -' '-it Couch Covers 56.50 Val. 54.93 Special lot Couch Covers, heavy doubie-facea .tapestry, .rica onen tal . colorings; beautiful design.; fringed sJI around: 10 Inchss by I yds.; 11.60 values, each. ..84.95 More like a homtmado loaf. "Mad6 of only the best ingredients, just as you 'j w would use in your own kitchen. : 5 cents per loaf Beware of imitations, . " " f viv' . label on OTHER TAILORS Say w cant, ttill w do oiak. food trouMra job oyer wort t . ';. , JIO0M CA MORE NO LESS Wt cut and fit 'cm and warrant every pair, . , '. '.' 1 1 LTIANinWrJTSCO IIUST WEST , OP, FOUTII . 8T. Table Covers 54 Values 53.15 Heavy double-faced tapestry Table Covers, two yarda square.' large enough for dining table;-Oriental ' patterns In blus, red, terra eotta and green; heavy knotted fringe all around; $4.00 valuee,. .8 3.15 We are sols Portland a gents ' 4 or "Vudor" Porch Shades. Ses. them.' . T3renlin" Window Shade Ma terial la th greateat Improvement In any article of household fur nishing In recant years. -Brenlln makssrindow shades that give you just the light you want, and won't crack. f Take advantage, i "May Solo" of Infants' Wear Infants' fancy Dresse. of fine lawa trimmed In laces, ' embroidery, tucks and Insertion; gea g pretty tyl. $$ val. 545JV Infanta Skirt, of. nainsook, trimmed with ' lace. Insertion and tucks; ' also In embroidery, ( g with walt; $8 vela. .S)ti-aV Infant - Emb. Flanaal Sklrta aa Cambria Walat. $1 val...f2.39 Infanta Flannel Finning Blanket, em walat or with bond; jt s-a beat regular 6e values, Qff(j Infanta silk and wool knit Banda. with haldr a traps; 76o b and !6o value .a sal at. O C Infant Crocheted Saequea, wUh yokes, finished with silk sdga and , ribbon-trlm'd; $1.10 raise. $13 Infants long Crocheted Bootees whits ground, pink or blue trim ming; regular 60e valuea.... 41 Infanta Kid Moccaaln, pink, blue, - or brown., sis 1; IOo valuea. 33 Quilted Pads for Cribs; "jt f 7xl4-ln, lie values, t.-JiVC 104 do. Bibs, lao emb. . trimmed: I6e-60o , value. 4$Q Celluloid Talcum Boxes, pink, blue.. or white; 46c valuea, apeclal.47 Celluloid Comb. and a?w ' Bruahea; 46o value, at.. JVfj 7 60 Down Pillow, at, ach...88 ' ',; ,',-.'t,''-' ' " Groceries 1 Pint Blue Label CaUup at. ....25 Quart Cooper. Olive OU....g)1.0O Quart Maraschino Cherries. . . .65 I lb. Ohirardelir : Oround f ' Chooolate. on sals for, lb.. 1 pound Baker. Premium ' ft'J Chocolate, apeolal, pound .'JC I cans Gold Dut Tomato. ,r 25 Tiger Pineapple, on aale at... '.15 I can. Van Camp. Soup'. 25 I package Knox. Gelatin.,. 25 package. Bromongelon gft.V..25 Llbby'a Chipped Beef, Jar... ..25 Edam Cheese in tin, for... ,f 1.25 Quart Moos Maple Syrup 25 Summer Sausage, th. pound... 30 "Victor Flour, son. f bettor, on Ml. at... It-os. botU. Quaea Olive. T5 All , Mllcher. Herring, keg.. ..f 1.1ft At all grocers r Look for the blue star every loaf. : ' j CLOSING -OUT wxam smAoa rAxyrrs. t. MZBXBS, Hmil, BTAXsTB : : : AJrs orxs. - . ' "We are selling our entire stock at low cut prices, which we know Will causa It ta sell. Now Is Jour opportunity to get good alnt or Varalah at low prices. Store for reaC Fixture for sale. Ws Are atnr Otrt ef the Betall ; Boataesa. r. h. nasq;i & CO. f OU aad Pala Makers, '. Sixth 8V, aTa Oeaaa St, Bread ' eaaa aBaW aBBaaaelf 'aBaaaaBB4 miss .nzci:2' STAir.FLCO:. nrcisn vnETJYcu CIEAH CCCSE TCIS SF2i:.S We recommend Rogers Stain Floor- Finish be cause we know it will give satisfaction. Noth ing better has ever been made for floors and in terior woodwork.-' It makes old floors look like new; does not scratch,, mar or show heel marks; not affected by water, easily cleaned, very sanitary, very tough and outlasts all other floor, paints. One gallon covers, two coats, 300 sq. ft. Eight colors Gallon .. ........$2.75 Half gallon .i...'.$1.45 J? Quart .. ..... .....75c Booklet, "Care of rioora," ITee. TT.U.IS, CRESS & CO. h Fatal Store. 14fl first, St. Telephona Mala 1081 PUBLIC AUCTION Tomorrow at Track Roadsters, Saddlers, Show Horses and Speed prospects. ' . A number of fancy driving teams, young stallions, brood mares. Sale will continue three days. May 1, 2, 3. Brook Nook consignment will ar rive in the morning. Horses on exhibition . all forenoon. Come early and make your selection. Catalogues on the ground or at Room 8, Hamilton Bldg. Portland Horse Sale Company GREAT SAVINQS IN GROCERIES For Wednesdsy, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday sale we present a bargain list that will lntereat every family, indicative of tha values that crowd our ator very flay. Bcoteh Oat, f-lb. pkg. , la Fort Stanwlx Condensed To matoes, 1-lb. can........... Ba Oriffln's As't Soups, I eans...tre brlffln's Asparagus Tips aoa Oriffln's Boston Baked Beana, l-lb. rao lBo Log Cabin Maple Syrup, pts. Soo Log Cabin Maple Ryrap, qta. .Sva Log Cabin Maple Syrup, H gal.eoo Long's Preserves and Jama, lt-os. glass Boa Southwell Orange Marme lade . 9)a Table Blackberrlea. I cans. . . .a So Clear Brook Tellow Peaches, IH-lb. csns ISo Washburn-Crosby "Co. Gold Medal Flour, per sack $1.60 Seen Valas. ta Bntter U tha City. D. C. BURNS CO. SIS TaTXBO ST. nOMM UAXM tit. Muato .very afternoon aad vn- '-' A. Inc. ..." Ghost Carnivr.1 ' Sheet and" Pillow Case rJasquercth . Electrio Effects. Fine Trlian. Thursday, Hay 2 THE iiTAfJ W--h mt AtrtI t T"ig Af ic hum ,x r-.. pr, 'TOA ItOmr I fey "Bm ( it. T., T'lrti , ft! 1. 1 r IO ami 0 . !, f. v. f . 41 PV 4 uJ 0ni. J r HORSES Irvington