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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
Tlin OREGON DAILY JOUKNALT PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, APRI,, 80, 1807. SALE OF CURTAIIIS Oil FOURTH FLOOR TOMORROW isji j 1 si 1 11 sw ps 1 m 1 1 j m 1 1 ! 1 m 1 1. 1 ,p i 11 s I mini aam asi sin 1 n on mi ! 1 n ft 'mm r iriss hit t r sji k - 4 - s- ... . 1 ' . 4--. ' -.. ----- " T ' s ; ''. i-N, . i fa Uonu., i'sSOc Vests25c A broken line of fine 50 cent garment, in the high neck and Jong-sleeve style. - Fin good, well worth 50c each--special for Wednesday only ........... 25i Women's Fancy Vesta, with ribbon trimmed top. worth 35c special ....... .Hf Women's Vega Silk Union Suit, lace trimmed. worth $2.00 each special . .f 1.49 Women's Union Suits,' low neck, ' sleeveless style, worth 60c each special .........3.f Buy Seeds Quick! For lawn or garden, for flowfr or vegetable beds, now Is the time to get them started. Buy th.-kinJ w sell here, r Good, hardy, Northern grown seeds that will grow and reward you for your labors. Special prices today, In the notion aisle. LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS 10c AUD 15c Work nd Cheerfulness. , There ar. many voom who go about each day'a tasks In I ititi of dlaaon tent ' It seem so monotonous, so trt fling, so dreary to do th saras thing over and over each day, without ac knowledgment, without pro&reaa, with out any enduring result. Sweep,, wash dishes. Iron, mend, cook, and then cook, wash dishes, sweep - and iron. What doea it ail amount to T It is never done, and it can never be done; it takes all a woman's time and energy, and as she looks back over the days, the weeks and the years she Is apt to ask whether it is. after aUL worth while. Mothers, wives, housekeepers, it 1 worth while. It Is vitally worth while. Tour work is not lost, though it is consumed each day and must be each day newly ex pended. You are, (or one thing, Biak. Ing home the most comfortable place la the world for your family, in attending their bodily wants; for another thing, you are making the home atmosphere that which, clings to your children through all their Uvea. - Wherever they go In the after years they will look back to .their childhood- days aa the happy ones. . Nothing else .will have . .ult the same glamor, the same sense of fitness, as the things done, the food eaten, the simple pleasures enjoyed in the childhood's home. .-.... .- What a blessed thing to be able to ' make the home atmosphere helpful, strong, uplifting. No; however the cur rent of their lives may hereafter' be turned, they will never forget the, home .influence. -- 1 s .--,. For another thing, although you are burying your life, it Is only to 'find if .in the beet sense. "Blessed be drudg ery, ' said an- eminent writer why? Because only by drudgery do we, ac quire the most stable dualities of char acter. . -Consider a moment. What are some of th tralta which make ua a strong character? Industry, patience, steadiness, endurance all theae - are gained by drudgeryby doing the same thing over and over, and never losing heart. By and by the doing of these things and the virtues that they stand for become ingrained in the character. One - cannot acquire theae particular Qualities in any other way.. No amount of cleverness, of brilliancy, -of wit, will .make up ..for a lack of theae enduring auailties. So, ."blessed be drudgery," says Drummond, "the on thing that' we cannot do without i. At the same time I would not have any tired woman who reads this col umn Imagine that she la not entitled to occasional relief from the monotony of toll, or that aha is justified in making the dally tasks all of her life. The life is more . than meat, and the body Mian raiment - No . life can be - well rounded if th drudgery la all that there la to be in it. What his business la to a man, ao the home life and Its industries must .be to. the woman. A man who lets .his business absorb. all of hla personality and a woman who sinks all of her life in the dishwashing, and who lets the cook stovo and the waahtub comprise her whole outlook on life becomes sor did, . commonplace and narrow.: Bow . can aba help It? , Ask rather how in this day of progress and. of universal en lightenment it can be possible A really progressive, live, business man manages hla business. He scheme and plans to do things In the most ex peditious manner. By systematic man agement of hi business he gain soma decree of, leisure for himself. By th same kind of forethought and Judicious management the woman who is bur dened by family care can do th same thing for herself. A a man uses' up-to-date methods, he show hi good sens and prove hla business sagacity. So also doea th housekeeper. She should have all th aids for housekeeping that can be ob tained. Th -modern washing machine. .volatile soaps, convenient ironing board .and a low chair so that she may alt down to do much of th ironing, a car pet sweeper, a wringer, a kJtohen cabi net, which saves steps; meat choppers and other kitchen help are as much her right In th horn aa a good letter file system, typewriter, extension tele phone and messenger call are th hus band a. right In th office. ' ' - s The woman who 1 wis may have much serving to do, and yet not b much cumbered, in theae day. ' If she has not th household helps it is per haps because she has not asked her husband, to provide them, but has gone on in the way that waa her grandmoth era, in housekeeping, and which the grandmother was justified in using be cause no better waa at hand, brut which not Justified in these daya. when there are ao many demand upon a .woman outside of her kitchen work. After all, it is th Inner life which counts, which-give the 'tone to the outer life. A woman gain nothing by going about discontentedly moping over her housework with a long face and a wrinkled brow. ,. Let ua give th dally everyday commonplace things their due hare of attention and do them with cheerfulness, but let us not allow them to absorb, all our Interest., -. "I insist upon some time for myself; aid a very busy mother once, 'If it is only reading th morning paper after very one els baa gone to- bed." . She insisted upon so much for her own re freshment and enlightenment- Surety very, woman can have that 0111011.:..".- t. , ' ! V - ' X t H ' ;v' ,.i - , . y ,. ! .,..t Men a Help. ..;., ,'., , "For a delicious salad, die an apple, an orange and two bananas, chop half a cupful of nuts, cut up two big stalks of celery, mix all together thoroughly and dress with boiled dressing with half a cupful of cream whipped stiff In corporated with it. i An attractive and specially- tasty salad is made of bananas and nuts. Peel the bananas and scrap them free from all coarse fiber. Then lay each on a bed of lettuce leaves, spread It with the boiled dressing-and sprinkle with chopped nuts. ', Fresh molasses cake topped with whipped cream make an appetising dessert - For an excellent cake, use half a cupful of sugar, half a cupful of mo-: laasea, a teaapoonful of .ginger, a cup ful and a half of flour, a teaspoon ful of soda and three quarter of a cupful of our cream and a quarter of a cupful of milk. If there is no cream, use a cupful of sour milk and a level table spoonful of ' butter. " Bake In a long, hallow , tin In a hot oven for about half an hotrr. - Cut In squares and heap trhlpped ,cream on th top. Choice home, half block, on IMrtland helahta, fine view, IS ronma. highly im proved grounds. Trice 117,501, R. f. Hryan. 1'hone Mnln 1961. Iloom 606 Chamber of Commerce. That Tremendous Sale of Fine Havifand China Begins Mfednesday a HUNDREDS anithundreds op pieces and bargains that are Vjothinq short of phe nomenal, immense assortments AND DAINTY SHAPES. PLEASING DECORATIONS AND SPLENDID QUALITIES . . ; '."..''...;,-. ;,v A: ' : - r, No such offer in fine China, hat been made since this store has existed. And need we tell you that we are the recog nized headquarters for fine china and crockery? While our Mr. J. C. Olds was in the, east a short time ago he saw a chance to buy this immense lot. of chihaware for about half price and took the largest amount that we have ever bought' in one bill, to secure the enormous price reduction that he was enabled to purchase these goods for. , There'll be a fine display of this china in the window on Washington wtreet and on the Third Floor, too. . Come share in the . , 'fr- bargains. If you think you are well supplied come anyway, for 'tis worth the trip down town to see suth a magnifi- '$&f'0 rmt aaaortment of orettv china. ,-;:" : . . v Bread Trgys, worth $1.15, for ;.68 Chocolate Pots, worth $2.25 each, for ................... .fl.3 Chocolate Pots, worth $1.65; for fl.OO Creamers, worth 60c, for ...,3f Cake PUtes, worth 85c, for ...;.... .....S2t Chop Plates, worth $170, for..., -.. .......fl.OS Uinner flates, worth dozen-, ...." Breakfast PUtes. worth $5.00 dozen .9 3.00 Sugars, worth $10 each, now ..T2 Spoon Tray, worth 60c each ............. ....35 Teacups atfd Saucers, regularly, worth $5.65 the dozen, for ........ Tsa Plates, worth $4.15 dozen ".i.... i , . . . . $3.40 A M Mli WUI p-V.Ael UUACII e a ), e WiW Bread and Butter Plates, regularly worth $3.40 dozen, for .'.f a.lO Haviland China Pudding or Oatmeal Plates, at one-third regular. Regularly 35c each, for '. ,., ..12 Regularly 38c each, for ......13e . Regularly 40c each, for .....14 Regularly 45c each, for Regularly 50c each, for ..i 16 Haviland China Soup Plates, in three grades, one-third their real value Read: Worth $6.09 dozen, "for ........... fZ.OO Worth $7.00 dozen, for ...... ..S2.35 ' Worth $7.50 dozen, for ........ .........;.f 2.50 . 'j' , and good shapes, all 100-picce 4 German China Dinner Seta, nicely decorated sets, little more than half remilar prices. Regular $20.00 values 11.24 Regular $22.00 values ........ 12JB0 Regular $24.00 values, lor xao SPREAD OUT ON LARGE TABLES SO YOU CAN EASILY AND QUICKLY SELECT THE PIECES YOU WANT. NO RESERVES, YOU MUST TAKE THE GOODS AT , ; ,: 1 " ONCE. NONE SENT OUT ON PHONE ORDERS OR LAID ASIDE FOR ANY ONE. : , Dress Goods Bargains BEYOND COMPARE The Sale Continues With Unabated Vigor Wv done a mighty good business in Dress Goods for th last two days, but it seems aa though the immense assortment were hardly touched, and those who coma tomorrow find aa good choosing aa the women who came the first day. Every yard is a pattern woven for this spring's business, and all good pat terns at that. Then with these low prices, can you hesitate? $125 Dress Goods, vard 84 Fancy Panama weaves and fancy Mohairs and $1.00 Dress Goods, yard 9lMany, many bolts of this lot; it's a fine as sortment of fancy Panamas, in regular or chiffon weights. Comes in all de signs and color combinations, superb spring ' suiting, - worth $1 the CQ ........WW '' yard;' epecial ssle price $1.50 Dress Goods, yard f I'.lO--This lot comes in the same .weaves and patterns as the $1.25 goods, but of course it is of a better grade. We have 42 full pieces of them; fine values st $1.50 df f Q the ysrd; special price for this sale, yard... a A, $175 Dress Goods; yard 1.29 Come in Imported Novelties, Foules and French Serges, in checked and Elald effects, rich color combination, including the airline striped and plaid styles and , the much wanted tan shades; remember all $175 st OQ qualities; special, sale price'- ...yleaael soft finished Foules and French Serges; 52 pieces in the lot; patterns are stripes and checked effects, simply grand; $120 qualities;, special' sale 39c $2.00 Dress Goods, yard 1.48 There are 54 pieces of these, including fancy Voiles, in imported French weaves, in the beautiful moonlight effects snd soft color combinations in the pastel shades; , dt AO regular $2 grades; sale price, the yard ,...Jl.tO $2.50 Dress Goods, yard 1.89 The cream of the season's output in fine wool fabrics; made in domes tic or foseign mills, and designed by the best tex tile -artists in the world; 37. pieces of fancy Voiles, English Tailor Suiting, French serge in light or medium weights, . and fancy . Panamas. In fact, there's every wanted weave here; regular tfjf QQ $2.50 quality special price ............... JHeO7 Men 's Fine Shoes Special $2.59 A one-day special that will make every man fa Port land want to buy shoes here. We have nearly 2,000 pairs of them enough for all day, good styles, every pair In the lot, and they sell for Just about wholesale price for Wednesday only. Four different styles to choose from. Come esrly as possible, '''.'.iy-" ' . .- :..v: Style 606 An all-patent oxford .In the 'blucher lace style; made with best oak soles, and the new cadet toe, and made mighty well, too. Compares well with f"A any $3.50 shoe made Wednesday eaC.D Style y54j A fine velour calf oxford, made on a neat, straight last, with dull calf top, oak tanned soles, aa and Goodyear welt sewed a swell shoe for ... v.0 Style 685 A bright finished calf shoe, made on a new swing last, with medium-weight soles, and top of dull calf. Hooks and eyelets era finished to match An p( special, the pair, Wednesday eP&edtf Style 685 A splendid men's shoe, made of prime vici kid, on a straight last with medium round toe, flexible soles, medium weight a dandy shoe for : summer jjg 11 Tj' v s r r a SiUi Shiriti Sum l-Z less y - - - . . . , - -y - far Charming costumes of superb, shimmering silk, made in pleasing : models; made In a dashing style that is characteristic of the Olds, Wortman St King suit salon. Come In the blouse or Princess models, made plain or in daintily trimmed effects. Some have yokes of ex- . quisitely pretty lace, others of shirring and tucks; trimmings are lace, braid,- tucks, shirring and buttons, and they are applied by artists.' These suits come in the good, plain colors, such as the , new . golden and russet browns, slate and navy blue, nil green, reds and changeable effects, as well ' as fancy plaids. They have either the full length or 4 sleeves, worth from $15 to $45, and all reduced ' one-third. ' ' .-- ' K&'!?.!.:$10X0 '.'gysr...'vio Regular $35.00 Suits 34 , Regular $25.00 Suits dt self for only eplD.DD ;sr:".:i30.oo Children's Aprons Regular 75c for Wc Made of a good quality gingham, with long sleeves and turned-down collar; some in light blue, pink or red " checked patterns, and . have neat little belt edged with white; for little ones 2 to 8 years of aire, worth 75c, for only 49 Women's and Misses' Sunbonnets, of plain or fancy chambray, per cale or gingham; something youll find plenty of use for now, worth 25c epecial ... ........1T Hand Emb. Scarfs; Doylies&Cent'rPcs Square or round shapes, in the rich.' handsome '.Slovak embroid erya ( splendid . assortment of doylies, scarfs, squares and center pieces; white floss embroidery oa fine white materials, rich and at tractive in all ways. Priced thus: 6-inch size, worth 20c, for ,.13 ' 12-inch size, worth 60c, fof ..394 20-inch size, worth $1.40. for 97 f 24-inch size, worth $2, for 1.28 36-inch size, worth $4.75 ..3.28 Other Values in Proportion to These Mentioned. , untrimm ed HA TS 99i Each Women's 1 Milan Braid Hood Hate, worth $175 each, , gQ Child's Chip Flats, with lace in sertion, worth 65c spe- , cial at ..4i7C Women's Hood Hats, of English Milan braid, worth d IQ $2.50 special ......1.4H A Wednesday sal of smart headgear for miss or anadam. Th very desirable ahapea in a fine quality, at a price that will , appeal irrealatibly to , those economically inclinad. Splendid shapes of straw, in the hood, chip fiat or Leg. horn. Hata that are easily -' shaped in the popular mush room models. Bedford Cord Chip Hood Hats, regularly 65c f special at ....... ww Women's, Hood ; Hats, in horsehair braids. O 'worth $1.65, each .,Ub Women's Chip Braid Hood Hats, regularly worth C $1.65. for L 2 Women's Hood Hats, of Tuio-i braid, worth $2.50 Cl special .....yl . . Children's TJntrimmed Le ' r lists, regularly 50c , " , Special , 'U I NAVAL OFFICER WEDS - POPULAR SOCIETY MAID ' . . ' . - (Joaraal SpMlal Swrie.) Washlnston, - April 10. Fashionable society folk of Washington an4 a num ber et meets from out of town filled St John' church at noon today at th wedding of Mlaa Zalde Oaff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. T.'Oaff, and Dr. t'ary Lanshorne, United States navy. The bride had aa her attendant maids hr couxlna. Ml" Harhel and Mias Alary Holmes of Clnolnnati, Mlas Marlon Oliver, - daushter f th assist ant secretary of war, and Mis MSry Sutherland. Th wedding ceremony waa followed by a reception and. breakfast at the Oarf horn. , ' - Th bride mad her debut about two years ago ead la one of the heiresses of th capital. Dr. Lanshorne, the bride groom, la a son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Langhorne of this city and eousln of th Langhorn sister of Virginia, two of whom sr Mr. Waldorf Astor end Mrs, Charle Dana Gib. on. Fred, larg. T. Merrill for eouaoUmaa-af LIFE OF HEDGES FILLED WITH HIGH ACHIEVEMENT (Spwlal Dwpatch t Th. Joeraal.) Helena, Kont. April 10. Cornelius Hedges, "father of Montana Masonry." who died yesterday, waa a charter mem ber of th first Maaonlo lodge In Mon tana. With th late United State Sen ator Sanders, he took a prominent part In the work of the vigilance committee In ridding th community of It law less element. H was on of th lead ing early-day lawyers at Virginia City, but with the discovery of gold here he some to Helena and waa editorial writer on th first dally newspaper in th state for a number of year. He waa elected grand secretary of the Mon tana Masons and held that position longer than haa been the .experience of any other man in the various state Ju risdictions. He was also a Royal Arch, a Knight Templar, a Shrlner. and a thirty-third degree York Rite Maaon. He la survived by his wife, two daugh ters and three sons, on of the latter being speaker of the houae of repr- sentativea of th ninth assembly. lh funeral will be held her Wednesday or Thursday. GERMAN SOCIALISTS HOT TO CELECRATE (Joonel SpMlal Rm-w.) Berlin, April 0. Mny day In I'er!' : and throughout the mptr r-r-t , paaa rft t"i)v a" I w"V!t t . -' tom ri-", r t . 1 . of 1 r. 1 i - I Vj Isaued a mantfnato comn members of the party t their work aa unual tnvrr--Order will b gnera!iy o! plnyors hare C"n,r.ln 1 ,i that any workman t - f M:i lo. 1- ' 1 - t - IV out I -