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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL S3. 1807. LiUCII LULMR HIT FOREIGII Portland Export Mor Than Nint Million Feet During V the Month. Pa EARLY EQUAL QUANTITY SHIPPED TO CALIFORNIA Orient Hear Ptirchaaer of Wheat " and Flour and A nstralU, Continue ' : ' Placing - Order (or Building M ' , terlsi More Steamers Coming. ' Export from Portland during -the month closing today aggregate a total value of 8888.T88, 8148.748 of tola being for lumbar, lit, 177 tor general mar chaadlee. machinery, ate, and tha re maladar for wheat " and .-floura, Tba Orlant waa tb heavier buyer . tbia month. 88.180 barrala of flour, valued at 8848.888. and S08.18T buahel af wheat, valued at 8284.414. having been aat . afloat, for that destination, . Euro pa se cured lot. lit buabala of wbaat, valued at 1221,711. - .a ;-.u j Tba foreign lumbar shipment s heavy, altogatbar 0,848,788 faat having afloat for tha Orlant and Au- Tha value of thla lumbar la placed at 8148,748. It was shlppad In four ear- goes. Tb ooaatwlae lumbar shipments aggiwgat S.488.008 faat. carried In 11 r cargoes. ' During tha month 42 veeeele ante red at tha oustora-house, whlla 41 cleared. Following vassals cleared for foreign porta: .- . .-. ' April 8 German steamer Arabia, for China and Japan: Flour. (2.120 barrala, valua 2U7.(t: wheat, U.JO bushels, . valua 88.004; general cargo, valua I2. 177. Total valua 1224,174. April 4 French bark Emilia Gatllne, . for Europe: Wheat, 25,144 bushels, valua 171.021.. , April aRussian bart, Fannla, for ' Port Towtisend. In ballast, v , April a Japanese steamier Fukul i Msru, for Kobe, Japans Wbaat. 101.122 bushels, valua f 20.(60: flour. 12.000 bar. . rels. valua- 214.000. . Total. value 2114.- IK A . -. '' 'n : . April Norwegian steamer Bkogstad,T , for Shanghai. China: dumber, i.z 232 feet, value 211.224. April 2 British t steamer Ardmount. , , for Port Ptria, Australia: Lumbar. 2,044.227 feat, valua 120.424. April 14 German steamer Tiberius. , . for Shanghai. Chins: Lumber 1.888,887 feat, valua 242.284. . April 14 French ship Lon Xllt, for . Europe:, Wheat. 08.488 , bushels, valua - . 74,70. . :-, . April Is French bark Cornll Bart, 'for Europe: Wheat 108,274 bushels, ' vslu 281.104. , . - April J2 Norwegian steamer Bildra, :;for Hongkong, China: Wheat, 122.486 bushels, valua 2145.000. April 4 Norwegian steamer Terje ' Ylken, for Port Plrte, Auatralia: Lura 1 bar. 1.622.78 feat; valua 117,(00. : '' April 88 French bark Armen. - for , Newcastle. Naw South Wales, In ballast. NEW STEAMER COMING U Hmrlk : Iban Will Load in Frank ' Hanrlk ; Ibsen, new Norwegian '.steamer named In honor of .the lata, fa :moua poet and playwright, will b la Portland soon t load wheat snd flour for North China and Siberia. 8he was chartered yesterday- afternoon by Frank Iwaterhousa Co. V ' The Henrik Ibsen registers l.0 tons I net snd Is now at Newcastle, N. S-W- loading a cargo of ioel for San Fran 'cisoo. Sha will com hero immediately after having discharged the fuel at aha Bay City. '" " . ' It was announced this morning that th British steamer Tottenham, which ' was due to arrive her laat. Friday to .load lumber for the orient, will not b .bar until th latter part of this' week. YOUNG PORTLAND GIRL IS ; ' AMONG COMIC OPERA PLAYERS Wf- WW'' .wew J ; I W saws- tor ::pyT r : . MIbs Clara Howard, With Murray and Mack. mm A Portland girl will be among th per formers of tha Murray and Mack com pany, which will present "Around tha Town" at the Helllg theatre, t bis week. She is Clara Howard, "daughter tf Mr. C. C. drove of 824 Raleigh street. Miss Howard is only 18 years old. but sha baa been on tba professional stags for nearly two years. Sha started with the Casaldy Stock company In Portland, snd has sine played with th Allan 8 took company when it wa showing In Seattle, th Royal Stock 'company nd th . Grlton Stock company. Mis Howard joined th Murray nd Mack peopj four months ago, and bss sine then pl7d with them In 'all part of th wast. - She 1 strong In song an 3 danoe parts, but her relative fiere do not know Just. what part aha take in the eomlo opera performance. Miss Hbwrrd waa' born In ' Portland. 8b graduated from th Harrison street grammar sohool In 1204. , owing ' to her inability to get . bunker coal at Comox, B. C. Th vessel baa to await her turn at the bunker and th charterer were notified here this morning that the vessel need not be ax p acted until th latter part of th week. TWO BARKS ARRIVE Zinlta and Telln Bring Tales of ' ! Hardship. '. ' , - Th 'overdue British bark ZinlU reached Astoria last night, ltT days out from Antwerp. Captain Swan brings a tale af hardships seldom equaled. One man, Oustaf Ryberg, wss swept over board In rounding Caps Horn and lost H had Joined tha craft at Bahla to fill th vacancy oauaed by setting four mu tinous men ashore there. . , The Zlnlta aailed from Antwerp Oc tober 18 and when a few- week out tb crew broached th cargo and got glort oualy drunk on Scotch whiskey. A quar tet of th crew, one of them being a full-blood Indian, then planned to mur der th officer. Their plot wa dis covered and they were bald at bay all, night and placed In Irons th following morning. - Thsn Captain Swan steered for Bahla and had th mutineer sent to Jail. Tha vessel bring 24,000 barrels of cement consigned to W. P. Fuller Co. . ,. . . Tha German bark Tellu also reached Astoria yeetarday afternoon. . She. too, had a rough time coming out from Eu rope, although aha made th run from Lelth, Scotland, la 148 days. ' On March 28 Captain Prohn alghted a derelict In 128.8 west. It appeared Ilk th wreck of a small schooner and had two broken mast about 80 feet high. ' - .Twenty-nine days ago and again J days ago be sighted a - three-masted A UN10UB RECORD Not Another Llka It In Our Broad Republic To gir positive home testimony In every locality Is of Itself unanswerable proof of merit; but when wa add to this th continued endorsement from people who testified year ago no vtdno can be stronger. A Portland cltlsen grate fully acknowledges ths good received from Doan'a Kidney Pills, and whan time ha taatad th cur wa find . tha aame hearty endorsement, with added enthusiasm and continued praise. Cases of thla kind are plentiful In th work of Doan'a Kidney Pills, and such a rec ord is unique In th anhala of medicine. , George K. Parrlah, musician of 872H East Oak street, Portland, Oregon, says: X Just as ' gladly andorae Doan'a Kid nay PUls today' as I did three year ago. Time ha -proved that th benefit ' . J found were permanent, and thla baa been vary gratifying- Kidney complaint mad it first appearance in my case so gradually that It waa eome . time be-1 fore I paid any attention to it A cold : settled In my back and I began to suffer I from dull, heavy pains In th loins and over th kldnaya It was thsa that 1 1 wa Induced to try Doan'a Kidney PUls and, as stated above, wa completely re lieved and not a symptom ha ; reap peared up to thl time." : ' 1 Tor sale by all dealer. - Price 80 cent. Foater-MUburn Co, Buffalo, New Tork, sola agent for th potted State . " Remember th nam - DOANSVand take no other. ' . b Inaugurated . May 16. Committee from th longshoremen's union and th Pugat Bound Shipping aaaociation have acted and tba former ha turned down th wag scale submitted by th latter. They denounoed tb scale a absurd, saying they would work at anything else rather than aooept It Th boss tvdoroa are expecting no trouble, contending that longsboring I un skilled labor and plenty of men will be found at 40 cents an hour. Own era of Nome vessels are equally confident that men can be found to work at from 84 to 28 per day loading vessels. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tba Stark street l!p Is still in i miserable condition and need tb at tention of some one, or ft will float fn- wara to tna - - Tb steamer George W. Elder arrived from San Pedro and way port laat night She sail tomorrow night In. stead of tonight Tha Roanoke of the same line will ' leave San Francisco for Portland next Saturday. Tha schooners Annie Larsen and Sail or Boy reached Astoria last night to load lumbar for San Francisco. Blda for tha naw lighthouse tender to be built aoon for tha government will be opened at Washington today. On of th tender will be assigned to thl dis trict Th Vancouver Transportation com pany wsnts 811,862 damage because tb North Pacific company' steamer Cas cade collided with th ateamer Lurllne off rainier on November 22. 1806. . . MARINE NOTES Astoria, April 80. Left up at 1:48 m.. ahlp , Eclipse and barkentlne J. M, Griffith. Left up at 11 a. m, German bark Tellu. San Francisco. . April 20. Arrived. hark with her main tor, 11 ant varri "?w "rasno, ana . .1 scnooner Abble, from Astoria. misnng. Tbs vaaaal la supposed to l .,, . n(1-. k... tu. k. kK . i j, ... I Astoria, April 2t. Sailed at have been th Zlnlta, which arrived yes terday, because she came In with bar main topgallant yard gone. The spar waa lost In a storm off Cap Horn. LOOKS LIKE STRIKE; Trouble May Occur Waterfront. on Seattle's inpeclal tMssetr e TWe fearaaLI Seattle, April 80. TJnleaa something anforaoeea ahould happen a bitter strike of the longshoremen of this city will . . , ... X - ',' Mr. and Mrs, August -Roe- ,diger ' of Junction City, Kan sas, who was 73 years old, re cently celebrated . their golden wedding.-'...',, . :,' Mr RoedigerV fmtl 1 on of the most prosperous in that county. Seven ; years ago when ha retired front farming he divided 1,000 acres among his four sons. Mr. Roediger has for years been a sufferer from indigestion and stomach trouble. After in vain taking all kinds - of so-called medicines, h was complete ly cored by Duffy's Pur Malt Whiskey. Tor year I waa a suffersr from Indl geatlon and stomach trouble I have used all kinda of medicines and Bills, without ' - any benefit I waa advlned by one of ovrj . niiaiwri to vrj m Dome ox Lmiry a Pure . Malt Whiskey, a be had tried It with good . results. I went to the drug store and bought a bottle, and before ' that . bottle ' wss used I was relieved and waa - much better than befor I commenced to uae tha Mult Whlnkey. I kept on uaing It . ateadily every day and before I baduaed up five bottles 1 whs entirely well, and think that Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is on of th best tonics of th Twentlenth Cen ' tury. I will keep It In . my house stead ' lly, as a family medicine and - tonic. I . take a mall dosa every day after eaeh raeai. xi neipa ins a lgestion ana promotes a good appetite." I am now 74 years of age and eel well and strong, thanks to Duffy's Pi ire Malt Whrekev?1 airnTTa-r MR. AUGUST EOEDIGE2-, BOEDIOER, . Junction City, Kansas, July ,28, 1 906. The experience of Mr. Roediger Is slra ' liar to that of thousands of men and wo men who ar dally cured by thla great disease exterminator and ' renewer of youth, - . Leading doctors say Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is a form of food already digest ed. . , 0 m ff ff i'' pi P lire E L a Ifi UClio Is reooenlsed vrywher aa tha unfailing spectBc for tha cure of consumption, nervousness, typhoid, malaria, every .form of atomach trouble, all diseases of the throat and lungs, and sll run down snd weakened condltlona of th brain and body. It restores youthful vigor to th old by nourishing snd feeding th vital forces of Ufa, -and maintalna tba health and strength of tha young. It le a form of food already dlgeeted. It Is prescribed by doctors of all schools, Is used' In sll the leading hospitals of the world, snd is recognised aa a family medicine everywhere, It is sbsolutely pure. Medloal advice and a valuable illustrated booklet on diseases sent free. , Our guarantee ia on every, bottle. ' Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is sold by all first-class druggists, grocers and dealers, or direct, in sealed bottles only. Price $1.C0. Sre that the "Old Chemist" trade-mark is on the label and that the seal over the cork ia unbrokrn. Look for thra csreful'y, snd refuse substitutes. It will curs vou after all other fa.JcJ. Lui:y Malt Whiskey Co, Rochester, N. Y. ' - t -- remeoi have fa at It noon. barkentln Chehalla, for San rranoisee. Arrived at 18:18 p. m, schooners Annie Larsen and Sailor Boy, from San Fran elaeo. Arrived at 18:86 p. m German bark Tallua, from Lelth. Arrived at 1 p. m., ship' Kcllpae, from San Pedro. Arrived at 1:16 p. m.. schooner Melrose, from San Pedro, and barkentln J. M. Griffith, from San Francisco. Arrived at 1:88 and left up at 8 p. m., steamer Whlttier, from Port Harford. Arrived at 8:40 p. m British bark Zlnlta, from Antwerp. - San Francisco, April 18. Sailed, achooner William Olaen, for Astoria. Arrived, ateamer South Bay, from As toria. Astoria. April 80. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m., smooth; wind northwest: weather cloudy. Tides at Astoria to day: High water, 1:68 a. m., 6.6 feet; 8:08 p. m., T.6 feet; low water, 8:46 a. m., 1.9 reel, s:st p. nv, i. zeet MARINE INTELLIGENCE keralar tlnsra Sea te Arrive. ' Colombia, from Baa rraaelses ...Way Aluaece, trora com Pay....... ...May S Nienaieilla. fraei Orient ...May S r. A. ausera. ma Baa rvsa. asd way. May Rnsnoke, from Ssa Pedro sad wasf...Mav T Coats Rkra. from gaa Francises .......May O. W. BMsr, from Saa Padre sad way .May 1 pnmaaiia. rroai enaai ............. ...May n Arabia, frosa erleat ....Jane M Alssla. tross arleat ...July 16 magslar Liners la Desert. Alllaaee. 8or Coos Bay. April SO Costa Mrs. for Saa m orlaoo. -..May 1 Oen. W. I )!. for Baa: Peare sad way.. May 1 Aragenla. for orient .........May Columbia, for Sas rraselsee .....Mar Roaaoke. tor Saa Pedro sad way May t r. A. Kllbara, for Saa rraa, and way.. May MleooMdls. fnr orient ..............May II NomasUs. for erleat..... ........Jon Arabia, from arleat, .........lane 10 Aiesia,-te orient , .........Jaly t7 - Vessels a Pert. Ge. W. aider, Am. str. at MarHs's dock. . CosU It Ira, Am. str at A In worts deck. Nome City. Am. etr. et Stella. Arafonle. Or. str.. at 0. R. a N., AlbraW. ' Jrtak Monaica, Br. str iBmas-Ponlsea mills. . Marhoffer, Am. str- st Wtl. Iron Works. Terje Vlkea, Nor. atr., st Rainier.. r Armea. rr. kk., at Mersey aoeh. Bayonne. FY. sn., at Mnatsomery doek No. S, Plmsdala. Br. bk, at Standard Bos dees. -Kh-kles, Br. ar., a Oeeanle dock. Mlenelat. FT. ak., at Colambla Ms. S. . Tola, Br. eh. st Blevatoe diek. Atdoa Beaee, Am. bk., st Wallace eleaga, Jnrdanhlll. Br. bk.. at' Oreenwlra. A lire McDoeald. Am. ark., et Vaaeeovar. -ftalensa. Rnaa. str., at O. R. 4 K, Albma. Normaa lalee. Mar, ttr? st Moatgesaery Ma. 8. Fe, ter, str., at lrring dock. . Tbos. L. Wsad, Am. str, at Lisa ton. , Anrella. Am. str., at Rainier. - - Alliance. Am. str et Concb stroet, . Erlliae. Am. str.. at Aatorla. , Blnlta. Br. bk., at Astoria. Taltus, Ar. bk., st Astoria, i Annl Ireea, sen., at Aatorla. Bailor Boy, sck st Aatorla. ,. Lamber Oarrtsra Xa Beats. " Dlamood Head, Am. bk., Bsa Padro. . B. r. Wbltaey, Am. bk., MakawalL ' , Blwell, Am. Sas fadro. LlHehoaae. Am. ark.. Manila -; . ' Lerllle, Am. ah., Sas rranciaoa, Mabel Oale, Am. ech.. Sea rrasetsea. ' t. U. Orifflta, Am. bkte.. Sea rraarsaa,V Joha Palmer, Am. bkta., Saa Oanrteos, BetrtsTor, Am. bkta.. Raa Franc taoa. ' Sin tram. Am. ao Boaonde. ' Anrora. Am. bkta.. Ban Fran Into. Colombia. Am. sea., Saa Frasclece. , Jamas Bolpa. Am. erh.. Baa fdra. : John Smith, Asa. bkta.. Baa PMro. -Makawall, Asa. bkta.. Baa FraMdsea, Santa Ana. Am. str.. Baa Fraoelaoa. AWeoa. Am. era.. Baa Pedro, KmUy ed. Am. str.. Saa Pedro. W. R. Heme. Am. eek.. Baa Cadre. ' Polsrla, Am. sen., Pedro. Lettltla. Am, sekv. Baa Franrlsea. . MarWI, Am. erk.. Ban rranrtoce. J. B. Btetsna, Am. str. Baa rrasHsea.' T1rton. Am. str. Baa Francises, ' Wa. Olsea, srb.. Bss Fraackwa, a ReaU Witt Osama aad Soneral, Borelenrh, Br. ah., Hsmbarg. Brena, Fr. bk. Hall. Coeway Csatte, Br. bk, Antwerp, . ... 1 Delcear, Br. ah, Hamburg. Karoos, l"r. bk., Antwerp. , flfwlm Mnllnne. Fr. bk., teedoa. '1 Kerrller, Fr. aa Hsmbarg. . m '- . ; . f I . VmJ OUR Juvenile Department is a most convenient shop ping place for mothers. In a comparison of Juvenile Wearables for Summer you will find that our range of : styles is the greatest shown in Portland, out models most , exclusive, patterns most attractive and our prices most reasonable. ;'V"Yivvvv' , v.-':-'.';:':;.v,'i Children's WhiaMuij& IN PLAIN colors, with smart trimmings and new effects in checks, plaids, stripes and mixtures, we offer an end less assortment of Wash Suits in 3 distinct stylesPeter Pans, Sailor Suits with straight or Cfr ff 4JA flfl bloomer trousers and Russian Suits .UL' . IU ip OaUU Frea with every Suit or Reefer at $3.35 or ovr. e. Pair of Roller SKntea or other desirable preient . leennM,'lr. ah., Bwsnsee. i ' Le Plller, Fr. bk, London. , Martbs Rons, Fr. bk, Uambnrg. Mosamblqne, Br, eh.. Newcastle, Samoa. Br. bk.. Shields, ' Hlam, Oer. ab, London. Boeoa, Fr. ah., Newraatie. R. Vlneennes, Ft. bk, Olusow. Marachael Tnrrene. Fr. bk, flambwr. : Vllle de Mnlbonas, Ft. bk, Aat warp. Onatbary, Fr. bk., Antwerp. Plerrl Let I. Fr. bk.. Antwerp. Waldea Abbey, Br. ah., Astwsry, ' Olanaaslln. Br. ah., Antwerp. , , . Jane QuiUon, Fr. br, Londoa. . . Osal Balsa Xa Rente. Baton. Fr. bk, Newcastle, A. Col. de viUeoola Msrenll. Fr. bk,Nawenstle, A. Claverdoa, Br. ab, Mewesstle, A, SU.LenJa. rr. bk, Meweaatle. A. Trams Steamers Xa Seats. Aseot. Br. tr. Beanos Ayres. 1J rod ford. Br. str, sea Franeana. L'rossa Mara. Jap str, Japan. Africa a Monarch, ir. str, sea Francisee. , Hetcales. ktor. str, Mnroraa. Btrstbclyde, Br. atr, Saa Frsnetsee. Btrathyre, Br. str- Asa Frsnclaco. Tellna, Nor. str. Baa Frsaetaro. Tottsahass, Br. atr, Comox, B. 0. - Bark, Nor. str., has Fraaclaco. ., Maori King. Br. str, Sheasbal. .. - , Kntsht TraipUr. Br. atr., orient. Hearth Ibsen, Nor, str., Bsa Finntleos. Oil Bmasasr Za Rente. Whlttier. Am. str. Port Harford. . " FROST HIT WASHINGTON FRUIT MEN VERY HARD Walla Walla, Wash, April 80 Coun ty Fruit Inspector Charlea Whitney ea timatea that tha damage to fruit tn thla district br th frost of Saturday and Sunday nights will reach 8S00.09O. Report of great loss eome from Ken newlck, Aw!ston - and Yakima, . The arty strawberry crop, which would have been rip In a few days. Is a total loss, whlls th cherry, apple and peach crops will not be ore than half th ordinary yield. . ;4 SHEEP POISONER ABROAD. IN CENTRAL OREGON Prlneville, Or April 80. Cyanld of potassium mixed with common salt wa spread on Ralph , Porslly's pasture, killing 81 head of aheap. The cyanide and salt mixture waa scattered on tha ground near a spring where th sheep wstersd. The herders noticed them falling and before th cause could be learned 81' of. the aheep were dead. porally'a land Is on th upper Crooked river. Sheriff Slkina has been working on the case, but baa not yet learned who poisoned the ahenp. I ! 1 !. . .. ii " JIMMY'S VERY SICK ' "Oh," doctor, corns quick I '.Jimmy's aw ful sick, and his mother's scared most to death I" ."Humph! It's a. wonder boys ever grow to be men. considering the trash they are allowed to eat! - Now, fa nny's mother doesn't Tea trust her own baking since visiting th Royal Bak ery and seeing how "TableQaeen" Bresd is made. And st look at her healthy i - Sea seat Tneeaay what the , tsetse ereeredl ALL GROCERS teak far the Word "ROYAL" Impressed am the Wtteaa af eaah loaf. r i . j i rMwvw r j m Ti Ncrrooa 77 KictorOuAunCrvtAD WAVtKLEI& PURE FOOD and th kind which makes diges tion easy , (Irape-Nuts If you hav stomach troubl try ting Qrapa-NuU tor 18 daye. "Thara'a a mon" si . V PLEASE RESERVE ' SEATS IN ADVANCE Also, don't forget that every one who' goes to Waverleigh will have an opportunity to share in the free lot and 50 other gifts on May 1 H.W. LEMCKE COMPANY Main 550 Home Phone A2537 Sixth tndWa'.'r" i A HANDSOME, SKIIl'.: Would please the most trtltilar of men. if the wrVmnnnrili. rr : and style were Just riant. If the wen who ore -eki rmrt . stvlea perfection In vorUman"hlt and wintriHi win h,. , i . . . . 'shirts msrle by the "'untotn Miirt Mnkr, t -v i in. , e shirt otiestton to their romplete atlsiiictlon. r--e tlie I gee' and .iaaras patterns at the JAC03S Sr7.T 'n 1 7. w. ? 1 1 -"