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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY : EVENING, APRIL SO, 1907. Bristol Haits i $3,00 ' i : -i" . . .. '. .. l" . ... AH Styles and Colors Every" Hat Guaranteed Sold Only By i v-t " ri. . ... 3X1 Morrison, f Opp. Postofficc FRAZER HEAD i OF PEACE. BODY Oregon Branch of. Association Elects Officen-Scullin Will" " Co to Washington. ) Circuit Judge Ai !. ITow wu elect ad president of the Portland branch of the National Industrial Peace nsaocla- "tlon laat night. A full Hat of officer and permanent committees waa made up and th body la at laat on a working footing, i ' 3D Dear Old Mother. "My dear old mother," who la 'now eighty-three yeara old. thrlvee on Elec tric Blttere," wrltea W. B. Brunaon, of Imblln, Oa. "She haa taken them for alout two yeara and enjoya an excellent appetite, feela atrong and aleepa well." That'a the way Electrlo Blttera affect the aged, and the tarn happy results follow In all caaea of female weakness nd general debility. Weak, puny chil dren, too. are greatly atrengibened by them.' Guaranteed alao for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by Red Croaa Pharmacy. a Sc. - Twenty-five 1 l yCiU73 iriai .... ' ' .1 , ... proves max it - SPREADS BEST WEARS BEST LOOKS BEST i COSTS LEAST iMSir . sa. F I MlKU evwe?Q LlQUiDPAIfJTi i .',,.".,li-w,''- HI I , SCID HI ! Kasmussen & Co. tzl .Tajlcr Sis. The meeting waa held in the T. M. C A. auditorium at 1:10 o'clock and en thualaatlo addresses war del We red by Mayor Lane, Father Black. C A. Footer and other promoter of the aaaoctatlon. Muck eredlt waa given to Patrick H. Bcullln for bringing the plan to a auo eeaaful head. ' When SculUn came here aU weeka ago ha waa mat with the op position of the tradea uniona, but the latter have been won orar and hare been given a full representation In tha body. Tha. of floor elected laat night are: ' - i " . " ' Preaident." Judge A. I Fraaer; flrat vlce-prealdent. Father Jamea H. Black; aeoond vloe-prealdent, Harry C. Gurr, bricklayer dalegat to tha Federated Tradea council; aecratary, J. Hennoaay Murphy; treaaurer. Rev. EL 8. Mncklay, of the Flrat Chrlatian church.' .... . Tha board of director la oompoead of tha tollowlngl . ; ' - Bepreeentlng employera O. W. HodV aon, Flatoher Linn. T. B. Wllooz. Paul Weaalnger, William McMaatara. Samuel Cornell. W. P. Olda, R. XX Inmaa and C F. Swlgert. '; ;..-'- ' :, . Repreaentlng ' employee ' W. E. Pitachka. . C, , ' A. Foater, R. A. Harria, all . of ' the - Typograph ical union; P. McDonald. editor Labor Pre: Barry C Ourr, dale gat from Bricklayer nnton; P. H. Kelly,, delegate Barbara union; C H. Oram, president Stat Federation of L4ibor and delegate Taamatera union; W. McKenale. delegate Stationary En- sTlnaera' union. Repreaentlng tha people at large S. H.. Oruber, Rabbi Jonah B. Wlao, Rev. Jamea Black, Dr. ft. C Smith. Rev. K. & Muckley, Judge A. U Fraaer, J. Hen- neaayt Murphy, J. B. Labert and B. C OUtnar. Ex-offlclo Wallla . Naah. president Portland board of trade; a O. Reed, president Portland ohamber of com merce; Fletcher Linn, president Manu faeturara' aaaoctatlon; C. W. Hod son, preeldent Portland Commercial club. President Fraaer waa authorised to appoint a commute on arbitration and conciliation, which he will, do within tha next few days. Tha council will be appointed at the next meeting. - Aa soon aa a' aatlafactory . organiser for tha tate can be aecared. Organiser SculUn will go on to waahlngton to spread tha work of the association. Latter a na tional board will be brought into ex istence. - ....... - ,. v ). i 101' RATES ' MULTITUDES TO OREGON . -y-v. . , .... Mors . Colonists- Have - Entered State This Year Than ; ;' . Ever Before."! ' -I ' When the full two tnontha of tha col onist season Just closing are footed np it will be shown that the Union Pacific system this spring ' brought approxi mately 10,600 peopla Into Oregon and eaatern Waahlngton In the tnontha of March and April. Compared to the figures of a almllar period laat spring this wttl be a gain of about l.00 tbia year. Tha movement by weeks, up to last' Monday, haa been aa folia we: Flrat week. l.ll; second week, l.B5; third week. 1.461; fourth-week, 1.4; fifth week. 1.114; alxth week, 1,147; aeventh week, l.llt. .The aeaaon opened : March 1. and closed April JO. The rate have been lis : from Mlaaouii river points, and have resulted In a large number of peo ple coming to look over Oregon,' and probably return next stall to remain permanently. ' Other came and brought tbelr household goods aftsr having looked, at the state laat year. -There will be another colonist season tha com ing fall, whan the aanvar-low rates will b in affect. ; . , GEARHART CONFERENCE v AT MIDDLE OF, JUNE The date for tha student conference of the T. M. C. A. which meets yearly at Oeerhart Park, has been set for June lit to SI. Inclusive. This confer ence will include delegates from all the college T. M. C A.a In Oregon, Wash In rt on, Idaho and western , Montana. Many prominent speaker will attend as well as a number of association leadera rrora the east. All the Dromlnent T. . REST.F0RWIDOWS OF CONFEDERATES Building Under Construction at Dallas, Texas, Will Also Pro vide Home for Orphans. DAUGHTERS, OF STARS , AND BARS ACTIVE Mr. Craig, Prominent' In - Oregon Branch of Association, Returns to : Portland After Instructive Visit to ' the Sonthlaiul. ' '. Mra. Elisabeth Craig, prealdent of the Daugbtera of tha Confederacy . in Portland, ha Juat returned from an extended stay in Texas,' where, shs wss particularly Interested in seeing the work of her order. Sh -brought with her tidings of good cheer from the Lone Star stat to Oregon and report great progress in their undertakings. . "Whl'e I waa in Texas," she said, "the laying of the cornerstone of the first 'bom for the widow and orphan of tb soldiers of tha Confederacy in the south was tha occasion of great moment. The membership In Texaa 1 tha largest of any state and by the work of tha women the land waa given near . Austin, tha capital, where tha homo for the veterans of tha Con federacy is located.' -. - Mrs. Craig is editor of Dixieland for the Pacific, coast, embracing Oregon, Washington and California. Tha Jour nal in published in Lwtlas and is the of ficial organ for th United Daughter of th Confederacy. Mrs. Craig aeourea thla position through being a charter member of th Woman's Stat Press of Texas and her devotion to th south land. While In Dal Ins and other point in the atat h met several who at tended the Lewie and Clark exposition. "Many expressed the wish,' ah said, "that they, Ilka myself, had been one of the "left-overs," so delighted were they with th 'climate, water and other ad vantages. ' Two families ' of my ac quaintance who have heretofore gone to New Tork to attend . tha Chautauqua . will com out her thla summer, pre ferring the cool, placid water of th Paciflo to-the Atlantic That la what corns from, th advertising of tha fair. Many strangers to this glorious part of our union when listening to th enthu siastic praise of th west war of the opinion that there might be 'something in it.' . - . -- "It la pleaatng to Bee the -prospertty everywhere. ' Lalla and Houston are booming equal to plaoea elsewhere. t Th political altuatlon . in Texaa la 'both stirring and exciting. - V ..... . "Great preparation ar being mad for th Texas atat fair In October, a permanent movement now, proving th prosperity of both the atat and tha city of Dallas. But after all give ma coolneaa and vigor of tha weat rather than tha depressing heat of tha aouth, JURY DISAGREES ON - ; ; ;; RYLES SAWDUST CASE Foreet Grove, Or., April 0. Th Jury 66 n n: Bears" u . . - : . -v. 'v...'..'-. To fJo all subscribers, old , or new, , to the Daily and 1; Sunday ' Journal paying 65 cents for a '. month's subscription, in advance, will be given , a "Teddy Bear," ' as shown in the i accom : panying cut.- Get The' Journal, the tnost popular paper . published In "The Ore ; gon Cjountry,'' and a t"Teddy Bear," the pop ular novelty to old and 1 young. Call at, or ad f dress The Journal of fice, as agents will not handle the Bears, i - The Journal - : Portland, Ore. ' dtaagreed In the aawduat eaaa which waa up before . Juatto Wlrts court Saturday, wherein W, W. Ryle of Bcoggtp. valley waa charged by Deputy Game Warden Mack- with- having dumped : sawdust from bis mill into Tanner creek contrary to tha flah stat ute.. . W. H. HolUa waa oouneel for de fendant and Deputy Dlatiict Attorney Wall for tha a tate. Beck teatlfled that he had . gon to th mill on April - It for , investigation. - on complaint, and had found sawdust 1 th creek caused from an overflowing of tha flume and drainage of tha aawduat dumps. ... - Rylesr. had several wltneaaea who gave teatimony that no aawduat had aver been dumped Into the stream sine th present : management ,of Rylea and HarUey took bold of th mill laat Sep tember..' ' '. . I'.-, Four of the Jurymen wer for acquit tal and two for conviction, c District ' Attorney WaU will set a data for another bearing. 1 '.' '"- Underhand Method. , .1.. From th Washington Star, ; Tour old professional rival-la gain ing a great deal pf-prestlge." . "Tee," answered the doctor, bnt rif fix all that. I am making arrangement to . have him called aa an xprt wit. . naaa. ' Tsr -- v I ,v.. A . M -tor- .t.-;.c e- .i- .i J. ' Hi t t I . . i I II , v a m AS Selected from tho smoke and water damaged Suits, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings pr; men, and the Suits, Ski Hosiery, Handkerchiefs etc., fo u. Stoc lor Ladies' $2 White Canvas Ox fords, .welt it and turrred - soles, all,. sizes ............ .......05) . ,, -...-. 19a) for Ladies' 50c Kimonos, they are madeof fine French lawn, to fancy. " t. figures each ; . . . , . ', .19f : Roycrpft NccRwcar ; Boyeroft' aTeekwaa A big lot. more or damaged; lota ' of ' them only mussed never mind what Roycrofta aold. them for pick them out for. aoyeaofta' Weetrwaa Second lot a little better , than the flrU-sham to tall you bow high they are marked they ar to thla eale at lO BVoyerofW saapeadeM Thla entire atock haa r . been arranged la thre lot according to th e.ual , Ity and according, to tn damage though non In th lot ar injured enough to amount to any thing.) Value up to 11.00 ., 9a), 19. 33a) 15 for Men's 50c Summer Underwear, ' all sises ...... ............. .....15a) ' t t r f 4.95 .for Ladies' $10 Coats, long- or . short, trimmed with fancy braid and velvet ..... . ...i..98 f 1.95 for Ladies' $15 Winter Coats; - full length,'; lined with ' Skinner 1 satin throughout ............ fl. 85 2S4 "for- Men's Hickory Work ' Shirts, all sixes ........V...-...;,.25a f 1.95 for Men's $3.50 Vici Kid or Pat , ent Leather Shoes, in all sices we guarantee every pair . f 1.95 f e.95 Lsdies' Swell - Spring Suits, in fancy gray mixtures, Eton " jacket trimmed with braid and self-button ' skirt, it mads with wide box plaits, '. at .......... f'95 . 89 for Ladies' Mohair . Vaistsr worth $2.50; they come in black, brown and , -blue,' : tnmmed with buttons 1 and braid,' each ...,'.89 99 for' 25c styles of Men's' fine $2.50 Hats, in all colors v..99 KO for Men's $1.50 Work Pants, they . come, in combination colors, all sizes, for SO 10 ; for " Ladies' Percale . Wrappers, " - worth $1.00; they come in blue, black or. red, made ' with - 10-inch flounce, nicely trimped with braid, each. .lO 15 for Ladies' 50c and $1 Muslin Cor . set Covers- and Drawers, 10 styles to' . choose from, each .16 . 5 for. Children's 15c Hose, all sixes; .every pair guaranteed fast black and w : double heel and toe, pair ..15 8 for Ladies' 25c Fast Black Egyptian Yarn Hose, in all sizes, pair ....8 69 'for Lades' Vici Kid Oxfords; they are a neat, dressy, hand-sewed shoe every pair, warranted, paif , 69 MenV Clothing - 6.95 for Men's $20 Suits, Hart, - Schaffner & Marx; Alfred Ben jamin, and other fine makes- hundreds . of styles to choose from ...... ....... ;.f 6.95 f 9.85 for finest Silk Mixtures in ; this season's latest styles, suits ' that sell for, 25 to f-SO we guarantee every suit, price 59.85 f 1.95 or Men's $5 Outing Suits, ' in flannel or linen every one - o-iiarantaert- nrira . 81.95 25 for Boys $3.50 Suits, age 11 to 16 every -suit guaranteed all wool, price . is ...25 First and ':' m frftfi, Salmon Sts-i2)vV OSTONST! J First end iiiifSalmon Sts. MCA. men on the coast wUl be prea- nt i