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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
it HOUSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS. I'EKSONAIi. CAKPENTEIIS AND miLUEJlS. LAND SCRIP. "BANKS THE OREGON"" DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. APRIU SO. 1B07. I OR SALE REAL ESTATE. PoK sai,k Lara' 4 room ", ; fin outhulidlug; bathroom, pantry. 1 rloeote; rtik-lima. plsson sail furniture for r.ii l"t f7xn; block south of lUwlhoru v. U at. fluioa Tabor 2f4.- S-ROOM hot, batb nd barn, S full kit. WW and alley, Jo bearing choir fruit lre, laaortmeut of berries, l'lo choice ro-e. v besutitul grouuds'siid flu garden, an Ideal borne, 3,4x). phono Esst tula, C R. Dcasell & Co. REAL E NT ATE. ' Boon IX loll mark at. A BARGAIN Three sightly lot. ' by ,on feet, Esst Varahlll at., between 2M and 14ib '., at un each. Richard Cornell. Pbon Eaat lor). SUI sst Ysaihlll. - N1,KHVAN elegant new Brown eoftBg, bed moma, only 1M- feet'froni esrllnc. bstween ' tA and 234 it.! Urma. Register Co.. 107 Third. FOR RALB ()H HAP One aire, ail la fruit: . eensll house, I ID Maiwell are., Mt. Scott ' - carllno. 13 minute- rll. . Btusrt s gtsiion, south. Owner mnat leave. SAM nOxloo lot. close la aa Rodnrr avenue all- Improvements tn; Iota era a Ulna; for D tbl locality. Kegiiter to, iti Third. . . I ITAVR a rood T-room modem Yiom. enraar lot. Eaat , Satn at.. 8 block of Hawthorne . era.. ( block W-B ear; .lM aaab. balaoea eaaf. I4U Htark at. MODERN brand new S-ronm cottage. Both and . K. Vlala and Sfltb and Kaat Morrlaon; 2.W 1300 down, balaoea Ilka root. P. Smith, I 1 Commarelal block. . . ' ' FOR SALK Banralna at your own terma! 1 , aottaie. 4 rooma; one 4 rooma and batii. both , modern; on ear Una. . Br owner. , Pbone Rellwaod MT. . tl.600 B17Y8 mom bonaa, lot 00x100, t a Beach at.: fruit, berrlea, ate.i 3" eaah, ' hnlanra 20 nentb. Diamond Baaltr Co., Ibi Alder at. . TCRT deatrabla borne )nat tble aid af Kaat atreet. tboroaanir roodera: tar ma. ak JU63. B(5 Lhini bar af Coninerca. ANOTHER RAROAIN II aerea, moatl cleared, ood honor and bam, fine aoll, as oat r cheap. Tlia Title A detract Co.. reoe) 4 Molkar Lld, Reensd and Morrlaaa eta. - IP roo want to bor. aall ar axchanre roof prooarir. call aa or addraea Oea. W. Tarner, ioa WaablBtoa at.. PortUad, Or. ton RALB By owner, lot n 111 at.. Bear Alberta. $aA part pariMBta. C. B Turner, W&3 WlUluna are. R4.R00 100x100 0! Ifitb at., north of Tharauis at.; tnproremaat, ceaient alilewalk, ate., all la: by owaer. Addraaa II 179, care Jooraal. FAXON PARK lota lOOitOft. in rnltlratlon, . ami and aUbtly: prlcea fano to 375. O. R. . Addltoa. Lenta. Or.; Mt. Keott car, 5a. FOR BALE BY OWNIR New T roon bona; caa, electricity, fnroaca; central loeatloa. Call at U Kerhy at. T ROOM bonae. flaa corner lot aftrlOO feat. Meat Hawthorne tract, t2.U0. Hatfield Bmllb, laavb Foortb at. ... , 100x100, CARl'THr-RS at., near rront: aoma - Income: only $.600. Poatofflr Box MT, St. inhoa. ' t ' Wl WILL build a booae to anlt yon and wa wUI aall on eaar monthly Inatallmenta. P. C. Laaaaa Co.. BT4 I'lrat at., Portland. - A VKW b-room cottar-a near ear Una, oa aaay tame, and will taka aa ft rat paynseat on : or two lota. 174 Flraf at. P. C. Laaavs. FOR BAT.R Iota on Gllhaoa ara, two block! from AlontaTllla rarllna: make m aa offer. Owaer. . Addreaa O 174, care Joaroal. IVRW 4-rona? atodern honae. .1 290: ISOO dowa; fail atontho Owner, phone Eaat 7B; bo aaenU. -.... . (RAND new 5-room rottaro. on lot MxloO; price $2,400. B. Bwan, 1100 Unloa are., cor ; ner Killlrjraworth are. . . B-ROOM cottar, lot 00x100. for ll.ono; 4 rooma and corner lot for 41,800; easy terma. Pbone Eaat lo6 or call SB Gaeoo at.. Montarilla. T-R0O1C booee. almoat new. fine car art lot, between Hawthorne end. W. R. care; only - $3.0001 $0 eaab. S4S Rtark at WANTED Homeaeekera to write ta WllUmetta Valley Real Eatate Rirbaafe, Woodbura. Or. for reaiaed llat of farnw. . . BOO FARMS, email traeta and lota; harrtlne oa O. W. P. electric line. 0. R. Addlloo. Lenta, Ore roe. Take Mt. Scott ear. Be. - 12,800 BEAUTIFUt, a-room Bodrra bonae; new, fnl baaement, waab traya, etc.) 4AO0 cvb. Owner, 612 ComerrlaJ bide. Mala 100. $300 BUYS S lota tn Point View: $jr0 eaab. balance anontbly. 1 mnat aell. Call 241 Mad- FIVR-ROOM cottar, comer lot. In Bterena ad dition; price ii.mio if taken at voce. HI '. Madlaon, Mam B2U2. - - $2.nno BUYS a new T-room boaae and lot BOx . (i0 near two carlmea. - Intiulre llolmea A - Menefee Reel Eatate Co., Third et. FOR SaLE FARMS. . FOR BALE AT A, BARGAIN. 40 acrea in tb beat wheat belt of Cher ana a county, 8 mile from Iowa and railroad tatlon; MO acre la raltlntlon, 82(1 la fall wheat and 210 to be aommer-fallowed; well Imprarod good bo, bar aad onthnlldlnge; plenty water, lerir clatcrn. windmill and water piped to booee and atock ; will D a eaay teraia; III besitk object la llmt. Ad draaa Knttrprle Farm. Box S3. Kent, Or, FOR RALB. 60 term. 4 acrea under enltlratkvu. rent very raally cleared, practically lerel. plenty of water; mil from acnooL adlnlnlng roanty road, SH mile oath of railroad t. tlon and bnatlandlng at lioeter. H ml lea aontbesat of Hood Klref . If aold at one, $2r) per acre. Writ owner. Addreaa Box 272, The Dallea. Or. , INR ACREAOR tract, 8 Si acre, 1 acre cleared. aew boa. . 41 . mile from " Beaeerton, I mile from Reedrllle; a little place that will make a fin bom, ehlrkeu ranch or orchard; price good term. Call or, C. 11. Fry, Beaeerton, or K. L. Cate, 3X1 Stark at., Portland. Phone Ex change TO. . r rSTBAD LAND Location fee $12!t; good wheat and grailna. no Irrigation: UK) mile . from city. Call on L. B. Hone. BOnu First at., phene Pacific XmH. or writ C. King, ' 3M Esst 87th t. $1M BOTH 40 acre on mil from Batacada: good aoll. spring branch, cord wood and tt ' timber; part raah, balaaca eaay term. Box lb.1, Etcda. Or. ... .. BEFORB yoa karat call on or writ Warren . Slater, the leading real alat dealer la Tamhlll county. Oretoa, located at Mclilaa' rill; the beat aoanty .la th state. BS.OnO A SNAP acres, Arllngtna Height, platted, 8 mile out 'weat aide); top ef cn- Co' mad, hear Council Crest, Apply at 8BT orrteon at. ' TIMBER. fJB$jaBhjawJra .:-( TIMBER, v'-vi" '' , i 1 Rmall Tract. , Splendid little sawmill propositions. W can lre yoa larg one, too, . -SPHINX AOKNCY, . .: f 80514) Stark at. r , TOn RALB 2.000 enrda wod, 2 mile from Portland, tmrnell road. - - 30.000 enrda. T mile weat from Fertlaad, Cornell road. , - ll.U1 choice pile and? telegraph poles, boo sawmill tlrnlper. JOHN KI.ORTFRMAN. , 1 N. 21st U. Of flc 84 Hamilton bldg. ' B.flOO . ACRE timber land. XOO.OTrtVOno feat: eaa than DO rent per thousand; wlthla KiO mile of Portland: railroad and rlrer mm Ihroogh tract; poeltleoly the beat bur In lr- roa; yon must xnilne. at once If yoa want 1: no time to !oe. CITY REALTY A BrttPtNO CO., 12 Commercial Blilg. .TO OWNERS ef timber claims and timber t We will buy foe raeb n good wmber , Mh tary to the Nehalem rleer. Will deal wltb owner only: write, giving toll partloaUr. Nehalem Inreetmenl Co . S38 Cbambar of , Cmmerc building, Portland. Or. EIOIIT timber claim In onthm Oregon, will cnila B..vui.ono, near rlrer. open for location. Addrea p 127, ear Journal. - CERTIFIED crip, any '. loweat price. W. 4). Uowall, bit ChamlMT of Commaroa. , ttwrtMr-s and bugrie foe rent be day. week aod mom t at epe.-ial rataa to buetiie-boue. out ana Hawthorn. Eaat II HOKMKS POR BALE 80 head, 1100 t l.oiaj pounds, . Ovsrtos. between IStb. and 141H lake car., rrsedmsa two. BENT work and llirbt harnoaa. Briers km eat ws taka your old harnaaa la icliinrt for new. Kslh-r Hsrues Co.. 40 North Hlxth at. t SPAN draft tuarea. weight 80; anaa ft s.i.itn.. e nu i .. iL t i u . . a ar 8 Front at. ' ' rOR 8 A LB CHEAP New aurrev. cushion tire. campy top and alngl harness. Hunters staltle, 1M Eaat 84th at. FOR BALK cheap, good work team, welrht (.000 pounua. ttu au A iblna are., -.or puoaa aai ESTIMATES (Iren on eicaratlna aad team wore;, ruoae Eaat Ta. 420 Uawtborne aea FOB RALB One horre dellrery watroo, eerl, . good aa new, lati llrat at., at Duller markat. $l.v HEAVY work horaei trne poller. Call 411 oata at. ton SALE feod norae, weight 1,200 BowuU. ineuire at oni pecon.i at. ' , , FOR BALE UVESTOCK. TWO Jeraey rowa foe aale. one freeb wltb ealfi three nuarura af a sitla, aortb af Lenta, t, A. Wilaoa. . FOR RALB Pine family low, freeh. ery gen tle and good milker, Inqnlre tbranuona at 3)12 Front at. RRKIKTEBED Jeracr boll, Rioter Oaeelle Ktn. eerrlcea $5. Apply tn i. Aaberoft oa llealy place at Council Croat Height. FOR RALB Oeod yonng Berkshire pl(. coed fur breeding. Addreaa N 171, earn Journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. TIOTOR Talking Machine and reeorda; Stem way (or ether t planua, Bbermaa, Clay aV Co., Slitb and Morrteea ate.; opp. P. O. ELKO A NT Plane la aak can will be wild ret amount of mortgage. 10 Waehlngtoa bldg. DARTER AND EXCHANGE. BO ROOMH, ta good lire city,, population 1.0O0; anly hotel la city; B-etory modem, elegantly fureiabad; net profits last year BT.OOOl bulld- - lag new; eaab fo6,0u0: will eichanae or aall - for $US,0OO. Information at Ihle office. P. I,. Al'HTIN CO., i : . 12B Abugtoo bldg. FOR EXCHANOB A bakery, fully eqntpned. clearing $8 and 17 par day; low rent and long leaaai will trad boas and lot or aell fur .cash. Addreaa F 182, ear JomranL FOR RALB or exchange for cecdarood, elty property, on O-aormc power (taoonary, one lo-boraeoower portanie engine, uau Eaat 424. or at Albtn ate. TO EXCHANOB A nice reeidence and 4 lota tn Forest Grove. Or., tor a roanilng-honae In Portland. Pbone East 4792. ar addraaa B 174, ear Journal. WILL trad lood ante for mining stock r e cant lot. P. o. Box 4. city. En gene or aubarbaB. Owner, 800 willlame are, FOR 8 AIE MISCELLANEOUS. BINRRR and Wheerar and WOaoa owing aris en In erne, w aea. leeee . reat aew ma chines; old machine taken tn part payment; eoond-hand machine $B and ap; other make of new machine $25 and apt needle for all make of machine; all kind of machine . repaired and guaranteed. B. B. BlegaL agent, 886 Morriaoo at I'hjo Mala UBS. DON'T ro to The DolUr. 282 Fh-at at., berasa be aella to cheap. He eella tbla week a $3S Cuerd range, new, for $211; wool-top mat treaeea, $2.80. and other from TSe ap; alee thonaanda f dollar worth of new and - ood hand farnltnre cheap f 100 oil paJntlnga worth $S.B0 at $1 aaeb. .... BILLIARD AND POOL tablet iter rant a tor; al on eay payment. TUB BRUNSWICK-BAI.KR-OOLLXNDBROO, 40 Third t., Portland. 6HOWCABBS, counters, flxtnraa. boagbtV' aoM or ichanged. Weetera 818 Co, B27 Washington at. Pacific TBS. FRKR FOR BTERTBODY Ring ap Man 4290 or call 218H Front at. W boy and 11 fur altar, clothing ar any aid tiling. FINN motion picture machine, gaa ontflt, BV feet film and loft rlewe tor $100; coat $400, . Room 2. 145Vi Birth at, SEWINO MACHINBB aongbt bold aad rttaarel. (3 anal up- Waaler aairage vK, 27 Waablnctoa at. - FOR 8AI.IC Two not and real tat mortgago for ftw, perfectly aeeurea; i musr. aar u money, O 170. ear JoiiroaL FOR SALRJ Second-hand 2-ton exprea waaoa and light aprlng aelirery wagon. moot at. : CASOLINB lancb, eot . $2.BO0, for aal for lea than half. P 188, care JoomaL HAND-MADB dellrery wagon, anltabl for gro cery or laundry. BIS. Jefferson at. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sore car tor rheumatism. Bold by all druggist. OLD BOOK BTORB rmord to 188 Fifth and 211 Batooad sta. BERfl and chlrkena for aale. 1Q0B Karby. Phone East IT2. FOR SALE BO rasa fruit, extra choice. Can at 8tet Bast Clay at. - SHOWCASES and fixture, new and second hand. Carlson A Kallatrom, 2MB Couch at. PERSONAL. WEAK men, from any canae, any ago, or length .of time afflicted. end $1 for recipe that Insure quickly and forever your complete and perfect ' restoration, re rsrd leea of failure or ' disappointment by prevhia treatment or method of cur yoa may have triad; posi tively harmless snd the greatett restorer known today. Loola O. Crr, SIB North An derson at., Los Angeles, Cat. Russian Baths T THIRD ST.. BETWEEN TATtDR AM) SALMON! BWIMMINO POOL, STEAM AND HOT AIR BATH; FROM I a, U. TO IS P. M. 'PRICE 25 CENTS. NOTICB OF RRMOTAL. A. Reiner, th furrier, will mtrre from l.ewta bldg. March I ; tanking for Mltabl loeatloa; for present may be fnond at resi dence, 231 North 18th at. Pbone Plfl 24U1. Will call aad glv estimates aa aaual, REX1NH PILLS car all forma of nervwah ar inaeular weak. For men or women. '. Price $1 a box. bores 88, wltb fall gner- uto. Adi'.rass or call J. A. Clemeoeon. drug gist, Becoed and Tamhlll aU. Portland. Or. PILES itching. bleedkngr neotmdlng. flasnr, fletula, conatlnatlnn and all rectal disease cured In 10 to 80 dsys. without the knlf or ligature. Cell or write Dr. T. J. Plarc, 181 First at.. Portland. Or. r MANICURINO and besnty etiltnr at 8f!4 Morrl sort at : face, scalp and bust treatment specialty: experienced help direct from Lon don will be st yonr servlc. Mr. L. U. Gor don. Pbone Pacific ... t MOUNTAIN ROSR for all female dleeaeea, etomach nd liver tronblea; reference If d-1 -aired. Riawi 2.1 and 2d, Madison bldg.. Third at. Open Suadar from. 12:80 to 1:80. LADIES Dr. Retjham. gradnat and regrateeed phralrlan. treat any aad all your complalnta ' wltb skill and ccea. 1T0V4 Third St., awe Be Yamhill. Paclfle-22. GERMAN book, magailne, nnvki, etc. r Ger man. Enallah, French. Snanlah. Swadlah nd Italia dtctloofirle) fore ten book of all kind. Srbmakx Co., 2W First St. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Rohrrta Nerrs niohule. On months treatment. $2: S toontba. S: sent securely sealed by mall. Atests, Waodard. Clarke A Co.. Portlaad. Or. HOLD ON There fct one thing that will cure elienanatlaoi. Aak rour draaaiat for barb tonl or address or eau . A. iMBtensM.. druggist. Portland. Or.. YOI'NO scientific msaseus give electrlcsl. (Icoholl snd medicated treatment, also tub ha 1 la. 41 Ealalgh bldg.. Sixth and Wb lugtoa at. , BriTS pressed Willi ion wait. COca, Ladles klrt pressed. Oc. Gilbert. 1 0(114 Xlxtb aU 'aext to Qoelle. Phone Msla . ' VAPOR and tub bslhs, alcohol rshhlnf ae. 201 V Third U, oorur J' BKT magaaln clnha aver ffered; send for prices; agents wanted, one' boukstur. avi Alder St.. fsrtlsnd. Or. LA ll KB: Dr. La Frsnco' Compond; safe, peedy reaulstor) 29 reuta. drnartet or mall; booklet flee. Dr. La Freaoo. Phlladelpkla, fa. MOl.ER. wrinkles, nperfluou bh removed. No ebars to talk It over. Mrs. M. I). H"l. room S.KJ Flaldoer bldg. Phone Pselrle 13. DR. RINO CHOONO. Importer Chine root medlrlnes: ll (Times tc. eertala cure, for II diac 1UI 2d. bat. Yamhill aad Taylor. MRU. POTTER Maeeea. clp. facial ag. chiropody. 224 Washington at. Boor u to v. KRw LY opened maaaar parlor. Owl yfc Aide ar., auit a ia aiarcsiia ut aUE, accoin p Halted maause. . ' MANKIUR'NO, facial ma see a and scalp trB anvou irp rwpi t rr ssoiBBiai n, MIHS RAYMOND Masseuse. Va . Merrlao at., room 14. Pban Mai evil. 1 - v. BAf M OF FIOB for all female diss B24 Mai tteimoot, moat Bast sin. TCHKI8H R TPIB. 200 Oregonlsa bldg. kdlaa ar. gntiema nigkta. Mam las. HH.I)KN'S RHECMATIO CUB If our rhesmaflsm. Bold br all druggista. RECENTLY opened manleorlng parlor removed inna ofn v co s4e siornstsa at ., ratal a. YOfTNU lady give treat men t. BUM YgmbUl. room 8. -fV,-- , MIKS OIRSON give eeslp treatmenti maaaag. 2rw Morriana St., room 82. BATH parlor t BOTH Third M ldla and gentlemen treated : npatsirs, room 1. BUSINESS PERSONALS. EZPEH1KNCKD all aroond esrpenter wanfa Job or day srork from owners; re ft re n ess, . Psoas Esst 2-HM, est far carpenter. INVENTIONS bonght and Bold. Oovenant Con tract Co.. 427 Flledner bldg. Main BeSl. BKELLY CO., 14th end Flaaderet flour, feed. bay, grain. Phonse 11 1, Pacific Oil. v AUTOMOBILES. H. L. BRATS AUTO CO.. AtTTOMOBILRB AND SCPPURbV ' North wasters dlatrlbutor for Poo Hart ford. Pop Tribunes, Pop Warerh-a, Poo Toisdoa, 1 nomaa, utaamoniies. rransun. ' Balcaa. S0-b2 Seventh at., Portlaad, Oregon. HOWARD M. COVEY, AeentFlertw Oraat Arrow. Looometwle. Cad. . Ilia aad Knox. Temporary loeatloa Club Oarags, intb aa Aider at. HATE, YOU SEEN BAKER BLECTRICSt CanUal Supply Co., 405 Alder t. Phon P. eifle DTI. Demon.trstlou by aripomtmeat. , ATTORNEYS. 1- A. H. TANNER, attorney. Boom BOB, Com merrtal blk. Second and Waablngtoa sta., Pban Main 144B. PIOOOTT, FINCH A BIOOER, attornera at law, d Mulhey bldg orat Ssooad aad Mor- ASSATERS. QARF1N CYANIDR EXTRACTION CO., Bad Moataaa Assay Office. 1M Msrrraoa t- ARCHITECTS. ERNST KRON catlona; also building mperlatendenca. H. C DITTRIOH, architect. 821 Wllllsma v.. corner MrMIUen st. Pboo East 8331. ART. FREB LESSONS IN - mbroMery Every Day. THE NREDLBCRAFT SHOP. . aViy Washington st. , R. n. MOO RE HOUSE At COl Artists mstortan. picture molding, picture framing, stareon ti ls man slides, six AMsr St. " BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OB ROCK, graduate maeaaoaa; eabtaet bath, salt glow, aleohal rub, cream mssagt references. If) Seventh at. Mala 408. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWB. DA VIS A KILHAM.. 10B-1II Secoaid a. Blsnk book manufactured; areata for Jos , Improved Loose-Lesf ledgers; see th nw Eureka leaf, tb best oa tb market. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES s BTJTCTTERS ; BUPPUES . Blrkenwsld Co.. 804408 Everett St.; largeat botcher supply hoaas a tb coast. Write for eatsjogw. BUTCHERS BUPPLIES Adolph A. 'Dehnm, 1.11-138 Ftrat at., rarrlee a full line and plete assortment at lowest market pries. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTnBS cleaned and pressed, $1 pg month. Dnkio TaUorlng Co, SOB Stark at. H. W. Tt'RNER. dyer; csrneta dvetl a special ty. BUB Jefferson st. Msln XT, IX. COAL AND WOOD. CALL np Steel Bridge Fuel Co.. phone Eaat 424, rot prompt oeuvary on dots sine i nor, on cord wood, dry or green slab! our cord wood la choice No. 1 fir, cat 12 or IB Inch dealred. PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLARWOOD CO, BAB Front, successor to Fnltoa Wood Oct - fir. oab, alibwood. aoaL TL Mala 1888. FOR prompt dellvmy of slabwood call Msln 4HTB. Osk. aak, fir and eraiL ' Portisad Wood A Coal Co, loth aad Barter at. . OREGON FURL CO. t now selling Welsh a . thraelt. best coal oa tb market. BS4 Alder t. Mala BS. ' ALRItf A FUEL CO. Dealer ta asrdwond, eoel nd green ano dry aiahwooo. K. r. ano Albln ave.. 2 block ssst of ferry. Esst 6T4, WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. - House snd blscksmltb cos la. coke, char coal, kindling. Phone Mala 1018. TELEPHONE BAST T. F. B. JONES ft CO., ' Wood and Coal. 181 Eaat Water at. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO Dealer In eoel, aalassijAl s seal sCasas 1 I 1 I lat 1 rrV . AA. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. ' Always Oonsolt the Rest. ' 4 PROF. E. KHIMO. s- Oreateat living satrsl dead-tranca embrvoytnt of th age; anlelaer on bnatnss and alt af fair of life; tell your Dill name and what you called for, whom yoa will marry, bow to control th on yea Tor, eve fhonrh mile way; reunites the separated: gives secret owar to control; no long delay In walling. Ion re 10 to 8, dally and Snnday. Office Nos. 8 and 4, Orand Theatre hide.. 80214 Waah.i near Park at. Pbone Mala 1217. ' PROFESSOR WALLACE. Portland a favorite clalrrorant, palmist and medium; readlaga 80c. 841H Mor., cor. Tth. MISS MAY ANDREW" Card reading. (Be. 238 nixtn st, corner Main. , CHIROPODISTS. WM. DETENT A RSTBT.L1 PBVBNT, TTtB only scientific chiropodists., parlors BOB Draw bldg.. 12 Sd at. Pboo Msrn 1801. , CHIBOPODY and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 130 rieMner Bldg. rue rsrtrre is. CARPET CLEANTXO, TTTR Pacific Coast Carpet Rertovafor clean rour carpal en tb floor witnont removing urnltur; from rooms. We ra lee no dnat. r..j. n dirt , and greas apota. rixme laclflc 418. STANDARD CARPET CLRANINO CO Lara-ret plsnt on coast; Loring snd Hsrdtng sts. ; phone Fast 2"0; carpeta cleaned, refitted, sewed end Istd: stesm and compressed sir process; re novstlng mattrewae snd feather a epectalty. JOYCE BROS., prom-letors of th Electric Cleen. lng srnrks; esrneta cleaned and laid, both d and com pressed -sir ctesnmg; esrpet refltttng onr speelslty; work rnaranteed. I'bea Mala 26TJ aad A 26T. 270 firnat at, JOHN A. ME1.TOM. 204 Fourth St. Offle sad tor fltiures built had remodeled; aliow ess aa aad oouoiara. phone Main 1IS7. - B. M ELTON Office, store flxrorea; s-serai Jobbing. T Firs st. Pbnn. Mala IlleJ. - . CAFES." TH OFfTCE 2HI Washington at., pboo Mala TT1. Samuel Vlgnenx. DHESSMAKINO. IRS. VAUOHAN, iprlenced drwasmskarv 8W24 Ei at Uureslda St. Pboo Esat xttlL MADAMB AN0KLE8 242 Fifth. Pacifla . DANCING. DANtTNO lesson. BWi. classes and priest. dally. Prof. Wsl Wltlson. ball 804 Allaky ' bldg. Third and Morrison sta. nodal dancing waits, two-step, three-step, etc: sts its daoo , hig, bock and wing clog, reel, jig, Ulghlaod ' flloaT, tipanleu, ate. . , , . WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Clasa Moa.. Tbnr. and Bat, v.t social, fsscr and ate dancing taught; B assistant teachers: else ad privets lessons dalle. Western Academy hU. Beoond aad Morrison eta. Pacific 1830. PROF. RINOI.KR. MISS BITCKENMEYErt Leading echool. dally; new hall, beet In city. ' Orand . snd Bsst Morrison st. Rf8"IBj; EDUCATIONAL. OREOON EXPERT COLLED. ComaoonwesJth building, dtb and Anksny, rbone Mala 8001. Telegraphs, short b a sd, rprewrltlng. penmsnshlp. English branch. Individual Inatructlon. specUl acholarsbln. . ' HOLMES BI'StNESS COt.LEOB. Washinston Snd loth its..- FM.dser bldg. ' bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting and at Engllab branch ea taught, both day aad night. ROSE CITY Rt'SINESS COI.I.EOB. Pttmaa Shorthand bv Court Reporter. Bnal. e Ceure. Special Schntarsblna; Pneltlon 8e cwred. Commonwealth bldg.. Btb and Anksny. I -11 al Tl 11 11 at n aam neiiiiaii a 111 iniaaa ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. t. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark at. Xlectrle and Oaa Filter and BrmoUaa. ' Mantels. Tiling. Orataa and ltrona. PACIFIC BLBCTRIO CO. Enslneers, eon trac tors. rerslrers. leetrt wiring, sapplle. B4 First, cor. SUrk. Mala BBw. R. R. Tate, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 81 Sixth Bt. Contractor, electric enpplles. motor aad dy ke moa: we InstaO light aad power planus. MORRISON BLBCTRIO CO., 1st Bait Monieo St. Fir rare, wiring, repslrta. Beat 812. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORE and Everett sta. Pbone Mam 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES. SASOI.INR engine, all sixes and styles, at lowest price. Kelrsoa Machinery C, 182-4-4) Morrison at. SHEFFIELD marine en sine. Any 1 Fslrbsnks. Morn A Co. First aad HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits Ity t ot pries. T4 Sixth at. Pacific so. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, Amerlcstt puta. 88. $S per day. BELVEDBRB; Enroossn plsa; dtb d Aldsr at. WSURANCE., ISAAC L. WHIT, fir lnrBoa. tech hide . L. PAOB, lnurncl snplcysra lUblllty, awrwry bona, rmrgiar ana rcioni a Phono Mala $28. 204 FalUns bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, mp1oyr' llshlllty and ta dlvldoal aortdent security bond mt all kind. Phono 4T. 802 McKay bldg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS.'5 ; CHARLES L. MASTICK a) CO.. Front aad Oak ate., thr end akin of mry dsaerlpttoa for all purposes; sol, and tap euttsra; finding. MONEY TO LOAN. iftttsttltttllttlittstttftttutltlttts .ItlltStfiUittittttntttfUtMtttstt tllitStSlltlllllltlltitt stunt tttttt ttltttlltt SALARY LOANS ttlllttttl lllttltl ON PLAIN NOTF3 llfllltt mm no, $20, $30, $40. fso. mui III) $t0, 70.- 100. 11 Chnapent and boat rlactt to $t$ $$ BORROW WONKY. $$$ "ABSOLjUTELY NO SECURITY. Lowest rates; eaaleat payrnanta. ' REBATE slven If paid boforw dua. REMEMBER. . $ If you work 2 ' WB WILL LOAM TOO VONET. $ Everything; strictly confldantial. $$$VrrfAT MORE COULD YOU ASK Til ittt Hours B A. M. to I P. R til mil But. eve. till 8 o'clock. $ltt$ mittl HTATBBECURITV CO. 1111111 Hlllltl 704 'Dcknra Bid;. $$$$$$ lllllll Illlllllllllllllll lllllllllllllflllllltlllltltllllltll! mmmmtmitmmmttummt TeSJNRY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property or for bulldtng purposes, for from f to 10 year time, with privilege to repay all or part of Kiaa after two year. Ltoana artpmvsNi irons pi us son money advanced e ouiioing uiugissssi . garce taken np and rvplacea. FRED H. STRONG. Flnaaclal Agent, ' 142 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa Balartss. hssursoce poltcle. plasoe, fnmltura. we re hones receipts, ' tc. 1 ny deserving pcraoa may cur a 11b ' oral advaac, repaying by eaay weakly monthly tnaUTIment. NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, 208. Ahtnxton bldg. MONEY loaned to salaried people . Jsst oa voaw own name; don't borrow until yoa aea me; my evstera I tb best for railroad mm. clerk, bookkeeper, traerrar men and n other env R lore 1 bnsbiese strlrtlv conBdentlal. F. A. ewtnn, Bll Buchanan bldg., Waablngtoa St., between Fourth and Fifth. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PFOPLB and others upon their own names wifbont ee. Ity; rbeepest rate, easiest payments; fflce In 80 peinclnal cltle: ear yosrrsslf rswney bv retting onr term first... ( - TOLMAN. 221 Ablngtoa bldg., I08H Third t WANTED Notea. tatotttgare or wmlni ta an any-kind of real eett In tWeoa and Waab ' tngton: aeeond mortgage pvrrcbsed If well . secwred. H. B. Noble. 812 Commercial bTk. DON'T Issnnw money -a teT vmtfl yoa see Huttca Credit Co. 812 Dckam bldg. MONEY to toaaj I arc .loan soertattyi hj bnlldlng loans; low ret eater; rira 1 William O. Bck. 812 Falling bldg. SSOO TO loan at T per cent en real estate esewr Itv br private party. . Inquire BIT Commer cial bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 4SS Mohawk bldg. Hon TO avi aa - - - r" 7 w mmm 1st wsgw- earner) atrlctly confldeBtlaL MORTflASB loan at eorrent rates; no mm mission. Columbl t.lf A Trust Company, t.amtwr Exeharur bid. MONET to to on all kind of eeenrtty. . Wil liam Roll, room S Waablngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sum to salt on chattel natality, R A. Frame. 814 the Marqoar. QUICK loene on all serrrite. S. W, King. -T 48 Washington bldg.. Mala S10B. ON mortgage. 8200 to $l.0n; coat paper aely. Ward, lawyer. Allaky bldg. WILL toen gn oon or lee on real eatate. per cent. Fafrtngton, 818 Fen ton bldg. i . PRINTING. THB MODERN PRITTERY Artntttc print rrat. - to Russel bldg. Fourth and Morrleoo. Pboaa Pacific I82B. . RVRRTTH1NO IN PR1NTINO PVorn eircnlsra to Catslogite and new) Metrepollta Prlntlag Co., 14T Front t. OOILBER BROS., fwtntur Cnrds, btllhsxtda, ta, rbona Mats 1868. 140 rirat t. WANTED and fa al All kind, nseradmg Pfimved forest reeerre aerlp for a-jevyd. n aureeyad. timber and prairie aevaramenl band. H. M. Hamilton. "Tb Por.lod." Furtlasd. BIUSICAU THB WEIiRER STUDIO Maadolt. nanlo, guitar Instruction. 4H Whlgisa) at. PIANO, violin, cornet, tromhon. c Unset. Prw. feosor E. A. Smith, 2M 12tb St. Msln 4T0B. MONUMENTS. NED ft KINOHLEY, 208 Ftrat at Portia nd'a esadtng marble and graalta work. MONUMENTAL BRONEB CO. Most dorsbl grav beade tones. Room 12. 208 Stark at. MACHINERY. B. TRKNKMAN a CO. Mini a. aawmllL log ging mschlnery; hydraulic pipe, casting! all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth at. e THB H. G. At.RBB CO Second hand ma chinery, eewmllla, etc BtS Orand av. ' OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. OR LILLBBELLB PATTERSON, special) am aersoue. scots and eheeat d lessees. Oftw BIT Fsnton bldg. Pbon Paclfl tllsB. " DRS. ADIX - A NORTH RUP. 416-I8-1T Dekam bldg Third and Waablngtoa at. Paaae Msl S4. Exeat la at Ion free. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANB. 2MB Yamnlll St.. opprarlt Jour nal olflc Wall paper, painting and decorat ing. Pbnoo n (or oetlmat. Paclfl S2M. FOR nil hi work, reasons hi price. Sheeny Bro.. SK24 YamhllL aesr 4th. Mela 8071 PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BBACH A CO. Tn PI aar Fatnt Co.; . window glaaa aad (laalag. 1SB First . Pboa 1B24. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Basltsrr plumber. 181 Becowd, bet. Main aad Sainton. Oregon pbon Mala 2001. DONNBRRERO) a) BADEMACHEB No. 808 Bamald st- RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS, 248 A Maw at.t pboaa Make T10. Ruhher atamps. rsls. atanwll; hag gig, trade ebecke; brass sign aad plate. REAL ESTATE. PARRISR, W ATKINS CO., BflO ALDER ST. Bssl aatata, raw teas, loans and Isssaraaea. W mk a epeeUlty ef haadllag rsntsb) and property for resides snd aon-raaldaaia. EstablUbed 187X Phone Mala 1644. J. W. OOILBBR. raal astst and kmaai UB Usbed 1883. 148d, Flint at, loom 11. SPHINX AOENCY, dealer ta raal eetata d rsntal. hoovi Stark at. Mala SIM. FOR FABMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. ESPET. BIB Comaasrslal bldg. ROOFING. 1TN ROOFINO. guttsrlsg. reeatrtag and gamral Jobbing, t. LesIL 212 Jsffersoa t. Pes. 1424. STREET PAVING. WARREN Cosa-trnctloa Co.. Straw! B vtsg. tde walka aad eroestnga. 814 Lnmher Exchssg. THB Barber Asphalt Paving O. aal Pwrtlaad. Office oB Worcostar bib. SEWING MACHINES. PHONB Pactfl STSB and 1 pereosslly will n ad repair your orwlng maebln; work gxemr ' snteed. S. Baaxe. d)ostar. Bdl Thtrd at. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. - FOSTER A KLEISEB SIGNS. ' W have bollt un tb larcest alga ta tb city by flrat-clae work end keeping onr promise. Onr prtcee srs right. Fifth and Evsrstt ata. Pboo Exchang 08. UEOROB WEBBS, MODERN STONS The Differaut Shop." BOB Fourth. Pscifra 1811. 8IONS THAT ATTRACT Port I net Big On, B8T Stark at. Pbon Psctfls 1(42, -CARDS THAT CATCH THB BYB Boot work in tb city. Bett. BOO Dekam bldg. Mala 804, SAFES. PORTLAND B1FR CO, ol aganta for Her-rtsg-Hall-MarvIn safea and Manganese Steel Safe Co.' beak safest BO Becond-band fire proof sfes asd bank ssfse. very sbaap; thm or writ, na. Bfl Bavwath st. . - DIE BOLD Mingan and fit see oof safss; lack oat opened; metal fixture: vault and jail work I Jacke., I. R. Dsvta. tM Id. Msts 14A4 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of svwry fescr1ptVi bsak. bar and a tor fixture mad to order. Tb Latk Mannfaetnrtng Co, Portlaad. B. H. BIRDS ALL, deetgnari agent M. Winter Lambs Co. T Hsmlltoa bldg. Mata go, STENOGRAPHERS. WANTED Stenographic work ' at res son a his prises. Mia Young. BOB LbC. Bx. Mate STI8. PURLIO eteBograpber and ttpwiHt. Mala 1271. 814 Dekum bldg. Pboaa TOWEL SUPPLY. CLRAN TOWELS) DAILY Comb, bruin, sos. $1 nor month. Portland Laundry At Towel Supply Co, Ninth and Coach. - Phono 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BA0OA0B A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO, corner Sixth ana uea ata.; Baggage checked from hotel ox reeideno direct to deettnetloni paaaangera tbrfora avoid rash and annoy no it depots. Print Exchange BS. SA FES, plsnes and fumltsr moved, packed ready for shipping and ablppedi all work guaranteed: large B-atory brick fl reproof . warebona far atoeag. Office SOB Osk at. Olee Boa. Pboo Mnla B4T. a O. PICK, office SB First St., between Stark asd oa i.; pnono tarn, riano and ruml tnre moved and pecked for (hipping: sjatne dbrn brick warehouee with aeparaba Iron groat ana usy ata. NATIONAL TRANSFER 4k STOBAOR CO, SOB Osk at-1 telephone s-aln 4400. Tranafarrtng nd storing. OREOON TRANSFER CO, 184 North Sixth st- pbon Mela BB. Hssvy hauling aad atorago. INDEPENDENT BAOOAGB AV TRANSFER CO, Storage. 824 Stark at. Mala 40T. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. KlOVi lagtoa at. Mm BltX. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. TH) OREOON CHEESR CO. (INC.) CHEESE. BUTTE K. EGGS, etc., dairy arodoct honirM or bandied on eammlsalon. I2B Fifth at, (Swstlsnd bldg.), Portlaad, Or. M. A. OUNST A CO, -DISTRIBUTORS OF FINS CIOARB, PORTLAND. OB BOON. EVERDINO A PARREt.f, produce and cosa mlaalon mrchnt. 140 Front at, Portlaad, Or. Phone Mam ITS. OREOON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer ef rarnltur rr in nni. Portlaad. Oregon, VADHAMS A CO, wholes Is grocers, ansirs-facwr-.r snd soss Silas to aaercoants. Fsxrrth and Oak t. FURNITURE wnnufsctnrtng and special order. L. stnvwnsky'a rurnitur noarr, e "an si. ALLEN at LEWIS, cntnmhwloa d prod ore mer chants. Front and Davl Its. Portisad. Or. WHOLESALE crockery ud glssswura. Prael, Hegel Co, Portlaad. uraatoa. l1S& 1 rtask at. Who. 1 t. W. SIMPSON. BOt WssblaHTti I ww dsalar la (rala abs Bay, UsTITXD STATES HATIOXAL BANK OF Trans. eta a General Banking Bossies. the United Blste and hurop. Ibaiik.s.g and President , J. 0. AlbSWORTII It Vic ! rest (lest B. DC A RAUMfB Assistant t astier I ADD TTXTOV. BAVKEXB Xortland, Oregon. W. M. LaDU. - C. B. LAliD. ' . Bstahllahed Transact a General Ranking Business. SAVIMW BANK DEPARTMENT, leaped on svigs deposit. Interest psia on una oh.ii XRCBAXTS NATIONAL BAR K Fortlsnd. Oregoaw wt-. ve.M-t J. FRANK WATSON. Prasloent R. I -. '"-'fHA. j " illrTa.tSr R. W. HOYT .(.easier 1 tlEORGR W. HOTT Asaistsat -ssaisr . i:. UIVUIAU TrsoMct a Oenaral Banking Business. Draft AU Prt ef the World. srv AXKZBS B LTTMBXRMXhT'B BABE Fsrtls.4. rmwttrM K ComnMrcml aad paving Department w ' of the worst. . . D. C. PELTON President J ( J FRED H. ROTHCH1LD... First Vlra-Presldeot JOHN A. KEATINO Second Vice-President I EX BANK OF CALiyORSIA-E.t.bIIO-4 Capital paid up 84.000.000 ! laeTrlntwPSil xrUtlKinBT IBfl KKCI.nnn.Tnl BlUIISaaBnaw HAVlNUlf UKPARTMENT AisjdobW MACRBA....",7..Vr?.Tr.M.ner I wm. m. IB8T MATIOBAX BASK Part land, Otoa. mV. , CAPITAL AND BCRPLU8, $1,000.00. -DKPOIUTS, $14,000,000.00. t: L. KlLIJt Vl KKWKIRK. ....Prealdent I CasbMr TRUST COMPANIES Portland" tbust" company of orxoon tb oldest ir-i - JVt?!!; RESOURCES OVER $2.0H).000. Ommral kauklag. Two Par osnt Sdhan.. b.sdrsdak aa dsllr Bslasce af $b00 or ovsr. Letters ef credit end aachaag all part, of tb world. B.vlag. cooutB. Time trtltmU , to 4 .T.'Jii peclsl certificates. $o)0 or ovse. InsJlpt cent, t sli for Book of lll HTRATloits. Southewt Cornet Third and Osk Street. Ibon. Prlvat Exchange 'A BENJ. -I. COHEN... Preehlent j H. L. ,'TTK AlVtIifeecrTy n 1 11 DAtit-T Secret rr I J. O. OOLTBA Assistsnx """"f - . C "nt.'.raT "nkSfn i' Tlase snd Saving Accousts. . Acta a Trsate .... AralUbl oa All ci w ituui ' ' President I A. U MILLS ...Second Vice President TITLE OTJARAXTEE TRUST COmreVsi x arse "aua, . MOKTOAOB LOANS oa Port lend Real Eatat at Lowest Bat. , r mva.u, Tltl. inmred. Abstract Furnished. t thorrubn Ross..;:...:.. 1 OEOROR H. HILL Vice-President I BONDS AND OXxUS BXOTXXRB Cham bar s 0smsr " lan.lclnat. Railroad aad Public M nwxrtBB-HOPKIRS COsWAJTY Xstabllshed L) ' ' STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought a.-, . , ' boom 4 CHAMBER OUU) J. WTLDX HOME TXLXFHOXE nana riewej rwaar Sixth aad Washington Overbecks Starr &. CCokc "COs! iri,TiTdb'aT. k h!prtiad!rgos. VIV1VVMI ' " UWTKX STCW7V AWT) RONDA C-ttmn. Markets b, Whw. Wk aBBV Va - I TYPEWRITERS. BBADQUABTERS f saw and rebuilt tyis. wrlter ef all make I e oar wrodow; If yoa ar going ta hay a bow typewrite a aa be fr baring; w een aare yoa money; w kav parte for reps rr big U maebln; '' grata for th TUIblo Fox; w bay all ktsda t typtwrltera. Tb Typewriter Excbss.. In.. R. 1. Blllm. mSBSger. 84 Third at. SLICKEN8DERFBR Trpswrlter l7l "f . Bias; repairs. Raleigh bldg, Btb and Wah. Public btenooraphrb. WB U Rsmlnsrtons. Smttk-Premxsra, Dne mar. etc, tower man any aiwr w-!""' tsvsstlgsts. Undas-vrood Trpewrltsr O, B tb. TRANSPORTATION. Aioif o ion"7 EXCURSIONS STRIPS B. B. Bpohna, Jnna 14, SB) JnJy IB, SS sVnfS. 'w- YOTaCl BOT7TS. . ra mm as. as. sasawf.,,, ..tMiii"--- B. $L lraldaat 4 a . . . . . '.Tbm B. B. AT.ABTA B0VTB. ' IkaarwaVF, atltkn, ToBsmtA BB wtal fortA , .lll.e St aa. aa. w a . . , a. . at ta. aa SK. BX. BV. wa jtaaiov...,,.-., --a " Cott4T City, Tit Bit ha. , .Hay , IB, Jl VF OX teweisssw, .. .. ..... .a-a.- I AST riVAXTOTBCO XvOTTTB. BmOlng BV SB. Xrom avhtrtl. City Of PU4.... MAT , If) Bnr xdr 10. as V-MtrUlS....... InAy Is SO Olty'ClBoa, S4S WMlxlx4-om B. Ho! For Astoria FastSteamerTelegraph Daily (except Thursday). Ltw Aldr strsst flock T A m. - Colombia River Scenery saTrr.iTOB yrnrsi 7 a. m, arrtvlng about B p. m, earrymg freight and pease ngera. Spleradld ainmrntd tlon for outfits and livestock. Dock foot mt Alder t, Portland; tsot f Court st, Tb Dalle. Phone Mala S14, PottlaaA Str. Chas. R. Spencer . WBtftlBftOTtBtxxwM IVOOk. DallT. oxcept Bandar, tor Tb Dslloa nd way lartdlnga, at T a. m, returning IB p. ta. Fat tiraa, boat Mfnrlow. PBonaai BXsOa. tlMl Bxttm. A. It, 9. B0ATn A0XF10 TTBAIBVIxi OO.D Steamships ROANOKE t and GEO. W. ELDER Ball for Eureka, San Francisco And Los Aaswlws dlrct orory Tuaaday at $ p. m. tlckat efflc 1$I Third, noar Aider. PhcBM At. Hit H. YOUNQ, Ax.nt. aivivabt Ziin ocxabt rriAnBtxxa. OTEXPOOL, LASOOW. LONDON, HAYXE. New stesioers VlCTOXlAX nd YIROlNIAlf. M.u-unv turbine engine, asd TUMIBIAB. OOB.S10AV Bad lOsflABT, twlB-acraw. iZ mnt stllng ar We.Hr from MONTREAU tMBstng dowa the plctareeooe St. Lawrasc ,l,.r by daylight. - AccomoMdstlon snsur L..A Rates: Saloon 40 00 and wrd; erond cabin $40.00 nd upwsnkt. On la rsbln Stesaiers, pan on aad a para ma. ALLAN at COMPANY. 1T4 Jsl boul.. Chlo PORTLAND. OBEOON. r,a Jortheel C.rner 'lltlrd aad Oak P'reete. DBAs! I!riL'fcD Availsbl In All ef Manila. Osilsctlou assd a Far.,a-' I - sehler. R- ''.,'.. A Asltaat Cssfch-r W. A. A. M. v Kinu r jr. w. LADD. IV. i Savings oeewio . . I. and Letters or irvure saswaea (Ilectlone a Specialty ltttar ear vreuia B. C. ME H. D. STt PLATT A WEARS. .... STOKBT. . .. ...Csahhxr ...Asslstsat Cssliaar (ieoeral Connasl PLATT. 14. Enl O")" 1T0 laa sTi Hnrplu. .d 0' ibeaci'lta. mar b 0nntd-r'.i! Op ward. , -. " J. T. BUBTtflAKIJ Assistant Masses Oldest NattoaU Bans tn rtt W. 0. ALVORD R. F. STEVENS .Aanbrtsnt Cash key .Seeend Assistant Cssblst . . u . . WmS1.A Aeaareax. ' lor Estate Drafta aad Letter of Wreait Prta of th World. ise L. A. LB win . ... . i . ...... ian un-;-.. . C l1 -",-' ..Secretary jn 0 vVk"hart T. T. BURKHART , VcsrtaTVslry , .TT$Mort' INVESTMENTS Bsilding. -, , - Sarric Ccrporatlew Bond.- 18 SXOXXXB. aad Sold tot ,Ceh aad oa Margin. ' - OP COMMBRCB. rhena Mai ar. BONDnAJIK STOCXS. ja-eu .u, Streeta, Portland. OregB. "'"T - T' 1 CGecVo Th WsU-Known CHINESE J DOCTOR Has mad Ufa atndy of root and Bern, nd la that atndy dlacovared and 1 giving to the world hi wonderful remedies. 0 MIXCtTXY, POISONS OR DRVOS USED XX CURES WIT HOOT OPERATION, OA WITHOUT THB AID OX A XMU'X. Ha guarantee to cure Catarrh. A at has. Lang. . Throat. atitoaaatlaas ,Nrousnes. Ner von Debility. Stomach. Liver, kidney Trouble: aleo Lead Mankoed. Female Weab nss and All Private Dtecees. A SURE CAKCER CURE Just mal rrom Psktn. China Bnf. Bsr aad aUlUUaV IP TOD ARB AFFLICTED, DO NT DELAY. DELAYS ARB DANGEROUS. If yen een not call, writ for symptom blank ad circular. Jaelo 4 cents la auaxp. CONSULTATION FREE txx 0. exx wo chdiesx stedicixx oa, . W Xirat St,, Oar. Merrtaaax, PartlanA Orsaroa. . , an mesiKae A si Scott's Ssntal-Pcjsin Cz;s:! osk pcsmvE cuns ForlnSeanmatloa erOatarrkot tb Blsd ler end IHaesasd X tJ- iy. BOOOASnorAI. t ore sickly aad sersssnentry Mas wore caeea of 4lssan bat nd Bkret, WBallatel k grsaUiDg. Abaolately S3 lees. Bold SV d ma . f a. Prioa II OS. or by mail, poes paud. lia, 1 baAsn, It-lm. , eld by All lkvgsstn. Every 7cr.:n iiiaw small unn anoum xnow ahout the wonasrfnl BtAHTLL WMrliS ixpray vagaaas sitaaaa. in fov sd dav-emw. lies S.f. Set Moot Convent. ok, a ISUaesSM laaleaw fasaaas Btaai-sfaett. .J ----w It baossnotsnrslyth V ' . mZ'L. J, pi A at B km neusst BO r lkitv ether, but send iTJ att grea y v f Israsnd'lirectiona ln Vv f , ft Mtetvai. rXe WJ Illustrated boob ruu psrllonlara vaJushaSte la.1t 4 av ad x, BK loan. Far Bel bv WOODAXD, CLAXXK CO. AND LAUX-DATJJ slBUat o- BiUslAeV, tMJtsrawfy. ewlorsv TBth KNOWN TO) PAIfL. Warrant' Xxtrso al tjabaha Bast hha 1m O APSULKS gasinaana.Uek, whissa, . r eesweieait es oerry. ug St.. Portlind, Oregon) or by mt from I be rsrrsnt Co, 44 MndM at. New York. MM?- FOR WOMEH o:;lv Dr. Ssndsraon Compound y,. 1 ' and Cot tost Hoot Pi. .a. , . t d Only reliant rm.-1r t r i LAYEO PhHIOUS, I.,) t . , , obstinate caeea 1 B to 1 . Prico $1 pr box, maii.d la pla t . Addreaa Dr. T. J. PilatcE. 1st t trat a PortlsnA Oregoav, a 1 . 1 CAPTAIN ..'.ERR! AM IM co?..?,iAr.p of ncccu;.! ' (Jonrnal St-eclal Service ) Norfolk, Va, April 10. I pinlr ( A Marrlam today Bui--ede,i ,(., !, Pandleton In commtrt'l "f ir, 1 ship hllesourl. one c,f d f i v artlpn now Bnrhnre.I In I - 1 . Tha event was icfuni t 1 1 v ternary cerennl. It- full uniform, tlia rrw at 1 , . trrrt mntere aft C-, then r ' 1 Ma or 1 - a r maml f the '; I t h..lle, et th m 1 SAlut c-trylie 1 t f .mm t ,a5 7- r 1. 1 V ..X. 1 w V 1