The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 30, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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Ex-Senator Gearin Deliver Ad
Congregational Pastors at Cor
dress, Emphasizing Responsi
bility Upon Physicians. 't
vallis.Will Discuss This Quetwv
; tion Tomorrow.
TITm I 1 1 1 Tl 1 1 1 1 1TTI 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT1 " '
, ' HAND NO. 1. This Indicates the point to which the actual
J ! 1 ; j. ,- . .laying of fails for the Ross City Far, carline hat progrtised.
' ' Rail have bscn laid to the O. R. & N. crossing.
V" , ' HAND NO. X To this point, at the foot of the Rose City
7 I I i Park Hill, the trolley wire has been strung. Poles and grading
I 1 7" ..-. op to this place were completed several days ago.
V ! S r.'' . . - : L. m m m m m m HAND NO. I-Grading of the carline nas been completed ' .
L V - ' . . -. all the. way through Rose City Parlt to Coleman avenue and bc-
. ' V . yuad. All wtrrk of reducing the grade at the hill hat been
7 - ' - - 1 started and will be finished la S few days. ,
jTf--- ""Trrj H'c-xi? --V,
B. L. Norden, the ' Valedictorian of
the Class of the Medical Depart
ment. University of Oregon, Spoke
on "The Profession of Today. "1
: Before a host of friend sad follow
students, tOi young, men and women.
members of the graduating- elasa of the
department of medicine of the Univer
sity of Ofegon; were presented! with
their diplomas and degrees In tbs as
ssmbly ball of the high, school. Dr. P.
Jj. Campbell, presldentr of tbs univer
sity, conferred tbs decrees, and lit. .
O. Joseph!, dean of tbs medical faculty.
handed each graduate a diploma, sTbs
hall was beautifully decorated. 'Floral
emblems; elass and college colors, with
splendid muslo, enlivened - the scene.
Ex-Senator - John M. Gearin mads tbs
prlncltml address and stroke in a brtl-
I UnjJfTTi i 1Mb maaner. - He portrayed
wonderful atrldei mads by tbs mea
W ..!. - I a. hl.AH anil
congratulated tbs young men and
women upon the cholcs of life work
y they bad taken up. He spoke sarnestly
and mads the graduates feel that be,
as well as the faculty and assembled
friends, were in sympathy with them la
the Ufa that follows their college work,
In closing: hs said: .-. '
On Brink ef . Xystsrisn, '
"These young men and women be
fore us are of the great future. They
are happy in ' the thought that their
year's work la ended and well done. The
world wlU be better for their lives and
sacrifices to this noble calling. What
' has sons bafors takes us up to tbs
brink of the great mysteries of the dis
coveries .beyond. The world of knowl
edge lies before them' and they win
bring all the wisdom of the past to bear
on the knowledge of the present, and
-do their work well."
President Campbell then conferred
the degrees upon the graduates after a
. few words appropriate to the occasion.
He was followed by Dr. George U.
; Wells, who presented .the ' Baylor and
..anatomy medals to Carl Julius Hoff
man. After the presentation of medals. Dr.
K. A. X Mackensle delivered the charge
to the graduates. Dr. Mackensle clearly
defined the work expected of the young
doctors and feelingly pointed out -the
' shoals and rocks from which thsy must
steer. , Dr. Mackensle's address was ons
of the strongest ever made to a grad
uating class la Portland. . .
Benjamin Iula Norden. valedictorian
of the class, delivered a splendid vale
dictory on the science-of the medical
profession of the present day.
The stage was banked with beautiful
floral decorations. Members of. the
faculty sat in a semi-circle to the rear
of the platform, while tbe graduates,
. in .their Uilnckvcap and. owns. ware
seated to the right of the speaker's
stand. Konrad's orchestra furnished
-the music. The graduates are:
, . John George Abele, Henry Victor'
. Adix. Oro DeGarmo Babcock, Adalbert
O. Bettman, J. Bennett Blair, Fred Rua-
sell Chaney, B. Elisabeth Drake, Samuel
Morse Oellert, Carl Crawford Griffith,
Carl JuHus Hoffman, . Joseph Edward
Kane, William Milton Kinney, Harry
Stanley Lamb, Emma Rllhi Makt, Wll
lard Needbam -Moras Jr., Benjamin
luls Norden, Clara W. Toung-Reamea,
William Everet Smith and Joba Stephen
Thomas. , - .',.;.-.'-- .
7 Harrisburg. Or.,Aprll SO.-i-Whlle en
joying a launch ride on the river Sun
. day evening a party of - young people
narowly escaped a serious . accident.
They were proceeding at a rapid rate
op stream and were close to the ferry,
which was crossing at the time, before
they realised they were near to It The
rudder failed to work properly and .the
launch ran directly under the apron of
the .terry, which struck one young
woman and nearly threw tier into the
'' river Another, in her anxiety to avoid
a chilly bath, clutched at the apron of
the ferry and swung clear of the
'launch, from whloh dangerous position
she was rescued by a man . on the
.' ferryboat.
' 'ftlK)-'
duced by any store, and. is entirely free from smoke
. and soot. 'Another advantage of the-- 7 '
Wick Blue Hame
is that the heat is highly
eled chimners. This means
-Perfection is difftrtnt from
in T-urce sizes, wiui vuc, ivu sou voxwv uiuuut.
Every store warranted. Lf not at your dealer's, write .
.to our nearest agency for descriptive circular. .
T1?i?ay& Lamp
anaw , all round household
use. Equipped with the latest improved
burner. Gives a bright, steady light at
lowest cost. ' Made of brass throughout and
beautifully nickeled. Suitable for any
room, whether library, dining-room, parlor
or bedroom. Safe and satisfactory. Every
lamp warranted. Write to our nearest
sgency if not at your dealer's.
' NnP,iitTr,)
Many' Topics of Greatest Momentum
the Fro gram. Chief Interest Cen
tring fat the Proposed Experiment
in Church Union.
: Ar
- (Special Dlapateh te The" Joarsal.) " '
Corvallls, Or., , April . 10. Beginning
this afternoon at o'clock the eleventh
annual . convention of the ., East Wil
lamette Association of Congregational
Churches will hold its first session at
tbs congregational church bare. Toml
nent pastors will be present from Vari
ous parts of the state to participate In
the meeting, which promises to be the
most successful ' in the history of the
association. v ';
One of the' moet important questions
before tbe Congregational church today
Is that of "a "trl-cburch unlcn." Thls
subject will be handled by Rev. F. E.
Dell of tbi First Congregational church
of Salem J An open' discussion will fol
low. . f ; ,
The proposed union of the Congrega
tional, Methodist, Protestant and United
Brethren churches ths world over is a
subject of world-wide importance, as
It would be a totally new experiment
and would serve- as an object - lesson
of immense value, and as such It will
be seriously and carefully considered at
the meeting here today.
After the evening service tonight a
reception will be given the visiting pas
tors, delegatea and others. In the church
parlor. . -
Among tbe pastors who are to take
active part in the meeting are Rev, P.
8. Knight of Salem and Rev. XL F. Green
of Ashland, both of whom are former
paators .of. Corvallls. ' Rev. Cephas 8.
Clapp and Rev, H. N. Smith, stats of
ficers, will also be in attendance.
The' program in full for the associa
tion meeting Is as follows:
Tuesday o'clock:-Devotional: or
ganisation and business routine. 7. 10
p. m.: Bong service; association ser
mon. Rev. K. S. Bollinger," Portland; of
fering for ministerial relief.
Wednesday a. m.: Devotional:
business session; "Pastoral Cooperation
In Evangellstlo Services," Rev. P. 8.
Knight. Salem; discussion. 10:16, "How
to Stimulate Missionary Interest In the
Whole Church." Mrs. R. J. Hendricks,
Salem; discussion. 11 o'clock: Woman's
hour. IS o'clock: Adjournment. -
Wednesday p. m. 1.4S: . Devotional:
business session., t o'clock: "The Pros
and Cons of the Trl-Federation," Rev.
it. m. veil, naiem; discussion. I p. m.:
An open parliament on "The Moral Ef
fect of the Publication of Criminal
News." ;J0 p. m.. 'The Attitude of the
Church Towards Freaent-Day Sociology
cat frohlema. Rev,' K. F. Green, Ash
land, :15 a. m . "Mission Sunday
School Work. Within Our Association.?
nevr -n.- rr. onrno, f-ortiana. e p. m.
Business session: adjournment. - 7:10:
Bong service; . "Shall Sunday School
Methods Be Revised," Rev. A. W. Mon-
csmlth, Corvallls; "Teaching the Truth.'
Rev. E. C Oakley, Oregon City: "Stop
ping tne Lak, Rev, H. Gllpatrlck,
uiusooro; orrerlng; adjournment '
(Special Mspates e The lesraaLi '
Shanlko, Or., April- 10. A party of
Masons from Wasco paid a fraternal
visit to tbe Antelope lodae Baturdat
night for the- purpose of assisting in
conferring the Master Mason degree
on several candidates, after which a
banquet was served by ths Ladles of
the Eastern Star. Antelope has a large
and prosperous lodge, composed of hos
pitable people, with whom entertaining
t a line art.- ,
. Spokane's Second Cleanup Day.
s (Special Dtioetcb te The Joaraal.
Bpokans, Wash., April 10. Spokane's
second annual clean-up day proved a
great success Saturday. Over 10.000
men. women and children took part In
the work, raking their yards and burn
ing the rubbish. Tin cans and other
non-combustible : stuff wss hauled by
109 teams to the city sump and much
of it was burled. The city has a de
cidedly improved appearance today.
Wherever there's
New' Perfection Oil
Store in the kitchen,
there you will find the
pots and pans clean and
bright.' The bine flame
of the New Perfection is
the cleanest flame pro
On Cook-Stove
concentrated by enam
auick results. The New
other oil stores. Made'
Pnoumonla and
Foley's Honey and Tat not only
stops the cough, but heals and strength'
ens the tangs and provente'serfona fa
suits from a cold. , . "
There la ao danger of Pneumonia,
Consumption or other serious lung
trouble u Foley's llonoy and Tar
is taken, as It will cure the moet stub
bonk coughs ths dangerous kind that
ettk on the rang end ' may develop
into pneumonia over night.
If yon have a eough or cold do not
risk Pneumonia when Foley's Honoy
and Tap will cure yon quickly and
strengthen your lungi.
Remember the name Foley's
Hone and Tar and refuse any
substitute offered. Do not take chencea
with some unknown preparation that
costs you the same when yon can get
Foley Honey nd Tar, that cost
y no snoro and la safe and oertaia
m result.. Contains ao opiates. - . .
Cetred After Phystolaao tald He
.'. . Had Consumption. : .
E. H. Jones, Pastor If. X. Chttrch,
Grove, Md., writes: "Abont seven or
eight years ago I had a very severe cold
which physicians said was very near
pneumonia, and which they afterwards
pronounced consumption. - Through a
friend I was induced to try a sample of
Foley's Honey and Tar, which gave me
o much relief that I bought some of
the regular else. Two or three bottles
cured me of what the physicians called
consumption, and1 have never had any
trouble with my throat or lungs glace
that time." :
Three s tees 25c, 50c, $1.00. .'
The 50 cent else contains two sad
One-hall times as much as the small aiao
and the $1.00 bottle almost six times
ss mnch. ...... .,'.. . v.:
Does Away With Custom of Hav
ing Employes'. Expense Ac
counts Sworn to. :
rWaahinftoa Bareae et Tke JearaaL)
' Washington, D. CL. April 10. By a
simple stroke-of the pen Secretary Qar
Beld has effeoted an annual saving of
several thousand dollars in the Interior
department. , He baa signed a formal
order which make It no longer neces
sary for ths employes of the depart
ment to have their signatures to travel
ing expenae aooounta acknowledged be
fore a notary or ether official empow
ered to administer oaths.
The Jurat fees of the employes alone
amount to several thousand dollars eaoh
year, and the inconvenience and loss of
time. entailed upon them probably eoeta
the government as much more. -
The order is in line with the new
policy of the department for economy
and- efficiency In administration and!
eliminates a ronn or rea tape wbicn ue
secretary regards as unneoeesary, al-
tnough sanctioned by long observance
in the past.
The interests of the government will
not be jeopardised, aa the penalties of
the federal statutes of fine and Impris
onment for presenting a false account
will be equally applicable to tne new
The secretary's action is particularly
gratifying to the departmental officials,
it places them in the on honor class,
which heretofore Included only the
officials of the army and navy. It Is
exceedingly probable that this order win
be followed by similar action in other
departments and will result in the sav
ing of tens or thousands of dollars an
nually to the government.
Spokane, Waatu," April to. Spokane' a
recent primary ballots may be invest!
gated. It Is claimed by ths Repub
licans tbat there were many illegal
votes cast at the recent election. - They
claim they sent out campaign literature
to parties in the city and It was t
turned marked . "Not here, and at the
polls these same people voted. A meet
ins was called Saturday night in . the
Rookery and. 49 prominent lawyers
pledged themselves to go to the polls
May t and see tbat only good votes
were east In the meantime the other
matter will be looked la to.
The views of Oregon scenery made
for thej O. R. A N. Co. by B. A. QlfTord.
which are on exhibition at the Com
mercial club, will be sent to the an
nual meeting of the Myatla Sbrlners at
Los Angeles by ths Portland Shrlners,
who leave bere Thursday on their . spe
cial train. Wednesday will therefore
be the last day for seeing the pictures.
This sxnibitron Is the greatest of its
kind ever seen and It - Is well worth
while for the people of Portland to see
tnem nernre tney are removed. Tbe
Commercial club extends a cordial invi
tation to everybody to some and see
the nloturea, '
Although streetcars were promised to Rose City Park by June
first, and this guaranty was made a part of our contract for sale, we
are pleased to announce that the work has progressed so satis
factorily that we are, now able to state that cars will be running to
the foot of the hill before that time. . The work of grading has been
about -completed ; poles have been set, trolley wires strung and
rails have actually been laid to the railroad crossing. The work of
crossing the O. R. & N, will be completed in a few days. As soon
IUdo out with us
v .
: No better opportunity has been given you before to buy a good Iron Bed cheaply
than we present-Wednesday and Thursday. We will make it decidedly interest
ing to any one who will come and buy. Better' make it your business to come
xdown tomorrow early and see how good these offerings, are.
t" -. I ' ,. V-' ' ' '- ' ' ''';'
white and
Worth $8.50
Only $5.50
; We have others as low as $3.00
any day and sec what abcautifiil place
: t n
ALL IRON BED, 1 1-16 posts, fancy center
heavy bent top rail and foot, height of head 65
inches, in blue or green combination, rnde in -:
; 4-6 only. . : , . ' . ;
CUT, heavy tubing, in
pink, 4-6 only.
REFUNDED : -'.'V;'-
as this is done the ballasting will be started and completed in short
order. Before you will have drawn the plans for your home and
' seriously contemplated building, the best car service on the East
Side wilt be in perfect order. This is one of the first requisites for
a home location. Rose City Park will be far better supplied with
streetcars than almost any other of Portland's suburbs. There is
no reason to doubt but what there wilt be a perfectly natural raise
In prices as soon as the line is completed. . - .
Rose City Park is
Four Dollars
'For that price we can make
- .' you a pair of. trousers. . It
' will not be the best pair si
' trousers that we can make,
but it will be the best pair
" that you can get in this cyy
' for the price. ' , A
Ten Dollars
If you care to pay this much
we will make you a pair of
trousers that can scarcely be
, duplicated in this city at any
price. (You will not only get
, material, but fit and finish aa
7 welt v" t A -"A- '
Seventeen Filly
' Will buy you a tailor-mad
suit of clothes at this shop
that will not be the best we
can nk:, but will be equal
to any suit of clothes you can
buy in Portland for $25.00.
We make so many suits that
we have acquired the ability
. to make them quickly which
accounts for the prices we
-' can offer.. 5 -
Forty Dollars
7 Will put a suit of clothee
upon your back that will out
- class anything in the cloth
ing line you can find on the
. . streets of this city, ' At this
, price we can turn out a suit
guaranteed to fit, to please
and to wear that will equal
: any suit you can buy any
where else for double the
money. , (.
Also nemenit:?
; That .we can make clothra
at various prices betw-i
these two extremes. We
have thera at all pricn, cl
all styles, colors an J r-:-terns.
If you can te "suit? V
.anywhere you can te men
than pleased here.
g-A. .
it r:::