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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
II TUB OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL JO. 1C07. COUTOO NOW WANT LICENSE BILL KILLED Shepherd Ordinance, Providing-Fee for pectifyers and Whole ', taJera, Would Take Control of Traffic Out of Hands -'; .. .P4he Council. . 1 ' " : If the Shepherd ordinano lloenslng wholesale llauor dealer and rectifiers and rrAMn and druggists who -sell . whisker by th bottla should b adopted 'tor the people at tha June ieeuon ui , council will bo deprlyad f all rights to amend It and tha control of tha revenue - out of their hands. ' t - council mmm to .increase the lloenae i . i . , . cr any or me uww iwmiiiiiiiui that an amendment be auo- mttted to the TOtere la X0. . 'i nia aiHQQTsir w iuu j man Baker at the meeting of the liquor license committee yesterday afternoon. ; t'UUircuniMi . .,- - . ' Attorney McNary said tha committee had no power to act In tha matter, aa . t.- awmUmwA - nMlnanm had ; already been ordered placed on the ballot and It would hare to be submitted to tne ' people. ' ' ' ., wuti reopiato ma Then." aald Baker, "we ahould tell the people to kill the ordinance.. If wa don't wa hare no authority to control inm places xur ua noi wv vmw. "That la exactly what wa should do," I . J II wt... hail K&An PAIU UniniiUIUM MWVMI waaw wwa. reading tha ordinance. We ahould get the matter before the people and tell then lust what tha measure mea If the ordinance should ba paased neith er they nor the council will have any power to Increase licensee for , two rears. The Shepherd ordinance provides for the licensing of wholesale dealers and rectifiers at f00 a year, grocers who employ solicitors at 1400, druggleta who sell whiskey without prescription lio and ' restaurants that retail llauor at 1400." Tha ordinance was placed on ,the l . i . . . , . i I Annnnll (Muioi principally umumw .w w.u... believed tha rectifiers ; ahould pay I hither license than at present . . Wis "meottfytng" Means. - Councilman Preston, who 1s!ruTf- slat, had told the committee that whls- key could ba rectified to auch an extent that very' little of the original, liquor would be left when tha last bottle was sold. This statement caused .the com mlttee to recommend the paaaags of tha ordinance, none of tha members. Includ ing Mr. Preston, knowing at the time that Ita enactment would take tne con trol of all tha establishments nsmed out of the hands of both tha people and the council for two years. FIRE-CHIEFS GIVEN RAISE IN SALARIES BY -THE COUNCIL . At the me tins; of tha ways and mean committee yesterday afternoon a recom mendation was made to the council that the salaries of Fire Chief Campbell be Increased from IJOfc to Ills month; Assistant Chief Laudenklo from $1(0 to 11H and Batalllon Chief HoWen and Young from till to 15. The aalary of the master mechanic was raised from 1125 to tit a month. - There was soma objection to tha sign er salaries, but It was forgotten when Booth and Baker made tha Joint, state ment that any increase granted to the firemen waa a Judicious expenditure of the publlo money. . It passed by -the council tomorrow the ordinance will go into effeot May i." Building Inspector Spencer asked for tha appointment of aa assistant, who, he aald, ahould be a Qualified engineer. Aa the net receipts from Mr. Spencer's office will be about lt.000 this year, hla request was granted and the aalary of the assistant waa placed at 1119 month. An assistant clerk la the office was appointed for one month.. , Health Of floor Wheeler was given au thority to purchase a horse for the am bulance in which patlenta afflicted with contagious diseases are taken" to , the hospital. Tha horse Is not to cost more than 1260. . . , , . ,- QUIETER AUCTIONS AND NO . FLIM-FLAMMIMG TO BE ALLOWED If the ordinance recommended by the license Committee Is paaaed 1 by the coun cil tomorrow the ringing of tha bell and the beating of tha i tom-tom, together with the ear-dinning muBio, will be thlnge of the past In tha stores of auc tioneers. , All this noise is prohibited under the terms of the ordinance. Also, auctioneers of the flrat claaa will have to pay a Mesne of U0 a year, and no license ahall be Issued at a figure leas than 140 a year.'- . Auctioneers who come to town to sell a stock of goods will have to pay a fee of 1 40 a day, and they- will have to guar antee the quality of the gooda they aell. If the gooda are not what they are rep. resented to be the auctioneer must re turn the purchase price to the buyer upon order of the chief 'of polio, or pay It to the chief to ba .held, by him until he ascertains ; the quality of the gOOda. (' . . . -' j ; - T SWEDISH PEOPLE TO v CELEBRATE HOLIDAY Celebration of the Swedish national day will be held In the Swedish Luther an - church, Nineteenth and Irving streets, next Wednesday, May ' 1, at p. m. . The following program baa been prepared: , Piano aolo; ' opening - remarks. John Anderson; trio (violin, . cornet and guitar). Miss G. Sholl. K. Bodea and 8. Johnson; song. Heroes Svea, steamship Columbia; speech, Rev. John Ovall; re citation. . "The Shadow of the Blind." Miss Ida Benson; solo. Miss Christina f Olson; speech. Rev. B. J. Thoren; song, "Come Where the Lilies Bloom"; solo. Miss Hilda Carlson; , song, steamship Columbia, Bkona MaJ. . LEVY TAX FOR ii Captain Spier Receives Increase : of Salary to Be Paid by .. Ship Owners. "A harbormaster to not a policeman although he has been receiving the aalary of aa of floer," aald Captain Spier, the newly appointed harbor master, to the ' ways and means com mittee of the council when he spoke in fsvor Of his request for aa Inoreaae of salary.. Harbormaaters have been re ceiving 180 a month. .Captain Spier asked for 1100 a month, He got It be cause he proved to tha committee that he was -a shipmaster . who knew his business and that be would earn the Increase of til that he asked. .,' Captain Spier declared to the commit tee that tha harbor "was run , to pieces." There- were no regulations regarding the movement ' of ships. Something J must oe aone at one ana a man couia not do effective work on a salary of 90 a month. As to the increase, thst would not be paid by tha city directly but by tha shipowners. He proposed that the council levy a tax of 1 cent per ton upon every registered ship arriving In port, aa la dona In other porta- That would give the. city a revenue of ISO for vessels on an average,- and his salary would be paid from those re ceipts and there would ba money tn the city treasury besides. ' . r , -. CATARRH CAN DE CURED. X1H tha (fenaa by Breathiag Mr saet, .elves Quick Belief. - . Many people who have suffered with catarrh for years naturally feel that the -disease cannot; be cured, and be- oome discouraged. ... Their failure to get relief Is due to the fact that they have not-used the right remedy. Catarrh la aa affaetloa of the head, throat and lungs, and can not be cured by stomach dosing. Tha only sclent if lo and natural treat ment for this disease la Hy-o-met, which Is breathed throngn a neat pocket Inhaler, so that ita healing medicated air reaches the moat remote aJr-oalla, kills all catarrh germs, and restores the mucous membrane ef the nose. throat and lungs to a healthy condi tion. , We do not want anyone's money un less H r-o-rael gives relief and - cure. and ' we absolutely agree that money will be refunded unless the remedy gives satisfaction. All druggists should be able to sup ply you with Hr-o-mel, or wa will send it by mail on receipt of price, II. 00, and every package la sold with the distinct understanding that It eosta nothing un less it cures. Booth's Hy-o-msi Com pany, Buffalo, N. T. ' - SEE WHETHER CARS . MUST SUN UP GRADE Keystone-Sunset Controversy to Be battled by Railway ; Commissioners. ; Railway Commissioners T.' K. Camp bell and C B. Altohlson will visit the Clatakanla lumber mills4 to- Investigate conditions Involved, in the controversy between the Keystone Lumber company and the Sunaet Logging company rail way. It will then determine whether the Sunset company ahould be compell ed to operate aa alleged f per cent grade switch for transportation of . lumber from the loading platform of the Key stone Lumber company. . - At the office of Commissioner Alton- ison yesterday afternoon the remainder of the evidence in the case waa taken. and argument made. B. Benson, presi dent of the Sunset company, called, to the stand Oeorre Hegardt, chief en gineer of the company. . Mr. Hegardt testified that he considered It imprac tical te operate standard gauge trains over the road, owing to the - heavy grades. . line has been surveyed' following the river and it la Intended to rebuild tha road from Clatakanla to tha ter minus. Witnesses for the defense tes tified that it la impossible to carry commercial freight over the road at a profit on the present grades. The final decision depends on the facts the com- missionsrs find oa a visual examination of tha road. . . j- , . Ten Dollar for Carrying Gun. I . (SpeH.l Dtepatea a The Journal.) The IaUea, Or, April 10. Charles Tranclsco, an Italian at work at camp No. S, on the North Bank road, waa ar rested this morning, for 'carrying con cealed weapons, snd fined 110.- EAST SIDE COMPANIES' SOON READY FOR WORK Battalion Chief Holden announces that 4he Sell wood fire company will be manned about June 1 and that an en gine will be installed at Highland at about the same time. - v - A contract haa been let" for tba en largement of the house at Union avenue and Multnomah street and work on the improvements at thst place will begin tomorrow. It is the plan to install aa engine there also. It will be ready probably at the same time aa those at tttghlsnd and 8ellwood. , - CRUSADE AGAINST ANY v . IM GRAVEL PITS Vernon People . Want Ordinance Amended So That Extensions Will Be Prohibited., ' Opening of gravel pita la Vernon have so Incensed tha residents of that section that they have resolved to de cide, upon vigorous action to secure the prohibition of the practice. A meeting of the Northeastern Improvement" asso ciation will be held for that purpose tonight la tha Presbyterian church. Bast Twentieth and Wygant streets. It la asserted by George B. Frank and other residents of - Vernon that Giebisch 4 Joplln, . contractors, have - purchased three acres of land In . Vernon from hlch to take gravel . la order to Im prove Alberta street and other thor oughfares In tha neighborhood. The residents declare that It la al ready depressing ' prloea and those who live near the pita say that their prop erty wUl be worth nothing at aU If the gravel -pita are allowed to grow. Tha Northeastern association wish. ' to have the amendment paaaed to tha ordinance which prohibits , the taking of gravel from the pita in that it will . Include Vernon. They . wish . to have precincts (1 and Vernon com bined with , precinct (1 Woodlawn. Several councilman ' have promised to look Into the matter but so far no al leviation of - the conditions la Vernon has been affected. .. HOW THE COURTS OF. FRANCE ARE 'CONDUCTED Judge William Foley Will Tell What He Saw at Visits to - V Criminal Trials. iT I? I J - Personal knowledge a tba winning factor tn the culminating contests of thia . - ?2?' i Tl I C K lf eewnpetitivo ago and whea of ample character it place ita fottunata posssssor in : fTt W ' U?lTOfTk!l. The Wn InfonrUd of th WoritL &Jx mmm mm rrora wi JTfM't-fiiS Wall Informed of the World. ' ' A Vast fond of personal knowtedge b really assnntisl to) tha acLievcment of , tha highest excellence In any field of human effort. .' j" . A Knowlodg of Forme. -Knowladfo of Fnnetlone and Knowlodg of Product m are aU of ,th ntmoat vain and in questions of lif a and health whan a true and wholesome remedy Is desired it ahould he remem bored that Syrup oi Figs and F.Krir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, is an ethical product which haa met with the approval of the moot em fnent physicians and gives nniversal satisfaction, because It la a remedy of . Known Quality, Known Exoolloneo and Known Com nanent Parte and has won the valuable patronage of million of the Well ; Informed of the world, who know ot their own personal Knowledge i actual use that it is the first and beat of fanuly laxatives, for which rsgant or unreasonable claims are made. v' ';i Thia valuable remedy ha been long and favorably known nnder the nam of Syrup of Figs and ha attained to ; -v ; ' world-ride acceptance a the most excellent famflylaxstiv. A it pare lexatrr principle, obtained from Senna, are well known to physician and the Well Informed of the world to be the . beet wa have adopted the more elaborate nam of Syrup of , . Fig and PM of Senna aa mom folly descriptiv of the remedy, but doubtlessly ft will always be called t t' rrf I. - tor bythasnoTtet name or ayrup wrigi snawi ; , 1 -2.1 .tf4. aUmm WMk rlkAfk tnfichasuiff. ' JtiVv the full nam of the Company California Fig tt't ,VV . , - ' whether yon call for Syrup of Figs or by the fuU name Syrup ol hlS and Elixir of Senna. LOUISVILLE, KYi 5AN FRANCISCO. CAU, At tbe regular monthly meeting of the Multnomah County Bar association to be held In department No. 1 of the state circuit court this evening, Judge William Foley will deliver a lec ture on French law and tha procedure before French courts. . Judge - Foley haa traveled extensively In Europe, and speaking French fluently, he baa learned more of French procedure than any man In -the wast. While la France he at tended the court v regularly, and he will tell -many atoriea of the trials of famous criminals. - . Roman law may, unless the Judge re serves the subject for a future lecture, be touched upon. When In Italy two years ago, the attorney bad a long In terview with Cardinal Rampolla. the legal - authority of the Roman Catholic church, and the main subject of their conversation wa the Justinian code. , - The meeting will ba open to all. Law students have been Invited to attend and a general invitation ha been extended to the lawyers of the state by Judge Wllllsm M. Cake, president of the asso ciation. , ; , ... . .,-,. .. . .'., , . SKILLED C!EH VANTED BY UNCLE SAMUEL Examinations Set for Chauffeur, Artist and Class Blower, ' Among Others. Instantaneous Automatic Wafer -Heater Ruud Pattern iA r? r mwi M In a Modern Home Ruud Is Simply pensable ; ,. - JL m , ;V -i. ... l i Furnishesrr tne v v noie v tioiyvaxQT ;::v:i:.:;at-LowJ 1 Cost for Gas Turn the faucetBoilin: Hot VaterAII Over the House m iililii No Attention Required At Your Service New Trick in an Old Trade. L Spokane, W as K." April 9.The po lio axonpea i snwniiunr am vssterday leeause - tha target ahot were so hard no on could break them. The management resumed with " softer targets. Examination for the following posi tions In the federal civil service will be held on the date given below: Chauf feur - In - quartermaster's department, aalary $1,800. May It; artist in bureau of chemistry, department ot agriculture, salary 1 10 per diem. May 11; atatla tlotana in the geological survey, salary $1,100, May 1$; nreman (stoker) In quartermaster's department, salary $780, May z, electrician in quartermasters department, ..aalary $1,000, May t; laboratory assistants in department of agriculture, aalary from $00 to tl.tot per annum. May tl; laboratory assist ant In bureau of chemistry Celass- blower), salary I,eeo. May If; assist ant superintendent of oonstrnetlon In quartsrmaster'a department, aalary $00. runner lnrormation regarding these examinatlona may be had by communi cating with tne postmaster or the aeo retary of the board at the postofne In all large cities, cent' to II cents; for a two-horse ve hicle li cent Instead of IS cents, and reduction in like proportion for other business. ' Ths chan re will not modify the present round-trip rate of Si eanta oa the car- and ferry from Portland to Vancouver. The company will with draw ths single-trip ticket on way, and passengers : will pay direct, to con duotor.. ,,: -.- Free Cakes, Boys and Girls. To every boy and girl who eaves tha "Jlmmv and Johnny" -ada appearing each Tuesday in this paper, and who watches the -.boys closely so that they can tell them apart when the last ad appears,- wa will -iva a prise .of dell clone cakes. Turn the pagea quickly now till you find the ad about "Johnny aad Jimmy. Royal Bakery tt wonrec tlonery Co-, makers of delicious "Table Ouun'' bread. ' ' a' ; ';...,-. , . aukon rasa: is the essential characterlatio ef men and women. Invaluable to good busi ness men and neceeeary to housewives A W U III Ml V.IVWW BWU -II. she buys White's Cream Vermifuge for a. ITka kui asAii sen enAtOil Awsa DaVUJ, JJ Vwbw wviia iHun.MiTOi offrl to mother. Many, IndMd, vr inm their rraCKud for th ood haltb OK intjir cii.iuivih wiaiwu uwv tv iuf Wmm Oi vT Ull VfgnjaiiH v UMUS)J awvsaaj by ali drutTiTltv RATES LOWERED OS THE VANCOUVER FERRY Passenger Fart Unchanged, but . Vehicle Tariffs Reduced by Company. LONDON.ENGLAND., NEW YORK.N.Y Effective tomorrow, a new schedule of rate will prevail for all business passing over tb Portlend-Vsnoouver ferry operated by the Portland Railway, Light ft Power company. The county commissioners of Clarke county ordered reduction, and the company I aooed- ng to the demand .although the letter's officiate say that nothing short of phenomenal Increase of business wilt maintain tha ferry at tha reduced rates. Passsngsr ferriage, formerly I cents, will ba t cents. For a single-horse vehicle tha rate , U - reduced from St ': Sent imagine that rt la only folk ef email meaae who patronise Imith's ex ceedingly good, cheap suets, ooat oar shop ear now of the day and yom are likely to nnd tea ladle of vort- atad'a wealthiest families selecting their meat. Oftentimes they send their help do the purchasing. Assure yourseix the no olaa ef people la going te pay the "Beef Trust's outrageous price for meat a tne small retail market when Bmltm la selling a anon price aa thaeei 6e) 5 5 Soup Meat . Corned Beef Brlaket .Beef Beef Hearts Necks of Beef Beef Btewi. Beef Liver i.. lamD jjiver CM taws ............ k .... . . . . . nrr rest ,.... rtgr rieaa ............. Lamb Stew -..... Veal for Broth Veal for Stewing .6 ...... .6 6e Beef Shoulder Bteak ............. Beef Pot Roast .....,..;.....,.r..8 Beef Rump Roast ,. 84 Trip .4 8 Royal Rib Roast Beef ...........10 Best Round Steak .....10 Brain ..10 Hamburger ......... ...........lo Breast of Veal .lOf Shoulder Roast Veal 10 Frontquartera Lamb ............. ,iOf Shoulders of Lamb. .10 Blrloln Steek r....l24 Bmell Porterhous 12H Rolled Rib Roast Beef ...12H Bsef Loin Steak .,12Me Leg Roast of Vml I..12H. Lamb Shoulder Chop...,. XZ Pork Shoulder Roast ........... .12 Frank L Smith Heat Co. SSS-SSS Alder Street, Between First and OOaTeeX sfweTSwsW .--nCHTLNG TK EtEF TCUiF RAN SEASON IS HERE ELECTRIC as well as BASEBALL DISK . FANS BRACKET FANS ..- . . ... i w i r r -i . .CXILINQ 'J.. y exhaust Snmifi f3 . ELECTiROC IFAWS FANS f FOR OFFICES, STORKS, RESTAU RANTS; " RESI-. ','; DENCES Will inacase your comfort, increase your ' ; business; and inaease your capacity fort 4 ; work during warm weather; M ' - . Keep your store cool and breezy and your customers will find shopping a pleasure and your place of business ah v inviting place in.which to linger; Electric Fans will jncfease your, trade whether it bz i restajirantv an ice-cream parlor a 1 dryeoods emporium or an iron foundry ? Your: wife ;needs fan Electric Fan in the household as much as you do at the ? t office;, Get it for htr - ' I ; The cost for all this comfort is a mereJ :trifke A- 16-inch fan can be operated at a cost not to exceedone cent an hour and a 12-inch fan an be run FOR LESS THAN ONE CENT AN HOUR:: CALL TELEPHONE UAIN 0088 F02 IXFOailATlON PORTLAND OADiWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY ' FIRST AND ALDER STREETS "