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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 30. 1907. Oilier Classified Ad NEW TOrAY. vertisements will hz t . r m a-N CI) w VCC Tur AIITO f 5 END "YOUR AUTO TO .' rirVnriJ cr' . I LJ I IIL HU IU WILL BE THERE AT TWO O'CLOCK found on pp. 16-17. NEW TODAY... Si, Ilawthornc Realty Co. .nap, ; . Two fine, high Iota, 60x100 alda; $100 caah, balanca !0 par month. , t par cant. Call 2SB Marguerite avenue. . corner Hawthorn., ( Tabor 111. FOR SALE BY Louis SalomonlCa 33 Stark Mt, yeas Beoond. 916,500 23d and Thunnan, quarter dioch; incoma Dearing flO.OOO N. ISd at., 10x110, with : new houaea: rant 7I per month. -. $560010x100. r-room houao. Id at Mar HftrrtflOiL.. ' . - . f 10.50O Cornar lot, N. lth at! In- ooms, Dearing. - - ; v' S1SOO Lot 60x100. Lake at near Fair1 Qrounda; am all Improvement.. YACAXTT FBOrXBTT. 6500 Knttre block on front It, South Portland. j 5500-xl00. Kearney at. near 23d. f 6000 Especially desirable building loi.oa J'ark ave., Ardmore. , . BAST SZBB. ' - iCSO -East 10th at., cloa. In,; eor ner. with I new houaea: rent, lit per month. ' ; '. 4500 Union are., full lot. with a tore; Income, 140 per month. 9-ftOOO Rodney eve., lot, with two room houses; rent. Ill per month. 3000 -Lot with t houaea, Eaat 12th . at., near Harrison Income, 131 per ' month. ....... . , L ' - TAOAbT MTS. V, , ' k 2500 18x115. Morris at., near Oen $1200100x100. corner' E. J let, on Brooklyn car line. -1600 xl00, O. llth at. Holladay addition., . - .; ....... 75010x100,. Cleveland ava, i near Shaver. V . Havvthorne Realty Co. ,j Th. fineat l-roora cottage In South Burt ., nyalde, 100 . feet from r car Una A beauty. Price IJ.700 11,100 cash, bal- i ano eaay. : Call . J8I Marguerite are. i, corn r Hawthorn, avenue. ' Tabor , HI. Choice XA Block oh East .Morrison Street $25,000 , Wil ' .handle it. .Improved ' W:-. V'y '.will ,l ' y 'r":yy IXITrT R07n ' ek-a em i "a. '. tV' ' " Oii' investment." " For partic :" ulars see yv.';' : l . 366' E. MORRISON ST. Hawthorne Realty Co.- Two , farms to trade. On. 11-acre ' fruit farm; on. 40-acre, 7 acres of fruit '. For Portland realdence , property. - Call v IS5 Marguerite avenue, comer Haw thorn. Tabor ill.'' .: " M - ' WE HAVE SEVERAL SHARES OF . nomQ Telephone' Co. Stock for Sale Consult us if you wish to buy or sell any listed or unlisjted stock. We know of several stocks that will make money within the next ninety days. Consult us. , . '" ' "' Ttc L T. Keady Iavesteecf Co. 307 Failing Bldg. ; . V Phone Majn 1258 .V y . Member Portland Stock Exchange ' " V' MARRIAGE LICENSES. Alfred CttrUtanMa, tl, aod lle M. Ooe- .tt, 17. E. U. Stftnaorr. te. and Mi Morran, M. tlrnrj W, Xoa.1. .2, and Kati. A. BrSwa. XT. tJrnry C. Baker. S4, and JoMrhln. Bwhit, SI, tlyO. Oudb.r, fia, and May JtUcey, Hi. Wwldlnf CM., w. a. Smith A Co.. tottua bldf eototr fourfc aad Wublntoa Ma. All kind, fit plut. tat Ml. at 411 V.araaror l.y. prtoM nuouabM. rboae lut MTOl TonMtb A Co riarlaU. tor (lovere ef all tieam. izs biiu ac CUrke Bnw., rWUl riD. f lowers 4ilu. 2M) Uorrtoo. at. aad florai - full drw. aulta far rest, ell T.florinf Uo., 80S Bt.rk t Volqm HELP WANTED MALE. HACHIM Utep, etoetiieal .Dd Haa e1n . ln( aoaltloo. vn tor yii swa wUtilnf ta lra 1b. ba.lDN.: cood pay for b.autuw.1 bob. but cte.a yuuuc m wlUlag .tad INTKHNi U.NATIONAL COAKBSPONOSHCS BCHOOL8. Office U MaKy Bld. A GOOD nlMBti aad collMtar; nut farakik konw .ad wa.rm and rafaraoe.; aalary or "'. eomaUMtoa. ul WMkinatoa at. HEL WANTEDFEMALE WANT80 At Rt-.. Lwila iiwr. Unadrm for K.nltiHooj. M fmH7 mok, exft; . Meond flrl. $M; apatatr. f lrU (20; eb.mtMriii.kl. rMttoraot cook, ISO.; 30 Vt T.mhUL kUla -. S41S. '-. - ' . WANTED Cooiptiit ' girl for.- tMBWiwnrk; matt aodmUnd cooklnc for f.mllr of two; Snod '. , Apply 7tt Nortbrnp it fhm Lis tl05. WANTED MlddlMxwd wom.a far aooMWdrk, rouklac; null be; to tik. ear. ehll 6m; wgm 3A per mtk Jackava at EXPERIENCED want ooce. 18S 10th at flataaera waatrd at LOST AKD , FOUND. LOST A fonr-teaf clovw Broock wttk dlaaKnd enms. riBMr pimm Hare at flora counter Old. A Kins aad ncrre toward. WANTED "-MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED tmnk: BO soalm. Ad- ana poaioinoe Box aw, city. BUSINESS CHANCES. A GOOD opoalnfl for a rranut an ta se Into a BoaiBra ia wniea mm. .mount i. mta SSOO to teno v month: m to TS rent proflta: thl. to a (nod. wU-eeUtlbhad twl- im, oa lam wear now, aaa a avincy ai.tor. JoMpk U room IT. 227)4 Wukr ntoa at. fooa. Faclfle S5A . .. - . AN EXCEPTIONAL OPTEBINO. - - At Invoice, or for fl.SOO, aplmdld era. eery with 4 eoay II rtng room.. . kwamt, bare and rtarmoa; clr.a stork, food fix. tnrot) bko aviiTory botm, rna zi. wwiia , take part realty 1 ... . Homo .1' FOR BlrfT Bt Mlnf ttttmt In ttit ur-f. ysvt i mm fiw wt hhwiui btw mum ' ptot. Bos AlS. VitNTr wk. ' , Hawthorne Realty Co. just th. place for An apartment house. Beautiful, hick) , quarter block, corner. . Such s feou.e' would pr well.' Price right.. Call 2S6 Marrueiite avenue, cor ner Hawthorne. Tabor 111. i CASH eroocry: Urine room.; eplendld loratlra; ooidc rooa MaiBoaa; muat b. enia at eace; raooa., Addraa. 11 1S2. ear. Journal. ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RKD-CBOSS EMPLOTMBNT OO. LoRfln( eaaap and farm fcrlp a onoMatty, SO Kortk Second at. I'hoo. Mala S3U. , We pay .11 telefrapk barsM. FOR SALEFARMS." - ' 40 ACBKS. ana will bay thl. nn. 40-are tract ef aood aoll, 1,000 cord, af wood; oa two aonaty, lolnlnc To.latoa rlw; tu aille. from railroad .tatioal 10 mile, from Portland. C. H. Pfaffle, room IB, 3B0H Third at, a.r audio. . . ' l . BeileCire Let Us Know TTTS When You Can AS Go Out to See Just call us up at the office and make ah appointment to go out and see for yOUrselt. , . ' . . . " -':.. V"'. S- . Youll be' delighted with Belle Crest as a homesite. ,' V ! c , Plenty of pure air, a delightful view, just a few minutes from the heart of the Cars will be ninning past your very doors inV few weeks now, and when , they ; begin ' running the prices of lots in Belle Crest will start jumping skyward. : Get in on the ground floor. - Make some money out of the rise in values. ( ? Take the East Ankeriy car and go out to Twenty-eighth street Let us know by phone you're coming and, well have an .auto there to meet you and a salesman to show you the lots that are left. But come tomorrow. Don't wait or the very lot that you'd be most pleased to own will he snapped up by some one that came earlier. ' , ; ' " t . D Bett e r Jh aim DJ . S r jr-y .rv V,1 a o ) 0-Wr .;: . v j t ;. -1 "; ' Iv.': 1 'r-.'- Ms Will Soon Be &om :. f We're selling these lots rapidly and of course the choicest lo cations are sure to go first.' Every lot sold increases the value of the.other lots, too, have you stopped to think of that? Pretty soon building will begin in Belle Crest and the street cars will be run ning, then you couldn't buy a lot for anywhere near the price you can, now. t - Some men wait for fortune to come to them, others go to meet her. Be one of those who meet opportunity half way. Buy Belle Crest property while it is going up, and make the profit that others will have to pay to get in. For "a home or a speculation there's no better investment than this. In three months youll have to pay a great deal more for the same lots. ; '','; M ;V v Fifih Floor Swetlaild Bldg. )ssfMu) o Phone Main 359NOW FOR BALEREAL ESTATE. Vacant - Property $360 Lot 10x100 faet on HMIiii are.t atreel tradod. water ta .treat; Banna. Set raah. balanca M Bar montk..' $000 SoilflO oa Alblna aro., otrror, caa, . . wator. fine alaktly for boom: term., kalf eaao. halaac eaay terma. Taken a fine tot oa Bortkwlck at only 1 block from earllno; atroet trad ed, aowar in; torn., aoot eaao. Per a eortmr 10x100, en Bamkoldt at. terata, raah. For corner tot a Oaatral AIMna, oaat front oo Karby .t.; torme, fa eaaa, balaaea 10 per month. For a large tot 00x10. da Bortkwtok et.t .treat la graded aad eewer tot; terma, .pot. eaah. Tkla tot laya a httto to ' 4T8. " 4T9 , KM; $STB $B!W! Soi 100 oa Mlarlailppt are.; $600 Io 00x100 on aurylaad are,, . - Orrrlooa.1 aaay terma. ; Thompson & Ogdei. t'r i-.- S41 kftaatoalppl aro. V Phone Woodiawa BOS. roB SALB t tota Ox7 .acb. 1 btorka from Hawtborae are., oa $tk at. ICd for both. V1U Gut B4th at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' OX BAST TEAMS. - ' Extra food awdera new full S-atory kooM ef 4 roaaw, aantrr, b.taroom and Urg. re ception ball; .IrkU-trlmmed porclala bath, baal. and patent esll.t; fall aoaorate - meat wttk et.tloa.ry toaadry tubal eblne 1 brarteta aroBBd dlalnf roomi etoaa la: ebolo. toeauoal saw D ear; beat k city for price offered: only $3,000; $9uo down; balance Ilk net, OMne rarly, . . Bomb LAN r CO., : i 141V, faTSt Bt.' .'.',,. 10 ACRES. $ ta eelrlTattow. ew'waet etdei ea earllaa; raanlafw.ter; very choice piece end eloaa h. W, n. Bnor. 001 -t. Lumber Ex ckaata bide. Hln 4Tt. . " rOB SALB A aerr! fleet wadlrlded tntereet la 10 aeree aa BaaaUae reed. Inquire 101 BUU atnot. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. OOOD Btoeae ef mbnrbaa tmar.vrd property for rent for email farm) aae e fine S-room koaaa; will real for either a (nod bualnea. or .mU farm) prlre $$.M0i will ear aome dlffereaco If property enlted. 'oaepb L- Mel rath, room 17, tfl . Waahtnctoa at. Pkona Pacific ee i FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. PAMILT cow for aale; freak; SI4 Eaat Xaav hill, earner soth; telephone 007. BATHS AND . MASSAGE. atAMCTJRINO, face aad acalp treatmont; bathe ana Bumra, liov, rennn at. DENTISTS. DB. BABL C. McPABLAKD deatlat. Suite. TlO-Tll-TIS SwetlanS bids, rbono Mala XM1. HUNDRED-DOLLAR LAND MADE BY THIS DITCH Connell, ' Waah., April " 10. Thirty mllea weet of thl. city, near Jails. II mil. a of Irrigation ditch baa been com puted and the water to now running through th. ditch. Irrigating a new and large acreage of fruit and garden lands. Crops ar. looking very promlalng In th. new irrigated, district and land Is Bailing at 1141 an acre.- tveaypivf--; tiwttrm xzicXX Bti ;3rj :-J: PLEASE RESERVE SEATS IN ADVANCE M Also, don't forget that every one who goes to Waverleigh will hare an opportunity to share in the free lot and SO other gifts on May 15. H.W. LEMCKE COMPANY Main 550 Home Phone A2537 Sixth and Washington Something Doing In and About X ' - in.. i ! c v c zr! c r c n f I XS) (VvJ nS)J til iJ Wc Have jus! placed Upon Ihe RIorliel ; To Gresham and by sq doing at this time give the small investor, as well as the large, a chance to buy Gresham property at ground floor prices and get the benefit of this mysterious "SOME-' THING DOI of property. Deep soil, fine drainage, highly cultivated and the sayingthat "Each lot is a garden spot" is certainly true oi this property. V No stumps, no stones, no gravel, but deep rich soil. - And he or she who invests in this property will have but one regret and that will be that they did not buy more. As an in- vestment feature it cannot be, beaten either for a quick turn at a good profit or to hold tor a great big profit, You must remember this property is not away out from Gresham, but commences " about. 100 feet from the new Methodist church, hence is right in Gresham. An exceedingly fine view of Mount Hood and surrounding mountains from this property. Gresham is destined to bo a great rtsidence place and you will agree with us some day, whether you buy now or hot, that the time to buy vacant property in Gresham was when Thompson's Addition was first opened up. , Lots in this addition will be sold on the easy payment plan if desired. , F , , -c - t ' ; l . A M t Xw M V a 1 1 Room 32 Washington Duilding And at their. Grfico h Grc':!r: