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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
1Z THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL S3, 1007. TODAY'S MARKETS Sharp Advance in Sugar Today Was Expect ed When the Western Withdrew Fruit Grade ".From Market Hawaiian Company Moves. SUGAR GOES 20 CENTS UP TODAY Sharp Advance Predicted by The Journal Is Made by Two Rival Refineries. ' u Today srkt restore: . 11 Sugar utraaoed Sue thla stm-slag. , Batter inarset very peculiar. , ( . ajggs weakenlag with arrivals. -, Kua of Willamette ealusae to lighter. ' - Nanl erasgos getting can.'., . .. '. : Aaparagu receipts laerecauig." , . Rhubarb will Dot eonae ao (ait. Loral aaiua market gees t plena. , "' ,. Loral kUU .cmmlitri arrlr la. - aha ara very ecarc, ... . v ::"V--r Hbac plica la lowar a gat. . - Wbaat and floor remals flrav ' , Good eamaas in dressed leasts.' .. ' ' ' ' 1 Bans Makaa Proa lota Umta Sine tba withdrawal of (rait eugar by tha ! Vnttn Boftaery. at whle tlrn aa adranca ta tha general augur anarket had Bees predicted ,67 Tba Joaraai, tha aiarget ha bees firmer. It waa tba moat annanal thing for a refinery ,' to rat (rait an gar off tba llat Just at tba tin ' when It would b to greatest demaad, tbaratora 'tba ad ara dvBc of UOe la all grade did aot . icoai aa a anrptiaa- today. Whll tlM dvanc tirra waa aiade by both the Weeters and Call. fnrol A UawalUn eomptala. tha Initial sov !w mada by tba latter. However, dots re . Ilnerlea mad tha change with. Is half aa boar -of raid other. With tha la teat advaac la nnr tfaa aiarkat la even firmer tbaa ver. 1 M trad la now entering apoatha Swiss i wbea soger tU ehow lta greatest deotaos. MaU adrlcaa (ran tha seat tell tha following of tha ugar altnatloa: " r ' "Th -ondertoo waa wry firm, ana. at J though there wer ooit number of engsrs ! on offer. bolder aakad hlgber price, wblch 'tha refiner vara not dlapoaed to pay.. The , entire trada appaara to ba awaiting tha receipt .ri Tnaadar of the official cable from Cuba. . If tha pualtloa oa tha to land haa atranf tbenadn .malar tally thrra will ba ao dlffrntty la oo talalng b If bar prlcoa. If Dot, tblnra any , ranula aa they arc, or tbort may poaalhly ba a alight tMrtaa. yeatarday with pracOcaDy awrthlna aaarhy claaoad . aa, holdara' wora aaklnr t coat and fraWht baala 5. decroaa for all May ahlptoanta. or -7He duty paid , baala "6 oacTora. A a rolo holdara waatad !2fec oat and (ralgnt baala 6 dpareoa (or laat ! : half of May ahlpmanta, or t.lOe doty paid, but too raflDora would not cooaldor alther of .thaaa prtrao. Oa a bid tt woald kara baaa . poaalbla to hara aacnrad laat of May ahlpmonta i at tha prtr of all May. but tha bolder wonld I mot offer flrm at tha flcnra." ' Butter Market Xa Tory aoalUr. While tt waa generally expected yeaterday ! moralng that a decline woald ba ahowa In the .rlty creamery batter price today, the aootatloa . remalna aachaBced with the tone ateady. While ;clty craameiiea raport that thay are aeUtn op ' to their churning. It la1 notifiable that aopplle. of aeooada la Incrrulim. A drop tat price wonld "ha occurred tooay nae m aov wri urn ui - la the laat day of the month and creamery mea did not want to change at that time. Th . fiitere of the creamery batter market b) Try ' moch la dVmbL Moat of the trade a i pacta a ' oecliaa during tba neat few daya. bat aome bmk for ateady valnee hereafter. One airy ,h., t t,a a mnteaet to take . , aU lta anrplna butter thla arnaoa at WHO. and 'pointed to thla (aet aa an indication that the I market would not toocn xom ww mmm mnm Informer yeara. A king Front atraet the mar ket la quiet and a trifle weaker, although the . better known brande are tpilte well cleaned t. Obeaee market la holding ery ; firm, the promised Tillamook atocka not arrlaing from k. lmbm n. . Quite a lam amount of Cali fornia cheese la M market, aad while It la not aa good aa tba Oregon product. It eella at the latter a flgnrea neraaae or ue anoruiae. ' , Kgga are weakening with eoroewhat bearler rrlTab). and although cold atorage operaiiooi " are on aa exteoelTe acale, aome of thoae baring he. rln! arrlrah) hire been forced to clean ap at MHe..-:, ., .. ; i..-. ". Onion Xarket Oota to Weoaa. Ttia local onion market baa broken to piece and beat etork la being freely offered by "the trade at 2 wlrhi Htfle demand.- Ao. J and K. a atock la aolrrg beggltur at any old figure maa enloaa bare taken the entire market on accoont of their . aewnaaa, area, at the high . ralnea ajooted. v t - . .. iiral nomtoea firm with value unchanged Two ear of cabbage came In from Log An gelea In good ahap thla morning. Price hoMi K.Tel oranaea are getting rather ararce. eaneeiana. for the emaller alaea. A car of Mediterranean awaete anired thla morning and la being aooted at 3.3S end 3.T8. BeQ Co. report the drat arrtrals of local botbonaa cneumber for the preaent Rnppllea from Clackamaa county aad were la good ahap. Price la S2.I5. Southern coram lier coming f enter with price dowa aa low a fl ua. v .. y- - ' i . Brief Xotea af tba Trade. Ron af Willamette river ealmoa not aa beary, 1 wM eatch renorted e) the Colombia. - - Shad are la larger arrival. , Price of dreeeed OnWB IO DC ao aoae. a oa wimu vw 2rv a aoond. , . Good demand eoattnned la draaaad meati with arrival and call Juat about equal at the i price. - ' Khnbarb will not eome ao faet ta the fatar la the opinion of tba local trada. Heretofore I arrival have been heavy aad on receiver eold over a ton the ether day to a weal cannery, ' Price bow ruling between 2c and ac a pound. ' Tha trade Dare the following price to Front 'Btreet.' Price paid ahlpper ara km regular ' esmmimkma: , OraJa, riem aad read. f 6RAIN BAG Calcutta, . large lota) amen lota. inc. v WHEAT Cltm. T8(S7ae; red " Munn. Tr,4i77e: valley. 78c. t COKN Whole. tUi cracked, 3 .00 per BABtF.T Kew rd. 21.00m.0B per toaj; tolled, in.ontta4.00: brew lag, 121XXQAX. . KTR gl.U per ewt. ' OATtt New rrcocera price K. f whit. , 'a M.lio per um; grey. M B0HJJ7.ea t rLOUBV Btatera Oregon patente. $4.90', 1 atrnlgtita. f..75; export. 13.83; valley, SJaot . 1.K0; giabam. 14a, aJ0: wboto wheat. fe-TS: rre. ftOa, as 00) bale. . MILWTUfraBraB, H.OO per ton; mld- dUnga, lM:,:L"irf, W0.MI city, . cnop. IC.eot21A. '. HAX Predacare'prlce Timothy. ariTtamaftv I Valley, fancy, 1 1.OoiJ ie.00: ordinary, ll.ool 14: eaatorn Orrron, fHtiMQli.00; nilxed. giod ' lO.BO; elova. t&; grata. H OoaiO.001 .cheat. IS.00. ... .... , ;" Batter. Egg U fealtr. ' '( : BtrmB FAT f. v b. Portland Bwaat tream, 8JtHc: eoer, 11 He. , h t'TTLK. Cltrerea nwrx, c; aeconda, S3ue. . exit.lrte. faaey. S22ci Meoada, Sue: More iodise. 1 . ' "" K'Min Kxtr fancy ratkllM. Igumte. i CHBBSEV-Haw--U craam, fian? 'Xoung America, r7c -' . ' ; i puliyi MI Mixed chick tea, (U, p., faacy bene, l&e par lb: mater, old Tiaij! ' 140 per lb. erring d-.-ka, INe per lb" ieeie S3 l0ejr lbtnrkera, I7 per IblJ VSaab. , gj.fx) per doe: pigeon. i.oo per do nrlli-i pooltryiema par lb higher. Dnm4 Hope, Weal aad Cldea. nOPB tU crop Prim e ebelea ,. - dium to prime, miei megiam, takiZi'. Zzl, tracte. lbOI crop, lu. I . "," , ioiy IIX'T clip Taney, lTcaic- a.a Oreaon. llc. ' . , Mt . . moIIAIH New laOT JeUe. v. ' ' l(Hfctl'KIN-beerfng. 16aju each, ' wool. wVi aallw w 5,?72' J"?, , wool. ;&r9l.lW each. " ' 1 By' Templeton roa. ' Poultry of ail kind la atill In ' very good demand. Whll there vu alight Increaao in tha. ar rival of hen It waa hardly no ticed, go acarce war auppllea. Fryara and broUera, whree they will weigh It pound to th dosen and up, ara is ' firm re- Queat. ... ' . .Egg iMvw i wMkDtn tba laat of th week, bat on Account ' of gtorag- operation the mar- 4 ket show a steadier ton. d DCnaaed neat ahow aa un- , d nasally good ton connldrlng 4 , the arrivals ami tint of year. d Fancy grades of veal and block d - bogs ar rather la Boiler's favor. WHAT DEALERS SAY c OF LOCAL MARKETS ooi: peaa, riy-r; lb: arttcbokea. TSc6i.OO ' eqnaBb, fi.00 per box: I0Q114O per barrel; Boaetaa, Tic; PALOUSE CROPS ARE i y IN VERY GOOD SHAPE (Journal ' a pacta I BerrW j CHITTIM BAKKtCt for ear latst amall ma. oe. HIDEa Dr.. wo. l. IS lb and an. ITifl lfe per lb; dry kip. No. t, 9 to IB lhe. 1 5 ft 18c i dry calf. No. I. ender Iha. zOr; aalted bklaa. teera, eoond, 60.1b and ever, 8Httftu,c cowa, gUci ataga and boll, aonad, 17c kip, 15 to W lb. Be; calf, eoond. ander 18 Iba. I lei greea. o Malted, 1 km: cnlla. le per lb leeai bone bldea, aalted, each. II 002.00; dry, each. t!XIOtl JO: colt bldea, StX)c eeet aklna. com moo. each. 100 iftc: Angora, each, B&cO HXiO; aheap aklna. 3CH 1.00, rrulta aad Vegetable. POT ATOKIt Baying price, eeetera Maltao- mab and Clackamaa, select, fl.B64M.B6: sell, lug. fancy. ii2.1i; ordinary. Jobbing, 1.83t .Out caatern Oregon, gl.aomi.tto; Minna- iota. 11.75 (42.00; aweeta, c par lb; sew pota- ea. 6V,e oer in. - ONIONS Jobbing price No. 1 Oregon. M 30; M). a, i.ia.uo; Aaxaa. oc per u; garlic, jc9c per lb. c APPLKS rner Hood River Brdtxenhers and Veil, w Newtowo. 93.AO; fancy Willamette val ley aad entttbera Oregoa. gl.aoQX00i ordinary lock. 80c4a.fl -36. -RK8H rBUITB Orange. Bow naval. M.00 CS-fioi tangennea. gi.xn; baaanaa. oe per th; lemon, g4.2otta.00 per box; 1 1 maa. Meiicaa. 1. 2S per 100: pinetpnlea g4 ootgn 00 pet doe: grape fruit,,; trawbernee, fa per erata of IS boxea; cberrte. $3 per 10-Ib box. VEQCTABLE8 Turalpa, aew. vOctg! - aaek) carreta. T&cutl.OO per aaek: peeta. (l.n) pec aacki paranlna.; cabbage. Higlia; tematoae, Mexican, .'; rwriaa,; oaranlna. vOcHfl.00; atrtug beaee, lac per lb.' caniuiower, ooa, - peae, . dusc: neraeredlaB. Be per Par doa; euaimei cranberrle. tl0.00t3t apron ta. ) peg lb; aaparan. 10c rnnbaro, no per lb; greea onieaa. toe ooa; rinrM. hell MnMrt. 9. flMie Ih; antnacb. gl.U par boil heed Mttuca. 40c doa: hothonae. i.W bog; encumber. fz.wte.s ooa; raouBca, xoc ao bancbea: eggplant. So per lb, v. DBI11U . rRUllB Aonlea. eveoerntaa. Hj Te per lb; eprieot. ISHttW per lb; petcb, I2W13HC per lb nek. He per lb km; pranea, to to 40, oSe: He drop oa each 1-10 emaller bte; fig. California black, etiOV par lb; California white. &6Ue per lb: date, go Idea. t.M per bog; farda. tl.40tJl.B0 per lft-lh bos. ." Orooarlo. Bats. Zta, 1 BTJ0AB California HawallaB Cube, $S.I7H: powdered. 3.T2H; berry. fiJ7H; dry granulated. fA.r2)l "tar, f.u; eon;, a. o.&2H; extra B, $4.42; golden C. f4.2tai D vrllow. S4.83H: beet araaalated. AS.42V4. Weatern Cuba, fS.KTm powdered, a.72H: dry granulated, ta-a1; P. C, ft.42H; 8t Prancla, 5.42; confectioner' 1 A, S82H! extra C, 5 02V) golden O, 4.2S; D yellow, ft.UH; beet grannUtad, .V4H; berrala, 10c; bait berrela, ac; eoxaa. ttue advaaoa oa Back baala. (Above price are M r net eaah aota; 0ona. : , ,.4 .; -. HONRT gs.oo bet cnt. " - , CorrEB Package braada, (lg.S01.S. BALT toaree Half poond. 100. f 11.00 per ton; so. U: table, dairy. Sue. glg.OO: 100. 14.7b; bale. Imported Uverpool., boc, 18410; lwoa, 17.00; 224a, gld.OO; exlra fine. poia. za, oe ana iu. B4.ouojo.(nf, mtvtvo lump rock. gao.Mi per tea; bO-lb. rock, gll.001 looa, Il0.n0. .' - ' ' , , - I A bore price apply to aalea of lea) tbaa car lota. Car lota at epeelai prleaa aubjact flm-toatloaa.l KICK imperial Japan, Nav a. ee; n. o4c Mew orjeai AUa. . . .. ' BEANB m11 white. S. 90; large 'White, I3.2S; pink. f8.28: bayoa. .7B Linus. ; We. lean reria. Aa. NUT8 Peannta. Jumbo. fU per Ibi VB glnla, T He per lb; roaated. 10 per lb Jap, nee. 6fe5Uc roaated. 7 id 7 We per !bl eoeoo anta, S6Oc per do; walnata, Callforula, 16 par lb: 'reach. Iftc per lb; pine nut. 140KM per lb; hickory note, 10 per lb; ebeetauta, eaatera. Isijiloc per th; BraU nuta, 1 per lb; fllbarU. lflc per lb; faacy pecaoa. uazoe; aimonoa, . iaUM- - : Meeta, rhw PRB8H MKATS rront 8trt-'-Hog. faacy. Utic oer lb: vaaL axua. par hi brdluarr. lUe per lb; poor, OC per lb; mat- ton, fancy. 6t9e par lb; aprlng lambs, UQ 14c, with pelta, per in. UAMM. BACON, BTC. Portland pack tmeeJ) hama. 10 to IB Iba. 18c per lb: 14 ta IS lb. lUc per lb; lb to 20 lb. 16Hc; breakfaat bacon. infe21e per lb: picnic. !! par n cottage roll, 11H per lb; regular short clears, nnanioked. 11 Vtc per lb: amoked, 12We per lb: clear back, anamoked. llc; amokad, 12us lb. lb; Unbw bolt, iu to is loa, ananx.aao. M oer Ibi rooked. Be aor lb: clear betilea. a. amokad. 11 V.C nor lb: a rooked, igue oer lb: bouhtera, lac per lb: pickled tongue. SOe each. LOCAL, LAtii Mttw mai. iu. lata a par lb: &. IS. per lb; 60-lb tin. 12e par lb; team rendered. 10a, l per lb; (a, 12 Wc per lb; compound. 10a, O'e per Ih. Ulla. (1.80; t-lh telle. a.75; raacy lib net a. fl.CO; H-IB faacy fiat a.; fancy oval. EV SHARES slipping Dorn Pressure ,to Sell Causes Losses in Price at San f rancisco " - Notes of Market. , ; Baadatam ....... S Columbia Mt.... Jumbo Cat 28 NET LOSSES. V Kendall ...... Booth Blue Boll .... Adume miver Pick .erada. Boy Dixie G. Columbia .. O. Bend Kit.. Anne . . Kewanoa ..... Gold.. Cos...,. Ooldflald af... "g 1 T S 1 1 2H .. , 1 .. 15 .. 1 .. a ..100 Btberal ......... 1 Mt. Ivea ....... S Comiuer .......... 1 urooaii KIT...... i Haadatorm Ext.... Mayn ........... 1 Atlanta .......... 3 Great Bend ...... . Bed Top Ext..... 2 D. B. B. ton..... S Comb. Kractkm .,30 Portland ......... 2 eg' allow Loa Dillon 18. Pick kit OoL Mt. Ext Triangle NET GAINS. - Q. Daley jGranUm. ......... I 1 1 t a Liquidation enntlniMa th e.-.u to mm hree on the Ran Francleco exchange. Loaaee are eonataat and the m.itin. - price haa eoutlnaed for ao long a period that ' . wiiereo moocemenu ta the ." , Jo.ww, prlcee In order to get them to indulge. Little actlvltv la hv b. h. .i... ra may aiairiCC ana 1J are alike arreetari he e aellln. nreaaure. I' ta. reported la Sas frani-laco that th bana of Gpldfleld hare been calimg la their loan 1 lKW uay. xnia ha reatrlcied the trading and ku bad a weakening affect spas the market. .,: . Ovetbeck, Starr Jrleaae, bead, 7c; Ajas, sc( Creole. 12 76: Alaaka talla. pink. gfIWe res, fl.&O; .mlt,.l. 2a. tafl. (2.00. FIKH Bock cod, 7e per lb; floondera, e par lb: balibot, ae id; etnpeo oaaa, ijx id; eatnan. 10c lb; aahnon, freah Colombia Chinook, pe lb; teelhead. se per 1D nerriog. oe pee lk; aolea, e per lb; ehrtmpa, 10c per lb; perch. 6 pet lb; block cod, 7c par lb: totneed. ere per lb; lobatere, 10 per lb freah mackerel. 8e par lb; crawflah, 20 per doa; etargeea, 10 per lb: black ba, toe per lb: Celamhta river emelt, se per lb; ehad, 6 per lb; re ahad, oe rr lb; anao roe, aw pea io. OTTBR8 Bholwter bay. per gaTloa. (2.Mt per 10010 aaca. jw; wiympia, per gauoa, (2.25: per 116-Ib aaek, 6.60Ji4j Bagi. canaetl, lue ran, i.w on. CLAMS BardabeB. per bos, ' (g.40l clama, (2.00 per box. 10c per doa. raurc, imi vu. ate ROPS Par Manila, Ufcsi Maadsrs. lgi ataal. 11. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaea, lm par gal; water wmie, arm ma,- ie par gal; woodea. lie per gai, aaaaiujni, iiu aeg- eaiea. 21 uc oer eaL OASOLlSB g.. . saaas., MH per gl ITOa nnta, loa par safe BENZ1N -la gall dag, seaaa, IBs per gall na bbla. I8S per gaL . TCBPENTJNBc . bhla. b to ner sal WHIIB LBAUUW "i ITaa par IU W-IB lot. Be per id; tree wm, bi per in. , WIRR NAII.8 Preaent naaia at ' LINHRBD OIL Par raw, la S-bbl lota, SOc; bbl lot, gse: aaeae. as per gal; gaaalae kat. tie-boiled, caaea, 00c per gl; 5-bhl lota, (41 cni mm, boo ner sail aroans eaaa. ear sat. (20.00 per toai lea tbaa ear lota, (30.00 peg irrw T0KX OOTTOV VaXXXT. Kaw Tork, April 80, Cottoa fatoreat April open, rriga, low. ..1042 1064 1041 January . February arcn .. ay .... .......lOM ..... BUT nly ....... A nana t ..... September . . octooee. November . Dcmber .. .1004 . m .KXr2 ,1021 ' IftRT loll IWtr-' KM 2 lol2 1084 B07 1008 . un lOfHI 1O20 .1028 1040 " 1028 80. 10SJ 105T 10A5 101i 1011 1018 1011 . loll lurta 10.-I5 10 loftT 1042 104a pui . fit2 m JOH lois 1022 ' - tiverpael Ootbaa lxarket Uvernonl. April 80. Cotton fstareg clcsed tesdy, t tt I point ap. , Oartleld, Waah., April SO X 'a Freent pronpecls for big wheat crop could not be better, m v wr w lira l i itKlKing BPiendld and an abundant crop will b h treated. Tbe frecse Baturday right did not Injure the fruit crop tier, as the Bcason Is not fai", enough sdvnncrtl. 4 4 VB1TEO StATE OOTXBjTfXirt SOVDS. ReW. Verb. Aiwll UkMnnMl twMue. wne, regiaured ....... ee enuoon Thraea, reglatered oe eonpon .., Three,, email bond , roura, new, rag ta tared ... -da eonnoa .,, rear, regiaurao. eld oe eon tnn Joura, Hullrmlne T,". Panama, reglatered, f so coupon uinrwi Bid prtcee by Cook company: , r - ... GOLDFTELD BIBTPJTT. Sandatorm, T4e; Bed Top, (4: Mohawk, (18 T8 aked; Colombia Alt., 83c; jDmbo, (4; Jumbo Z.S-?f-?t' 2SC! Pannaylvanla. 2c; OoMfleld M. Co.. tlM; Kendall, 41c; Booth. JOc ; blue Bull, 4Ac; Adam. 18c; Silver rick. (112H; My Qoeen, 8c naked; Nevada Boy, J' $ J8- Ext" lal Blu BelL 24c; Dixie, i0ei-O-i3oInn,bl' TOe' Blbarnla. 12c; 8L Ivea, (1.40; Oooqueror, 18c; Blk. Bock, 7c; Loo Star, 20c; O. Wonder, ac; Potutcb. TOe asked; pro, lac; Kendall Ext., Se; Bandar. Ext., To: Mayn. 12c; Atlanta, 87c; Great Bend. (1-02V; Empire, 17c; Bed Top Ext, 44c; Florence, rUsm Dlam f. B. B. Con.. (Oo; G. Delay. (2.07 H; Lacuna, (1.66: Commonwealth, 42c Baked; Oomb. Prct4 (4.40; Gr. Bond Bit., 2te: Gr. Bend Anx., lSo; B. B. Bonan, 10c; Kewanoa, (1.25; Bamoralda, 20e Portland. 82c; Cracker Jack, 24c; Bed Bill, &c; Mohawk Ext.,. ISaj- Los Dillon, Mc; T. Tiger, 20c; Grandma, 24c! 8. pick Ext., Se, Boae. 12c; Ool. Mt. Ext., 6c; GoMf. Ooas., (7; Dlam f. Trtaagla, 8c COJiSTOCK WSTBICT. " Onhfe. 82.88: U.iWn Tfte Amt A e.i Sic; Con, Virginia. Bsc: Savage. 86s: Hale A Norcroe. TOc: Yellow Jacket. Buct Balchar. Blci Confidence, (i; Sierra Nov, awe; Ex chequer, 4Sc; Cnloo. 4SC .. . . . 5 BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original. 14c: BnUf. ML fl . 94. Iger4. Bnttr Bci Nat. Bank, 86o; L. Harria, 4c; Ametbyet, 43c; Gold Bar, Phct Stetnway, 18c asked; Den ver Buf. Anx.. lie: Honnle Clare. lc- Ma.rL Cons.. 60c; Monty. Ohio Ext., 10c; G. Sceptre. w euoo, eitmiy. on t., Air; a. 1'aiey, ic; Bomeatake Con.. 81.10: Yankee flh-L toe: Kn. get, ee; Tramp Con, 8V; Victor. 14c; Boa-1 aet. He-aakad; North Star, So aakad. . ; i TOItOPAH DISTBIOT. . Toe. Nov.. 820 aaked: Ihat. Ti- Hilt , Ton. Ext., (8.26: MacNamar. 46c: Mldwar. 11.60; Ton. Belmont, (4.70 aaked; Tba. No, star, ow; Ohio Ton., 4c; West End Cone., (1.20; Beecne, 17c: Ton. A Calif., (1.20; Ooldea Ancnor, &c: jun xntier,; Ton. tub Boy, iov; Aon, now, nc; rjoc, - 'XOB,, lac asked; Monarch Pitt. Ex.. 18c asked: Mont. Mid. Ext., 10c; Golden Orown, 3e; N. X. Ton. ion., ioc aased. - MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Mans. Cos., 8Nc; Manh. M. Ce 10c; O. Wedge, c; Seyler .Romp., 8c; Dexter, 18c; L. Joe, Sc; Crescent, Te; Combination. e aaked; uraouy. iiic; aiiiaxang, zzc; utile urey, sic; Cowboy, 6c; Orlg. llanh., lse; Broncho, 12c; Jump. Jack, 14c aaked; Piaenut, loci Buffalo, 6c; 8. Dog, 26c asked; X. Horse, 6c; Indus uan JVC. , s . VISIBLE CAUSE OF WHEAT LOSS Increase fn Supply Adds to Sell ing Pressure -Foreign Mar I kets Do Not Support. ..... ' Total grain visible supply as 4 compared with a year ago: . s Today. Year ago 4 - I. -Bubo. ; Bush. Wheat ....81.77.00O 41.211.080 e Cora ...... ,0T4,000 4.S98.00S 4 OaU ...... ,85.00 1M7.00, Mar July Sept. Dec CHICAGO WHEAT TALTJEB. A or II 80. Anrll 28. Lose. . ..( .784 I .TtH ; I .00 1H v ,clHA . ,oi ... .83V,B .8J'l ' .OtMi .! .84 . .!. .0 1808 Great trenrrh eonttnua in both tha local wheat and fkwr market, with valuaa la ail tine ancnangea. - Mplrltcd lion ldnrton. do t the large In. creaae la tbe vlalbl and tba lack of support glvea by forelga mark eta, coat Chicago value 44 to 4e today, aU c losing with th Utter ksa except tha December. Liverpool we sharply avwer. flood r weather eontlnnea tb nil in the middle west and tbe soatbweet. thus slUylng fears of further damage by bug. Official Cblcaeo nrlcaa hv fWeenaeb. Starr uoocs com pa ay t , WHEAT, i Onen. . Hlvb. Hay ..... TOVt . TBU July m-ii . 82 i Hept. ........ 8.1 V ' 84 ' 86 CORN. 8014 . 60 48tZ . 60 4B SO , OATS. 44. . 46H 41 42 ' 85 8614 MESS PORK. ......1846 1562 .........1678 " 18h0 16U2 ' LARD. IW5 8fT ......... 875 ; 87T .882 885 . SHORT RIBS. May 866 ara . a.r , au July .,..... 80T .887 ' 806 . SAT Sept ......... 87T Sao 876 : 87T Mar July sept. May July .....,.4 ' 9pt. , ,. May July Bept VaV Jnly Bept liOW. 7814 : 81 ; S214 V 84i5 : 44)14 . 4V 44-4 ." 4H4. 84 , 1842 1572 1682 . 8Tf . 870 880 I Ploae. T8i 81 i S.H4B S4 4H 404 4614 42 S44B 1.160 1.SH0 loS ' SBT 872 885 NOHIHAL DOINGS IH LOCAL LIVESTOCK MARKET NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Prices Move Within Very Narrow ; f Rsuige Tradlria; Heaver, v New Tork, AprO 80. While there was Improvement la the volame of bualaea today, the stock market waa eieeedtnelv oulet and vara moved with Barrow rug. , Lond ateady, ., ff ... ., .. , . Official esotntlona Onok comnaay; by Overbeck. Starr A . Open. Amalgamated Oopper Oe. .. Americas cotton OIL Americas Locomottve, common. .. s4 Amarlcaa Sugar, common. ....... ..126 American Smelter, common. 184M Americas Smelter, preferred ..... Anaconda Mining Co. ...... ..4... 82 Americas Woolen, common ,...... Atchison, eommoe 8814 Baltimore A Ohio, common.. porj Brooklyn Rapid .......... tK Canadlaa Pacific, common.. ....... 176 Central Leather, common .... Chicago A Great Weatern, common. II X Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul... .187 . 1 11 lea go a or tli weatern. common Chesapeake A Ohio 42 Colorado Fuel A Iron, common...., 86' Colorado Southern, common 26 Colorado Southern, lat preferred. uenver at urn one, common. .. .... Denver A Rio Qraade. preferred. ... .... Rrle, common ............ 244 llllnole Central .........147 . Lonlevlll A NaahrUl... ...1204 . aoo m 2tl x 24Vi 146 120U l-WH 2! '4 la Mlssnorl, Kansas A Texas, pfd 80 Missouri Pacific ..; Manhattan Railway v,we anm. vnirai nauway ... . . ... Missouri, Kama A Texas, com .... RT Great Kortbera r... 187 H r eocrat omeiter 88 .V T6U 1 T8- rlatkmal Lead 88 ,'82ti Xtw York Central... ....118 .UK' New Tork. Ontario A Weatern..... 88U 88V Norfolk A Weatern. common....... 78 . North American 1414 Northers Pacific, common .... ... 1854 Pacific Mail Stramahla O Pannaylvanla Railway ............ 127 14 People' Oa. Light A Ok Co.... Pressed Steel Car, common. ....... 87 . i Pressed Steel Car, preferred. ...... .... Keodtng, common .... .,..1124 Rennhlle Iron A StreL common.... 201A Republic Iron A Steel, preferred. .. 88 ; Rork Island, common 22A Southern Psciflc. common......... 88 Son I ham Pacific, preferred... ......... Soothers Railway, common 22 Tennessee Coal A Iron............. .... Texaa A Psciflc. 20 A In Ion Pacific, common...,, 148 I'nl.m Pacific, preferred .... In I ted States Steel Co., enmmon... 8814 nlted Htatea ataal ve,, preferred. 101 Wanaah, eommoe Wabaeb,' pTererred 28 WlaeoaalB Central, common........ .... . Wisconsin Central, preferred ., .... ' Virginia Chemical v roRTiAiro BAra BTATihunn., T7 T414 188 28 12714 M4 8fi4 88 112 20 r 22 854 118 224 14814 2H' 14TJ . SO 37 11 14 2614 .17 40 27 Clearing today Clearings year age ..a 000.072.88 Asia today Balance today ... Balaocee yr ago t 841.046. aa ar.M.i.i 108,201.81 108 U BT4 Vnrk.tjM ailu 4 April 80. Bar ilvr, 68c; Loa- . 10"fl ' 104 , 10414 . la's) 104 104 v . 1018 102V lt 1818 11I4 lt)4 118 1'4 "; lr ia"4 lnji vm.'i Hik li mi 14 ii2 10"T loi Z 103 1814 loo tZ .... 1"44 ...... lot fa ' tmaiFOOi eACT xarxxt. ' Liverpool, April so. official arte: , . WHEAT. ' . rf Open. Close. April 28. Loss. May ....... 8d 8 8 d 8 84d Hd July ' .......s 14d i : on W4 ; M . ' COBM. ' - - Jnir ,... id . a 7Hi Sept Claln. 4 T4d . 4s T,d : 4 rm 4 7S 1d WKIAT SIX OrOKES HIOH. ' (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) Lacrosse, Waah., April 80. 8'edlng In tlita dtatrVt I practically over and th wtnter wheat tt all Inches high and looking splendid. There I 01 ore moisture In the ground than for many yeara, and a very large crop of wheat ill b barrelled her Oil ai. Portland Union Stockyard. Anetl 80 five. aiocs roreipta: -: . Bogs. Cattl. Todsy , , 160 Week BSO a',...,,..,. .... ' -v .. .... Year ago ......... .,,,;.: -..,'., ., .. T6 , ; 780 rreviou year .... 1880 ; With total arrlvala of but 150 settle, th iTeswcn maraet H nominal Touay. AU unei bow a firm ton at former value. s. A rear go todav boaa were firm, while eat. tie and sheep war weak with price bowlng a oownwara xenaency. ; -OfflcUl- Uvestoch prices: W ; s Hog Beat eaAern Oregns, igT.2S; stockara ana reeaere, fT.OO; Chins 1st. 87.00. Cattl Beat eastern Oregon steers gS.Orxg 1.25; beat eoare and heifers, f4.00ti4.2S: stock, em and feeder. 84.00(4.26; bulla. 12.60. Sheep Allied, 64gc; lamb. T'Atjoc. EASTERN HOGS ADVANCE Market Five . Cental HJsber ' With SinaJl AjTtTaJs-Dthers Holding. Chicago, Asrfl fa. Linatock receipt: Hoaa. . - Cattl. : IOimm Chicago ...'....,,.,..10,000 - 8.000 18.000 Kansas City ....... ..1T.000 S.onO ,;, -4.000 Omaha 14,000 8.000 8.000 Hogs ar Be sn with lS.AOfl left over. Re. celpt s year ago were 21,000. Mixed, 88.45 6.86; heavy. $8.6006.00; roSfh,; 1 1 L. a a M AftSA awn ... ' a' 71, , . - . t. . ( s . rsttle nteady. !' - Bhaep 49trong. " ' " , . Regular ftwl MvlAsad.' r-- :'. New Tork, April 80. Tbe regal ar quarterly dividend of 1 per cant n 0.- B. Steel common waa declared today.. i DOIB SE03TS M U bi::g OHivEn to post An organised effort le being made by th insiders of Mammoth to force th email amount ot, floating stork oat of the band of weak holdera. Khorta are being cent to corer, tM price of Mammoth going to loc snd 1 7c with ale at both figure. Potlcw mad a farther advance. ; Maabaitaa Crow a Polar lost' fr I too whll Associated Oil gained 60c. Salee: One thousand Potlcle at 1, 1000 earn at lUMiC 22 Associated Oil at $4150. 1.000 Manbattaa Crows Point at 1814 and 1.000 at 1-0, e.uuu aiammoiB at 40a ttd o,ugu st lie, Offlcisl price: : :.. : BANK STOCKS. " Bid. ' Bank of California. ........... ,4300 00 jsauevrs m x.umoarma ., lus.tsy Merchant' National . Oregon Trust A Barings. ,, Portland Treat Co ..... United Bute National 200.00 . LISTED SBCDBITIBS. American Btacnlt Co. oa. OBjin City A Suburban 4.. ..... Home Telephone 8.,,,...... OBAN. By. ... BT.OO 0. W. P. A By. oa 100.60 Pacific Coaat Biscuit Ss .... MM Portland By. 6a............... 07. SO MIHCELLANEOrS STOCKS, Associated Oil 41.00 Horn Teiephoa "86.30 Pacific State Teleobone.....!. 84.00 Puget Sound Talepbon........ . ..... MINING STOCKS. Lakaview Manhattan Crows Point... ", .18 Potlci Mining .1914 Waahosg) Bxtenalon ......... ' .26 v " TJNLISTJCD STOCKS. Taoulna Bay Tcleohon B.Z8 Oregon City Mill A Lamber. ... ..... Alaaka Petroleum MS Blrtiab Oolambl Amal.. . ..08 Cascadla .2014 " Mammoth , .1114 morning ...................... joa Standard OoMolldstsd , 47 Taoom Steel 10 OOBCR D ALIUS DISTRICT, BuDion J0T4j ; Copper King ................... .16 H.ppy Dy - 4 0. K. CooeolldatBd.. ........... .05 Snowsbo .48 Snowatorm AOO . Assad. 8 185.66 lftO.00 120.00 ' V" 100.08 . 82.00 ' 87.80 100.00 10.1.60 100.00 100.00 4100 40.00 ibicjo .18 .20 .81 M a a a 4.00 .17 .08 XI .20 .07 ,11 iH .08 JO J .0614 M A 10 BreaRInlGrcL.nd For Independent Tew Fhoae Oo. Opsaa Trcohes AUoag; sTaxaer tree tot Conduit rrom ' ., . , 0satr4 BsJldiaaT. Closely following tha announcement of the purchase of lta sites for the ow ' central telephone exchange and tha north side branch exchange, the Ind ' pendent Telephone Co. baa begun active' . construction work for the Installation of tha naw automatic telephone plant A large force of men went to work . 'Wednesday opsnlns; up Harasy street ' from Nineteenth east for the ditch In which to 1st tha Initial Una of conduits -leading from th central building; Into tha business district. The trench la. being opened on the nortn elds of tha' street near the sidewalk. ' A novel feature connected) with tha ''. construction work Is tha marking of the -open trench with a row of red pennants, ' each bearing In white letters tba words 'Independent Telephone Co." It Is not 1 ' only a clever advertisement calling at-j tentlon to tba pregrsss of' work tn building; tha new plant, but It also suf -floes to Inform curious spectators and -save tha asking; and answering of In- -numerable Questions. World-Bersld. y Omaha. Neb. ,, . . LOUIS J. WILDE son soars ' tomtuatd, ob." irrw tork bostdb. ; Kew Tork. April 80. Bond; Bid. ................ 6814 881 ................ V Jap first 6s...e.. Jap eoond OS. . . Jap fust 4Hs.... Jap 4a C. P. first" 4a.... N .P. Prtn. Ua 4s 88 ,102 .102 Alk. 88 VA 884 Si 10:- 102 14 We Want 25 Millinery Trimmer. : Must ba thoroughly experienced, first class and naed to tha finest work In tha craft; good wages. Apply at 82 Washington street, next door . above Ooddard At Kelly's shoe store. The Bhafer-Whlttler company. . , ,-. COMMERCE COMMISSION ' HEARS MANUFACTURERS Washington, April' Tha 'inter. state commerce commission today cava a bearing; In tba case of the warren Manufacturing eompsny and others of Warren vllle. South - Carolina, against the Southern and other railroads. The question involved in tha case la that af rates on cotton piece roods from South Carolina, and Georgia points to New Tork. -,. ;..:.....''':;',..,.,.'; LARGE CLASS BEGINNERS - I J, , ' , ....... Qhoert Carnival and sasosTade at Oaks . Blnk TAtwsdaw. The special class for beginners at the Oaks rink opened yeaterday with big at tendance. . The class will continue every J afternoon, ana tnoeo wismng xo learn the art of skating may enter at anyi time. Fancy skating will also - be taught. Hundreds of ladles that have been putting; off learning to skate ara ; now beginning In anticipation of tha summer season, you need bava no fear of learning; alone, for hundreds gradu ate every week.- Ask your doctor- skating la most healthful, interesting and Invigorating pastime. ' - . The big .ghost carnlvaZ and masque. rade will take place Thursday night and will ba made mora interesting by special electrical effects. 'TIs a simple way to maak with a sheet and a pillow case. Any kind of a maaqusrade costume may participate, and there will be nice prises for all. " ..v.-v . .v . T, ;.,-.- Fred T, large. ' Merrill for- oouncllman-at- . . gffnd sTtoek Oaxtaed Oooda. .Allen At Lewis' Best Brand. Cures for Men NO UNCEKTXlAiTf, EXPEBLMENTLNG or GUESSWORK OUR In Most , FBE Pv ; cases WB P3RiVIAISElNTL,Y CURB Varicose Veins -Local Dropsy Atrophy , Nervosis Debility Ulcers ,. - PRGB . Blood Poison , Fa ting Hair Pimples Eczema .l " ' ' , Kidney Aliments COIXSUL.TATI01N TABVIOOCXI.Z WKAT XT W -Varicose Veins." condition prevalent In man, la a dilatation or enlargement of the veins, which from various - causes become corded and knotty. It usually occurs on the left Side and producea dragging sensations In the groin and back. It often . Impairs the general health and then causes much worry and you may grow de spondent. -.; ' " -.. : t r :- ' v " DOBT WAIT No sensible man should wait ' He should realise that , the lnnrer he delava the more the carta affected will waste iwiv Tw't .live and linger, DEAD to tha JovS" of health,. when we have a good curt. zor your varicose veins ana vsumai ana can roane you a nappy, manly man with mental and physical powers, complete, Ws cure without cut ting. Come for one visit. . Wa cordially Invite consultation. We ' euro after others, fall. . .. Vc . '- :r . NERVOUS DEBILITY OJR WEAKNESS There is usually A pain across tba small of the back; blue lings tinder your eyes; specks before your-ayes; your sleep does not rest you; you get up in in morning inoiina urea, rour mina as limes wsnasrsi your mem ory is poor; you are losing nesn, noiiow-eyed; whites of your eyes are yellow; you are fearful, always expecting the worst to happen: very nervous, you have bad dreams; startle In your sleep, snd awake out of a dream very much frightened: atlnglng pain in the breast: no annetita Do you know .what causes you to feel like thlsf This condition will not Improve of lta own accord, but Instead you may grow gradually worse, end eventually end In' nervous debility or neurasthenia. If vou bava ever i taken treatment and failed to get cured perhaps It la because you never , took treatment at the ft. Ltils Dispensary. Our treatment Is different from the old treatment taught years ago. Wa cordially Invite eonsulta ' tlon free, v ' , KIDNEY AND URINARY DISEASES Such as enlarged Prostate, Cystitis, or Inflammation ' of tha Bladder. with resultant kidney affections, drains and losses, receive most skillful expert treatment, and a perfect and permanent cure la guaranteed In . every case taken. Our method of treating those complicated ailments Is painless and without resort to surgery. The affected centers are soon restored to their natural vigor and vitality, and tha patient mada strong and healthy, , OUT-Or.TOWN MEN VISITING THE CIIY ' Consult us at once upon arrival an9 maybe you -can be. cured before re k turning home. Many cases can be cured In one or two or mora visits.' consultation and advice free. , . - . COM oi,T attobt nil abto IbT?itbd Our reputation and work are not a mushroom growth. Wa hsvs been curing men for JS veara Write if you cannot calL All corrspondence strictly confidential aftdv all replies sent In plain envelope, , Enclose 3-cent stamp to Insure reply. office HOURS t a, m. to I p. m.; evenings, 7 Ho (:IOi Sundays. . a. m, to II noon. , , . , ST. LOUIS MEOICAL and SURGICAL DISPENSARY 00BTC arCOATD AsTD TAlGETXIa ITSSSTS, fOmTUklTD, OUaOsT. Be a Perfect Maim With No Back Pains No Nervous nessNo Waste of Power No Loss of Ambition Out With Plen ty, of Life and Energy and the Vigor of Youth. To be strong; and manly Is tba aim of every strong man. and yet how many wa find who are wasting tha vitality and strength which nature give them. - Instead of developing Into the strong, vigorous, manly young' fel lows that nature Intended them to be, they find themselves weak, stunted and despondent no ambition to do anything. They struggle aimlessly along, sooner or later to become vic tims of that dread disease, nervous debility: their finer sensibilities blunted - and thstr nerves shattered. I Cure Men's Diseases t have treated hundreds of men who have long suffered a gradual, decline of physical and mental energy as a result of private ailments, and have been Interested In noting the marked general improvement that follows a thorough ears of tha chief disorder. Hy success In curing difficult cases of long standing has mada ma tha foremost specialist treatlngvjnen's diseases. Thla sum as la due to several things, It Is due to the study I have given my specialty; to my having aaoertalned tha exact nature or men's ailments, and to tha original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ. : . , , ' v i To those In doubt aa ta their true condition who wish to avoid thasawriaua results that may follow neglect, I offer free consultation aad advtoe, alther at my office or through cor respond once. If your case la one of tha few that has reached -an Incurable stag. I win not accept tt for treatment, nor will I urge m Services upon any one, , I treat curable caaea only, and cure all a wool, , . ... - ML TATlVOa ' ' Tha TaBsdiBsT T-fi-. In Uncomplicated ' Cases My Fee Is Only $D0 YouPayWhen Cured . stracrrio ax.oos roxsosT. No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless. blood -cleansing ' remedies that re move tha last poisonous taint. ' '1 ' ' TAVBZOOOBUi. Abaolutsly painless treatment that cure completely In one week. In vestigate my method. It la the only thoroughly scientific treatment for this disease being employed. FREE My colored chart, showing th mala anatomy and affording an Interest ing study In man's diseases will be given free upon application. : Tou"va probably eea - trstea for so-called weakness and helped tara porarUy or not at all. and tha reasoa la very apparent when cattae of loss of power 1st mea is understood. weakness is meraly a symptom of onronio inriammauon of tha prostata gland. , which my '.. treatment re moves, t thereby permanantly restor ing strength and vigor. '. , , ; oomrrmAorxB Baosotu . Ton can depend upon a qulok and thorough euro by my treatment - A ouldt cure Is deatrahla because a slow euro Is apt to ba ao sure at an, and A ehronlo development win ens later. - I eura vou bevnnrl tk w.t. Y bUlty of a relapse and la half tha usual urns required, y Often tha condition appealing? to ha tha . chief disorder la only a , reflex ailment resulting from soma' other disease. Weakness sometimes comes from varicocele or stricture: skin and bona diseases result from blood poison taint, and physical and men tal , decline follow long-standing functional disorder. Hy long ex perience tn treating men snableeTme , to determine tha exsot conditions that exist and to treat sooordlngly, thus removing every damaging cause and Its effects. Consultation antl Advice FREE. Call or Write Today y'AV': Hotas a. sa. to p. am. aradayawio to 1... &e DOCTOR TAYLOR cM B3H stOmJUBOsT ITUIT, COBATZa tTIOOaTO, MBTTsAJTS. Oma. .' ratlsBts Uvlag- out of th, cdty aad saining ta rortlaad for treatmaat wia be . isnnnsa vita awe wa rea 01 euarga. UAeoA you tsnsjta ... . - direct to gS4M Korrlsoa Street. ; '! GARDEN PLANTS tWe now have thousands of Vegetable and Flowering Plants for Outdoor Planting. Good, strong, healthy, well-rooted : plants at reasonable prices. Call and make your selection for j present or later delivery. Last call for two-year-old Rose Bushes, Fruit Trees, etc. ' MEN TREATED AND CUREDv BV Wm at a-B aSk'aW - t . uesi service! Lowesl tnarcesl Cores Guaranteed WWsrS friicte4 with SF.HV0U8 'DKBlLITf ' or railing Streogtk. -' aionly called "LOST MANnoOO.f C hassling ftratna, Pln'laiUas BicS Inflammstlo ef tbe Blsdder Bd Kidneys. Highly WMored CrlneT I meal taecy, Peaponoeacy, Falling Memory. Lose of Areblttoe. Maatal Worry re alt ef eicee nd overwork : Ulea, riatnla and Hydrocele ar ether r sm, whlck abeolatalr saflt tbi for Study, Bask, Pkuuere or aUrrlsga, Blo4 Palsea, emtraeted or V sere, a pay, IH teasee. Bheamatlim. Strictara, Enlarges rreatate sad Myorodsl. U soa vooacMotiou si i le. . naoBDa Cbarges. CU r writ El. T. JTXBCS.' 1(1 Tlra St., Pertlaaa. Or, Bars, Bwallliig, Tiwcliarga, Senarraoaa, SUst. sredttary CaaiUga, St Skia ,ful Clarke. Wood ward Drug Co. , Importing Wholesalers & Manufaciurini. Cor. 9th and fldyl Sts. T0.000 sriiiar feet of floor space, A com filet analytical Laboratory. A private switching track from th terminal yards. Ih largest And , most perfeoUy equipped wholesale drug house oa the cosrt Buyers snd handlers of beeswax and Oregon drug products, cascara bark, grape root, eta, , ,, i