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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, v APRIL SO, 1S07. 10 ilGIITODHS lOOHieillERS "' - ' ' '. Noted Authority Has Few Things to Say About Pugilist ' Bill. Squires.!,: ' AUSTRALIAN IS IN .".. TRAINING AT SHANNON'S Rumor Haa It That Billy Nolan Will Manage Jack O'Brien Nelson and Gana Ar Being Talked About for Another Match.' ' ? ( By W. W. Nanghton. ' i)ul Special Service.) San Prancleco. April IS. Thla Bill Soulr ha a hUmorou side to It , Th Australian la In the uU awing of prepa ration over at- Shannon' reaort nar Ban Rafael and yet has no particular match or data in view. " v;' - Ha la training: against time, a It were. He is trying out. the California climate and If It treats him kindly he may be able to Inform 'the promoters . within a wtok or two how soon ha will consider H safe o accept his first ring engagement.-. So far as can be judged. Squire Isn't worrying about public opinion or per. centages or purses or anything In that line. His first care, apparently. Is to be ' sure that Bill Saulres In California Is as formidable as Bill Squires in Austra lia. He doesn't care bow many holidays or how many chances of big gate may pass. Ha . wanta to feel that ha la all there and then he will bs content to take thfhga as they come. It ha been suggeated that aa Bqulrea ia such a thoroughly unknown quantity he should submit to a trying out before .neklng the public .to purchase tickets for hla first engagement. It haa been instanced that most of the Australian flghtera who oam here were tasted be fore being placed In' the ring. The foot that moat of th Australian fighters came here- unheralded la lost sight of. They landed her without any particular recommendation and they had to submit to the trying out process to prove that they were worthy of engage ments. ' Squire la Indorsed by the Australian sporting press aa the undisputed cham pion of that far country. Ha ha for a backer one of the wealthiest sporting men at the Antipodes, and he traveled to this country In style befitting an Hcknowledged champion. v, . ' Put tTp 111 Monty. ! Before ha was many hoars sshore he planked down 16.000 and challenged the winner of the Burns-O'Brien fight, th nearest thing to a world's championship contest In eight at pren(. Barney Reynold, hi manager, made It clear ' that this money 1 meant for a wager. There la no stipulation that If Burns or O'Brien I favorite over Squire th money forwarded by Bookmaker Wren la to receive the benefit of prevailing odd. - Th tS.000 held by the Examiner 1 a side' bet that Squire will defeat the winner of th Burns-O'Brien fight. It Is up lo bet dollar against dollar and on The score that money talks, it 1 eon elusive proof that the Australians think they are aendlng us a pretty good ring-roan- All things considered It looks as though Squires can scoff at th prop osition that he consent to be tried out- at least until his t5.000 are covered. Squires 1 as much of a stranger to th writer aa he la to the other Amerl' ran press men who met him on hla arri val and have seen him at work since, but i an free to confess that he haa impressed me favorably.. He , haa , th regulation "scrapper dial." to wit, th square jaw, th determined mouth and th deep-set eyes.; , . I don't believe I ever aw a piece of human fighting machinery ' In which ' there wag so little wast material. I'll be bound that when seen la action he will show that h I quick, relentlees and hard-hitting. s There la fust one thing X am wonder ing about and I gue I'l hare to see Bill Bqulrea deep In th actual turmoil at a scrap before I can glean any in formation on the point. I'd like to know how he assimilates. ' I can see by ' ran ssoavss ; : your cough I only In th throat and doea not trouble you now, don't think that It need no attention. When It lias not had much of a -start la th time to check It. The slightest cough eas ily leads to Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Consumption. A bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cur that cough, Th price put It within reach of aJL Sold by all drugglsta - Styles;:N'r ; . Forced alterations in our store compel us to reduceour hat stock in order to make room for workmen, otherwise we could never be forced to seU"' 3iV . , ! " Men's Spring Style Hats $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 qualities in the new telescope creased crowns or drop front styles ; also derbies in the nobby flat set brims and staple shapes In the Durilap block. The new pearl shades with pearl or black bands and the new haxel colors are shown in toft hats. The derbies are black and ' brown. "The Greatest Hat Values Ever Offered in Portland. ' '..'.. '. .,;Ango at, choice $1.35 ' Terse fTCTtht Cccrs The Chicago Clothing Co. 69-71 USED STREET ; his looks that h I gam to th cor and that be haa great driving power. I Im agine he wlU b a cuick aa a oat oa his feet. Hut his earmark are the earmarks of a' fellow who Jumps close and Invites trouble and I'd Ilk to know how he bears th brunt Of bruising ex changes. . . ' We hare had hard punchers la this cMintryroen Uk Peter Maher and Joe Choynskt. for Instance who could in flict terrible punishment but who could sot bear comparatively light tape In re turn. Fighters . with, glass laws, the slang mongers call them. If Squires' Jaw la durable aa Tom Sharkey's used to be and he 'has the faculty of pulling himself together and aalling In again utter-receiving a numbing smash, I can all kinds of trouble ahead for the American heavies who -stand between the Australian and tha world cham pionship. - , ;- ' kTolan 0ta O'Brien. 4 - The latest Is that Billy Nolan haa taken Jack O'Brien of Philadelphia Un der his wing. . --Well, assuming that O'Brien had to have a manager he might have gone further and fared worse. It Is common property that . it was Nolan who skipped down to Lo An geles and mad the O'Brien-Burn con- teat possible.- Just what passed be tween Billy and Promoter MoCarey will never be given' out for publication, but the whole business was In such a tan gle that )t needed a ; third party to straighten matters out '. O'Brien claimed that MeCarey vu derelict with a tlO.000 guarantee. Me Carey aaid that th articles called for nothing of that kind, and Burns aided arlth MeCarey. v ,. .'.V' It was at this Mage that O'Brien de cided that he needed a manager. . Nolan went to Los Angeles, and now O'Brien la there. MoCarey haa given out that thorough understanding has been reached and that tha light will posi tively take plac. . '. - , . .-'.; Sullivan Twina. .' vv The Sullivan twlna are a power In pugilism Just at present. Not so long sgo Jack mad short work of Jack Palmer of England, who earns her with world championship aapiratlons, and now Mike- has stopped th gallop of Honor Mellody, who seemed to be the one and only rival of California Jo Thomas for welterweight honors. Somehow Jack victory over th Englishman haan't brought in much in th matchmaking Una, but It I as sure aa daylight that Mike and Thomas will be th next card In th 141-pound di vision. And It will be n light worth witnessing when It doe tak plac. San JTraaclsoo Mfraatloa. Th pugilistic situation. In San Fran cisco 1 -still shrouded in fog, and ao far as can b learned the aupr- visor are In no hurry to ladle out per mits. Some people say that six montha may go by before a 10-round match la arranged In this city. ,. : i ; v , In tha meantime, then will be plenty of atlr at Col ma, according to reports. Jimmy Coffroth Is tha sola trader In that region, and he I going right ahead with tha erection of a daylight arena In which he Intend to pull oft Import ant - eventa - oa holidays and Saturday afternoons, i n r', - ;, , Coffroth numbor of good match In sight now. , He wanta .to. bring Squire and th O'Brien-Bum winner together on May SO Decora ti on day), and If anything goes wrong on that at traction he will fall ' back on either Jimmy Britt and George Memalo or Jo Thorn and Mike Sullivan. - Tha new - arena will ' be two mile nearer San Franclsoq than the, sits of the Battling Nelson-Jimmy Britt P vlllon. and Coffroth aaya th street car aervlo . will be equal to tha handling of large crowd. ' , , ' Crans and sTalson. ilsoa. ( -'... V Tex Rlckard haa offered $40,000 for a fight at Ely between Jo Gana and Battling Nelson, and It looks aa though a bid of that character could catch the men if there Is a mutual desire to get together and show th public who la really th better man. , , Nolan, It Is said, will not take notlo of . the offer until It is mad offlclally, and a rumor co .- from the east that Gana Is willing to knock under to Nel son and weigh lit pounds In fighting rig. ' ' ;. If Gana haa made ' thla ' concession, the fight will be regarded ; with- au plclon. Gana at 1SS pounda In costume I a weakling and cannot give proper conduct of himself. All the bids In the world wU not wee ten th match In the eye of th public until It ' announced that Gana will be allowed to 'enter th ring at a weight ,-iat will insure htm putting up th beat tight he la capable of. , Incidentally, tha opinion prevail that Nelaon'a refuaal to permit - Gana to weigh without hla ring clothe I a vic tual declaration that Nelson haa no die- sir to tackle Gana a second tlra. Rosebuds Aro Buay. Bportlng ' Editor, ' Journal If ' any team under If year' write or phones to you, wanting a game, please have their manager call up East I0l-and ask for Harry Grayaon. ' Our team is called tha Rosebuds, the 1 6-year-old champion of Portland. ' ROSEBUDS MANAGER. All Colors Torse, Shoci Over the Doon . . I'OODBURil FANS HIT FOIL SCORE Sports From Marion County De. ' . : sirs Complete Account ' ' : of Games.' :.' ;. f.,' BRAINARD CUBS NO ' MATCH FOR INDIANS Concannon 'Wu la Great Trim oa v Sunday and Managed to Hold the .-' Heavy Hitting Port lander Dowa at Critical Time" The Score. Sporting Editor Journal Will you kindly run tha detailed account of th Woodburn club gatn In Tuesday even ing's paper; aleo th Trt-Clty league hedule; th Woodburn people say they would, Uk to' e a detailed score of their game in Th Journal. Respect fully. . , H. K. SMITH. ... .i ' r r ' oecretary. ; ' X h Oast. Th Woodburn Indian held a pow wow previous to the game toft 8unday and after being dope wlthr 'th big medloln of Manager Grover, proceeded to hunt ' tha scalps of Harry 8mith'a "Teddy Beara." They secured 'era, too, and now nine glossy . locks hang sus pended from tha score board. The Cubs mad a fierce fight to keep their hair, and pounded Mr. Concannon pretty bard. but to no purpose. Kruger started In to pitch for th Cubs, but h and Shea became tangled UP' In their signals and did not-work together. Then, to add to the horror, th other member of tha Cub team began to' kick th ball around when It com In their direction and altar alz runs , had crossed th plate; none of them earned, Kruger wa taken out and Ernie Strelt sent In. Tha "midget" held tha husky braves down and gradually th Cub regained their nerve and want n good behavior for th rest f th game. ' Th gam waa ragged and filled with "swats" and errors, in which both teama featured. I'mplre Coleman had his trials, too, and was a little rattled dur ing some of the fiercest fusillades. Soma of his decision wer a bit oft color, but In a general way hla work waa satisfactory. Webb Morrow dis tinguished himself by landing on one of Timmy Concannon' choice lnahoota for . clean horn run. drlv over deen left field fence. Shea wa ther with two big two-bagger and McKay eaved several runs by a circus catch of . a three-bagger- off , Turk's bat LodeU mad a double play unassisted. The Cub were badly mixed on their slgnala several times. The Indian Infield wa like a aton wall and tha Cuba could gf' nothing through them.' Th Cub cured three earned run And Wood- j burn none. . Both team showed lack of practice, and faulty team , work which will be remedied - aa , th . . geaaon ad vance.: , - i ' v... : , . c . ' Score In detslh '.V ' BRAINARD CUBS. '" Y ,':-1-: ' A"B,R.H.PO, A. uii'r.i wiun, to. ........ e I I ixxien, in, ......... i n ' Turk. . ............ 4 1 1.1 Magness, ir. 4 Kennedy, cf. ........ 4 Tauscher, rf. .,.....,-4 Morrow, 3b., ........ 4 Hhea, c ............ 4 Kruger, p. .......... 1 Btrelt, p. , Chapln , , Totals . ,.i........jg 4 1 U 9 , WOODBURN INDIANS. AB. R, H- PO. A. E. Huddleston. ' " '' t 7 1 - vler. lb. . t It 0 McKay, cf.' . Coleman, 2b. ......- ........ Welch. If. 4 Bhorey. a. ... v John Hunt, 8b.. ...... 4 Jame Hunt, rf....... 4 Concannon, p! ......... t fox, cf. ............. a Total .'.......,.., f S 17 IS Batted for Strelt In ninth' inning. '..' t SCORE BT INNINGS., 1 Cubs . . ..'..11 0 0 1 14 Hit .. ........0 llllilt 1 7 woodburn . ....,. until . Hit . ...1 lllltll ' '' K. SUMMARY." V ' - Struck out By Kruger, 1; by Strelt t: dv c oncannon. i. u&aes on nail Off Kruger, 1. Two-base bits Sheet S. Heme run- Morrow. - iHrable plays Lo- aen tunassisteai: Mcr.iwain to lyoaeii: McKay to Coleman to La vler. Sacri fice hit Coleman. Stolen base Me- FJwaln. Turk. Kamteoy, Chapln, Mo Kay. J. Hunt James Hunt Wild nltch. Dattery error uruger. , hair Kruger. First base on errors Woodbura. 7: Cuba, t. , Earned runs Cuba, S. Left on bases Cubs, J; Woodburn. C. In nings pitched Kruger, lVi; Strelt, 7H Hlts made Off Kruger, S; off Strelt, S. Tim or gam unc nour ana 40 mln utea Umpire Coleman. Scorer Wakeneld and Smith. - Attendance Sit NORTH CENTRALS WIN 'L THE GRAMMAR SERIES "' '" By th Offlc,,Boy.'-;:'-:?. .North Central. won th championship of th Grammar School, east side sec tion, yesterday afternoon, by defeating th Hawthorn nine by th score of II to It,. Th North Central team won tha gam tn th alxth Inning with the scor of IS to 11 in favor of. Hawthorne. With on' out and " the baacn full. McAfee was at bat with two strikes and tbree ball called. He knocked a horn run and changed tha scor to IS to It In favor of hla team." Not once again during, the gam did Earl Davis, th boy wonder,, let th Hawthorn player reach third. .-.':-, -: Earl Davis twirled a fin same. Mc Afee provod himself a hitter.' A large crowd yelled and blew horns for both teams. This waa th deciding gam Of th east stele action. , . , Th-North Central team lost but on gam during th aerie. Hawthorn team loot two games. Th last gam of th league will be played today between th Mount Tabor and South Mount Tabor at Forty-ighth and East Haw thorn. - The four winners vrlli play th final rie.5 Although th crowd roasted Umpire Ringer, th girls who represented th losing team handed him a bouquet.. The boys of th losing aid handed him other thtnga. : ' . S0Z0D0NT CLEANSES AND BEAUTIFIES TEETH 4t PHSIDEBMMOSE '. ISSUES W SCHEDULE Games for Next Month Are An nounced for the Benefit of the' Fans. The Trt-Clty league aohedul for May I out. President . Whlteman Issued th assignments this week. Th schedule of game gives Portland teaxqa two game at hon.a, th balance to be play ed abroad. The two Portland date fall on Saturday, May 4 and 11. Th Brain- arda will meet both the Frakea and Brewer for th first time In these two gamea. .. Saturday, May 4. Cuba vs. Milliners at Vaughn street. Sunday, May . Frakee va. Woodburn at Woodburn. Braiarda val Kelso at iieiso, drawers vs.' Astoria ax Astoria. Trunkmakera vs. St, Johns at St Johns. Saturday. May 11. Brewers va. Cub at Vaughn etret. -. ,j ' Sunday, May 11. Frakes vs. Kelso at Kelso, Trunkmaker va Woodburn at Woodburn, Bralnarda va Astoria at As toria, Brewer v. St. John at St. John. i - Sunday. May 1 FTakes vs. Astoria st Astoria. Bralnarda vs. St. Johns at St. Johna. Trunkmaker vs. . Kelso at Kelso, Brewers vs. Woodburn At Wood- burn. ,'.'.:-. Buuday, May II.- Frakes vs. St John at St. Johna, Bralnarda vs. Woodburn it Woodburn, Trunkmakers va. Astoria at Astoria, Brewers va. Kelso at Kelso. Thursday. May 30. Frakea vs. Wood- bum at Woodburn, Braldard va. Kelso at Kelso. Brewers va. Astoria at Aa. torla, Trunkmakers vs. St. John at St Johna. . ' . .' Th June schedule will doubtless pro vide for th presence in Portland of each of the outside teams. BEHNKE-WALKERS TOO U STRONG FOR BANKERS -f , . ; ; In their last game th Behnke-Walker Busineaa college baseball' team again showed their excellent quality by hand ily beating the - Merchant' National bank team by th scor of f to . In a well-played contest ' At no stage of th gam aid in tJanjtera nave a iooR-in except In the alxth Inning, when they mad their two tallies. Rhea of the Behnke-Walker team pitched excellent ball and the support fie received waa almost errorleas, each man fielding hi position Ilk a big leaguer. Their bat ting waa a feature of the game, as they walloped Mulford, of th Bankers, at their wilt Tha lineup: , , B. W. B. a Poaltlon, Y M. -M. B. Rhea p ......... , Mulford Thomas Corell Kelly lb. ........ . Packard Fraxlar ......... ......... . Barker Hendricks ........ lb........ Cauthorn London .......... .ss. .......... . Wood Mllla .............rf. '..... Bat Bergswlck ,.ef. ....... .....Getty Ott ...If. Boebmer ESTACADA BEATEN BY w THE GRESHAM TEAM ; gpertal tteoatca ts Tbe JearaeLl Estacada, Or., April SS. Th Ores- ham baaeball team won a well -played gam her Sunday by a scor of .S to S. The feature of th game wa Towa send's pitching, allowing only two hit and striking out 11 men. . .Th llnup: Gresham. ' Position. ' Estacada. Hamlin .......... .0. ....... .. Bronson Town send p. .Bronson, Stokes Metgser .......... id. ......... . usnorn Snashall Mallony Leslie ........... .tb. ,.,,. . sherman 1 .arson ,.ss.... Mecham Wlrts . ....... Bronson, Stokes L. Merrill. ....... .If Town send C Merrill. ........ rf . ... . .. Esherman Double play Larapn to Snashall. Two-bas bit Townsend. Three-base all Hirca i , . r, . PACIFIC .'COAST LEAGUE -V'. '",! . .'" '. Won." Oakland1 . . ..t. ....11 Los Angeles ,....11 San Francisco '..,. .....11 Portland ..... J t Lost - 7 ,' .. 7 : '; 1 K It - r.c. .460 .450 .614 ,.i!7 AMERICAN LEAGUE :. Won. ; Lost 4 i 11 PC. .4t .415 .434 .681 .417 .417 .364 .147 Chicago- .",'..... w.. .- Detroit . . ....... ...... i Philadelphia . . t New Tork, .......... 7 Cleveland . , ........... $ Boston . ........... i . S Washington . 4 St Lout ..,....'.. 4 At WaJdiinctOB. R. H. FJ. Washington its 14 t Philadelphia Batteries Fallen berg, Hugh ' and Warner; Coombs and Schreck. AS Soatosv R. H.B. Beston . ..................... .1 11 New Tork . . , 1 17 1 1 Batteries Toung and Orlggs: Dovle Keen and KItnow. .. , :' . , ; NATIONAL LEAGUE: . ; - ' won. Lost a. ( .. PC. .144 ,7t .700 .US .600 .200 .100 Chicago . , ............11 New fork . 19 Pittsburg I ....... 7 Philadelphia . Boston.. .............. 4 Cincinnati .. .......... 4 St Louis ........ .... t Brooklyn.............. I AMATEUR BALL GAMES Th ' Cam, Washington, , team ' de feated the Company A,- Fourteenth In fantry, team on Sunday- at Vancouver by th score of 21 to 11. Batteries, Barnhart and Lause; Fair and perry, i '.;.'",' ,,! '.' ' . "' , ("". v . Th fait Warren ton ', aggregation de feated Seaatd Sunday by a scor of I 0. . Th features of th gam were Moore' pitching and th good work of McDermott Warrenton'a first baseman. Warrenton stands ready to meet any of Portland' amateur. . . , ,. , ' , ' ... ''.. Tha Concord team defeated Mllwau- kt on Sunday by th cor of 11 to 4. ..."' . ' -, Th Columbia baseball nine of Th Dalle played th Goldendal . team at th later place Sunday afternoon. Th Columbia had'th gam from th etart and at th ninth Inning th' scor stood It to S In their fa vor. . . , , Seeking Match. ; ' Sporting Editor Journal Th South Portland team challenge any team In the elty under It year of age for a gam next Sunday. Telephone . to Art Day, between t and tptin. Main tilt. , -. -. . i . .' ..... Hawthorne Want Game. Sporting Editor. Journal. Th unde feated Hawthorn Colt would Ilk a game with any team In . th rtty, th Trunkmaker preferred. CASKT fUEBF.K, Manager, 404 Hawthorn tvaut , TT iiFoin Here Is a Full-Size, , Well Made Iron Bed for .'Bed. Special $3.25 It is worth considerable more, but the price is a special low one for this week only This week we are making an Iron Bed showingA Nowhere in the city will you find such a showing. ' There is pattern after pattern to select from and the range of prices is such that even the person with little money can have a mighty pretty substantiai bed. 'The cut shows our, special for the "week.! C,Z :V; :Ci v. iti-' F5 ct7 V2. V FURHITURE V The Truth r A man who' tall th truth - now aday 1 considered quit a curiosity, la It any wonder, then, that people don't believe a doctor when a tell them facts? .s '..''' If a doctor talto a patient that drugs won't do him any good, that patient doesn't believe him. Ever sine you can remember you' have used drug for every little ailment. Tour father before you used drug, and you can't se how anything else can possibly have the power to cur. - Every do - of drug that you put Into - your stomach weaken It. Every tim you tak a drug to' krll pain or to stimulate a weak organ, .you are - hurting .your stomach, and any on can see that In time, by steady dos ing, .you r ," ' stomach will be . unable to do It work. This )s be cause drug destroy th dig tlv Juice and when that happena yeu get no nour ishment from vonr food. Drugs will kill pain all right by stupefying th nerve, but wait until th effect haa passed oft; th pain return wore than ever. Than you have to tak th drug again and continue - to tak It until Na ture is kind enough to remov tn caun of th pain. The only way to cure ptn or dis ease is to help Nature. Drug don't do that - Natur will cur th dis ease if aha haa th power. 1 glva her that power; that'a why I am ao successful - If you ar elck or ailing In any way It la because of th fallur or breaking down of some vital organ. Th reason any organ fall to do It work 1 becau It lacks th 1C tricity. Whan It I doing It work right th stomach general electricity for the support of th body and lt elf. Whan It 1 not abl to gen erat this nseded fore It must have aid. Thl aid la electricity, artifi cial electricity, as applied by Xiao tro-Vlgor. ' w Electro-Vigor 1 a relief from th old system f drugging. It does by natural .meana what you expect . drug to do- by unnatural meana. Instead of swallowing a lot of pois onous drugs which wreck tb nerve and stomach, you apply Electro WHITMAN ATHLETES . ON TRACK AND FIELD - ' (Rpeelal Dlipetch to Tb Josraal.) Spokane, Waah April to. On May S. and th aeoond Interacholaatle track and field meet will b held at Whitman college. Wall Walla, Great prepara tion ar being mad by th . Spokan high chool boy and they are confident of carrying off . honors.' Bpokane haa aoma good material out for track again thla year. Knglehorn, weights and hur dle: Captain Maraton, weights; Mana ger Rouse, sprints and pol vault; Luck, sprints; Monro, pol vault ar all good and should make a good ahowtng. Prin cipal Cloyd will go with th boy oa this trip and will be th guest ef honor at the reception to b given th -boys by th Bpokane club. , . ; - WANT ONE MORE GAME : WITH HILL MILITARY i... ... (. ;.'.,; Bportlng Editor Th Journal ' Th Behnke-Walker team haa met and de feated aom of th very beet amateur In th city, including Allan' Pre paratory school. Holmes Buslnees col lege. Policemen and Portland Business college. Tbey hav won 10 out of 11 game thl season. Hill's Mtlltay acad emy being th only team to defeat them so far, and it ia predicted that If tbl team will -glv tbem another chance tbey will show tha Cadet a few thing about th national gam that will mak them alt up and tak notlo. By BATTLING NELSON. Masoot IRONWORKERS' UNION TO VOTE ON WALKOUT ', Moornsl Special Service.) 'Ban1 Francisco, April 10. It is fearvd that ruz ooai mrabar of th I r See our window display of McDougall ; Kitchen Cabinets and Glacier Refrigerators 80,000 feet of ..... ' , furniture exhibit on our floors. . . ' Hlpnninglllpnl The Complete About Vigor -about . your body . and fsl the soothing, glowing force of elec tricity penerating your vitals, giv ing health and strength to ,4rvrjr . part that la weak. i . Electro - Vigor 1 not an electric belt It la a dry oll body battery and makea it own power. I hav not had rheumattsiu sine I began th us of Electro Vigor, and my stomach does not bother m any more. A. F. BOTNE. Wlshkah. Waah. ." - After two montha' applica tion of Electro-Vigor. I no Ion gar suffer front pain In my back and kidneys, my food di gest properly, and 'all - th symptoms of : varloooeit and , weakness are I ' ' cured. Chaa. Piekard. , Joseph, Or. - (GIVE IT FREE Get my 100-page book, describing Electro-Vigor. - and . with lllustra- tlona of fully developed 'men and woman, how1ng how It la applied. ! 1 Thla book tell in plain languag many thing you want to know, and , give a lot of good, whole om ad 'vie for man. "".,'-'..."';-'-. m send thl book, prepaid, free. If you will mail m fhl coupon. Cut it out now." ..' ' ..... y; . - s S.A.Ha!!,M.D. 14S , willsBOM SU :;: V': aur neuroxsoo. Pleas send tn. prepaid, your fr 100-pag Illusrrsaed book. AS; : ; .4t-Tv ; - Nam Addr tA nAvonoog LkADnra ooiamoiAi eotzl, cowTAnrnro sooks. .- : The St. James ; rvzTov n. ajtb tii nu in, . . " ' tAv nivouoo..-; , VATIOVAZ, BOTH, CO., Pre,' . y., , W..l leggs,' Mgr..", Is tttaated Is', th heart - ef the tsnrhnss 1a- trlct. aloeem and hastaoDHi1y foniUhed. - Prl vete batlis. teleplvmes la eTery room. Hampl mome m travelins atea. Bates froat $1 .60 to Bntsveaa pna. aeeweinie t all Oei tMtl. bosk Bitaate hi tfte feeart et tbe shopping a seas inmn. vaws To ue ueatree. HOTEL AUDUDON a ntActco I'moTXA' riAW oixt. Ingle masM er ea suits.' derater, steasi beat, elretrle Urhts an4 all wodera easnnl. en rem. gtrtctly flrat-elaas. OeeveaUat te ap plng eaaten. Oa dlrvet Use frost ferry, and Third and Tewneen oepnt Rates tl apt 3 E11I St., sear V.a Veas areaae. a B. OANTKE, Mgr. Ironworkers' union will strike Wednes day for an lght-our day.' They will begin' to take a rot on th question tonight Employer ay .jthy cannot grant th demand - a It would place them at a disadvantage with eastern employers. : Between l.Oflt and 1.000 man would be Involved If a trlk war eallef i. t H . II -i 1 iJ hav a torpid liver when Herb In, th only liver regulator, will help your There I no reason why you should suf fer from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills snd Fever or any liver eomrilalnta, when Herbine will our you. F. C Walt, Weatvllie, Fla.. wrlteei '! was aick for a month with chills and fever, and after taking two bottle of Heroine em eii and healthy.- bold by all drug- gist, Drug '"v- I j Domeoullitters Or POtTtrWB OBaMlOfT ftVsaarwa JdJ aW Lsw tf lit Sum Orates ' IXSCRES AXJCtf KINDS OF UVK HTOCKAGAXNSrr DEATH FROM AXY : ';." '.. CAUSE '! ; ( .'.., i ; ' '"- 1. t. skeier Trees-eat :- .', W -' Wav H. Iwitk V. Fna. E. H. Cress Oval Mgr. ' ; Jae. M.OerOecneur R.B.SMsaiwees'llai. A'- teag In n Csssial Cesawl! '.'.'.'.(. NrtlaaJ Oislir f CessMfi , rwttaa goer ef Tn .' ''- iimncu '",; i. Oatgaa Treat a4 terbifa lank rwtl4 Ore, " ' The grata rest Ctwseay. ' k. OL Dms At Co.Cinlil Araety . " ,.' home orrics t-i-t la u j bttk mumi Can WsMmt W rnUmd Om. : j '.'... ; ' ' ' ' Wa SMka'ae msiIm we set Mill re ghw roe s aar f'- Leek TEo PortlaWi PORTLAND. ORBOOK.' " ' KVmOTKAN PLAN ONLY ' BKADQlTARTEItn FOR TOURIST AND CONTMIRCIAI.. , , ; - '.- TRAVELERS. , Bvorrthlng "t eat aad drink, and It eoete no more in th . ., . m Portland Hot! RtkskQw than elsewhere Ins th city. Kvory weekday night from .t to Ik. M. & SOWtrBB, Maaagwa, ' ' Notice to the .. Ice Trade From end after May 1 deliver) from . tb Independent Coal dk Ie company,' PortPv:4 Artificial lo company, Ory tal lo A Btorag eompany through ur deli-verr wlU he aa follow: ' ' t" Reatauranta, boarding hettaoa and lAntis.i KSe luf 1i in 1 1 - ' RMtdano rout, TOo per hundrwd. Tee Delivery Co.: .Temporary weet aid of fie til gtarkl phone Main TtO. '' ' ''.- !' Eaat aid offlo'tt East Morrison; phon East til. ,, t ..' . '.. ',, V. '.A 1