The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 29, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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New Commission Recently Ap
pointed by Roosevelt to Come
to Portland and Astoria.
Inland Waterway Commission Will
. Make Tours All Over Country In
vestigating Problem To Make
."' , Report to Cong-ree In December.
I - vBi
fWaatifnatoa Imn ef The Journal I
Weshlne-ton. V. G. April S Port-
.'Una and Astoria may eipect a visit
' from the Inland waterways commission
during the summer, when the people
will hare the oportunlty to -present
their views of the wisest means where-
by the Inland waterways of the coun
try may be utilised to conserve the
: Interests ot navigation, transportation.
Irrigation, contiguous lands now. ds
t vsststed by floods and overflows or on
'any of the multitudinous phases o the
' comprehensiTe study the commission
will make of the subject.
The commission is composed of T. A
On. chairman, also chairman of the
house committee on rivers and harbors;
Keaator Francis O. Newlands, Nttvada;
i r Senator William Warner, Missouri; ex
Representative John H. Bankheid. Ala-
; heme; General Alexander Mackensia,
- chief of engineers! W. J. McOoe of the
i geological survey; Director Frederick
H. Newell of the reclamation service;
' IMreetor Olttord Plnehot of the forestry
j service, and Herbert Knox Smith, com
missioners of corporations.
The president haa addressed a letter
. to them setting Drth the p rob terns aiis
- Ing from the commercial situation of
the nation in view of the inadequate
transportation facilities, the need of
preventing floods, the necessity of eon
- serving the waters of the mountains for
the uses of trrtgattonlsts. the danger of
; destroying the ower of manufacturing
enterprises and other matters pertinent.
The members of the commission ax-
pact to make a tour of the country and
. look into the subject with such thor
oughness as they may .before the
assemblylng of the sixtieth congress.- It
. Is more than likely that they will go to
Oregon and there meet business men
, and all who have ' Ideas ' which they
.) would like to present. The time of their
"visit Is not yet determined.
f. When fold of Latest Turn In His
' - Case Boy Slayer Quotes
r. . -.' Scripture.' .
' (Special MepatrV te Tils' Jaorael.) -
' Taeoma. April !. Despite the rul
ing by the supreme court Satordsy that
.he is not com led . to give Chester
Thompson, the boy slayer of Judge Era-
, ery of Seattle, a bearing to. determine
Ms sanity, and despite the fact that the
supreme court ruled young Thompson to
havo already been declared Insane, Judge
' Bnell will convene a commission of ex
pert and on next Friday Thompson win
go before its , members to. establish
whether or not he Is sane. -
This course Is takenJudge Bnell says,
to conform-with the rating of the fed-
- era! court. If he Is pronounced sans
he will gn free. If he is declared gtlll
to be Insane he may be sent to the peni
tentiary, to Jail or to a madhrtis. -
Judge Bnell ears 'he is -"conforming
: with ths recent decision of Judge Han
ford of the federal court In the Brown
case, from Lewis county, which Is siml
lar to the Thompson case, and at ths
. same time will be conforming with the
state court s ruling.
"Taks no thought for tomorrow. 8uf
flcient unto the day la the evil thereof
wsa young Thompson' scriptural quo
tation when aaked today whether he ex
pected to do set free. : -
boom General wilder
(Joaraat Special SerrVe.l . '
Knoxvllle. Tenn April 2. Grand
Army veterans of Tennessee are pre
paring to seek the election of General
. John T. Wilder of this city- as com
mander-tn-chlef at the national encarop-
: ment to be held at Saratoga this sum
mer. Plans to this end .will be made
. at the state O. A.- JL encampment at
Johnson City two weeks hence. The
rt of New Tork. Indiana and nu
merous other states Is counted pon.
Few survivors of the union forces ere
fetter known than la General Wilder,
who with his famous brlgads fcecan tits
great battle , of Chlckamauga. General
Wilder Is a native of New Tork, but
at the beginning of the civil war, was
a resldent-Of-lndmna and entered the
service as colonel of the Seventeenth In
dlana regiment ,
imiAirs SPEfCII-
American Woman Attempts Po
litical Speeches for Husband
" Threatened With Suit.
Husband Refuse to Retract Wife's
Statements and Apoloyixe -Brigg
Election Involve Knit for Divorce
Never out of
Season : .
''4f Foyer's;;, -Golden
G$ie Spices
Spring -Summer
... . . , - -
Always the
V !Sdme
' &an Francisco.
' (Joeraal Special Serrlee.) '....
London, April The Hon. Mr fred
ertck Guest (nee Amy FhUUps) Is ous of
tbs most ' popular Americans' 4n thla
country, but she is not ss yet Vn ex
pert In politlos, and tn rough ber efforts
tor her husband she has landed her
self In a very unpleasant tangle.
When the Brlgg bye-election wag at
Its height Mr Guest essayed one or
two speeches In -which she rather un
wisely went too far In her denuncia
tion of her husband's political oppon
ent, ths Unionist candidate. Sir Berke
ley Sheffield. . Mrs. Guest remarked in
one of her speeches that Sir Berkeley
had treated' his tenants very badly and
had oven evicted Soma Of them. - I ' "ectasia toolrht at 'the. Rein theatre.
After the election was Over and Cap- 1 roeriaanta am Weahltwtoa atreeta. - Ucblar
tain Quest had been defeated for th ;e"l company present the emlaeat actor, Walter
Walker WbltesMo at Helllg Tonight.
third time, Sir .Berkeley called upon
the captain for. a complete apology and
a retraction of the statements made ry
Mrs., Ouast In hsr speech. The. cap
tain, who bsd lust returned from Biar-
rtts, refused to apologise, and now ths
captain and Mra. Guert ' are face to
face with a libel action unlesarof course,
they apologise at the last moment. -
The Brlgg election will be responsi
ble for another law ease of a more tn.
pleasant nature. Mr. C T. Relckett
reelgned his seat at Brlgg en the plea of
ill health,' but It I now an open secret
that his wifs was bringing an action
for divorce against him. . ,
No Sign ' of Settlement- Win-
dowt Shattered -Strike-.
V. breakers Coming.' J i
'.(Jeoraal Special Serrlee.V
1 San Francisco, -Cel., April Jt Mem
bers of congress from the east and
west, north and south, many of them
accompanied by their wive and fami
lies, s re gathered here -preparatory to
departing on a Jannt to Hawaii. The
party has been' given permission ' by
the war department to go on the trans
port BufOrd. which sails tomorrow with
fsmlne relief supplies for China and
which will carry the congressional party
as far as Honolulu.'' The party will
return to San Francisco early In una
- ' -' H r." ,t -
' ttoeroal SpeeM avrvtea.)
alt Lake. April There Is n sign
of a settlement of the streetcar strike
and both ' aide are preparing for
long and bitter fight The . electrical
worker threaten to go out this evening,
throwing the city Into darkness. Twelve
ear were sent ovt with' company of
ficial In charge - this morning. . Pas
senger were afraid to ride.
The erewe were assaulted with bad
eggs and oranges and windows wi
shattered with bricks. It 1 hinted that
HarrlmaA, who controls the line, has
ordered the strike fought to a finish.
It Is said that strike breakers are ea
the way to the eity and that the first
detachment will reach here tomorrow.
Their arrival will mean a general sym
pathetic strike throughout ths cKy.a
1 ("Metal Mutate te Tea JeeraaU
. Tacoraa, April I. For the first time-
In two years a man haa sscaped from
the United State penitentiary on Me
Nell's Island. ' Last night Herman
Wendt, a trusty, failed to appear at
o'clock when the prisoner were returned
te -their cells for the - night United
State Marshal Hopkins happened to be
at the penitentiary and personally di
rected the search. No trace of Wendt
could be found. Today Deputy Marshal
Da v I aeon was notified by Marshal Hop
kins that Wendt had probably made hie
escape from the Island.
- Wendt waa arrested at Seattle for
counterfeiting In DOS. and sentenced to
three year In ths penitentiary. Had
he received credit for good behavior he
would have been released in Septem
ber. :. . .. .. . .
Wblteelda. for aa untamnt of four tilht.
wtth a epedal price matinee Wedneadajr. la
the comedy draaaa. "The afaele Melody." Mr.
Wblteelda la aupeorted by Mlaa May Bucklay,
Mlae OUre Wjradham. Mlaa Martha Oeorte.
Howard . Ooald, formerly with the Colombia
asd BaklR stock eompaalas la tfeie city, Henry
ergnua asd Lealle Kenyan,
-seat are ea eale at the theatre hex efflee
far the entire engagement.
'.. --' I '
Harray and Mack Coming. .
' The fameaa Mma aamadlana. Mamy and
Mark, to their latest mneleal farce comedy,
"areand the Town." will be the attraetloa at
the Being theatre, fomteenth and Waahlagtoa
treats, aezt Batorday nad Bandar nla-bta.
May d and , Beat eale epeaa aaxt Thanday
mm mvm wsmv IMW anil.
J"' '
. . Xiffllaa Russell Next Monday. '
To werid-fasMos beearlfnl artrana. Lffllaa
Bneaen. will be the attraetloa at the Helllg
theatre May . T, g, , la the eesaedy, "The
Butterfly." ., . '. -.
' m ' k
,MTb Dictator" Opens WelL
' Is evident' frees me wanaer in which
The Dicta tow" waa reeHred by the Baker
throage yeaterday that this Bichard Harding
Dana play to going to he one et the moat
popular - pFBdnettoas of the Baker far aome
time. It eeeme pecellaiiy well edapted to
the SMmhera ef the fa moos Baker company.
It will rsa air-week. With a matinee Satsrday,
' ' i m m
Stirrfaia; Enplre Plajr
The tandaiaat choreVi'-er bomaa narare are
(Jeamel BpeeUi garvlca.).
: Junction City, Kan, April IThe
headquarters band and first squadron
of the Ninth cavalry. Colonel Peter Bo
rn us commanding, leave today for San
Francisco, whence they era to sail on
the transport Ixgan for Manila. The
first squadron of the Seventh cavalry
relieves the ' Ninth, which baa been at
Fort Riley for the past three years..
Glorious Fourth at' White Salmon.
" ' (Rpectal Dhipateh -to The JoarnaL) -Hood
River. Or-. April It. Although
opposed to frivolous pleasures on Bun-
day, the - residents of White Salmon.
Waahtngton. are believers In a'-glorious
celebration on the Fourth of July.' ami
are making preparations to let the eagle
scream on that auspicious data Prep
arations for the event have been deft.
nltely settled, and include oration
mnslc. dancing and a big dinner. .The
exercises will be held In the park, and
notsble sfpeeker will be aaked to make
hr tha atUTtna Imrin nla "im.
ef Mea." Thla remarkable play epened at
the OTOt-popnlar Morrleoe tract playhoaae yes
terday and scored aa Immediate hit. The mam
bem of the Beamaa etoek eompaay ahow up
to oed advaatace. The stay deala with that
etnry ef a fascinating wicked
girt. -. . ....
J- , New Bill at Lrrlo." ; a
' One ef the awat thrtlllng and satisfying met.
edramaa ever written le "Sealed Una." which
Is effared by the Lyrle etock company thla
we with a eareM production.! aa the- fare
well MU ef the praaent atock ervaalaatwa. with
Important roles. "Healed Upa'
mu er its eharscter. MaUaee
Beats for aay parfiama at a mar
by telephone. -
la aa
be riaeifad
. ... i
h 7;m U
H ie
Kill Clain
These raAges are manufactured for us according-to our specifications at the
great Eclipse stove foundry, at Mansfield, Ohio ; therefore we pay no middlemen
or jobbers profits. In fact, we are wholesalers and jobbers ourselves, and can ac
cordingly quote lower prices than are asked by other houses handling inferior
ranges. .Yon do not pay $65 for an "Eclipse 6-hole range, but only $45,00,
a saving of $20, and'pay only ' f-i.-t V 1
v 'Qther sizes $3.00 with same terms.'
Every housewife In this day and age should have a' steel range in her kitchen.
She is entitled to this labor-saving invention. Her housework gives her labor
enough without the added worry of the kitchen and a poor baking stove. Send
for our FREE Illustrated Furniture Catalog. A postal will bring it.
Yoiir Gas Bflls by Using
the: Latest Inventibn
"NEW METHOD- GAS RANGES are fined with'
"patent burners that SAVE GAS consumption in cook
ing just as the mantel does in Hluminationl . Investigate
our range. All prices. , ; Easy payments. ) ..
" New Oregon Poatmaeters.
i - (Waahmatn Bnreaa ef The " JoarnaH
Waahtngton. I). CU April !. Oregon
postmsstersv were appointed te day aa
follows: w. k. Johnson, st Antelope.
vice J. M. Hamilton resigned; , Edwin
Wilson, at Owyhee, vice Paul Trembley
resigned; Myron F. Dnnn, at WUwood,
vice wiuiam couth ward removed.
I ; : -I U f" l I I i Till III I sn-l
I i i iii n vim n ( ii 1 1 I i 1 1 ii i
Mill II II ill
Prealdrnt. General MnrnRer. Assistant Manager.
All New HemdUnera.
' This week the Orand erf are aaak as assort.
meat ef ezeetleat eandevllle reatnres that r m
dlMcalt te plft eat the beet. The three fly-
Bf Taleetlaee Save a eaerlng act la black art I
which m e dlatlnct aovalty. Nothln Ilka 111
haa beea aeea her before. Archie Bed. imi
the finest eaaraetar actors la America, has a
playlet, "After Many Yeere; gmeeda, Kramer
aaa and Bmeads effar "Only s Joke." a leach
ing hit Cmaa a tart to flnuhd Emily Hie win
alng catchy eooae, and the Oaaettae will give
their whirlwind aaaeaa. . ,
"For Mother's Sake." r
Tealght and an this week the Allea stark
company will yearn at et the Star theatre the
beanttfn! eemedy drama, "For Mother' a Haka."
This slay waa written for Marie Heath1 and
seed by that fonalar actreea aaeerap yearn.
This will be the first time It aae been aeea la
Portland wltbeot Mma Heath., and la ber etead
win appear Mlaa Varna raltea. In boy part
Mlaa reltna baa a (war bee anod. and
baracter la' ror Mothera Rake' le the beet
she baa yet has. Mattaeee Taeeday, Thnraday.
Satarsay aad enaday. Beats asw eeiUng tor
all performances. , ... , ......
Time Card Portland A Vancou-
v ver Line.
Portland Railway. Ught - A Power
company. Portland Railway division. In
erreci aiay , isot. .
Car tear Second and Washlnston
streets: A. m. (:1S. :t0. T:lt. 8:00.
:8, 0:10. :4L 10:20. 10.65, ll:t0. P. m.
11:01. 11:40. l:lf. 1:0. 1:2, l:0. 1:16,
m.iv, m:; n:w e:oo, e:u, t:os, 7:40,
1:11., 10-.JJ!, 11:4!. ...',.
On third Monday In ever month the
last ear leave at T:l p. m.
car for Vancouver make no stona nn
Union a venae, between Burnaide street
and Portland boulevard to let ef f passen
gers, mil make stop to plok nn naa-
senger at all transfer point.
retry leave Vancouver to connect
m4.i r ... . . . .
wnn . mi lor - ronjuo: ja. nr. 1 :UO ,
:1S. 7:10. T.4B. t:10. I-KS in ta-na
10:40, 1I:1. 11:0. P.'ra 1J:. lioo!
l:Sr 1:10, 1:45. :S0, 1:85.. 4:30. 1.05.
1:40, . :!, 0:0.x7:.- 1:00. :!(. 0:4, j
te:oai, iz:oei. " : . .
On Third Monday of every month the
last ferry Jeeves at T:JI p. m.
Cars- from Vancouver make no' stops
on Union avenue between Portland
boulevard and Burnsld street, except
to let off passengers.
Dally eseept Sunday (Daily ex.
eept 'Mondays. ' . '-
v 1 Down
; j a7cel
1 , ' a ansfeW- ' 1
EnUrt Half ElocH f ?T T l1? ? J?- (Th' te.hi&lu&m
on Yamhill Street j (JJ (y J (v A LU JIV Cor.2i&
(Jearaal BpecUl tWvIe.)
Washington. D C April 19. At relr
Initial meeting, which has been called
for l today,. Chairman Burton and his
associates of the Inland waterway com
mission will map out their plana for
future work. . With a trtn down the
Mississippi from source to mouth and
visits ef Inspection to several other
parte ef the country, the commiswlon
expect- to keep exceedingly buay dur
ing the coming summer month.
" ' Uoanal Ipaelal fccrrtce. V
Portland, Me.. April St. Mute as to
candidal but voluble en the Issues of
ths spproachtng presidential campaign,
William J. Bryan today Invaded Maine
On the flnaf Jap of an extensive two
; ; ' V ; Interesting Alike to All Womankind
,V, The grand, opening of the great sale of the rnanufacturer's
and importer's stock of fine millinery from the St. Frances
Millinery Company, of San Francisco, under" the direction
of the Shafer-Whittier Company, of this city, which occurs j
' : on May Day morning -Wednesday, May 1 Will be an
- important occasion to thousands of Portland women-folk,
and following, as it does, directly in the wake of the Society i
Circus, will serve to keep society agog the entire week. Never
. . before has local femininity been privileged to select their
Spring and Summer millinery from a wholesaler's and marrufac
turer's stock at less than actual cost of making or importation.
r Women will wait till Wednesday before buying millinery this
week, when the great, sensational sale opens at 326Washing
; ton street. Over 10,000 Hats in the big sale, and all new this .
season -many weeks in advance in style effects from any yet
. shown by the regular retail millinery houses. UfThe entire .
lower; floor will, be utilised ior display of duplicates of the,- -goods
on sale in spacious 6,000 square feet of second floor sell ,
ing spa,ce above in the big hall. Remember the date and hour .
of opening Wednesday, May lwMay Day" -at 9:30 a. m.
Ho'tl"11 ' B ha1r free exam i na-
iS.?JtLL?ET' OF ETH. 14 00;
All work guaranteed for ten ream
Lady sttendant alwaye present. All
work don absolutely without pain by
sperlslist et from II to t rears' ex
perience, Boston Dentists
tSl'a Morrison an. Op Postea.
sTC230 ii X
The Shafer-Whittier Company; Managers .
weeks' toir of the New Knglsnd states.
Tonight Mr. Bryan la to be entertained
here at a banquet under the auspices
of the Maine Democratic club for
which elaborate preparations hare been
made. . . ... ...
Who Is Metsgert .Tie fit jrotiT eyes
for ILft.. Ill ttlxtti street. . ,.
f 1 AO.
it n Qntt nic Cnnf '
a saa aa a a saa M Mam v m si a
- wa.
One gallon of. Rogers ?
Stainfloor Finish covers
300 sou are feet, two 5
. . as " -
coats, any color, (
at a cost
f color.ft r,r
Of.... VeJel 0 !
aeoklet, "Care ef rioor," rre. '
mm, cress ceo.;
- : Tha rata Mot. -148
rtrwt VS. Tetophoa lCsla Be 1
wo:.w( a splO":
iviRs. o. k. cha:
The enly f-'-'a
m-tnr In i . ,
eir4 n .f
' r1 f .- a,
.. . . o - r ..
fc'tl.1. U..t ti . h ,
r-ir t. Car. I I ,
ot r-. ...
1 A