The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1907, SECTION TWO, Image 17

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    .. i SCCTIOH TWO :'- X&.VRlljOS-lfeSDOCllWrikV '.. ' PACES 11 '10,31
I ' ' ' ' ' ' . " ' . II I I I.I I ! I I I II I I I I 11 III '
' "'' 1 ' ' I, . . . . . i .. . , .1 , I II . I I I I II I . ... II .1 I ,1 ,, I I i...
J- , PORTLAND OREGON, SUNDAY MORNINO. APRIL 28, 1807. ;.V '. .. ' " ' " ,'-..' :- V
P J ; I- SJSII. I I I .1-1 ' MIL. I. ... il M .1-5BWI I I J-.l. I Illl jgae I ! I' . U...I , -.. I,
y - 1 1 1 ' " 1 1 -
I u ac. - ii r- f
u 1 f vS 1
n r
a o vat
Corsets !r
-v? ii - j.j i 1 1 'rr i vVv
ivwauu j1sv
A rJlighiySafeThat Affects Thousands of Yards ofQoods
A timely offering of fjashloti's favorite fabrics, tremendous textile trade winners, a mammoth movement of meritor-'
ious merchandise. "A sale that, brings savings greater than you've ever looked for at this season of the year. Come
while the assortments are at their best and 8ave.''v;:'vV;'v'-'t?:f:v;!''::v,: r, --r:
$1.V0 Dress Goods, Ydl69c
' . 1 ' 1 .". ' . 1 . . .
Mny,- nvny bolts of this lot; it's m fid assort
ment of faacy Panamas, in regular or, chiffon
weights. Comes in all designs and color combina
tions, a superb spring suiting; worth Qj
$1.00 tht yard; special sale pries i,...vJC
$1.25 Dress Goods, Yd. 89c
FancT. Panama weaves and fancy Mohairs and
soft finished Foules and French Serges; 52 pieces
hTths lot; patterns are stripes and checked ef
fects, simply grand j $L20 qualities; - ; JJQ
, WW
special sale rice
This lot comes in the same weaves and patterns
as the 11.25 goods, but of course it is of a better
grade. We have 42 full pieces of them; fine val
ues at $1.50 the yard; special price,. (1 1Q
for this sale, yard
$1.75 Dress Goods,Yd.$1.29
Com in Imported Novelties.' Foules and French
Serges, in checked and plaid effects, rich color
combination, . including the hairline striped and
plaid styles and the much wanted tan shades;
remember all $175 qualities; v . nn
special sale price ,...,........,.. .;..yl7
.There are 54 pieces of thesei including fancy
Voiles, in imported French weaves, in the beau
tiful moonlight effects and. soft, color combina
tions in the pastel shades; regular $2tf AO
grades; sale price, the yard ........... vl40
$2.50 Dress Goods,Yd.$1.89
n iii i
The ontm of the huoii'i output la flne wool f&b
. rloa; n4e In domeaUe or foralg-n nllla, and 4.
Is-n4 by rh tot taxtll artlets In the world; IT
ptaeoa of fancy Votlao, BnvHh Tailor lultlar.
Franc h Bert in f at or madium wolcbta. and faaey
Panamaa. In faot, thara'e overy waatad A4
waaT harai recular SLtt uaUtyspa- CI GQ
etal prioo..,. .v ?109
ir www- - n i
vaults n
: " ' Fancy Silka for the making iof Beat. waists or entire costumes. They're" C 1 JC
IVin the right patternr to make pleasing garments of this' sort. Checks, $1.J
If f plaids, invisible stripes, in the best color combinations, superb, shimmer- r.otnv
V WU fno, -,..Hn. Silka. full 27 inches mid. mrA CI it - : rf1 UKAUC
yard. Special Monday-; .............. C '
. wr ii i r r 'fi x "n.-. -.-v x "
Imported rnask MM WitM, - fca
sovaval adore ragaiarly TSo i Q
the. bottlai apaolat..;...j.j."r
Se Smt Gold Oraam ..v.....-lT
t-lh. Xa Oaatue Soact . SOf
SOO lot Coke Baadraxt OsMr.&Bf
10 Oaa Talouai rowdar ...... 7d
ran Koldara, "at4. Se onoa . .' 3
Bo Xad ana, aaoh..., 3
VneUaff, rV. lOe bottle 14
eo roBo Posk miotsare 45
Whrte BaettBg Ootton,. I apoola.Sf
Sroatng Wax, large ! ..... 4
Black Uaam rhread. So spool.. 34
Oe Back Oomhev mounted .....80
Table Beta, in paper ' drawn" work,
one doaan napkina and lunoh I'J
cloth: I(e value ......... ..V. I C
Women's 75cTies25c
A special lot ol afl 'ailk Wtodsora,
in fancy ; figured designs, to be
worn with ' the new embroidered,
collars; worth 7Sc each; . OC
special , .. I. , .
New Rnchmga. fine sfflc materials,
in black or white, doaena of pat
terns; price, the yasd, S
10 to '. ',c
Womena Belt, with fancy bnckl
and back pieces . to match, fine
woven designs, in red, black, navy
and brown; - regular . values art
$1.25 each; special. 4 y - 'JC
Monday ........leJl.
Collar and Cuff Seta. TO to 2J0
New Embroidered Collars ,..9S
8triped Silk String Ties .....S5
Goods Purchased Monday or Tuesday. Charged on Hay Recount
The Pingree Gloria Shoes
:' . , , . . ... - ";,T" )
If there's a better Shoe made for $3.50 we've yet
to find it, In fact, we've never found so good a
$3.50 Shoe la all our experience. They come in low
cut or regular high top shoes for summer wear. All
the new lasts and the soles and, leathers are made
'for .Oregoo,.weaf.-,,..ri..;p i "iv'
Style 163J4 Made of glased .calf,
in the low cut oxford; high arch
last, with plain . toe and Cuban
Style Byi- 4-button patent leather,'
kid oxford, with light . sole and
dull top; Cuban heel; &0 CA
plain toe ...... ....... epJl
Style f Same as above only with'
four large eyelets and silk tie in
stead of buttons.; V;.- j-V
Style 104 Patent. klT blucher
oxford, medium sole, dull top, four
large eyelet , with 1 wide ribbon
heel: large evelets and 0O CA
wide ribbon ties; price ,.JJJU
- f ' ' ' ' . ' wet 1
Style B1004-iAll patent kid ox
ford, four-button, blucher cut, light
welt sole and high arch model;
made with the new round edge; the
prettiest oxford in all fc CA
Portland; pair ......7.. 7JUW
A Fine Late Curtain Sale
Three lots of the most. wanted .Curtama in our store, but they're' odd
lots, and we make especially good prices ba them for that reason. ; ' ' 1
irish Point Curtains, 50 inches wide and 3f yards long, all choice pat
tern., priced like this:; --vs: '.:-.r '. : -v ,'!;'
3.50- $14.00 values, pair . . . . .". , , f 9.T5
f d.OO $7.50 values, pair .......... 955
f4J0 , $2a00 values, pair ....... S14.O0
$4.50 values, pair ...
$9.00 values, pair
$6.00 values, pair
e s
Brussels Net Curtains, with plain or figured centers, like this:
$5.00 values, pair ....... 33.S0' $20.00 values, pair .......f 14.00
$16.00 values, pair ..... ..f 11.50 $12.50 values, pair $9.50
$3.00 values, pair fS.TS. $33.00 values, pair ....... fZS.OO
Renaissance Curtains, hand-made Imported goods, very durable and 3
yards long and 50 inches wide, priced thus:
keg. $15.00 values, . (in CA $20.00 values, pair ....... 14.
A U.Uyj $3.00 values, pair fZS.OO
now, pair
All Eton Models, Just 129
in Lot, Half Regular Price
These artistic costumes are sample garments; the products
of one of the best suit makers in the country, -They are
all higher class suits, frocks that exemplify the seme of
good taste in applied fashion. They come to us at a price
extraordinarily low, so low that though we were already
well supplied with suits, we took every one in this lot. Our
garment section buyer Is in New York bow and secured
this lot for spot cash. . That's how we come to offer you
such unusual bargains as these. Women of taste will
grow intensely enthusiastic over these fine costumes, they
are all that perfect taste, perfect style and fine materials
can make them. The sale begins at 8 o'clock Mondsy
morning and we don't expect to have a single one on our
hands by noon. You 11 see them on display today in the
Fifth atreet windows rcome take a peep at them
from the outside first Then vonll realise better than we
can tell you the importance of coming early for your suit.
Ho Two Mike in the Lot
Come Early Monday Horning
Hone Laid Aside for Anyone
Hone on. Approval Ilo
Phone Orders.
The materials are the finest Panamas, twine voilea and
fancy wool suiting. The Panamaa and voiles come in
plain colors and the fancy suitings are in all the good
novelty designs, -checks, stripes, plaids,, etc. The best
models that this scsson has brought out. .Trimmed with
braid straps and lace. Have long or short sleeves."
Regular $40.00 Suits
go for Just ........
Regular $50.00 Suits
priced at only .....
Regular $65.00 Suits
sale price only . ...
Suits worth $7100
are now marked ... .
..$37 JO
Regular $4200 Suits ' $91 A fi
sell for only ..... .... e? 1 .U U
Regulsr $5100 Suits 97 CA
marked down to ..... p&f )U
Suit worth $78.50 , r ' dJOQ Ch
priced at .only .......
Regular $4100 Suiu" (99 CA
cost yon but . ...... $i0J
Regulsr $60.00 SnlU OA A A
are seUing for vJU.UU
Regular $72.50 Suits Or OP
are marked at ...... JU4wO
Suite worth $83.00
now go
20c Valsl Sets 10c
Pearl Wltt Set. In three
plecei, pretty pins, two differ
ent styles, and - regular 20c
rtlaes; special price . 1 A'
Monday HJc
Belt Backles, small and large
sizes, in oxidized, rose,, green
or ro!d regular. 85c, values;
special for . . ' -7 0
Monday . , . V, . ....... a 1 C
Pearl Cuff links, ' square or
oral shapes ; worth 65c . JA
pair; special i. 4"C
Gold Signet Hat Pins, in ra
rious designs, finished in Ro
man gold ; regular 50c nn
values; special ........ OOC
Wellesly Shopping Bags, in
fine leathers ; regular $1.50
values; special rt OA
for" Monday
Laces 25c flic Yard
itlfml VW Orlaatal Uom and
Bands, from m ' larse Importing
kousa; regular 10a and I0o sooda; but
we bosht than) for las than 'regu
lar; epaotal for Mondajr. ; 25 C
lisese aad Zmaarttosa, tn ondlaaa Ta
rt ty; aapadallr pretty are tho now
arrlralo la th Valanotanaea Laoaa,
In botb adsoe aad tnaarttonai thyra
prlead at. the yard, . 1J
up from C
Baby Xrtaa Xassa, tn edgae and ra
aartlons: axqulaltaly pretty patterns,
at. the yard.: 75.
up from ...V.
Teniae fcaoo Bdgas and Bawdn, now
aaaortmant at, tbe yard. - n
up front .... ............... IvC
0(al Xisesev edges . and banda,
baautlful patterna, - 1C
up from .."wC
BTJaboaa, tn faatey paetaraa, etrrpoa,
dots and figures; a splendid salao
tlon; euaUtlea thaC aoll regularly
for ISo. ISe and SSe the ?C
yard; areola! at, yard ;..uC
Decorated Haviland China
Great Sate
3rd Floor
Quaint attractive shapes, tasteful dainty decorations, in pink floral designs and gold traced handles snd
knobs. A, sale that will be of nn usual interest to all housewives who use china of the dainty sort Come
to this sale; 'twill sorely pay. .: . - 1 : ,; ! '
Dinner Plates, regularly e0 9C1
$35 the dozen; special. . e?a0J
Tea Plates, reg. $3.00 the 1 OA
dozen; special sale price. ylOv
Fruit Saucers, worth $1-85(1 1A
the dozen; special ;.,.yllU
Salad Dishes, reg. worth ' OC
$170; special, each .......iUt
Salad Dishes, reg. worth Q -$170;
special, each ..DOC
Covered Vegetsble Diahesdt r?
reg. worth $190; csch ...I.OO
Uncovered .Vegetable
Dishes, reg.. $1.10; special.
Breakfast Plates, reg. ' f A
$3.50 the doa; special at.?aolU
Bread and Batter Plates, regularly
Chop Dishes, worth $1.95 e A
Tea Cope and Bancers, regularly
worth H90 the dosen; jJQ
Coffee Cups' and Saucers, regular
$5.90 the dozen; , d0 7C
special .......
Sugars, worth $1J0; special. ..8e
Creamers, worth 70c ea.; spe.dO
Cake Plates, worth 85c; pee.48e
Meat Dishes in. all sires at special
each; special sale price
The Above la Only Partial List of the Articles Others Sell in the Same Proportion
Dinner Seta, 60 pieces, regularly $21.90; special 13. IS
Dinner Seta, 100 pieces, regularly worth $30.00; special ; ' 10.7"
Undermuslins Spec'I
Fine French hand-made or domestic manufacture,
some of the finest goods ever brought to Port
land pat on very special sale for this week. It's
the sort that we've made oar reputation on. You
know the qualities well. Here ere, the prices: v
Women's Corset Covers, made of fine nainsook,
with yoke of three rows of VaJL lace insertion,
three rows of beading and draw ribbon, trimmed
with lace edging at neck and armholes;
splendid value at 75c each. Special price.. wUC .
Women's Nightgowns, fine quality muslin,
-with V-shaped neck, yoke of two rows fine
embroidery insertion between 10 clusters
of fine tucks; finished with embroidery edg
ing at neck and sleeves; regular M 1Q
$1.50 value. Special ...........
Women's Drswers, of fine cambric,' trim
med with 2 clusters of fine tucks, tf OO
embd'y edging; regular $175 value ?l-aJ
Women's Petticoats, of fine .cambric, with
18-inch double flounce, trimmed with clus
ters of six fine tucks and 8-inch CO AO
edging; $5.00 value.. ej.-SU
Women's ' Chemise, of Nainsook,
made with - low - neck, trimmed
with two rows of beading and em
broidery insertion; regulsr value
JtS !!!:.;.:.;.J$1.18
Women's Chemise, gennlhe French
bsnd embroidered, with law V
shaped neck; exqulsitrly d!rv
and artistic; worth $1.5J snd $15
esch; special, 1 I'1
this week .....'.1.1
Correct Ulillinerj '.:
. , .
The millinery style sslons show the most a-Ivsn.- 1 n1 r--t
styles and fads of the season. Prices here sr f r t' - n- - .
modes and materials thsn in other stores. C -. tj i - .--i ;
this for yourself. ,
MPORTiD i.:0DlL r.MTS ; :::iv;
myycn.K m:.:r,:i i:tz c: :. r ;
r.'.MKT tmicL3 ; :