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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
THE OREGON - DAIIY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 27, 1907. HID CANDIDATES BRIDGE ORDINANCE BY AN EASTtSIDER WILL NOT TIE '.. . . Coffey and H. Q. Parsons De olins to Swear Unwavering r.7 Fealty to Ticket. DEVLIN, ZIMMERMAN AND -' SELUHER GIVE PROMISES Pmiom, Candidate) for Council, Die ( " tar be leace of Meeting by Letting :: It Be Known Be Has Ideas of His , 'Own. '...., .. . '': Chairman William at Cake waa earn palled once more to pour the oil of eon. eervetiem over the roasting of the Re publican city central eommlttee held teat night In the Belllng-Hlraca build- In -Varloua xterr - membere or ine committee eought to purge the party of John B. Coffey and H. Ck Farsona, ona a oandldata for mayor and the other - an aspirant for- councilman -at large. becauae thaae two gantleman had nurioa defiance at the commlttea ' and have declined to pledge themaelvea to aup pnthe ticket . . Mr.. Par sons followlna the lead or Mr. Coffey, took the bull by the noma and admlnlatered aome aound advice to the party ' managera aa rcpreaented In the - city eantral commlttea. He atated' In hla letter that be eonaldared the dl reet primary law to have placed the ' nomiaauone I eanaiqaiee in tna nanas ot the people and that thalr voice set tlad polltloai aueatlone at tha preaent time and net the dlotatee of any man er aet of men. He alao aald that be did not eonalder It incumbent upon him aa a good cltlstn or a good Repub lican to pledge himself to lndorae any candidate who might. ba nominated Ir respective of whether or not that man waa auoceaaful through tha lnfluenoea ' ef corporate power. He concluded- hla latter with tha atatement, "I am for law and order and the rule of the peo ple." ' Want BeoaJeltranta Cenaured. Following tha reading of thle letter by Secretary Sherwood varloua membere "of the eommlttee clamored for the floor. They demanded that reeolutiona be paaaed at onoe ' condemning tha two recalcitrants for threatening to bolt the elate.. - , . rraaldent Cake calmed the atorm with diplomatic worde. He took the ground that it would ba nnwlae and productive of friction, faction and dlacord to take any such action and the exalted mem bere at laat eonaldared the matter calmly and agreed with the chair. . Thomaa C. Devlin aubaerlbed cheer fully to the obllgatlone asked of him by tha committee. In hla latter he con gratulated the committee on the aturdy Republicanism eapreaaed in tha letter - aad promised that he would support the ticket ahould ha not receive tha nomination, lust aa loyally aa though ha had been successful. WHl Support. Ticket. - : ' ; Dan Kellaher'a letter to the commit tee waa abort and to the point. Ha aaldi "If I am not nominated I will not cause 'tha aueeeeafut candidate, any trouble1 by . rtiHalnsTXmdependenv and .- f further 'pledge myaelf to support tha Republi can ticket as nominated from top to .bottom." v. Louie Zimmerman pledged himself to ' anpport the entire ticket and alao took eecaalen to compliment the eommlttee - en the excellence ef the platform which t had outlined. He Takes a Decided Stand in 1 Favor of the Election of Fred T,. Merrill to the Council. Portland. Or..' April II. HOT. Fred T. Merrill, Seventh and. Oak, Portland, Or. Noticed your "platform" aa recentlv oubllahed. when you an nounced . yourself aa a candidate for councilman at large. Your platform la a moat excellent one, 'and tha good votera of Portland certainly ahould return you to tha council chamber, but aoma ef us eaat aiders reel that you eouio; aaa an addi tional plank. We refer to the insertion of a plank reading that you atand for regulating tha opening of the draw bridges to at least auit the conven ience of thoae who have to go to work at a certain time In the morning and who are anxious to reach home after their days work without having to atand unneeeasarlly on the brldgee, waiting tno pleasure or a raw steam ooai cap talna who could Just aa well aa not change their acbedule 1( or 10 minutes without detriment te their Interest. . Your moat respectfully. ' JSAST-STDER." .' (Name given en application.) . Mr. L. .... m e. r X have thought of the matter ever since Portland commenced to look and aet like a real city. The bridges end their control be long to the county. The elty haa no jurisdiction In the matter, but I will promise to Immediately father a reso lution in the council (which should be unanimous unless there era too many steamboat passes in circulation) re questing the county offlclale to Imme diately take action in the matter, and give relief to the many business men and working people who are compelled to cross the brldgee morning and night. I am "Interested" In East Portland, Sunnyatde, Mt Tabor. Montavtlla and three beautiful farma II miles out and most aasuredly I would want to aee the "Eaat -Aide grow." J waa always a booster' and never an obstructionist. , FRED T. MERRILL. Candidate for Councilman at Large. SHOW SilllERS COLUMBIA VIEWS 0. R. A' N. to Exhibit Remark able Cifford Pictures at Los ', Angeles Convention. OAKS SKATING RINK . Big Ttaae To sight eeeloa Extended T1U Sieve. .' There will be big "doln'a" at the Oaka rink tonight and the akatlng session will be extended 10 minutes. If you are at liberty thla evening there la a good time awaiting you at the Oaka rink. ' Sunday will alao be big. and the muatoal program will be line. Get that flne park air, excellent car aervlca and a nice ride. Remember, the new beginners' clasa opens Monday and the Ghost car ' nival, with special electrical effects, will be given Thursday night.- Preferred Stock Oaaaad Ooodav lien Lewis' Best Brand. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST OF BOSTON TO SPEAK Rev. Arthur Reevea Voaburgh, c. BV B.. member ef the official board of lec tureahlp ef .oe Firat Church of Christ, Bcientlat. of Boston. Mass., will lec ture In Portland at the Helllg theatre Sunday afternoon. May 11. Voaburgh la a graduate or the nbyterlan . Theological asm 1 nary at and waa formerly Identified with the work of that denomination. For aome fifteen years he haa devoted hla efforta to the promulgation of this doctrine as practitioner, - teacher and lecture. j ..,. . Vew afr. i rSscejbyt" I AuGBrn. WINCHESTER AND MANN ;i RECEIVE INDORSEMENT ., John M. Moan, aa a candidate for the eouncll from the Sixth ward, and J. B. Wlnoheeter, candidate for municipal judge, were indorsed by the Municipal association at the meeting of yeaterday ' afternoon. Outaide of thla definite ae : tlon ne business of Importance wag . transacted. The association will meet again Monday afternoon, at which time , It la probable that the ether eouncll S men candidates will be Indorsed in ;aoeordanee with the reoommendatlona , of the committee. ?: A Liquid, Antiseptic and Non ;scld Dentifrice will penetrate the little crevices of the teeth. that cannot be reached by the Tooth , " Brush,., cleansing and purifying them, and imparting such a fresh 'cleanly sensation, as to become a joy to the mouth and refreshing to the; whole system -SOZO-DONT. - - . v. Oregon scenery will be seen In a splendid array of photographic views that will be taken by the Oregon Shrln. ere to the Los Angelea convocation of that order.' The Shrlnera will go by apeclal train from Portland. ' The viewe to 1 be taken - comprise g collection made by Olfford of The Dalles and mounted by Order of the general paaeenger agent cf the O. R. dt N. for exhibition at the Jamestown exposition. It 1 Is regarded aa a great stroke ef advertising of - the Oatambla river and -Oregon eountry to eend tbeee great vlewa to tha Sbriner gathering where men from all over the United Statee - will be- assembled and In the humor for sight-seeing. It is believed the result will be to pull a large num ber of the tourists via the Portland and Columbia river route' on their way bark to the east. The photographlo collection la done In aepla and la on large canvasses, some of them two or three feet In di mensions. The great also of the pic tures enabled the photographer to land all the effects cf the grand eweep of the Colombia river cllffe and mountain to hla work. In the Hat are the follow ing vlewa: Middle Caaoadea and ateatn er; Tepee on the Columbia; At ;, the FerTy; Cape Horn; Cigar Rook; Castle Rockt Table Mountain; Columbia River near Moffetta Landing; Memaloose Island; Tunnel No. 1H, O. R. at N.; Mount Adam a from Trout Lake; the Mountains Realm (Mount Adams); Mount Hood from Lost Lake; Celtic Falls, Columbia River; Rooster Rock; Multnomah Falla; Latourella Falla; Pil lars of Herculee; Rapids Just, below Cascade Locke; Horse Tall Falla: Fifteen-Mile Valley, Mount Hood near Pu fur; Columbia River near Bonneville; Mill Creek Butte. Mount .Hood; . White River Falla; Shell Rock Mountains; Fish Wheel and O. R. at N. train; Chicago. Portland Special. O. R. at N. Co.; Sein ing Salmon, Upper Columbia; Nature' Handiwork; Indian and Celllo Rapids; Benham - Falls, Upper Deechutee; De schutes Rapids. Upper Deschutes; Moon light on the Desohutes: Cotter' a Catch (trout caught on the Upper Deschutes); me i nree cubists. ... A. C. Jackson, advertlalng agent, of the Harrtman llnea, haa Issued a cata logue ef the collection and written a atrong Introductory telling of tha mag nificence of the Columbia's scenery. Theae catalogues wlU be distributed at the Bbrtnere' convention. - ADD IMPROVEMENTS TO PERKINS HOTEL The Perklne hotel la to undergo ex tensive alterations and Improvamente during tha coming summer. The owner, Z. S. Spalding of Honolulu." la expected to arrive In Portland about May 1 to conault with architects and buildera with reference to the proposed Improve ment. two. and poaalbly three, addl tlonal atorlee will be put on, - The ground floor la to be rearranged o that the office may be made larger; an addi tional elevator will be Installed and equipped with modern electrical appli ances, m aaa n ion to me etruatural alterationa, complete new ayatam of plumbing la to be put In, the entire building le to be refurnished and the wnoie exterior la to be repainted. A tpcai architect haa examined the foundation, and walla of the 'building, and haa reported that two or three stories of ateel construction mav ba safely put on. PERSONAL M. A. Baker, a capitalist and land owner of MoMlnnvtlle, Is at the Im perial hotel. . ' Franh Lee, a wool buyer cf San Franclaco, haa returned from a trip to eastern Oregon, where he' haa been purchasing part of thla year's clip. j. u. nmuey. a cannery man cf Blaine, Washington, la at tha Imperial hotel. . , . Mlaa Fannie Cole, of Osseo, Wiscon sin, will arrive in Portland today to visit her brother, Assistant I'nlled States District Attorney James Cole, Mlna Cne may decide te remain .n P ortland permanently. ' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC TSie Nevada 1 A ' . ' . T s . v jm m am . ff m . saa. aa N aw aft ttllllVW-AVVW eU AAVe Is VAA aTefeUVa V Waaee UtstVr VWVVa AIIVA VUWa Proin 15c to 20c Per Share The announcement of an increase in the price of stock from 15c to 20c, which is being published in the papers in the principal coast cities, has brought a tremendous amount of business from people of all classes, and it is safe to predict that before May 4th the entire allotment will have been disposed of. Never in the history of mining promotion has more enthusiasm been evinced than by the many who have interested themselves in this valuable property, which,' before long, will be in the class i of big producers." , . ' MANY WONDER WHY, if the Nevada Walkover Mining Company has such valuable property, that they are offering their stock for sale. ...;..."', .'a--V"" 'V'"' ?A' , '.. " , 1 r. i--"V A MOMENTS THOUGHT WILL SHOW THE REASON. A mine is exceedingly expensive to operate.. In fact, an expenditure of thousands of dollars is necessary before the shipping of ore is possible. ' . . . . , , v , , , " : . A steam hoist must be installed and a lengthy , pipe line laid. Buildings of various kinds must be erected. Now, this all costs lots of money,' especially in Nevada, where prices for material and labor are exceedingly high. . e , ' ' ' The owners of the Nevada Walkover Mining Company are mostly business men, who, while they are comparatively wealthy, cannot spari a great amount of ready cash from their business. While each has assessed himself a goodly amount for the development work of the mine, there" is still considerable money needed to complete the installation of the plant. As soon as this necessary cash is obtained, by the selling of some of the treasury stock, the plant will be' rushed to completion, and it will then be only a question of a short time before the - Nevada Walkover Mining Company will be shipping" valuable ore. , '.;iv''' , From the way subscriptions are coming in, it looks as if the amount of stock of fered for sale will soon be disposed of. Therefore , the company reserves the right to return to the sender any money which might arrive after, the allotment is sold. ' ' . ; . ' i ' v As the price of stock increases to 20c at midnight on May 4th, it will be necessary for those desiring to purchase at, the 1 5c price to have their orders, together with a check or money order made payable to the Nevada Walkover Mining Company, deposited in the mail box by , that time. ' : . ' , A-. - -.. ' . - .;.' ),'" --;:'. Location of Mines ' The Nevada Walkover mines are located on the Eras Range, four mile from tha Nevada Northern. Railroad and fire miles from Cherry Creek. Tha Egan mine lie one quarter of a mile west and aold last year for s large fortune - . and is shipping rich ore 'today. The Nelson mine refused an offer of $60,000 last July, and. lies on the north, Just . across Cherry Creek, and haa tha same ledg and formation ' aa the Nevada. Walkover. The Hunter, or, better known as the Vulcan mine, lies Just south and is on the same ledge and has the ' same .. formation as the Nevada Walkover Mining Company. The National lies two miles east and a . little further lies tha famous Star mine, from which over $4,000,000 worth: of gold has been shipped. . THE NEVADA WALKOVER MINING COMPANY, with a 50-foot ledge traversing our seven (7) full claims (140 , acres), with, splendid surface assays and surrounded by such ' rich producing ' mines this makes your investment not a chance, but a certainty. And we cannot recommend this ; stock to you or our friends too highly. . s Tha Nevada 'Walkover Mining Company is Incorporated under the ' laws of .' Arizona for $1,000,000, divided into 1,000,000 shares (psr vslue $1.00), of which 400,000 were placed in the treasury. ; '; . 4 ' This stock is fully paid and NON-ASSESSABLE, and wW be listed on the stock exchange.' . , MAP : SAsarMe leaetpa) n4&mmn4tmj i eaW ' XIVADAiWAlKOVER CROUP mm, a r . , a ar i a x m f mt' w , i aw mmcumsi : ( (, ffflf?&?f-. STATEMENT .'V.,' OF i '- E.J.STRATTON My guarantee to my clients is that every dollar invested in this company will be honestly 6pent in pushing development work, and that the books of this company are always open to stockholders during office hours. Positively No Stock Will Be Sold for 15c After Midnight. May 4th How You Can Buy Slock Now For Six Days" Only ' 5 ;15cCAOH' ONLY 15c 60 Shares .,......$ T.50 100 Shares 15.00 200 Shares;.......... 30.00 260 Shares $ 3T.60 . 800 Shares .... . . ; . 75.00 1000 Shares i ..... i . 160.00 16c INSTALLMENTS 16c . ' 50 Shares $ 8.00$ 2.00 down and $ 2.00 for 3 months 100 Shares , 16.00 4.00 down and 4.00 for 3 months 200 Shares 32.00 . 8.00 down and 8.00 for 3 months 250 Shares 40.00 10.00 down and , 10.00 for 3 months 600- Shares 1 80.00 20.00 down and 20.00 for 3 months 1000 Shares .160.00 40.00 down and 40.00 for 3 months SPECIAL LAST REPORT FROM MINES $400 ore was struck at the 25-foot level on adjoin ing property last Tuesday and the claim was sold for $15,000. Investigate The Nevada Walkover, but do not miss the opportunity, for stock will not be long on the market. . If you wish for further particulars, apply ' ' Purchase Coupon -J E. J. STRATTON, '.: ; ' . President of the Nevada Walkover Mining Co., 393 Geary St, San Francisco. . v ; i ' Dear fir: I hereby agree te subscribe for ........................ shares of the Treasury Stock of the JTevaSa Walkover Bttnlag; Ook, and agree te pay yeu .............per ehare (IS cents per share If your remittance paye your eubaerlptton tn full, er H eente per share If you pay la monthly lnstallmenta). . - . - 1 ........-. . . , ' I Inclose herewith my remlttaaea for f.. Pleaae acknowledge receipt. ., . ; Toure truly, ... . . , .M ., ; , ,. ; f. . , Name ". ' Address , . .............. Town ....................... ...... State .........;.......,.. BTOTB Vo sasaurlpMam for lees thaa 60 shares win ke aoeepted. rata atoek U tally paM eata aea aaaeaaahla. , OPEN IN FIRST CHRISTIAN Wallls Nash to Be First Speaker at Initial Session of Forum. An eoan forum, a plan by which the members ef the congregation will have an opportunity to azpraee their vlewa aa wall aa tha paator. haa been adopt ad" by the Firat Christian church ef thla city. These public discussions will he held once a month er possibly of. tener and will take up the time ua nally occupied In the evening by the paator; Members ef commercial bodlea and labor unions, professional man aad RATS, MCE, COCKROACHES Doomed! rr a aex e Stearns Elcctrle Rat and Koaeh Past ftMM Mai a4 klM .A ailab Thr rmmk oat of Vi. aw m die will wmr kothw i" ixim, M-lan.iu. , - 7 . wi no. Suasu Hssne IImM rata) ga. MM, n.T. U.S. a. e. yi.eniini.m 7 Si WM women and all publle spirited eltlaena will be Invited to participate tn the public forum. Wallla Nash, president ef the Port land board of trade, will be the first apeaker in tha first debate tomorrow evening on the problem of "Some Ad mitted Evlla ef Our Preaent Industrial System and a Proposed New Remedy." All thoae lntereated In thle quaatlon will be given opportunity to .preaent thalr arguments. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY ' J SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS The third' annual convention ef the Oregon conference branch ef the Woman'a Missionary , aoolety of the Evangelical association waa bald in the Orace Evangelical church al Lenta Wednesday and Thuraday, April 14 aad ?S. . The reporte brought by delegatea from the different auxUlarlae over the state were very gratifying and the future outlook le bright. The following of f tears were elected for the cnaulng year: President, Mr H. O. Hendaraon of Lenta; vice presi dent, Mrs. A. E. Myers of Vemonla; recording secretary, Mrs. C, 8. Brad, ford ef Lenta: oorree ponding secretary, Mrs. if. Albright of Portland: treas urer, Mlse Helen Keller of Portland: auperintendent ef mlaaionary bends, Mrs, Eather Pankhauaer ef Lenta. ODD FELLOWS OBSERVE " FOUNDING OF ORDER AU the Odd Tallow lodgee In Pert land met laat night In Odd Fellows tem ple to celebrate tha 18th anniversary of the organisation ef Odd Fellowship In America. In addition te tha Odd Pel Iowa and their families a large num ber of Invited gueata ware preaent. Dr. W. T. Williamson delivered tha principal address ef the evening. Aa Interesting literary and musical pro gram had been arranged. In which tha Kerln quartet Mlaa btiUh Folrka and Mlaa Alleen Webbrr participated. Who la Metsgar Be fit a your evea for 11.00. JU SUta street. R.ocli IslandFrisco luines Traverse seventeen States and Ter ritories in the Middle" West From Minnesota to Texas, and from Colorado to the Great Lakes. Put your pencil at random on a map of this section and "ten to one" you will strike a Rock Island-Frisco town. When it comes to the cities they are all on Rock Island-Frisco Lines. Tnroqgh sleepfaig ears dally -San rranciaoo to lucago aad Sk Louis. TTT VIM San rranciaoo to Chicago , t - 1 1 and St. Louie. , J -, , CGeeVo The WeU-Zaswa CHINESE aVeet aad Sara DOCTOR . aVeet aad Sere 1 B. made a ills enidy ef feota ss aaa la taat imar 0lwmn4 nd te lrln to tke world hla woeoerfal nstedlM. o jrEactraTyoisoifS oa dsuos wgro . WITHOUT tHg AID Ot A iaiX. Be (0BtMe to cure Catarrk. a.tkaia, tent. Throat. Kham.tlisi JemnM, Nemae DbllltT. atnnarh. Liver, ku.f TWmfcle alao Lget M.abnog, gestale Meak. aeee aad All PrlTate I1n,. A SURE CANCER CUHE fast Seeelved Fm Ptkfnc. fklaa fi. Sue aad aolUkle, rr too aaa ArnicTFn. iwt blai. . dbuits ars DANoaaovs. If rea easaot ealL write for ki..k aad etrcelar. Iaelsee 4 eente la eiatni.a. CONSULTATION FllUU Tn 0. sis wo nrarr vTinm C3. lUii Flrrt St.. O.,. k r,..,u. ' Please at.aUoa ij lift. V A. HlTNTElt, Cn'l Agent, 140 8.1 St rortUnJ. W. P. CARSOX, Trav. PasVr Agnt,410 rarlflc TJk 8ratUe. F.W.TU05ITSOX, Gea'l Western Ag-ct, 8an Francisco,