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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. , APRIL' ' 27, 1907. w Town Tqpics Jj alaa xonoHT'i AMTssxxnrrt, nfiig. Baker Kinplr ............ Or.ud "The Yankee Tourtet'l "The Proulitel "." .,"Xb Black Hand." Vaudeville. Star Tb. Heart ( tb Bin HMf." Ljrle The Inspiring story ' of how a dark In the First National bank of Portland picked up a fortune In- two years, kr Igned his position and started out on tour of the world, will be told in bhe advertisement of . the Butte . Boys Consolidated Mining- company. Inc., to morrow. .Never again will this man be compelled to perform an hour's labor, lie may work only tf It te his desire, and what makes It more Interesting is the fact that the gentleman is known right here not a stranger In some far way country. For more than seven years he had lived at the Newcastle, Third and Harrison, surrendering- his apartments only when he was ready to begin his long Journey to all parts of the civilised as well as the uncivilised world.. And alt this upon the fruit of six weeks wages, amounting to 88.008 per day. and there Is scarcely a hired man or a hired airl In Portland but van tuuttW 1 1, uw . uvi iBinyB) a. .... ... w Just as much money .two years hence as this gentleman had on the first of April when he 'sterted . out on a tour of the globe. The complete details may be read tn the Butte Boys adver tisement Is the Sunday Journal. ' Look It up. ,. , Rev. George W. Arms, Jr, will be Installed pastor of the Anabel Presby I ' laefKh church tomorrow at 1:10 p. m. JjKty, E. M. Bharp of the Mount Tabor cnurcn. win preside ana wqquoi.' me ceremony of Installation. Rev. Henry . Marcotte of the Westminster church i ' will preach the sermon. Rev. D. H. - Hare of the First church will give the charge to the people and Dr. J. 8. . Punning will give the charge to the pastor, - There will be special music ' for the occasion, la the evening at - 8:45 o'clock the young people of the church will organise a Toung People's society. AU young people are Invited to attend, ... 'i ' The Peninsular Library association will open Its new library, reading room and gymnasium at the Peninsular sta- tlon tonight with a reception to the friends of the project. . Books for the library will be sent out by the Port land association and Miss Fox and Miss Isora of the Portland library will - be preeent to make short addreesee. The several entertainments have - yielded generously for the support of the. li brary and the equipment for the gym nasium Is expected early next month. New City Map. An Interesting wln- -flow display of Hawk's new pocket map is -attracting considerable -attention at Bkldmoto Drug Co., 1(1 Third street. This map Is copyrighted and not only valuable as a city map, but has a com plete reference enabling A pereon to readily locate any of the many hundred streets of the city, St Johns - and out lylrg districts. It Is put up in neat cov ers and sella at 15 cents. A program of muslo and speeches Was given last night at the parish house of St. Patrick's c'lurch In com memoration of the twentieth anniver sary of the founding of the Ladles' Auxiliary, Ancient Order of Hibernians. Timothy Concannon was the speaker -f the evening, and his address was fol lowed' by , selections by the Bt. Mary's Academy .i quartet. At " the-.- conclusion of the program supper was served. i Members ef the Salvation Army will tender a farewell reception to Adjutant Stevens and Ensign Burton 8unday eve ning at I o'clock at the hall, Its Da vis street. - The two officers have been In service with . corps ' No. 1 for the past 1 months and are very popular officers. A special program has been prepared for the occasion. The Arleta Baptist church will be dedicated tomorrow at t o'clock. The construction of the church was begun one year ego and It Is now clear of debt The following pastors will take part In the ceremony: Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher, Rev. A. Lawrence Black and Rev. W. T. Jordan.. Mayor Lane, Mrs. Sarah Evans, ctty market Inspector, and Dr. David . Raf -fety, member of the Park trtiard. spoke last evening at the parents' meeting held under fne auspices of the Brook lyn Bohool Mothers' and Teachers' club In the assembly hall of the Brooklyn school. . The United New Thought ' assembly will meet at the Western Academy of Music, Second and Morrison streets, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. tomorrow, Sun day, and Monday evening at o'clock. Sister Avabamia, Hindoo initiate, will speak. - All lecture are free. p '. The sacrament of confirmation will be administered at the Holy Cross church. University Park, at l:le a, m. tomorrow by Archbishop Christie. A large class of candidates has been pre pared of me panen pnesi. . W. T. Cottel, Republican candl- ' date for the council for the fifth ward, was nominated by the South 'Portland Republican club to succeed W. Y. Mas ... tern.. He understands the situation and will represent the people If elected. . .. Steamer Jeese Harktna. for Camas, 'Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. , Leaves Washington street dock l p. tn. . - ; . There will be a meeting tonight of the South Portland Clttsens' association at Jones' hall. 881 First street. The .; . Fourth street franchise question will V 't d ' , 1 J He is a wise man who profits by his experiences; but s wisdom is greater if he also profits by the experiences of others v- Every day you will read in the newspapers about somebody who has lost the savings of years through fire or robbery. Profit by these experiences of others and deposit your money in this bank, where it is absolutely safe, available whenever you want it, and gives you a business standing among business men. v :-: "Jt Contmrvativ Custodian' MBEMA LLPJliLJ SAVC.GS DMS , PAYS 4 Per Cent OPEN For the convenience of Its customers oh Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second St. Comer Washington PORTLAND, OR. . "IF CHRIST WERE r : ; POHTLAKD'S WW Dr. Brougher Will Include This i Question In His Sermons ;. ' 'Tomorrow. . . ... i A few years ago William T. Stead, the noted English Journalist, made fam ous 1 the subject. "If Christ Came to Chicago." This was followed by an other equally famous question, "What Would. Jesus Do If He Were in My Placer ' - , r Dr. Brougher ' will present both - of these thoughts tomorrow la his . ser mons at the White .Temple.' At the morning ' service - he ' Is i to - speak - on "Christ's Estimate of a Sensational Preacher. - Did Jesus Christ, believe in sensational preaching? What would he do If be were pastor of the White Temple? .Dr. Brougher will endeavor to answer these questions. - ' At night he will consider a much dis puted theological question. Is Jeeus Christ coming a rain .In person to the world? If he should come to Portland tomorrow, would church members and people In general be ready to welcome him? Would he be popular with poli ticians? Could hs be elected mayor of Portland? To some these questions may seem Irreverent, but Dr. Brougher says that Jeeus Christ came to estab lish God's kingdom tn the world and that he believes that Christ will reign on earth some day. According to Dr. Brougher there will be some tremend ously sensational results when Christ comes. Dr. Brougher will mention some things that he thinks will take place If Christ were mayor of Portland. The i preachers representing the' large churches In the fourth ' ward had a meeting Saturday, and are preparing a statement to Issue to voters of that ward. Dr. . Brougher will present this statement Sunday night at the White Temple. .'. -v ; 1 .' come up for discussion. There are several other matters of ' Interest ' to South Portland that will receive the attention of the association at this meeting.. The Prohibitionists are holding their convention thla afternoon and evening at the auditorium of the T. M. C A. and wilt place a ticket in the field for the coming city election. Besides the report of the nominating committee, which wlH be made this evening, an entertaining program has . been ar ranged. - ; 1 ' Open Forum, First Christian church. Park and Columbia, tomorrow night. Wallla Nash opene discussion on "Some Admitted Evils or Our Present Indus trial System and a Proposed New Rera o" ; '.,. f. ) , ' ' ' : ; Wanted Five "hundred boys and girls at the new East Bide Athletlo club. Gymnasium and swimming. Professor Rtngler. director. Orand avenue and East Morrison street. "The Problem of Pain" and The Sim ple Life" will be the subjects of Rev. John Andrew Holmes at the First Con gregational church. Sunday morning and evening. . . . - Dr.' Oeorge F. Koehler.' removed to 401-4-1 SweUand building. Diseases of the stomach. . . - . 1 - ' ' Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone-East Tl. Cedar Park open Sunday. - Dancing afternoon and evening. - NO liquors. Dr. W. B. KnapD has returned from east; office 10, Hamilton building. . . Why pay more? Metsger fits your eyea for $U 111 Sixth street Woman's Exchange, ltt Tenth street. lunch 11:80 to I; buslnesa men's lunch. Next Sunday to Seaside and return. $1.10 round trip. A. & C. R. R. Berger Signs 114 Yamhill Phone. D. Chambers, optician. Ill Seventh, CHURCH SERVICES baftiit. arteta Ke.Johs Bhium. satree. , tonltf rDooi, 10 a. m.i Janbr lioioa. ..) . V., :U p. n.i srMeblBC, 11 Rn. B. C. Co..; T:0 p. by B. H. W. 1U ef X. II. c. A. TBIrtl.VaeiaTw iihh and Knott atrertt . B. M. Hiue. pa.iur. SumIsj arhool, 10 e. ski STMeklas at 11 a. . .ol T:iu p. Rlfblano Alberta and Slith itrMU. Bundar chook, io a. .; B. y. p. U., T p- m.i prcl u at 11 a. a. by Ht. Joha BwUM, SaUwood Taa and Blemta Hmtil B. 0arf a. LMra. oBlr ertioni. 10 . " I prtaclttns at 11 a. m. by 0. U. Hart.1 CalTsry Ca.t El(kth and Grant itwUI B. A. Iawraaee Black. Blbl. achooU 10 a. m.t traarbint at U a. m, and T:SO p. s. by O. . Tutu. . s lamannal (mil aw Haade atreatai Sv w OrUtis. Praecblag at U a. am. aad ?.oo p. m. Urace MoetarUlal Oilman rarker, mUilatar. BanlcM at 11 a. m. and T:90 p, at.; awrnlnf topte, "The srat eX 111 ftaaanea", eTenliig tuple, 'tin Cloik er Old Oarmcnt." . Central Baal Tw.otletn and Ankaar atreatai W. T. Jordan. At 10 80 a. a, "Walla ttt Balratlon": loona PaoyWa nieetlog, :S0 p. m.i Sunday acbool. li ai. at p. m.. eTaagaUatM earrloaa. - . . Dnlreralty Park Bev. A. B. Walts, Bnaday Kbool at 10 a. a.) arersblp at 11 a. m. aad J iSO p. n. flrat The White Teoiple. eoraer Twelfth and Taylor atraeta; Be. J. Whltcomb Bnnirtr, D. D., paator. Morning wonblp. 10:M e'clock, "Chrtatra Eatlioate ot e Sanaa t look 1 Preacnor") Bible acbool, 11:10 p. m., Intcraatlna- eurclaae, elaaaaa for all; Toant faople'a union. 6:1S p. a., kadar. Htai Conatance McCardle; popster aaentng aanlce, 7:80 e'clock, l)r. Broaber will praacta en tbe topla, "It Carlec Cane to fort. second Seventh aad Beat Aakeay streets; Bar. stantoa 0. Lapham. pastor. Brnleaa at 10:30 e. m, "yact and yaltb In Obrlat"( T SO a. "A Rlghtaoua Juatlf lcation" I Bible acbool. It nj.) Vouns i'aapla a nnlon, 6 80 p. m Ba.lar-HlrMl Botwaan Twanty-nrat and Twantyaooad atraala. Bnnday acbool, g p. an.) praacblnc at T:liO p. m. by Bev. John Bentalan. at. iobne B. A. Leoaard, paator. Sunday arhool. 10 e. m.j eamaon, 11 a. n. B. If. t. 0. . 80 p. an. aarmon, T:) p. m. Chtoaae Mlaabie Hi2i Oak street ' Sunday erbool, T p. m.i praaeblng In Cbtneee, g p. n. rirat Oannaa roortk and Mill etraataf Bev. 1. Kratt. paator. Sunday acbool. S:a a. ! raacblng, 11 a. m.i Vouag Paople'a meeting, p. m. I evening praaeblng, T:80 o'clock. Second Oeruae Morrla a tract and Rodney annua; Bar. r. Baeermann, paator. Sunday acbool. g:4S a. preaching. 11 a. m.t Toung Feopie'a meeting, I p. n. erening praaeblng. I:W B. ak . . , . ? m m m' " nZSBTTXBIAV, ".''' Mlapaa Kaat Tblrtamth and Powell etreataf Bev. J.roma R. McUlade, I. D. Preaebinf at 10.S0 a. m. evenlnc earrtce et S p m. Calvary Elavrntb aad Clay atmut Bav. Bee-Kara Stllra Bly ir., D. D. Sertlna, 10:M a. m. aad T:80 p. n.; Bunday acaonl, IS m. ronrtn glrat and Olbbe atrMtn; Rev. Joke B. Welch. Ooumunlon at 10:IM a. m.J Sunday acbool. Urn.) V. V. 8. C. K., S:S0 p. m-i at 7:30 p. m praacblni. , Bawthorne-tark Twelfth and Beet TayW etreeta; Re. B. Nelaoo AUen. Sunday acbool. IS m.t services at 1O-.U0 a. . and 7:30 p.. m.j X. P. S. O. ., :io p. m. Porbca Hillwood atreet and Oantenbehi are aee; Rev. Harry U. Pratt. Preaching, tl a. m. and T:80 p. m.i Sonday acbool. IV a. m.; Christian Eadeator, S:S0 P- m. Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jarrett etrueti Rev. L. Myrea Booavr. Prearhlns at 11 a. m. and T:80 p-.m.; Sunday acbool, 12:11 p. m. Weatmlnatae Beet Teeth and W .Idler etreeta; Bev. Henry L Mareotte. Services at 11 e. m. aad 7:30 p. m. Sunday acbool, 11:10 p. Bk SC. P. S. C. .. :80 p. m. Pint Twelfth and Alder etreeUt Rev. Wll llem Hiram roulkea. At 10: SO a. n, "The Church and tbe Kingdom"; Sunday acbool, 12:10 Jm-.i 7:S0 p. m., "Tbe Tragedy of a Great Fulton Bev. A. R. Bnrkbolder. - Sunday eebool at 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, I p. av( service, T:4S p. m. Maraball-Street Ma rati a II aad North Seven teenth etreeta; Rev. C- W. Bare. Sunday acbool, 10 a. m.i newucblne. 11 a. m. and 1M p. m.; I. P. S. C. B., t:4S p. m. Meant Tabor Belmont and Vrettymaa atreatai Bev. Rdward M. Bbarp. Bervlcee at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. . - Anabct Rav Oee. Arms. Jr. Sunday eehooL 10:10 a. avt Dreachhic. lt:lW a. nu Sellwmd Cerner Baat Seventeenth and 8pe f kana avenue: Rev. U, A. Tnompaoa. paator. Sunday acnooi. iu a. m.i preecnina ac 11 a. id, "tiood Water Out of Old Well'1! services et T:S0 p. m. Tblre Kaat Thirteenth end Plan etreeta! Be. Andrew i. Montgomery, paator. Servicee et IO BO a. m., morning tople and '7:46 p. m.. - Vernon Eaat Twentieth and Wyr.nt. Preach. hi nt 11 e. m. and 7:80 p. sv by Bev. O. A. Hi. let Annrfav acbooL 12 m. MonUvllla Rev. J. A. P. MeOaw, acting paator. Sunday acbool, 10 a. m. preaching iiuaa ana t:u p. m. , . T "i'.t msooPAt. ". , t" '. i Pte-Catbedral e St. Stepbee the Marty Thirteenth and Clay atreet. : Re. H. M. Rm aay, vicar. Holy eommanton, 7:30 a. m.; Sun day acbool, :4S a. m.; moralns aervlce. 11 kwlt evenlne aervlce. T:80 o'clock. Trinity N loeteeuth and Bveratt atraets. Holy communloa. 8 a. m.i morons prayer ana new m ii .'rkrk: avenlns Draver aad addreea. 7:80 e'elork. Bev. W. O. Willlame will preach both morning and evenlnc. St. David's Eaat Twelfth and ' Brhneet atreeta; Rertor. Rev. Oeorge B. Vae Water, b. D, Servtoa at 11 a. m. aad T:S0 p. m. an Salata Twenty-aecond and Reed etreeta. Sunday-acbool, 10 e. m.; evenuig eervlce, t:S0 e clock, eermoa or atev, n. v. luuaniDRu. Bt. Aadrew'e Onlveralty Park: Rev. W. B. Pewell, chaplain. Buad.y eebool. :1S p. m.) ervtce end awnaearat 7:80 p. m. Oood Sbepbere Sell wood atreet and Tan. eanvet evauue, Alblna; Be. Joha Uawaon. Sunday school, t:4S a. m.t mornmg service. It e clockt evening eervice, ovaurm. a Jahe'a liamorlal SrUwoodl Re. W. B. Powell. Sunday acbool. 10 a. m.; eervlce and eermoa at 11 a. m. ' v . . St. Paul's Weodmere; C ' L. Parker, lay reader, la eharge. Sunday acbool. 9:48 a. m.; moraine aervlce aad sermon at II e'clock. Bt. Matthew'e rirat and Carstbere etreeta; Bev. W. A. M. Brack la cnarte. Holy com manloa aad aermoe at 11 a. m.; Sunday acbool. :4S a. m.; eervlce ana eermon. i :. p. a Tke Church of Our Salor Woodetock. I leva every Sunday at 11 a. m.; Sunday acbool, 10 s. m. . 1 v ' aOTBODISX. ' Taylor-Street Dr. Prancle Bargette Short. Claaaea, S:SU a. m.; aermoe. I0:S0 a. m.. by Rev. D. U Rader. "The Dual Nature of Man"; Sunday acnooi, 13:15 p. ! Epworth leayue, S:80 p. m.i at 7:S0 p. m., mualcel pmcram, eermee by the peator. "Portland, IU Srowth lrurma tbe Paat 81s Moatba." Seliwood rifteenth and Tarama etreeU; Be. A, D. Wagner. Sunday eebeol. 10 a. m. eermon, 11 a. m.. by Rev. Ivy, "Deseneratlve" Sunday school. ii:M p. m. Bpworth learee. 7 p. m.; eermoa by Bav. Ivy, "Regeneration," ' SunuyuMe Beat Tamhlll atreet. betwaen Best Thirty-fifth and Tblrty-eUth atreatai T. S. Pore, paator. Praaeblng, 10 e. m. and 7:80 r. m. Sunday erbool, II a. m. eiaaa meeting, 1:1S a. m.; Junior leayne, S p. m. Orace Comer of Twelfth and Taylor atreeta; Clarence Tree WUeon, V. D. Iotnr on "Wit and Humor of the Bible,'1 lo so a. m.i lecture. 1:K p. m.; Sunday erhweK 12:15 p. m.; P.pworth leegue, :0 P- .-,. Ht. John's r. L.. Toung, paator. Sunday acbool, 10 a. m.t preaching. 11 a. nv eed I:S0 p. m. ; Bp wort b League, 6:80 P- m. Bpwortn Irving and Twenty-third,, B. R. Bryant, paator. Preaching it 11 a a, and 7:80 p. e. centenary main unu no., rr. a. neppu, paator. Praarblns 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Trinity Come of Beat Tenth and Grant, Lewie P. Smith, peator. Sonday acbool. 10 a m.; aermoe at It a. m.i eervleea at 7:80 p. m. ; elaae meeting, 12:1 p. m.i. Epworth leagne, :80 p. m. Central Baaaell and Kerby atreeta; I. T. Ab eett, paator.. Services by paator at 1 a. m. aod t:0 p. m. . Cbtneee Mlealoe Chan Sing Kai. paator. Preacblaf. 11 a. m. and T:80 p. m. v MonUrllla lllbbard and Moble atreeta; Bev. Harold Oherf. paator. Sunday acbool, 10 a. m.i E alter aervlee, 11 a. m.; Juakw leacue. g p. m-t Epworth taecee, : p. m. preaching aervlce at 7:o p. m. Lenta W. B. Ingalla, paator. ' 'Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:o p. m. 2;" ' Montavllla Oregon aad Bubhard, ft. Oberg, paator. Piearhlns 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Mount Tabor Jamea Moore, Baiter, preaeh- ins at 11 e. m. and f :M p. m. Pattou Mleblsaa arena, aad Cerneatar, M. T. Wire, peator. Preaching at 11 a. sw aad 7:80 p. sv Vancouver Avenue Preaching at 11 a. at. ad 7:8w p. m. . weodiawe . H. Dewart. paator. Preaehlsg a. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p, m. Woodatork W. T. Kerr, naato. praaeblng at 11 a. m. and f. SO p. m. Norwectae-Danlae Thirteenth and Davla, R J. Laraen, 4aator. Preaching at 11 a. Sa, ssd 7:80 p. m Swedlan Bnrthwlrk and Beach, BeV. John oe, peator. Preaching at 11 a, ea. aad 1 JO P. nv Plret German rifteenth aad Itnyt, O. A. Weaea, peitue, Preaeblag at 11 a. BV and T o p. Sa, HARK! Ring up Phone Main aud we'll send eur wagou around to your boniw m Mornlay uiuru ti'er Title hi the ureat family laundry of the uulveree. w make a epm-laliy of family linen do flret-claaa work aud at tbea prices: nOVEO. STABCaXS. Sheets Serreaaee ......10e Bllpa I SrHklria ...,10e Spreada toWalats , He lahlet-lotba ........( toCoraet Covers...... Se Rollers SrChemlee Sr Towel. IrOrawere Be Nankin Hnnrlkerchlefa .....toe ....S tlamlkercelere, atlk. SrAprooa Has Stand Cover. MOT IBOBEO. Overeh Irte Malit.lilria ........ I'nderehlrte ........ Icl'lllow Shams... ...10c heCblld'a I'lece ..... Se BXTRAB. 6e Blanket, wool, Oc pair 50 e Blankets, eottoe. fie pair re ScQullu M Se ' Socka Hoe Pajama 10c . CBlrm lie f.adW Vaeta Se . Child' Overall. ..... Se No ablrta, collar, cuff, vest, overall or lumpers dn la tula depart men t. Ne' bundle kaa Uas one. VBTXOsT UTJsTDBT CO. Seenud and Colombia era. Telepbon Mala SBS. Second German Stanton and Rodney. B. B. Man, peak. Preaching at 11 a. m. aad !: s m J. pea Me ' Mlaaloe 121 !orth Ptfteesth. Preachlus at 11 a. m. and 7:8 p. m. Lnlr.r.lty Park O, A. Waiter, paator. Service at 11 a. m. aad 7:S0 p. m. '. ' covobeoatiobal; .V tnlverdty' Park Artl.ana' tmplt Be. D. B. tiray. Sunday eebool, 10 e. m.i earmoa. 11 a. m. Mlealeetppl-Amne Mtaalmlppl aveaee and Preuont atreet; ke. William L. llpahaw. Sun day acuool, 10 a. am.; preachuig at II a. m.. S p. m. and 7:80 p. m. by Rev. Wolfe; mora. tag Subject, "Tbe Doctrine the Devil Hates"; evening aubjeet, "Ingereol Cbeea Boa." - - Sunnyelde Caraer of Eaat Taylor aad Eaaf Thirty-fourtb a tree u: Be, i. 1. Staub. peator. Servh-ee at 11 e. m. and 7 SO p. m. ; Sunday acbooL 10 e. m. Senior ChrUttan Endeavor, 6:18 p. m.t Junior Cbrlatlan Endeavor, S p. m. Haaaalo-Btraet Eaat Eleventh and Uaaaaloi Paul Radar, paator. Servlcea at 10:80 a. . and 7:45 p. m. ; Sunday eebool, IS m.t Cbrmttau Endeavor, S:45 p. m. Flrat Madlaon and Park; Be. Daniel Staver. aaalatant paator. Mornms aermoe by Rev. J. A. Holmee, 10:80 o'clock, "The Problem of Pain"; evening aervlce. f:S0 o'clock, "Tbe Simple Life' 'i ftnnday acbool, 12:15 p. at.) X. P. ft. C. B, g:i p. tn. Blgbland East Sixth street aorta and Prea eott; Re. E. tf. Bolllacor. Sunday acbool. 10 a. m.t Junior Endeavor. S p. m. X. P. S. 0. B., 5:80 p. m.i sermon, 11 a. m.. by Bev. Dlnemor ef Antl-SalooB learuei 7:80 p. m., by peator, ea ' "Chrlat, s Corner too at the Home." .... . r . ' 1 : I tVTKXXAB. ' 1 ' Swedlah Tnimaaeet Wlneteenrh and Irving atreeta. SerTlcea, 11 a. ak and S P. m.; Sunday school. S:45 a. m. ' Norweylaa Synod Eaat Tenth and Orant Street; Rev. 0. Uagoe. Sunday acbool, S:SO; ervicee at 11 a. m. and S p. m. X. P. S., Tburaday, 8:15 p. tn. Danl.h Union avenue and Morrla atreet; Bev. Oudmuad drill. Sunday service at 8 p. m. Wednesday, Bet in la Ladle aoelety at home of Mr. J. O. Haneen. 714 Union ave. St. James Englteu Weet Park and Jeffer son atreeta; J. Allen Leas, paator. Bunday acbool. 10 a. m.; at 11 o'clock, morning aerv lce. "Clear Thinking in Rellsloa"; 7:80 p. m "Five Thing That tbe Church of Today Moat Keeda." St. John Pentnaelar a venae and K 11 pa trick atreet; C. Baeeben, paator. Service at 10:48 a. m., German; 7:80 p. m Engliab; Sunday acbool. 8:80 a. m. . Norwealan 45 North yvorteentk atreet; Bev, J. M. N'ervlg. paator. Sunday aervlce at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m- Sunday acnooi, s 1:45 St. Paul's German ltaat Twelfth and Clinton atreeta; Rev. A. kr . Morning aervlee, 10:30 e'clock; evening, i .o e c local sunoay ecuoiu, 8:80 a. m. Trinity (Oannaa mlmtoa synodV Corner Wil liam avenue and Seliwood atreet; J. A. Belm. bach, paator. Morning eervlce. 10 e'elork; evening aerrlca, 7:80- o'clock; Bunday acbool, 8U8 S. SI. .; " trSBUTIAJI. ' ' " Central Bait Twentieth and Bast Salmon ... n 1 nr. a. mill a. m., preaching; Bunday arhool, 12 St.; Senior snoeavor, e:au p. m., k r:o p. vticw. Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenue and Knett etiset; Re. Jt. Elmo Rohlneoa. At 8:40 a m Bible arhool ; 11 a. m., communion and eermon; X. P. 8. O. B., 8:45 p. m.i eermoa at 7:80 p. si. Mseat Scott Brlree In hall et Bern Park. 8 p. m.t Sunday acbool. 2:80 p. Sa. Woodlaws Sunday acbool, IS a. m.J peeack Ing. 11 a. m.t Chrlatla Endeavor. T p. m. ervicee at 8 p. m. first Corner Perk and Columbia etreetai Bev. B. S. Mock ley. mlnhHer. At 10:80 e. m., "A iiti Miaalonarv Dav": 7:80 o. m.. Wallla Naah at open furum In "Some Admitted Evil of the Present industrial system aaa e rro posed New Remedy." Advent Second; atreet, between Rail . aad Lincoln. Service at 11:80 a. m. and 7 p. a. praise meeting; Sunday eebool, 10:80 a. m. TBTTXD XTABOXXIQAL. Pint Corner Bait Teeth end Sherman etretta. Be. A. A. Winter. Sunday acbool. 10 a. m.i 11 a. "What Ws Preach"! eermoa at 7:80 p. m. Second Pars end Rertiy afreets: Bev. J. Boweraox, paator. Preecbbig at 11 e. BY, and 7:80 p. m. by Bev. B. L. Pratt, P. B. Bt JobVe tvanhoe and John atreeta; Bev. B. B. McVlckar. Sunday school, 10 a. m. rachfns. 11 a. St.: J. K. C B., 8 80 p. m.t K. U 0. B.. 8:80 p. m. preaching. IX p. m. Ockley Orna Oay atreet end Willamette boulevard; Rev. J. Boweranz, 'paator. At 11 a. m. aad 7:80 p. m.. aervlce; Sunday School at 10 a. m.; K. L. C B. st 8:80 p. m. rVAHOILIOAl ABSOCIATIOV. tint TSnslhiB Eaat Sixth and Market (truer: 8. A. Slewert. paator. Preaching at 11 a. m. Sunday acbool, 10 a. m.; Young People's al liance, 8:45 p. m.; even Ins aervlce, :4S e'elork. Flrat Germ a Comer Tenth and Clay atreeta; Theodore Scbauer, pastne. Sunday eebool nt 8:30 a. m.; eermoa at 10:48 a. m. Memorial Eaat Dlyhteeotb aad Tthbetta; L. C. Hoover, paator. Preacktng at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.i Sunday eebool. 10 a- m. Toung Peo ple a meeting. 1 p. m. ' CrBBISTlASr BCTEBCB. Pint Church of Chrlat. Scientist eVwrtmh Rite cathedral. Morrlaoa and Lowasdale atreeta. Service at 11 a. m. end 8 p. m.. eobtaet. "Everlasting Punlsbment"; Sunday eebool et clone ef morning aervlce. Wednesday evening, 8 e'clock. Second Church ef Cart, VIntlBt Blk temple. Stark and Seventh etreeta. Sunday "Everkwttn- Punishment"; Sunday acbool, 11 a. am. Wednesday netting, 8 p. m. . AOTXimSTB. ' .' Seventh Day Adrentlate Eleventh and Ev erett street. ... ' TBS TIB ST SPIBITTAL SOOTXTT.' Artlaana halL Ablnstou kulldlne. Tbb-d near Waablngton atreet. At 11 e. m. r. B. Coulter will lecture oa "npirttuallty. the Body ef DR. BROUGHER , ' BnrXTDAT AI laTJi WHITE TEMPLE Twelfth and 'Taylor Streets. 1000 Am K. "CHRIST'S ESTIMATE OF A SENSATIONAL PREACHER " TOO . WL -IF CHRIST CAME TO PORTIAND- wOoala X Sa SleoteA Itavort FINE MV8IC BT TEMPLB Q1TARTKT AND CHOIR. EVERYBODY WELCOME. ' TEA r : Poor tea is poor comfort; there is no difficulty, in get ting it good. Tear grocer return year money if pea leal Use SckilllBg'e Best; we pay aim. DH! AT HIE COUNTY JAIL Women of Woodcraft Want to Stftp Use of Referendum ' on Bill. The hall In the Women of Woodcraft building was transformed yesterday aft ernoon Into a Japanese bower of beauty. Palms, gar lanterns, . bright flags and spring flowers were combined la charm ing effect. ' Kimonos with flowered obis arid blossom-decked coiffures were also1 in evidence and charming; Madam But terflies flitted about . The musical department had tha pro gram In charge and gave a good ehorua. Mrs. Millie Perkins sang acceptably and also gave a reading. - Toothsome dain ties of the orient and tea were served at small tables. . v . - At the business session preceding the tea a committee was appointed to secure the appointment of a matron at the county JalL Such a bill was Introduced at the last session of ths legislature, but waa put upon the list- of those to be referred to referendum. In the event of thla disposal of ths question It will be two years before tha police matron could be secured. A committee was appointed . to con sider a donation by the club toward tha fund for tha Chinese famine sufferers. The secretary waa Instructed to sign a petition circulated by tha Visiting Nurses' association to secure a new county hospital, which should be aep. arata from the HUlslds farm.' A resolu tion was carried to appropriate 110 from the treasury aa a contribution to the Prisoners' Aid association. A resolution was passed to engaged Dean South wick of the Emerson School of Oratory, Bos ton, to give a recital under the auspices of tha club June - i The queetlon of amending the minutes of the previous meeting threatened to aasume some magnitude, but waa Anally settled by amending Instead of ex punging In toto the matter relative to the exporting of the financial secre tary's books. ' . .. ' The officers sleeted at tha previoua meeting will take offloe at tha last meeting In June. . 10 FIX JAMESTOWN ' EXCURSION RATES Transcontinental . Lines Trying to Set Date to Name Rates to East. The passenger department of tha Har rlman lines In Oregon la In telegraphic) communication today with the heade of the passenger departments of the North ern Paclflo and Great Northern roads, with a view to fixing the date for put ting in excursion rates to tha James town exposition. It is said that at the last meeting of tha Transcontinental Passenger associa tion the lines took a vote on tha nam ing of rates, and a number of the com panies withheld thslr votes. The roads voting In favor have been ready for. soma lima to put In the rata, and It is likely that a final announcement of rates will be made within a few days. . Today tbe Harrtman llnea announced a rata or one ana a tnira rare ror tne round trip to the camp meeting of the Oregon State VHollnees association, to be held In Portland July 18 to 88. Troth." followed by Mr. T. Bowet et T.-48 p. 'tn. P. B. Coulter will deliver e lecture ef the aeriee, followed by Mrs. Bow; lyeeum at U:SO p. SI. , , rnrrriD bbstbbix nr ckbibt. Pint Bat rifteenth and Morrlna a treat 1 Rev. H. C Shaffer. Bible acnooi at 18 a. a. eermoa at 11 a. l sarBwa at 148 a. aa. I. P. 8. C. B., T p. m. Baolcal Sixth and Meebaal tret Bev. O. P. JSlancaaro. ouoaay ecnevi. av a. Bi. 11 a. aa. asd 1:88 p. by. TnrraABiAV. r Church ef Oer yetaer Corner ef yeiblTI ae 8 Tenth ctreete; Bee. W. O, Bllot it 7. bt. trt Hev. T. L. Bllot. D. D.. uilnletee eeaerttu. Service at 11 a. m., "The Phyalcal Health of the Nation," eernoe by mtnieter emerltee: Sunday aehool, 8:48 a. m-I klndcrgartaa. 11 a. B. i X. P, ., 8:30 p. by. TnrtTES PBXSBYTXB1A. Church ef tbe Stranger Waeeo street 4 Grand a venue I Bev. S. Karl DuHola. Moniing Service. YMiW e Kmwtrm , w,i avrvaveii BUeea- rbnol, IS av I acrnvon, T: I. aa. rtrst aiita sna monigeniery srrets gee. w. Wlleos. Morsloa aereooa. lo An , eenoay , a-.., wthw. -v p, aa. CHBISTIAB AV9 MT8S10BABT ALLXAaTOB. The Chrlatla nnd at lea tone ry Alliance Birth and Mala atreeta: Bev. 0. D. Sew telle, anner tntenoent. Preaeblag at 10:80 a. by, Sunday acnooi, 13:18 p. ai-i Xeeag People's eervYm at P. BY, . Bzroaiao. ' : .. 'l.l Ti-lll MwkA etYi '-. - . O. turner. Sermoa and eoaflrniatloB at 10:48 b . . i 1 1 . mt B n a, .n,. . Joerph": T. P. A 0. B., T p. m.; Susday school, 8:80 a. by. y ' T. K. O. A. , la 8fc mA lTei.B-.Klll A . t ' w - ". e. i. woir will Dk oa "The True Nohllltr"! rrmin miv elaaae will be bold following the addreea. Pr. reea w uw, wn mi ex WTliea. ' BwTIDBBBOBOIAal. treeta; Bev. R train Vroooun. ' Servle at 11 m. aa.. 'Serlntura Sntrltuall ln(.,w.ii . Bunday acbool, M e. a. METHODIST. lOITTK. ' ' -uvv Vl"1?. -.."- ror-eier- all! B - m U U..H , Kiul., - - , n - . ernvna at 11 a. m-. "Iioee Prayer Influence (odt"t 8:80 p. aa., Kpworth leagee).7:80 p. si., "Ra Terence. VBTTEXtAUgT. ' ;- : " Chsrch ef tbe Oood Tldln Beat Oneehi Beat Blthtb street! Be. J. D. Corby, i hi la ter. Sunilay cbonl. 18 Bi.i sarraon, 10.48 nt.. "Ths Hw Under tend lne Between od and Mas." .',.-. Dimrt TBTTR OZTTIB. Hall 01, Alliky building; T. M. MhaarA paator. Service et 11 a. by, , . tATTBB-BAT irBTB. Hall 408 All'ky hoi I1 las. Third and Mnrrteoe. Services at 11:80 a. BY, ssd I p. BY. I Seaeay achoot, 10 I. s, -"' , VILLXVV1AL SAW1T. !. A. B. balL northeast earner Bicand eed Morriane (treeU. BervlMe Bt S:80 p. BY. TUB CKTBCTg Of TSZ fTBBT BOBB. Drew ball. 101 Seennd tret. Be. B. B. Ceaa will lecture at I JO f. at-, aubjeet. "The Ieetb anil Heaurrertto ef Cbrktt Proai a Sptrlt aallat Point et View." . ' Pendleton Pastor Heslffns. iSperlat Dispatch to The Jnentel.t Pendleton,. Or, April II. Kv O, LoRcy Hall, pastor of the First Mnptlnt church st thla piece, has tendered his resignation.. to gr Into effect ss soon ss acred Upon by tha congregation. It le not known who will succeed him nor has be decided as to where he will go. zmsmKBSr-r-1 .a.! . - . - I .1 i , i A - SB ST. . mi TOM, Mataropath. . A Specialty Remember there are . only two months left, M7 June. Persons wishing treat ments should consult me at , .once. '-!.: Alter July 1st Will Be at Long Beach Washington Until October 1st BATrnBSAT saw offloe kottl wHt ke from T A K, w t V. K, ' Dr. N. J. Fulton ' aTATTjmOTATBL. J15 TWELnn STKEn ' Oorae Clay, ana Moak frosa Bt, sag, one from lStn atreet saa, S troas reff eraom aa. Tslepaoaa SPECIAL SALE PRESERVES and JAMS nriTmstoAT, rmxxtAT, battb. DAT ABTO BIOMDAT, AniXe BO, BB, ST AJTS SB. l-oa. 1 Glass Jars, Long's Apricot Preserve and Jama ....20 Long's Blsckberry Preeervee and Jams ...20d. Long's Loganberry Preserves and Jama '..20d Long's Raspberry Preserves and Jams ..... .t ........ .20 Long's Strawberry Preeervee - and Jams .. .20 Southwell's English Orangs Marmalade 20d Keller's Dundee Orange Mar- malade . ........30 D.C BURNS CO. . .,. ,- amocvava. -SIS Third atYTeee. riaeae Mala Bit. ttttttttti sVaaUaf CAVttf Wtt&f ' m Lmw tf stt Stm f Orajaa UJSTJRKS AXXt KINDS OF . DEATH FROM A2TY CAITSK I. P. theny Pmllns VTby N. Mtk V. Pree. B. H. Oeeee Oast Mgr. ao. M. Ober lecMary M. I. ataaUef Oeat laea. .Let Sweah 0naal Ceaeaal MBMBIB Perttaae Caaaaaet ef Penlaad Bewd ef Trees ' ' KinS8MCt8 . , Osrges Treat aad Beriaxa Baak PeBan4 Ore. ' Tke BneeteaM Cearaaar : B. a Da Ce. Cieiirclal Asaacy i ae pmla we aat I v gfe yee aat aeet Leakeeep VOMM OftlCK t-f-t Li TA TKTTM BLML Cm raAasrea mmj Sutk irne O-a Beauiiful Souvenirs In ORFOON I1ARDWOOP3. Tlaln an.i ornamental wool turning. LC ,) ... Nervous Prostration or HarnAjro obubqost ' ' :, A 1 ' t .,-" 1 TFo Portland PORTLAND, ORatOOBt EU&OPXAfl PCAN ONLY HF-ADo'-MfrrrRB ron tourists AND COMMKHClAle , TBAVaJLKKaV Everything to eat and drink, aad It costs no more la tbe PortlaaJ Hotel RatbskoOew ' than elsewhere la the city. 81 very weekday night from 8:88 to 11. BC a 10WI88. Bfanae. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL bterseotloa KarkH, olk Si PeU Bta. SAN rRANCISCO A modern hostelry containing let outside rooms, : 88 private baths, steam heat, telephone In eecb room. Nice light sample room a BXTmOPMAJr nVABT. ByATXB bxa .'. BOMABIJk OKORaa; WARREN HOOPER. Prop, ' Form srl y Prop. Occidental HotsL SAB PSAS-CISCO'S LXADlaT OOMMXBOlaVl . KOTXX, COBTADrna 808 BOOMS. The St. James rVlTOV ST. ABB TAB MISS ATX. -,; SAM nABOIBCO. MAnOVAL HOTEL 00., Prey. ' war. . Begga, Mgr. Is sttoated IB the baart ef the boitneaa die- trlct. Mooarn and nanoeenMly furalened. Pri vate batse, tolepbone fa every roout. Sample' roome for traveling aura. Bate from 1 SU t 84.00. Enropeaa plea. Aeeeaclbl to all depota. Situated la ttt beart ef the bopping end bnat- i dutnc. i-loa to tne t nee tree. AMDBBBtBMTB. wr- BEILIC THEATRE fbeeo Mala 1 U, WALUB, W XIAA AVelAAa In til C4Mned-rnma, THE KAOIQ KXIrODT." , ... , . -k i m. r. . uiiwtm im wr m. w. Tuaeaay, Weaaecday, AnrllSS. 80. MaV 1. 8. Speelal-Prlc Matinee Wedneeday. Bvenlns Pricw Rntlr Lower floor, tl.B0 Baleouy. 1. 75. taw; Uallery. 89c, 23c Matinee Frtcoe mt te 81." W2uL Heilis Theatre JZTt T0B10BT 8:18 O'CLOCK. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK Preeented by Henry W. Savage, to tbe Cotnle Opera Soeceee. TBB TAXKEB TOUBlST." Bvenlng price tower rioor, 82. 81 .BO; BaV eeny, 81. 78ci OalUry.BOe. Seats Salliag at Xaeabre Bex Offlee. - BAKER THEATRE ZTS.h. Pcrtiaad's Faatitonabl Popular Pries Tbeatre. Last Time Teelsbt Tbe Baker Stork Ooeapaay is Ball Cain' Great 4-Art DraaYe "THS PBODIOAL SOB. - Proeel Direct toa Mr. Arthur Miekbry. - Matinee Saturday. Evening Price Ma 85c, AO. Matinee 18c. SSe. W tfuk It.n. Timnnw Ul.ll.. '"TV. Bislata." Ok sb4 CMDIDC TNFATDF aeae Ngla Msrrlisa Yilfl lata, aaaaaavaa. in Mil toe W. 8m man Tb Borne et Bfekvdrauia. LAST TIM B TONIGHT, , Tbrtlltne and Powerful Melodrssie. -THX BLACK HAJtD." '' A Tale of Kentucky Outlawry. Vtsbt Prices 10. to. Oe, 80a. All taeee. 10. 80. Meat Wek. Starting Xoa "ewer eg aia. WTTX 0 APBTX 88. THB ALT.BN sroCK COMPANY PBRSKMT8 , "BAAATS OP THB BLUB aUSOB." ). 4 In Four Aets . Br U.I Beld. Marine Tueeday. Tburadar. Satarday and Sunday at t to. prices 10 and to esata. very gvenlng at s:ia rviees 10, 80 and saata. Brvd eeeta by pboa. Mala 84. TTd CltAND Tbe ' Braadanoae "ZTa UawrtMaa lew." - Tbaw Wblb Tragedy, Bawl , Taa Kaufman, t. B, SyUya. tea Bta. Wk ef April 88. TeaeevUU 4 Lax LevbM aad Leoaard AateaaebU Cale.aee La TiaMe ef ea Ante. , sabilis. . leys,- in aUwell, xae EXPOSITION RINK lata and Washlagtoa Bta. Rscino Toniflhl J Admlssloa 10. Bkabes S5o. OAKS RM Big Event Saturday Night ' tui bTUBTSAT. . . A ' Bt Matinee Sunday " Afternoon, arKCxuv Bnria Rohse's ParZi Sunday, April 23 The inoet popular and attractive nark for lodges, soclsl and family " gathsrlngs. bowling, dancing and Amusements of all kinds. Aa mission to grounJs free. Deno tng, gnte. Io; ladles, free. Take Car at Becond snd blorrlai. r I 1