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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
Till: OPvEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, 'APRIL1 , 27. .1907.' AnGELSVAUQUISII PORTLAND OKIE Klruella Is Touched Up at Lively Clip by Captain' Dillon's Men. GIANTS CONTRIBUTE - SEVEN BIG MISCUES Los Angeles Players Show Fine Form Mid Play All Around Last Year's ' Champion Carlisle's 'Triple Was the Feature. ; ' ' ' . ' (Journal Spxlat ferries.) ' Los 1 Angeles, 1 April 87. Thursday's victory was too much for ths Giants, .fori they succumbed yesterday to ths Annuls In a disastrous battle. The lo- csla had a batting bee and poupded Kl ri se la to the farthest parts of ths field. With three bases filled In the eighth inning Carlisle slammed out a triple, adding more confusion, to the situation. The Portlanders erred seven times while the Angels performed In championship fashion. - .. ' - , The Portland team Is badly crippled and Is In no real condition to play balL .linger cv.Teaie is endeavoring to so cure aeveral new players. Hers Is ths score; . i , . . .'.'v. '. .. . ' LOS ANGELES, r 'AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Bernard, cf. ..rTiv:.. 4 1 1 ., 0 amain, lb. ,.,.,,,; t .,8 t 0 , Hruslicar,. Sb. . .,.... 8 lil t- Kmith, 3b 5 2 1 4 0 IMIIon.' lb. ...... w. 4 t Cravath, rf. ......... 6 1 116 Iwlmaa,. ss. ......... 6 .1 I 3 t Mogan, o. . 1 8 Bergman, p. 4 1,111 Kills, If. ............ 9 0 1 0 Totals ..40 llji 11 PORTLAND. , 8 1 SchlmpfT. sa. .. Lovetl, cf.,. Casey, 2b, Mefredle. rf. iHinlettvy. If. ... Moore, lb. , . . ... McClelland. Sb. Donahue, c, . . Klnxrlla, p. , . ('arson, 1 Jb. fchlnn . , Totals . AB.R.H. PO. A.B. .41,18 0 .88 J T 84 14 7 Butted for Klnsslla in ninth. . , , . . . . . SCORE BT INNINGS.. ; " Iv Ansnles 01 1 1 0 0 11 I1IU . 0 8 1 0 2 1 0 0 14 Portland. ..0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 . lilts , 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 I 0 .7 SUMMARY. ' . y . Three-baa hit Carlisle. - Two-base hits Dillon. Cravath. Stolen bases ' Emtth, Bergman, I-ovett. Left on baaea Is Angeles, Portland, (. Bases on - halls Off Berarman. 2: oft Klnaella. 4. Blruck out By Bergman, 5; by Kin- . sella, 2. Double play McClelland to Moors to McClelland. First bass on er rors Los. Angeles, 8. Tims of gams- fwo hours. Empire uemca. HOMESTEADS TO TRY . ,TH BUNKER HILLS 'The Homesteads will oppose'tne Bun ker Jllll Maroons tomorrow morning at Jjomestead. Ths fans over at Home stead are Interested in their team and will be out in numbers to encourage , thrlr hoys. Crosby has a torn tlnger and will rest till next Sunday. The Ma roons will work out their fast southpaw, tienkle. Tha lineup: '.v. Homestead. . . Junker Hill. Penbrok .c. ........ . McBride Thomas ,.p... fienkle-Jackson Keegun ......... .lb. ...... r. . Jeaman McRns Adams Kulrich, Gay Swanson ......... .Jb. . Hutchlns Ogls ........If ..Redmond-Harris R. Ogle .... .cf. .... . Fox-Patrick McDonnell ...... .rf. ... . Boggs-CNetl HIGH SCHOOL DEFEATS - . ALLEN'S PREP. NINE The High school yesterday aftemooa defeated ths Allen preparatory team by the score of 8 to 2. Word for tha High, school pitched a no-hit game. Moors mads a home run. - Ths lineup: ; High School. , ., V Aliens. ! Word. ............. .p Barber Sherer ...e Parrlsh Moors i.. ., , . v , , Knbsnks Oakes ........... .lb. ........ Barber ' Houston ..........8b, ......... THomas Hughes .......... Stoval McAlptn ..........If.......... Hughes Jsmerson .........rf ....... Broughton Deadly ..., Bates IM , arajv i Villi , Want a Game. Gresham, Or., April 87. Sporting Edi tor ' The Journal Ths , Gresham ball would ilka to get a gams with tha Villas on May I or 12, to be played on .your ground. WILLIAM HAMLIN," Manager Gresham Ball Team. SPORTIfJG GOSSIP OF THE DAY Portland Ball Team Is Suffering From Injuries to Several : A ' Players. . . IWCREDIE IS ON HUNT FOR SEVERAL STARS Brief Items of Sport Arranged for the Perusal of the Rapid Reader l Hunt Club Rider Holding m , Paper Chase This Afternoon. . '', Ths Portland ball club is having a hard . struggle In Sunny California. From ths start of th sesson injuries came to tha club "In battalions," and now, with tha year threa weeks gone and twenty-one games played, Portland has ; won but five contests. Whether Manager McCredie underestimated ; the strength of . the competing teams whether his club' came to grief through the defection of several players la not fully known, yet It is supposed by ths local fans that tha latter is ths ptln clpal reason. With all of ths defeats and all of ths reverses that the club has suffered so fsr ths Portland fans con. ttnue to stand by ths team and hops for better days . and more victories. - won't look vary well for Portland open up at boms on May 14 and en gage In tha pennant raising ceremonies and have an average of about nothing. Two weeks' mors remain before the Giants' come horns, and everybody will be Interested to Sea what the time will bring' forth.,; v ,.. , ; :;-; w w ' Ths Portland Hunt club members are enjoying a paper chase this afternoon, Mrs. B.-C Spencer and Mrs. F. G. Buf fum laid tha trail. A lafg turnout of riders Is expected, ; ' ; , . In ths Multnomah club's handball tournament last night Cleland and Mo- Alpln defeated Holmes- and Mackenxla, 21-10, 21-11. Holladay and Jones de feated Patterson - and Gearin, 11-0, 21-12. " ,; , .-. - ' At Pittsburg last night C M. Daniels of ths New York Athletic club broke tha Indoor, swimming record for 10 ysrds. , His time was 25 1-1 seconds. " ''".'.": '"'"v.. 'S S 1 : " : At Moscow yesterday tha University of IdaMo defeated th Oregon 'varsity nine, s to 1. . .,' . ?. Every Vacant lot has m team of young Whit Box this season. , . T It Is said that Mlks Donlln will play in Chicago with Jimmy Callahan' Lo gan Squares this summer. . r - "Dementla-on-the-benchla" Manager Mccioakey when th other fellows are making ths Cardinals look Ilk a hen coop in a cyclone. -. , i "Honest John" Anderson of ths Wash Ington teem has the "wicked eye" this season end when he steps to th plat in neiaer ' start to move. 1 ' The folurribup. Ohio, club has a new pitcher named L'pp. Of course It 1 up to TJpp to be up to snuff and not go up In tha air . when the heavy batters are up, Uit np. , . . -; . .- Tha witches are still aftsr Pat FIs- herty of th Boston Nationals. He lost his first gam to Philadelphia, to I. Th same old one-run loeerltus. If the New Tork Americans had the Whit Sox pitching staff but what's ths us of "iflng"T Outfielder Mik Welday played nice ball on his first appearanc with th Chicago Whit Sox. .'. Th Boston Nationals are playing to ktn ' largest. . crowds ths South End grounds have seen in years.--v , ,. '. -e- - " ; tatty' Brans Held of th Phlladsl phla Nationals! la In great condition this season arid hitting th ball for keeps. r ; . . .-. . , e e. -.j , . Ths Lincoln Western league team has battery by the name of Zackert and Zlnram. Sounds like stage names. Per haps thsy think "Ducky" Holmes Is running a circus. , ,'. , - ... e . e Pitcher. Llebhsrdt of Cleveland lost th flrst gams and won ths second gam he pitched. He was against the Detroit Tigers both games. . . . GUISEPPE THE , FAN. 7 " Greata gam eea basa ball, r ' Wen boss he do bums job. r Peep goa erase" an hlma call ji : "Toua da lem!" "You blgga da rob!' Georgs A. Huff, ths new manager of the Boston Americana, caught for Fort Wayne In 1888. While directing base- Mcrvclous Invention Cures Weak Men Patent Granted By the u. S. Government Eall More of the most nutritious of flour foods Unooda Discuit the only perfect soda cracker Then you will be able to , . , Eaina MoFe because a well-nourished body has greater productive capacity Thus you will also be able to Save RfloFe because for value received there is no food so economical as Uncsda Discuit ; ... ' ' fc(J In a dust tight, QJ , ytnoUtur proof packaz : NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 1 ' v I A new and scientific appliance in vented by L, B. Hawley, M. D., will produce full manly power at first ap plication. The effects are immediate and startling to, a high degree. De velops, strengthens and cures lJst yigor. Positively no failures. Physi cians indorse and use it in their prac tice. If you are the least skeptical as to the value of this remarkable treatment, send for illustrated eircu lars, take them to your family- physi cian and get his opinion. This is the first time anyone has requested you to take hi circulars to your family physician why? Simply because he knows your physician will not recom- mena nis treatment not so witn una appliance. Your doctor will imme diatelv grasp th idea, and when he does he will recommend it. Nothing like it has ever been, sold before. It works the same on every individual Send today for Free Illustrated Cir cular; containing actual photographic reproductions of this wonderful in strument .The moment you see it you will realize its possibilities. No C. O. D. or free-trial schemes to catch the : unwary. . This is lairt business proposition that will appeal to yon 'as the greatest opportunity ever offered to those who are weak. Address- L. Hawley. M. D., 1030 Uramte Bldg.. Rochester, N. Y. ' ball 'at the University of Illinois Mr. Huff brought out such players as Jaka Btahl and- Pitchers Beebe.- Pfeffer, Lundgren and Falkenburg. ' He also signed Hofmsn and Rsulbaeb' for th Chicago atlonals. , " V Cleveland and Detroit scribes have Joined th pile driving squad. It's the old, old story. Both claim th largest baseball attendance that is, thsy call it attendance. , .r .;.... v. ;'..' Jo Doyle won the first gam he pitched for th New Tors; Americana.- 'i-.' ' . Dan McLaod wants to get back in ths wrestling gam. Frank Gotch might nss him in a few of thoss funny falls and gi v Fanner Burn a rest. . -r PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Won. Lost. PC. ...;.U, .( 4 1 ft Est 10 .524 i 1 t .228 Los Angeles ...... cnfi i auvi w . . . Oaklsnd . . . .... Portland. . .' .... ; tleaJs Err Often. Ban Francisco, April 27. Th Seals' errors ' proved costly yesterday. The scor: - .-. ...... .... . . , , R jr. e. San Francisco ..0102 4 s 4 Oakland . ....... 0 1 J 0 1 I 11 1 Batteries Willis and Street: Reldv and Bliss. ; , , - NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE ' At atDakaa. u ','.'; .. : v n. h.e. Tseoma , -. .v.. .sl8is Sookane V . v . . . . 0 1 2 A 0 0 1 15 Batteries Goodwin and Shea: - Oa- borne, Kllnkbammer and Altman. - Um pire JJOdd. '"f .'1..- ... '' sjeaUls. ." .', .' a ''' . ' ' R. IT. E. Besttl . ,i,10lOtlM 14 . i Butt . 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 8 B Batteries Chevalier, Rush and Stan ley; Roossvelt and Veley. Umpl Ehrt.,- .., -'..,.-.., ; .- At Taavooavas. .,. " ":- . . R. II. ft. Vancouver. . 0 0 8 2 2 Aberdeen ..:.... 1 2 0 0 0 6 7 ' 2 Batteries Vsnsandt and Wilson Tsnneson and Strlpp. Umplr Mul- lan. : ,.-,,. .-. Psnnsylvanla. Tear by. year ths num ber of contestant bas Increased until this year . list reached ths record breaking total of 1,400. ' They repre aented practically every Important school aat of tha Mlaalaalppl river, with . a scattering of men from beyond that point snd Csnada. : , - , ; , Bcsldee the Big Six of ths esstern universities, there are a Urge number of smaller colleges represented, smong them Brown. Syracuse. Amherst. Wll. Hams, Wesleysn. Dartmouth and the University of Maine. The University of Michigan ' again heads the western delegation, which la larger this yesr than ever before. Ths southern representatives Include teams from Georgetown, University of Virginia and other strong Institutions. Th program provides for thres races to determine the college championship of America. On I for a dlstsnce of a mil, each man to run a quarter mile. Th second is to be four miles, each man to run a mile. Ths third is to bs a two-mils raes, each man to run a half mile. j ,-. , , ( ; YESTERDAY'S SUMMARY OF THE RACE TRACKS . (Joarnat Special Servtce.) ' New Tork, April 27. Yesterday's race at Jsmaica: ; . ': '; Six furlong Robin Hood won; ' Dr. Hollls second. Cobleskill third; time, 1:14. , .- . '.- '.- ; Flv furlong Biskra won. Thomss Calhoun second. Youthful third; time, 1:02. .; "' ' - Flv and a half furlongs Handsarra won, Voorhees second, Pretension third; time. 1:071-6. ' Mils and a sixteenth Dr.. Gardner. 122. Martin. 7 to 1, won; Glorlfler. lit. Garner, 12 to 1. second; Cairngorm, 115, Notter, 10 tol. third time. V:4 1-5. Mil and TTfyards Mary Morris won, Killochan sscond, Bellsnlcksr third; time, 1:46 2-2. U.. Flv furlongs Tartar . Maid won, Transvaal second. Alauda third;- time, liM-.:-V.' ' ' . At Oakland.' :: ' ' .. V' ' San Francisco, ' April V 27. Oakland race results:- .- ' . , ' Four and a half furlongs-4-Turnsway won. Abbey second, Margl . D. third; time, 0:48 1-S. Futurity course Paddy Lynch won, St. Dent second. Jos Goss thirds time. 1:112-6. ' . .. Futurity eourss Aaron J. won, Jack Kerchvlll, second,, Sullivan third; time, 1:11 2-6. ,; .. ... .. , ' Mils and 60 yards Ralph Young won, Sahara second, Ths , Mlssourian third; time, 1:44. ? Mil and 80 yards Msrtsnor won, Na- bonassar second, Tarlgaa third; , time. IMS 8-6. . . Mile and 20 yards Silver Lin won. Pellgroso second. Fair Fagot third; time, 1:42 2-6. ... . v : .. : - ; NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago .'. New York , Boston . .. " . . Pittaburg . , Philadelphia . Cincinnati . . hi. ixuia ... Brooklyn ........... Won. 8 6 6 M as J .....5. . . . . 2 . . . 4 1. Lost. . PC. ,800 . .600 .654 .600 .600 .182 .142 - - At Brooklyn. , . . , , , . ,, R. II. K. Boston . . J...4 11 Brooklyn . 2 11 1 Batteries Fianerty and Brown: Ruck, er, Mclntyr and Butler. Umpire Sma ll. ' ' - - " " i . .'"-i..Y At at. Mala, ' St. LOUIS . .......I 7 1 Chicago 6 10 4 Batteries Brown and Marshall: Over- ail ana Kiing. umpire u uay. - ' At PallaAalpkda, ''' . ;. .-' R. H. ra New York ........5 14 1 PhlladelDhia . . ............. ..4 10 0 Batteries Matnewson snd Breens- han; Sparks, McCloskey andaJacklltsch. AMERICAN LEAGUE Nw York 7 Philadelphia r . ........ 7 Detroit . . 7 Cleveland.. ........... 6 Washington . . 2 Won. . Lost. Boston , St. Louis 8 T 10 PC. .717 .706 .700 .4X6 .656 .800 .200 .081 At Detroit. Detroit St. Louis .... R. H. E. ...8 2 .1 4 2 Batteries Wlllett and Schmidt: How all and Stephens. ... . At Olevslaad. Cleveland Chicago Hattrlea Llebhardt Walsh and Sullivan, and R. H.E. 14 0 2 7 2 Oark; At Bostoa. -. , . ' R. If. ft. Philadelphia . . 1 2 1 Boston . . .0 1 2 Batteries Dygert and Barry; Prultt and Armbruster. , . At JTew Tork. ' Waahlngton . ........ New Tork . Batteries - Graham . Brockstt and Kiel now. and R. H.B. .. 6 1 ..4 10 1 Warner; ANNUAL RELAY RACE - ON FRANKLIN FIELD ' (Journal Special STtW.) Philadelphia, Pa April 27. For th thirteenth tlm th selected athlete of college and schools throughout a large section of the-United Ststes lined up on Franklin field this afternoon to strlv for honors in th annual relsy carnival under the auspioss of th University of COLLEGE GAMES TODAY Yale university vs. Columbia univer sity at New York. Harvard vs. Dartmouth at Cambridge, Massachusetts University of Pennsylvania vs. West Point at West Point, New- York. . y Princeton university vs. Holy Cross t Worcester, Massachusetts. Naval cadets vs. Maryland A. C. at Annapolis, Maryland. " Brown vs. Carlisle Indians at Provi dence. Rhode Island.. Amherst vs. RensseTarer Polytechnic Institute at Amherst. Massachusetts; : Lafayette vs. Franklin and Marshall at Easton, Pennsylvania. ; Lehigh vs. Dickinson at Carlisle, Pennsylvania,, i.'V . . :.-' Vlllanova college vs. Gettysburg col lege at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. . Northwestern university vs. Indiana university at Bioomingron. Indiana. University of Michigan vs. University Of Illinois at Ann. Arbor, Michigan. Stats University of Iowa vs. Unlver sity of Minnesota at Minneapolis. " Missouri university vs. University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska. ; BRIEF SPORT ITEMS y A state lesgu Is to bs formed. ' Four out-of-town tesms and four city nines will constitute ths circuit. Sunday ball is to be played, l S - ; ..--e ' ,. ' .. ' Th Bunker Hills are arranging . a game with th Tacoma Cuba, to be played at Tacoma. Billy Adams, the Maroon second Backer, formerly played with th Cubs. ' - '. . . v . . -. ' " .-! Canbv has a' fast team In the field and wilt make i the, local Independent team hustle this yesr. ' Th Ross City aggregation has a num ber of clever youngsters on Ita roster.. "Devoes'? Want Match. C. C. Kilns' Devoea are- very anxious to meet some good team tomorrow.- " A Crimiaal Attack ' . on an Inoffensive cltlxen Is frequently mad In that apparently useless little tub called th "appendix." It's gener-ill"- the result of protracted constipa tion, following llvr torpor. Dr. King's New Ufa PUIS rssulsts tha liver, nra. vent appendicitis, and establish regular habits of ths bowels. 25c at Rsd Cross Pharmacy. GLOHY SOr.B III THREATS VAR IVHOOP (ECE FILLED Gospel as It Appeals to the Na ture of the Once Fierce ,:'v Nez .Perce. . ' 8prlal Dlsoatrb to The JoaroaM - Pendleton, Or., April 27. Great inter eat la being manifested in the camp meeting at' the Tutullla Indian mission. which baa been in progress for over a week. Nearly 80 convert have already been received. - The prbytery for th northwest tribes convened last night. A number of discussions In ths presbytery will be carried on In ths Nes Perce language and th Indian congregation lad by Rev. J. M. Cornellson will sing th "Glory Song." which is a favorite at-all van gelical Lndlan meetings,. . Groat interest has been shown In th Christian endeavor work. . Th society now haa a membership of 46 and more will b. added. The of floor are Adair Harsh, president; Albert M in thorn, vice president; Tom Johnson, secretary; Mrs. James Kaah, treasurer. -. . Ths Indians have built bath houses nesr the camps on the banks of ths river so that th delegates and visitor may take baths, and If any of them should become ill they will be given th regular Indian swesL ", . Many members of th Nes Perce trlb of Indisna ars her. . ' Racing at Lexington. '' - (Journal Speetal Stevlce.) Lexington, Ky., April 27. Th spring mseting of th Kentucky Racing associa tion opened today, and will continue through the coming week. Indications point to a successful week, and tha of ficials of the track are pleased at ths prospects. . Msny consignments, of fast horses have arrived and there will be no lack of material with which to fill the races. A total of 214,600 In purses will be given, th average amount of th purses being 8400. . aTf erred Stook Canned Goods. Allen A Lewis' Heat Kranff. Twenty-five yean- trial . . Drove, that it SPREADS BEST WEARS BEST LOOKS BEST COSTS LEAST: MM i -r ... Minn union UpUIOPAIMT WHITE 1 . T V i-iVW'' , II mm SOLD BT VRasmussen & Co. 2nd and Taylor Sis. Ccoliinj- This is' the store you shoixld haye in your kitchen : It's new. : It's up-to-date. It's different from other oil stores. It will give you best and quickest results on baking-day and other days. The flame of the VlcIi Blue Flame Oil Coo!t-S!oi' is always under immediate control. If you use ; a New Perfection your kitchen will be cooler this aummer than , ever before. 'I , Every: stov warranted. ; Made' in three sizes. If not at your dealer's, write to our near- v - . est agency for descriptive circular. ; ': household a. Ifgae ei btasa throaghont and beantifully aJckeled. parfctly coatracta4 ; apaolutsly agf; unexcelled la Ugh t-gi ting pewer; aw onuatwt te aarr room. Every lamp warranted. If sat at your dealer's, writ to our STAND AXTD OtX COMPANY .. (lauoBtrwaLSTBao . -' '. ... . '.' Back to Rlature for a Cure Nature is the greatest doctor on earth. When she can't cure it is because she needs aid. Now, most people have an idea that this aid is drugs, and when they get sick or suffer from pain of any kind they proceed to dope their stomachs with the stuff that is sold - for medi cine. That doesn't help any; ,of harm. The dope that you in fact, it doeg a great deal , . ' ' .' put into your stomach is poison and poison weakens the organs and nerves of your body. What Nature needs is electricity. , , , When your stomach, kidneys, liver or di gestive organs get out of order it is because they lack .the necessary .electricity to enable, them to perform their regular functions. The breaking down of one of these organs nearly always causes other trouble. - Nature can't enre them, because - your body hssn't enough electricity to do th work, so you must sssiat Nature by- restoring the electricity, where It Is needed. ... My Electro-Vigor does this white you sleep. it saturates ths nerve with its glowing power, and these conduct ths fore to every organ and tissua of your body,' restoring health and giving strength to every part that Is ik. Electro-Vigor is a relief from the old. .sys tem of drugging. It does by natural ..N.V v 5 mm means what you expect drug to do by unnatural means. It removes th cause of disease, and aftsr the caus has been removed Nsturs will do th rt ' Electro-Vigor Is not an ; electrle belt. It 1 a dry-cell body battery and makes Its own power. , , . " , -. I cannot saV too much for Electro Vigor. It haa don me a world 'of good, no more pain or ache of any kind. , i v ... ; JES8B SMITH.-; ..Gllmor. Ida. -.: .. :v''' -,f ' :':,-; There' is nothing to equal Electro Vigor as a cure. It cured an of di gestive " troubl ' and restored my strength," sfter . I ' had tried many other methods without benefit. .. - .- s THOS. KELflAX' . --Smith, Oregon. . .-; .,';? I GIVE, IT; FREE Get bit 100-page book deacrlMng Electro-Vigor and with lllustrsUons of fully developed men and .women showing how It is applied. - . - This book tells in plain language m4ny things you-want to know, and gives a lot of good, wholesome ad vie for man. " ,...".. Ill send this book.' prepaid, free, . If you will mall m this coupon. S. A. HaU, M. D. .1438) Till mo re Buses, , . '.;',' ''., ' 8kMa Traaolso. .. Please eend me, prepaid, your free 100-page Illustrated book. . Nam Address . ndv i ivi i arm n m lltiiu Trcubln DIICHAROEI RELIEVED IK 24 Hours Jtacfc Cas- : sole esrefcQrV tha nAmcSV Memmri ifammtmftm am. DKCOoirra. Scctfs S:nt2i-P;s:3 c-js1:: a positive cuns T3L Vat IsflaaisiaMo erOatairti ng um. Bsosasssrar. ( rw asKkly aa4 asMtaatir the aad CIm as siatwr at k. kweatuSiDa. krailia. gold ky 4rut. glg V AD PnnMa lllll Pleasant to . talle and does not gripe or nauseato Cures Chronic Constipation. Stomach, and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. Oscro laxative Fruit Syrup is a new laxative Bjrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. .It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, ' as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. . V ;- Constipation. v : Okcto Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronio constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tern .porary relief but the stomach it upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few davs a stronger purgative mar nave to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent , relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. Oram Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation mat reaiiy acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organ g can toot cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. . For Biliousness and SIcll Headache."' : -; -v Take Oanro Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Owao Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liTer and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion cf pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gri-o cr OUR GflARAHTEE . -'. ... a ' '.. Sranan sicken. IVefuse substitutes. Talie OIUNO Laxative Fruit Gyrup and if are not satisfied your money will be rcfi - Preperad only by POLITY t CO., Chloage, in. solo and nEcovi::rriDro by '. - V : v ALL DRUGGISTS