The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 27, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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- Correspondent Ask Journal What Tax Is Doing for Development
of City and Receives Answer He Believes Portland Need ', .
T. Not Act on Advice of Some Municipalities. v
Why Wsls
.u gvi 3
I , nflUrlng;
l-Tlukt la al
Journal i
Fred C Denton write to Th Journal
In relation to th bridge, tax and the
'free Water" amanflment M follows
Th popl of Portland hava glvea
their confidence to The Journal because
It haa Bought to do fairly by the In
terest of the community and not
truckle to any predatory combination
of apeclal privileged classes when pub
llo questions cam up for discussion
and aattlement
"Now, whatever mistakes have been
mad in tba drafting of the free water
ordinance. It 1 before the people and
no reconsideration of the city council can
affect that - fact. The Journal in its
discussion of this measure is expected
by its thousands of readera among- the
worklna- and home-owning class to be
fair and to give both aide without aid,
stepping or veiled, deception. Therefore
they are asking in their conversations
question of the following purport:
"Why doe not Th Journal publish
the charter section in full wblcar pro
vide for the two-mill bridge UxT la
It a fsot that this section give th
city eouncll power to build bridge for
the atreet railway and cnarge inem
and la It a fact that up to date
all the use made of It? Is The
tandlng In for the taxpayer
civin a two-mill levy to the Portland
street railway company; with which to
- build us bridges? Not job your uie:
Question Water Board. '
"What have the men composing the
v water board done with the-sum of
" money collected ' by ' them from tne
' householders? I it a fact,' or not, that
many thousands of dollars have been
,- taken to build water' mains - through
.. tracts of vacant lota at no expense to
the owners, yet to the manifest en
hancement of the value placed on those
lots? ; - -i
"Will The Journal give us thee
facts? It has given them la the past.
-and it can be depended on to do so
. again, can't it? ; v
. "Doe th free water amendment pro
vide for the doing awey with - uoh
graft and will It enable the eltiaen
of Portland to get the best water fur
nished -any city in the United State
' at coat without being made to pay for
raafn extended to friends, favorite
and addition boomer T
"If th two-mill tax 1 necessary The
Journal will show u and If the free
water proposition la evil In itself The
Journal will ehow wherein that evll
lies. What harm will come to th man
v ef small means, the man with a rented
flat or a little borne In th suburbs.
If bis , water bills aro reduced three
fourth by reason of th fund collected
no longer being devoted to extending
the main In 160.000 clip to property
owned ' by men amply able to pay for
the service? .What would Th Journal
say to a proposition to have the eity
taxed to extend the gaa. mains for th
gaa company? Let us ,play fair. -If
there la merit in the free water amend-
ment the people can be fooled at best
' but two year. If the much-talfced-of
two-mill bridge tax 1 a dirty echeme
ito get aomething-from -the people r
nothing The Journal will lose In the
. long run If It even appear to stand for
ttr - If tt-IH'iK' a trfr'iw aa-actnaltv
necessary for the development of the
eKy it an be yeenacted tvery easily be
fore 'the next Cltr election - afte the
coming one. "'. . ,"
rortlaaa -shea e 6tar. ' '1'.
'.Oregon-haa . stepped ahead of other
etatea .and -Portland ahead of. other
cltlo tt bringing' the government oloser
to the people. -That other eitlea of .like
' els and situation have not had free
water and their governing bodies think
It impractical and cranky I no reason
against it..' Some year -ago Oregon
and Portland adopted direct legislation
which any grafting set of officeholders
in the -country would have pronounced
to be a moat foollrh and chimerical
piece of anarchy.- la Oregon to take
advice from Philadelphia which grovels
and wallow In graft with the delight
of a hog in a wiU trought ' Are we
to listen to th notoriously corrupt Chi
cago boodlers? Shall we ask. for the
Ruef gang of confessed boodlers in con
trol of stricken Ban Francisco as to
what we shall do with our water sys
tem ? -Let ua have the proposed water
Ordinances and amendment published
and debated on their merit. The peo
ple have a right to expect this of Th
Journal." ( ' t '
In accordance with The oorrespond
.ent's request. The Journal publishes
herewith the portion of th city char
ter and of ordinance lioss which re
late to 'the bridge tax. The question
which ' he ask are answered in an
editorial which appear in this Issue.
Th charter provision ' creating the
fund for building brldgea I embodied
In an amendment to section 114 and was
adop.te1 by vote of the people in the
last city election,- It is a -follows:
' rid Tax Amendment.
. : "The council also ha the power and
authority, at 4ha same time the other
annual levy or levies of taxes are made,
a provided In this section, to levy and
collect annually, in addition to all the
tax or taxes hereinbefore authorised, !
special tax not exceeding two mills
on each dollar, valuation of the prop
erty In said city for th ' purpose of
paying for the 'construction of bridges
In said city, and said taxee ahall be 1
apportioned to a fund to b known a
the "PpeclaJ Bridge fund;" said
special bridge fund shell be used only
for the purpose of paying for the con
struction of bridge In said city, else
where than- aoroaa th Willamette liver,
the estimated eost - of . which br hald
city shall not be lees than flt.OOO each,
and also for th purpose of paying for
snr bridge or : bridge not acroea th
Willamette river which were con
structed 1n and by said city, during th
year lt04 or which are now under
course of construction under eontraot
with mid city and which have not been
pail for prior to January 1. 1001; pro
vided, that tat provision shall not be
conatrued ao a to Include - elevated
roadway, tramway or any structure
other than bridge across gulche and
ravin." ,,
For the purpose of earn-in- out th
provision of thl charter amendment
the council made the following enact
ment ordinance ,11081. Sec T):
- tree Kauway rroviatoas, .
"whenever daring or after the con
struction of any. line of railway au
thorised by thl ordinance It la neces
sary to construct any bridge or ele
vated roadway In any street along such
line Of railway, said Portland Railway
company. It successor and assign,
hall pay one-fourth of th coat of th
construction of such bridge or elevated
roadway, excepting the superstructure
thereof (the superstructure being un
derstood to be composed of the string
er, decking or . flooring. If any, and
surface paving and planking? and said
railway company and It successor and
assigns shall also pay th whole cost
of constructing that portion of tih
uperstructure - of such bridge ' or. ele
vated roadway a is Included between
the rail of th track and on foot on
th outside of said rail, and between
the tracks, if : there be two tracks,
provided th apace between the two
tracks from rail to rail be not more
than -1x -feet tirT Width and'ther'eafter
daring the existence of the rights grant
ed, by, this ordinance1 said railway com
pany. Us successor and aaxlgna, shall
pay one-fourth of the coat of .maintain
ing, and repairing- such, bridge or. ele
vated- .roadway, excepting such super
structure thereof, and shall also pay
the whole cost-of repaying, replanklng,
repairing- and maintaining the same
portion of such superntructurs of such
bridge or elevated .roadway , for which
they are required to pay the whole eoetl
e Mmitniflfliui .hii.. nmiHfl M 1
It 1 also provided that where the
city neglect or fall to maintain any
bridge used by the company, until it
become unsafe, the company upon SO
days' notice may repair the bridge and
deduct three-fourth of 'the cost from
money owd the city by It. Further
provision I made for the equitable di
vision of bridge construction and main
tenance ln.oaae the same atreet I oc
cupied by two or more companies.
mm : s v j v "v '
1::: :, W M Y&
'::',. J. C
i ! F. V. Galloway.
' (Jeoraal i pedal 8rvlee.
Bait take, Utah. April 17. F. V. Oal-
loway and 3. "C. Veatch, th TJniveraity
of Oregon debater, won the decision in
debate at Barrett hall last nicbt over
the University of Utah team. The vote
ef the Judge was two to one.
The question waa: : "Resolved, That
the fifteenth amendment and section I
of the fourteenth amendment to the con
stitution of th United State should be
repealed. It being conceded that the dlf-
fleulty In th way of repealing shall not
enter Into th discussion."
' Th Oregon debater supported th
negative. Galloway came out with ex
traordinary strength and drew from the
audience of stranger and adherent
to hi opponents a tumult of applause. .
President James T. Kingsbury of Utah
university acted aa chairman. Th
Judge were Judge H. P. Henderson, ax
chief Justice; K. ft. Raskin and Parley
L. Williams, general attorney-of the
Oregon Short Line. '.,.-
, A Swedish Fir of May celebration
will be held at the Swedish 'Lutheran
church, Nineteenth- and Irvine, accord
ing to old . national ' custom. .
' The different churches end societies
will be represented on the program. It
1 a movement of the Swedish people
tn Portland, aa a whole. .. The move
ment also include interest in Daniel
son and Nelson, th two - Swede oon
vltd of th Ltndgren murder, and the
fund derived from the celebration will
go towards defraying the expenses of
their defense. Thl 1 th first united
mov of all th Swedish people in Port
land for the observance of their na
tional holiday.
Commissioner Will Not Permit
Sale of Isolated Tracts for
Speculative Purposes. ' .
"(Joorael iedal Bervle.
Seattle, April IT. A special to the
Time from Los Angeles, ay: 1 do
not want my son to be president; he 1
not my candidate," smiling declared Mrs.
W. F. Tart, mother or necrexary or war
TafL "Th supreme bench, where my
boy would ' administer Justice, . 1 my
ambition for him. HI 1 a Judicial
A. you know, and he love tne law.
Adm to these are gooa neaitn ana an
tinfalUn rood nature." - t
Mrs. Taft is tall, graceful matron
f some TO years, with whom trace of
rly beauty etill remain,
She I proud ef her on' mental
achievement, and tell of hi innate
lov for the law. which causes her to
see for hint aa her highest ambition a
supreme Justiceship In : preference, to
the highest position la th United State.
"To be president 1 - a dreadful re
sponsibility and a vary trying position.
II ha not sought to be a candidate
for It. I know that he himself do not
want It, that hi view are the same
a mine," continued Mr. ' Taft.
"Ha I th oldest of a family of foirr.
II will be BO year old In September.
I have three other children," Henry W.,
a lawyer of New fork; Horace D., who
conduct a preparatory school for boys
In Connecticut, and Mr. W. A. Edward
of Lo Angeles. ,' " , ' - . v
"I lived In , Cincinnati to year, and
all my children were born there. They
are true Buckeyes. Their father came
from Vermont, and I cam from Wor
cester county, Massachusetts, but never-
tney are true unioana.
. "Mr. Taft worries greatly about hi
weight He wa always a large boy,
'even when he went to college, where
he waa noted aa being th largest boy
there. - , .
"He ha ' weighed as much as tit
-pound, but whan I saw him In New
Tork Just before I left he. waa weigh
ing 170 and was In hope of reducing to
JB0. He I under th oar of a famou
specialist In London, with whom he cor
respond regularly. ' With him corpu
lency 1 not a disease, aa he ha always
been large. It annoy him, however,
that he. cannot exercise."
"Who I jour candidate r Mr. Taft
was aaked. .. ,. .
"Ellhu Root.' ex-secretary of state,"
he replied. "I knew him personally,
and I consider him a fine man and I
am In hope that h will he th next
praldnt.M . , - i,
Sjr Not Par More of Isolated Tracts
. of Public Lands Than ,17111 Aggre
" gate 100 Acres To Benefit Home
Seekers. .. - -:
Exposrtion Rink Races. '
- A little extra exoltement haa been
provided for th entertainment of the
Exposition rink ' skater tonight In
several faat race. A bicycle rider will
ride a - relay race with four akatera,
and there will also be match racing.
No advance In prtoe. ;
...," Licensee bjr Ffah Warden- . ,
Astoria, Or.. April IT. Up to thia
date State Fish Warden Van Duaen has
Issued th following licensee s Olll
net. 71: set net. It; traps, II;
selns, S; canneries, lot cold storage, a.
Thi number will be vastly Increased.
. . . ,
". fWsiblagtaa Bares ef Tke Joaraal.) .
; Washington, April 17. Commissioner
Bellinger of th general land office baa
Issued Instruction to registers and re
ceivers of the local land office In th
public land atates and territories chang
ing th procedure which has heretofore
obtained In. the matter of the sal of
Isolated and, disconnected tracts of pub
lic landa. .....-,.." v .-- -: -
Hereafter the applicant applying for
the sale of an Isolated tract will, in
addition to furnishing th evidence here
tofore required, be required to furnish
an affidavit to the effect that b de
sires to purchase said tract for hi own
Individual us , and actual occupation
and not for speculative purposes. Ap
plicant will alao be limited ia the num
ber of such applications of sal filed
by them, and will not b permitted to
apply to purchase awh tracts, in th
segregate, exceeding 1(0 acre of land,
which I strictly in accord with-th
spirit of th homestead law.
It 1 apparent- that there ha ' been
some speculation in the purchase of
these Isolated tract by person who.
after purchase, bold ucn tract a i
Investment and never take np their resi
dent- on the land so purchased or at.
tempt to cultivate or improve It, thus
retarding the development of the com
munity in wmcn tne lana I locateo. it
1 believed that thl requirement will
reduce auch speculation to a minimum
and conserve suoh tract to a Urge ex
tant for the benefit of the bona fide
home-builder. All pending application
not In accord with th above will b
rejeetedT. ; .5 . ; ' ;
tearaat Rpetlal servtee.1t v
New Tork, -April 2T. CapUln Lan
granter of the North. German - Lloyd
steamer Barbaroaaa reported laat night
that David Wlloox. former president of
th Delaware c Hudson' Railroad com
pany, bad committed aulcld by shoot
ing himself while at sea laat Wednes
day. Wilcox had gon abroad to regain
his health, and after being abroad for
a time cabled hi resignation as presi
dent of th Dataware at Hudson because
hta health had not Improved.
The Barbaroaaa arrived last night
from Naples. When the boat went Into
quarantine It waa reported that Wilcox
had died of heart failure, and the an
nounct :ent created, no surprise, as It
waa aensrallr known that Wilcox's
fhealth was poor. Subsequent Investi
gation, ao ordlng to captain Lang-ranter's
report, developed th fact that Wil
cox had shot himself. .
Naval Department to Begin
; Trials to Determine Best
Style of Submarines.
Sons of American 4 Revolution , to
- Hold Congress at DenverMystic
Shriner' Conclave at Los Angeles
European Expositions. 7
That wc sold more furnaces last year than ever before? That we
sold more furnaces than any .other dealer? :
It's because we believe in giving the best work, the best furnaces
and satisfaction! And more people know i every year! ' '
The W. Q. McPherson Com
Mann. Objects to Indorsement
and Move for Zimmerman
"" " -' ,' ' '" Also Fails. , ; "' ' '
, ' ' . . ' -.''..,.:.',. y
--:...':..'. - 1 1 1 j ' .
' - Ooenal Bpeetal Senlre.l
Denver. CoL. April 17. Under ear
of a nurse aruard detailed br th West
ern Federation or Mlnera, Mr W. p. 1
Havwood. an Invalid, and her two email
dsuchtera left thl mornlns; for Boise
to attend th (Hal of her husband.
(Jeers! Special ferrtcej :
Washlnaton. V. C, April 17. Th
national society, Bona of th American
Revolution, will bold. It annual eon-
frees in Denver, beginning Tuesday and
continuing in session three days. The
meeting- will be attended by many dls-
unguisnaa men rrora an over th coun
try. .,.... -.-;.,.--. ',., . ..,
Th aubmarln boat testa, for which-
tn nary department na : been
preparing for more than ye
are scheduled to begin next Tues
day at Newport.. It 1 expect
ed tne trial will laat 1 r day or
two week and th result will deter
mine the atyl of aubmarln craft to be
adopted by the United States new.
Two expositions are to be opened In
Europe during the week, one at Dublin,
devoted chiefly, to an aahlbltlon of Irlab
induetriea, and the second an Interna
tional maritime exposition at Bordeaux.
A nandeome equestrian statue of Gen
eral Oeorge B. McClellan will be un
veiled in this city next Thursday In
connection with the annual meeting of
me society or tne army of tne pototnao.
Memners or tne Mystie Bhrin. thou
sands In number and representing everv
section of the country, will journey to
i-OK Angeie to talc part in th annual
national corn-lave of th order. All In
dication point to an unusually larg
atUndanca. . ,
(Jearaal Beaeial ervlse.) '
. Cincinnati. Ohio, April 17. One thou
sand graduates of Tale university, mem
ber of th Western Association of
Tale Club, gathered la Cincinnati today
to renew aoquajntances and to sing
ths praises of their alma mater. Busi
ness sessions of the association were
held both morning and afternoon at tba
Slnton hotel. Tonight the . meeting
closes with th annual banquet, which
promise to be a notable event. Secre
tary of War Taft, aa president of th
association, will act a toaatmaater.
President Hadley of Tale, Frederick N.
Judson of St. Louis and other speakers
will be beard. . ,
'Among th -visitor are representa
tives of ths Tale clubs In Chicago,
Cleveland, Indianapolis, Louisville. 8L
Louis, Kanae City, Detroit. Columbus,
Denver, Milwaukee. Minneapolis and Eu
Paul. , - . .
; trnfinlshed Pier OoUapsen.
(Joaraal Ipeelal SrTlee.)
Baltimore ML, April 17. A new pier
of th Baltimore ft Ohio railroad. In
course of construction, collapaed thl
morning, burying about it men.
1 m
A. U, iirt.fiS.V "7.
. l'rIOfnt
. Udiieral. Manager.
Assistant Manaser.
Eastern Star Leader Killed.
Pmnr Rpeeial ervles.') '
Peoria. 111.. Abrll ST Mrs. Kate L
Cheater ef Cains-o, grand secretary of
th Order of Eastern Star, fell through
the elevator ehaft at th Mayer hotel
this aaernlng and was allied. - j, -
No Trouble
. ' to get "breakfast with '
This food Is already cooked snd
you have only to add milk or
cream, and eat TRY IT!
t'Theret a Reatoa'
Politics' cam near causing heat in
the meeting of the Riverside Driving
association held last night. Th office
of the Rural Spirit waa need a a meet
ing place and a larga number of the
members of the association attended
the meeting.' After most of the rou
tine business had been transacted A.
C. Lohmlre brought up the name of
John M. Mann nd aaked that the as
sociation indorse his candidacy for
councilman for th Sixth ward. Mr.
Mann objected to th Indorsement but
th association was abont to east lta
smtle on him anyway when om on
amended the original motion hy includ
ing Lout Zimmerman aa a candidate
for mayor. .'....'..
. President Drake stated that he did
not think it would be good policy tor
th association to indorse Mr. Zim
merman because Dan Ktdlaher and City
Auditor Devlin were also good, mem
ber of th organisation. After a deal
of discussion Mr. Mann requested that
no action be taken and en th motion
It was dropped.
The association took a alap at th
board of county commissioner because
it had granted, a franehi to aa electric
railway to operate a road on aha Riv
erslda drive. Base Line road end Linn-
ton road. A resolution waa Introduced
by A. C Lohmlre asking that a com
mlttee of three be appointed to draft
resolution censuring the board for Ite
action. The association was , unanl
moua in indorsing the action - and A.
C. Lohmlre. John' M. Mann and M. D.
Wisdom were appointed aa the, commit
tee. . ' , ,.' ' - .
A series of spring meets haa been
arranged for by the association the date
of the first meeting having been fixed
for June IS. The other dates so far
arranged are July end 17.- - ,
A amoker will be held by th asso
ciation In th chamber of commerce
hall . next Thursday evening. May 1.
Thr Meeting on East Side
. Will See Commencement of
, Work for Coming Election.
Precinct local option will make It
Initial bow to th voters of Portland
on Sunday At three meeting planned
by the International Reform Bureau.
The meeting will b under the man
agement of Dr. O.1 L. Tufts, who Is
at th head of th Pacific Coaat dl
talon of th Reform Bureau and who
haa hi headquarter In this city. Ths
first meeting will be held St the Cal
vary Baptist church. East Eighth and
Eaat Grant, at 11 o'clock.
Ths seoond meeting will b In the
nature of a ma meeting of the eltl
sena of Bell wood at t o'clock la the
afternoon., while th laat of the three
meeting wlU be held la th First Unit
ad - Evangelical church on Eaat Tenth
atreet, at T: o'clock.
Dr. Tuft will address u three er
the meeting. Local option legisla
tion for residence precinct for th
coming election will be eet In motion
nd th beginning of a strenuous cam
paign inaugurated. The formation and
passage of a forceful and effective Sun
day closing lew will also be discussed.
Th Mtlwaukl club question will also
be given om prominence. .
Dr. Tuft la wall known aa a leader
In the work h 1 .now outlining. , He
lobbied a Sunday cloning law through
th laat seaalon of the Idaho legiala
tare and also killed a bill to license
gambling. - ' .-.-
- (Joaraal Special Hsrvie.
Boston. Maaa April 17. A contingent
of America' foremost 8unday school
educator t2t strong left this port to
day on th specially chartered team-
hip Romania en route to Rome. The
party will attend the fifth world' Sun
day eehdol convention, which 1 to as
semble in th Italian capital on May
IS. Because of ths large number of
Americans who are to attend the gath
ering. It haa been found necessary to
charter two vessels especially for the
use of the Sunday school pilgrims. ' In
addition to those leaving on the Ro
manic about 00 delegates will depart
on the steamship Neckar leaving New
Tork today. At Rome the two com
panies will meet, remaining together
during the convention and tour about
Metisar fit your eye for 11.00.
Clxth atreet. near Waahlngton. -
Sav R -Tun '
Bv Her Health
Sav Bar Weary Steps
Save Tons Money
Save Tonr Clothes
Save Met Temper
Save EM OomplesJom
Fill in coupon and mail to us
The iron will be delivered, with
all necessary equipment, abso
lutely free of charge
First and Alder Streets, Portland, Oregon. t - -
Gentlemen Yon may deliver, to me one Electric Flat
iron, which I agree to try. and if unsatisfactory to me, to
return to yon within 30 days from date of delivery. If I
do not return it at that time you may charge same to my
account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be
made for the iron if I return it within 30 day.
Address. . ..............r. ...... ...........
DEPT. J. .v.'- ,,- v,
I'- H
TrainsJ Daily
St. Pari, Mime
t?o!!s, Oclalh
Kl lit ,
East .sr.
2) Trains Deify
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Czna!ia. Kazsas
CIlj. SL Loots i
ad YScst
North Coast timitefJ
It will please you- , Every want is anticipated.. Elecrrtc-lijhte J
throughout Standard Pullman and Pullman tourist sleerin-Tir.
Dining-car. observation-car, electric lights, electric fans, carl .
smoking rooms, barber shop, bsthroom. wardrobe cloaeta, l.;,r 7,
nd all the luxuries of modem hotel on wheels. CaU or writ 1 r
a "North Coaat Limited" booklet giving complete description.
Hava you friends or relatives in the Last who are corri-r Y.
on the low rates this season? If so. aend their names and full a -dresses.
Literature and full Information will be given thr-i. t :
you can deposit with any agent of this company to cover the t.. ' - ,
and delivery will be arranged by telegraph. Snerial rour !-tr: r .
commencing June 1, will be in effect from ail fasten t-r:. 7 t
this section. . . .
-lor any Information- devred regir! rg r'-, r- ., - , ,
or aMrcsa
Ar - -
... r ' '
.-'$ T.:c - ' . u: . .