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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
v .... . .. .V- ; "TOE OREGON : DAILV VX)tmMAti POTITLANIX' :f ATUXtDAY 'k EVEKXNG. 'APIUL 7J 107 Jf.-. f4,t V. ill I i ! , v : I ii it i . ........ - .. . ... - ' ' v , I'M so chad wr CAN i , JOV I I GO AND PlV W THE I. f'M -O AY 1 Jf : - T .M - . green- : ri K""v " . Ill : . .... PLEffTT NICE UTTLE-PMSr CATfV W1U0VV..ME.ET some! 5UCH PHETTY WE OUGHT TO f V i .1 'TO HE CR NfllfF i f i' OUND .1 1 7 7i i 8 '. . . Lat week you wrt told how Little Bw and Aundak, the Crow,, paid ,.'wh,t T owe1 K11 "Ply-Stpr"; and how tha sudden rahwtorm cam, , but faflad to wet them in their anur ihelfer. Wefl, after tuch a nice warm shower the (rati sprang up so fast you could almost see it grow, the trees began to put "forth their leaves, and the early wild flowers shyly peeped through the carpet of ; dead leaves in the woods. One bright morning the children' went out to pick eome.and.of course, their "faithful followers'' went along, too. , " - . They found thewamp-WUIows covered with the little white fluff y buda that children call rpussyats," or "pussy-wfllowe." Growling Bird cut off a lot - of the email branche. but not enough to injure the buaheS. Meanwhile. Yellow i C Hair ran about picking the pretty wild Liliee, the red, the white, and yellow ones. ' She gsthered briiht blue Larkspurs, and the pink and white Mayflower, or Trail- ' ".; ing Arbutus. : But Aundak and Little Bear hunted for ROOTS I They cared ' '' ' - ,.no for eatables than for the prettiest kind of flowers, ' WeOW; v " fnt HOVV YOU "THE JHEY HAVE A MAY- POLE If . L'T FOft ME: I T..vTl w- AT IMJUN PUT LP POLS WITH GREEN BYM-'SVeV'vVHEN, coftM dance:, t 3" - j rim , j i r m m m ws ...... M ?.".-., . ,-..-.;v ,',V. 'v''" J',"'-'.-4 iVv' , WhQe Yellow Hair was gathering the flowers a bright idea came to her. ) She said to OrowUng Bird: "WhyootletushaveaMay-polelikethePakface y .'children? We have plenty of flown and vines, and, ivouH cut a imooth pole, :.; m show you how the game is played P So Growling Bird cut and trimmed a , smooth birch pole and then they aU started back to the Wigwam.-. Yellow Hair v carried the flowers, and even Little Bear "toted" an armful But sly old Aundak " ' stole a ride and tried to eat the "pussy-csts" that Growling Bird carried.' " V till V V.-V,. r ' V.M V-i C,:V- i?"vt.(..,t'i:' 1" .7l,: tVftOI:! Iv '. 9H, EARj YOU . - IV - .t- ' . ST - r tf I V ' ' .' M F TO EAT!. I ' - . ATPCV . HAIR OOtErtoOF-Tue r AV 4MEN0? MCNOKSOOO IS1! JAYVCHIErf I J. "' 1 J -' WW f, t ME WANT A' 1 1 RE OOEEN' f ?, X Ur THEr'iAYf When Farniy Yellow Hair told Nokomis and Big Bear how the Paleface children set up the May-pole and crowned it - with flower and hung long streaewra o ribbon on it. they looked puirled. TH5Y did not know there wa so much ribbon in A .. . v. . . v. - a . . . : . . a ' - I . . . t . . . . . . . . V. ' tne worm, out wnen r anny caia inmi ichwhi, or flowers together until they had' finished six strearm . V the "Flower-Son r" as they danced around, weaving in and out until the ribbons were nicely plaited down the whole length of I Jhe May-pole. "After that." she said, "they choose a little girl to be the "Queen of the May! 1 They crown her with flowers and kneel to heiwjuet as if she were a KAI queen, or pHncees, you knowr 7 .i .v SrV-;..,; f mis j,: . .. . A 1 ' . When Yellow Hair was telling about choosing a little girl to be "Queen of the May" she couldn't keep from giggling. it, they looked puzzled. THlfy did not know there wa so much ribbon in V'" You see. she knew that SHB was the only little girl in the Refuge Ground, and they'd just HAVE to choose HER to be the : ' flower ropet, would do ju,t as w.n, thry eet to work and twi.ttd vine and ; . - Qijeen"r Pretty soeve tre-cne for each of the party.Yttlow Hair told them also how they sang . nd B& Bea raised U op and every ce tc , g in and out until the ribbons were nicely plaited down the whole length of ( . . ." . . Big Bear spoke up and said: "Come on. Nokomlsl Well choose YeHowHair and crown her 'Queen of the MayT Of course. -' aUttle glrlto bethe Tjueen rf the Msy' rTh ... , ' . aU the rest atreexT except Little Bear. He said HZ wanted to be "Oueen of Mav"a if auch a tin thinrMn nnMihUi AA ' ' V ' - Aundak; too, had ankles tlrjiigM choose HIM 1 Well, wellt The conceit of some people is somethinr to wonder atl . . ' . VVLL -YOUR , Vf V A , i. MAJtSTY' f Xf i j . - ? I PISASE TO V "-7-". J rj ,? 4 s-. " - - ' r ,iv -v . M 0 r at - " r . a mm. - . I V 7 I T - 'Hliiltt'.-CV rl '. with l "wStta .yymimBt&mbhanimlumil The rlo wercrown on top of the pole tilted suddenly, snd Whi-s-i K I a wreath oi nower and wound rarUnd of tha sama around her wit and i)xuldera. NcOconua brour ht out Uh.kik.the ,J: , ;. .'-.: .' ". ' .' t).., A .k "n. i r. i. -...i . it., t... ai. . .: Big Kettle. an4 turning huoslde down, covered it with her beat blanket. 4The they seated Queen Yelfow Hal. on her' - ' ; , heada art so hard and thick, alee Mukoona, the Little Black Bear, would have cracked hi. .kull kxnr before thUI The Children , Throne while Bit-Bear and Growlin RiM fcu -.n.. v 1 w.m. rJ tkm lKrJ lui' . ,5 '-v;; ' - i f ..TT . . T. W5c",a " "uu ,on; """ VU9l newuaren MY! But it was a great day for Utile Paleface girle wasn't HT But ill the meantime. Little Bearwhp was a pretty good V. s cumber caweo r. way up to the top of the Maypole, and now etood there orr one foot, "showing of" end making a great , k . V . - no ipe. iic muBt nave '. . . ,' thanrh. hatwmiM fcalriWaA tm T tt lM W ivul u m ' . m " wNwrami.wiiMi uin nw nuHD ou nrn 1U1 WIU winr. WW m Dim U DU :.nt comP1na "wMtM the next morning! Now, ef course, the May-pole game did not begin in the Refuge . ik, .k! T, - y-, "" '-, , : v'" wouna, cut tnawMtnehmtimett had ever bn seen In Windego Land!. And ever since, thi. time of the year is called - .tnouhewestheottheMsj ; .. " - - iiYcVC-y" ' BEAR PEOPLE ' - . 1 N'YAH-AHt f . - I M0K0ONS GO DEAD! I ' a! GCS ' I f& KILLED? I' ' . l . ; I . M M . a , . waepawasa. aMwBBBzaaaawar , fcv f ' ; 1 , " ' ' ' .