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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 27, 1907. .13 First Cherries of 6easorv Are Received To day in Wholesale Market and Sell Regularly at Thirty .Cents a Pound in Ten-lb. Boxes TT-TTfTS 1 TODAY'S MARKETS 1 i a f V A 9 l ; i I awaBW M, IT SUGAR IS CUr OFF LIST Western Refinery Notifies Job- , bers of New Move--Berry : " ?' Is Still Offered. l Today' a marks (Htimi t v ' Fralt mir wltadrawa by VMtm. - Creamer? batter balding firm. . ' t f Egg aasrket bu steady too, ' . Apple market cleaning ap. " . ". ' 1 rirat eberrle la frera California. " Wool maikal la dull and lower. , . Moat of mohair la marketed, : f ! P eta to aaarket la weakening. , Large shipment riorlda tomatoes.- ; Trait Sugar la Wltkarewa Treat Market. To Weetera Sugar Beflnsry baa notified the mat traoa or its withdrawal for to time Ming of too fruit grade of euser. lie withdrawing f fruit aagar from the market at thte time runner oomplleatea the local sltostloa, and according to tbe larger operator tb market la km a aounder aosltloa than rer. It I tb Biost tuiBaaal thing U take rait aagar off tb marset juat as the trait aeaaoa la opening. Keports from refinery center ladleat that th westers haa ao tar oversold ita fralt aagar ties tbat tb withdrawal waa secssssry la order o catck ap with fcta trade. Tbe Celtfor Bla Hawaiian ta, sowerer, atlll offering ita berry grade on tb market, although tb aalea Bar normoa bote previous and alter tb laat eharn advane ta values. rVlllltt Ormr of New York bar received tb following special cable ef tb foreign situ. "is principal porta ta- Cnba:. Becstpts, ST.000 too agalaat o,000 toaa tor tbe eorr ponding week la 1M; exports. ia.SUO tone against aO,MX ton last year: stork, 417.000 tone, laat year 884.000 tonal centrals, grinding, IS against 180 last year. Th week' eunv aaary of tb etatjsiieal poaltloa snows stock n in united state ana van together 007,11(0 too, agsmst .67S tons last week and 677,74 boos last reer, a lacreaa ; of llB,e4 tons from last year. Th atock m Karope kt g,TT,0UO toaa, against .163,000 ton last year. :- Tu eester soger altoatloa ta strong. pts ef sugar at tb ports of Mew Tore, Boa tea sod Philadelphia for tnsj week ending April 1 ware, la tons, 67.830. against 48.403 fur th oorrMpoadlng week la 1WM. Bine Jsaasiy 1, 1VU7, tOejr aggragat 064,481 tuna, against BUS. 200 tons taring to sorree ponding ties kt lttOd. - Th melting ef tb week endlug April la wer M.OOd tone, against 83.000 tons for tb correepoadlng week ta 100. Sloe Jatraarr 1, ldoj. they aggrvgat DOg.OOO tons. agahist 487,000 Ion dortnf th eorrespooUing time la 1808. Tb eonaamDtlso sine jaana-y 1. 1S07, aggregates S01.l tone, against 48S.1S0 tea during th corresponding Urn la 1UUO. Tout stork la all Bands apfll J7 astlmaud at S80.1M teas. ' agslaet SMMSo too at out reanoudlna- time km 1008. . "estimate of sugar afloat to th TJrtlted State from Cab snd tit West ladles. So.ouO tons! Hawaii, SS.00O tons: tfmn. etc.. g.OUO ta Total. M.000 toaa, against 100,000 toes laat year." . 'first Cbenr! of feeaaa Arrive. , Th first eberrle ef tb season were received In this market today from Vacsville, California The shipment consisted of six bote of tb black variety. Each box weighed 10 pound and was in ry good condition. Pig. bob - . the receiver. Th fruit arrived on tui sail day year ago.- Tb price was ft pec ho, likewise tb Sam a a year ago. r . Strawberries an coming 1a fair shape from th south with price holding at yestdrday' A car of aoathera cabbage was reported ta this morning, likewise s ear of oranges. - -.. Apple market av cleaning, up vary . fast . and tb small a mo ant of fralt remaining has bees advanced la prlc by holders. - ' Creamery Batter Holding'" firm. ' Creamery better Is holding firm. , A can rats of th city ere merle rails to now any waa a aesa at any. ootnt. Arrlraki ef cream are m better than demand Justifies and tb present arte very aslly mslnUtned. Outsld mar kets show sharp advance during tb past few days owhif to abort rappUe and beery demand. It is stated bers that two local firms bar already stored' asm wuttar, a eoadttloa moat anususl at this prlc. - This Indicate tbat th trad doe not believe tbat tmtter valuea will msk any aerloa break during tb aeara. frost street butter Is steadier, quota tions there ruling from 400 to TH per square for crasmary. . . ... .s t -., i .. A larra shlnmeat of rtorlda tomatoes arrived ! rtea An this mornlnsT. Oood demand. Wool market Is doll with buyers unwilling ta bid ap value, claiming they bar lost money h nut few aessooa. Practically all tb mohair eutsid of th pool baa veea told. , ktarket dull hat steady snout atuakmwefeVaf- In market la cleaning ap at lHc sod lc with as lee about equal at the two figure. Potat market Is weakening bar with about in ears of eaatsra stock now oiutb track la th Ineal verde and a boot a doaea more scat tared ajsaad th etst. Dealer holding prl?e samiua, at tberr blsh-Brfced purchase and tba fact that tb saltern market m .higher and m. hardl aeesnt sew boalnoee at any flgar. Th trad aaya th following price to rrsot net. rrlcM paM shipper ar las regular rrlcaa paM shinier 'ttrala. aHawr as Tea. ' ' J AaUnr BAGS CaVcutU, , large total mall lots, 100. WHEAT Club. TfltT4ei rad Kosslaa, TJc; hloeetem, 77Tc: valley, T3c. CORMWhel. (36iXJi erecksd, M.0O per AaXKT New feed, 11.00yi.fn per toa; oiled, gZ3.0UJ24AWI arrwutf, u.wvmm IIWI M Pft cwt. , ' - ngTrVNeW--rToaacara- prirw nn. i wojio, i ir2i.oo oar teat gray. Id BOi27.eo. M.rr er.. .rare Orasoa natents. - 04.90: arraign ta, ga.70;, sjrpnrt, .soi valley, fj.80 $00, graham. tajOl wools wheat. 14.75; ... Rfti. balee. t.7S. MILWTljrr-Bran. glT.09 per' ton: . Stan, IU.00: short, eons try. gao.oOi git, sUnt eboo. tlOoeJ100. ' R ATxProdseera' prtr Timothy. Willamette alley, fancy. 114.000 14.00: ordinary, IlJOOffl 41 asrer vreiron, e.wwai.w, wnm, eonj 10.M1 clover. .a0ee.O0i grain, tg.000 10.00: sneswi" " ' , -, .; i . atattsr. Iggg awl rsaltsw. ; BtrrrCR FAT C, O. a. rortUsd gweet gresm, MH: oor, SI Vh. - BCTTkROty eresmery. t3e Seoonda, 23 He; kJtUci outald, fancy, l<o; aecoada, 30c: Store. 18c. K008 Cxtra fancy, candled. UMA1A. V 1 CHIMI New full sream, . flats, ' loci BToung America, 17c pull LT RX Mixed Chkkmsv l4tt'af N: fancy hens. 10 asr lb: roosters, old. mailt Edna; eld state, ltl12Ho per lb I fryers, 10 do. breUars, fitgid dost eld duck. 181 per lb. prmg d-.ks, 18e per lb.: gee Oaf 10 per lb; turkeys. 17c per lb for ld sqnaba, 14.00 par doai pigeons, 11.00 per dos. Drssssd poojtry lSJlS per lb higher. ... . , Kea. Wool and aTlda. T, - H0M 1O04 crop Prim to ebolr. Ret lam to prims, W'7oi media a. (k8Mci aor trscta, 1001 crop, 10. WOOU 107 clip Fslley, lT0e; sttcra Oregon, MQlfte, ....... , . MOHAIR New 1S0T JSrlrnUft. " tLKCPHKINa beeriaa. istkiio eerhl hort Miroci meoiam wee. . sua tee seal LlXOW-Prlm, par lu'sUetot M. aad greaae, fngu,. . vni t iia nas. a, ear o ror car Bat smell IDES Dr. Kl 1. ' 1 Phs snd en IT Anq per xor exy sip, no. a, o to 10 in. loSInc: dry calf. He. I. under I be. SOei salted bKles. eteera, amnd, 00 lb and vr. (SiQixr: cows, e stag and bulls, soond. 4i7ei kip, 15 r SO lb. Co; calf, soond. aoder 15 lbs. lie: Bon salted, le lrs cults. If per lb leas: hides, eel ted, taon. I l.flnfrt.OOi dry. -h, 1140: eott bide. anQiHMt goat sklas, common, each. lOUior; Angors, cb. toed J1.00J Sbeep eklaa.ivi9fl.50. ' Fruits snd Vsgwublsai ' ' POTATO ataylog arlr. eaetera Welt no. mak aad Claetamas, aelect, gl.WKai 5; sell fng. fascy,; ordina'rr, johhlng, il.0 B.0ni tpni Ore eon. II DJtAl on- Viiv. ota, 1.7s2.on; sweets. B per lb; new pota toes, Ri per lb." . . ONTONB-Johbltig prfee Je. I Oregon, tX M; I ore roe, S no per lb; garlic, Ho. . 3.76iaa.00; Texas, ft aatr ner m. . garlic. " - . APPLF Fancy pinoc- HI ftnn Rlvae InltHNh... mmA yellt W Hwwtown. tl.ftO; feney Wlllemette . ley sad l'"'ra Oregon, 1.0002.00; ordinary stack, 0Ocili yd. rntBH rDITrOrsng. sew aarel. (g.00 0)-1 t-agsrlns. La baaanaa, par lb FRU WHAT DEALERS SAY. - OF LOCAL MARKETS By Ga A Co. Arrival of poultry ara larger ' than for gam tlm. Hetfa, fry-t era and brollarg In good damand at printed quotation. Pucka, young and old Inquired for, with ; but taw rrtvala. . Kgga chow wcakneaa, with th "supply just about aquai to the current demand, ' Dressed veal (fancy grade) in" rood demand, and la commanding v 4y top) quotauona, l na aam can om w aid of light hog and lamb, Mutton la also moving; freely. It , 4 la getting tlma of year to ahlp - 4 mutton and lamba without pelts. lemon, 84.2805X0 per box: Mmee, Msxieaa. H.2Z per 100: nlnspslee M OOegSOO per doe; grsu fruit, $3 28; strswbsrrlcs, 3 per erst, of 10 boxes; chorrlea, fa per 10-lb box. VBOUTAHLKtl turnips, nsw. Sue oil sscfc: carrots. 7ortte!.00 per eeek; beets,. 1.7B per seek; psrsslpe. 1.0ul ;iS; cabbege, Stfsi5; tomatoea, Meilcso, ILTbttfi Florida. 4(is4.oO; paranlpe. vOcugl.00: etrlng beans, lac per lb' cauliflower, flSlJW dos; psa, iiiVcl noraeradUb, 8c per lb; artichoke, 7Scnl1.00 per duel . summer squasn, .00 per box) crsnbsrrles, , 810.00&11.00 ' par barml; aprouta, 8Q9c per lb; asparagus, pyloc; rhubarb,' 8a per lb; green onion, 15a dos; Fiorlds bell pepper. Sl&c per lb eptnscn, 11 15 per box: and lettuce, 40c dos; ho thou e, $2.00 box; cucumbers, I1.&0Q2 00 dos; radishes, l&e dos bunches; eggplant, l&e per hV , UBI&'U FBtli Apples, eraporated. IHO 7 per lb; sprlcots. lBitfOo per lb; peachee, HaiaVie per lb; sack a, Vic per lb leas; prsoee, 80 to 0.i 49c; He drop oa each 1-10 smaller Slss; figs. Csllfornla block, eWHc per" lb CallfornU white, 0O6H per lb: da tee, golden. t.0 per boa; fsrds, l.40tl.0 per 14-lb aoa. - ' Oroaarisa, lata, Zta, SDOAB Calllorala . v Uswsllan Cobd, 8S.C.7W; powdered, 4 oS 14; berry, J7Vsi dry granuiaud. g6.oi; Our, , 52v; conf. A, iiJUl extra B, 84.1UH) golden 0, 84.7xfe It yellow, M-tUHi. beet graauUted, Weateru Cube, $5.07 4; piiwuered. tiMVti dry granulated, 83.JUH: P. U. , go. 22; St. Francis, kA.ietlg; oimfectlooera' A. 0.12M; extra 0, M-oi1; golden O, 04.72HS D yellow, 4.tU!t; beet granulated, 84.XJHI bscrals, 10c; half barrel, koc: box, . go adraao oa sack (Above price axe 80 day at cub gsots- tloos.i HONBT gS OO par . rat. . -" ' - Vormit Pscksgs branda. lS.g8016.8 8ALT Coarse Half pound, 100s, (11.00 per ton; bus, gll; tsbla, dairy, SOe, 16.00: lOue, 811 75; bale, Xou; Imported Uverpool,'. nuc, 41H.00; lOue, 117.00; iUas. gl.0U; sxtrs fins, bole, as, b ao iOa. $4.e0640 Uverpool lump rock, (20.60 per ton, eO-ln, rock, (ll.vw; ruos, (10.00. - tAbov pries apply to sslee ef less tbaa ear iota, tar eU at special price suhject I flnctUeaa. . - klCkt Imperial aapaa. New 1. e; Wo. S, Ve; hew Urieana, bead, 7o; AJax, C Creole, e. ' BEAMS axnall whit, (8.80; large white, (3.a; pink, (a,!; bayou. (ILISt Umaa, bc; aiexiraa reds, . MUIa l'aaata. iambs. 8H per lh ftr giala, TVs par lb; routed, 10 per U Japa. oea. 84H14C; rosstad, 7U7H per lb;. cocoa ots, aotiKOc ner dost walnata. Callfonla. ItM per Jb trench, 15a per lb; pin out. l(lu per ioi nicsory auts, tus per io; cneeinaw, eaetern, 16iloe per lb; Brsall note. Is yr lb: filbaru. lc per B; fancy- pecaae. lsJ20ci uauous, wguac ' htaats, nh aad ProvUlasa. "FRESI1 MEAT Front Street Hosa. fsncv. SMttOe per lb: veal, extrs, tttHWc oer lb; ordinary, Ttte per lb; poor. c per lb; mat- ton, lancy, (aitc par lb; aurlng lamba, Ul, With pelts, per 1W UAAtd, Haoo.n, ETC. Portland pack tloeai) kams, 10 to 12 I be, luV.4 per lb 1 to Id lbs. lu per log 18 to 80 lbs, loe per lb; bresktsot bsooo. lototfUt, per lb; picnic. 13c per ,b; cottage roll, 12c per lb; regular short clsar. Per 101 . -amoked. - 13e ner ibl clear hecks, ansinoked.. Uci smoked. Is per lb; tJstoa batta, 10 to 18 Pjs, ansmed, be per to: sraoaeo. ec par to: clear beuios. es smoksd.. Utt par lb; smoked, Ufe per lb; snuuiaers, iw per id; picaied tongaes, sue eaet). LOCAL. LAKU kettle amf. 10s, 18U per lb; os. 13 per lb: Ou-lb tins. 124 ner lb: steam renoerea. h, ixh per ib OS. ugc per lb; compound, 10s, pfc per lb. CAMMBll SALatOM Colombia - rrrer, 1-lh tana,; s-ib taus, (a.7d; fancy l ib flats. l.vo; M-in rancy liaia,; rancy l ib ovals, 2.76: Alaska Ulls. pink. aosllWe: red. gl.LO: aomtnal. If. tall. (2.00. FIH Back cod. 7 per lb; flounder. Ac per Ibl hall bat. at per lb: crabs, t LOO id 1.60 eer dos; striped bass, 12 lb; catfuh, 10c lb; sal. tnoo. fresh' Colombia Chinook, B9 par lb; teelheade, le per lb: barring, le per lb; eolea, c per in; aarimpe, tuo per in; perch, n par lb; blsck- cod, 7 per lb toraood. 7c pec lb; lobsters, 16 per fb; freak mackerel, m per lb; crawfish. Webber due; stargvoa, - 10c per lb: blsck bass. 2uc par Ibl Columbia Mm smelt, e per lb; shad. Sc. OXBTBRS Bboslwater bay, per gallon. (2.80; per 00-lb eeek. (4-6u; Olympls, per geuua, (2.25; per 116-lb sack, (6.ouOJi Kagle, canned. 10 csa, (7.00 do. ' CLAM8 Hardshell, per, box. (3.40; raaar (2.00 per aoa. lie per doe. - ' Balat, Osal 00. Zta, . 'V1 ' BOPB Par Manila, lfike:. stasdant. igatei leal. He, . COAL oiLe Pn er Astrsi casee, iphc per gal; water white. Iroe bbls, 14 per gal; woodea, 17 per gall headlight. 1T0 eeg, esies. Ta per OASul.lrTu 00 deg., esses. t4Vk Bar csl: Iroe bbkc, 18 per gal. BIMlnl oa deg, eaaee, soe per gall Ire bbla, IK He per gal. . . , TDRPtNTlNai JB , BO pe gall wood bbl. Bite per gel. ' WHITS LEAD To tots, T per Bs goo-rh lots. He per lb; teas lota, 84 per lb. . wmn hails-. rreeeor nasi si S4-SO. LIN8BED Olbs-Par raw. la a-bbl lota. SOe: l-bbl lota, eaci cesee, 68 per gsl; gen a Is kef-tle-bolled,caae, eus Bar gsl; a-bbl Ists, 6t; l-bbl hns. 60s, per gsl; groad cake, ear lots. (20.00 par toa; las man ear lots, (30.00 per SHEEP ARE THE ONLY ARRIVALS IN YARDS Portland TJawa Btockyirds, April T-Lfv. stock receipts: - Hog. Cattle. Bbn. Tndsy ... .4 ... .25 Wek ago 70 IS '. ,240 Year ago ..,...,....',.'' .'' ( : ... Previous year ,150 1.000 Kheeo run remain fair bat no cattle or hoirs cams la during tb 24 bout. AU line balding lormer tvaiaes. 'isaay iv aorsss arriveu ro. A year ago all markets were quoted steady. Official livestock prices: ' . floes Best eastern Orwon. (7.25: stockera and feeders, (7.00; China fata, (7.X. .. rattle Beet esstera Ores on steers. (5 .00 fin S.25; bast cows end belfera, (4.00B4 25; atock ere and feeder. (i.00w4.26; balls, (2.60. Boeep mum, o0,titte: iambs, iHOOc, EASTERN "MARKETS HOLD All Lines Retain VaJues In Chicago, ' r Kansaa City Bod Omaha. Chicago April IT Lfreatoek receipts r ' Hogs. Csttf. Sheen. Cblrmge ,.,,...10.000 4K 8,500 Kaaaas City g.oon .... Omaha 1.000 6,000 ..... Hog are atmng with I.50O left ever. Re ceipt. year ago wer Price: MHt.,1, r 1.0006.60; good, (d.45(S.60 rough, (o.aota 45; light. 4.3S06.2. i T tattle .stesdy. :' -; Bbeep Steady. t ... ; 'mrw obk oottob uakkxt. New Tork, April 27. Cotton futures: . . r -. . Open. 27. 2. Jantisry , lOitg 10.-8 1082 10;tl ii: 10.10 ol l4t - 1CM OH) , PJD rebruerr ..... ... Msrch ...... .. ... April ... .,.. ... War .......... 02 B03 0h June ..... .... . . . BS4 rV?2 (Km) lmie as 04 "t Pt July .......... Sot 002 . ' f'S i PU2 loop August pt2 , Oft, 007 1017. 1024 September ,,. Oi,e October ...... 1012 Noveuibev- Decembar ,.,,.1022 !02 1 1012'. 101.1 1013 luu . lu-v Liverpool Oottoa Btgher. ' ' ' '. , Liverpool. April 27. 4'otton rutnre Is I pelsu higher. Middlings t pulatg an. FLOOR ORDERS ARE EfiORr.lOUS Millers Will Not Confirm "More . Than Half the business Of- ; ferecr Chicago Holds. ' ' Joarrnsl gnerisl Bervkw. . 4 , Chicago, April 27. Heavy trad 4 J ing shown in wheat today. Prices 4 held wonderfuUy well conslder 4 ing the beani rise yesterday. 4 Bug daunage continues. . 4w V CHICAGO WOBAT TAIXBg. April 27. April 20. . Loss. ion. May .......( JDS .80 $ .OOU, $ July .wB .M( . ,oo . Meptembe M - v.B JWi -.784 Deosmber .... JiB ,soA , 0Vk Heavy busmes eontlnoe In tb local ffour market with millers not confirming mors than half of the export orders offered. Wheat 'a very firm but uncos aged. MUlsturfs active and firm; ... Chicago was active for a Saturday eeaaloa and considering tb 2 advance of yesterday tb sailing order from th southwest had little rreet. t loalng at but Ho off, sharply higher, ' Uvwpool was 2 Official quotations i by Ovorbeck, Bur? Cook company: - -, WHEAT. '" ''"C- 'v. Open High. tow. " .'. 88 . 844 404 494 Close, 804 S4H fs BOA 404 41KB W&B stay .......... n Bi . July .......... MS 84 September M ' M ' beceuiuer, 87 - KtK. ,'" i . - COBM.' May .......t. "H , t 0H July DOS. . ' 60 aeptember 10 10 I, . OATS. .- - afty 45 v8 July 421 2tt oeptmabar " (tstt - M BUS PORK. May ..........1570 1670 1570 ' IBTOH' July JU03 . ' laor , 1507A September ..lov ldos 103 , ltUMA -4 ..ABO. May ..... July ..... September May1 ..... July September 807. .. asv ' ; A5 few 77 . o ; sou 872 MA ' ..... ft2 . . . 82 , --8H7 ' BHOBT BIBS. ..... 8T7 ' Wo . 887 J: 887 -- 87T 58 872 UTTBrOOI. 02. AIB KABKZT. Lrrerpool,' April 17 Official prlcee .( WHEAT. - AprUlT. May Os 7(4 d July ca d September ............ Os li May SHI July .................. 4 8kd AprD 28. Qaln. as 6d . Hd 0d as T4 :4T,a 4a 8Sd ATtTBDAT BUT WHEAT PEJCX. Chicago ........ H I UTerpool ...... OsTVid New Vork ..... 00 Irrulutb 85B Minneapolis . . , . Mat. lauis ....... itig PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Alamrnoth Is the Leader of the Trad ing With Saie"at"x3c In PrtTate. - Ther was onlt a spurt ef activity ta the trading oa tli local stock exchange daring th aay. giammotn being tn teaaer a tar as sales were concerned. Jn all 13,000 of this lean were gold, 14,000 at 15c being at private aale and 1,000 ea th regular call st 11 "e. Other sales: Tea 1. 0. te Co. at (15, 2,000 Potlcl Mining at lvvtc 10 Taqutna Bay XeJepbooe at f3.ZT, IT ASSOCUtCO Ull gt (41.00. Official prices: , '. BANK STOCKS. . ,; ' Bid. Bank of California. ......... ...VtHOOO Banker' at Lumbermen's. .....,'loa.OO Asked. ( Merchants' National 170.00 Oregoo Trost Barings........ Portland Trust Co United Btatea Nstlonal.... 200.00 - LISTED BECUBIT1E8 (BONDS). American Biscuit Co. as 96.50 City rtuburbau 4s. ........... ..... Horn Telepbon 6s............ O. B. N. By. 4s... 87.00 , O. W. P. eV By. Os 100.00 , Pacific Coast Biscuit 6a........ . 66.60 Portland By.- 6..,... hllSCKIXANEOCS STOCKS. Ansoctated OU 41.60 Home Telepbon ............... 86.60 m.oo 150.00 120.00 100.00 - 02.00 87.60 100.00 103.60 100.00 (15.00 42.00 40.00 20.00 100.00 40.00 J. O. Le U.... ............... 18.00 Pacific State Telephone.,,..., ..... Puget Sound Telephone......... ..... ' TJNL1STED STOCKS Tsqolna Bay Telephone........ 8.29 Oregoa City Mill Lumbar.... koo 6.00 Alaak Petroleum ............. .15 British Columbia AmsL '.03 .17tt ,uo I'sacsdla ...................... JHO , .!IH .25 .tl5V Mammoth .lift Morning . Htsndsrd Conaolldsbtd ,.07 Taeoma Steel JUHi 14U Almcda Conaolldated Ji DOEUB D'ALESB DISTBrCT. Bnlllna AS ; .10 .10 Copper King ................... J7tk . Happy Day .04 O. K. Consolidated 04 U .05H .05V4 Snowtho -...... ..,.,,,. .40 Bnowstora .. 2.00 .ox S.10 BOSTOV OOPTEB JfABXXT. Boston. Anrll ST. Bid srlce: Adrenture, (.1.60; Alloues, (50.50; Area diss. (7; Atlaatld, (12.75; Bingham, (18.25; Caln UlCl. UOi't VWOtevijjiiaig, (Biw.lPVj .Aiyr-r tm ! (81.75; Daly West, (16; Elm Btver, (2; frank. Iln, 10.I; ureen tansves. m.oo; mess, sti; Michigan, (14.60: - Muhswk, CM.60 Nevada Cs., (14 12k: North Butte, (aa.50; Old Io mlnioa. (o4.50:. Osceols, (130 A; Parrot. (22; Pboenli. (l.tttt; Qulncy, (120; SaoU Fe, (3.50; Shannoo, (IT 24 Tamarack, (107; t'ntted Copper, (112.62 H: ' Victoria. (8.121,: Wolverine. (16.55; Teoneaaee Copper, (21; Butt Ooelo, (27; Calumet Arlsons, (Inn; Black Mountain, (5.75; Kagl. (2; East Butt, (10: llolrenU. (4; Hppealng, (14; Bevenla, (1.75: Apex, (0.75. Tnrrizs states BOTxajraizxT Bobds, ' New Tork, April 27. Government bondsi ; , Dste. Bid. Ask. Two, regtsterea inos 04 do coo non inoA lf4 Threes, registered loos 102 do coupon 100S 108 Threes, small bonds. ...... . . 102 Pours, registered 1023 12 do coupon , 1021 ISO roars, regbrtered. .... 101 - do eonnoe .... 101 104 W 10J 1041 104 iiiii 151 102 102 . ioi 103 Pours, Philippines , loov. Twos, Panama , l'H do eoupea 104 , BBW TOBK BABK STATE atlHT. u New Tork,' Aprfl 27 Bank gtatcmsnt: V V Decree t. Beserve ( 041.050 do lee U. S...... eM.n".'5 Loan 1.6i7.8O0 spet-i s.soa.iuo Ugals S.IV).00 Deposits 1.8)40.200 Circa la ttoa 37.600 Increase. ' '' -!;' POXTLABT) BABK STATIaTtKT, ; Clearing today ....,.....,........$1,007.50 51 do year ago .611.507.23 Oaln todsy ..!.'.( loj.etJ.M Balsnra todsy Iffl.TW.HO do year sgo . Mitchell SU11 ImproTlniK. (Jonrnsl Special SeevW.I Ohio go, April 27. Prealdert John Mitchell of the United Mine workers Is better and may be able to undergo an operation within a week. The op. ration may bo postpone. IndeAnlteljr, NEVADA shares RAUGIHB DDiyil Tired Holders Liquidate and Let Down the Pn'ce of Stocks In V San Francisco. BUT LOSSES, Sandstorm S Columbls Mt. .... 4 Jambs Ext. 12 Vernal 1 Silver Pick ...... S St. Iv ..10 Lone Stsr ........ S Potlstch ......... S Atlanta t Empire ........... 2 O. Daisy ........JO Kendall ........... 1 Booth ............. Blue Boll ......... 1 Adam 1 Dlxl 1 . Black Bock . 1 G. Wonder 1 Ksndsll Ext. ...... 1 tireat Bend ..47H Red Top Ext...... 2 Great Bend Ext.... 2 ; V. . A, nvwanus .......... uw jtnoea. ....... m Cracker Jack S 'Bed Bill ......... Nl Los Dillon 1 'Yellow Boa 1 do Annex ....... 2 CoL ML Ext. 1 'Gold. Gone. .......1211 Triangle S I , i ' : Nevada share ar lower ta Ssa Francises, liquidation I again setting ta tb tired holder becoming very Impatient for a better market. Balls ar having a hard tlm to .keep the mar ket from being stampeded, but at the cine f each week It la generally noted that a lower range la shown oa tb leaser-know securities. Soma of tbe big one did sot stove st all daring - .. -. , Official Nevada bid prlc by Overbsek. Starr 4 Cooks company: ; ... OOLDPIKLDS DISTB1CT. - Psndstnrm, 74c: Bed Top, 24; Mohawk, (IS; Colombia Mt., 86c; Jumbo, 4: Jumbo Ext., (2.87; Vernal, 2c; Peanaylvanla. 2c; Gold field M. Co., (1.00; Kendall, 40c; Booth. 74c I Blue Bull. 40c: A da ma, 20e Bllrer Pick, (1.20; My Quean, 28e asksd; Nsv. Boy, 17c; B. B. Ext., 14c; Bine BelL 26c; Dixie, lie; O. Columbia, SOe; Blbemls. 14c St. I Tee, 1.50 Conqueror, 21o; Blk. Bock, So; Loo Star, 81e O. Wonder, 4c; potlstch, T5e asked: Ore, 41c; Kendall t., 4c: Sandst. Ext, 8c Msyn, 14c; Atlanta. 76c; Oreat Bend, (140; Empire, IV; Bed Top Ext., 48c: Piorence. (6-75; Dlam'f. B. B. Coa, 41c; O. Delay, (2.20: Lagnna, (l.OOi Commonwealth,. 60e asked: Comb. (Tart., (rt.SO; Or. Bead Ext., ttte; Or. Bend AST., 24 askedl Mlllstarm, 42c B. B. Bonsnsa. 10c; Kewanos, 1J74; Esmeralda, 27c; Portland, S7e asked: Cracker Jack, 2c: Prsacls Mohawk. (1.40; Red Hill.. 04c; Mohawk Ext., 25c; Spearhead Oold, 60c; Los Dillon, 16e: Grandma, 20 aaked: S. Pick Ext., 10c; T. Boee. lie: Col. Mt. Ext. 7e Ooldf, Oon (8.12; Dlam'f. TrUagta, ede. ' COMSTOCK DISTEICT, Ophh. S2.S6; Mcxlcsn, 86e; Oenld aV Carry, (7c; Co. Virginia, (1: Savage, 5c; Hale Norcross, TO eaked: Yellow Jacket. (1.15 askedl Belcher. 65c : Confidence, (1 Sierra Nev., 52e Kx chequer, 64c; Cnloa. 60c. . ' BULLPBOO DI8TBICT. ' Original. 10c; Bollf. M. 0., 24c; Mont. Bullf, Sc; Nat. Bank. S8cj L. Harrla. 4c; Amethyet, 45et Oold Bar. (1: Stein way, 18a asked; Denver Buf. Am., He; Bonnie Clare, 40c; Msyfl. Cona.. otic; alonty. Ohio Ext., 13c: O. Bceptr, 2M asked; Monty. Mt., 21c; B. Daley, 17c; Horn, stake -Com., (1.16; Yankee Olrl, Sc; Nugget, c; Tramp Cons., Me; Victor, 20c ekd; Ban ner. 00a asked; North Star, Be; Sunset, lie asked. . .- ' TONOPAH TJISTBICT. Toa. Nev, (20; Mont. Ton., (3.57H; Ton. Kit.. 25.461 MacNamara. 44c: Mldwsy. (1M aaked; Ton. Belmont. (4.60: Ton. No. Star, Sftc; Oble Toa., 4c; Wast End Cons., (1.26;' Bescu. 18c; Ton. at us nr., ixc; uoiaen aacwr, w Jim Butler, (12M: Ton. Cash Boy, 11c; Ton. Horn, - c; Bust. Ton., 10c: Monarch Pitta. Ex., ISc; Mont. Mid. Ext, 10c; Golden Crewn, 14e aaked. MANHATTAN CISTBIOT. ' V.Mi. Can.. 80 asked! Manh. M. Co., lie: 0. Wedrs, lOcl Seyler Bump., 8c; Dexter, 10c asked L. JOS. . oc; t-Tosceni, so, vomoiaaiam, ... - U..n Oth.' t I ,, 1. 111. 80e asked; Cow boy. 6oj Orlg. Usnb, 10e Bron cho, 13c; Jump. Jack, 16c; Plnenut, luc: Buf falo, c; S. Dog. 25c; X. Boras, 6e Indian Camp, u. mmTRj(rn, ' Fatrr. Sirr King, 64c: Falrv. Kails, 00e Nevada Bills. (4: PitUburg Silver Peak, (1.06; No. Htarv Woader, 10e; Eagle's Nest, ioe sated; Buby Wonder, 20e; Alice ef Woa der, uo saxea. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Very Qolet Day of TpfaBajik SUtement as Expected. ; -'J ! New Tor stocks wer very enlet todsy. the totsl sales numbering 168,(00 shares. Tbs hank sutemsat wse sboul e "pectod. allowing aa Ineresee ea weerve of (Ssl .WoO. "Official . qoeutloas by Orsrbeck, Starr a Cooke OQ.1 n DSSCBIPT10N. . Amalgamated Co riper Oo, Americas o. a I Som. do preferred......... Amarlcsa Cotton Oil. . A mart ran L-, com 621 America Sugar, com., American Smelt., aom., 123 V 1M!4 120 log oo preterrea. Anaconda Mining Co.., American V ooleo, com. Atrhbwn, com..., do preferred.,,....... Baltimore 0., om.... 9t 88(4 do preferred Brooklyn Bapld Transit. Canadian Pacific, eon). Central Leather, com... do preferred ., Chlcaco at O, W.. com. 11 iiii C, hi. St. P......... Chicago N. W., com. Cheeapeake Aj Ohio.... Colorado r. A I., com.. Colorado I.. com. ....... 125 H 136 H do 2d prererrea. ...... do 1st preferred...... Delawsrs At Hudson...., D. B. O., com do nrefrrd.. ........ art, com 2Si 24V 23, do gd prererrea. . do 1st preferred...... OB (a 65V nilnol Central Louisville Nashville.. Manhattan Railway..... Msxieaa Central By.... 148 11 140 118 21., K. A T., com, Distillers Oreat Northera Or land M.. Kdt T r referred.. Mlaeourl Pacific M 70 TO 2 in 180 m' T6V, National Ld New Tork Central... .. N. T., O. W Norfolk 4t W., com.... Norfolk A W prefd... 118 XT14 7(S North Amerlcsn. ....... N. P., com..,...,.,.... Psclflc Wall B. Co..... W2H 183 Vi 1821 Peassylvsnia By, ...... 126 iifi" Peonie s a.. I o. uo. Pressed S. C. com.,... 83 I 86 do prererrea, .... I Beading com............ 110 111 110 do Id prererrea....... do 1st preferred..... Benablle I. A 8 com.. do preferred ......... Bock Islsnd, com . , . . . do preferred . , St. Lenle A S. W com. do nreferrea ......... Souther Psclflo. com. . Southern By., com.,,., do preferred ......... 84 21 07 Taneae C, A I. ...... Texs A Pacific il4rl 2 T.. St, u. w., com., do preferred ........ rntoa Pacific, com.,... i TJ. 8. Rubber, com,,... 42 do prererrea ,,. V. S. Steel Cow com... do preferred Wsbssh. m. ......... d preferred W. V. Telegraph ...... Wis. Central, com do prererrea Tlrrlnta Chemical Tout ssies tor me asy 1 58.200 shares. . New Logging Company. , (Rpertsl Mspatcu to The Journal) Astoria. Or April 17. John Nord. strom. Bernard Soderlahd and JohnOlen, all of this city, have organised tha Olen Logging company, and will operate a camp on a timber body of about 30,000, 009 feet, which they have purchased Bear Kelf-me. .. , . Only One Man Out of 20 II per cent of all men over (0 roars of ago are dependent upon. their dally earnings or their children for support. Which class are jrou going to belong toT Why not ba Independent T ' ", Why not start by opening an account with us today, than you will be sore to sav. ., v .; WE PAY 4 INTEREST ON SAVINCS ACCOUNTS PAY 3 ON CHECK ACCOUNTS OmCBBsll , ' - t ' ' V' ' . '. : . - . . 1. THORBTJRN ROBB. .. . . .. .rrnldnt GEORCrB H. HILL. Vloe-Prealdsnt T. T. BURKHART .Treasurer JNO. BV AJTCUISON.. .8rtary ' Banking hours, I a. ra. to 4 p. as. Saturdays, I a. m. to J p. m. Saturday evenings. I to I o'clock. r Title Guarantee '& Trust Co. 40444 v7aahlagtoa 9i. (Oor. Beooad), - '. rOBTUaTO. OBSOOV. - MAYOR RETURNS BILL FOR BRIDGE eBBmBBamskBwaBBBBBaaaawB r 1 ' Believes Bidder Should Submit . Own Plans, Instead of Bid ;";' ding on City Engineer's. ' , Mayor Lana today returned tns ordln- janea providing for the construction of th East Twenty-eighth street bridge .with his disapproval. The reason given ! by the mayor' for Bis wsto Is that ho has found that a bridge Just as good can bo constructed at a much lower coat than would ba charged f of" ths bridge under the ordinance. Tba message of the mayor ta as follows: . "To the Honorable City Council: Gen tlemen I herewith return . ordinance No. 1(4 JT not approved.. This Is an ordinance which authorises tha execu tive board to advertise for and recelvo proposals for tha construction of a re inforced concrete bridge on Bast Twenty-eighth street. "It la provided In this ordinance that said bridge shall ba constructed tn ao-. cordance with tha plana and specifica tions prepared by ths city engineer and now upon fllo In tha off loo of the city auditor. Tn relation to thla matter X have to say that I am reliably informed that a sating of Several tbouaand dollars In tha cost of tha construction of this bridge could ba made, and equally as good . If not batter bridge could be constructed at a much lower cost If tha specifications were left open allowing bids to bo received upon plana sub mltted by tha bidder for ths sarna. Be ing assured that an alternative clause in an ordinance providing for suoh bridge to that -affect would make a material reduction In tha cost of thla expensive structure without Impairing either tbs beauty, strength or Ufa of the same, I have deemed H best to re turn tha ordinance to yon with tha re quest for your further consideration of the aarne." CITY VIEWEBS CHARGE ; TEH CENTS A MINUTE l,mmmmmmmmm "'''r Rushlight Complains of Exorbi tant Charges for Determining Assessments for Benefits. Viewers charge too much." declared Councilman Rushlight at the meeting of the council committee on atreeta yeaterday afternoon. "They charged us for the viewing of East Fifteenth and East Seventeenth street and also for Caywood etreet. We ought to -cut thm out." -v - - The viewers had charged the city til when they bad completed each assess ment. That waa for a single day's work. They did not work more than an hour, according to reports, and each minute of their time was worth Just about 14 cents, that Is, If they bsd to absent themselves from tholr business houses any length Of time. Upon motion of Mr. Rushlight the bill of the viewers waa referred to the judiciary- committee. - The Vlewere of , the- streets were Joseph Menefee, John T. Whalley and ; F. Stetnmeta. WILD PATIENT MAKES TROUBLE IN A HOSPITAL (Special Dispatch to Th oaraaL) Astoria. Or., April IT A man named James Cunningham appeared at St Mary's hospital yeaterday In an intox icated condition, and demanded admis sion. When told to leave, he went out the Sschang street door and fell on the concrete steps, striking en the back ef his head. When picked up blood was gushing from his ears Snd nose. He was taken Into the hospital and medical attendance waa given. . After a ahort tlma he started In to elaaa out ! th hospital. The police were aent for I and ba waa placed In jail, it is oeinved he la suffering with concussion of the brain, Fref erred Btoo Canned Oooda. Alien a Lewis' Best Brand, - I Dave the Larflcst Practice Because I Invariably Ful ; till My Promises ' Success isn't attained st a bound. It is rosde up of many little triumphs. A Ufg-0 medical practice doesn't await the young physician st the college door. He must prove himself. He must work toward suc cess day after day, doing well each day's tasks. .. - . . . It has always been my rule to promise nothing that I am not absolutely certain of accomplishing. Realizing that no one phy sician can successfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered . special courses of study in preparation for my present-work. For 16 years I have been proving my abil ity and building my success. ' I have mas tered first the simpler diseases, then the serious complex and stubborn ones thst others neither cure nor comprehend. I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively, and there is no ailment belong ing to this class that I cannot fully con quer. I make 'broad and definite claims. I tell 4nen that I can cure them, "even though others hare failed. Jealous doctors have charged me with claiming too much. But I ask wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? . My practice is now fully twice that of any other specialist upon the Pa cific coast treating men's disesses. It lias grown to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them. . Each cure I have effected is a triumph and. a manifestation of skill tbat has hsd its part in the making of my success. Each day new cures are completed, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before. ' - -, . . - Consultation is free. If yon are afflicted consult me. You can rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept your case you can rest assured that a complete and permanent cure will follow my treatment. .' . In Uncomplicated Cases My Fee Is Only Mil YOU CAN PAY . YUEN CURED AH necessary X-rsy examinationa ar absolutely free to patients. My equipment for X-rsy work is tha finest and most com plete aver produced, and equally perfect re sults ara not possible with' an inferior ap parstus. ' All medicines ara prepared from stand ardised drugs in my own private laboratory and ara supplied to patients at actual cost. Thei Dr.TlorCo IZVA llorrtsoa Street, Cor. Secosil Padenta living out of tha city and will ba furnished with fine room free rect to Z34ft Momson street. Men let US Prove II to You WKtT X IS "Varicose Velna a condition prevalent In man. ta a dila tation or enlargement of the veins, which from various causes become corded and knotty. It usually occurs on the left, side and produces drag ging aenaatlona In tha groin and back. It often Impairs th general health and then causes much worry and you may grow daspondant. DOefT WAIT No sensible man should wait. He should realise that ths longer he delays the more the parts affected will waate away. Don't live and linger, DEAD to the Joys of health, when we have a good euro for you 'varicose veins and weakneea and can. make, yon a happy, manly man with mental and phyeieal powers com- . A etfCtT plete. We cure without cutting. Come for A VlOli on visit. We cordially , lovtt consultation. . . SS . We euro after others fail. VY a aw aw 1 CesWaW ' There Is usually pain across th small of the back: blue rings under your eves; specks Before your eyes; your sleep does not rest you; you get up In the morning feeling tired; your mind at times wanders: your num. ' ory Is poor; you are loelng fleeh, hollow-eyed; whites of your eyes are yellow: you are fearful, always expecting the woret to happen; very nervous, you have bad 1 reams; startle In your sleep, snd awake out of a dream very much frightened; stinging psin In the breast; no appetite. Do you know what cauees yon to feel like this? Thla condition will not Improve of Ha own accord, but instead you may grow gradually worse, and eventually end In nervous debility or nettraathenla. If vou have ever taken treatment and failed to get cured perhaps It is because you never took treatment at the Bt. Louis Institute. Our treatment Is different ' from the old treatment taught years ago.. We cordially invite consulta- OIs'kSsT with chronic Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Difficult Urination. Enlarged Prostate Olsnd. Smarting, Burning, ate., should call at once for ' cVmBOsTIO risraaaXS and Bkln Diseases, Krsema, plschsrges. t'lrers. Painful Swellings, Piles, Constipation, Itching. Heart. Kidneys, Liver, Stomach. Catarrh, Rheumatiara. Pains. . . . - - OBSTmUCnOir It la usually due to strong Injections, Injuries, Instru ment Improperly need. eto. If suffering from urinsry ohatri" Hon of recant date or long standing, consult as and get cured right. .... rutting tOOB BISraAgaaricers In mouth, sore gums, falllnt hair, swelili va copper-colored spots, eruptions, bolls. Our treatment I belter than li,t Springs- Call and Investigate, free. OVT-OT-TOWT XCSaT YWtTXWfJ TaOl CtTT Consult us at one upon arrival and maybe yon can he cured befnro re turning home. Many cases can be cured In one or two or mors visit Consultation and advice free. COBTSTJI.TATIOST rBB A STB IHITIP-Atir reputation and work a re ; not a mushroom growth. We have been curing men for J5 years. Write. It you cannot oalL All correspondence etrlrrtly rnnn.trn !tl I all replies sent In plain envelop. Enclose J-cent etamp t. nira r, , OFFICB HOURS a. m. to s p. rtv. evenings, J to S .10, t- iu ,,' t a. m. to It noon. ST. LOUIS MEDlCAlendSUr.GICAL Dir. V , comma neon ajto YAarsHvt, araiBTa, o t r - , JOUIUIAL VAIIT.ADG ? J i W.H " u Y Da. TAtxoa. The LaaWUng BpeetsJlst. "Weakneu" To produce temporary activity of the functions in cases of so-called weak ness is a simple matter, but to permanently ; re store strength and vigor is a problem that but few fhysicians have solved, never treat for tempo rary effects. Under my system of trestment erery bit of improvement is a part of a permanent cure. Though other physiciana have, through my success in effecting permanent cures, been convinced of the fact that prematura ness, loss of power, etc, are but symptoms result ing from chronic inflam mation , or congestion ia the prostate gland, none have as yet been able to duplicate my cures. My system of local treatment Is the only effective means yet known , for restoring the prostste to its normal state, which always results in full snd complete return of strength and vigor. Such a cure is absolutely permanent, because the condition responsible for the functional disorder is entirely removed. It is the only kind of a cure a patient desires, and is the only kind of cure I will treat for. , Comultatioi Frca I state nothing in my announcements . but the straight, square truth. It will cost you nothing to call and talk over your case. You can find out all about your trouble and you can i later arrange to begin treatment any time you like. My offices, com- Jirising 10 rooms, are the argest, most elegant and best equipped in the west. PcrCisl, Cr. coming to Portland for treatment of charge. Check tout trunks di . s: $10.00 Consultation Free, No Pay Unless Cured Varicose or Knotty Veins We Cure Without Cutting Come for One Visit WatAT IT SOZS TO warn Ko mneh has been saJ4 about Varicose Veins In medical advertisements that every man ought to know If he has It or noC ' It Is a solid fact, however, that we run serosa men every day that are complaining of weakness who have been so negligent as to not even examine themselves and discover their trouble until It baa run them down and weakened them mentally and chvstcslly.