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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL" 7. 1SC7. BANKS u eUXXD STATES BATIOBAL BAJfX OF , - ' Trn,eets General Banktu BufcwM. ' felt-d Males Bud tun. iliaiskona; nod . iiVkUiiVTII'Jriil.W t President. S. Ltk BAKJiEn Aaalnntll l's-rtliee .. . .' r. A. rf 4Atf m luff vDl V 1 . . ,4 I W. M. LAltD. 15. ".. A - ,. ... E.t.hll.'ied IV. 'J -sweet General Banklnc Boal-eea. BAVIX.J8 ISAN'.K PABTlfBST, towed on enrlnse d.rtt:liitwt jpnM on time dcooalla. k. w. hovi , IraacL. . Osoena BMkto.Bu.lw-. Wft. .ad opters rf Credit leased Aval Ubi. I. . world, tvrtlertlrmu especially. : : AN KERB UTMMMrriAjnDta-jOlJ lomiucrclel and Savm. Department, Lettera of Credit Issued Avuiiaure " B ff tlie world. '' v C. pklto .PnHillt I it niint nv CALTroXXIA btilUiM H?w.T.?7 UJ0X T!77jiT.. J .era I Hanktnff ana r. ttAriNUS DEPARTMENT Aeeounte Portland tSrancu 4. Hal' nor --,1X81 ATioAX BAJJTt TortlM. Onfin,' M II w. ...... . - ' ' ' r" CAPITAL AND STEPLCS. 1 1,800. PmMent I A. t.. 111.1..... J. W. MiWKIIIK..... TRVST COMPANIES P'tT aW n" tus'coipat or "omro on o't Tr oomsuy t o"" VksV.I RTta OVFB tuilOOOO. flMWil .nkll,. T B lnl. O. Cbc-k 1- .11 Wrt. of tM worW. S.TtM. .(.. Tim. '. V LMRATli" ''''''"rSr Third TTnd mTi Pr1... Bh.1C I.?: HP AO BT. . ' Bw t. ry J. O. QOLTBA?. ......... VAtUnt Bowlnry t 1 TnJu . 0.l lUnkln, Mln.. KAVINOH I.EPABTM-NT. J","1'' Tl7i. tUTtao Art. u for E.t.t. Dr.Jl. UMl Lr. ol Cwdlt on AH PrU of th World. ; ' .' O P ATAMS..:. Pmlitral I I- A. ICT'W.... .. flint Vfc.-PMMot i I uilJ. Kvnd TlrO-Pminrnl I 1K, K- 111 KIKl.l TITIE 0TABAWTEK TiViT C0MPAlfT- WW SUoM. MOBTOAUH L0A! on Portland llr.l K.I.I .1 LowMt . i lltlo InrorfHt. AhotrMt. rnrlbM. J THORBCBft B0...1..........P;-1'''N 1 irlK."X .Kfk;b H- wij. vifJr'llw't.-' 7: BrBhi';7 BONDS AND INAlv8TrENTS . 0KXIB BB0THEM CbWBtof of Ooora. ' Monlrlp.l. BilroA M rab'jr- ifl , STOCKS, BONDS. UBA1N SoofBt od Bold for Cuk d oa M.rfla. rrtrtfe Wit,. BOOM 4 HAMBBB OF COMMEB'K. - ' Mwr. M1n T. ODIB . WILB KOMS TELXPHOMI BJXOS BAXX STOCKS. o . . Horn. PKmn A-3X4S. ' .i . ' rornrr Stifb tod W.miurmi uw. PorlBd, Om.- CTCrtCCK. S12IT Ci LCOXC - , ., . w DO A SIX1CILT C0MMM8IOM BU8IBEW. . CMtloaoa. Mk.t. br Prlr.m W tr.. Qyic r-l. RE, EBKNtEH-L.dd TDtt Bukan. and Loltd tlollal Bank of Portland. ... . RUBBER STA5IPS. P. C . STAMP WORKS, J4 Aklr at.f pb Mat. 710. R.hbrr i.moa. wal. auorll.: bM (M. U4 brk: brai aod flalaa. r ."iTTT"-" ' "' .Z7,.i T-", SEWING IACHINE8. " ' pnONB P.clOr S73 and I pfwioilli rill It and rplr row MWli( nurtimr iwrt ruf .ntwd. B. B.o... adlw.trr.WI Tblrd at. ! SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. rOWTf B KMtlfRR IONB. Wa bar built op toa larrt alia boalBMa til tba ttT b f1ratlata work and karplnd w promlaea. Our prlcaa ara nUt. ritk aad Ennll (la. Pbona Bicliaaia tw. CFOBOH WKBRR, MOnF-RN BlOSft "Tha Dlffatwt Bhod." 0 Poartk. Paclfla Sail. .'8ION! THAT ATTBACT"--P"rt1.nd Rlfa Co., 2HT St.rk at. . Pbona Part fie 1806. ''. CARWI THAT OATTH TI1K P.TFr' Bt work t In tha rlty. Batta. MW lteknm Mdic. Main IKVtg. SAFHS. I , poRTt-AWD RAr-al CO., "'a ntn for Har-rln-Hall-Jaarrra aafw al"l Jlanaanraa Blal S,ra Oo.'a bank aa'M! ind-b.ol flra proof aaflm aad tank aafe rarr caaapi aaa thtm or wrlta aa. M Baraatk at. ... , CIKBOI D Mananaaa and flranraof aafaa: oala aprnrd: matal fttorr: and l"tl work: lack.. I. R. Darta. ad d. Mate teW SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES.' ISHOWCARB8 r orarp KTtrr1s hank, bar and atora flilorra nada to orilar. Tua IJitkr . Mnaraetnrln Co, .Portland. , ' 't , K H. BIBDSAI.U daalrnari aaaat M. Wlnfar Lambar Co. T tUmlltoa) bllr. Mat. MM), TOWEt SUPPLY. (iLKAIt TOWtlJ DAI1.V Comb. bra. Si $1 prr month. Portland Ijinwlrr A Towi Onpf.lT a, Htntb and Coarb. Ibnw 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING." ffHC BA01A0B 0IK1BCS TBAKBFEB CO.. rornar Sixth and Onk ata.t tiaKgara ebarked from bote! or raaMrnra illrort to dratlnatbia: ' paaaanaara tharafora avoid rnak and aaaoy anra tt aepata. Prtrata Eiebanxa M. SAPEa. piano, aad furwU.ra aiaiad. narkod raadr ablppln. aad ablpird; all wark aitarantrad; laraa Xatory brttH flraproof warabonaa far atorara. Offtc 30 Oak at. Osm Boa. Pbona Main MT. C O. PICK, offle M Plrat at., balwaea Btark . and Oak at..) pbona MXI. I'laao and faraW tore mored and parked for ahlDnJnx; bo1 dlona brfk warabonaa wltb aeparate 1 raoma. Front and Clay eta. MATIONAT. TBANIUFEB STOBA0B CO.. POg Oak at. I tatepnene i-ala 400. Traaafarrlag ' and etorlng. CiBEGON TR A NHFFR CO., 1M Bortk Blrk at- pboaa Mala ea.. Uaarr banllna ana atoraca. IHnEPBNDENT.BAOOAfJB A TBANHTgB CO Btoraaa. 32 Biark at. Mala 407... , r0T SPECIAL DEUTBBT. No, 300 Waab- ROOFINO. MI BOOFIN0. gnttninai. repahia and general tobbtou. J, Lonll. 21 Jefferaoe at. Paa. 4!I4. , WHQLESALE JOBBERS BUTTKB. EGOS. ale., dairy product. bonr-M er n, oi ten oa conrii-Mw. v w ISwaUand bldf ). Portland, Or. M.' A. Ot'NST CO.. OIBTBIMfTOBH or FINB CIOABS. - PORTLAND, BKOOH. ..annt.,i A. a,,B,l K iwJiim anA Mr ,rcni'ini m . -- r - - - , aitaakin aaarrbaat..'- 140 l"ront at., Partland. Or. Pbona Mala 179. narrillK rilBNtTDBB M A N1JFAOTCB I NO CO. Mannrartnrere ef foraltura re tlie trade. Port 1, ad. Oraroa. ... W A WHAMS 4k CO.. wboleaale grorara. naaa- fartarwra and eowairtaloa aierebaate. ronrtk and Oak .1. . . . yi'BMTCBB m.naf.rtarlng and perl.t erdera. L. BaTenaky'a farnltnre factor. A07 f root at. AM EN B 1.EW13, m-nmlaatoe and produce mar ebanla. Front and I'arl. ata., Portland. Or. Wliol FHALH erorkarr aad (bMwwara. Praal. Iloaala A Ce.. I'artliad. Orairoa. t. W. RIVPeON. got Waablncto. at. Wbole aala daalrr I. .rala and bar. TTPEWRIT ERS. tlCArt..X'ARTFB for aew tad rebuilt trpe arriira of all anabee: aea onr wlmlcr: If ne . . gniny te bo e new typewrtier aaa oa ba f.a bntln.: we can Bare foe money; wa . nana, for renairinff all matora; atat i.n'a f. tba For; wa boy all klo.ia o' tjoaarlt.ra. - Tha- TrnawHter Firhaoira, K. t. killamm. otanaarr. 4 Third at. . Hi.. KKKMiirRrRR Trnrwnter Aer-r: aep pilra, ri..ira. g. I.tth bM.. 'h aad XVaak. bl 10 MTF.NOCBAPIIKB. ". rlrailnrtra.. Biallb-IVamler.. P-o .or. af , bw,r ttian anr othar roetnanr ii-ailgie. taUarwaad Trfewrltar Co.. dta. PORTLAKB, OBEOOlf. , Nnrthweet Corner ThN and Oak Streets. I'BAT ism hii iniiiM ' Manila, Collect too. lua.le r L . 'J? "J lAWletant ,..W. A MIM-A A. M. WBMIMT Arwm LAUI. - J. W. LAD". I HlTlllf BuOkS ;..,.Tlee-President .AeeleUut Caaliler liKoBGB w. hott..... - - ,' .,-, '' ' ' T resit C. reanvet 1M4. Iwl Offlos. rraaclsee, '";li,f?T"?S Keeplne and uu.Uvklea"a . .... -..a -...t WJ H opened of $M aud upward. or urnimpm - ... . . . Hat R.tli.i. lunfc Pelf1e C.t. , UMirau, ,i,vw 'W. l at VONf. ....... At1" . V. . . . Allnt Bfwtry T1rM.rr Buildln. BTTlff. Qii?offo BwwH. 10I Third .t.. lrK.y bin... PortUwl. Orrgos. STENOGRAPHERS.. WANTED Btanofrapble work at rcaaoaabVa - prlcaa. Mlaa Voanfa, KB l-or. r.1. ma sua. Pt'BMO atenofr.pbar and trpawrltar. PfeoM Main 1271. Kit Dakaaj bldf. . PVBMC trpawTtllt. nom Chanibrt of CotB- anrrca; .round floor.- TRANSPORTATION. Alaska; 1907 EXCURSIONS ;-;v 5 TRIPS . . Bpokan., iiao 14, SB July IS, SSI Ar. S. ' ':" : :. arom bovtb. ' a at BOBAtOf. ..,.,..BO 1 B. S. muUmt..., .JAB . 8. AXJLtXA BOVTB.' I-,. J Skrwr. aWtkB, aTanMai abA trf porta. ' Baillar p. m. -X. B.B. 0o.'a KBjnloU...tAr S, XX, SS Cotter City, wit, Bit k... Kay SIS, SI City of BoAttlo. ..AprU BT, Kb IS, SS 1 raAvozaoo bovtb. BaUlBa' I t, m fron. BoBttlo. ; UmmtlliB ...... ..April 30 City CfBoo, S4S ' WBShlattoa , , Ho! For Astoria FastSteamerTelegraph TMUIy (axcept Thtiraday.), Lavaa Aldar .treat tlock 7 A. m. ' r v .::;,." veobb' KAXa sss. Columbia River Scenery BZOVXiATOB ZJaTB TBAMBBB. - Oally BTTiro balnaaa Portland and The Dallea, aioapt ' Bandar.- lea tin f Portland at T a. arriving a boot p. IB-. . carrying freight aad peaeeaeere. Splendid aeeoaaaodn tlona for ootflt. and llTcatork. Dock foot ef Alder M- Portland; feet ef Ceart at, Tbe Dallea. Pbona Mai. Sla. Port U ad. Str.Chas. R. Spencer .... ' WatiJartoa-street Book. Daily, eroept Bunday, for Tha Dalles end way landing., at T a. ro retarnLng 10 p. in. Faat time, beat aerrioe. . rkonesi Main. B1S4 Boms. A. 11, S4. bobtv nemo stsaiukit oo-v Steamships ROANOKE .' . ; and GEO. W. ELDER Ball for Kureka, Baa Pranolaoo and Log Angeles direct every Tuesday at g p. in. 'ticket office lit Third, near Alder. Phcnea M. lilt. H. IOUNO. Agent. Ativan xojra ocbabj stbambbum. LIVERPOOL, OLABO0W, L0XDON. HAVRE. . New etratnera VICTOXtAX and TIBOIMIAM, trlnleerew turbine engine.. and HUilHIAX. C0R8ICAN and 10BIAK, twln-errewa. Remem ber, oar aellluK. are weekly from MONTREAL. paatlng dewa the plctnrraooe St. Lawrence rrrer by dayiignt. Aerommodationa .near. paard. Batea: Ha loon gdOiio and upward,; accond cabin 140 no and nuwarda. Oa. claaa Calln Steamer,, 10.00 and .pw.rdm. ALLAH COMPANY. 174 Jaokao. koaL. Ohleaae TELL HOW PORTLAND v "COMPARES WITH OTHERS ' " bmaBaBawab Dr. Francis Burgntta Short will speak of "Portland snd Its Growth During the Lrfist Six Months" at tba Taylor-Street Mothodlst 'Church tomorrow evening. Io his extended six months tour of the United state, which he has Just com- pleted Dr. Short Is tn a oosltlon to tell the people of Portland how their city will compare with other American cities that he baa visited and his talk tomor row evening Is looked forward to with more than usual interest DIED TO AVOID GIVING OFFENSE TO CHILDREN Ppokane, Wa.h., April 17. Ollvsr Un.hM nf ' Rrlrleenort blllaut klasie ye.terday because, ha thought hi. son ran sway to avoid his presence and be caime he feared another aod and daugh ter Intended doing llkeal.e. IB? LEARN TRpil 0(1 SIGNATURES District Attorney'. Off ire Will Investigate Signing of De Veny Petitions. SOLICITORS CHARGED-! BY ANGRY CANDIDATE MUlikrn Lajs -Bltuii on Otto Prnjf, , Dcrlariog HloiiMiir to Be Innocent, : nd til Liquor Ansociatlon's 80 rctnry l AUq Involved. . i Iputy Dt.tiict Attorney Adam will Inveattxato ths charge, that Otto Ira and John MHUk.n forgad alxnatur. to tha nomlnatlna; petition, or William t)e Veny and L. M. Davia, two" cajidl rintea (or councilman at lara;. whoaa pa. tltlona wero thrown out by Auditor Devlin.' - ' - .' . Dr. Da Veny took, hie petition and contention to the dl.trtot attorney ya- terday and charged that the two men who bad circulated the petition, had written In (alae .Ignatare. themaelvea, thu. invalidating tha petition and put ting him out of the race. The unlucky candidate, la exceedingly chagrined at thus being ouated from the campaign ao early fa the game and etatee that he will pu.h bla Investigations to the limit. - 'f uch scoundrels." he said tn d1a oua&ing '. the matter, "should be sent over tha trail." , What action Dr. Davis will take Is not known as be Is out of the city and has not yet made any atatement regard Ing bis future course, John Mllllken lays the blame upon Otto Prag and says tbat If there are any forged names to the petition he did not place them there. Al. Crof ton. manager of the Liq uor Dealers' aaaoclatioo. secured Prag to circulate tbe petitions, according to Mllllken, and la therefore responsible for any Irregularity. Deputy Adams hss not. yet begnn to delve Into the matter but will do so st ones. He ha a not looked into the subject far enough to say what action will be taken by tha district attorney's office. AT THE THEATRES Walker Whiteside at Heilig Monday. 'The yoang actor.' Walker Wblteelda. wka will make but appaaraaea at the Halllg thaaua next Monday, Tuaaday, Wadneaday and Tkara. day algbta, AnrU S, 80, May 1 and S. wltk a epeelal prKra BUinae weanaanay. wits aa eseellent rompany la tba aaw play. "Tba Magic XIModr.' la eoe- of the await l.taraat. lug (lgnras oa tha Americas ataga today. Beat, ara auw aplllnf for rugagemrnt at box offlee tha tbaatra, Fourteen t and .Waahlngtoa atraets. .... ,- ' Hitchcock Tonight and Tomorrow. ' Tbe attraction at the BeUlg tbaatra, roar. teenth and Waahtngton atraeta, toatgbt aad tomorrow tBunday) al(bla, wlU be the faawua fuanr oaadlaa Baynwnd Ultcbeork, la tbe tuneful comle opera .uccaaa "The Xankre Touri.t." - Thla ekrrer nlarer at praa.ntad by Henry W. Baraga, anrrdunded by aa ellent eaet and thorn, and ataged aa only Baraga eaa. '.' Mr. Bltcboock fca. baea ebrtateaed the "totally different" comedian, and 1. arery particular he I. different from every other comedian aa tha ataga today. Hie part aaw eeaaee have been nu era roue, aad la f A xaskea loortat"- ka baa Bona lad if not aarpaaaad all of tbe oner trlompba be aaa Known. Beat, are aelilng at theatre box offlee for both algbt and tomorrow Bight. , ' ' " ' V ,v Baker Tremendoasly Popular. Tontabt'a pertDnaance of "A Prodigal Boa' will be tba laat at the Baker theatre.- It baa bean running all week aad baa pleaeed tbea aode. The list of Baker friend, and patron. baa been creatlr Inereaaed aa a reanlt of tba play, which la being flawhealy Ji ream ted. ii ' - - . Treat at Baker Next Week. . Tbe Dictator. which will be prodoeed by tba Baker company next weak, la ante to make a tremeudona hit 1. Portland. It baa bars highly mn-eeafal wherever It B.e bora pre eented. and la na admirable vehicle for the Individual abllltfce of tb. varlooa member, of the Bakae compaay. ' It will be the Nil all neit week. .. . .- . . , Go to Empire Tonight, ; Tonicht la tba laat call for that remarkabU swlodrama. "Tbe Black Hand." which baa baea giving each complete aetlafaetloa at tba Em pire thla week. - "Beware of Man" beglaa to morrow aftarwna. "me aiacs nana- ) a atory that- rn-tually lock, tbe dWa, for be one would leere until tha end at the atory bad baea unfolded. . Empire's. New Bfelodramn. . "Bewara of Man' M the title of the play to be offered by the Scam a a .tack company at tbe Empire Beit wark. It la a melodrama, aa the same implies, bat la iuat tba kind that patrons of 'the Bmptra will enjoy. It will afford .a excellent opportnnlty for tba pleaalng work win which Mia. Margaret Pitt, the leading w raits, ha. made each a bit. i -. "SBOwbaU' at Lyrle. ' Tonight, tomorrow matloea and' Meat ara the only ekaneaa remaining te aee tbe Lyric ateek company I. tbe alde-eplittlng farce. "Snowball.'' rmrmg tbe week thla baa proved one ef the moat popular theatrical bill. In tbe city. - Two toatgbt and tomor row alfht, tbe flrat brglnalng at f:U o'clock, grata may be rorrod by telrphoa. or seenred at theatre bos offlee. 1 . ' "Sealed Lips." . ; ; "Sealed Lip.. the famon. melodrama that baa bees praieed by eritica tbrousheut tba country, wlU be the bill seat week at the Lyric, haglnalng- Monday mattaee. Tbe cast baa baea eelected with great care, and .peel a 1 attention will b. glrea te arenlc detail. Meat, are now ea eale at tba theatre baa office. . "For Mother's Sake." , Beeinnlnt Monday sight the attraction at tbe rltar theatre WIS ba "For Motnrr'e Bake. Tht. play will ran all week. Mia. Verna Fet toa will be eeea In tbe leading role, the char acter created by Maria Heath aad exploited by hv for aareral (eaaons. Thla la a trill wblck will prove popular, and these who attend the Star will ot be disappointed. Beata are sow aelilng. '. V -"Hearts of the Bine Ridge."' This week the company at the Star theatre ba. gives a popular drsme. "Heart, of tba Blue Kldge." It will be repeated tnnlxht. tomorrow afternoon and night for tha laat times. Leva, bata and comedy are mingled la the play, and It ts one of tbe kind wblck packs the Star te ' Grand's Fine Show. . New York vsudeville la what ths Oraod Is of- fertr It. parroa. this week. The proa-ram is aprlnkled with beadllnara and features, and there are no weak acta I. tbe collection. 3. D. Bernard Drily., the no tar singing comedian, who haa been with many of tbe best musical pmdnrtTona,' gives sa Impersonation of Boose relt which Is a Bit. and tb. automobile act of Larlne and Ieobard at alone worth the price ef adrntssto.. Tonight and tosjorrow an the last times. , I'saal Sonday performances. ., . . 1 -' i , Editor Guilty ot Libel. ? Sterling. I1L, April J7 Edwin T. Fuller, editor of the Iixon Sun. waa found guilty by a Jury today of criminal libel for bla articles against County Treasurer Walter Merriam, ; .,'.... ' IADVANCE RATES Oil DREADSTUFFS Representatives of Trans-Pacific . Steamship Lines Came to " Understanding. 7 , FIFTY CENTS MORE PER TON ON FLOUR AND WHEAT Danger of Competition ' From Jap- hm Practical Over, It Is Said, Bad Both Chin and Japan Are Buying- More Flour Than Ever. . Rates on flour and wheat from porta In the Pacific northwest to the orient will be advanced on tbe lat of July. This; waa decided upon at tha meeting of trans-Pacific steamship agents at Vancouver, B. C this week. : The ad vance will reestablish tha old rates which wero In effect last summer, or prior to tbe Invasion of tha Japaneae trarun. In tha field. , J. H. Dewson. who represented tha Portland A Aslatlo Steamship company at tbe meeting, returned to Portland last night with the above, report. He j says the meeting was held at Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver. B. C, and every representative present . seemed of the opinion that there will be a great deal cf busineaa this summer In tha way of flour and wheat shipments to the orient. They believe that tha freight rata will have no effect upon shipments, slnoa the orientals ara taking a atrona liking to the foodatuffa. Hongkong la buying heavier than ever and Japan, too. Is demanding' liberal quantlea., : - Tha rata for flour or wheat to be. come effocUve July 1 will be, per ton, aa follows: Japan. $4; Hongkong. S4.0; Shanghai aad Amor, $. This means an Increase of t cants per ton all around. Tha lines agreeing upon the rates are tha Portland A Aslatlo Steam ship company, Canadian-Pacific Steam ahln company, Nippon Tuaea Kaiaha, Boaton Steamship company, ' Boston Towboat company. China Mutual Steam Navigation company. Ooeanlo Steam., ship company and tha Great Northern Steamship company.. ? "The representatives at tha meeting seemed to think the danger of compe tition from Japanese tramp steamura over for tha tlma being at isa.v eaia Mr Dewson. "and so tha rate on flour and wheat was pat back to where it waa laat fall. . Reports baaed upon cloaa Investigations also indicate a heavy movement - of' breadstuff s from - this part of tha world to the orient and it Is believed that tha tonnage of tha liners will be i taxed. The famine In China has probably something to do with this. biH the fact is that tba orient la rap idly taking to wheat- flour, and hence tha demands npon this coast ara In- eraaalnar. :' "One reason for tna neuer mat mo Japanese steamers will not invade the field is that they found It rather ax- pensive to buy bunkers here and to pay tha charges while being dispatched. . The Japaneaa found tney-oouia not operate their steamer, much cheaper than their oompetitora and wo do not expect them to return soon. :'," '.'"V. SAW DERELICT AGAIN : Steamer Alliance Passes Close to the . 1(1 ' ''":'Besale K..-' ' ; '' '-, : cm her way from Coos Bay the steamer Alliance ran alongside of the derelict gasoline schooner Bessie K. about three miles off the bar to the entrance to Cooa. Thf overturned craft seemed to bo in good condition, but Cap tain Olson did not consider it worth whtle to attempt to tow her Into port. Advices from Afarahfleld today slat, that the derelict waa picked up yester day by tha steam , schooner . Cascade bound north. Tha Bessie K. had bean drifting about oft the coast for a couple of months, a constant menace to navigation, and half a dosrn craft have run within a few hundred feet of her. A strange feature Lin thla connection Is that she has not drifted on the beach, altnougn at times shs bad been even sighted from shore. ; It was a -calm day when tha Alliance ran alongside, and tha whole bottom of ths overturned craft was high above water and dry. : There was no way of ascertaining what bad happened to the crew. The Alliance mad. remarkably fast time , this trip, reaching Portland sev eral hours before her schedule, despite the fact that this Is Captain Olson's first run as master. ' She will leave south next Tuesday night and advan tage will be taken of tha long stay tn port to wash boilers. - , , The weekly schedule will be main tained henceforth, and by operating be tween Portland and Cooa Bay only the Alliance la now able to keep up with the heavy freight offering, v . . j ANDREW WEIR COMING Prominent Ship Owner to Visit Port . land Next Week. Andrew Weir of London, managing owner Of soma IS steam and sailing vessels, will b In Portland next week for a brief visit while making a tour of tha Paciflo coast. He will coma here in company with FraBk 'Waterhouse of Seattle, head of the firm or jrrank Waterhouse A Co., operating steamer, between this city and Puget sound aod the orient. ' Mr. Weir makes a tour of tba world occasionally inspecting his vessels, some Of Which get beck to England only at long Intervals Weir steamers to visit Portland recently were tna uym erle, Quito, Bnverle and Ellerlo, besides a number of sailing veasels. makes good"time ; Steamer Telephone Completes Initial Run to The Dalles. - (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal. V ' The Dalles. April 17. The steamer Telephone arrived Isat night about half past T o'clock on her initial, run be tween Portland and The Dalles. There waa no attempt at speed on this trip, snd she made all ths way landings. Hereafter, when she will be devoted to passenger traffto. It la expected shs will make the faateat time ever made between- Portland and The Dallea. She Is built especially ' for speed, but her appointments are such that she Will add greatly to tha comfort of travelers. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The French bark Armen has finished taking ballast and will atart for Aus tralia soon. She will ba followed by the British bark Dlmsdale. The Norwegian stesmer Teria Vlken cleared this morning for fort Plrie via WE WANT YOU lOSSMERE THE CAR LINE is laid to Rossmere; anii it will be only a few days until you can go .and visit tliis beautiful addition any time. We will take you now in the auto at your, convenience. fe Title Guarantee 240 Washington Street Taooma, but she will not sail before Wednesday. - She Is taking; lumbar at Rainier. : The cargo will ha com pleted at Taeoraa. The French bark MIchelet will finish loading; wheat Monday. Tha steam schooner CoquIUa River want to St. Johns this morning to load lumber' for San Franoiaco and) - the ateamer Eva went to Montgomery dock No. fo load-wheat Frank Waterhouse A Co. haa char tered the German steamer Toloaan to carry wheat and flour from this port to tha orient She will probably fol low the Russian steamer Selenga wbloh la now receiving cargo hare. - Tba gasoline schooner Berwick. Cap tain Jacobean, sailed tor Rogue river yesterday. , , , i . ,' MARINE NOTES Astoria. Or, April 17. Arrived at 1 and left up at t p. m.. steamer Maver tok from San FTaaclsoo. Arrived dosrn daring the night, steamer Berwick. ' San Francisco, . April J 7.- Arrived, steamer Roanoke from Portland and way porta. ..-. . , Astoria, April It. Arrived down at 1:40 and left up at lilt p. m., steamer Alliance from Cooa bay. Sailed at T p. m steamer Columbia for Ban Fran cisco. ' '" - .' ' .' - Ban Francisco,- April It. Sailed at I p. m, ateamer. Geo. W. Elder for Portland.' .'' .. . . Point Lobos, April tt. Passed, steam er Whlttier from Harford for Port land. .. . - . - . ' i Astoria. AprU IT. Condition of ths bar at V a. amooth; wind, wast; weather, cloudy. ' ' Tides at Astoria today High water, 11:1! a. m t.t feet; low water, :! a. btl, t.l foot; S:IS p. nt, 1-1 feet, , ' MARINE INTELLIGENCE. " Bagular thmts Oae ts Arrive, ' - Nleomedla, from orient ........April f Costa Rica, from Ban Franc lace ..Anrfl ts O. W. Klder. from 6a a padre and Bray. April ts uoiunrnia. rrom sas rraneiscs., .. May a Alliance, .from Coo Bay w. ............ May g Roanoke, from Ban Pedro asd way.... May t F. A. Kllbnrn, from Baa Fran, aad way. May S homeatla. from orient . ............. .May rs Arabia, from orient..., J... ............ Jnoe W AJesia, from orient... ....Jsly 1 Bagular Linens te Depart, Alliance, tot Coo. Bar A art! So a. w. Eider, for Ba. Pedro aad wav..Anrll SO Costa Rica, for San rraaclaoo... ....... .May 1 Ar.gonla.. for orient J. May 4 Columbia, for Baa Frandaeo ....May Roanoke, roe ssa reero ana way May l P. A. Kllbura, for Sea Fraa. aad wayMay B Nleomedla, for orient. ............... ...May If N amentia, for orient. ........Inns Arabia, from orient ............June Id Aleaia. tor oneui .........aaiy sr Tesaela la Fart. Arasnnla, Oer. atr at flour mills. ' . . Coqulile Rrrer, Am. str at at Johns. , Irish Monarch, Br. rr at E. a W. mllla. . J. Marhoffar. at WU. Ira. Works. Tcrje Vlkeo, Kor .str., at Rainier. 1 .. ., Armas, Pr. bk., at Mersey dock. Bayonne. FT. sh at Mrsitcomery geek Wa. A Dlmedale. Br. bk, at Standard Box dock. Kirklee, Br. srr, a Oceanic dock. f Mtrbelet, FT. bk.. at Colombia Me. B. ": . Tola. Br. ah, at Elevator dock. Aldaa Beaee. Am. bk., at Wallace akragk. Cbeballa. Am. bkht, at Stella. JordanhllL Br. bk, at Oreeawleh. - 1 Behome, Am. aeh, at Stella. . Loalalana. Am. Bk.. at Stella. " ' ' Alice McDoaald. Ant. ack., at TaneevTer. ' . Helens. Rues, str., st O. B. N, Albma. horrnan laies, Bor. str, at Moatsomery Ms. f. - Era. Oer. atr, at MoatFocnery No. X ' Excel, lor. Am. atr, at Portland I .ember mOH. Thoa. L. Wand. Am. atr., at Uaatoa. . Aoreila, Am. atr., at Rainier. . ' Houtb Bay, Am. atr, at FUrel. :: - ' Alliance, Am. atr, at Coach street. , Lam her Carriers Xa Beats, .'" Ansts Larsea. Am. ac., Ssa rtswlaee. . Diamond tieed. Am. bk., Ban Pedro, , B. r. Whitney, Am. bk, MakaweU. Eclipse, Ass. sk, Bas Padre. , . . Elwclt, Am. ah, Bas Pedro. " , Llllenonne. Am. erh.. MsnDa. ' , ' Lucille, Am. sh., Ssa iTanciaeo. Mabel Oslo. Am. aeh. Ban Fra nclsee. . ' iworthland, Am. atr. Baa rranelaeo. -' I. M. tlrirrith. Am. bkts., wan Francises, . John Palaaer, Am. bkta., San Fraaclaco. . r Brtrkrter, Am. bkta. Baa Franclacw, , -Bailor Boy. Ass. Kb.. Baa Franelsos. Blnlram, Am. sb, Badundo. : Aurora, Am. bkta, baa rranelaeo. ' Columbia. Am. eeh.i Baa Fran el ace.. - Jams. Bolpb, Am. ach.. Ban Pedray ' . John Smith, Am. Mtts, Bsn Pedro. ' , MakaweU, Am. bkta., Ban Prauclaos. ' Baota Abb, Am. str.. Baa Praadsoo, '' A Irene. Am. arh., Baa Pedro. -.e-. Kmllr Becd, Am. str, Sa. Pedro. " - W. B. Hnme. Am. ach.. Baa Prdra. . roiirta. Am. sell, San Pedro. Lettitla. Am. ach., Bas Frandaeo.. ' . ; Muriel, Am. sen., Bas Franc laoo. . In Beat. With Oamaat sad Sonera I. '. Buccleacb, Br. sh., Haaibarg. , ' Hrenu, Ft. bk. Hall. Conway Csstle, Br. bk, Antwerp- " -' ' Ualroaar, Br. ab, Bsaiburg. . Europe. Ft. bk, Antwerp. ' , OeneTleee Mnllaos, Pr. ba, London. .' Rene Ksrrllr. Fr. sh., Bamberg. ' . Laennee, Pr. sh, Bwsnare. . ' La Filler, Fr. bk, London. '"' . ' Martha Boat, Ft. bk, itamnarg. ' , ' Mosambiqoe, Br. sh, Newvaatle. X. ' Samoa, Br. bk, Blilelda. Slam, Oer, eb., I.ondon. i Bocae, Fr. sh.. Newcssll., B. - Tellus. Oer. bk.. Leltk. ; Vlncennes, FY. bk, Olsnfow. j ' Blnlts. Br. bk, Antwerp. Ilsrecbsel Tnrrene, Fr. bk., Hamburg. , Villa de llnlbonasj. Ft. bk, Antwsrs. Onetbary.' 'r. bk, Antwerp. Plerrt Lotl.1 Fr. bk, Antwerp. . Walden AMiey, Br. ah, Antwerp. , ; aienesslln. Br. sh, Antwerp. - Coal Shipa Xa Beata. Belan, Fr. bk, Newcastle, A. Col. de VUlehols Maranll. Fr. hk.,NswCsstl4, A. Clsrsrdon, Br. sh, Newcastle, A. - St. Loan, Fr. bk,. Nsweaetle. A. ' . , Traatp Slaamsrs Xa Beute. Aeeot. Br. str., Buenos Arras, k ' ' tiyndferd, Br. str. Ha. Prancmce. ' Lmaaa Mara, Jap air, lapan. Africa. Monarch, i-r. atr, Ssa FrsncWoa. Herenles, Nor. str, Mnrorsa. strathclyde, Br. str, Bsn Frsactars. ' Rtrarhyre. Br. atr, aaa FraBeiara. '.. Tellna. Nor. atr, Ba. rraBetacn. Tottenlism, Br. ttr Comet. B. C. fcark, Nor. str, Bas Franclero. Dlaori bis. Br. atr, Shanghai. ' Tolnean, Oer. atr, from ausyuaa. Oil Steamer) Xa Xante. Marerlck.l Am. atr. Baa Frsnclec.. ' . Wkittlw, Asa. tlx. Pert Harletd. . ' . f '. . ; ' .' - . :: " ; v ; Pnone Private Exchange 30 ' ( Is Is the best investment in Portland today. . Buy a; lot now and watch yoiir money grow. Buy TODAY. For shrewd investors can double their mot) ey by . selecting the best locations NOW.. - 7 Be Who Buys Belle CresI Now, Is Wise-Be Wise Building will start soon inBelle Crest. .Then youll -v have to pay nearly double, what a lot will cost you S. now. Investigate ; compare. .THINK. V-'. t ' ? ', J. ,Y, PHONE MAIN 359 AND WELL. TAKE YOU OUT .. - : - Vv ' ; WATCH ' TOMORROW'S -PAPERS y ' ' FOR ; OUR OFFER TO PAY CAR FARH.- JACOBS-STIRIE FIFTH FLOOR PORTLAND -WIRE Phone Main 2000. ljVl-l Vr.V.. f . .v . 1 i mm m MEN TREATED AND CURED Best Service! lowest Charges! . ; Cores Guaranteed ; Who 'are afflicted with NKBVOUS DEBILITY, er railing Strength, eoss-' ssonly called "LOST MANnooD," Eihanallnf Drains, Pimples, Laaae Back, Inflammation of the Bladder and Kidneys, Hlstily Colored Urine, Impo tence. Oaaeondenev. Falllns Memory. Lea. of Ambition. Mental Worrv. re- ' suits of axceaa and overwork: PI lea, Flatum aad Hydrocele er other weak' naaa. which absolutely sant ' sTe etrra. ae par. Trliaaaia, Bheosaatism, Seres, Bwellmcs, Datch&rtea, esaerraeea, fii-i gtrtoture, xalarcea rraataie aa, nyureuaie. asweas imansga, autuaaa snd Cextacientioa. Serrtoe. Benaonable Cbargsa. . Call ae write SB. T. i PIZRCX. Ill Plrat St.V VartlaaA ' Or. WOMiWI A SPECIALTY MRS, Sa Ka CHAN - The only Chinees sremaa madleat doctor Is this city. She aaa cured many afflicted aufrerera. Cared private aad female die aaaso, also asthma, threat sod laag troablea; atomacn. bladder snd kidney aad dlaeasee of all kinds that the hutna. flesh fat heir to. Cored by Chinese berte snd roots. Rented lea baraileao. No operstlens. Honest treatment. XXAMIXATIOBS FBIE. tot Clay Street. Corner Tblrd FARMER IS SHOT BY . EIGHT MASKED MEN ." -' (Jnsrnal Special Service.). " Spencer, lnd, April 17- Eight masked men before daylight this morning cut the wires between this town aad a point weat of here, went to the home of John Layman, a farmer, and ordered him ont When he realsted, they shot him twice, tied him to a tree and thrashed him. Layman was taken by his family,, who are nursing him, but he Is dying. He has two bullets In his cheat - Layman was charged In a warrant with Im morality. CORPSE FOUND7 WITH DAGGER IN. HEART ''- "- '. f T. fBnedal ni.petcb te The Jearsal.) ImI,,.. ajtr.ah . Anrll t7 -A enan'a kail, waa found vaatardav near Sand- point, Idaho, with the face covered with blood and a dagger aliening in tne heart, Ths body had evidently been . V. M nn. iltna nchKerw In thought to ba the object of the killing. The body waa found 'by .soma scOool ol hUdrta, ,. f i s : r , le.'JJJ TO SEE ..v Trust Go. , v-j.- .. CO. SWETLAND BLDO. BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND ICON . FENCING Wl Barbed Wire. Wire anrl Lum Fencinc. Poultry Netting, Etc AND IRON WORKS SECOND AND EVERETT STS. tsam for stony, snameaa. rataaore sr Marriage. Blead Palsaa, centraeted sr k.ndltaryt Sklj Every Vcqah sktMlfllt thsb sVamiaawrfflll MARVEL nfclrrina Spray The new Vataaal tjrm. Aaec. M .lurftxn. Heat Oaf. eat Moat Convenient. " I Aah ease seasstot far tt. If he eanntH em; oly the M4BVKI, BojeDt ne Oilier, hot aand for llluatraled book. ...1.4. ft f nil nertlaular. and llrectiona In- valuable to la.' lea. Mtstm, as r- aaa sr, saw iohh. ' - tor Bala by W00SAXD, CLAXKK OO. A1D LACX-BATIS Dana co SToxxs. ... erayg Rernenbar tbe fntl None gTative Urorao Qcislsqi Dret CoM la Ore. Day, Crfa 2 Dayl FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sandarsrm's Ooinpeuiid Berts and Cottoa Boot Pllla. Tbe beat . aad only refl,te remedy for DM LAV fcO PIKIODS. Cure the moat obatlnata caaea In t. te 10 data. box, matted is plain wrapper, t. t. PIEBCB. 181 First street , !v:o-"; JVK m . . a twiSII svaixij a. n txr f .. AT Price M p Address Or Partisan. 0 -a-... 4 .. x - .. ' IV s-r-