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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
THE OlsECOH DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL . 27. 1CC7. crsixrsd chances. FOR IllC-i'inKt cleaner, beet, largest, moat up to da i lu tbe eliy; will tix trivoi.-e; snap ir takea l socs. Aauraa B 174. r Journal. faoO CONFECTIONERY sior wl'h living rooms; k.w tfnt. lurastlesl. phona Kavt I WANT part dot tn th butcher and commt- toa bueloeee; splendid kcltuu. lmulr at , ' 8.12 Third at. i OK 6AI.B Oroeery doing a alee boalneee, o eaat earllne; $l.3uO or lavoic. CU od Cntoa svenue. our la. IP 7u ess epare $4 Pec month for 10 months on a giit-dr tndiiatrlsl proposition, call at 1 8 NocUi Third at. CASH grocery, eoofertlos and In ereem stand. good enrm-r surstton; nte u'a cheap reut. Addrr Q 174. care Journal. :oNFECT10NKBY. to cresm and elgsr store for aa I cheap, doing ftue business: reseoue fur mum. Addreoo B 173, cars Journal A SNAP for some one; confectionery and cigar store for aal cheep. Address F 17 ' car JournsL - frOB BALB 0 TRAUB Whols or balf tntaraat la hotal. 163 room, Call aid St Treat st, liO CASH Small grocery. Ilvlng-roome; cheap rvat. Act quick. Address P 175. Journal. 8KVFN bow furnished rooma, 808Vi Pins at., $460: rant $.10 1 rail and trad with owner. FOR BALF REAL, ESTATE. WashIagtoa Oregon ; ; ; :;Rcalty. Co. 1.700 M eree, m miles from Waahougal, , Clerks county, Waeulngton; 18 sere cleared, balance paatur. all (meed, 3 good aprlnrn: (nod A-room rustle bouaa. ale barn SOxM true tie aud piloted), other outbuildings, family or bard; fin location: (nod wall at door; new mower and raka. S plow a. li arrow. ler email toolai 1 Va miles to boat landing tiid railroad; good soil; term a. balf cash, balanra year at par cent. Tbla la A snap. , fS noo ia aere. S mile 'from Waakoogel. to Clark county. Waah" toa; 66 acra etoarrd. 10 acres greea timber, baleoee aeelly cleared; an fenced, all level; two-atry J room bonaax fair barn, t aerr orchard. 4 r, t waxona. aw rnowar and rakr. eraaal cnarator, all farm tmntarotnta nadrd arm. 60 bd nf rattla. AS mllrb row. 11 ra. aom chick ena; on Bain enontr road; 'od aprlnaa. on near bnnaoi beat of black aoll; nil to echool; ball Man, balance pears at t per nt 00 40 acre nrar I Caster. Wb I 1 era elaarad, anm pood timber, ereek thro irk r Place, eoma fruit: sew.l-room none, aone lumber on (rouBd: goad aoll; terms. WOO caan, oalanc 4 year at per aastt s snap. 40 ac.-w to Ciark ronirry. Waab.t acre alaabed and bs-ned end In arte, anm green tlmher. 6 am fin awale; t mil from echool and ator. 4 mile from railroad ata ttcw; aw 4-room bona SdiMi beat of bUrk ' S00 sere to Clark manty, Wah.. nllr from bnatlandlnt and railroad; 5 arrsa to roltlTatioa, ear era I sere preen timber, hel see paarure, caaily clearedi all fenced, all lerel. acres bearing orchard: s 14-' T-renm mail bonee. naw fram barn etiiioa fruit dryer, blaokealthbop, tollkboaw; fins spring sear bona: team. I warona, back, new Oaborn binder, stowsr ssd raka. all kinds of (arm machinery: 14 milch cow a, bull, anm yosnc atoek: bar, sats. wheat; ' B. r. D.i mil tn aohool: best sf black oil; $4S par acre, balf caah. bslane ( rr at per eaat: will tok part la axchaars for Portland, property. . W ' $1 000 JO rra.'l2H mflca from Portland ; B acre cleared, balance eaally cleared, all Vrrel, black aoll; fin location. 4 miles from : railroad etaflos, H mil to scbosl. B. JT. a ssd Ulepboo. , . t . ,. i - .,' , ' 40 sere. Hit mtlet fror Portland. RU mile from Beererton. 4 miles from railroad etattoa: 20 sores cleared, ft seres grees tim ber, balance oaatly cleared, all Vtrel. beat of black aoll. no rock or graral: fro location: ft. r. I), and telephone, H mils to echool; Price 43,000; good terms. . ; , ( 1ST sere to Clarke oroty. Taab4 BU ; miles from WaenonaaJt acre aleared, t acre bearing orchard! troom bone 90 acre lerel and eaally cleared. Da lane rolling, fin black audi: prlr fl.HOO; good . term; good location. . . ! n .1no ll acres. 13 sella from rVrtlsnd. . 4 mile from railroad. tc.) tn acre in ml tlratlou; lo sere Has aaw timber: balance brueh. really cleared; ' 4-room roatle bonee; sew barn; good well at door; rural free de Urerr. and telephone: H mile to echool; fin . location; beat of aoll; raeh. balance f : para; wlU eichaare for Furtiand property. , . ' If yes want to exchange city property for ' j fanue. or farsia for cliy pro pert, call and s what wa hare. W bar the kirgeet ' , Hat of farm oa tbe market, from B-scr to ' 1,000-aere farm, S.B0 to $100 per acre. WasMsgtoiic' 'Orcgca; Realty ;Co. I0( Srrnnd at., Portland. Ore mo, and BOO . Mais at., Vauoourer, Waab. Pbons Mais 304. " V 'i?:.y Vacant .Property--- SJ0 Lot BOxlOO feet oa Michigan ST.; street graded, water Is (treat; terms 40 caab, balanca M per saootb. 400-niiloo en Albtna are., aewar. gaa, water, , t fin algbtly plac for home; terms, ball ' ' ' raak. ha la dc eaay term. 4TBTake a fin lot eo Borthwick at., emir 1 bloraj from car line; tret graded, eewer la; trrma. apot caah. 4T9 For a corner 60x100, oa Humboldt at.; term, caab. , 8i0 Far corner lot ts Central AlMn. eaat I rront on a.erny at.; utss, few ears. ITS For s larg lot A0xloo oa BorUwick at.; treat la sraoea aaa eewer in; lorma. not caah. Tbla lot lava a little low. SS0 o by K0, oa Mlealaalppl ar.; aeiy term. 300 lot AOxlOO, on Maryland are., sear Orar look: eaay terma. . . Thompson & Ogden 48 Ulaalealppl Are. Phone Woodlaws int. ! RBAfk THIS IT WItL PAT T0C. lflOxlXt, at Oak Oror elation. A-room - . kousa, 11.000. 100x100. small boo, Hat and Clinton St., barrehj, 1.7fi0. ,i VulOO, Montarflla, S-room ' kons. city rf (pater, good cow, $1,000. . TxlOO, 10room hosrs, modern, plumbing, - Bear Mt. Bcott lumbar yard, $4. MO. ftOxlOO, -room nwlers aouee, tull-lsa baa, tent, bargain, $3,600. 0x300, -room saw . bos, ' Wsodla wb, terma, $1.4AO. I Mil70, Wlllamtt boolarard. bearing frelt, $930. 108x11 near Arm hmbag yarda, , Bt. ' John, frnlt trees. $00. '-. Piacksmltb ah op In coon try town, doing ' - good hualneas, $1,600. riood farma, la rue or email, good terms Homtad rellnqulahmeate, will maka yoa food lioms. $0'). BEAVER BKAI. KSTATfJ 4 IXVMTMENI 00MPAXT. Rooma and 4, Odd rellow' bid., . . riret ana swer ate. $2,rso B-room bout, atorle. good fmrrhe, bay window, ball, pantrr. bath, tors window, chicken park and bonee, barn, ground oxlOO feet, good laws, ornamental trees, roeea, frnlt rra and berrtes, 1 block earn from B car line, 1 dr good store. 3 grocery . atnre, 1 drug atnre, 1 butcher ahnp. black mltb abop. 1 ailHInerr store, t confection . sry atore within 3 blocka of tbe souaet pnh lie echool $ blocka as ay. T rbnrcbe within 10 blocks, and only to miaul' walk from baalosaa oeater of tbs city. x , Htn'ile & Harrlsca - " BIT AWngtos BMg.. OS KAHY TERMA. Extra good isodera sew fnll Bitory kont of room, paatry, he Hi room and large re cap tlos ball; nickel-trimmed porcelain bath, baln end patent tot let, fnll onncret baa. vent with tattrmary laundry tuba; china brackets around dining. roonit close In, choice location, sar V ear; heat la city for price offered: onjr 13 ; $.V"1 down, balanca Ilk rant, rwvie early. BOMB LAND CO., rirat at. FOR SAIJ REAL ESTATr. Fcr lirz&lzs stt tHe Eeaycr RealEstat; & Investeest Co., rccss 3 zzl 4p Old Fellows B12r., First and Alder Sts. IRVINtlTON. . $1.T"A-Tfli10o, g rooDia. large attic; boa , fust completed: nothing that goes to make s home attractive and coorenleot ha bees omitted; larre rooms, lerxe porchea, cemeut walke and besutirul grounda; located right to tbs sweUest part of lrrlngtoa; half caab will do, . ... 0. 0. SUA TV ' - Mais 1941 H04 Abtngto kldg. BBAUTirtX boms. Meal location, reaeonshl Crlce; rouma. reception ball, belli; one Wk from earllne, on wMe street, new cement walks, lot S feet a hove grade, nic lawn, fruit. tc; can't be replx-ed fur price; 2.00.. part caah. balanc on time. H. A. Hudann, eon Commercial bldg., or uon WoodUws W0. . ' HA LP block sf 4 lota wltb larg. I w modern -nam bouae : furnace, bath, gaa ami electric flltnrea; bedroom down atalra; beautifully situated; new of moantalne and rtrer; ele gant laws, fruit tree, etc.; home plac which In three moo the will b worth one third more to tbe purcbeeer. Phone Mala 1112. D. W. ilellman, tu Ablngtos bldg. - ONLY HKVEN LEFT. ' ' Reaidrac lot $-luo below price oa nsry streeta; 4 feet a bore atreet. 1 block to car; 10 minute t city; cement aidewalk; biU alltblc peremesti (to be); parkry cmea treet. Make your own term, but hurry, aa they will aooa pa gon. Owner, Belmont and lLaat 6tk. . OHIO REALTY COMPANY. ' Ws sts from Ohio, and can abow the men from Missouri, or any other mas, tbs beet bargalua la real estate. Uat lour property with ua. ' T , OHIO REALTY CO., " Phona Pacific 37. Sua Commercial Blk. v ,Arbr Uigc Snaps iK Choice lota and horn la this knutlful Vcv , tlon: term. Se W. B. Rust. Arhor Lode sutlea, SU ohna ear. . Pboas WoodUwa 134. A Bargain fcr Somebody ! $7SO ceab, s corner st Pentnenlar, BOxlOO, right on Bt. John car line. Including SnxlOO adjoining it en tbs rear, also a aornor. fboos Mala 3H71, after p. m. COMMOJf BENBB and. a few dollars will put yos In posaessloa . sf a good lot lying Sigh and alghtly en Sell wood oar Hns Be ssd IB mlnutee' time, get off at erssjasorlaoi sad s LsOempts, bs wlU snow yoa. .. East Hcnlscn - 100x100. teat ssroas brldga, mast erj at a tow price, BOOM BO OOMMEROIAL BLK. riNB lots for aal. S blocka south of Hawthorn ara.. oa 44tb at., $30 and $400; atreet traded and water to; $10 down. $10 per .aaoatb. Inqulrs sa ground. $4$ Eaat 44tk t., south, 'boss Tabor 34. FOR BALE Largs 4-room bona, saw: fin outbuilding: bathroom, pantry, S closets; chickens, pigeons snd furniture for sale; lot - 67x100; B blocks south of Hawthorn ar. oa 44tk at. Pnoos Tabor 354. . $Xi0 BC'YB a dealreble boatoesa lot sa Dswsna , St.. right In tbs midst sf setlettle sa the Peninsula, right wbers tbers Is something , doing: small payment down. Hagemaaa 4V Blsncbsrd. 01 t-ltth St. . -. WEST 8IPR, closs tn, new modern i-arory boose, walking dlatasca. o elerstloa, com manding lew; will made Ideal west skis , boms: ,$8.00u: Jnly boms buysrs ossd apply. Psoas Msla 1MB. Rodney Avenue Let Cheap $80 essh. 60x100, cboic tot near Oolng at., all toiprsTsauDta In. Pboa Mala B871, after P- m. FOR BALK 1, 8 or S acres sf rick torsi land fronting OS 0. W. P, car Use; good spring of wafer, 25 -minutes' rids from tbs city. $00 per sets. 8es owner aa tbs ground. J. O. rroat, Stanley Station. ( ... T-ROOat bovsa, batk snd barn. S fall tots, corner snd el Icy. 30 besrlnr choice fruit trees, eeeortment of herrlee, 100 cboic mess, beenflfnl gronsd end fine garden, aa ldaal Itom, 44.000. Pboo Eaat 4078. , . C R Donnell tic Co. , -: REAL ESTATR. - r . Room 13. BOS Surk at POR SALE By owner, going east, two 10-acr tracts. 114 miles from 0. W. P. rsrltos; Al soil snd lerel. In llrht brash: pries $1,108 each. Addrses Boa se, St. Jobss. Or. , LOTH $.13.80 EACH Closing sa eetate for ea it em belra: 34 at this price If yoa taks all: ' part at (light adranc; sllt-edred br; .blf dows. Horns Land Co.. 4Att first t. POR BALB Barssto at year own terms: 1 eottass., 4 room- 1 4 room and bath, both mo torn: oa ear Una. By owner, Pboas Sell- ' wood 687. , . r THREB blocka from Steel brMsa, Sn'l Adams at., nearly new modem -room bona; pic kofni for ale cheap; will (Ira termsi By wnr, 823 Ross St. I HAVB a rend T-rsom amdera hem, eorser ' tot. Eaat Sttb at.. blocka of Hawthorn . ars.. blocks T-R ear; $300 caab, bsUac sssy.. SA Start at. ANOTHBR BAROAIM 11 srrss, aaoetly eleered. good bonee snd bars, fins aril, most re cheap. Th Till A Ahetract Co.. room 4 Mulkey bldg. Second and Morrtaoa sts. BAROAW 7-room amdara bonee, ftaa lot, 60s . la. Holksday Park. Inqnlr o firamlee. SIS Clackamaa rt.. or pbons Esst BoSS. Muet sell st ones. This la a anap. , POR SALB Modem S-reom boass, bars: grenada 100x100. choice frnlt; streeta Improrsd. sewer. Kt. . No S7B Eaat 10th. ) Pbons Wood wa S77. -i . MODERK brand nw S-ronm cottage, Botk and - a). Mats snd SOth snd East Morrisont 1 2 iv; $200 dowe. belence like rent. A. P, Smith, l Commercial block. - ' - BEST bay on Alt. Bontt line: new amdera bun galow, 6 large rooma, electric flxtnrea, china closet, bath; 100 feet from car: $1,700, terms. Second bona north of Tremont. TERY dealrabls bom. Just fhta aids sf Rest Sotb arrest, thoroughly moderni term. Mala 1803. Bos Chamber of Commerce. . $000 IX)T, IIPPER ALBIXA: $1,000, TWO LOTS IM MFl.TNOMArl. SKB VA FOR BAR GAINS. MONTB CHRIST 0 REAL ESTATB CO.. 33S FIFTH ST. MFST be sold tbfl woeki mom bones for $3,300; Broom houas for $1,400. Closa la. . I'booe Colon 3763. -, .,..,. FINB LOT $10 per month, small caab parsMrrtt fins riew; cement walks. - Address R 173. cars Joorosl. . : y . KEW S-room modern boos, $3,330: $500 dows; . $2S month. Owner, pboaa Eaat 675; a sgsu. IF yoa want ts bay, salt r xcbang ronr , property, call oa or adoVeea Geo. ax. Turner, . 303 Waahlngtoa at., Port la ad. Or. TWO aerea at a bargala. blgb s4 sightly, 15 minutes, ride. Woodatock car. On ear, " East Stltb ssd Holgsts. - ' FOR BALE S Iota oa Ollham are., two blocka from MontaTllht earllne: make me sa offer. Owner. Addree 0 176. car Joornal. - f-ROi)M konas, a I meet new. fin corner kit, between Hawthorne and W. R. carat ealy $3,000; $&uo csak. tag Stark st. . , V WANTED Romeeeeker to writ ts WITlamett . Tailor Real Eetat Etohaags, Wood be rs, Or. , for rrrlaed lt f farm. BOO FARMS, (mail tracts a ad lots: bargains oa O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addtton, Lents, Oregon Tek Mt. Scott ear. Be. $1,M0 AND $1.7O0 Two new modern cottages, 111 mtantes' rle: lot IVnilOO: )urt eff Uaw thorns are. Pbons owner. Main $743, NEW modera B-room cottage, also houerhold goods; muet aell .quick; going Mat. illl snd Esst Morrtaoa. Call 1064 Eaat Morrtaoa. FAXON PARK tots 100x?no. ' la mltlratlnn, lerel and althtly: prlcee $.1i ts $.T7. O. R. Addtton. Lenta. Or.; Mt. Scott car. Be. FOR SALS flr owner, new modern S-rnom bonee. lot BiUxlOA. 100 Eaat Sixth North. $nr CASH bay house a ad 3 lots. 1026 Eaat Hat North. FOR SALE $. IO Comer lot 60x100, Eaat 3.1th and Salmon. 12ft Eaat 13th. FOR SALE Madera 5-roora cottage, part caab. 630 Eaat BStk at. ' Phons SUwoo4 VU FOH SALE REAL ESTATE. fcscs aed Lets ,;. $50 Ki small bouae and-flu lot oa Buaa- ner at.; atreetcar men luveailgat. $300 6-rootn bona, neae fimont ear bars: lot (m1uo; tsrms, $Juo cash, bslssos $15 per month. . ' $1.150 Small nous sad 3 lots, m East 13tk at. ' North. $1,300 4-room boss sa tbs "I." car lln. $i.aj m-atury house, oa flu eurssr lot, aa VYrgant t. $1.800 6-reoia modem bouae; sa 13tk St., be tween Ooing snd Alberts. $1,600 A room bouae, user S car lines, school, . stores; terms, $JU0 cash, balsscs a Kr cent Inter eat. r nice 6 -room some, sa Fremont st. ii.HO ror sice bom oa loth at. : modern. li.VM 6 -room cotug, oa bur th wick at.; rtry eaay terau. $4,800 For fins boms oa Sharer at. See ua befara buying. TbcsiFsOn tc Ogden ; . - , - SM alleataetnpl Ar., . Pbons WoodUwa 802. $8,000 FINB home and S lots to MostsTllla; will trade for east sids property. 83,3AO .New A room modera boms, closa In; $2.'.o dowa, be lanes $10 per svoaib. A3,6bU New 4-room modern bonss, tot 4lz 13.1: walking dtatanca of Steel bridge; terma. $060 Small atoek of grocer le to trade s lot; good location; llrlng rooma back; a aasp. HARPER O PONNELL, -' Fifth snd Alorriaoa. Pbons Main 8748. 44 Snap $oZ3. 10 rooma, nicely fumlabed, bona atrlctty Bwdera, rents fur $J3; oa esrllns, la fins locstkm on weat aide, welkins dlatsae. Coma be fur Mar 1 If yon want s prise. HAMILTON HOLM AN, . ' t ' -jui Ooodnougb bldg., -- Opposite Postoff 1c on Fifth it, FOR SALO BY OWNER rooms, large, strict . ly modern, extra well built, with M sera grouod, well Improved, lawn, fruit and har ries; price $3,300; $1,000 csak. 47 Msrwell are., south of Stewsrt'a ststlon, on Mt. Scott 11ns; would sell H sera If dsalrsd. FOB BALB BY OWNER Well-built T room konas, full eemeut beaement; lot 60x135, ale lawn, fruit trees; newly Improved street ; near I'nkia srs. earllne. Upper. Alblas; a bargain. Pbons Esst S46. A SNAP S room, modern, large corner lot, $1,800) $2.V cash and assy terma: recant now. Inqulrs for O. W. Wells, Btawert'a : atatlos. M Mt. Scott Has. ' FINR 6-rootn modera boass. birrs basement, End MtxBOO feet: a bargsln st $3,500; caab and $16 per month; maat sell, ir at Stewart's atatton, so tit. Soott ' Una, for Ob N. Ford. - - FOR SALE room cottar, tot 83x100, fruit trees, berry bssbss, falcka-beaas snd yard; a bargsln; owns toaemg city. 1U13 Esst ' 13th st, north. Take Albert car. . FOR BALB BY OWNER A bargain Lot 4 Si M fast, doss In. Eaat ltk and Yamhill eta., $n60, terms, ar $SU0 caab. Inquire 171 Bast lulh St., . ' A B-ROOM modern aotuge, asw, $260 dowa, awnthly paroMnts; 1 block from ear line. Ill Ftftb srs., Lenta, Or.; Uke Mount Boott car. . - ..' tWO Iota, each 80x100, Irringtoa. Esst Ninth, be twees Tillamook and Thompson. J. Alum - Harrison, foot Taylor at. Pboo Mats SIB. i FOR BALB 10 seres 6a ML Boott Hns; oho Ice Sronorty (or platting. Lewis 0. Ooosat. 368 tnrk at, room 10. NEAR Hawthorns STS. sarllns, 100x100, $800; Improved street sad aldSwalkai need tbs money. Pboa Mala 1043. """ v t FOR SALE FARMS. ROOK SIB BLOO-, Corasr Beoond and Waahlsstoa Sts. 281-scra farm la Yamhill county : 100 , acres la cultivation, and moatly la tall crop grata and plenty of aesd for ths remainder j a good T -roots boos, woodbouss, sprlna koaas, larg granary, larg barns, straw, aheds, stc; X orcbsxda, old snd young; 60 ,, acres of ssk grub, ssallr .clssrsdi worlds of outelda range, grain ana hay to I red sntll . harreet; pboo In kons. B. F. 1. mall, ' schools, good Sonnty read, large atrssm runs tbrongb cester sf ths plaes; 1 heavy Parch. roa team, 1 Pereheron mare la foal;' new farm wagon, farm rake, 8 plow, 1 sulky plow, B new sets sf kernes, saw - bay raka, mower, elder press, new atamp Bullae, Complete act of farming too la and machinery, 4.6O0 test of dry eat lumber, 8,000,000 feat timber oa place near atresm, 36 head of kogs, 1 registered boar, 86 Angora goats, Cot ears Id ahecp, kasd sf Cattle, Jersey cow, - fin water at tb souse; pries $7,600, sa teram; beslthiest locality la the state; crop In: would taks aomd city property. MSI acres, 76 acre In cultivation, about 88 sr 40 seres slaebsd. alt seeded, 36 sr 80 ' acre eeeded to grain, land toy fins, S arras In orchard, beat varieties. Boms Engnak wal auts. 1H miles from railroad ssd river, gssd : S-room bones, fab; Sara, 86 tons of bay, water ' plpsd to tbs bonss snd bars, good woodhousa snd other building, fin view sf volley, river and railroad; ISO acres of tbla Is bottom land; S head of young nor ere. SO bead of cattle, moatly young: wagon, harness and all farm ing Implements, Including stump pullers, aleo ' aaw kooss and barn on bottom - lend, all ' fenced and cross feseM, fin trout atresia of water through plac. is mile from eUy; prlea t7.00O;l 600.000 Umber ea ptocs; po tato plaster snd digger, 100-sers farm, mile sf North YaaMIl: - 47 seres dear, a goad B-room eottag. fair barn and sll other aseasssry building; a good orchard, eeleet fruit, fin water at the bousi m, living water oa tb place: pboa la ths boas. R. F. D. mail, sa good roads. ba lanes sf pises la oak grab; land lias fine ' snd is a cheap any at pries or sjo per acre. 39 acre, all Improved except 4 acre In timber; land Use slightly rolling, flrat-elsss nil, fin atream of water sa tbs place, good family orchard, all varieties; (-ronm bouse, In good condition I good bam, 40x60. with shed attached; roothona. 14x14. brick wall tnalda, ehlekea bonee, apple bouses wall wltb pump la It, team Sf horse shout 1.B00 rnuds. good wagon, flprlog wagon. 3 sows, pearling steer. 3 pig. sew mower, rake, disc harrow plow, cultivator, land rollers, spray pump, T miles from Portland, t miles from Besvertoa; pries, $6,300; terms can be srrangsd. 80 acres. 10 aerea slesr, land Use wan. Hi story bouse, aearly 'new; good barn, milk bona, ehlekea bona, sa a good con sty road. IV miles from Glencos, Washington sonnty, T ml lea from HlUaboss) pries, $1,600. , :. W. Espcy; , Room BIB Coauaerelsl Bldg., . s ' - . Comer Secood and Washing ton. , Farm Bargain ' 164 acres, si fins (oil, aearly hmL 100 acres cultivated, 10 acre fa orchard, S acre ' strawberries. 80 sere besvardam, alea stream of water, all well fenced. S aerea timber, ' balanca In paatura: larg kons painted white, wood house painted red, ehlekea house - painted white, waahhouas painted red. milk bona painted white, rootbonas and fsedbosa ' painted red, granary painted white, earn Silxl30 feet, blacksmith shop, machine abed. 3 pig pens, t goat bam: 10 good milch cows, ' anm bay, binder, mower, rake, B w a gone, 8 plows, harrow, aeeder, roller, tarneee. cream separator, SO scree In crop, M heed of goats, some bogs, a good farm, pleeaastly located la tbs vallev. 1 H miles from railroad station terms, $3000 dowa, balance tlms at per rent Interest; all goes for $4 Son. ; HEXKXB HARRISON,. ' .' 317 Ablngtos Bldg. 40 ACRES OB Oalambla river, Improvm, at 1530 pr sore. 130 acre Improved, Oolambla rtver, at $329 per acre. so seres, ' Otombla rtver. fins land, ha. arnvwl. level $250 per acre. . -, 138 aerea, 80 acre level bottom laod. ksl aacs timber. $m per acre. 170 acre. Columbto rlvor. good farm, $133 per sore. . Ws raa sell any part of ths share farma . at term to suit. W srs tb owners of over 8 300 acree of Cotamblt river tar nev Call snd , ae oa for particulars. COLUMBIA REALTY CO.. . "y i-.' ' SSV, Third St.. Rooma S-T. SPLENDlf 40-ACBB FARM. - For $-1,300: 26 leres la anUlvsttoa, good comfortable bona, good barn, aloe orchard. II fenced: 16 cea covered with timber snd naed e pasture; tbers are also 3 aeres potatoes, Several acre of oat a, severs! seres of clover, suao of good horses, I cows, several bog, sbnnt S dose chicken, double-sea fed - spring wagon wltb- good top, good lumber wagon r.d all farm tools; It to a sice little ranch; terms caa ba bad. sad aavarsl other good place. OTTO, CROCKETT eV HABESON, ' 183 First St. $80no A SN4P A scree. Arllngtoa Heights, nletted. B miles mt (weat side!, toa of Cat ron road, near Council Croat. Apply at 887 Morrtaoa at, FOU SALE FAIOIS. Ii ACSKt FOR RENT OH FOR SALE. ' ' Has th best produdug bop ysrd of, 10 seres, yielded last rear I k) boies to the acre, on bophouee, be I a tire lo oats, timber snd paature; No. 1 fruit laniL lays very nice oa a mala county road, R. F. I), and telephone; a flue hem and money-maker; only 8 mile wat froia eonrthotise, mile from the new Portland Haletn earllne. If yoa want a hies home here is sets for you snd very cheep. V. H. pfaffls. room 18, UoOVi Third at nesr Madison. . Inn ACrtKfl IN MOH1EB. , AT BAttOAlN Fill U KB. ' " 80 aerea la orchard, trees from 3 to year old, S acre la bearing, balanc of land good for apple, sitb tb icaplb of 15 seres; creek rune through hand furnishing water fur Irrigating, 8 good aprluga. email bouse ' and barn; considering the character of tbs soli, lay of the land and the ataadard va riety of trees this pises Is a rare bargain at 1 10,000. fie 1, U. HELBRONNER It CO., 4 Hood River, Or. FOR BALB AT A BAROAIN. 840 acres to tbs best wheat belt of She. man county, S mile from tows snd railroad atatloo: 640 acre to cultivation. 83H la tall wheat and 310 to he ummr-fallowed; well Improesd good bona, bam and outbuildings; . plenty water, larirs deters, windmill and water piped to bouse and stock; will set) oa seey terms! Ill beeltk abject la selling. Ad dress Enterprise Psrm, Bos S3. East, Or. FOR SALE. . SO acree, seres under 'cultivation, rest scry eaally cleared, practically level, plenty of water; U mil from school, adjoining county road, Sl mile eouth f railroad sta tion and bostlandlug at Moaler. Vs miles soutbesat of Uood River. If sold st ones, '.A per sera. Writs owner. Address Box 73, Tha Dslkss, Or. 480 ACRES esstera Oregon toad, all la crop; horaee. machinery, oooiplete oatflt; $26 per acre, balf cash; will exchange for city prop erty: this property must be sold on account . of elckneee; best wheat farm to tb beat wheat belt to eastern Oregon. Invsetlgat thle; If yoa haven't tb money w will fur- : alab H for yoa. Alexander Lend Co., C3tt Sixth at, near Fin. ' FARM, fully ennlpped, near Eatacsda, S3 acres clearing $3,000 yesrlyi 30 seres yost set ts spplse; a big bargain at $8,600; moat b . uld at one. Owner, B 178. ears Journal. $860 BUYS 40 aerea oa mil from Estrada: good solL spring breach, sordwaod and tl timber; part cash, bslssoa eaay terma, . Bo 168, Bstscsda. Or. . BEFORB yos toests sail oa a writ Warrra A Stater, tbs ending real sstat dealers tn , Yamblll couaty, Oregon, located st MeMlna- rills: tb beet ounty la tb ut. 40 ACRES, beet farm, n improved. miles sat Portland. Bear railroad; assy term. Boggees, 161 Front. . TIMBER. LARGS body fin timber near transports Moo; only a few mile from Portland; bought by ' present owners whoa timber wa cheap; have ' new modem mill;, lotting outfit, bones, good roods snd everything complete; mill bow la operatloa: will sell timber st actual , present worth; mill, etc., gratis. Call Aud . AMngtoa bldg., luSVa Third st. FOR SALB 3,000 cords wood. 3 miles from Portland, Corns! 1 road. 80,000 cords, T mile west from Port land, Cornell road. , 13.000 choirs pile and telegraph solas, oma aasrtnlll timber. JOHM KLOSTERMAN. 1 N. Hat at. Of flea B4 Hamlltoa bids. TO OWNERS of timber claim and timber-. W will bug for csak any good timber trio : Starr to the Nebalem river. Will deal with owner only) write, giving full partlcslsra. Nebalem Inveotment Co.. 828 Chamber at Com mere building. Portland, Or. DO yoa want a timber claim f For cnolea of six. reek crntota 8.000,000 to 7.000,000 feet yellow fir; closs ts market. Address H 176, cars Journal. - BIOHT timber claims la arm tbers Oregon, will , crnia 8.600.000, near rtver. opea for location. - Addree P 137, asm JoarnsL TWO horn set e ail raluyralahmenta, 8.000.000 teat yellow fir. $300. 1. C GUI, X63 Alitor ., IB. CERTIFIED scrip, say eta, low act prices. O HowelL 63S Chamber of Coca mere. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. FOR BALK Nlea drtvlng fitlv ad ksw-Hrht . rnoosr-iireo cemagor no nicer rig m .city, Call Sunday forenoon, at 64 Belmont St. Pbons Eaat 1847. f e BORSES ssd bersise for rent by Say. ad assatnl e pedal rates to do at lata a ao Bawisoms. ssa is. . BORSES FOR SALB SO heed. 1,100 to 1.SO0 Conds. Ovsrtoa. between 13th ssd 14th; ks ssr. Freed a,. , Bros FOR BALK Team matched ponies, also one bora, 1,260 pounds, a lag I ar doable, sad ride. Phono East 1353 BEST work and light harness, price lowest; ws take ronr ld karseea la eiehsnge for aw. Keller Harness Co, 40 North Bixtk st. 1 SPAN draft mares, weight 8.300; spaa grav reioinge, i years oia, . weigai s,iuu xs Froat it. ' FOR- SALAWaitap, ana Bona. 403 ' Eby atraat. ,.- .:... ESTIMATES gives a sxcsvattBg and team work. Pbons Esst 73. 420 Bswtborna are. FOR BALB Oas-borrs SeUvary wagna. oovered. good aa asw. 14S first at., at Buttor market. FOR BALB Rig brows horse, fin atngle work, sr. 738 BldweU sve, Sallwood. FOR BALE B team cad 3H wagon, toonlra at Esst Bksravsa 88d it. sear brickyard. FOR SALB Team bay mare. 248 Front t. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR BALB. CBBAP t good freak cow and heifer calves; will trade for good work boras. 184 Port land bootovard, B blocks Berth Pied mont car barn. - TWO Jersey raws far le. ens fresh with sslf ; , three quarter f a mils north of Lenta. J, A- Wltooa. - FOR SALB Oood young Berksbtr Big, good ror araaaing. Aoursse r. si j, sera journst. FRESH eow for eels; good milker. 13fl Kearssy -. flu B it . UM,.n. . FRESH cow for Sato. 61 Northrop st : MUSICAL INSTRUMENTAL YTCT0R Talking Machines and records; Brein way (or stberl plaon. Sbermaa, Clay A Com Bixtk and Morrloa atak. app. P. O. ELBOANT plana to oak case will bs sold o amount of mortgage. 10 Wajahlngtna bldg. BARTER AXD EXCHANGE. FOR SALB or rxehang for cord wood, city property, on S-borerpowr stationary, ene 1-kerepowr portable engine, i Call pboa : last 24. or at 48 AIMna srs. FOR EXCHANGE Win sxcbanr Los Asgeles county property worth $1,000 for Oregon real ett; owners only seed newer. , Address Q 177. ear Journal. TO EXCHANOE A alea residence and 4 lots j la Forest Grove, Or., for a roomtag-ho In Portland. Pbons East 4783, er address B 176, ear Journal. . WILL exchange on farm or city property a well-located grocery, oa boalaeea street; In voice $1,600. Cell Aid 1'aloa em., aorta. FOR ' SALE MISCELLANEOUS. StMoER snd Wbeeler snd WUeoa sewing ate. crdns sffie. W 11. lea a or rent new ma bine) old BMchtnee takra to Part payment; aeeosd-haad marblnes $6 ad p: other mekee sf sew machines $28 and up; needle for sll mekes of machines; ell Binds of machines repaired snd guaranteed. S. S. Slegat, ageot, BSu Morrtaoa sl Ph-iee Mala 3188. 18OO0 NO. 1 HARD brie It, $13 per thou sand, f. o, k., Portland. - 48,000 No. 1 atoek brick, $18 pr tboossad . f. . b , Portland. T0.0O0 light bard brick, $11.60 pay tbou aand. t. a. k., Portland. Apply No. $, Chamber of Com mere bldg., Psrtlssd, Or. - BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rest a nr aale ea eeey payment. . TUB BRUNSWlOK-RALRB Crlt.LsWDIBOfA, 4 Third St., Port lend. BEWINO MACH1NSS konrbt. snM and sa changed. $6 and sp. Western Salvage Ca ti7 rV'ashlnftoa kt. , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. DON'T go I Tbs Poller, 233 ptrat st., hoeaoss he cells too cheap. Be sells this week $15 Caeccd reuse, new. for $S; wool-too mat tresses, $2.60, snd othere from 75e p: le tliousend of dollsts' worth of new nd sec ond hand furniture cheap; 1U0 oil pelatlnga north $3.60 st $1 sscb. S1IUWCAHKH, eusntere, fixtures, bought, sold r vxc-uaugea. vvesrer eai,av v., Washington at. Pacific 788. PRKS POR EVERYBODY Ring Bp Mats 42S0 ar call zis rront at, w buy an sou ser ai tare, clothing or any old thins. FOR SALB Two top. "band-mads grocery war,ne ana on Mcuno-uauu espevaw pism, 420 Belmont at. PRACTICALLY new No. 6 Underwood . type writer ror eala at a bargain. Aaraaa sv hit, are Journal. . FINS aiottoa picture machine, gas surf It, 6.M) ret iiiia and luu news lor giuu; eoet asuu. Room 8. 16H Sixth at. Bt'PP ORPINGTON aad Plymontb Rock esri, 61 acttlng. . UMS Orsnd sv, bstwwa Albert and Florae, Scott 6rt3. -. ' FOR SALE Two not and red tate atortgac ror tww, perreetiy ee cured; muss -awv tn money. O 175. care JourssL . SLIGHTLY ased Olds touring ear. la first -class conniuoo. ror ssia cueap. Address r in, cars Juurnsl. - . SODA FOUNTAIN tor sals ar trad. 1ST rront.' . - , HOLDEN'S RUEOMATIO CTJRE Sura ears far rbsamsttsm. Sold by sll druggists. OLD BOOK RTORB ramovsd to 168 Firth aad 311 Second sts. FOR SALE Piano, almost asw; bargsln. In quire 888 Macadam road. . AfTOMOFm.E for sale. 1808 Cadillac about,. $060. 169 11th St. . . GOOD bicycle tor sals cheap at 833 Eaat Ninth. rOR BALB Canaries of fins song. 347 Great t. PERSONAL. WEAK man. from aay esnse, any sgs, or length of time afflicted, tend $1 for a reelpa that Insures quickly and forever your complete snd perfect res torn t km, 'regardless of failure or disappoint meats by previous treatments or methads of cure yoa may hare tried; posl ttraly harmless and tbe greatest restorer knows today. Louis 0. Csrr, BIB North An derson at., Loa Angelas, CsL ; ' Russian Baths lot "THIRD ST... BETWEEN TATL0R AND SALMON; SWIMMINO POOL, STEAM AND HOT AIR BATH: FROM S AU At. TO II P. II. PRlCB 36 CENTS. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. ' A. Reiner, tbs furrier, wIM move from Lewis bWg. March li look ma for suitable Iocs tlon; for present may bs found at reel denes, 263 North 18th St. Pboo Peelft 8487. Will call snd glrs estimate aa aoX BEXINB PILLS cuts all forma of asrvwaa er mnacular area knees. For me or women. : Pries $1 a bos. bote $8, wttfc fall guar, ntee. Addree or call J. A. Clemaoa, drag gist. Secood sed Tsmhlll sts Portland. Or. A MIDDLE-AGED ganttemaa wis bee to make the scquslntasea at a lady between 28 and 88 years of ago; no objection to a widow or a country tody; all letters answered; object, matrimony. Address At 177. ears Journal. PILES Itching, bleeding, protruding, ftssuree. nsinis, consunsiina ana ail reciaj aiseese cured In 10 to 80 dare, without tb knif or llraturs. Call or writ Or. T. f. Pierce. 181 Fh-et St., Portland, Or. 1 ' FRENCHMAN. 40, sf good habits, wlabe to . make the sequslntsnes of a lady, widow or a country woman; object, matrimony, Ad- drese K 176, care Journal. i . LADIES Dr. Kstrkam, grsttaat and reslafied wltb skin and nreees. 170H Third L, eor-DL-r Yamhill. - Paeifl 3228. - GERMAN bonk. mcsstnea, ami, te. Oer . man. English, French, Snenleb. Swedish and -; Italia dlettowerles; i forelru book et all kinds. Sekamla Co.. 32S First rt. MANLY vtxer reetored by Dr. Roberta Narva Otobnlsa. Oas month's treatment. $3; S months, 85; sent error IV ed nf man, cAgento, Woadsrd. Clarke A Co.. portlaad. Or. HOLD OT There Is sa tbtng that will cure " raeamatwm. aaa - your arrtggiar vor asm - tonic or addreee sr no 4. A. CMi draggsrt. Partland. Or. YOUNG srtentiflo maesens gives atortrlesl. leobollc aad medicated treatments, also tsk -. be ths 41 Balricls bldg Bixtk aad Waah lngtoa ate. SUIT praaead wbtla yon wslt, 60s. Ladle skirts pressed, fiOr. Gilbert. IOvih Sixth at., Best to Qoella.. Phone Msta SOtM. BEttT asacaslns ctnbs ever offered; eeed for prices: sgsnts wanted. Jonas' Bookstore, 381 Alder St.. Portland. Or. . . . MOLES. . wrtnktae, super f1ona kahr remcwd. No rbtrre to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 830 Flelilner kldg. Pboas Paclfl 135. DB. RING CHOONO, totportar Chin rant medletnee; sella Cbtoess tea, certsto car for sU dlssssss. 181 3d. bat. YsmblU sed Taylor. MRS. -POTTER Maeernss. scalp, facial ma. ga, chiropody. 224Vt Waahlngtoa at. Hour 10 t S. NEWLY opened maeaag parlor, 2Sltk Aider . st.. mite . Mia Marc us La Boy, s pllabed masseuse. LADIES: Dr. La "raneea OompoaBdt eate. peedy regulator; 29 rents, drnrsists or mailt booklet fro. Dr. La Francs, Philadelphia. P. LADIES who desire s bee netful complex toa, It frev ell biemtan. snoaio. can on eta nam La Oay, 23 Ruaael block. 4th and Manias. BATH parlor bar recently ehanged band at SU7H intra au. nnetair. room j; win ante to please sll; lad lea and reutlemea MANICCBING. fsdal maessrs and scalp treat ment. Try room 1, S03M Waahlngtoa at. MISS RAYMOND Masseuse. X68H sC. room 14. Phona Mala 811. BALM OF FIOS for nil female dl East Belmont. . pboa East 4084. TURKISn BATHS, SOS Oregontos Mdg. ladta days, gentlemen algbta. Msla 1868. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CTJRE etora cure tar rbenmatlsm. Bold by all draxglat. , RECENTLY aliened manleming parlors removed from 861 U to 83S Morrlaoa au room 3. YOUNG lady give treatments. 363V YsmkUI. a. MISS GIRSON gtve acslp treatawnt; mm ag. ZHBt siornaoa au, room os. YAPOB and tiro batk, alcohol running ease. i i inirm ei., vui uei j ayior. ' ' BUSINESS PERSONALS. EXPERIENCED taadscspa gardener arHT rata eon tracts or aay work. Ask ror Bathes Rnrgeas. Pboas Pacific 1871; noes A $180. Cell np at 7 p. m. ' EXPERIENCED aU-aronnd eameuter wants ei tracts or aay work; rertreoc. Pkoo East xaos. ssk tor carpenter. . INTENTIONS boorht nd old . Ooranant Cam- tract vs.. 4 xt riiadses bldg. .Mala 3881. 8KELLT CO., 14th and FIsadenT flonr. feed. oar, grain, roeses a ion, rseiric all. AUTOMOBILES. H. L. K RATS AUTO CO.. ATTTOM0RII.E8 AND ITPPLtER. ' Worthwestsrn dlatrlbotnr for Popa fTarV forda. Pop Trlbanss, Pop Wavsrlre, p,sia 7iiecins, momes, oidsmobTte. rrankllne, Bnlcks. 80-63 Bevsath at.. Portland. Oragsa. HOWARD M. COVEY. Agent Pierre Great Arrow. Loee mobile, C4 tllae and Kao. Temporary locattoa Ctoh usrsga, loth sed Alder eta. HATE TOO SEEN BARER ELECTRIC.? Capital Supple Co.. 4MI Alder St. Phos Pa srirle 871. Demoaatrsttoa by apnotatasant. - ATTORNEYS. A. H TANNER, sttoraey. . Room ans. Com - merclal blk., Secoad an W ashing toa a la.. Phone Main 1448. PIOOOTT. FINCH mt BIGGER, art ore v at law. alulkey bldf eoraM Second and Mor- rieoa. ASSA VERS. ' GARVIN CYAMPK IXTRACTION CO., i Moauaa Assay Oftlos. 18B alorrlsoa at. ARCHITECTS. ERNMT It RON K ft. architect Plana and opacifi cation: also ba tiding wpsrtoaendene. H. 0. DITTRK'H. architect. 821 William , McMllles t. i'Uoae Eaat $.'lol. ART. PKRR LEMMIINS IN . Emhroidery Every Iiay.' THS NKKULKCRAFT HUQP. 8tt3 Waahlngtoa st. B. R. MOORCHOUSB CO. Art lets' materlala, picture molding, pletnr framing. aLersooti ua. laotara elides. 818 Abler st. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OP ROCK, gradaete maaasuva; esbtset bark, aalt glow, alcohol rah, cream meeesga; references. Ins Svoth at. Mala 4IMM. BLANK-BOOR MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. ion-Ill Second at. Blank book manufactured: a cents for Jose.' Improved Lo-Lef ledgers: see tha asw ' Bureka leaf, tbs beet oa the sisrkst. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 8. Blrkenwsld Co., , 804-806 Everett at.l largest batcher snppb konas oa ths coast. Writs for catalogs. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adorns A. Pm. IXt-MS Pint at., carries a foil lln and oouh plet asaortmsnt at towet market prices. i" V ' COAJj AND WOOD. V PORTLAND SAWDUST 4k SI. AS WOOD CO. 8A6 Front, aueeessora to Fultoa Wood Co.; fir. oak. alab wood. ooaL TeL Mela I8S8. FOR prompt deltvmy of labwood sail Main 475. Oak. aek, fir and enel. Portland Wood Cos! Co., 16tb and Sevier sts. OREGON FUEL CO. la sow celling Welsh as. israetrs. oeet coal a- (a asaraeb ass Aioer at, Mala 6. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers to eorrlwood. coal snd green snd dry slabwood. B. B. and Aiblns are., 8 blocka ssst sf terry. East 874. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. Honeo and klackemlth coale. ook. char oal. kindling. Pbons Msla 1018. TELEPHONE BAST T. a F. B. JONFS A CO., Wood and Coal. - 181 East Water at. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL OO. Dealer to eoel. eerdwood and dry slabwood. Phone Eaat 434. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. Always Con an It tb Boat. PROF. B. KHIMO. - Ores tee t living satral dead-trases clairvoyant of tb ag; adviser oa boatoesa and sll af fairs of life: tells your full nam snd wrist yoa celled for, whom yoa will marry, bow , to control tb on yea love, eve though mil way; reunite th separated; gives secret power to control; ao long delay In waiting. - Boors 10 to 8, dally and Sunday. Office No. 8 snd 4. Grand Theatre hid.. B62Vk Waahn Bear Psrk St. Phona Mala 126T. : " JOHN SLATER. . Ths world -renews platform test medram, mess ages; Sunday evening. W. 0. W. ball, 11th at.: mediums' Protective association., B. B. Bain, president. PROFESSOR WALLACE. Portland's favorite clairvoyant, palmist and Medium; reeding 60c. vior., cor. Tth. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card reading. SSs. 336 pixib or., eorner aaara. CAFES. THB Omrn 7n Wssblugtoa aU pkaa Mala TTl. Bamnei vignens. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DETENT ERTEI.LB DBTBNY. THS only scientific chiropodist, parlors 208 Drew bldg.. 1U3 3d. St. rbon Mala isuu. CHIkOPOOY and Pedleerrtag. Mrs. M. O. Bttt . Bomb M0 Fleldnor Bldg. Ptaao Psctrtr 188. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON. '304 Fourth et Office snd stars fixtures built snd remodeled; abowess aaa counters, tuoas Mais list. E. MELTON Offtes. flxtnresx Jobbing. T First st Phn Main 31 SO. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned snd praaead. $1 per month. CBiqae Tailoring-tax, aisj Btara at. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works. an asaria at, reowe racino aoi. H. W. TURNER, dyer i carpets deed a apeelal- j. vv ev.iviewH ei. sasin juio. DRESSMAKING. MRS. YACOHAN, tperlewced draaamakar. 883H East Barasld St. Phona Bast 2817. MADAME ANGELES 343 Fifth. Pacific 6X3. DANCING. DANCING lessons 26c.' etsases snd prlvars. dally. Prof. Wal Wlllaoa. hall 804 Allsky ' kkig Third and Mnrrlsna at. Social dancing waits, two-step, three-step, etc. ; star daso- Ing. -bock snd wdng clog, asst. jig. Highland fling, Spanish, ste. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Clsa Mno.. s Thar, and Sat. sv.! eoclsl, faacr aad step dancing tsagbtt 8 aeslatant teachers; elaaa ssd privet, laesnn dally. Wester AcaAemy hall. Second aad Morrtooa ata. Padfto 1630. PROF. RINOI.ER. MISS BUCRENMEYBM ' Issdtof school, dally; sew hall, best la dry. Orasd sea. and Est Morrison et. Eaat 876. EDUCATIONAL. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGR. Commnowealtb building. 8th and Anheny. rbon Main 8O0. Telegraphy, shorthand, r pre writing, penmessblp. Engltek branch. Individual Instruct lone, epeciel scholarship. HOLMES RUSINBSS COLLEGE. Waahlngtoa and 10th sts, Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and sB English branches taught, both day ssd sight BOSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' Pitman Shorthand br Conrt Reporter. Boat. ess Course. Ssedal Scholershtn! Posttton -cared. Co tnmoe wealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. CARPET CLEANING. THE Padrte Coast Carpet Renovators clean your carpets a tb floor wrtseait removing furniture from room. Ws raise ao dual. remov atl dirt asd fresss pots. Pbvn Pacifia 418. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest ptsnt on coast: Lmisg and Harding ts. : phone Eet 20; cerpeta cleenrd. refitted, sowed sod laid; etem aad eompreeeed sir prorea: re novating Buttress asd featbere a specialty. JOYCE BROS., proprietor of tb Electric Clean toa smrkal carpet a cleaned and laid, both dry - and eempreestdstr eleenloa: carpet reHtttng ' eerr epeelalty; work marasteed. Pboo Mala ' Strra and A SaTJ. 276 Grant st. - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO 311 Stark St. Elertrle aad Oes Flxtares and Suvrpltoa Maatsla. Tiring. Orate nt Dogtrona. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO.-Enetesera. coatne tore, rwoslrers. letrl wiring, mnpllee. 64 Firs, sor. Stark. Mala 8f R. H. Tats, mgr. BMaM-vn... nnwatA BrAatl. SI BlvfB Contractors, eleetrl eopp11 motor, and if i aamosi wa toetall light snd aswsr plasot, MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. 281 Beat Hardens et nitwrse. wirlsg. rewalrlng. East tlM. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB IRON WORRS Be eon 4 asd Bvoratt ata. pans mam HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. olleiis oeoortnec Ity ts aaota pHeea. 7 Sixth t. Pelti 466. HOTELS. H0TLL Portland. A mar loa a pUa. $3, $6 Fe day. BELYBLERB; Euroossa plan; 4t a4 Alder ata. CASOMXE EM.IM vlAMOl.lNa; eualne. all else and air?.. l"we-t prlcee. Kelreua Machinery (u.. 1,, it Murrleon et. lit Kryi ttl.D martne enclate-". Anv pr.HM,lH Fairbanks. 11 ore A to, rtrst sad Nierk i INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, lira lasarsaea. 844 Bber. loca bidg. W. L. FAGB, rnaureneel smptoyere llshllltv. surety bonds, bnrglar and a-clilent toeureace. Phone Main 32A. 304 railing bWg. JAM. Mel. WOiiO, erapVirera' 11a ha 11 ty and hv. . dividual accident e-corltv beoda sf all klaua. Phos 47. 603 McKay bldg. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. -CHARLES L. MA8TTCR CO.. Front and Oa ale., leather and akina t every aearrrptioa all purposee; sols sod tap muni findings. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for sale At! bind. 1etud. pprovd forest reserve eerlp fee earvered. n eorveyed, ttmtr and pralri geverument tend. H. M. Hamilton. "Tb Portland," Purtland. MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO Ms dolls. bsala. guitar has tractions. 48w Waahlngtoa a. PIANO, viol la, comet, rremhons. clsrlnet. Pro. feeemp K. A. Smith, zrv. ixia St. stain .roe. MONUMENTS. NKU KINOSLBY, 8H8 First at. Portlsara leading marble asd grsnlt work. MONUMENTAL BRONZB CO, Most dnrahto grav keailatoaoe. Room 13, Ssa Btara at. MONEY TO LOAN". . LOW :, 'N, , ' V BATES : ' LOW , w - LOW - ' - , ' BATES ' ' RATES LOW SALARY LOANS - J LOW Batt:J LOW BATES LOW RATF.S LOW BATES . LOW RATES LOW BATES LOW BAIhB RATES Upos Plain Notes. LOW " "Olve" Your Koto; ; RATES v Get'r 310 to $100. i LOW . NO Becnrlty. RATES , Na Indoreer. LOW No Publicity. RATES .. " Quickly Ma-de Quietly -, IiOW Evsrytblng connoenuss. RATES .. 'Enough Said." LOW STATU FKIXartI tu., RATFS ' 704 Dekum Bldg.. LOW Osen from a I- m. to n p. a RATES . Sat. Eves. Till S o'clock. LOW . Idiw V, BATES BATES '.- ' LOW ..'' BATES MONEY TO LOAN Oa totproved city prnpsrty sr for bulMtog pnrpoee. for from I ts 10 years time, with prlvllesa to repay sll or part of loa. after two year. Loans approved from plea and anoney advanced a building progrecaeo; mort gagee .taken np and replaced, i FRED B. STRONG. Financial Agent, 343 Stark st. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa astortee. toenranro policies, pianos, rumltnre. war. noose receipts, etc. snr deserving pereoa may ernre s lih erat advene, replying by assy weekly er monthly metaTtmenre, NEW ERA TOAN ft TRUST COMPANY. 206 Ablngtos bldg. .. MONEY loaned tn aalarted peon I Joet on roar awa asm: doa f sorrow aatu yoa aea m: try aystem t tbe beet for railroad anen, ctork. bookkeeper, .free tear men and all other em it lores: buatnee trletlv eonfldentlaL F. A, New toa. Ml Buebenan hlrlg.. Waahlngtoa aL, between Fourth and Fifth. , . MONEY' ADVANCED SALARIED PBOPT.B sd others apoa thetr own asme without aeevr tty; eneaneef rates, eaateat paymenret ff1cee In 61 principal driest eava yoarelf monev bv eerttng onr terme first. , TOLMAN. 223 Abtneton bldg.. I0SH Third t W A NTT D Notes, mortgsce or contract eei her kind of real eetate to Oreson and Waah torton: second mortrare purehaeed If well aeewredk H. B. Nohl. 812 Comaserelal klh. . DON'T tof'ow reeaiey on sst.ev wettt yoa ss ,' f Kcttcn Credit Co. i - ' . 813 Dekm bblg. 1 MONET to loan; larg Inane spselslry: bntldlng tosne: lowest rates: firs Insurance. William O. Beck. 313 Falling bldg. TO LOAN A client will tcaa $too on anltt cumbered real eetate. Grubar. 617 Commer cial blk. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 426 Mohawk bid. Mona- to lend oa eaev-pavment plsa to wag, amen: strictly confidential. MORTOAGB leara at current rates; no som mlastoa. Colombia f ir ft Trait Company. L ember Exenang bldg. MONEY ts toa aa ill kinds of seewrtty. WU Bern Holl. ronra Wshlngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sums to snlt o chattel nut Ity. B A. Pram. 614 tb Maronsm. QUICK Inane on all eeur1t1o. S. W. Ring. 46 Waahlna-toa - bids. . Mala 6100. ON anortg. $300 to 83. Oral: eoet papars only. Ward, lawrar. At1bT bldg. $1,000 TO $4,600 to loen on Improved dfy prop erty no a rents. Address Poetofflcs Box 64M. MACHINERY, B. TRENRMAN ft CO-Mlslng. win 111. lcw glua mschloery; hydraulic pipes, csetlag; sll kinds repaired. 104 North fourth at. THE H. C ALBBR CO. Seeond-hend eblnsry. sswmllm. etc. 8S Oread sea. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR Lft.LEBEt.L8 PATTERSON, eperullet ea nervous scats aad chroals dlaeeaea. . offwa 317 reiiton bldg. Phoa Paeifl 1180. DRS. ADIX ft NORTHRUP. 416-16-17 Pekera bldg. Third asd Waahlngtoa et. phona Main 848. Rxamtoatloa frea. PRINTTNO. THE MOOERT4 PR INTER Y A rtsvrla artntm. 36 Rnseel bldg. Fourth aad Morrtaoa. phona Paeifl 1526, EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circular to ratatnguas and wewensprs. Metropollt.s Printing Co.. 147 Froat at. OOILBER BROS., printer Card, billhead, etc. Pboas Mala 1668. 146V, First st. PAINTING AND PAPERTYO. P. A. POANB, 2KB Yamaflt at. oppoett Jove sal aifles Wall pa par. pal.tlng aad dsenrar toa. Pberv sa for set lata tee. Paeifl 82.;. FOR rslleM work, reasonable prtoea, Sheeny Bros.. 3X2 A YambflL sear 4th. Main ,;. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BEACH ft CO. Tb Pluai.r pstnt f ; wlsdrw glsaa asd glssllig, 138 3 Uat ac Pboa 1884. TLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. ftantter ptomhews. 1 Second. ' ata re ana naimoa. uregoa pnuaa Mais ; DONNENRRmi ft RADEMACHEK tvuunel n No. It"". R reside et. , REAL EST AT 11, PARRISL. WATK1NS ft CO., v jtrra sr Reel aetata, rentala, loee nd l-.-u,.,, W sis a. a .penalty nf h.n.l.i... ml proiverty for resident nd nn re. . Eatsbllsl.ed ISIA I'hon Msla lo,4. J. W. Otill RES. real eetate aod loeea; e. Uehed IH-A Ii6l4 First St.. room 11. SPHINX AtifNCT, deeler In r. I rental. t Stark at. Mai. I FR FARM or ivkpt l W. W. rsl'KT. 818 .-mn 6TUEirr V f A S REN r-oattrocf y i Wslke and eroe- ' TH"! artv Offl-e J 1