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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. 'APRIL 27. 1907. 13 San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market,St., bet 3d 4th Aomrmcnn in svb- CXXTTIOai aZCEITSS. Oregonlsns whan In San Francisco ran hav the' mall Mnt in oar of The Journal ofllcw. ARTHUR I riSH. RapraaantaUTa. WHEjl AWAY FROM HOME Cor Tha Journal caa be obtained to - th fniinslu rlrlsa aad liwai aatald or Oreeoe. tut JoaruaT would appreciate ttia receipt ef reports of failure to obtsia copies or laa papar at any oc the place: ( ni.fil w amiiimito.V A. R. Knur. WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Wlla Walla Stationery Company; aVarere-Hoewell Ouss , pear; lintel Decree Newe Stand; Latoa Clfsf Stand; Central Nawa Company. , TACOMA, WaSHINOton Motel TSeerna Newe crana, wm wwm yourm hjwi. SEATTLE. WAHHINuroN Ramie araad News Stasd; International Nawa Agency Niwinw Warns: Hotel fwattl New StseA COI.IFIkU, NEVADA Louis Pobn. Newspaper Wsgon. BAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA Aaws Maws Com pany. a.wpper wagos. SrOKANti. WAtalNliTVSf Joba W. Orahaa Co. ' smrsK in inn inarnfc fvniM. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA M. I. ; CVS- Bangh. SO Third atraat. Booth. ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI . T. Jstt. SM Oltra atraat ; George L. Ackermsu. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI Yema Newe Com pany. Newspaper Win. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS P.. O. Ream Compssy, IT rinsrhrir atreet. DENVER. COLORADO Unloa ,- Depot Kawa RtsnA AOS ANGELBA CALIFORNIA ABaa Kawa Company. Newepaper Wijjon. - - OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Amos New Oo , . paar. Nssrippr War; N. Wheat ley Kawa Company, Newspaper Wipa. AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA If . Whsstls , Nawa Company, Newspaper Wagon: Foster orear. Ferry mniaing; nawa m vss pny, KM Pltlrnore street. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH Mr, Levbis, Kawa paper Wages; O. U Pavtee, Hotel Kenyanl GO EN. UTAH Gray Hawa Compaay. Dspot Nawa stand. "" - u OMAHA. NEBRASKA Millard Hotel Nawa Staed. XXW YORK OTT Arthur HotallBf. Wswe ' popor Witww. ; . NEW TODAY." s 18,000,000 to 20,000,000 , Feet fine red fir timber. Only Two and a Half Miles from R. R. 75c Freight to Portland. $1.50 Per M Stampage $10,000 sawmill plant, including new modern mill, 8 head -fine horses and full logging outfit Bay the Timber and We Will Throw in the Rest - C.C.SHAY i 304 ABINGTON BLDG. D. E KEASEY & CO. Portliand HHeights . FOUR NEW COTTAGES ! $3,750 to $4,000 Dn car line, 6, 6 and T rooms, gas and electric lights, sewer and city .water,, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, etc, fine view of Mt Hood, iy lots with each house. Terms to suit 1 - ' D. E KEASEY & CO. Exclusive Dealers in Heights t Pxoperty. Office on the Heights ' and 7 Chamber of Commerce. :. ; :' Main 2159. f 24,000 20 acres near Vernon ; ' and car line, just ripe for plat- ting, or will exchange for im proved city property. Jackson & Deering Phone Main 343. . 246 Stark St SPECIALISTS la Hawthorns ave, property. Lots, houeee and lots, and acreage throughout this district for sale. HOUSES DESIGNED and built, plans and specifications furnished to home builders. - non tuo tot. orrica, xast ssrm airs uw. TXOaUra AT2L ' GENUINE BARGAIN Beantlful new horn of T rooms, very modern, lot 10x120. tn select HnlUday rark dlatrlnt Easily worth 1,000. Our price t4,350. - . See our list of homes. Ccir.mcnwedth Trust Co. SXXTS A BTD AJTIZXT. aw ChoiccAcrcage Collin Bros. NEW TOUAY. rrrSOHAaTZBS ATTIaTTIOaT.: flO.OOO Lot on Flrat atraat. tff hr 10a; will advanc 10 per cant tn alx mnntha. 92.T50 Quarter block, on Hawthorne ave: a cotnrne; bualnaaa corner. 3.000 Each; two . modern . home. iOO feet from Hawthorne are. ' Thaaa cannot ba duplicated In , tha . city; terma. 9. OOO Modem new' I -room home, up-to-date In every reapect. with fine barn. Mx lota. Juat 100 feet from Hawthorne ave. 1.20O S acrea on Estacada Una, At Uray a croaalnr. 91.0001 acre, 45B feet from Stew, art'a Station, on O. W. P. Una. lO.OOO 15 acres on Powell Valla? road, alx miles from city; It acrea In . raspberries. I acres of strawberries. and 6 acres of hay, m fine condition. 1.2SO Three lot on Grand ava. $3.500 Corner, 100 by 100. on I'nloi) ava. :- ; ' 92.100 Twi lots on Garfield ava.. one tiocK rrom union. 1CBA9ZB IVTUUin, none eiir. - ao swetiand sidr- - i 8UN fiOON 1-1 UIE CO. Uattlnita, silks, Japaneee fancy foods now at a? North su, near uavia. rnona facino zi. WEATHER REPORT. Tie preaaara haa rleea ever thU fnreraat dla trlct rturlna the laat IX aonra. and a blaharea t uxxierute eharaetar baa aiada Ita apuaaraa ever the Mret eoaat. TKe I'tab luw ai ranalua atatlunary. It h not -mo well defined aa it waa, and the preanure within the tronab baa laereaaad anmewbat alaea- yeaterday. ThU luw area baa aa yet rawed no precipitation orer the territory nader Its Immediate Influence eirept tiarea of rata at Bait Lake City and Tonopab. Snow baa, bowerer, fallen, aaat of me Koeky mountains to tha apper Mlnnwippl valley. A blia area ovarllea Uiat dlatrlrt and teaiperaturee continue to ranee conalilerahly be low tbe anrgiai. The blali auted yeeterday moralns over tbe' lower takee baa advanred down tle St.- Lawrence valley. Teiaperatnree la tbe rear of tble dlaapnaarlnf htfta area bare rlaen decidedly d urine- the laat 24 honra. espe cially over Texaa and Oklabnma. General ralna ever Ibe-raU and amith Atlantic atalea bare raaalted from tbe Ohio dlatartiance. which baa now paaaed beyond tha ranae of observation. Pair weather la aaneeted to nrerall over thfa forecaat dlatrlct tonlakt and Hundar, eiceptlna ever weeten Waahlnitos, where tbe aontbweat wioua muiuni irmn law vraffon nisa area are axpaciea w caaee enow era Sunday, ' , Tamp. Max., Mm. Preclp Atlanta. Oeertla Baker City. Oreeoa... TO M rV4 AO 4rt 8 ' Ml .13 f ' So ' 44 ' S3 A3 SO 41 s: ' 32 ' 40 fit . S3 .0 .0 1. Botaa. Idabe BtMtna. Maaaacbueatte Buffalo, New York... .01 llnrlnnatl. Ohio .. Denver, Colorado p.. .0 T. .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 , .0 .0 .'.'rail, amen ..... ... B ... 1 ... a ... 64 ... A ... M M ... 4 ftS Portland, Oreenn....... Red Bluff. California.. Reno. Nevada Rnaeherf, Ore eon Kerr a men to. California Ht. Louis, Mlasnart.... 8L Paul, Mlnneaota.... Spokane, Waablna-toa... .on Taooma. Waablncton. . . fix .0 Walla WaHa, Waahtaftoa.. J 44 MARRIAGE UCENSES.. Joe J. Barkbardt, ZS, and Rose Pneber, ST. Pranrls Woolevar. 24. and Mllda Ellas Reed. IS. . Guy Ban Hays. 39, ana Eliaaheth Tbomaa, xa. E. J. Mann. 24. and Ellen Victoria Carl. eon. . 1 Jamee A. Knit, 33, and Helen Hill Lytle, JO, Edward Olaad. u. and Ellen Panlaeu, 26. Waddtne Carda. W. a. Bmlth A Co.. Waah. tattoo bbUr, eoraer Foartb and Waablnatea ata. An kmae af plants tar sale at 412 Taneoaver ava.; prteae reaaneable. fnooa Eaat l70. Toaaatb A Co.. ftarnvta. for flowara of aB Kinds. 121 Bum ex. Clarke Bros., Flortate tiae flowers sad floral sealsne. 383 MorrtaoB at. ' Fan dreaa sntrs for rest. Tailor ln Co., SCO Stark at. Cakfss FTNERALv NOTICES. LINN At the reetdenee of bar danrhter, MVa. a. W. Bever, to Clinton at., April 27, 1007, ' Barab Llna, axed T6 years, s montbs and 13 days, wife of W. P. Una. mneral will take Rlace Snnday, April 2. at 2 p. m., from P. . Pannlrc'e chapel, earner Beat Alder and Birth, friend lavlted. InterneBt Rose City cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. naaahtc. McJCntee A CITbaarb. andertakers and embalmera; SMders is every detail. Seveatb and Pine. Mala 4S0. Lady aaahitant. rlckaoa T7ndertaktna Co.. sad embalmhir. 40S Aider at. Phoae Mala ia3. Lady a ai latent. I. P. Ptnlev A Bona. Tbtrd and Madlena ata. Office ef eoaaty earoaer. Paone Mala a. sra, 272 RBBBeO. Eaat tObs. Lady aaatitant. A. B. Hematnek. ftaneral direct nr. East litb sad Cmatilla. Pboae Ballwood 71. Lady aaatetaat. Edward RolmaB, andertaker, 230 Third ex. CEMETERIES. RIVE VIEW Bowie sravaa. f 10; family lota. siuu 10 sa.wrm. - 'ins eaiy cemetery la Port bad which perpetoell. matnUlna and earea for lota. For fall b formation, apply to W. R. Mackenale. Woreeatet block, elty. . W. M. Ledd. prealdeat. , V ROSE CITT Blnxle fravee, IOj family lota, 1 28 to $75. Snperrotendent at cemetery, cor ner ef Fremont at. sod Colly road. Pboae Tabor BOO. For foil mformatloa apply ta Prank BrhlefaL S03 Commacdal bib. . Phone Mala 2823. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Henry W. and Kate - Kaaeebenm to Joahna Arnew, lot B. block A Uoaflae addition I GO I. B. and Nellie 0. Hlhbard to A axle Thornton, lot A block 12. City View Park addition H. B. IMrfceoa to U C. Berfar, lot 11, 390 t.eso block 4S. Irvlnrton Carl U. and Lenora R. Jobaaoa to Barab r. uetim. eaat o. en , jiewca oi, T, . I t, 1. 8.000 n. w iierrw rM, .. ........,,,.... , 1-. J H7I1Mbm auin. t. Ith. , eroermev, e now , niw -s . . . ....... . lames P. Bad' Helen M. Andrewa to Ore re f-rtaaell, JOX o, dbock a, vwoni rare addition . S75 W. H. and Hallle Baoy to fleorse- E. ninton. lot s, block A North ivannee 223 atniiMi .,...... Terrace Helshta Real Relate company to - V. a,. o.eaaey, evu, - . lota I, 2. 3, 4. a and T to 12. block 2; Iota 1 to 8. block 8: lots t to 7 and to 13. Mock 4; Iota 1 to 18. Mock 0: lota 3 to IS. Mock ; lots 1 to A block 7; lot 1 to 4, Mock "J,.? ; block.; Me to 18, block WHa 1 to ind lot 10. Mock 10; lota I to 10. t block 11; lota 4 to . block 12: lots 1 to A block 18; lola 1 end A block 14; Iota 1 1 to 4. block IS; Iota I to A block 10: Wt. t to 12. block 17, rVT- . . . . a. .a t a ' Kn nnn Marx A. od John J. t PraA A. O-wrw, , . . . .0. a.1 a. Vl.lwal wHlla. 1500 Oeorxe R. end Julia B. E Ins to W. P. Ia Meet, res-moms; ? it ,7 . . ' line of lot 8, block 21A Holladay a addition. BH 1A feet eoatb ef Bortbweet Portland Trnat ' iiowi'patiy fa tn a atrip 80x13 feet bwtlnnlns at bortb- - le l.ono 280 1.000 1,V A00 . ano UT BrowZ. to Catble EJael-ssa. lot. to Id, block is. F.10--. "-:; Ella and B. r- W' lot 13. bkwk . Woodlawa. Daniel H. Harnett to cbaas Wojclk.. lot 10, block It, snnoi-ri-e " e arer inmine 10 " : . V flrlcb end Mary !". Mhwonrl M. i-enoer. " Orlslnal Townalie of Alnlne...... Portland Tnnrt Company of (trefnn to Mary Loulee Johneon. tracts B aad O, Skeland addition J,'-; Elrwhetk rallel.h'to Kooort-T. I.hney. lota SO and 81. block 6. Orchard Homes Alice F. and Walter K. An.lereoa to Minnie M. Eaton, lor x. nwra a, nern Per . Terrace Heihla Real Fetat company to D K. Keaeey. lota II. 12. 13 end 14, bkwk 10, Keeentb Btreet Terrace , Alice MrKewale to Albert fl. iobaaoa, tote 11 sad 12, block A IIlblsd..u 1.000 10 1.MI t- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. D. B. Keaaey to . MerebaBte' Bavins A , Trust eomnany, lota 1 ta It block 1; . lota A 4, s and T to 12. block 2; Iota . 1 to . black 8: lota 1 to 7 and to 1.1, block 4: lota 1 to 13. Mock B: lot 8 to IS, block o; lota 1 to S. block 7: . ' lots 1 to 4. block 8: lot 1 to .1 an.liO . to IS, block ; Ma 1 to 3 and 10 ta , a ' 14. Mock 10; lot 1 to 10. block II; ' v lota s to A block 12: M 1 to A block IS; lot 1 and A block 14; lot 1 to 4. block IS; lota 1 le 8. hlork 10: Iota 1 rn 11. hwk 17. Keren th Street ' ' - Terrace ' 10 Lena and Marx Remltnxer to Roecoe R. blorelll. Lit 3. block A. WUllame Ave ' ns addition 4 000 Ed win tl. and Mary D. Conn I ft to Fan. to afavrtolA. kit. S anil S. block SA ' M. Pattoa Second addition TSO Bavlnsa A Loan aocleiy to Julia Hol .n lne a A S. T and A block i:i4. elty ef Portland -48,000 Charlee A. and Ad F. Mordea to Adeline P r.Mnk,lt. int a hlnrk C. Cherry . dale addition 1,030 Oeoraa 11. and IFaude A. Beatty to O. rt 1a, I. hiorh a WMkdlawn llekrbu ....v HO Asa V. Smith to Central Baptttt church, . IK , nt Ln. 7 Kl.w-k 9. Buck- mas'a additloB 400 Georse W. and Harriet Gordon to Mary ). Stanton, north 38 feet of lot A , block 83 (formerly black 87). Car-, athera' addltloa to Carntbera' addition. A000 0. Kauendouler to Carolina UMrdan. be- flunlus at a point ea north line of laer atreet, H feet west of anntb ne.t corner of block OH. Caratbars' addltloa to Carntbera' addition 2000 R. I.. Hteven (eberlff) to L. O. BiWton. . a atrip 23 feet wide weat of and ad joluhic and a atrip 23 feet wide eaat of and adjolnmx block A M. Patton's . tract; s atrip 22x13 weat of and ad- ' Jnlalnx block O, a atrip 33 feet east ' ef and adjoin In- Mock O. M. Pattoa'a ' tract; weat 40 acres of eontk 48 eeree . of eat Si of west H. north of Brower Mill road, sertloa 4. townablp 1 aonth, range 8 eaat 41 William and Martha Went et al. to Otl ,, K. and Theodoala Wine, lota 20. 21. 23 and 2S. block A Peddtcord Hnre- ' bert's addltloa l."00 P. L. and Effle M. Wrlsbt to Katie . Brandea. lot IB, block A Second Elec tric addition ; .'BO W 1 mA Mar IS. Itavard tn Ida SMran eon. lot 7, hlork 2. Bayard addition 1G0, B. C. and llaad Ward to li. C end W. I., ntewart. weat i of loU 1 and . 2. block 8, Adam' addltloa t ,bU;- John. 2.780 Cbarle M. and Maud M. Bhlnn to Wit , 11am t'arwm Furth, Mx44S feet befln- -Bins at s point oa eaat Use of aectinn - 1 ' la townablp 1 aonth. ranx 2 eaat. . 1.218 feet aonth of a atone at aectlon m eoraer ef section 7. A 17 sad 18 1.000 For a be tract i. title tn en ranee or siortsafe Inane, call ea Pad fie Title A Trnat eompasy, 204-8A-7 Fa I lint bids. , Get toot to en re nee and a be tract to real eetat from tbe Title Guarantee A Trast eooa peny, 240 Waahtnitoa at- eomer Second. NOTICES. SEALED bids will be received at tbe office , of tbe school clerk, city hall, np to 12 m., Tneaday, May 21, 100T, for heating and vea - tllatlnx tbe followtne- scbool bnlldlng, via.: Tbe Vernon ecbool balldlnf , Creatos ecbool bnlldlnf. Terwilllser aebeol balldlnf. Plane of tbe bulldlnc and epaclflcatlon ef re quire menti caa be aees at office ef architect, 8H4 Eaat Third (tract. All proposals moat be accompanied by certified check for 10 per cent of tbe asionat of proposal. Tbe ecbool board reserve the right ta reject any pod sU bids. THOMAS J. JOItES. Architect. NOTICE Is hereby lives that Edith Hnllt. my wife, having refueed na shelter, bed and board la my own boane without any Inst or , legal ranee. I shall not be responsible for sny bill contracted by her without my wru tes warrant for aame. L. V, Hnllt. Portland, Or.. AprU 28, 1007. SEALED hid for food supplies wanted by the rort or rortisns sunns My, iwot, win no received until 8 p. m., ef April 80,1007, at tb office In City Halt Bide mnat be mad ea blank forms which can be bad by apply lug t tha office. John P. Doyle, clerk. NOTICE Tha Eddyvllle mohair pool of ABOO fleeces will be sold AprU 80, 1D0T. to th hlsheat bidder, caab hi bead. Bigot reserved to reject any or ell bids. J. Q. Standard, Becrataiy . . . WH.HOIT BPRIBOB MINERAL WATER. , 837 Stark at., betaiaan Sixth and Seventh. Pheaj Pedfle 48SA - EIsms 1. Wallaee. ssenc. MEETING NOTICES. NOMA CIRCLE will area a Maypole dance at eaat aids W. O. W. ball. Eaat Sixth and Alder ata. Admission 2&e. Pox's orchestra. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. A 400, BMS weoneaoay evening, Auaxy biaf., Xbird sad Morrtsos ata. M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp No. O.trTII, Mow- says. ITtb and Marahall. vial tors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. Lest 3,000 Shares Butte Boys CcnsoMated Mining etock, semewbere between M or rieoa. WaahlottoB. Second sad 10th era. Please return ta The Journal otfles sad receive re ward. POUND A place to bars hair Bsttrsseas rene- vatea ana returnea asms oay . zzn rroat at. Mais 474. Portland Osrled-Hslr Factory. H. Metsser, proprietor. LOST Lest week, s purse con tain Ins about la sliver sad s key. Reward. Return to Journal office. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Boys shout Id veer eM to work tn factory: good wages: ateady work. Apply at once. Ames-HarrhvNevllle Co., Fifth end Davie ets. . WANTED Btats and local managers for as np-to-date alck and accident aaenclatlon; par Ins weekly benefit to Its mem here; furnl.h bi free me-'io! attendance; na eiamlnatlns reqnlred. Liberal contract! to good sgenta, Americas Sick A Accident Aaanelattoa. Buf falo. N. T. WANTED Two hoys about Id ; years old to run errand a. Apply to anperlntendent Mae- ahull-Well Hardware Co.. rtftb and Pine sts. SEVERAL men to prepare for Portland poet- only.. Write Psrlfie Htates BchooK McKay bids. PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTINO CO, 308-207 Second at. Pboas Mils tn, Ws design aad hiatall tbe moat Binders sad Improved office eyatema; semplete Use Inn, a leaf ruins sevices. WANTED Belesmea; many make tlno te (180 per meeitbi eome even mor; atoch eleaa, grows oa reeervBtbm, far from old orchard; caab advanced weekly: enoice of territory. ' Addrea Weahlngtos Ksrssry sompsay, Top . pen lab. Waehlngtos. , , MEN AND WOMEN to lean the barber tn do hi sight weeks; (rtdnate ears from tlB te 128 weekly: expert I n tract ore ; catalnsoe free, loler Byatem of College, 28 North Fourth St., Portland. WASTED High clase aaleemaa for choice ter ritorial; bigheet commteaioB para; ererytblnf fnnilahed: raeh advanced for evnenaee. A rare Opportunity. Address, Quirk, Oresjoa Nnraery, Selem, Or. DO you want te leers good trade, have short sours, easy work! Then tears to opera ts motion picture; graduates ears 2K weekly. Terma reeaoaabl. School 143(4 Blxth -at., room 2. WANTED A rood printer, wl.hlng s ateady whan can crenel men acquainted with detalle ef country newepaper work preferred. W 177, care Journal. . " WANTF.D Two practical hard rock sitnera; standard wsgesi tare paid, P 178, Journal, HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN stake bis ea oerlesce Baneeeeeai . elation. 224 Lsuber Excbaacs bld Pert iaaa. uresoa. STl'DENTS of tbe International Ctorreepeadeace acbcola dealrlos practical sipaeieoe are re- aueated to Hat tbeir samae si sex local office. eie aicaay Bunding. BLACKSMITH WANTED First -elsas epenlng iov sons mas; caanc i suy a goon suaine no oppoalfloB. Ail dree Bos. led, Camas, WB. - WANTED Competent young man Btssogrspber, with rerertuiee, ror position eat ef town; ; aalary fnS pet mostb; far paid. B 17S. oars journaj. WANTED Boy a hoot 10 with wheel to de liver end sestet with rock: good plae at good wages for bright, nest hoy Praley, 214 WANTED At one, flrat-claaa plumber sad far saoe maa la noa-snlon tows, good wages snd ' steady work for right party; prefer maa with remity. Aooreas r. u. Box OUT, loirax. wu. MEN and boy wasted to leer phanbtng, p lat ter! rig, bricklaying, electrical trade; free catalognai poaltloos aeenred. Coyne Trade BCBoois. ksw lork aas Baa rraaclaeo. . HIGH-CLASS sslsssisBi so easvassers wilted : . right smb csb mak 8800 s Bxmtb; firs rviereuce. s agrees a ill, car journal. A STRICTLY high-grade aollcltor. capable of making $300 up a month. Call room 428 uiamber oc oomsierce bldf. .Tyler Bcovliie. WANTED Hoaeet maa with small amount of money tor motion picture enow; prof lta 810 v piou. soar B no, cars Journal. WANTED Tailors, preuers end operator and rinisuer; uigoeat . price paid. inew xors Coat mak era, 2U3 Commonwealth blilg. WANTED Yoanf nws ta study telegraphy 1 poaltloos at good wages wbea competent. Orsgoa College. 802 Commoaweallh bldf.-. BRIGHT atesdy boy to learn prtntlng trade; v Al opening for right boy willing to leers, ckbardt'a, 123 Seven tb St. room A WANTED Hoaeet man with small amouat of money for motion picture showi proftte 310 to 3100 dally. Addrsaa S 170. care JounuL ADVERTISING solicitor, commission, theatri cal progrssM, so dairy: sxperleaes snaatas aary. U8 Goodnoog b bldg. - WANTED Bright boy to work Is store and , deliver food; east Bids boy preferred. F 177, care. Journal. v . WANTED A young maa la prtntlng office who aas sad experience at cutting a trick or Bet ting type. Addrees T 173, care Journal. WB want a flrst-elsss eoatmaker. The A D. Wills Tailoring Co., 128 Fifth St. SIGN PAINTER wanted. Apply Bargee A Boa. z xamoui. WB get work for oar member; special mem- 8A I. li. C A. roartb sad lamhllL MATTRESS-MAKER wanted. 18-20 Freat atreet. BOYS wanted to work la furniture factory. 108 norm nth sc. . SIGN painter wanted; steady Job to right man. Apply lo w. trans rain, siu fine at. - CARPENTER wanted; also labor. Inaalrs mm lourtb. Ueorge w. Gordoa. WANTED Mattreaa maker and rboleterer snd carpet sua. Msssey A Msssey, 3t Second at. EXPERIENCED Weaver: good wages, steady wars. Albany Hug works. Albany. Or.' WANTED Maa or strong hoy over 17 to drlvs sxprass sa an are. Address A lis. journal. BOT wanted to leern machinist's trade. Colnm- bls Steel co., 10th sad Jobaaoa sts. WANTED Bov ever 10 years to Work ta candy rectory. Aioea uaoy uo., iota ana uuaan. BOAT builder wasted. Graham boat yard, foot Mill St. i THREE boys wanted ts lesra tinner's trade. sni rust st, . v GOOD brlxht boy for errand, etc- In printing office: Id par week.- Alvla A Hawk Co. BARRER wanted st 68 "i North Third st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Millinery Trimmers and Halters ,;--V .-.'v - . ,. aaasssssBBBSSB " "' " " '- " HEAR TBI ' HEAR TBI AND ATTEND! ' . WB WANT TO HIRE 60 Vr'.( Plrst-ctesB, -Al." hlgb-giBds mmiaary tlim SMTS, seed to fins work sa swell bets, for dressy trade: sbm 60 flrst-clsss makers; will hire those smployed during the day by the hear for evening work. Apply by latter only te Mile. Bllbersteln, beat mllltoery deals ner and buyer for. tha Sfcafer-Whlttler Co. Down tows sfflcss, 426 sad 437 Lumber Exchange bldf. . ' ' ' ''' " ' ': WANTED Young tidies to lesra telephone operating; good sslsry, short hour, pay while lesra Ins; luncheon aerved free of charge and lounging snd rest rooms In ' enaneetMB. Apply chief oper ator. Telephone bldg., West Park ssd Alder sts. ' IAPT : denunistrstors,. honss-to-bona work; sslsry 812 per week snd sxpenere; ehort ; hours; experience d1rshl bat not sbeolstely eesenttnl. Apply . before 8 s. m. or sfter 4 p. m. W. Pslmsr Oon 808 Colnm bis st. WANTED Girls over Id years eld to work la factory; food wafea; steady employment. Apply st once. Amee-Hsnis-Nevllle Co., Fifth snd Davis sts.-. f . LA ROE rmsmee firm desires s woman not u ruler 30 who Is trustworthy snd energetic; ' experience unneceeeery. Addrees by letter only, giving telephone. M. K sight, 207 Til ford bldg. GIRLS WANTED Operator to work oa Shirts snd ereratle. ,Lseons given to Inexperienced. Apply st Standard factory No. A Oraad are. snd Beat Taylor St. WANTED Experienced preaaer ea ladle' garment; good wares and permanent po sition for right party. Berlin Dye Worke, 847. Second St. WANTED Experienced ea lea woman for laces, hosiery, underwear sod suit department; io bovs from 16 to 18. Robert Bros., Third sad Morrlenn. FIRST-CLASS lcs women to solicit orders from eanttimen. References reonlred. Sal ary to right party. Belfast Imnorilof Co.. 318 French bldg., Ter-ms, Wash. WANTED Machine operator, stsrehers. Insieis snd mangl glrla. Eaat Sid Laundry Co., r.aat 'Ab ad Sixth. Pboas Esst 800. ta sll dsy Sunday. ... TWO young ladles to lesra saralng. who can Wit the city If aeceaaary sad who will sign s contract for three years; good wages. 207m Third st, room 15. Call Monday. ' DRESSMAKER wsnts girls to leers sewing; will no well by good girls. Can frost room, spalalrs, led lltk st. WANTED Toong ladles to stsdy telegraphy; poaltloos at good wsges wbes qualified. Ore go College. 808 Commonwealth bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES- AGENCY. 8814 Warn. Ingtrm at., corner Seventh, upstairs. Pboss Hals SSBX Female baby wanted 8TRON0 girl for candy factory. Genrg A. McNeil comnsBy, whnjHMl raofecUoaer, 110 Berth rowtta, aest UUasa, , HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTEIV Woman er Ctrl for general bouee work, 6-room cut tag. 110 dmeraoa sc. Tabs u ear. WANTED Otrl to do genera! housework! fam - I It of three sdulis; 628 par month. Apply iiu r lander is j COMPETENT gbrl tor general Sou work ta family of two; must know bow te ooofc, food wages, sua Vforta sta St. WANTED Good rlrl fas sonsral housework: good wages snd fins rents. 376 East 11th St., aorta, seer Broadway. WANTED Two dining-room girl at 104-10A iarin seventa et.i so per wees aas room ana soars- At sacs. WANTED Girt for sesersl hooMwork. 10th and Spring St., Portlaad Height. Pbane raeine sio. SKIRT snd racket hsnds. experienced, wanted st once; good permanent poaltloos to reliable people. Apply to Olds, Wortman A King. WANTED As experienced woman for waah Ing . and Ironing. Call morning ar pboas Paetflo oov, or ran ouos ism at. - GIRL to do a an era! bonaawork: fa as 11 v of three. . no chtldrsn; good wages. Inquire Dr. Lsbbe's reeioeaos, bead or Lovejoy t. LADY teecbers Jot RphMopsl Cklneee mtiilon. 2Hfl Tiylor at., night scbool from 7:80 to S.SO. Apply 141 SlxU St., corsar Alder. WANTED Good plain oooks only three la family snd keep s second girl; good wsgss. eov iv in ei WANT s lady or font to learn and tak chary . ...... -9 . n. rwutn. a. . , u, care Journal. 782 KELLY ST. Nnrss et liberty; ehroult sick . prererrea. rBans rscuie sei. WANTED G hits to sack crackers. Annlv Western Haling Co., kV Third sad Davis sts. 'gh-1 o WANTED A wsgss do general houeework; 486 14th t. corner college. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory He. a -urans see. sso giaet 'xaysw ax. GOOD girl for general housework. 128 14th St., neiwces VYoingioa na Aider sts. WANTED Skirt snd wslst flnUbsrs. 816 Tll- roro bldg. .( GIRL tor boo work: go boms Bights; two ems, en art sours, as rark st., rear of as. OPERATORS and finishers ea pants; atesdy wors, nest pay. n imnsMawssita Max GIRL tor second work. 234 King st. Pboas Him soil. WANTED Girl for general bonaawork. Apply isi irving sx. . . . WANTED A lady bookkeeper; experienced. IB, W MWHI, W ANTED Girl tsllorass oa costs sad veebi. uutsnschisgsr, taUar, 230 Ooodsoagh bldf. WANTED A dtabwssbsr; wage 628 par sseath ans UMomsi. loth sad Morrison sts. GIRLS to rears flnlehmg aa peats; steady wors, gooa pay. but uommoBwesltn Bldg. WAIST and skirt finishers. 178 17th, corner lamniu. - . . WANTED Lsdles to teach M. E. Chinee Ing scbool, 247 H Stsrk St.. Apply 7:30 p. m. GENERAL laundry help wanted. City laundry vo.. Irani asa uoaca sts. WANTED Good ftrl far general booaework. ii leta. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. INDUSTRIAL SOLICITORS Oar eertlflcstasv 2 o so yearcrar snean or old ime; eaaier to write, la rye r oocnaitealona. as lapeee to maks good; splendid future for two or three earnest men end wossen. Uatos Provident Lea go. Til ford bldg., 10th sad Morrison sts Port land, Oreg ob. WANTED Men sad women to sreosrs for th civu emce; gooa posrcioB constantly ss be bed by taoss who ar onsiinea tor tbem; we mak s specialty of preparlDg yoa. I. C. S ..122 Fifth St. HELP wanted and supplied, arale or femsls. A O. orsss, 3QBvb WssblBgton at. Psetris 1X70. WANTED Man and wife to work on email tana near city, 883 Johnson, opposite depot. ARDMORR COFFEE, - 2 pound for 61. that's all. Boyd Tes Co., 80 first st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. WANTED Carpenter work, where I may have a noma ana plenty or wooa; want mm wors, or any ateady work Is prefershls; 7 year' experienea. Address Cerpeater, 401 East MorrisoB. city. GENTLEMAN (mlddle-eged), food address, unt- veraity eaocatioa, wnt s position: modsrsts hosts; sslsry, no object. Address t) 175, car Journal. , WANTED Posit loo s clerk In six years' sxperiSBO; reft 'srssaa fu rule hod. Pboas Kaat 0138. XOVNO colored maa wsata posltloa ss Janitor, Krter er bona- xssa; refereacea. . Call 680 erett et. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. LADIES snd eblldren's plats sewing; ssm- sntcomg sepecisuy. mm ixta St., jx. YOUNG womaa would Ilk housework by the dsy or soar. Aaoree m its, ears Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. R ED CRC4I9 EMPT YM ENT CO. ' ' Logxlng camp end firm help a enectarty. 20 North Second et. Pboas Main 628A . Ws psy sll tr'-grsph clwrgs. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICII FOB MEN. 24 North Second st. Psoas Mats 1S2A PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. POSH Morrison t Phooa Pdrie ' yea 27 North Second st Phoss Pacific-1800 GERMAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT CO. fur nishes msls help ef sll kinds era. X33 Bornslde et. Phone Mats 48. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED Can yoa sen good? If so w need yoa. complete eatni rreei aa weakly. Writs for ebole of toriitory. Cap. Ital City Narssry Company, BaMsa. Or. . ONB hostler to each town ar locality ts bsndls medicines or seep; writ ejasrkl Clg money. R. M. Plsmmcr. 200 Third st. IMPROVED tailor ayatem of cutting sad fit ting. Agents pleaee pboas Esat 8844. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Hoasee, cottagss, flats. tores, office, roomlag-boosss, sts, . Lsss lords will do well to mil ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. Phone Ex. T2. S. E. Cor.'Sd sad Oak. ' WAITED 2 boueekeeplnx-rooma. nn furnished. .or I 4 s s-room mirage; erare renii watains distance to First snd Morrison sts. Address B 170, ears Journal. YOUNG man want to board with private seat. era family; ststs price expected. , Address E 171, rare Journal. WANTED 6 er 6 room house, close la; mart be modern, nr. rrnnorger. - WANTED FINANCIAL. flOA to 61-Ono ACCEPTED Is building propo. tfion. rronr greao-r loan a", pw wnt. Absolutely safe, gtlt-edsed 1svetmmt ea msrket. After 1x montbe. If desired, can xrhang auhacrlptloa and sccumnlsted profit ss part per meat ea hone and lot and can psy balance In smsll monthly In stallment. For further particular (end n.ime snd addree tn N 178, cere Journal. r WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WANT to list your property, anywhere be tween 'tbe Atlantic ocean aad the Pacific ocean, from tbe north pole to tbe south pse. any ld place, any -kind of property. lust bo . yoa list It worth the moaey; we will be hi ear office Monday morning at S o'clock hrp ' come early end avoid the rue. Gregg Bros, 317 318 Fentoa bldg. NICE modern 8-room enttag In Sunnyslde, 6-100 down and lanes monthly InetaJImentrt: give ' full deaerlpthm. location end lowest price la flrat letter; owners only! firs phone. Ad--drees K 178, ears Journal. WANTED Bualnaaa property, from 610.000 to 1 16,000. P. a Lssssa A Ca, 274 first ft. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 4 TO S-roooa cottage, not ever 80 mmutea eat, 81OO or 6X down and monthly matallmeote; mnat be bargain: ewuer only; glv full de crlptloa. sx-atlos, price and terms la flrat letter; glv phone. Adore it lit, journal. WANTED Lot 80x100, between Bast 18th, AW der. Main and Eaat Slitb sts., not over 63,000, cash. Address D 176, ears Journal. WILL bay 4 or -roor modern bones. Address wht yoa bars, wrier and what price, to Oliver o. nun, nog szs, city. IP yes wssl ts sail qslck. list with P. rasbs, 331 4 Morrlao st. WANTEDA-MISCELLANEOUS. MAIN seisa. CASH. AND LOTS OP IT. FOR rifRMTURB. PORTLAND AUCTION B0OMA 211 FIRST ST. -MAIN S8BS. MAIN BOBS. WANTED Furniture sad household goods ef srsry descrlpttoe bought, sold snd sxchsaws Tb 6. 2J2 first st. Msla 037A 6 WB haul dead her sad cattle free. Oregon Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney's Ttsrl aary. Poena snd GUssa sts. Main 180A CAN ass 68.008 worth furniture thta week! high. eat prices psld la city. . WUrs Bslvsgs Co. Pacific 78A I WILL bur from BOO to 1.000 anaraa of Nevads Wslkover Mining Co a stock; stats beat terma. Addrees N. D. Box- V 175, Journal WB WILL BUY. SBI.L OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. W1TERN SALTAOB CO.. 62T26 naniiincii-ON. PAC1FIO TBS. WHAT bar roa la eood el sir holiness? Will bay If location la food. Address 0 179, car evurnai. WANTED Spot caab paid for your furniture, - etc. Prompt , attention alwaya given. 894 cast Clay at. Phone Esst 1067. . . WANTED A good rooming-boos from owner; tat price nd terma la reply. Addrea 170, cars Journal. I WANT to buy direct from the owner s good grocery bastness. Address Q 178, Journal. CASH for household goods. Ssvsge A rsnnsll. 846-347 First at. Phone Pacific 800. HIGHEST cash price paid for all kind seooanV hBd goods. Pboae Msln 3111. 82 N. Third. HAVE yoa sny Junk or pipe of say klad for sale. Call Mala 068. or a 1068. prle 4210. cylee. Msla $880 FOR 2 or 6) rear. Improved city lets. rriwipaia owiy. aooreas -1 j r ( , aeenvur sv. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ONE S-room suits, partly tarnished, earner, bsy- wmoow rooms, nice B russet carpet; eultsbie for office er parlor ssd bedroom 1 sbw fnr BMbed hoasekeeplng room : no chlldrea. . Th Erdmaaa. corner Eaat Born Id st. and ffrsnd sva. TH H OLADSTONB, 8124 Bsvter St. Nice clean per week np; free phone, gsa sad parlor. 180H THIRD, opposite Baker tbestrs. neatly raruieaes targe front bedrooms; sthsr light rooBta; prices moderate. KICKLT furnlehed front rooms for rent; sntt- it gvntiemsn; rent resannsbls. 70V4 North Ninth st. Ebons Msla 0218. . , . P. B. BEACH A CO. Paints, oils, vanishes 100-101 f irst st rortisao, tr. Phone Mam 1334. THE YAMHILL, 8S1 Ysmhlll St.. earner ' et nest I ar nicely rurnlebed rooms, sinew and aa salts; trsselent solicited. Pacific, lsOO. THE RICHELIEU. 83tA North Sixth st Eb gauuy leramoea; sissm nsat snd baths. THE GRAND. 48 M, North Third . geausmen. 618 per week aad en. THB ARCADE. 148U Flrat st.. sasr Minisna esrnmoea rooass, zse to gl ; traaaleat. BASEMENT rooms for small family. OS Sao. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO anfumlahed roome for rest. . laoalr st so Eaat I3tk St. Esst 8841. ROOMS AND IOARD. THB CARLETON The meet deetrsble fam fly oiei in ins ciryi 11 BBS tns tocatlos; well fnrolabed outside room, stngl er en anlte: eteem bet, hot sd cold running water la noma, and the beet table board that can he found anywhere. TsL Msla 2183. Owner 18th sad Alder sts. ROSFDAt.B (the Rurrell estate). 404 comer lutb and MsdlaoB, Juat opened: everything flrst-clsss. , Newly forsMhed fbroogbost. WANTED Smsll child ta ears for; food boms. l r.aac Join ST. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. ONE-ROOM salts, partly fn mi shed, corner hey winoow rooms, nics rirssael esrpats; sult sble for office or parlor snd bedroom. Alee furnished boosskeeplnf-rooms: no children. Tbe Erdmana, corner Grand ava. .sad Esst Bumslde st. - 21.80 WEEK UP Large, ekna raraiehed boose. saeptng-roome. -unodry sad bath. -184 bar Baa at., south, Portland. 11.28 WEEK UP Clean Psrntebod sonaakeep- tng-rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, raraacs beat, yard. 206 1 Stsaton St. 0 ear. FOR R(NT Unramlahed bonsekeplng-room ; wnsmg aisisaos xrom postornce. apply sv Sixth st. - . . THREE fnmletied hoasekeeptaf-ronms, 810: yam. wooneoea, tree pnone. csu Pboas Pcilie 2462.. . ELEGANT hoasekseplnf apartments newly fur- nianea; rooma large sad airy; flrst-clsss loca tion, . 664 Morrison at. THE LOWNSDALB Lerge, light, nicely for. aianea suite sad stngis rooms, nooeekeeplnf snd transient; gas, water. 403 H Alder at. TWO nice connecting bosaekeeptng -rooms, sbeap; gas or woes stovss. sot ssviec. ear, n. 17th. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, cleetric light and psoas, a per week. aoiH wstsr t, A SMALL 3 room hossekeeptaf eulte, D sow venisncee. st stsj jerreraoa St. - - THB MITCHELL Housekeeping snd trss1ent rooma, raaeouahis. Beventh ssd Flandera sts. FURNISHED - honsekssplnf- wltbpboa. 10 nortn iota at. TWO room atesly frrrntshed fox hensekeeplng ; cwse in; aa ot pnon. ciu sisia st. FURNISHED booakeplnf er stag's rooms. 432 stars st. ..-'. FOR RENT Lsrgs houaekspmg-rootn, at 80 Nebrasks St. 14AU 'SIXTH, corner Alder. B hensekeaplnf nltes, on first rioor. isu sso see tnem. FURNISHED HOUSES. 1 HATE s fine 6 room houss nicely furnished tn rn country near car on, v nr. iran r orr is od. will rest to s rellahls couple for S er 8 Booths. Csll st rooss. . 208 stark at. TO RENT for one year, first -class turn Is bed house la quiet neighborhood; three sdults. Addrsss N 177, car Journal. A A ROOM furnished houas st 42S Montgomery ror renr. inejairo nanasy morning, rnone Main 640. FOR RENT Furnished A mom hoosa, - 2 lets, 820 per mosth. Phone Esat 1637. A ROOM cottars, furnished, yard and barn, for B month, cheap. 4M Qalmby St.. 10 Three-room furnlehed 6st, close lot ts view. Phone Rest too7. 684 Seventh et. ' FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT. - A grand new snd complete A roots Queen Anne cottage, corner Montaos svs. snd hnreh St.. North Alblns. to tbs tight party, 61H par month. v Nice 8-room cottage, corner East Ninth Slid Grant ata., 616. . ' 8 rooms. SI East Water at.. 67. Till DlNM-WWEKNCl t0 14V First Ht. GUARANTEED as advertised. . Ws m ml se Mil your houses rooma, fist, emcee, tores, farm, acreage, lorn; list now for , asstsni advertlslBf. 201 Mohawk bldg. . FOR RENT HOCSES 4 AND 7-rnom cottages, with yards, good vsrw, ' sew ly papered, furslshed or nurum labed. ea t weet side. Is good neighborhood; also baaee keeptng rooms, 31.28- week, ch. Apply 604 North 2tttb t., W cars lis Stub, tux a sosth hlt block. . . . . STRICTLY modern 6-room cottage. Buanysldei luO down, bsiane aame aa rent. A, P. nun in, owner, sis uommeroxsi 01s, 7 ROOM sons with bath, food baseman t, lTtS . and Columbia ata 6A Address li 177, ssra Josraai. , - ' FOB RENT Modem S-room boose, 680 Foorth st. Inquu-s 64 Fourth St. between 6:60 sad 7:30 p. m. HOUSE. 812 Kearney St.. 14 rooms, an modern I convtnlsnees. R. L. Ollasa, 430 Clhsmbsg Commercs bldf. FOR RENT Good T-room boo, 6x7 Kelly st rent rsoeahl. Taks S car. HEW 7 -room modern house . Just finished; vary dwlrsbl. Pbon East 6648. . A ROOM bos beu. two fall tots, 67. A. H, Bbssrmss, UoO Esst 10th st asrth. - . Fvk bent flmau noose ss eeupie witasai g children. 886 Garfield ava.. Bast Shaver st, T-ROOM bosse, 73 East 21st st.t Urge yard snd fruit 1 Brooklyn exri 61250 peg month. WB rant sad sell plsaos. A Co. Shsrssaa, Clap. FOR BENT Aa A room house. T2 Bast Btsrh st. Phone Mala 448A AROOM houss, with ham, soar University Park atatlont reaaonsbls rsaU Apply 448 Third St. ONB U-roaa hoosa, tine river view, with er lea ground. A, 1a ail ner, su sobbs. FOR KENT S-room eottsge. 106 N. 21st St. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT A modem Aroom flat; cor. f A Boraalde aad lath. Pbon Esat 1868.. . HEW modem 4-roora fists, fl8 par Alblna svs. snd Stanton st. FOR RENT 2 flats, famished or sntumUbsd. rnott Kt o"io. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICAROOMS. anfarntiuea noma and sans, pie-rooms for reat. Uoodaougb bldg. Apply levator. ...... 0FFICB snd desk room for rent en ground floor: alee private office. 64 Third wU . FURNI8BED offlc or desk room for rent. Beaver Realty Co., 6-4 Odd Fallows' bldg . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE - FOR SALE. FURNITURE S rooms, plraaaati bath, gee. . pbon. rsngs, stc: price 678, rest 614. , 87 Sixth St., Beer MU1. 1 FbR SALE Nicely furnished, Irrrery green Vrootn boaehot. Foot of Clay at- sign sbovs door "For Ssle." WB need fnralrere at sny price. Portland Ac tleo RoosM, 211 First at. Main 3083. Bl'SnVESS CHANCES. IP YOU wsht Butts Boys Otmsolid.'tted mining . stork st loe. take It now: this office le sxo - Et Morrison St. Tb directors ef the com pany, owing te tbe rontlaunl - Ineresas ef vain of their ore and tbe development work , done and being done, have decided to rsl'O tha pries ef stock to 18c ea Msy ths 6th, end may be taken off tbe marker own at that pries sny dsy. If yet want It. get ta bow. Butte Boy ConsolJdsted Mining Cm. 360 Esrt Morrison at. WANTED High class sssa to open tempo rary office is Sb Francisco and manere cam pais a there for asle of stock ht Indus trlsl corporation; propoeftica rcapectabl snd gilt sdge; some experience la this line ef work aeceaaary. with ability to meet bent people, snd unoueatloned personal standing. High aslsry and sll sinenses to light men. Address, with refsrenses, K 171. care Journal. ROOMINO-HOrSEK. 818.00078 room, sll modern, best of fnv nlahlnga; good lease; beat corner la city; receipt raa front 61.400 to 81.800 per swath; rents 6480. . 62.60023 looms, sll modem, fine location: lesse; good terma. 630047 room. S years lesaa, good eor aer; term; sickness, must sell. PHONE MAIN 374.1. GOOD BUSINESS LOCATION. 62.300 Cigar. confectionery and fmlt stsnd; old eetihltahed tmalneee, hattnc an sverag monthly treds of 6: present owser must retire oa account of rbesmstlsm; S-yer less; worth st let 80 per cent: will guar ' ante 6180 month net profit; new develop ment In vicinity will Increase buslnev. Pbosa Msln IS4A . v HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY. If your hotel Is for ssle. In or out of the city, bring It to as and ws will procure a parchaaer without publicity. Reference Hotel Men's Association. P. L- AUSTEN A CO., Original Hotel' Brokers. Suits 122 to 12S. Arlington bldf. Pbons Main 2-WS. A CRACKER-JACK stock hardware, aa.h. doors ; ' ' price, memo ing ouiiainea, , 61.000 caab; no trad considered; got to glv ap builneea on account of health; If yon desire a good bnalnea. her Is your chance. Do not answer nalrsa yea mean bualaes. ' Address owner. D 134. care JournsL CHANCE for party with soma capital to In vest to represent local food product aunt fscrurlne concern In coast territory. No competition: easy aalea; big profit on Invest meat snd good wsges on rosd. Addrsee for Infrvlew. V 170. rr Jonrnsl. FOR SALE Brewery built 18 month am; new and complete; first yesrs output 1,800 ber rala: half Interest or all ss desired: on easy terma. Address I. B., 211 West Court St.. Prnrtletoo. o,., rr inquire for details st tbs business office cf The oarast. . GROCERY st Invoice: good' clean stock, ccn venlent flxttrres; 4 fin rear llvlng-rooma, baaement; barn, storeroom; paying trade; K" toaa. fr eeUlnx; reonlns sbmt sl.300. Horns Land Co, 148H Flrat at. FOR SAI.B OR TRADE Hotel Hstsey. too. mile from Portlsod oa Son tnem PsHTseer" tnoden up-te-dat boo, aswly fnetnThed: has good onmrnerrU trsda. Address Hotel Hslsey. Ralaey, Or, k FOR SALE Cigar tand st 111 Blxth st.t lesae, JL"!!- ?1 ock- "h'P a Diet Mueller Co., 228 Lumber Exchangs bldg., Portlssd. or Joeeph B. Wilson. admlnUtrstar of -tats ef Sam'l W. Robmaon. FOR SALE TWO-cbslr barber shop tn good , location, for 8180. Rent for shop and 3 rooms la tbe resr 10 per month.- Ssls on secount et having other business to sttsnd to. 462 Ollasa St. BF.ST cigar snd confectionery hnstnes tn the city must b sold st ones; l,3O0 or will In voice; making 3200 clear a month; krw rent: reason for selling, other bnalnee. I avast 1 gate. Addrsss M 176, car Jonrnal. FOR SALE Ltvery snd feed bustnes, barn.' 2 lots snd stock, complete, 1b good country ,1,n house snd lot k elty. .Owner, 1227 Borthwlrk St., city. , BLACKSMITH WANTED Ftrst-clses opening . for food men: Shane to bay s food buatnees; , Jo opposition. Address Bog ISA . Camas, Waah. . ' . STOCK companlea ' Inenrpnrated. ' If yon have stock or bond -for ail, let m trv to sell tbem for yoa. George M. Kellogg, ' broker. 640 P.lllcott sqaire, Rnffilo. AS - WT Sr , MR. ' - - ' - - , . . , j - -ui .uv nss, eitvt ssor ' h.w - - v , net proceede, 6400 per month: new ssd ems .1.,. Wna SIS D - M, . K - ' v,, nigm, waa. WANTED Immedlstely, performers, novelty sets, musician, stc., for carnival company I also for dramatic and vandevllls star. New ansa's Theatrical Agency. 145t Sixth ar-. FOR SALE OR BENT Feed store snd Vhnp mill, doing s lsrgs hoslnees. In llvde town F "lta, Or taim- K. Keel, Klamath FOR SALB-recerv stock snd flitsre. elee tork. good balldlnf snd less; boat tow la valley; about 68.800 te handle. Address Box A Kugese, Or. FOR RENT I7n furnlehed lodsinf-houa, lid oThT Fnt rt." WOO,fc BM'1 ,l72?lJti!.Vmf' ,ln rw' hnslneae, very rbeap. Offlc open evening to 8 J. A. BARRETTS, 407 n.wt horn svs. sal nSrislra: r 4