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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
ti::: onncoN daily jousiiai; fortlaijd, Friday eveijino, April; 3, icc7. - ioivn. Topics TomoHT t AJtuBimirra. Rti! Puker kaplr ...... Dm ......... LrH rite Tank.. Toortat" 'Th. Pro.llaI toe." "Ike Black Band." VlTMaTlUe. "Th. Heart o U. Bio. Klde." ."ttooKbalL." - According to n order Issued yester day by Chief Qritamachef members of ths police department will be required Kw w nave meir summer umrorms rrau; I Tor the regular semi-annual Inspection I . o be held on May lit. No restrictions are placed on the policemen ss to what tailor shall make to garments, but the uniforms muat be made In at riot ac cordance with the pattern adopt I tiy the police commission. - Black hi ieti re to be worn with the aummfa. . tume. All patrolmen with the exception ' of thoae detailed for apeclal duty in plala clothes are expected to abide by the order. ' . s j' . Effective May 1 'ordera have been la ued from the Northern Pacific head' quarters that passenger and f relent business of the Astoria at Columbia River railroad shall be taken care ef by the general offices of the Northern Paclflo In Portland. The A. A C. R. road passes Into history aa an Inde pendently operated line and' the com panr'a general offices In Portland will be closed. Passenger business will be transferred to the office of A. D. Charl ton and freight business, to, the office f P. H. Fogarty. The revival meeUngs at the Missis Ippl Avenue Congregational, church, ed for one week only, are neanng cloae of the second week and no end In alarht ret. The lntereat eon' tlnues to grow. All classes are being affected by these services.. Evangelist J. B. Wolfe spoke last night on "The Finished Work of Christ on the Cross.' Mrs. Lulu MUler sang "When the Mists Have Rolled Away- Mr. Wolfe will peak tonight on "The Unfinished Work of the Holy. Spirit In the Life or, the Believers.".. .- v . ' i After Journeying for over three days ,- by team from Tillamook to this city to curs medical treatment for paralysis of the lower limbs, Edward Hagg has ascertained that his disease is In curable. The unfortunate man arrived In this city yesterday morning and was Immediately taken to fit. Vincent's hoe- . pltaL The aurgeons upon examination found that medical ; aclence could do -'' nothing for the helpless man and after resting here for a few daya he will be taken back to bis bom in Tillamook. j . A small blase on the roof of the three-story frame building at 167 Eleventh street, eonducted as board . Ing-houie by Mrs. L. Poulterer, brought ut the Ore department yeaterday after . noon in response to an alarm from bos ,, Th ore was quickly extinguished with a chemical line -and th damage waa small. Great excitement : caused among th guests of the house but no one waa Injured.. An overheated flue Is believed to have been th cause f tb fire, i :: - At meeting of the . executive eom - tnlttee of the Portland Board of Trade . yeaterday afternoon th building cod of the National Board of Fire under writers waa discussed and referred to special committee for further con sideration. Th board will try to fur ther the cause of uniformity of build ing and a higher class or construe' tlon by advocating Incorporation of the beat provisions of the code Into Ordin ances for the city or Portland. , -;i ' Th Bartenders" league, local Uf, baa adopted resolutions censuring -the civil service commlaaion for refualng to allow Jacob Gerdes , to take an examination for appointment watchman. - The commlaaion refused on the ground that Qerdea was for yeara employed aa bartender. . Gerdes- presented a certifi cate as to his character algned by number of prominent men of this city. On the . steamer Hassajo, departing for Ilwaco last evening, were William McMurray and John M. Bcott, general and assistant passengers agents of the Harrlman lines, and C F. - Overbaugh. assistant superintendent of th water lines ef th Ov R. 4fc N. company They will return Saturday night, after visit ing the beaches and looking after trans portation matter for th season of JW '. . v;, 11 Mrs, F. 0. Batcheller. who has Just returned from Los Angeles, has opened n establishment at 40IH Twelfth Street, where she will be glad to meet the ladles of Portland. Removing of all facial blemishes and filling of the face, neck and hands a specialty. No paraf fine and no lumping. Phone Pacific 1150. . Rev. Clarence True Wilson has been requested to deliver his lecture on "The Wit and Humor of the Bible" at the Grace M. EL church next Sunday even ing. The Sunday schools and Epwrth league will be rnvlted to attend-In ' body. The subject has a novelty and Interest to all lovers of the Bible. : , Th aa, court I eJ4Uonel I ' proliM Th working fore of the Juvenile court Is to be augmented by two ad- onsl members on Msy L A chief proBMnn officer will he appointed to take cnarge or me en ice worn ana stenographer will be appointed to as sist him. Probation Officer Johnson, who has been doing th office work, will Join tb field fore. 4 . W. H. Harbeck. a moving picture man, mad a trip over Portland yeater- . day and took 1800 feet of film plot area. Th street car eompaay put a apeclal car at the disposal of the operator and the city waa welt covered. Th plo- ' lure will be uaed In exhibitions, both local and otherwise. ' - An Informal reception wilt be given at the Taylor street Methodist - church tonight, at T:!0 by the Men's Methodist Social union In honor of the fallowing guests: Dr. R. L. Ruder, editor of the - Pacific Chrlatlan Advocate: Dr. Francis X A v : . jHL ,NY MAN can earn a dollar. It takes common sense to save it end make it earn for him. ClfdO;! TEU5T I JffiS DM - , ixtk and. washlAgto sta. ; , Resources Over $2,500,000 Interest paid oa vines accounts HELEN HALE IS PORTLAND GIRL Meihber of "Yankee) Tourist" Com panr Graduate of Wellcsley v ' eral Collrge alat Llv Here. Miss Helen Hale la a member of Th Tankee Tourlat" oompany that begins an engagement at the Helllg tonight In HIT lifl SirOllf t TATLTI IV r01TT.AI9 street Methodist church; Dr. H. C. Jen nings, senior member of the Methodist publishing bouse of Jennings Or nam; Bishop Thobum. who has Just re turned from Africa, and F. V. Bovard. editor of the California Christian (Ad vocate. Dr. W. H. Heppe of tb Cea tenary church, will deliver th addreaa of th evening en "Present Day Meth odism." Women of . the ehuroh will serve refreshments. ' . v Carl Grlnte, an Inmate of th county hospital, wandered away from that In' tltutlon yesterday afternoon and made bis way to th Couch street dock, with the result that he took an Involuntary bath In th Willamette. Grlnte after falling Into the rlvtr managed to eelse a floating log and kept himself afloat until ..rescued at the foot Of Davis street by aeveral steamboat employee. The half-drowned man waa removed to the Good Samaritan . hospital In the patrol wagon and will recover. ; Gentlemen W carry In stock the best and most popular lines of suspen sory bandages tn the market. Every man for personal comfort and protec tion should wear one, and w are pretty sure that we can suit you both In style and price. Call and see us about It Bernt'a drug; stors, III Washington at. The fourteenth session of th Willam ette conference of the Wealeyan Math' odlat church of America will convene at Santa Crua, California, May I. - The opening service Is at 10 a, m. Send Rev. C. W. Welts a card If you expect to come. Address bint at Santa Crus. California. . ; . ,.v Today marks th wind-up of th fire sal at the Hub Clothing Co., Third and Burnalde streets. As a fitting climax Mr. Dunbar, the local manager, haa an nounced for tomorrow a 'shoppers some exceptionally low-prloed Items In cloth ing, shoe ana rurnisnings. Th members of the Ladles' Auxil iary of th A. O. II. will attend St. Pat rick's church. Nineteenth and . clavier streets.. In a body tonight at o'clock to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of th organisation of their order In Portland. ; ' , :-. Wanted Five hundred boya and girls at the -new East Side Athletic club. Gymnsslum and swimming. Professor Rlngler. director. Grand avenue and East Morrison street. Special price-this week On Japanese maples and asaleaa. Iarg stock of bay tree on band; all Ises. J. B. Pllk Ington, nurseryman, foot of Tamhlll at. For wire and Iron fenoss for ceme teries or lawns, phone East TO. Colum bia Wire aV Iron works. . .. - f . ' SteamerVesse Harklna, for Camaa, Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leavea Washington street oocg I p. m. . , ' . !' '. i ,. , Dr. George F. Koehler, removed to 401-i-f SwsUand building. Diseases of th stomach, ... ... , i REVOLTING CONDITIONS IN ILLINOIS ASYLUMS : ! tloeraal special kernes.? Chtoago, April I. -Governor Denn will call a special session of th Illinois legislature If that body at the' present session doe not provide for placing the inaane under state control. ' This an nouncement followed the disclosure of startling conditions la county hospitals for the Insane. i In aoms of th counties th patients hare not bathed for years. . In many cases th lowest bidder get th con trast for the car of the Inaane, Some of the hospitals have but one bathroom, that being used by all Indiscriminately; In others patients of Doth sexes are per mitted to mingle at will; many of the Insane women have born Idlotlo chil dren; are used i for sleeping quarters, patients being ' locked into boxea little) larger than coffins, and unsanitary- odndltlona exist generally. - If You Have Reasons .. . To believe there la anything wrong" with your eyes, com to us and navs them examined at one. Th examination would coat 'you nothing, only a small ocst for proper lenses If necessary. We tell you frankly If you need a doo tor. George Rubenatsln, reliable opti cian, lit Fourth street between Tamhlll and Taylor. . , , CHARLES HERBERT SENT TO BOYS' AND GIRLS' AID Cspadal Oksates s Tas JoaraaLf ' : ' Astoria, Or April X. County Judge Trencbard yesterday afternoon made aa order committing Charles, th 11-year- old eon of Charles Herbert, to the ear of th Boys and Girls' Aid society at Portland. Th petition asserts - the father has' deserted tils wtfes and son and the mother is unable to properly care for th boy. . . '' . 1 I .-..- . '"i. ;-,:y .,.. , -. ..': .: ' . . t . ' ' ! ' . ' ' p,i,m .,... Km. ml i. . u.,Sj.Ii, Helen Hftle. whom many residents of this city are interested. She Is a graduate of Wss lesley, and several of her college mate are residents ef Portland. For a time ahe and Diamond Donner of this city, also a Wsllesley girl, were with th same oompany. Sh haa been extremely popular wherever ahe has appeared and la advancing rapidly la her , profession. Those who have watched her career upon the stg pre dict a great future for her, Indications of Activity. ' Another move to broaden the field nd scope of the realty market took place this week when the firm of Hell bronner at Smith was formed. Mr, Smith haa been Identified with th buslnsss In-1 terests of Portland for over. 11 yeara and has a wide acquaintance. He will as sume ths management of th Portland end ef th buslnsss, while Mr. Hetlbron ner will continue operations In Hood Rlvsr during th summer month, but win ebrrangv to spenq m fom purxion ox i mi year in roruana, inf oiq xirm 01 J. H. Hellbronner Co.. who have been In business her for over a year, will now be known as Hellbronner st Smith, and for the present will occupy their old qusrters In the Lumber Exchange building. Aa soon suitable quarters eaa be found they will fit up offices on th ground floor so aa to be better equipped to handle their Intereeta In Hood River and Portland. - Being liberal advert lsera and having already estab lished a high reputation for clean bual. nees, we predict a rapid growth for th new firm. .. Reserve seats now for free tally-ho ride toWaverlelgh. . Main ISO. H. W. Lemcke Company. . em Oil Co. eella th best safety coal oil and fin gasoline. Phone East Tl(. For Kodaks, Kodak developing L L. Cohen, the Kodak store. Ill Sixth St. Cedar Park open Sunday. Dancing afternoon ana evening, no liquors. . Dr. , W. B. Knapp haa returned from east; of lie 10, Hamilton building. why pay more? Metsger fits your eyes xor ii. in nixtn street. Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth atreot. ranch 11:19 t li business men lunch. Next Sunday to Seaside and return. 11.(0 round trip. A. at U. K. R. . , Dr. William Houas, nerveue diseases, tll-4 Oregonlaa. . Dr. E. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. - Bsrger Signs S84 Tamhlll Phone. - IX Chambers; optician. II Seventh. LADIES' NIGHT TONIGHT Oaks Skating mink Cpeolal ' ', Skated U Ooaplsa. ' " This will again be ladles' night st the big Oaks rink and I one of the most i ,.. . w . . i- . . Bufgette Short, paator of the Taylor j nlght BlmHaP to society night lnas- 1 much as many mualo . selections are akated In couples. . Every dsy sees an Increase In the number of be sinners st ths big link. The summer season will open with ths park, near Decoration day, and all akaters are eager In anticipation. Beginners need have no fear of being alone at the big rink. A special class will be opened Mondsy afternoon. On tomorrow. Saturday, there will be a spe cial matinee for sohool children. Spe clsl attention given chaperons. - On next Thursdsy night the big ghost carnival will be given. ir . ' , U.W.DALTES 6 COHPAHY MAIM ICS INVITE YOUn iuquimes foh PnifJTIfJG nr.ST mo ax streets Extensive Alterations. , Alteration on an extenalve seal will be started In a few dsys In ths sales. rooms ot the Chicago Clothing Co., ft end 71 Third street, between Oak end Pine. To economise room a large por tion of the atook of clothing, shoe snd furnishings must be closed out. This will be evident to the reader of the dis play announcement today ef thla big store, An" skin Itching is a temper-4ester. The more you erratrti the worse It ltrhes. ' Poan's Ointment etirea piles, ."rnema any skin Itching. At all drug lores, ' Usually, when a man pays out his money for anything, he gets what he-wants, or, there's a good, strong kick for the man who sold him a , ' disappointment -;U -. ' . ... Why isn't this true of cigar purchases ? ,' Why has the puhlic been so long-suffering with cigar manufacturers ? : Why will a man pay i out his good money for poor cigars ? - . It's hard to say. But it's easy enough to see how a great many manufacturers take advant age of this careless buying, and unload inferior : . cigars on iinsuspecting purchasers.; This Aim- ; flaming game can't last forever. . : Smokers every day are waging up more and ' more to the fact that ' ;s " ' - v Cigars are now made better . than ever thejf were, 1" i V.V. ( X Smokers can tell ; good cigars when they . - smoke them and they are fast finding out that .. cigars in boxes stamped with the ".Triangle A" , are invariably of : better quality than cigars which are not guaranteed in this way. - The "Triangle A" on a cigar box is a sign of ). honest cigar values and that's just exactly what X the American smoking public has wanted for many a day ;'-. , ' The better , value we are able to produce ' through our new scientific manufacturing meth- ' ods is particularly noticeable in - V The New CREMO :.v.- r. '.; "v. : . ,5'Cents ': :-:r:, Every box fa now extra-wrapped in glassine paper to keep the cigars ' fresh, clean and In good condition. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY, ' Manufacturer ':--. A IF TOU WAST TO 8KB TUB NEWEST IN ' WEARIXQ APPAREL VISIT THE 8TTLE STOKE Prices TO m : : . . : 1 . Terms i't'.'i " WEEK Our . Have behind them 52 years of the STEIN-BLOCH tailoring study, the elegance - that SCHLOSS BROS. CO. put into a garment and the quality and snap the BRADBURY SYSTEM demonstrates in its product Good reasons why you should trade with us. Besides we give you the privilege to wear -your outfit and pay for same In small weekly or monthly payments. Eastern Oiitiif&iiio Co. Cor. Wellington and Tenth Tow Credit Is m Men's Fine Shirts New. and handsome effects for Spring and Summer in all . the best known and high grade makes See our display. 1.50a Summer Underwear French B a 1 b r i g g a n s, Cooper ribbed, white lace knit and silk .finished lisles ; in ' fancy colorings, ea. per garment $1.00. MHIMM A SHIRT FIT FOR A KING The best Is not too rood for sny man. One look st the ' hsndsen T "Poncse," "Msdraa and Oxfon" shirt materlala now waiting your se I teotlon al the most modern "Bhlrt Tailor Far I ore" n the eltjr will eon- X vlnce the moat particular man that ths place to purchase shirt eom- 4 fort, styls and Ouraouuy is ai in -vusiom Bhlrt aJers.- Jacobs Shirt Co. non wukxm ior. tsm wtax r tt. ts ats irst A XJJSTJUKM AXJtj XTCDS OF 1XVK STOCK JLCi AXXST JDKA.TH TOOM ANY ... ' I. f. mmnr real4eej - . i. ' raaK.fesliijS'.rTCe. . . keaa Oesl Mia. e. M. Obef tutntur . SiaaUer Oasl lass. I . : Xei ai Oaaerel Ceiaeal ' - : IWtlaas Ckaaikw er Cmaiiii ' : t ' '. rernaad Beard er Trees I tinuMCts eeaces Trear sad Sarlasi Baak maa OM. Tae rea'imat CeB,aa ''" t. O. Pea Co. Cueailal Agisiy ' . W smbs se ,ieatlee se set HUM i W. (rie fmt s atsats s.4 Leak se as bomb omen ts-i urirtrrM mljml Cm. rsattafM m4 Aart' Wrlssaf Om SPECIAL SALE PRESERVES : anlJAIilS tsDMDlTi nnuT, UATVn. ' SAT AITS KOsTS AT, - ATMXX. , , B7 AJTO . ll-o. . ' Olsss Jar ' Itontfi Apricot Preserve nd - - Jams . 204 Lenra Blackberry Pressrree nd Jams ...20f Lonss Locanborrj Preserrss nd Jems 20 Lone1 Raspberry Preserres nd Jsms 20 Lonrs Strawberry Preeenres nd Jam ...-20f Southwell'1 English Orsnge Marmalade . 20 Keller's Dundee Orange Mar , msiad . 801 D.C BURNS CO. 10 TkiH usea. rboa Kala gig. VLSL. EEIUC TEEATM 'J2r, bxat sau erxn tobat. Mr. Walker Whiteside la Iks Oeawdy-Drasis, "THE MAGIC MELODY" Dtreetlea .lbler A Co, Btaaday. . y, jrneUj. Thanday, ' llpeetal Price Matinee WlaMhy, Vrealna- Prleee Bntlre Lamm raw, fl-BO; Beknay. 1, 75c. 6ne Oall.ry, lie, 20c . MatlnM frkee use to 1. w'.i'S- Hems Theatre T TOVIOHT l:U CCLOOX. Baeetal-rrlaa Xe ataisay lk. aaeay Xtat. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK rtisastsd by Henry W. Tr., fat tts Oooile Opers BsceaM. THB TAXKIK T0iniIBT.M waning Price Lower rioec, M. li st); gat eon?. 1, T5e: Oallry. Bpeetal MatliMe PrirM 1.M tte. .' IwM BU1b at Theatre In Orfloe. BAKER TCEATRE ' rortlaad'a raaHlnnable " Pepalar Price , ' Taeatre. All Til. Wwk The Vikif Bteek Owpeay la Hall rals.'. Or.t e-Art Orasks THB PB0DIOA1 BOM." Pneeeal Dlrertlun Mr. Artbor Markley. Matin. Baturoay. mrmag (Aa, txie. MatlnM toe. aw. Heat Week "Tke Dtstetnr.- EMPIRE THEATRE ""J,"4' Mlltna W. geaaaen, Maseser. Tas Ooais st . Malodrama. : Toslrbt All Wwk Matinee Barnrday The Tarllilnr end Powarfnl M.kxtraata. "TKB BLACK MAUD." A Tale cl Aaatackr Odtlawry. aTtak Trim Ike. SO Ife. AOs. All Kat hm lSe, . Vest VeaWgewara sT THB STARITh, wm at atbii ta. THB Aixrs stock compami pniirra . "BAVAAXB Or THB BLUB UML" . Ia Foor Ate ' By ilal lUM. feTarlseae Toesday. Tharaday.- Bararfay ssd Bandar at J AO- Prlee. 10 aa4 BO can la. Bvary rraojas at S.1S Prleae IO, B9 W eeata. Baaatwd aaata by skaae. Mala sAse. LYRIC THEATRE lmlar Btaak Bleaae. Ml Inula ink) fal Lyne TMllani'a gteob Owaseay la the raauas Vans , . BgOWBAXX." , 1 Baaai nd seats eaa aow be Mud la a. nnrt feaai 10 s. at. M s. st. Dally Mttaeas st sssal tlaae. kTreeln eeTtnrni otff at Bill. etanlay aail Suaday n aiafl flret foriaoa at Tils. Ha en and Weak ef April IS. aedertlle da leae laTiae sad laiatre' e aa Ast. steMllsi. . Tb. ' grasdlaaa.1 "The DawrtMaei taw." Tkaw.wiilts Trawly. - Bawl. A y K.-raaa, y. B. Prfrs, tke I lays., In BTow Xoe yaa CHA!!9 CFEM'.G Rblise's Fc-Zi Sr.3sy,A:ril23 The most popular and attractive park fnr lodsas. social ani t .milf gathsrtnrs. bowllns. danrinj a amusements of sll ainrta. a 1 mlsslon to free. I sr. ln. gents. ISn; 1l, free. Taka Car at P-oni a t ).i .n